#everyone under the sun call me Jules as well as Trouble and Red
hiddenbysuccubi · 1 year
Seamus (out of the blue): Right, Jules? Me: .... right? Seamus: I'm gonna start calling you Jules. Can I call you Jules? Me: ... yes you can call me Jules.
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penaltybox14 · 4 years
Decofiremen: Soon Be the Dawning Days
@darknight-brightstar @zeitheist Every single one of my attempts to write pleasant holiday-oriented things ends up ass-deep in character dissection and plot exposition.  @squad51goals @its-skadi
In this installment, we talk about seasons, changes, and things to celebrate.
December darkens the days, and sharpens the nights.  There is frost every morning, and the sun is a pale consumptive, waking feebly and slipping weakly into evening.  The potbelly stove in the dorm is always burning, always someone up in the night to tend it, every hour.  The lads spend a productive few hours one off day re-arranging their beds, recaulking the windows, and hanging curtains.  When Josiah asks what they are up to, they explain the lads at the ends of the rows have been getting cold in the night, and they are trying to fix it up so that either everyone is warm, or everyone is cold.
"You mind, Captain?" Jules Menlo asks.  He and Bertram Cochrane have taken up the lead, since Antoine and Ellis left for the City.  They are raw to it, but they are learning yet. 
"Not at all, boys, carry on."
Josiah is pleased with them.  Neat and natty rows of beds can go to hell, the lads are making a fine hearth for themselves.  They make sure to vent it properly, and Lufty nods approvingly at their work - a house inside of a house, a canvas-flanked beast breathing and snoring in the wind-snipped nights.  Josiah only scolds them once, when he catches Davey at three in the morning carrying wood in for the stove.  Sure, he is wrapped up tight as a beetle in a sack of flour, but Josiah reminds them that he's just a boy, yet, and needs his rest.
Young Cleary had stumbled a while, the days after Antoine and Ellis were graduated.  Eddy had given him a scorcher of a talk for forgetting to include Davey in the proceedings, and he deserved it.  That responsibility is still so new and giddy to him - where now, he can remember his own graduation, and think well on it, and not always be so bitter - and he had left the boy bereft.  Fool that he is.  Even Silky would've cuffed him for it. 
My true friend Silky, he writes, one glassy morning when the sun had lost the strength to lift the frost from the grass, you would not believe me or maybe you would.  Do you remember the day the bell sounded for us, at breakfast?  In the good cheer of sending my lads to the city, I left out the boy who needs us most, our young Cleary.  Your god, my friend, would smote me off the earth.  It was a terrible mistake, for I frightened him so badly.  I had to set him down later in the day and explain all the proceedings and the ceremony.  I am not yet sure he forgives me.  I am not sure I deserve it.  Here he is, a boy who has already lost one family, and I am to take another from him.  You can be sure Eddy let me have it. 
yours irresponsibly, Birchy
In those following days, after Antoine and Ellis depart on the train from Troy, his heart aches, something like a tooth you want to forget, something a body can't escape from.  The long hallway is there in his dreams, in the boy's dreams, and now he hears the piano, and the distant laughter.  He smells the books in the study.  When he wakes, he feels the far-off gaze of a man much his senior, cool-eyed but in such a way as a lake when the summer days grow taut about the city streets.  An expectant look, a waiting.  Far off down that hallway, as far from the boy now as the Bronx for him, as the dorm he once sweat out his sear in.  He would want to look away, as the village folks and the oakbellies look at his scars and his brace.
He knows that hallway, and that's just the trouble, for young Cleary has walked it alone, trailing his fingers along the green wallpaper, and Josiah, trembling for the thought of the beam waiting in the ceiling, has not followed.  Coward, he thinks.  To let the child walk his hallway and stumble, smoke-wrecked, to his wide lawn, alone.  A one-legged and half-hearted coward.  Davey looks at him askance often in those following days - doesn't come to read with him or practice his Latin, doesn't follow the lads out on their drills no matter how they coax him.  He walks down the pathway past the brambles and into the woods, his too-large coat down past his knees and his collar up so high it leaves just his dark curls tumbling out in the sharp wind, and when he comes in for dinner, he is quiet and small among the lads. 
It is one of those long, weary twilights when the winter rattles like dry bones, and his leg aches.  He is fixing the ledger, making notes, and Silky's reply is on the edge of the desk.  Davey slips in so quietly he only hears it with his sear, so startlingly that Josiah leaves a blot on the end of a row. 
He puts his pen down and smiles like he imagines Silky would at an Antoine or an Ellis.  Truth to say, he has missed the boy, even the sometimes frantic, fledgling winging of his sear.  He is far too young to grieve such an emptiness as that long, black hallway and the smoke-torn sky.
"May I ask a question?"
Times, the boy's genteel raising surfaces, softly like the wave on the shore.  Times, as now, he holds his cap in his hands as if he's in a holy place, and his eyes are the shyness of moss on a shadowed ledge. 
