#everything was just super adorable and fun and yaaaaay
bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Rarely do I comment on animated things other than the PPG much anymore (because let’s face it, first off this is a PPG blog, and second off I am 2000% jaded with animation as a whole and barely pay attention to what’s happening in it) and I know I usually hate things made from existing properties, BUT I saw it this morning and
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I totally get why the critics don’t completely love it, and it has its problems, but overall it’s fun and ridiculous and exciting and cute and goofy and imaginative… just like a Super Mario Bros. game is. If you wanna just have a fun and silly time with all the Mario pals and see them get into Antics™️, I recommend it!
also my special favorite boy Bowser is in it and he steals the show ✨💖✨ sorry not sorry I AM SO GLAD HE IS PERFECCCCTTTTT and also nice to see the villain being a villain for a change I’m sick of like surprise villains and all that YOU GO KING WOOOOOO
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bnhabadass · 5 years
Y'know that Mario just came out on the app store today so you can get it on your mobile devices? Yaaaaay! In celebration, could I get and hc on class 1a playing Mario Kart together on a console?
If you’re wondering why this is out late and why it’s the only thing I’ve written today it’s because I’ve been playing the app all day between classes. Someone needs to take my phone away from me.
Always mains as Toad
Tilts while turning
“(Y/n) watch I’m not gonna fall this time”
Falls anyway
Politely passes controller on to next person
Major gamer rage
Did you really expect anything else?
Mains as Bowser
Surprisingly good at Rainbow Road
Probably because of how gay he is
Yoshi main
You’d think Toad because red but no
Really awesome to play against
You never win against him but he’s so cute when he’s concentrated on the game so it’s okay
You did actually win once but he claimed he was letting you win
We’ll see about that
Does not condone video games because he thinks they are a waste of time
You were finally able to get him to play ONCE
He doesn’t understand the characters
“Why is a plumber driving a racecar? Isn’t that counterintuitive?”
“Why am I throwing shells at the other players?”
“Did he just bump into me!?”
Honestly not the best person to play with
Prefers watching his class play
Everyone hands him the controller but he declines
You’re able to get him to play eventually
“What happens when I do this?”
“Oh that’s what happens.”
Somehow finished first his first time even holding the controller
He’s been playing like a pro ever since
Best person to play against
Because he’s really bad
He doesn’t want to admit it but he really sucks
Does not tilt while turning but let’s be honest this poor Pikachu probably needs to
Chucks controller at the TV
He owes you a new TV
Super chill about not getting first
Probably because he’s stoned
Likes playing with his friends but prefers playing solo on his DS
Dry Bones main because he’s Sero
This girl is so badass
She and Bakugo aren’t allowed to play against each other because they keep fighting
Also awesome at Rainbow Road
Always finishes first
Nintendo QUEEN
Has never held a controller in her life
You had to go through everything step by step with her
She likes watching you play but isn’t that interested in playing herself
Mom friend who makes sure everyone goes to bed on time and doesn’t stay up playing all night™
Toadette main
Gets so happy every time she doesn’t finish dead last
Nearly fainted the one time she finished first
You bought her a Toadette plush for her birthday and it sits in her lap every time she plays
All over just super adorable and fun to play with
Just happy everyone is together again and getting along for the most part *cough* Jirou and Bakugo *cough*
Toad is probably the closest to a frog...but Yoshi is green
Ends up playing as Koopa Troopa
Super chill about getting any score
Passes controller onto next person without any issues
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Wasn’t gonna do a 5x11 post, but ya know what? It was a good one, and it’s fun to talk about stuff ya like.
Folks this one is LONG:
Admittedly, I don’t really understand what Brainy did with the rock and the stick, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, because we get Motorcycle Brainy.
I appreciate that nearly every character on this show has the impulse to go out and get a black Stealth Outfit and procure a motorcycle whenever they gotta do clandestine, under-cover stuff. (See also: Lucy, Kara, Alex, J’onn.)
ALSO appreciate the ongoing commitment to characters showing they care via food, as seen in the Breakup Feast scene. 
I’ve seen this episode four times and it’s only JUST occurring to me that Lex is grabbing some of Evil!Winn’s hair and not just creepily picking lint off his shirt, after their little chat.
Lena Laments to Lex! Lost Lots of Lobe Legwork.
