#everyone vote/chip in on “cool” haircuts if you want to .. we can build him together
22ratonthestreet · 5 months
honestly u could just excuse any ‘inconvenient’ hair cuts as following the assassin school dress code- if they are willing to sacrifice convenience for style vis a vie wearing all black etc they could have mandatory enforced cool haircuts
obsessed with this. enforced guild haircuts that have the same effect as boys on tiktok right now. just a selection of the same 3 cuts.
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getting their surname's first letter shaved into the side of their head in serif font. buckets of hair gel available on every dormitory floor. hair curlers. vetinari gets bullied for refusing to curl his hair into "dreamy wisps"
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also excuse me. excuse me what. sure. yeah okay sure.
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Day 19-22
6-2-17 Day 19: I was able to get off the ship today in ensenada. We went to the "resort" that we went to last time. This time I got burnt. Only one person said something though compared to when I was burnt on my cruise in march and no one would leave me alone. The lady goes "are you okay?" And I was so confused until she touched her face lol. I got a strawberry daiquiri while I was at the resort and when it got to me there was salt on the rim...I thought it was sugar so I took a huge lick of it. Why the hell would you put salt with a strawberry daiquiri?? Then I sipped it and there was salt in the drink! I was so confused. Maybe it's Mexico thing? So I told the guy at the bar who doesn't speak and English that it was disgusting and salt doesn't go with a strawberry daiquiri and they said I didn't have to pay for it. I can seriously still taste it. After that I did the build a bear workshop. They had me stitching the bears which I had no idea how to do. I finally got the hang of it and at the end I was told I was tying them all wrong haha. I was with the 9-11 year olds again. And again we had people come in and say "this is it?! What is this?!" In which I have to explain that we do games that don't require much. Like one game we do where everyone ties a balloon to their ankle and you have to try and pop the other people's balloon. Whoever is last wins. The kids absolutely LOVE the games we do but it's hard to see when you walk in and see a conference room with a few games and a lot of space. One boy so rudely in front of his mom talked back to me about it, and by the end of the night he was the happiest kid in the world. The parents also get mad at me when I say we can't move their children into different age groups to be with their siblings. Like bitch I don't make up the rules why am I getting yelled at for this crap. One of the kids was 8 and wanted to be moved up. He walked in sucking his thumb...like wtf no turn away. For night owls tonight (10pm-1am) they were having a "party" for the older kids. The amount of kids in that tiny room was insane and probably proceeded the amount of people you can have in that room. Then on the other side we had 2 babies under the age of 2 as well as other young children with only 2 staff on each side. It is very important to always have someone at the door which means there's really only 1 person with the kids it's insane. There's a lot of things that could be changed to make work A LOT easier. I always think of undercover boss how they go in disguise to work at their own company's and they see all these terrible things that need to be changed. One huge example I have is when we do build a bear. There are 2 huge carts that we literally have to push from one end of the ship to the other. You have to have 2 people on each cart and they weigh easily 200+ pounds. The wheels on the bottom are old and barely work and we can't get the carts over the door frames on the way to our destination. They also barely fit through the doors so if you're not careful you'll literally squish your finger very badly. We also carry another huge cart that doesn't have any sides so we have to put tape all around it. Then when we're done we have to bring it back to camp and shove it into a tiny closet that of course is located right in the walk way that's about the size of a small dressing room. Carnival's first priority in their company is safety yet they have us doing this. It wouldn't be so bad if we had the things stored where we had the actual workshop. It's seriously ridiculous and it infuriates me that no one has said anything to the office about it. It's 12:11 right now. I need to go to bed. Tomorrow is day at sea which means working all freaking day. And then the next day my aunt and uncle are picking me up in Long Beach! So excited :) I haven't seen my aunt in about a year and I haven't seen my uncle since I was a freshman in college so it's been a while. Getting off the boat in general is always great. I'm also super happy because they fixed the light in my bunk and our desk. It usually takes them awhile but they got it done within a day. Today my roommate told me that she doesn't get pimples anywhere besides her butt. Like how do you respond to that? She's super sweet and very funny. Also very outgoing. She looks like a 10 year old. She is so tiny it's crazy. Much better than the last roommate that's for sure. 6-3-17 Day 20: got woken up this morning at 730 to the light being turned on. Then my roommate left for work and kept it on...I'm pretty sure I'm gonna move into rains room. I really like my new roommate but I need sleep 😳 it's not possible to do this