"Course.  Always."
"Eddy said firemen don't take holidays."
"Come sit.  What're you onto?"
"It's almost Dawning Days, that's all..."
"Oh, ghosts above, Davey - " Josiah has to laugh.  " - no, that's not how Eddy meant it.  He only meant that fires and accidents and all our work, it can happen any time."
Davey sits in one of the clutter of chairs in Josiah's office, kicking his legs, the gesture of a younger boy, an apologetic sort of gesture. 
"I don't mean to laugh, young Cleary, but we do know the Dawning Days."
From the sundown on solstice to daybreak on New Year's - the time of spirits, the time of the seasons shifting, the time to do good and remember that the sun is only resting for a grand debut.  The oakbellies throw a grand to-do at New Year's, all the officers invited to come at their most festive.  He has not gone - and the oakbellies are likely to be glad of it, he figures, for he would not cut such a charming figure in his full dress and a tin of polish on his leg.  They would, as they did at his promotion, shuffle and swallow hotly above their stiff collars.  He would probably stand the whole night out of pride and spend the week after in bed.  Perhaps it would be worth it.
"Do you have a party?"
"As many as we can."
"And lights?"
"As many as the sills will hold.  The lights and the cups left out for the ghosts.  Eddy has probably got another little tree to plant - you know, that stand of maple by the stables, that's his handiwork."
Davey is looking as delighted as Josiah has ever seen him.  His eyes are younger, now.  He is more the boy that he must have been in golden days, before his long dark hallway. 
"And you already know Bertram and his fiddle, and save us all, we've heard the lads sing."
"They taught me the fireman's song."  Davey grips the chair, and then pauses, as if lost of a sudden.  "Lyddie would've liked that song, I suppose.  Mother scolded her because she called the music our teacher brought her 'musty old tunes'."
From far away, in the marrow of his bones, Josiah feels the soft carpet of the parlor under his shoes.  Dark walnut bookshelves and rich, salmon-colored wallpaper embossed with an intricate pattern, the sort of thing a child would run their fingers over.  The books are less a rainbow than a late-summer forest, greens and smatterings of red and orange.  The girl playing the piano, with the bow in her hair, likes to spin cleverly from the plodding strains of an old mass to the bright chirps of ragtime and dance.  The brother laughs. 
The oak floors in their dormitory had what seemed to be a century of wax and polish creating glistening currents in the low lamplight.  They could have greased the bedsprings with a gallon of lard per man and the damned things would've screamed like witches every time a man so much as thought of rolling over.  A cold night outside, and a warm hearth within, each coat and helmet hung on its hook, each woolen blanket tucked neatly around each mattress corner.  The brothers are singing and the brothers are laughing. 
"Antoine wrote me a letter," Davey says, quietly.  "He says he got his sear."  Davey bites his lip.  "He says everybody looked after him, and his captain Jack Prince gave him a pocketwatch.  Does it hurt so much, always?"
"Every man is different.  It's a hard hand of days.  But we look after each other." "I don't remember, exactly.  I hurt so long, I was in bed and the lady wanted to call the doctor, I think.  I hurt so long, and then - then it just felt like - "  Davey leans forward, puts his arms on the desk and his head in his arms and sighs.  Muffled, he whispers, "I felt like - "
Like wandering, Josiah thinks.  That strange stillness when the fever breaks, before you come around to your mates watching over you, before you pull yourself out of your bed weak and stunned and brand-new on foal's legs.  A fresh and open field, the shaded place where the last dollop of snow lives nearly into June. 
"I know," Josiah murmurs, and lays his hand - his scarred hand - on young Cleary's shoulder.  "I do know, son, I do."
"I wished Antoine didn't have to hurt that way.  Or Ellis.  Or Jules or Betram." "I dunno what it was like - " Josiah sighs.  " - but for me, I had my mates around, and my pal, we got it together.  I never would've got through it, without him."
Josiah starts.
"Sorry, Capper.  I read it on the letter.  Eddy talked about him once, too."
"Silky.  That's what we called Thomas."
"I don't remember, really."
"What's he like?"
"Oh," Josiah says.  "I'll tell you.  You'd like him a sight better than me - for one thing, he's got two entire good legs and he could take you down to the fish pond.  Second - "
Davey is kicking his legs again, scuffing the toes of his boots on the wooden floor. 
"Well, I'll tell you.  The day I met him, here at Wynantskill, he very nearly ran me down with a horse, a big old dapple grey gelding we called Chubby..."
Davey leans on his hands. 
Silky's letter, half-unfolded, is by his elbow.  I never really got the brothers' whole forgiveness bit, it says, but I do reckon it's a little bit like when you turn over the ash of a building, and you find a little green thing growing underneath.
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A Sea Of Troubles Part 1
Words: 4644
Warnings: slight smut, some grinding and stuff. 