Lex’s action figure is safe for children ages 5 and up, AND the articulation allows for lots of action and superhero poses!
(That thing has NO visible leg or arm joints, Lex will not be doing ANY action posing, whatsoever. XD)
But, for real: It’s a pretty great prop. The packaging is spot on. 
Love all the Supergirl action figures in the background too. (AND WITH THE NEW SUIT I am envious of Earth Prime.)
Get ‘im William, GET ‘IM.
The Lex and Kara scene was GREAT, loved the recorder smash.
Then dramatic slow walk with wiiiiiind, very nice.
Absolutely love the moment between him, Alex, and Kara when he reveals he has a family. 
Group huuuuuuug
‘I might have missed you just a little bit.’ ‘Me too, just a little.’ ‘Yeah, well, I missed you, like, A LOT.’
Side note: Really dig Winn’s superhero outfit. 
“I wanted to apologize to you, for how I treated you after you took my mother’s medallion.”
*Skeptical Thor face* Is it really hers though?
(Answer: No.)
Okay OKAY now we get to the REALLY GOOD PART but first, a bit of appreciation for Winn referencing Sam Spade.
Alright, are we ready? ARE WE READY????
J’onn’s office (which is ALREADY a cool set) gets a SECRET ELEVATOR that leads tooooo...
THE TOWwait, whoops, almost forgot:
Kara’s total nerd reaction to the secret elevator and Alex’s elder sibling-ly ‘don’t push’ while actually pushing Winn are just. *chef’s kiss*
Okay, we’re back: THE TOWER!!!!!
Complete with PAPA BEAR HUG for Best Son Winn!
I like J’onn’s Martian vest, though I do feel like he should get some finger-less gloves, or something, to complete the look.
“In the future they call it the Hall of Justice.” “I like that.”
“So like STAR Labs.” “Or the Arrow Bunker.” “A place where my Superfriends can work, whenever they should need it.” 
1.) I don’t know why the casual references to the other shows are throwing me, it’s not like they haven’t done it before...maybe it’s the fact that characters besides Kara have this kind of...lived-in familiarity with this stuff that’s otherwise been reserved for her, due to the nature of JUST the lead visiting the other shows. 2.) It occurs to me that Supergirl, the show, never had a central hub like the Arrow Bunker or Star Labs that’s just for the main characters. (Well, I guess the Office of Solitude counts? Kind of?) All of the sets (aside from Kara’s Loft and J’onn’s office which are like...living spaces) require at least a handful of extras milling around in the background. I don’t know where I was going with this....*Marge Simpson voice* I just think it’s neat. 3.) J’onn calling them his Superfriends!!!! :D
“What are you gonna call it?” “I was thinking...The Tower.” “COOL.”
Kara you lovable nerd, you.
The cut from the Martian Memory Meld to Winn’s puking is comedic gold.
“And James runs a small town newspaper and mentors children? That’s adorable!”
You can tell who’s only watching the show via gifs, because this line threw them.
Alex being like, ‘BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE.’ XD
Evil!Winn’s message has Jim Carrey Riddler energy. I think it’s that ‘Let’s play to win!’ bit that does it.
Aaaand some other stuff occurs. Lex and Brainy talk, The Kara and William stuff at CatCo, Evil!Winn’s warehouse lair.
But then BACK TO THE TOWER for more nerding out and some lovely heart-to-hearts!
Winn telling Nia about Nura: :D :D :D
And then OOOOOH BOY, my favorite scene: Kara and Winn.
It starts off great, with Kara being like, ‘I bet you’re a great dad.’ And then Winn gets to talk about being a dad! And naming his little girl after his mom! ‘It was either that or Winifred.’ Heart AND humor??? AND THEN: “KARA WAS AN OPTION.” AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW
 And then the scene continued to be great but I will admit that I was gripped with a sudden, terrible fear that when Kara mentioned not being too thrilled with her ‘legend’ she was gonna talk about how she betrayed Lena yet again but THANK GOODNESS IT WASN’T THAT.
Instead what we got was this nice little exchange about Kara feeling like she’s endangering William, and Winn being like: ‘you put ME in danger but I always trusted you to protect me’ which is a LOVELY bit of trust and reassurance and a nice deconstruction of the idea that heroes have to distance themselves from others in order to best protect them. Supergirl the TV show has always said and will always say NOPE.
