#everyone should write a blurb where their MC punches Everett
mizutoyama · 3 years
Because Chapter 26 of An Art of Balance by @lifeofkaze could be summarized as "Jason Everett deserves to die", let me present you a new episode of the sorta AU "Detective Alice" (the first episode being over on @fiction-she-read.)
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As Everett uttered those words, he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around, seeing a shoe lying on the ground. He picked it up, rubbing the spot on his it had hit. Before he could see who had thrown the shoe, he felt a fist hitting him square in the jaw. As he fell backward, whoever had hit him took the shoe from his hand. Looming over him as he lay on the ground was a girl, probably the same age as him, wearing a trench coat and a matching fedora.
"The shoe was for being so smug about starting the rumour, you little rat," she said, putting the aforementioned shoe back on her foot. "The punch was for starting such a vile rumour because you couldn't get the girl. If you ever do something so demeaning toward someone ever again," she hovered her foot over his throat, darkness in her eyes, "I will kill you."
She glared at him for one last moment, removing her foot from his throat, before turning to Orion and McNully, her expression cheerful. "Sorry for the commotion, lads," she said as she headed back out of the common room.
"Who was that?" asked Everett, his friends helping him get up.
"I feel like this was Nemesis," said Orion, a smile tugging at a corner of his mouth.
"My nemesis? I don't even know her!" replied Everett.
"I think Orion is referring to the greek goddess Nemesis, who enacts retribution against those who succumb to arrogance before the gods," explained Murphy. "Though, if my informations are correct, that was actually Alice Beaumont, the Ravenclaw detective who has her booth in a broom closet."
"In a broom closet? That girl is mental," snorted Everett.
"She did find out you were the culprit, didn't she?" Orion said calmly.
"And I'd say there's a 95% chance she will follow up on that threat if you ever pull a similar stunt," said McNully.
Everett just shrugged and walked away with his friends.
"What's the remaining 5%?"asked Orion.
"She might just torture him."
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