markedbyindecision · 2 years
S3E6 “Tori and Jade’s Playdate”
↳ Tori and Jade (ft. Ship Captain Sikowitz)
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villainbranded · 7 years
❝   amy's story could have gone a million other ways, but she met me, and bad things happened.  ❞  a drunken confession bared to an innocent soul, determined to extract even the smallest of absolution for the role that he played within his wife’s disappearance.
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senstar-blog1 · 7 years
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❛          so——     what charity this time ?          ❜          giddy with anticipation,  the costume he dons is eyecatching at its finest,  colours and blitz and dazzle galore.          he’s nothing if not an asset to amanita’s fund goal,  reeling in donors that previously may not have offered their cash.          ❛         i’m telling you,  i have a good feeling about this run,  this bucket ?          it’s going to be full by the time we’re done.          FULL   !          ❜
@everyvictory   !     ♡
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wornlies-a · 7 years
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      endless nights of no sleep and no time to himself. it’s only been a week since the mother of his child left and each day he finds it harder. he’s enjoying the little time he has to himself on the front steps, while his son is asleep. it only takes five minutes before he hears the loud echoes of the baby’s cries from inside the house. someone must have accidentally been too loud and woken him up. note to self: pay them back for that later. he can hear fiona calling his name, but he remains where he is. ‘ fuck. ‘ comes the quiet mumble under his break, before he’s yelling back at her. ‘ i’ll be there in a minute! ‘ // @everyvictory.
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littledeadlys-blog · 7 years
“ read my lips, no. ” from sam to literally any of your ud muses xoxo
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                    ❝      oh    ,      come   on   sammy    .            don’t   be   such   a   buzzkill    .      ❞               everything   about   the   blonde   was   playful      ;        from   her   stance   to   the   expression   she   wore        —        her   only   hope   was   that   it   was   so   infectious   that   sam   joined   her        /        let   those   blonde   locks   loose    .
          ❝      it’s   not   like   i’m   asking   you   to   join   a   cult    .      ❞
KISSY   SENTENCE   STARTERS.for   :    @everyvictory    *    status   :    accepting.
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markedbyindecision · 1 year
S4E6 “Tori Fixes Beck and Jade”
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☀ you are a ray of sunshine! Send this to 8 people that deserve it and make sure you don't break the chain!
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danger-archive · 7 years
Bess & George
BESS MARVIN: Who's your celebrity crush?
For Daphne, right now she’s super weak over Hayley Kiyoko and Naomi Scott. Ever since she went to go see Power Rangers, the latter has made a nice little nook in Daphne’s heart. And as for Hayley, who doesn’t love her? She’s talented, and beautiful, and sapphic as all heck, and Daphne is more than here for it. 
GEORGE FAYNE: What's something that you are a complete nerd over?
Daphne? Teen supernatural lit. Girl loves herself some Twilight-esque Dawn novels. It’s something she’s unabashedly nerdy about. She knows like, half the book by heart and has probably even considered cosplaying as one of the characters before. ( The ‘ Bella ’ of the series, likely. ) When she met the author of the series, lord knows she squealed so loud people in the neighboring state thought a shipload of dolphins had crashed onto shore. 
NANCY DREW ASKS ( IT’S TOO META! ) || accepting 
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senstar-blog1 · 7 years
‘ you are good and kind and the sun shines differently on you. ’ from lito's number three fan, daniela~
★   ↷   text posts.   accepting.
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❛          ——it does ?          ❜         his voice is thick with remnants of tears and stagnant in the back of his throat,  and he feels pathetic.          it wouldn’t be the first time,  certainly won’t be the last,  but that’s what dani’s here for,  a natural cheerleader for a pessimist like lito rodriguez.          as doubtful as he sounds,  her words plant that seed that’s needed,  instilling just enough hope for him to lift the heel of his hand and wipe his eyes with it.
❛          i’m sorry,  daniela,  i’m feeling     …     a bit under the weather today.         ❜         he sniffles,  swallows the lump in his throat and lift his hand to dani’s face,  thumb and index finger finding their brief purchase at her cheek,  a tender second spent there.          if the sun shines differently on him,  it must gleam and dazzle like disco rays when its light reaches her.          but he won’t say that out loud,  because he’s a golden boy through and through.          he will offer a smile though,  shift from his depression corner,  sulk a little less,  and turn off the rom-coms.
❛          but to hell with weather,  huh ?          let’s do something today.          ❜
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wclfvein-blog · 7 years
everyvictory replied to your post
shoves like half my girls at you
GLADLY lou gets more along with girls soooo ;)) 
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markedbyindecision · 2 years
S4E3 “Opposite Date”
↳ Tori & Beck
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danger-archive · 7 years
scoots everyvictory ur way xoxo
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you || always accepting
My Opinion on;
Character in general: I love so many of your characterizations. I love your OCs (Grace and Kira, to name a few) so damn much and I wish you played more of them. They’re a lot of work, I understand, but they’re so worthwhile. I also love your canons too, you know that. You have a nice selection of muses, and the variety is fantastic because it provides a nice range of possible interactions! 
How they play them: Writing comedy is a very tricky thing, trickier than angst and drama even, and you do it so well. You write Schmidt PERFECTLY and you capture Aria’s voice amazingly and just… Like, you do your characters justice and you love em, so what more can someone ask for? 
The Mun: You’re a cutie. A sinful cutie. I wish we talkled more, but on the other hand I’m happy we talk at all. I care very much for you, and if you ever need or want anything I’m always here for you
Do I:
RP with them: YEAH BOI (I really say that way too much now…)  Want to RP with them: Always
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Okay I’m not going to lie, back in my duplicate envy days I was wary of following you just because you write Silver and like, someone else IDER who I was envious of? But I am so glad I got over that and gave this friendship a chance because not only has it improved me to do that, but like?? I consider you a good friend of mine, and you’re such a great writer, truly (as in I could picture myself one day reading a book you wrote) and like, I just think you’re so great. You know how much I love 
**Note: My answers are all completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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wornlies-a · 8 years
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      ‘  . . .  i  drink  too  much  &  that’s  an  issue,  but  i’m  okay.  ‘
@everyvictory / closer.
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wclfvein-blog · 8 years
everyvictory replied to your post
then again i’m saying this as a brit but!
omg i thought he sounded quite americanised tbh
yaaaaaaaaas to me he sounded more like an american talking ( lou is a half dubliner aka talks more like a dubliner so i tried to pay attention in the way bau talks ) 
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