“Being in your orbit...it’s inspiring.” “You.”
Then Wicked Winn’s Warehouse! Followed By Lex on a Legion Ship! Learning of Leviathan!
The Obsidian pitch sounds TOTALLY legit, can’t IMAGINE how that could be exploited for evil.
Then Toyman’s Terrible Tigers! Which Brainy Tries to Tame! 
And, look. You’re either the kind of person that watches these DCTV shows and rolls your eyes at on-the-nose music cues, ooooor you’re the kind of person that applauds that kind of go-for-broke attitude.
I am one of the latter.
(BUT it’s always just gonna be...really hard to top The Flash using “Flash Gordon” as Barry jumps into a black hole.)
Always cool to see Kara speed folks away from danger. Very nice!
Whoops, little out of order here, I got excited: prior to the super speed, we have a Winn Stand-off.
(NGL the mental image of Winn singing “Nothing Left to Lose” with his evil counterpart has been amusing me all week long.)
But I digress! Toyman seems to perish in the explosion, but given that this is a two part episode...HMMMM. I think NOT.
(I mean, there’s also the end of episode cliffhanger, so. Yeah, obvious guess is obvious.)
But for the moment, Winn’s future is safe! Yaaaaay!
Then we get the cute moment between Kara and William and YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, I SAID CUTE. BECAUSE IT WAS CUTE.
So please put me firmly in camp: Generally indifferent to ships but certainly not opposed to more cute reporter shenanigans.
(Also she wouldn’t let him have dinner alone with the world’s saddest sandwich.) 
Instead William gets to come to GAME NIGHT!
Everything about that scene is. So good.
The friendly trash-talking! The glasses bit! ‘Marty’! William saving the Jenga tower for Kara! Space Dad being there! 
(Oh, forgot another scene in my haste to rejoice over game night. Winn and Brainy. T’was good.)
And then there’s the cliffhanger and the next episode preview WHICH I’m absolutely looking forward to because MORE WINN and also KARA AND WILLIAM GET TO SING “AFRICA”.
WHICH...thank you, show, for giving us “Africa” after revealing that was Kara’s other choice, but she went with “Intergalactic” back innnnn...season...three? Well the reveal was in season four. But karaoke night proper was in season three. And “Intergalactic” was great! But. 
Anyways. Wonderful episode! A true season highlight! David did such a good job! EVERYONE did such a good job! This fandom is the worst! And I hope that they actually DO stop watching the show, because it will be better for their emotional well-being and mental health, as well as our own!
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lulufeca · 6 years
Time for review today!
the contest by @pinktrixies
Based on a Sienfield episode I have never seen.
The first chapter got me confused because the contest was about to be "queen of the castle". I never read that expression, I got so confused.... then everything made sense when Trixie and Katya made a bet of who would be the one to not masturbate first.
They are long time friends. Adorable friends. Cute together. Every one of their friends are waiting for them to be together.
The thing is: They already like each other. Oh yes: Omg they are roommates!!! 💛💛💛💛
The big thing: They have already kissed! Drunk. In a party.
Trixya is a mess! Trixie likes Katya and hurts herself by thinking Katya will never love her back, that the kiss was a drunk kiss, they will never be together ever.
Trixie likes to think she is poor girl in love and soooooo hurt. I want to hug her and give up on the challenge.
Katya is also stupid. She likes Trixie and still goes for one night stands and finds Tati in the middle of the whole contest...
Please go read the mess those girls made with each other.
Right now Violet is super mad and just threw truths to Trixie. Trixie notices she is the worse person ever, her friends are all tired and she runs away crying to her house.
I don't want to tell you everything! Please go read. It's good, it's sad!!
The fun thing: maybe we will get a funny version. Writer found out that her characters made the story turn into angst and all she wanted was to be funny and cute. We will get another version!!! Yay! Yaaaaay!
Go read and have fun. And comment too!!