job without sleep. Especially on a sea day like today where we work 10-12 hours. The boat is also really rocky today. I'm so nauseous. And it doesn't help that I keep having hot flashes. Like literally dripping sweat. I don't get it. It also doesn't help that we have to wear these stupid pants and ugly ass polo. My room legit smells like feet. 6-4-17 Day 21: I'm getting off the boat in 2 hours :) my aunt and uncle are picking me up. Yesterday was a long ass day. I finally started feeling better after I ate dinner yesterday. But now I'm feeling icky again. It feels like we're still moving but we're docked. I'm also low on sleep because my dumbass decided to go out last night instead of going to bed early. It was really fun though and I met a lot more people. It's pretty nice to be at a bar and then just walk down to your room within a minute. Before I went out me Rain Elle and britny went and saw the epic rock show. I've seriously never seen something so amazing. Our boat is known for having the best performers and performances. The vocals on these people are insane. I couldn't keep still in my seat. I got a little too into it. I'm really sad though because that cast is leaving in 2 weeks and a new cast is coming on board. On the bright side I'll be able to meet new people! Usually the guys are gay so no bf for me. But still more friends and maybe even another American :p I just realized that last night when I got back from the bar I took my pills that I'm supposed to take in the morning...I've never done that before. Speaking of medicine, I found out one of my friends from college passed away. I met him on the first night freshman year and he practically lived in our building. He was such a fun guy. I was told that they think he purposely overdosed. He just graduated in may and move to a new state just 2 weeks ago. Another friend gone by suicide. I so badly wish that we could do more for these people that need help. I also recently heard that someone I knows family member took his life just last week. I was reading one of my magazines the other day and there was a whole article on 13 reasons why. When I got on the boat no one really knew what I was talking about because they've been on here without access to internet (or at least internet that works well enough to watch shows). It's kinda cool how you escape from the outside world when you're on the boat. On a different note I think I'm going parasailing tomorrow in Catalina! I haven't been off at that port yet so I'm super excited. One of the guys I met who was in the fun squad had to leave the boat the other day because he lost his passport 😳 I literally thought this guy was in his 20s and he's 41.......my mind was blown. I thought he was messing with me. A lot of people on here look really young for their age. Getting off the boat today was great. My aunt and uncle picked me up. We ate outside and talked for hours and I got my nails done. Still need to get my haircut majorly. An hour ago I went to close the club (it's open for embarkation for like an open house) and it was fucking trashed again. Poker chips all over the place. Jenga pieces cover the floor. Uno and playing cards all mixed together. I just want to know wtf is going through these people's heads. And where are their parents? I don't think I'm going parasailing tomorrow either :/ I was gonna go with britny and now she has a training. I might go by myself though and lay out on the beach :) I open the club in an hour. I really shouldn't take a nap because it's just gonna make me more tired but I have an hour so I'm gonna. I got to meet the kids today. They're actually really awesome. One of the girls told me I'm the chilliest person ever lol. On captains dinner nights we have imaginary Prom. Tonight the kids got really into it and one of the boys made up a whole promposal for one of the girls it was hilarious. He made me play romantic music and he got down on one knee and asked her. And then they slow danced. It was so cute. I have a shit ton of kids. My club is way too small for the amount I have this cruise and really for any cruise. I don't have work tomorrow until 4 😍 I might get off in Catalina and go lay out at the beach alone or I might just lay out on the ship. We have to take tender boats to the port and it can get super chaotic. I'll get off another time when I have a friend to go with me. 6-5-17 Day 22: it's almost 1 and I'm still in bed. I had my alarm set for 1030 but that didn't happen obviously. I was having a really weird dream that I couldn't wake up from. I've had the weirdest dreams since I've been here it's freaky. I start at 3 today. Thought I started at 4 :/ I've already wasted my day away so I'll probably just sleep some more. I need it big time. I seriously love my kids. Besides the fact that they don't clean up after themselves. They loved the whole imaginary Prom idea. We had a prom king and queen it was great. Nominations and then voting. I wanted to rig the votes so the couple I like could win but some of the girls asked if they could help tally up the votes so it didn't work. I met someone moving to stl for a mission trip. He'll be living there for 2 years. Kinda interesting! He's Mormon. After work we had a party in the crew bar lounge. It was a lot of fun and I got to talk to a lot of people, especially one of the guys that's actually a potential option but he was wasted out the ass and definitely won't even remember talking tomorrow. I have training in 5.5 hours. It's 308am. But I had fun tonight so whatever.
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