Pairing: Julian Devorak X Fem!Apprentice Reader
Notes: This took me a bit and most likely will be a few parts. Most of the request are coming from my AO3 page. So ye :)
It was your first full week out on the sea, you couldn't believe how far you all had made it. The Countess literally bought you and Julian a ship for helping solve her husbands' murder and save the world basically. But that wasn't the most surprising part, Julian was. Since you guys had left shore he'd been so much happier and lighter. There was almost always a smile on his perfect lips.
Though still you two never really seemed to get any alone time besides being able to pass out next to each other in bed. Running a whole ship was a lot of work, fun but nonetheless work. Mazelinka was captain, she knew how to be a pirate. Though you guys just sailed around visiting and helping cities and towns, sometimes you got into sticky situations. She knew how to get you all out, rough waters, actual pirates, the hostel cities. It was still a lot of fun.
Standing next to Mazelinka as she steered the ship into a port, the sun had just barely begun to rise in the sky. The docks already streaming with life and the smell of cooking fish. You inhale deeply before smiling, "I think I'll go get Julian some breakfast and a few ingredients, we don't stop at a city this big that often." You look to Mazelinka who nods before you take off running down the stairs and slide the plank walk out to the docks.
"Pick up some -insert spice or something- for me will ya?" She calls after you before Portia follows down the plank too.
"No problem!" You shoot a hand up waving to her as you race Portia to the end of the dock. Both of you laughing and dodging people where you can. She beats you, but just barely.
"So where are you heading first? I have a list of all the things we need." She hums looking around the town, before spotting the market place.
"Probably gonna look for the nearest magick shop, I've been running low ever since we left Vesuvia, I should have listened to Asra and packed more." YOu chuckle lightly running a hand through your hair.
"Okay, grab some bread, tea, and fruits too okay?" She hums writing on the piece of paper she had. You glance around, the market would most likely have a fortune teller booth where you could pick up a few things whether they were legit or not the spices and items would be.
"No problem, I'll see you back at the docs at 8 am!" You hum before taking off and running through the streets, it felt amazing to be able to stretch your legs like this again. You couldn't do much running on the ship, though you did try and ended up in the water twice now. Julian was not too happy about that, still trying to protect you at every intervale. That's why you were glad to of woken before he did.
As you entered the market all and smells and music and sights enflamed your senses. This place was amazing. You danced around a bunch of folks just weaving your way to a fruit stand.
All of it was perfectly ripe and ready to bite into, you had to stop yourself from doing so. Picking up a few ripe apples and bananas, then a lot of green melons, berries, and lemons. Putting them into your small basket before pulling out your coin purse and paying the seller. He smiles at you and waves you off as you continue your dance around.
Then you see a stand selling various coffees from far off places you hadn't even heard of.  You look around before finding a rather dark and bitter one, paying for it as well. Julian loved his dark bitter black coffee, and this was just what his breakfast in bed needed.
After picking up teas and quite a few loaves of bread finally what you've been looking for appears. A little magick shop. You can't hide your excitement as you run over and start browsing. Everything is shiny and pretty and you can't help but pick up more things than you need. The shopkeep takes one look at you and smiles, instantly knowing you were also a Magician.
"Oh good, I was wondering when someone of actual talent would come and visit me. I can sense it radiating off of you." She hums before pulling out a few other items that were hidden. "May I interest you in some rare finds?" She lays three items out on the counter as you look over them.
A round grey sphere full of clouds, a pendant that changes shapes every so often, and a large book with leather binding and a lock. You look over the items instantly knowing what they are, a mystic crystal ball, a transformation pendant, and a Gilmore? or perhaps an old personally diary.
You feel almost drawn to the pendant picking it up carefully, the way it changed shapes and figures before you enticed you. "I'll take them all!" You chant before pulling out your bag of money and paying her way more than everything you had is worth.
The shopkeep couldn't believe her eyes, quickly checking to see if, in fact, the money was real. "Oh my! This is way too much." She starts pushing almost half of it back towards you.
You stop her hands before smiling and packing everything away. "No, really. I used to have a shop like this. My Master was always gone and I had to pay rent and do everything myself. I know it's hard sometimes, there aren't many magicians anymore. But I can help you. Trust me I'll earn it back, everyone will pay for a little bit of magick." You smile before waving her goodbye before you head out. "I'll be back before we ship out, promise!"
With that, you are out of the shop before you hear the clock strike at 9 is. "Oops, I'm late" You sigh before taking off down the street and through the market. Though you did stop to pick up some breakfast for everyone. Eggs, bacon, and even some pancakes. It was going to be a good start to the day.
As soon as you made it back to the ship you saw Julian pacing, worried out of his mind. Quickly you walked up the plank, "Boo." You chuckled before seeing him turn towards you. His long arms entrapping you in a bear hug.