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
thenightetc 09:14 PM Hello! highglossfinish 09:14 PM Hello, night human! thenightetc 09:14 PM Megamind, eh?  We're in for a treat! SSHammertime 09:15 PM Yeah!!! starlightseller 09:15 PM ooh it’s been forever since I’ve seen Megamind SSHammertime 09:15 PM You're welcome! thenightetc 09:15 PM :D thenightetc 09:16 PM Thank you! starlightseller 09:16 PM yea thank you!! highglossfinish 09:16 PM Aaand we'll just be saving *that one* for another week! highglossfinish 09:17 PM Oh look, more possums!
thenightetc 09:17 PM No video or audio here, anyone else getting it? highglossfinish 09:18 PM Nothing? thenightetc 09:18 PM Nada. highglossfinish 09:18 PM Scrap. thenightetc 09:18 PM It also, on the left side, isn't showing anyone else here... thenightetc 09:18 PM I'll try reloading. highglossfinish 09:18 PM I'll try reloading. SSHammertime 09:18 PM Me being here with Papa made the coolness level too high SSHammertime 09:18 PM we broke it thenightetc has joined the party. thenightetc 09:20 PM Oh there we go!   SSHammertime has joined the party. SSHammertime 09:20 PM Yaaaaay! thenightetc 09:20 PM I can see but not hear it... thenightetc 09:20 PM oh, my volume was just too low thenightetc 09:20 PM There we go :) highglossfinish 09:20 PM Wonderful! starlightseller 09:21 PM I’m on my phone so I don’t know if that’s why I don’t see anything,, SSHammertime 09:21 PM Try reloading? starlightseller 09:21 PM I’ll get on my computer in a second and see if that helps starlightseller 09:22 PM ^-^ starlightseller has joined the party. starlightseller 09:22 PM There we go! SSHammertime 09:22 PM Yay! thenightetc 09:23 PM \o/ thenightetc 09:25 PM Cat... no. SSHammertime 09:26 PM they want to BAP thenightetc 09:26 PM What would they even do with it if they managed to kill it starlightseller 09:26 PM they wanna bapbapbap thenightetc 09:27 PM They are very foolish. starlightseller 09:27 PM this reminds me of the time my cat tried to fight a praying mantis starlightseller has left the party. starlightseller has joined the party. thenightetc 09:29 PM That's a great preview image. SSHammertime 09:29 PM welcome back! starlightseller 09:29 PM hi! my internet does not like me so sorry if I keep popping in and out ;w; thenightetc 09:29 PM It's like that sometimes! starlightseller has left the party. thenightetc 09:33 PM I forgot it started like this highglossfinish 09:34 PM Why are all the good movies hard to find? starlightseller has joined the party. thenightetc 09:34 PM Aggressive copyright-holders! highglossfinish 09:34 PM There we are! thenightetc 09:34 PM \o/ SSHammertime 09:34 PM \(^o^)/ thenightetc 09:35 PM "death" thenightetc 09:36 PM Is that your discord notification? highglossfinish 09:37 PM Comes with the emulator. I'll shut it up. thenightetc 09:37 PM Who left a baby in prison though SSHammertime 09:37 PM I like the prison people better highglossfinish 09:38 PM Oh, for Pit's sake. starlightseller 09:38 PM honestly that’s a mood Thebes has joined the party. thenightetc 09:38 PM Although since it's Megamind himself telling us this, I do kind of wonder if it's true Thebes 09:39 PM hello! SSHammertime 09:39 PM Hi!!! thenightetc 09:39 PM Hi!  We're not too far in yet :) Thebes 09:39 PM woo! thenightetc 09:42 PM Oh, come on.  