#gladio x six
A Potion in Moonlight: Ignis Scentia x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
Contains: Self-deprecating thoughts, gentle sex, dick riding
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Jealousy bubbled in your stomach like the contents inside of a cauldron, steamy bitterness clogging your throat and self-esteem venting out of any open hole. Your eyes slowly dropping from the crowds surging through Lestallum streets to your feet, following everyone’s feet instead of looking where you were actually heading.
Being surrounded in Lestallum by big, brilliant, beautiful and powerful women was sure to dampen your mood. You felt so small, so weak, so fragile and so exposed as if all of your flaws were worn on your arm. You hated this feeling swelling in your chest. Your cheeks flared and burned up with jealousy, tears threatening to at your eyes.
Six, it felt like a million needles were stabbing right into your eyes.
Why were you here? Why were you with them? Why was someone like you placed on this mission? How did King Regis look at you and ask you to travel with the prince and company?
You felt so honored at the time, but now, you feel as though this is just a scam to show you how worthless you really are.
You could feel gazes on you, burning your skin with their glares, whispers mulling your ears, your heart pounding against your chest. You felt dizzy. You felt sick.
“(Y/n), are you feeling alright?” Ignis suddenly asked, cutting through your inner breakdown.
You looked up, eyes probably bloodshot and nose threatening to leak with your lips parted. Ignis stood before you - the three others behind him, offering content smiles - green eyes shooting right through you, only making you want to bury yourself deep underground and never come out.
You felt ashamed to be under his gaze, looking at you as if he were a disappointed mother.
Instead of offering him a direct answer, Ignis instead pulling off one of his driving gloves to press it to your forehead, then cheeks respectively. He hummed, slipped back on his glove and nodded towards the hotel you all were staying in.
“A small fever perhaps. Best we get you to bed for some rest,” he hummed contently. “Perhaps Jared will know what may be wrong with you if you wish?”
“I…” you breathed out, only to find yourself unable to confess your feelings in front of everyone. So, you only nodded. “Sure. Maybe.”
Ignis reached down without second thought and pulled on your hand, tugging you towards the hotel with the three others leading.
Your hand burned. It didn’t belong in his hand, you didn’t belong with him. You hated how you wanted to rip your hand away, coil up in the darkness and never come out. You wanted to hide from the world. You didn’t deserve this, and you didn’t deserve him.
A cold rush of air made you wince before you found yourself in the lobby of the hotel. Your feet never stopped to enjoy the nice ocean blue painted walls or the nice white marble floors that were waxed to perfection, you were just pulled to the elevator and were taken directly back to your room.
You all had split two rooms, yourself and Ignis is one room while Gladio, Noctis and Prompto took the other…
At least you had some privacy, in case you did have a breakdown in front of Ignis. Six, you already felt like you were able to breakdown right about now.
“Just lay down love, I’ll be there in just a moment,” Ignis purred softly in your ear, squeezing your shoulders gently.
Ignis never entered the room, instead only joining the three in their room to probably snag a potion if your “sickness” were to turn sour. Your stomach twisted in knots as you looked at the light gray curtains, wanting to flow freely in the warm breeze, but the sealed windows didn’t give in to their wishes. The sun outside burned your eyes, your fingers moved on their own to snatch at the curtains and forcefully snap them shut, allowing them to dance as they slid closed, barring any sunlight to pour into the room.
You turned to the bed, sitting down on your usual side of the bed, back turned to the door. You didn’t lie down though, you just sat there, elbows on your knees, head down as you waited for Ignis’ return.
Maybe talking with him will help? He always appreciated when you were 100% honest with him, so this should be no different… Right? The cold, icy claws of guilt and worry started to creep up your spine, your thoughts clouding over to give in to their desires.
What if he sees you as a burden? A waste of time? What if he realizes that you are just acting like a spoiled child and leave you? What if they all get tired and leave you behind? Here in Lestallum?
You swore you could feel bile bubbling at the back of your throat.
The creak of the door opening made you open your eyes, realizing that your head was in your hands.