"Where have you been, Portia got back an hour ago!" He pulled you tighter to him burring his face in your neck and sighing. "I was worried." He whispered before pulling away and looking at you softly.
"Jules," You hum before cupping his cheek. "I'm fine just found a magick shop and got a bit distracted." Though you didn't think you had been in there that long. "I got breakfast for everyone though. No cooking this morning." You hum as you head down below deck to put everything out on the table.
Julian is following at your heels, watching your every move. Once his eyes see the breakfast you got he wraps his arms around you from behind. His pelvis pressed right against your backside. A blush creeps onto your cheeks glancing back to the stairs to see if Mazelinka or Portia were following you two.
"Jules, we could get caught." You whisper looking over your shoulder back at him, seeing him bite his lip his eyes dark with lust. "Wouldn't that be exciting." He smirks before leaning down and placing soft kisses on your neck. "When I awoke to find you missing my love, I was rather hoping for a..." He smirked and soft bit down on your neck "fun morning in bed."
You couldn't help the soft whine that fell from your lips as he bit you. "Jules, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast. Besides you've been so tired my dear." YOu turn in his arms and cup his cheek before running your fingers down his neck giving a small squeeze there. His soft moan makes your core tremble with delight.
"Don't play games with me Y/n" He nearly growls before pulling your hips tighter to his, leaning in and roughly kissing you. This whole time the two of you were always caught by someone or trouble whenever you went to start anything.
Just like that too, this time would be the same as Portia walked down the stairs and let out a wolf whistle. "Just don't get anyone's juice on the food please." Her voice was light and joking.
But that didn't stop you from pulling away from Julian and blushing hotly. His cheeks weren't red from just blushing and you smirked to yourself. "It's hard to get some alone time with my girlfriend with my sister always ruining it." He glares towards Portia before sitting down to start eating.
Portia chuckles before sitting next to you at the table, "Maybe if you kept it to the bedroom." She hummed before winking at you. "Besides Mazelinka and I will be off-ship most of the day. We have to get some things for Pepi, plus I want her to have some fun in the forest." She hums as she starts chowing down on her eggs.
You and Julian caught each other's eyes before both smiling, maybe just maybe this could go somewhere finally. It's crazy to think ever since meeting Julian, you two hadn't done really anything besides teasing the shit out of each other. Today that would change and you didn't want to admit it was a little nerve-racking. You wanted him, wanted him more than anything else in the world. But you couldn't remember the last time you had been with someone. Had you just not recovered those memories or have you never? Either way, you knew Jules was the only person you wanted to be with and it would be amazing either way. Especially with how much he wanted to please you.
"You hear that Jules?" You hum after getting your thoughts together. "Better eat up, you're gonna need your strength." You tease letting your leg softly rub up against his under the table. He shivers before his cheeks got even redder. But without a word he starts to scarf down his breakfast, he was always such a good boy.
"I'm just glad you can get him to eat. We used to have the hardest time. He was always afraid of gaining weight." Portia whispered to you as your eyes landed on Jules again. You knew he hated himself but he was always so cocky and confident around you, it was hard to see him being insecure. Though looking back and thinking about the time he broke into your shop and permitted you to search him. HE didn't think you would, but you wanted your hands on that sexy stranger. And now here you were moments away from being able to rip his clothes off.
"Jules, I also got your coffee." You hum passing it over to him before leaning on your palm just watching him. You were so lovestruck by your stupid boyfriend. You watched him as he ate and drank a smile on his lips the whole time. Then he caught you staring at him and offered a half-smile with his mouth full of pancakes.
You let out a soft laugh before getting up to put all the other items away. Glancing at Julian every so often cause come on, he was gorgeous and you never wanted to look away. Once the last items left were yours, you kissed his cheek before heading off to your two shared room. Putting them on the shelf by where you practiced your magick. Books and items scattered over your desk and bookcase.
A dirty thought crosses your mind, what if you were just waiting for him naked. The look on his face would be priceless, watching him stutter over his words and fall over himself not knowing what to do. You laugh it off before sitting on the end of the bed playing with the ties on your dress. If you were more confident about your body maybe.
Deciding to just change instead, you undo your dress ties and corset going for some loose pants and a top. Pulling on the pants you look around for your top, it had just been on the bed. At that moment you see your familiar {insert animal} playing with your shirt. You laugh softly before picking up your shirt softly. "[Famailiar Name], this is my shirt silly." You slip on the shirt just as Julian walks in, staring at what parts of your skin was exposed until your shirt was on.
"I think you should take it off again." He smirks leaning in the doorway, arms crossed as he tosses his hair out of his eyes. You look back at him and smile softly before sitting on the bed.
"How about you come to take it off me yourself." You challenged him before leaning back on your hands, legs slightly open before raising an eyebrow at him. He looks as if he's going to run for a second before he strolls over.
"Is that an order?" He whispers as he stands between your legs leaning down and placing a soft kiss on your lips. Before you respond you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down on top of you before flipping the two of you. You straddle his hips easily, hands on either side of his head.