A class of ten year olds would LOVE the exploding popcorn SSHammertime 09:42 PM ....does he not wash his clothes? SSHammertime 09:43 PM he just keeps getting sticker! thenightetc 09:44 PM hahaha highglossfinish 09:44 PM He's like Starscream, if Starscream was fun. starlightseller 09:44 PM that made me laugh SSHammertime 09:44 PM I like jailbreaks! thenightetc 09:44 PM Yeah! highglossfinish 09:45 PM Don't we all! starlightseller 09:45 PM jailbreaks are always fun thenightetc 09:45 PM An ocean inside a bigger ocean. starlightseller 09:45 PM I am not gonna lie I had a crush on Roxanne when I was a kid thenightetc 09:46 PM Well! thenightetc 09:46 PM She's super cute. thenightetc 09:46 PM Yeah dude you're LUCKY she got kidnapped before she heard that mess. SSHammertime 09:46 PM uh-huh! thenightetc 09:46 PM HA highglossfinish 09:46 PM Clever! thenightetc 09:46 PM Very! SSHammertime 09:47 PM evil laughs are important! SSHammertime 09:48 PM ew, shoes are dirty don't kiss them! thenightetc 09:48 PM Yeah, quit it with that thenightetc 09:49 PM Those are adorable SSHammertime 09:50 PM TEMPTRESS thenightetc 09:51 PM Thinkin' about it on the way over highglossfinish 09:51 PM They're trying their best. SSHammertime 09:51 PM She's not scared of anything! thenightetc 09:51 PM She's seen it all! SSHammertime 09:53 PM I can't wait to fly thenightetc 09:54 PM It does look like fun! SSHammertime 09:54 PM He knew she was smart, so he planned ahead! thenightetc 09:55 PM Flicker. SSHammertime 09:56 PM he said crap! highglossfinish 09:56 PM Shame on him! SSHammertime 09:57 PM not very superhero to swear SSHammertime 09:57 PM that's foreshadowing SSHammertime 09:57 PM 3:3 starlightseller 09:58 PM this is one of my favorite songs -w- thenightetc 09:59 PM Hehehehe starlightseller 09:59 PM i love it thenightetc 10:00 PM Ha. thenightetc 10:00 PM Oh, Minion. thenightetc 10:04 PM His pyjama cape SSHammertime 10:04 PM you gotta have fancy pajamas Thebes has left the party. Thebes has joined the party. thenightetc 10:04 PM Yikes SSHammertime 10:04 PM CREEPY thenightetc 10:04 PM "That's MUCH worse!" highglossfinish 10:05 PM Eugh. starlightseller 10:06 PM hey look its john green Thebes 10:06 PM This will clearly end fantastically SSHammertime 10:07 PM he doesn't look happy enough for john green starlightseller 10:07 PM true SSHammertime 10:07 PM slippers! thenightetc 10:07 PM Hahaha thenightetc 10:07 PM ...Is this guy a fan thenightetc 10:11 PM Honestly how does she not recognize his voice highglossfinish 10:11 PM Jealous, Minion? thenightetc 10:11 PM Hahahhaah SSHammertime 10:12 PM This is why we don't have a doormat thenightetc 10:12 PM Heh. SSHammertime 10:12 PM She'd be a good superhero thenightetc 10:13 PM God thenightetc 10:13 PM She would be! thenightetc 10:13 PM I want an au where SHE gets the injection thing highglossfinish 10:13 PM Agreed! highglossfinish 10:13 PM She deserves it. SSHammertime 10:13 PM Yes! thenightetc 10:14 PM Amazing SSHammertime 10:14 PM it's a party! thenightetc 10:15 PM Nooooooo SSHammertime 10:15 PM THEY'LL BE OKAY SSHammertime 10:15 PM I SAY SO thenightetc 10:15 PM I'M SURE THEY'RE FINE highglossfinish 10:15 PM He looks like an egg. thenightetc 10:16 PM ...does Megamind.  Believe what he said happened?  With the ninjas? SSHammertime 10:16 PM y'know, he was right there when roxanne said there was a doormat SSHammertime 10:16 PM ....huh SSHammertime 10:16 PM he's probably, like, "i don't remember sending ninjas?" thenightetc 10:17 PM Honestly he deserved that SSHammertime 10:18 PM he had a creepy poster SSHammertime 10:18 PM ! thenightetc 10:18 PM I didn't see it :U SSHammertime 10:18 PM it was roxanne! SSHammertime 10:18 PM 3>:[ highglossfinish 10:18 PM I'm glad I didn't see it. thenightetc 10:19 PM Oh jeeez D: thenightetc 10:19 PM ........ SSHammertime 10:20 PM ..... thenightetc 10:20 PM Wow SSHammertime 10:20 PM i like the song, though thenightetc 10:20 PM Ha! highglossfinish 10:20 PM "Read words, kids." SSHammertime 10:21 PM Good advice! highglossfinish 10:21 PM Indeed! thenightetc 10:22 PM awwww SSHammertime 10:23 PM ewwww SSHammertime 10:23 PM EEEEEWWWWWW thenightetc 10:23 PM literally huh thenightetc 10:23 PM ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SSHammertime 10:24 PM PARHOOM Thebes 10:25 PM flawless poker face thenightetc 10:25 PM Ha. thenightetc 10:25 PM Brilliant plan. highglossfinish 10:25 PM Sounds like these two have A Talk. SSHammertime 10:26 PM 3:( thenightetc 10:26 PM Awww nooooooooo highglossfinish 10:26 PM Whatever arrangement they have can survive it, if only they're frank about it! thenightetc 10:26 PM They can work through this! SSHammertime 10:26 PM Things will be okay! SSHammertime 10:27 PM That's how good movies work thenightetc 10:27 PM Huh.  So she arranged this... subconsciously? highglossfinish 10:27 PM Ew. SSHammertime 10:27 PM i think that's how the papers were in the lair? SSHammertime 10:27 PM and ew thenightetc 10:27 PM Ewwww thenightetc 10:27 PM Ohhh of course starlightseller 10:28 PM aaa I gotta go TTwTT sorry I couldn’t stay the whole time but thanks for having me!!! thenightetc 10:28 PM "I just stole a flower stall" SSHammertime 10:28 PM bye! thenightetc 10:28 PM YIKES starlightseller has left the party. highglossfinish 10:28 PM What a charmer. SSHammertime 10:29 PM eeewwww SSHammertime 10:29 PM i can't get goosebumps but i'm getting the heebie jeebies thenightetc 10:29 PM Ewwwwwwww thenightetc 10:29 PM All of the heebies. thenightetc 10:30 PM Right on the first try SSHammertime 10:31 PM ...why did nobody notice that? thenightetc 10:31 PM Nobody notices anything, ever highglossfinish 10:31 PM Oh dear. thenightetc 10:31 PM *facepalm* SSHammertime 10:31 PM AAAAAAHHHHHH SSHammertime 10:32 PM she's having a bad night 3:( highglossfinish 10:33 PM Ouch. thenightetc 10:33 PM "well no, that was the point of lying" thenightetc 10:34 PM I actually want to know where Minion even went highglossfinish 10:34 PM Likewise. SSHammertime 10:37 PM RUIN HIS LEVEL highglossfinish 10:37 PM Ruin his everything! thenightetc 10:38 PM A... leash. thenightetc 10:38 PM Yikes thenightetc 10:38 PM "Dating" is pushing it at this point highglossfinish 10:38 PM I'll say. SSHammertime 10:39 PM this is bad, because he wants the murder SSHammertime 10:39 PM ugh thenightetc 10:40 PM dude she was never your girlfirend thenightetc 10:40 PM or going to be, ever. highglossfinish 10:40 PM You didn't see this coming when he was melting your head in training, Megamind? thenightetc 10:41 PM Apparently not! SSHammertime 10:41 PM he's got high intelligence and low wisdom! thenightetc 10:42 PM High charisma too thenightetc 10:43 PM God. thenightetc 10:43 PM Natural 1 on that sense motive check thenightetc 10:44 PM Ha! thenightetc 10:44 PM So that definitely killed a whole bunch of people. SSHammertime 10:44 PM 3:( thenightetc 10:46 PM Keep his logo.  After faking his death. SSHammertime 10:49 PM HE'S STUPID thenightetc 10:49 PM VERY stupid. thenightetc 10:49 PM "hung out" thenightetc 10:50 PM Awwwwwww thenightetc 10:51 PM Awww! SSHammertime 10:52 PM MINIONNNNNN SSHammertime 10:52 PM 3:D thenightetc 10:52 PM :3 thenightetc 10:53 PM Hellooooooo SSHammertime 10:53 PM YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH highglossfinish 10:53 PM I love that bit. thenightetc 10:53 PM Me too! thenightetc 10:57 PM Although really that's just kicking the can down the road to the next city highglossfinish 10:58 PM "Yeah, sure, why not?" highglossfinish 10:58 PM Hah! thenightetc 10:58 PM I love that line SSHammertime 10:58 PM NICE LINE SSHammertime 10:58 PM another nice line! thenightetc 10:58 PM Yesss thenightetc 10:59 PM Ha! SSHammertime 10:59 PM YEAAAHHHHH thenightetc 10:59 PM I hope that hurts. thenightetc 11:00 PM Awwww SSHammertime 11:01 PM 3:D thenightetc 11:01 PM Heeeee SSHammertime 11:02 PM "sir, you are still tall" highglossfinish 11:03 PM "Sir." thenightetc 11:03 PM This is such a cute movie. SSHammertime 11:03 PM 3:D highglossfinish 11:03 PM An excellent choice! SSHammertime 11:03 PM You're welcome! thenightetc 11:03 PM You have good taste in movies. :) SSHammertime 11:04 PM Thanks! thenightetc 11:06 PM "Yes.  