“Love, I know you aren’t sick,” Ignis sighed softly. The door closed behind him, you could hear his pointed, strong footsteps slowly walk off the hardwood floors onto the lush rug under the bed. “But I do know that you are unwell.” Ignis soon entered your vision out of the corner of your eye. He had a potion in hand that would go to no use now, so he set it next to him when he sat down. “Talk to me. Open up those locked doors to let me see and let me in.”
“I…” you whispered. You shook, started to tremble, body jerking when Ignis placed a calm hand on your back to rub soothing circles on your clothed skin. “I…” you whimpered, now sniffling.
“Kitten, there is no need to be so anxious. I’m here, I will not leave you,” he hummed.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you cried, finally opening the waterworks and letting the floodgates open.
Ignis was shocked at your sudden outburst, now kneeling before you and placing his firm hands on your knees while you cried into your hands.
“My love, please. What do you mean? Of course, you should be here. You belong with us, here.”
“No, I don’t Ignis.” You ripped your face away from your hands to look at him. His face softened when he saw yours coated with tears. “I’m not good enough to stand next to you or Prompto or Gladio, I shouldn’t even be in the Crownsguard.”
“(Y/n),” he murmured, his face painted with agony and sorrow.
“I don’t even know why I was appointed to be the healer of this group,” you sniffled, finally looking at the plush faux fur floor. “I don’t… I can’t grasp how-”
“Stop,” Ignis ordered. Your lips parted in shock, your eyes burning as you looked back up at your lover to see his face contorted int disappointment. His lips pressed into a thin line, eyebrows arched defensively, nostrils threatening to flare, his green eyes making you feel like a misbehaving child that will get a scolding soon. “You belong here. You belong with us on the road to Altissia, you belong on this mission to help bring peace, you belong with me.” Ignis stood up, his thin figure looming over you, his shadow not feeling cold and unforgiving like you expected, but warm and inviting. Your lips trembled and quivered, your head following him on his journey up straight. “You deserve to be happy, love.”
His gentle hands cupped your jaw, thumbs rolling along your cheekbones and tracing the grooves in your cheeks to your chin. He brushed the hair from your eyes, wiped away the sticky tears matted to your face with the pads of his thumbs.
“Ignis,” you mumbled.
“Darling, I love you,” he sighed, tears brimming his own eyes. “Please, love, always know that.”
Ignis’ cheeks started to dust pink, his own lips trembling before he leaned down to press his lips to yours. Ignis’ hands shook on your jaw, quickly latching onto your back and grabbing handfuls of your clothing with rocking hands.
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His hands guided your hips along his shaft, nails biting into your bare flesh as you yourself clawed at his bare chest. A soft moan pierced through you, the coil inside of you tightened, heat dripping through you like fire. Ignis winced, groaning and bucking his hips up, into nether lips, stretching you more.
You felt so full, your eyes lulling to the back of your head. You tilted your head back, hands clinging to Ignis’ shoulders as you rocked your hips back and forth on his cock. Guttural moans, soft groans, and sharp gasps punctured through you.
Sweat matted hair clung to your face, your eyes closed, mouth agape.
The moonlight shined through the open window, light gray curtains finally fluttering and dancing in the warm Lestallum breeze. You could hear the sounds of the city in the night: Heels and boots on sidewalks, the distant beats of underground clubs, the power plant coming to life every now and again before silencing into a monotone hum. The pale moonlight shined through, illuminating the blanket of sweat that covered both of you.
It was peaceful, lulling you both into a deeper sense of calm despite the growing tensions inside both of you.
“(Y/n),” Ignis wheezed, his fingertips digging into the soft flesh of your hips.
The headboard of the bed faintly pounded against the wall, soft thuds filling the room between your gasps and groans and moans. You were sure the three could hear what you were doing, but you knew they had no mind to 
Your hands moved from Ignis’ body to your, fingertips brushing over the delicate skin of the hickies and splotches left on your soft flesh, each one sensitive to your touch, fingers twitching and face flinching in pleasure as Ignis’ hands rose slowly from your hips to your breasts. He gently squeezed the underside of your breasts, fingertips digging into the squishy flesh.
“(Y/n),” Ignis moaned louder, the plush pillow under his head creeping over the sides of his face.