"And if it was? Would you do it?" You hum as you press your chest against him slowly grinding your hips into his, a soft moan falls from his lips as he looks up at you almost begging.
"Yes.." Was all he let out beside a small whimper. "I'll do anything you ask." And with that, you lean down and nudge his jaw to the side before placing kisses along his neck. Soft biting down a time or two just to feel his hips rut up against your core. Julian was putty in your hands, though he was the one with more recent experience.
Without much thinking you start on the buttons on his shirt, undoing them painfully slow just to mess with him. His grey eyes stare you down like you would be his last meal on this earth. His hands gripping tightly at your sides pulling your hips against his. While his hips rutted up to meet yours in some lazy grinding. Once you have all his shirt buttons undone your hands quickly spread over his pale flesh. Tracing every muscle every bone, trying to memorize everything about him. You never wanted to forget again.
His eyes follow your every movement, slowly growing impatience but not having the voice to speak up. Though his fingers did start to creep up under your shirt slightly. You glance down at him before giving him a quick kiss. "Touch me." You command before his hands fly under your shirt and tracing your warm skin up to the back of your bra. Unhooking it with one hand while the other slid up under your cup softly massaging your breast. You lean your head back for a second before letting out a moan as his fingers played with your nipple. Hips instinctively grinding down into his very noticeable hard-on. You wanted to rip his clothes off now.
However, you wouldn't get the chance as Asra stood at the doorway with a smirk. "I'm glad you guys get along so well." He teased leaning in the open doorway before chuckling.
You quickly pull your shirt down and fall off of Julian and into the floor. Cheeks a velvet red. Julian quickly jumps up to pull you off the ground. Mumbling curses under his breath. It was always something. Once you were a little more put together and off the ground you turn to Asra. "How did you get here?"
"Well I sent word to Mazelinka a few days ago, she let me know where you guys would be stopping next. So I came. But Y/N I need your help, Ilya you too." His face drops and is full of worry. "It's dangerous but you two are the only ones with enough magick to help me." You look from Asra to Jules to Asra again. You were a very well suited Magician, but Jules? He hadn't learned much since you guys set sail, a few minor spells here or there but nothing really useful.
"Asra, what’s going on." You step forward and look into his purple eyes. "Is Nadia okay? Muriel?" You instantly worry about your friends, what if something had happened and it was because you weren't there.
"No, Y/N nothing like that. Everyone is okay." Asra sets his hands on his shoulders to steady you for the news he was about to say. "It's about you." His eyes search your face for any form of worry. "I- I was talking to the Star, She, well... She had shown me something that you should see." He took your hand before leaving out of your room and towards the docks.
"Wait!" Julian nearly screaming charging after you and grabbing your other arm. "What do you mean this is about her!? What does this have to do with her? You're not gonna just drag her off and put her in danger Asra." He growled to his friend pulling you very close to his chest, wrapping his long arms around you protectively.
"Ilya," Asra started before sighing and looking around for a second. "Okay let's get a drink and talk about it. We all need our nerves gone right?" He looked to you with that signature smile of his that you always trusted. "What do you say Y/N?" He holds out his hand to you again, ignoring Julian's arms pulling you tighter to him.
"Jules," You whisper before unpeeling his arms from you, "Let's just hear what this is all about. It's about me, I gotta know." You whisper to your boyfriend before kissing his cheek softly. "The sooner we hear out Asra the sooner we can get back to what we were doing." You throw him a wink before giving his arm a squeeze.
Julian mumbles to himself before nodded holding onto your hand tightly, afraid of letting it go and losing you again. "Fine, but we aren't agreeing to anything besides hearing what you have to say." He didn't sound happy but Asra nodded and headed off towards the docks with the two of you in tow.
After a bit of walking, you find a bar, going to the very back table to be left alone. "I'll- I'll get the drinks. Don't say anything without me." He directs the last part at Asra before giving you a sad longing look. Then heading off to the bar with his normal charismatic demeanor in play.
"Y/N," Asra started as he took both of your hands looking into your eyes. "You are in danger, whether Julian wants to believe it or not. I'm here to save you." He rubs his thumbs over the backs of your hands before sighing.
"Aren't you always saving me Asra?" You whisper light-heartedly before looking towards Julian. "It's about dreams I've been having? The sea running red with blood and bodies overpowering our ship." You smile at Julian and wave to show everything is okay. He smiles and waves back before turning back to the bartender.
"Dreams? Y/N how long have you been having them." His hands tighten on yours and you knew at that moment something was wrong.
"A few days now, I've tried entering the Fools Realm to see if they had any answers but I couldn't get through. I would be overcome with nausea or pains. Asra we did defeat The Devil didn't we?" You whisper before shaking your head, you didn't know if you could do all that again.
