mzargentum · 7 years
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.” or “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” With Evie and anyone of your choice? ;)
I FINALLY got my shit straight so I could get back to my writing and this fic for my dear, @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit, will be the highlight of my return. ^^ I hope you like it.
You’re Golden (SFW)
Warnings: None | Word Count: 1,071 | OC’s: Evita Hemlock, Six Ulric, Muerlinian Zephyr & Sibyl Ramses
It didn’t seem possible.
Life in general had put her through so much.
Pain. Rage. Sadness.
But never once had Evita Hemlock experienced true fear like she was this day.
Her golden eyes locked onto her reflection. Paralyzed by the view.
What was this?
Who was the girl in front of her?
Where was the daemon that haunted her for all these years?
Storming through Eos leaving constant destruction in its wake.
Who’s face was this?
Shimmering in the sunrise like a seashells washed over by the ocean waves.
Who’s perfect doll-like fingers were these inching toward the reflection of this goddess in red?
“Still getting used to it, huh?”
Six Ulric, interrupted the confused woman’s trance. Leaned against the doorway with a smile.
“To what?” the assassin replied with a chuckle as she returned her gaze to the mirror before her. “Being normal?”
“Being happy”. Six smirked as she approached her friend, taking in the view.
“Not really to be honest…”.
Six wasn’t surprised. She knew the turmoil her dear friend had faced in the past.
Years of torture. Never feeling as if she belonged. Never having a true home.
There were times Six wondered if she would ever be happy.
That is…until he came along.
“Yeah”, the glaive continued to gaze at her friend’s beauty while adjusting the roses in her hair. “Neither am I, but y’know what?”
“We wouldn’t have it any other way”. Six sweetly grinned receiving a light eye roll from her friend.
“Oh, barf”, Evita scoffed, her cheeks slightly flushed much to the glaive’s amusement.
Their banter interrupted by a sudden gasp behind them.
They both turned to view a flailing Muerlin, whose cheeks were puffed as she tried to muffle her excitement.
“OhmyGods”, she choked out as she shuffled toward her best friends.
“Oh, hell”, the assassin groaned as the glaive giggled.
“You look like a princess!”, the silver haired vixen squeaked, biting her lip in a failed attempt to contain her excitement.
“Say that again and you’re pulp”, Evita lightly glared at the young queen from the mirror.
“Oh, come on Ev”, Six chuckled. “It’s not like she’s wrong. You do look beautiful”.
“Exactly”, Muerlin continued. “Even better than beautiful. You make Shiva look homely”.
The young assassin giggled at her friend’s compliment. “I don’t know about that”.
“Au contraire, I know someone who’d agree”, the silver haired girl grinned at her blushing friend’s reflection.
“Mhm. I bet he’s eager to get a nice piece of you tonight too”. Six fueling the heat rising in Evita’s cheeks.
“Better believe it”, the young queen continued. “He’ll get a taste of that booty like ‘I’ve come up with a new recipehhhhhh’”, Muerlin joked imitating Ignis forcing a snort from Six as she just about died laughing.
“You two are the worst”, the assassin joined in the giggles.
“And that’s what makes up awesome”, the young queen replied with a wink.
After a brief moment, Six noticed her friend’s golden gaze lock on her reflection.
“I never thought this would be my life…”, the fearful assassin began. “I….I was always taught to never count on anyone…for anything…and…now…”.
“Now, you can finally be free of all that”. Her golden gaze shifted to the glaive on her left, gracing her with a light smile.
“But…I feel like I don’t really deserve it…”.
“Bollocks”. Her gaze shifting to the spunky queen to her right, a confident grin stretched across her face.
“You really think you don’t deserve to be just as happy as the rest of us? If not more?”
“What makes me so special?”, the woman softly asked.
“For starters…look at you”, Muerlin replied.
“Glowing like a solar fire”, Six chimed in.
And she was glowing. As radiant as the fire in her heart.
“You absolutely are something special, Vee”. The cheery wizard added. “You’re rattling the stars”, the glaive finished.
At that moment, Evita’s reflection became clear. She was beautiful. She did deserve to be happy. The Gods had graced her with this day for a reason and she was going to make the absolute most of it.
“There you are!”, a lightly panting Sibyl exclaimed as she entered the room. “Been looking for you all forever. You’re on in 5. Evie, we need you in position”.
A low groan escaped the fearful assassin’s throat as she rose from her seat. “Guess this is it…”.
“You got this, love”, Six shouted in encouragement.
“Don’t die!!”, Muerlin joked.
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass”, the blushing beauty smirked at her young wizard friend.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t”, Muerlin replied with a chuckle as she watched her friend exit the room.
As the sun peaked over the oceans of Altissia, all was silent, but the pounding of Evita’s heart.
It felt as if you could hear it for miles, despite the fact no one else did.
She felt warm and like she was drenched in sweat, yet frozen in terror every step she took toward the edge.
Mere seconds felt like an eternity.
A single step felt like a voyage.
Her mind traveling warp speed.
What am I doing here? How did this even happen?
Behind the haze, she could clearly make out Prompto’s chocobo hair as well as Muerlin’s silver locks on the opposite side of him.
She internally chuckled at the clear height difference between Muerlin and Six, whom was standing beside her.
As well as Prompto aside Gladio.
For some reason, Noct’s clear baby face amused her despite the fact that, given the circumstance, it was warranted for him to be shaven clean.
Still the juxtaposition between the scruffy Lucian King and the ever so graceful Lunafreya was enough to bring a smile to her face even if it was out of potential laughter.
All this was through her periphery though for her eyes were fixated on one soul in particular standing in the center.
He could definitely hear her heartbeat. That smile made it apparent.
His emerald gaze both soothing her and driving her to internal hysteria as she awaited him to remove the haze, revealing her face.
To ask her if she trusts him to forever hold her in her darkest hours.
To cherish the fire burning deep in her core and to never let it extinguish.
To brand a smile on her face like no other ever would.
To grant her the happiness she so rightfully deserves.
“…I do”.
Tagging: @digitalkanvas @insomniasix @aquathemermaidstripper @a-new-recipehhh @titty-sprinkles-6969 @prettyprompto
If you would like to be tagged, please let me know. ^^
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bosque-encantado · 4 years
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By Evigny Lushpin
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