The headboard started to pound a litter harder, soft thuds now becoming obvious harsher thuds. They wouldn’t wake a normal sleeper, but light sleepers around you were probably annoyed now.
You faintly heard the three snickering in their room, your eyes glaring at the wall behind you only to shirek softly, grabbing your own flesh and hunching over. You felt yourself come undone on his cock, Ignis only whimpering and whining as he slowly pumped his penis in and out of you. You could feel his length twitching and shuddering inside of you.
He was close.
You uncurled your back, eyeing his seductively before pushing a strand of sweaty hair away from your face. Your other hand came down to his tight abdomen starting to slowly become slippery with your slick running down the length of his cock. He was whining, grasping at whatever he could to get off. You, your breasts, your hips, and soon the sheets coated in your mixed sweat until he found himself bucking up harshly into you, warmth pooling and coating your insides white. You cried out, head tilting back and mouth agape while Ignis moaned hoarsely below you.
You collapsed on top of Ignis, rolling over until your head was against his chest, you face pointing towards the cool breeze brushing against your heated skin. It felt divine against your sensitive skin.
A ray of moonlight shined through the open window, and through your fatigued gaze over the rise and fall of Ignis’ firm chest, you could see the potion glinting beautifully in the soft light. You found yourself quickly lulling to sleep, the sound of Ignis’ slowing heartbeat and the calm sound of the city outside were just perfect enough for you to shut your eyes, and breathe in the scents of your lover beside you, nuzzling your nose into his chest and finally passing out.
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heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
flufftober day 1 - promnis 'no stakes'
Title: No Stakes Chapter: 1 of 6 Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Teen (Subtle Flirting - Fluff - Ep Ignis V2) Word Count: ~2,730 Prompt: "I've got you."
Summary: Prompto gets thrown into a life he never wanted. All he cared about was his best friend, but as their roadtrip became something entirely different, things began to change. 
A/N: Hello! I am participating in this year's Flufftober challenge. It was definitely a challenge for me, as I normally don't stick to just fluff. I hope you'll enjoy as I update this story over the course of the month.
Prompto was not having fun. At all. 
Not that he thought the other guys were having their own fun, as he knew they were all in the same boat. It was kind of weird, if you thought about it. Here he was, someone that happened to become best friends with the Prince of Lucis, and because of that was suddenly thrust into his inner circle. Becoming a Crownsguard member was never something that had ever crossed Prompto’s mind when he befriended the Prince at the beginning of high school. No, he thought that Noctis was really nice and kind of cool, and wanted to hang out with him. That was it. 
Cut to four years later, and now here he was, standing off to the side as he watched his best friend, and two guys who had somehow become sort of friends to him, fight off a pack of animals that he couldn’t seem to get a beat on. The animals were snarling, baring their fangs at all of them. Prompto held up his gun and took aim, hoping to the Six that he wasn’t about to shoot one of his friends accidentally. Ignis had told him over and over because they were in the protection of the Prince, that friendly fire wouldn’t really hurt them that much. Ignis Scientia - who was the Prince’s right hand, who would know anything and everything there was to know about what could, and could not, affect the group.
“Prompto! What the hell are you doing?!” Gladio Amicitia, the manliest man that Prompto had ever known, yelled at him from twenty feet away. He was also the Prince’s technical Shield, whose job was to protect the Prince at all costs. “Can’t you aim better?!” 
“I’m trying!” He tried not to sound as panicked as he felt, but it was difficult. He could see Ignis and Noctis doing their thing that made him wish he could be close to one of them like that. To see Ignis and Noctis move through battle together was a thing of beauty - they were so in sync with each other it was a bit off putting. “Can’t you back away for a little bit so I can get some shots into them?” 
“No!” Gladio yelled back at him, as he went attacking with his very large shield, pushing one of the beasts away. “Noctis!” 
The Prince used his warp strike ability, Prompto staring at the blue image of him as it disappeared, using his powers to get into the thick of battle. He fired off another shot, and managed to kill one of the animals. He let out a little whoop, pleased that he was able to contribute to this battle. He knew he was the weakest one when it came to these fights, and tried his best to hold his own, but sometimes it was difficult. 
