#everytime i see a skitty i HAVE to catch it
kirakirabug · 9 months
My Skitty squad >:3
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ladycibia · 7 years
I wonder what Gaston's Pokémon team would be or for that matter Lefou's?
Hellothere! Uh, pokémon crossover ♥ you know what I love, my dear anon ~
Anyway, I spent the whole morning translatingand analyzing Old English texts, and so I can’t really think straight right now, ahah XDD But let’s try anyway,shall we?
So. I usually rely on my intuition for thiskind of thing, and the first pokémon that popped up in my mind while thinkingabout Gaston is Houndoom. :) It’s proud, bold, fierce, good-looking (IMHO ofcourse XD oh, who am I kidding Houndoom is awesome) and you can immediatelytell that its true nature is kind of dark, evil and manipulative (it’s not likeGaston tried that hard to hide it, didn’t he?). Also, Houndoom’s demonic anddevilish physical traits may be referred to the fact that the real beast hereis Gaston. On a more practical side, its name refers to dogs used by huntersand in the 1991 movie Gaston wanted dogs XD (“…while the little ones play on thefloor with the dogs”). In general, I’d say a fire/fighting main team would beappropriate for Gaston. I’m not really into beefy-humanoid pokémon, but Ibelieve a Machoke would fit him pretty good; the same goes for a fire/fightingstarter, maybe Emboar or Incineroar (you know, both are connected withwrestling matches and they got the same colour pattern, more or less – maybe Emboargives me more vibes though), then a shiny Gyarados (vicious and brutal – and Ican imagine Gaston bragging about getting one – even if it’s the standard shinypokémon that all those unlucky trainers like me got to catch anyway lol), andfinally a Rapidash and a Gallade (both good-looking and agile pokémon– and Galladebeing also a psychic type could be connected to Gaston’s manipulative side, Idunno). A Krookodile would fit him as well (especially for his moxie ability!),but I really can’t see it in BATB context >
LeFou’s turn! He’s a supporting character, andso I wouldn’t give him a full team (for now, at least). So…mhn…if I play my littlemind game I’d give him a…Wynaut. XD First of all, just think about a littleWynaut nicknamed LeFou: isn’t that adorable?? Then, I don’t know, I’ve alwaysseen Wynaut as a little cute (and naïve!) fella that would follow you till the end of the world and that it’salways ready and more than happy to cheer you up everytime you feel down. Andthat’s basically LeFou to Gaston. However, the fact that the light blue part isonly a façade and the real pokémon is actually hidden behind it, well, it doesmake me think about 2017!LeFou: he’s not just a comic relief character anymore,there’s something more behind it. …Does that make sense? xD I hope so, ahah. XDThen…a Chansey, maybe? Round, pink and nice…AND LET’S PROVIDE EGGS TO GASTONF*CK YEAH *dies* cibia you idiot a Whimsicott (cute little prankster) or a Snover (if you just don’t want to ignore Josh Gad/Olaf thing) and finally a Skitty, for being in perfect contrast with Gaston’s Houndoom :)(and because I’d totally see Stanley with a fabulous Delcatty).
That’s it! Of course, there are over 800 pokémonnow and so this post can easily be seen as a piece of junk, but that’s how Ifeel about it…for now. =w=; Sorry for the long post, I hope I answered yourquestion! Have a nice day!
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