Day." SSHammertime 11:06 PM 3XD highglossfinish 11:07 PM Any suggestions you'd like to end on, my dear? SSHammertime 11:07 PM Hmmmmmm 3:3 SSHammertime 11:08 PM Oh! I know! thenightetc 11:08 PM 👀 SSHammertime 11:08 PM Clue! from 1985! SSHammertime 11:08 PM and Treasure Planet! thenightetc 11:08 PM Oooooo! Thebes 11:09 PM Those are both a LOT of fun SSHammertime 11:09 PM Oh! And the Great Mouse Detective! SSHammertime 11:09 PM The Road to El Dorado! SSHammertime 11:09 PM 3:D highglossfinish 11:09 PM Onto the queue they go! SSHammertime 11:10 PM Yay! thenightetc 11:10 PM All great ideas! SSHammertime 11:10 PM I'm full of them! SSHammertime 11:10 PM Also snacks thenightetc 11:11 PM I wish I had some snacks, but I don't want to go to a grocery store at this particular time. SSHammertime 11:11 PM that's fair! highglossfinish 11:13 PM Lets see, things to end the night on. thenightetc 11:14 PM I like this channel! Starscreamillar has joined the party. highglossfinish 11:16 PM "Kill me." Starscreamillar has left the party. Starscreamillar has joined the party. thenightetc 11:17 PM Ahhh, buttercream. thenightetc 11:18 PM F. Starscreamillar has left the party. Starscreamillar has joined the party. highglossfinish 11:20 PM Anything anyone would like to see? thenightetc 11:20 PM Hmmmmmm. Starscreamillar 11:20 PM I would like this accursed program to work properly. thenightetc 11:21 PM I'm kind of morbidly interested in that 1950s one SSHammertime 11:21 PM Hhhhhmmmm thenightetc 11:21 PM Middle right. SSHammertime 11:21 PM I wanna see kermit saying "no it's not a cookie!" Starscreamillar has left the party. Starscreamillar has joined the party. highglossfinish 11:22 PM The journey cake? thenightetc 11:22 PM Sounds good! SSHammertime 11:22 PM 3:D thenightetc 11:23 PM FIRST CLOOOOOOOOO... Thebes 11:23 PM Few muppets do 'unimpressed' like Kermit thenightetc 11:23 PM An orange! SSHammertime 11:23 PM i like his crumple face! thenightetc 11:24 PM Hahhahah thenightetc 11:24 PM Oh my gosh highglossfinish 11:24 PM That's a threat, Kermit. thenightetc 11:24 PM Don't reward him for it. Starscreamillar 11:24 PM He is going to eat that frog. thenightetc 11:27 PM Honestly I'm glad we can just buy yeast now. SSHammertime 11:27 PM this bread tiny! SSHammertime 11:27 PM YEAST! thenightetc 11:27 PM Ha! thenightetc 11:27 PM *high five* SSHammertime 11:28 PM High five! thenightetc 11:34 PM Huh. thenightetc 11:35 PM I want to try that, now. highglossfinish 11:36 PM Anything tastes good if you cook it over and eat it in front of that fire. SSHammertime 11:36 PM 3:D highglossfinish 11:37 PM Well, that's all I've got! thenightetc 11:37 PM What an "all" it was, though! highglossfinish 11:38 PM It was! Thank you again for that, Impact. SSHammertime 11:38 PM Yooooou're welcome~! <3 thenightetc 11:38 PM Thank you for the stream; this was lovely.  And I hope we'll see you around, Impact. :) highglossfinish 11:38 PM You'll have to regale us with more movie choices in the future. SSHammertime 11:38 PM Yeah!!! Starscreamillar 11:38 PM A pity I missed most of it, but it was nice to catch even the little I did. highglossfinish 11:38 PM You've certainy been missed! Thebes 11:39 PM Thanks for the stream, it was a good one~ Starscreamillar 11:39 PM I shall have to make every effort to catch the next stream in full. Until then! Starscreamillar has left the party. thenightetc 11:39 PM Goodnight! Thebes has left the party. SSHammertime 11:39 PM Bye everybody! highglossfinish 11:39 PM Good night! thenightetc has left the party.
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