A gloved hand touched his shoulder, drawing his attention to his left. “Don’t worry, Prompto. You’re getting better. I know it’s challenging.” Ignis had sweat dripping from both of his brows, but he could see that the hunt had invigorated something inside of him, as he had a smile on his face that Prompto wished desperately was for him. “You are doing the best that you can.” 
“It’s not good enough.” Gladio and Noctis came over to where they were standing, Gladio clearly upset by the accidental misfire. “You grazed my arm, you ass.” 
“I didn’t mean to.” Prompto wasn’t going to get upset. Gladio had the tendency of being a bully at times, but only because he was the oldest of them all. He had more experience than any of them when it came to the scenarios they were now being thrown into on the regular. “It was an accident.” 
“He’s fine.” Noctis tossed Gladio an elixir that he caught with expertise and broke it over his head. “You did good, Prompto. Better.” Noctis grinned, and patted his shoulder in the same way that Ignis had just done. But Ignis’ touch had felt a little different from Noctis’ - not that Prompto was putting any stock into that, as he knew that it was always going to be a no go for that one. “Come on - how about we go and celebrate at Takka’s before going out on another hunt?” 
His stomach rumbled. “I could go for something dead.” He grinned, and threw his arm over Noctis’ shoulder, the two of them laughing together like they used to in school. “Are you treating, Prince?” 
“Nah. But Ignis is.” 
“Very funny, Your Highness.” Ignis’ voice drifted behind them. Prompto began to laugh with Noctis, as they began to make their way back towards Hammerhead, as it had been a long day. Finishing that hunt felt good, but now he wanted to relax for the rest of the night. 
They had been out on the road for four weeks now. Insomnia had fallen, the King had been killed, and now they were technically dead according to the news reports. No one knew where they were, or where they were to be found, which was fine. Ignis said that it would work to their advantage, allowing them to stay off the radar from Niflheim. Of course, Prompto knew that that wouldn’t work forever, but hadn’t said anything as he knew it wouldn’t be appropriate. No, they all knew what their course of action was to be now - they had to keep Noctis safe, and get him to Altissia somehow. 
It was dark by the time they made it back to Hammerhead. “Hey, can we sleep in the caravan tonight?” Prompto asked, looking at Ignis who had hung back as Noctis and Gladio continued their way into the rest stop. “Or do we not have enough funds for that right now?” 
“We have plenty.” Ignis looked over at the Prince. “Is that what His Highness is requesting?” 
Prompto shrugged. “I dunno. I know I’d like it. Hey, Noct!” He called out to the Prince, who turned around to look at him. “Caravan tonight??” He pointed to the caravan behind where he and Ignis were standing. Noctis gave him a thumb’s up, then went into the restaurant with Gladio. “Guess that’s a yes, Iggy.” 
“I suppose it would be.” 
He’d noticed that Ignis still had a look on his face that he wasn’t used to seeing. But, figuring it had something to do with how they’d fought today rather than anything else, he gave a quick nod of his head, and then followed Noctis and Gladio into the restaurant to take in his fill of some good food. 
The caravan was cramped, but it didn’t bother Prompto. He was glad to be sleeping on a mattress. He didn’t mind camping, in fact - it had been one of the things he’d been looking forward to the most for this trip, but he did miss the comforts of home. 
He had no home now. 
No, no. Don’t think about that. He shook his head, and exhaled a deep sigh. He tried not to think about what had happened to Insomnia, as it would really do no good. He had to keep going, otherwise he would completely break down, and no one in this caravan needed that. 
“Are you all right, Prompto?” 
Turning his head, he saw that Ignis was looking at him from across the way. “I’m fine, Iggy. Did I wake you up?” 
“No, I was awake. Can’t quite get to sleep.” Ignis yawned, then turned his head to look up at the ceiling of the caravan. “I heard you sigh. Are you sure you’re alright?” 
Prompto winced. “Yeah, Iggy. I’m okay. It’s just…” He closed his eyes, and exhaled another sigh. “It’s really tough. I don’t know how you’re handling all of this, but I’m struggling. A lot.” 