"He's dead." Asra's voice was harsh before he sighs and bites his lip looking around. "There's a new Arcane at play, I just don't know which one. Someone or something is killing off the old ones. And since yours is the Fool and he's dead. You might still feel a connection to him and what happened. The blood makes me worry, cause I can tell two are missing already and if they all go missing.." He trails off for a second before sighing and dropping his head. "Then we won't stand a chance against it. That's why I need you and Ilya, I need you to go to the Realms with me and find out what is happening. Since yours and his are both dead so far..." At that moment Julian walks back over with six drinks. Thankfully you were going to need it.
Asra really retold Julian everything skipping out on your nightmares. But Julian's eyes went wide before looking at his hands. "Is that why I can now do this?" He whispered before making silk red ropes appear from the palm of his hands slightly.
Asra grabbed his hand and quickly inspected it. "Yes, you've started taking over the Hanged man's powers and unless you two want to turn into the Animal Arcana’s, after all, we have to move quickly." Asra puts his hand over Julians and sighs. "I wish you two would have contacted me when it first started, now we are days behind and without clues."
"I- I didn't wanna believe it was anything more than nightmare after everything we've been through. Fighting The Devil was hard Asra, I- I don't know if I can do it again.." You turn in your chair to put your face in your hands, how much more will this life ask of you. Julian and you were finally happy, but it never lasted. Not with you.
Julian rubs your back softly pulling you into his chest, cradling you from the outside world. "Hey, I'll protect you. I'll learn more magick and you won't have to do it by yourself. You'll never need to do anything alone again." He whispers and places a kiss on top of your head.
Asra looks over the two of you before smiling sadly, "I didn't know you had grown so much Ilya, I'm glad Y/N has you." Though the way he spoke said otherwise. Julian and his locked eyes for a moment having what seemed like a conversation but not a word was said.
You take a deep breath and push your hair out of your face before downing one of your beers letting the shiver run up your spine before nearly slamming the glass down. "How much time do we have to train." You get out before staring to Asra.
"A few days at most. The Fool was killed 14 days ago, the Hanged-man 9 days ago, and I'm willing to bet in 3 days another will be killed. Every 6 days.." Asra sipped at his own beer before sighing. "We will also need to head out on the ship towards Ripta. There's an island on the outskirts we will need to go to, to manually enter the Magick Realms. Anyone can if you know where to look for it, plus I have an old friend meeting me there to help. He lives within the Magick Realms, kinda like Scout. Given up his life on earth to protect the portal." Looking between the two of you before sighing.
"So," Julian started before sighing as well and wrapping an arm around your waist pulling your chair closer to his. "Let's get blackout drunk and worry about facing our foe tomorrow." He downs his two rounds before ordering more rounds.
"I second that plan," You and Asra chant at the same time before you all slightly giggle. The three of you down bitters left and right, and even a little of a local drink called Storm Haze. It was sweet and tangy and made you want to dance. Soon enough the three of you were on the dance floor. Julian keeping you close as you guys danced and Asra ended up on one of the tables dancing. You didn't know what time it was and nor did the three of your care.
At least until you all had to stumble back to the ship, Portia generally worried as drunk Asra tried to explain everything to her. But it was going well. Julian had already thrown up twice and you were hauling him towards your room to go to bed.
Once in the room, you set him on the bed, to which he fell backward and sprawled out, long limbs hanging over the edges. You smile to yourself before unsteadily removing your clothes and putting on a nightgown. Then crawling into bed, then you noticed the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Jules," You mumbled wiping at his tears soft before he clung to you, hiding his face in your chest.
"I'm so afraid to lose you..." He whispered as your hand stroked his hair. "Everyt-" He choked softly "Everything I love always gets taken away. I- I can- can't lose you." He cried out pulling himself closer to you. "I can't. I won't live without you... I - I'm nothing with you." His voice is cracking an breaking as he stumbles out his words.
You close your eyes tightly, you knew Julian loved you but you haven't seen him like this before. "Jules, It's gonna be okay..." You try to soothe him playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.
"No!" He shouts before looking at you, eyes red and puffy, cheeks glistening with tears. "I lost you once, before you meant this much... and after everything..." He reached into his jacket pocket and barely pulled out a box without dropping it. "I- I need you." He almost shoved the box into your hand.
You look at it and then at him before shakily opening it. Your eyes go wide as you see a beautiful ruby ring with two emeralds on either side, it reminded you of a rose. "Julian..." You start but he cuts you off before you can say another word.
"I want to marry you, have a few k- kids. Grow old together... I- i- I've never thought about the future b-but with you... I.. I know I have too. I need too, want too." He cups your face pressing his forehead to yours before choking back another sob. "You are my everything, my meaning for life. Y/N, please... I will not lose you. Even if I had to give my life for you..." He lets the tears roll down his cheeks as he holds you.
