scaryaigirl · 4 months
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Creepy dolls created by creepy witches
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scaryaigirl · 4 months
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In the heart of a forgotten garden, a solitary flower bloomed. Its petals, a velvety crimson, whispered secrets of ancient magic. Legends spoke of a curse woven into its very essence—a curse that bound the fate of all who dared to pluck it.
One fateful evening, a curious wanderer stumbled upon the garden and beheld the bewitching bloom. Ignoring the warnings etched into the windswept stones, they reached out and plucked the flower, intoxicated by its beauty.
As the moon ascended, the curse unfurled its tendrils, weaving around the wanderer's soul. With each passing night, they found themselves ensnared in a labyrinth of dreams and nightmares, haunted by visions of the garden's forgotten past.
In the end, the wanderer realized the only escape from the curse lay in returning the flower to its rightful place. With trembling hands, they replanted the cursed blossom, its petals wilting as the curse relinquished its hold.
And so, the garden reclaimed its silent sentinel, its cursed flower once again bound by the earth's embrace, its secrets guarded for eternity.
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