“Appearances can be deceiving, Prompto.” He saw a small smirk on Ignis’ lips. “I’m doing my best to fulfill my duty to the Prince, as well as make sure things are running smoothly.” 
“I’m holding everyone back, aren���t I?” 
Ignis sat up, Prompto following suit as they looked across at one another. “Never think that, Prompto. You are doing the best that you can. Do you think I have experience in what we’ve been thrown into? Because I can assure you, I do not.” 
“You make it look like you do.” Prompto could see Ignis was looking over at the door where Gladio and Noctis were sleeping. The caravan was split into two sections - the back had a much larger bed that could be occupied by two people, while the front had a cot and a couch that two people could sleep on. They had stayed here a couple of times, but most times they would sleep at a haven. “I’m trying my best, Ignis.” 
“I know you are. That is why I do not wish for you to have those thoughts, but I know that that is easier said than done.” 
Prompto returned to laying down, tucking his arms behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. “I’m afraid I’m going to make a mistake, and it’s going to be a bad one.” 
“If you make a mistake, we will be there to help.” He could hear Ignis moving back down into a lying position as well. “This is a lot. We all know that. But how we proceed will help us survive.” 
“Okay, Iggy.” Prompto sighed softly. “Sorry to keep you awake. I’m going to try and sleep now. Don’t want to be tired tomorrow when I know we’ve got some more hunts to go on.” 
“Good night, Prompto. Sweet dreams.” 
He closed his eyes, but sleep didn’t come for another two hours. He listened to Ignis’ even breaths, and wondered how he could be more like Ignis. Ignis Scientia, the Prince’s Adviser and Strategist. Of course Ignis knew what to do out here as he’d been training for it his entire life. But him? He got a crash course in combat when they graduated high school, and it had been all he’d known since then. Now he was putting his own training to use, however badly he was doing. 
In the morning, he woke up and saw that he was alone. Gladio and Noctis were still asleep, and so he went outside and saw that Ignis had a cup of coffee and was sitting towards the east, watching the sun rise. 
“The sky is so different out here.” Prompto remarked, as he took a seat near Ignis. “The colors are so vivid compared to back home.” 
“That would be because of the barrier.” Ignis brought his cup of coffee up to his lips and took a deep sip. “Nature is truly remarkable, don’t you think, Prompto?” 
“I do.” The sky was now turning a pale orange, and slowly transitioning to the blue that would become their enemy later in the day. That was one of things he missed most about Insomnia - the barrier kept it at a reasonable temperature all the time, and now without it, he was suffering through the elements like everyone else in the Lucian kingdom. 
They said nothing else, both respecting the quiet. Noctis came out and sat down next to Ignis, who immediately got up to go and grab some coffee for the Prince. Gladio stumbled out a few minutes later, scratching the back of his neck as a loud yawn left his mouth. “What are we doing today?” Gladio asked. 
“There’s a hunt in the mines nearby.” Noctis yawned, then tipped his chair back to sit on the two back legs. “Supposed to pay good money.” 
“The mines it is, then.” 
Prompto felt his stomach clench. The last time they’d gone to those mines, it hadn’t turned out so great for him. But it was a new day, and that meant that anything could happen. It didn’t necessarily mean that something bad was going to happen again to him. No, he knew that this wasn’t going to be like the last time. 
They had breakfast, and then headed out before the sun rose too high into the sky. Prompto hummed to himself as they made their way across the desert, and headed towards the mine only a little ways away from Hammerhead. As they made their way into the cave, their flashlights turned on on their chests. Not that it did much good - the light only went out a few feet in front of you, and even that wasn’t enough in Prompto’s opinion. 
The sound of feet shuffling on the ground had Prompto turning around fast. “Behind us!” He shouted, as he saw a group of Bombs coming right towards them. The light that shone off of them made them look more menacing than they were, and it only intensified that awful feeling that had yet to leave Prompto’s gut. 
“Come on!” Noctis shouted, as he charged towards the group, ready to spring into action as if it was the most natural thing to do. 