"You won't I promise. I won't let it happen." You whisper before still, he cries. "Turn around." You whisper head starting to spin from all the drinking and everything he said. He really did love you... Like for real... He gives you a questioning glance before doing what you asked, his back now facing you. You curl up around him the best you can, his long legs slightly entangling with yours. "I'm right here, Julian. I'm never leaving you, not in life or death." You whisper and it soothes him long enough for him to drift off to sleep. You glance once more at the ring box before clinging to it tightly as you drifted off to sleep as well.
Your mind was full of thoughts, nightmares and what if's causing you to tense in your sleep. But then all of a sudden a warm wave of calmness washed over you and held you close. Your first night sleeping through the night in a while. And oh boy did you really need it... If only you knew what tomorrow would hold...
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I Knew I Loved You ~ Chapter 7
Yay, new chapter! Life update: iso is getting me down and sucking any and all motivation and inspiration from my soul so if my Jules x Emilia fic isn’t ready for ages, I apologise.
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Chapter 7: Billy
~Glasgow, Scotland~
Three weeks later, Billy is woken by the loud trilling of a phone call an hour before his alarm was set to go off. He didn’t even bother looking at the contact, assuming it was Arsinoe calling from one of her morning runs. She was the only person he could think of who would disregard his sleep schedule.
“Hello?” He says groggily.
“CHRISTINE PROPOSED!” His sisters loud voice yells down the line, successfully waking him up.
“Go again?” He said, sitting up and rubbing his face.
“Christine proposed. I’m getting married Billy,” and then she squeals so loud Billy has to move the phone away from his ear but he can’t help but laugh before bringing the phone back to his chin so he could get out of bed.
“When did she propose?”
“Last night in the park and she had rose petals and lights and a sting quartet and Billy I died, you know, died,” she speaks quick and excited and Billy can’t help but smile at his sisters ramblings as he tugs a shirt on and walks downstairs to make breakfast.
“What date should I put on the calendar?”
“We haven’t decided but Billy,” her voice got serious when she said his name, “could you walk me down the aisle? I really want you there and I know dad won’t show up nor do I want him to and-“ Billy chuckled before responding gently.
“Jane, of course I’ll walk you down the aisle. You never have to ask,” she let out an audible sigh.
“Thanks Billy. I have to go but I just wanted to let you know. Oh, and Arsinoe’s welcome, Chris and I agree that she’s awesome,” the line went dead and Billy smiled. It was a good way to start his day, smiling. He was glad to hear that Jane was so happy and he carried that energy all the way through his morning until he got to his office and Christine told him a call had come in from a past client and he picked up the phone.
“Hello, William,” Billy scowled.
“Father. I see you couldn’t get my personal number from Arron so you wrangled my work one. What do you want?” He said tersely.
“I want to be back in your life. You and Jane both have soulmates and I want to meet them,” his father sounded oddly cheerful and Billy’s scowl deepened.
“Not gonna happen and if you go near myself or Jane, I’ll put restraining orders on you so fast you won’t even know what’s happened. The same if you call me again. Goodbye, father,” and then he hung up way too harshly. He took a deep breath in and held it before turning towards where his phone had just dinged. A photo text from Arsinoe.
The photo was of a painting he vaguely recognised from somewhere, but he couldn’t figure out where until she sent a caption.
I finished it said the text and it dawned on him. The painting was hers, a work in progress he had seen in her art room the last time he had been at her place. He had been happy to just sit and watch her paint. Christine had teased him the next morning for how chaste they were, commenting on the fact the two hadn’t gone any further than making out and sleeping in her bed - just sleeping.
But this painting had confused him when she had told him the subject.  He now understood it perfectly. An impressionist style blue hallway, too clean to be anything but from a  hospital. In the hallway, there were two blurs. One gold, the other red and finally, one black dot in the centre, the only clearly defined part of the painting. It was a beautiful piece and he said so back.
She sent him a smily emoji and then ‘have fun at work’ He couldn’t help but smile. How was it that she could turn his mood around so quickly.
~Six weeks~
The engagement party was in full spin by the time Billy and Arsinoe had arrived. Christine was fielding questions from people who looked like relatives and Jane was talking with some of Christine’s friends from work. But when she saw him, she excused herself from the group and skipped over to him, letting him pick her up in a hug.
“How you doin’, trouble?” Jane laughed as he let her go, moving to wrap Arsinoe in quick hug.
“You spoke to me yesterday, idiot,” he dodged as she punched his shoulder. Jane turned to Arsinoe next, “you should come meet some of our more liberal relatives. They’re eager to meet you,” and then she was pulling Arsinoe towards the centre of the gazebo they were in. Billy laughed and instead chose to greet Christine with a hug.
“Hey, future brother-in-law,” she said with a smile brighter than the sun.
“Hey, future sister-in-law. You excited to have this party over with and spend the next few months planning?” She pokes her tongue out.
“If you and Arsinoe ever get hitched, I’m gonna pull the same jokes.”
“We’ve only been together a couple of months.”
“Yeah and you have done nothing of actual note,” Christine wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and Billy narrowed his eyes.
“Give up on that. It’ll happen when it happens,” Christine laughs.
“You are such the opposite of the guy I dated before I realised I was gay,” Billy hugged her to his side, talking amiably with her until Jane and Arsinoe approached. Billy’s shoulders clenched when he saw the frightened look on Jane’s face and a worried one on Arsinoe’s. Jane didn’t speak for so long that Arsinoe had to clarify the problem.
“Your father’s here,” Billy saw red as Arsinoe pointed across the crowd. Christine held Jane’s hand and Billy walked towards the monster that was his father. He could feel Arsinoe at his shoulder as they pushed through the crowd.
“William. There’s my son.” Billy was a patient person, a diplomat at heart but when someone threatened his sister, he got angry. And so when his father went to hug him, Billy punched him in the mouth.
“I told you to stay away from Jane, you piece of shit,” William Sr.’s face scrunched up in a way Billy knew meant he was about to be hit. His father lunged at him and Billy held an arm out to deflect the hit only for it to never come.
Because his father was being held down, one knee on the floor, by Arsinoe. Everything went silent and everyone just watched to see what would happen next. All Arsinoe did was lean down and whisper something that made William go completely pale. Arsinoe released his arm and he stood and fled, tail between his legs. Arsinoe stepped back to Billy and took his throbbing hand between her own scarred ones.
“Let’s get you some ice,” she led him out of the gazebo, catching a quick hug from both Jane and Christine.
“What’d you say to my father back then?” He asked, wincing slightly as the ice touched his knuckles. Arsinoe smiled gently.
“I told him I knew how to pull his spine out through his mouth and that if he came near you, Jane or Christine again that I wouldn’t hesitate to do so,” Billy looked at her, obviously so shocked that it made her laugh. “I’m kidding. I told him that I was a combat trained soldier who would show him just what it takes to survive in a war-zone if he hurt you or Jane again. I let his imagination do the rest. Imaginations are always worse,” Billy chest constricted at her words and he leaned forward and kissed her, pouring all of the love he felt for her into it. She kissed him back, one of her hands resting on the nape of his neck.
When he finished kissing her, he didn’t move all too far, instead pressing his forehead against her own.
“Would you like to stay the night at my place?” Arsinoe smiled, pressed her lips together in a line and then kissed him again.
“I would really like that. But first we should probably get back to the party,” she kisses him again before standing and, taking his unbruised hand, led him back to the party.
She was kissing his neck when he woke up the next morning. The night had been long and sweet and passionate and she had stayed the night, tangled together with him, her bare chest pressed against his ribs.
“What’cha doing?” Billy asked, groggy and only three quarters awake.
“Repaying you for all of the hickeys you put on my neck last night,” her voice was raw and gentle and she kissed him when he turned on his side.
“You know, I still don’t know the story behind all of your tattoos,” his fingers traced the Capricorn symbol on her left hip. “The rule was if I could see it, I could ask. Well, I’m seeing all of it so…” he said and watched as she took his hand.
“My sisters names so I could have them close to me, my rising sun to commemorate my time in the army, the J infinity because Jules and I were drunk and wanted to celebrate 17 years of friendship, the zodiac symbols represent my birthday, being right on the edge of both, and the paw is Braddock. And that’s it until I get another one. Maybe one for you. Haven’t decided yet,” she shrugged.
“Don’t they hurt?” She shrugged again.
“Not anymore than getting these scars did,” that was evidently true. Arsinoe’s face was not the only part of her with scars. Her right shoulder had a large burn spanning to her shoulder blade and she had a bullet shaped scar just to the left of her upper back. He traced her shoulder and kissed it. “Did you ever consider getting a tattoo?”
“Once. The first time I went with Jane to pride, I sat with her to get her tattoo and I considered getting something,” he said it casually, with very little for her to question. But of course, she did.
“Where, what and why?”
“I wanted a shield and sword just here,” he moved her hand to trace his ribs, just under where her names were. “I wanted it because Jane said that I really lived up to my name and when I looked it up the shield and sword felt right.”
“What does William mean?” She asked, her hand not moving even as he let it go.
“It means protector,” she smiles and leans forward to kiss him before rolling out of bed and pulling her underwear on, throwing one of his t-shirts over her head to wear.
“Let’s go then,” he furrowed his eyebrows and sat up.
“Go where?”
“To get your tattoo. You have so many of mine and if you would let me, I would like to have one of yours,” she goes to his drawers and rifles through, pulling two pairs of shorts out. She threw the blue ones at him and pulled the black ones up her own legs, tying them high up on her waist. She pulled a hair tie off her wrist and tied the hem of his shirt in a knot at rib level. “Come on, let’s go,” she admonishes, tilting her head at him and smiling. Feeling almost giddy, he smiled back and slid out of bed.
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