Prompto fired off a few shots, feeling somewhat helpless, but after he was able to stop two on his own, he gained his confidence back. He saw Ignis sprint towards danger, his daggers out and ready to be used. It was still so strange to see both Ignis and Gladio fight, as he never really had seen it before coming on this trip. Cor had always told him that they were a sight to behold, as they’d been training to protect the Prince since high school. Prompto was a little jealous, as he wished he’d had the same training, but really - he was the Prince’s best friend. That was it. He had no stake in this game. Not like Ignis and Gladio did. 
They concluded the hunt, finishing off the last varmint with a flourish from the Prince. “Let’s head back.” Noctis groaned. “I’m starving.” 
“You’re always hungry, Your Highness!” Prompto teased his best friend, who shoved him away with a playful shove. But, it was enough of a shove that Prompto began to lose his footing, and that wasn’t good as they were in a mine that had a bunch of different drops to who knew where. “W-Whoa!” He tried to grasp at the air, as if it would solidify for him, and turn into something he could hold onto before falling to his impending doom. 
Just as he began to go over, a strong hand slammed down on his forearm, and yanked him back upwards. “I’ve got you.” Ignis’ breath touched his cheek, as his hand stayed tight around Prompto’s forearm, their chests coming into contact at the close proximity that had naturally occurred by moving so fast to save him. And he believed him. He knew that he was in no danger of falling backwards, not when Ignis was holding onto him for dear life. 
“What’s taking so long?” Noctis’ voice drifted from the front of the mine. “Hurry up - I’m really hungry.” 
Prompto stared into Ignis’ eyes, the two of them still standing so close to each other. Prompto wanted to say something. Anything. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that. You saved me. I think you’re beautiful. You look nice without glasses. Your grip is so firm. All of these things were racing through his mind as he couldn’t look away from Ignis, who was staring directly into his soul. 
It lasted for a total of maybe five seconds, but it felt like an eternity to Prompto. Ignis slowly relaxed his grip on Prompto’s arm, and then took a step back. “Coming, Your Highness.” Ignis said the words while still looking at Prompto. But soon, he turned his head and began to walk out towards the entrance to the mine. Prompto’s shoulders dropped as he exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
What the hell was that??
He took off and joined the group outside, trying to shake off this strange feeling. Being in such close proximity to Ignis had been jolting - and not in a bad way. He reached for his forearm where Ignis had grabbed onto him, and tried to take away the touch that was still there with his own hand. But it did no good. Ignis’ grip had been branded onto him, and after that intense staredown with him, Prompto knew that he was in trouble. 
Big trouble. 
Cross-posted on AO3
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glaivenoct · 2 years
12,13,14.&19, if you could please?
Thank yoouuu again for indulging me friend!! ;u; <3 (Behind The Scenes Fic Questions)
12.) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
I don't know what this really qualifies under as a Trope per se, but I've always wanted to try writing a whumpy fic where Noct gets taken captive and experimented on. Experimented in the sense of trying to suppress his magic or tap into the power of the crystal or whathaveyou through Noctis. Something along those lines as long as it has to do with messing with Noct's magic/magic responses, forcing him into a constant stasis and then pushing him to the limits so to speak.
Listen. All I really want is an excuse for Noct to be strapped in a chair, barely coherent because everything is taking a toll on him. And I just want him to fucking snap because whatever test or method they try next is not only painful - but he's just so overwhelmed that it sets off some wild, magical self preservation instinct in Noctis.
He can't control it. He screams while his eyes ignite that violet color like when he summons one of the six. The lights above him and windows around him fucking shatter and short circuit. He busts out of his restraints like it's nothing. Anyone or anything in the near vicinity is absolutely fucked and terrified.
Basically, give me Noctis feral with power and the bros/Nyx/Cor having to talk him down and snap him out of it.
*coughs* So, um. Yeah what trope is that? ...is this a trope? What's a trope again, I need a dictionary lmao
13.) Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Hmm.. probably unrequited love because... I mean that's just no fun to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
14.) If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
I accepted my fate and dug my grave with Nyx and Noct years ago. There's no turning back now.
Lmao that surprises no one, SO ASIDE FROM THE OBVIOUS, IF I HAD TO CHOOSE ANYONE ELSE. Hmm.. I think I'd choose Merlin from bbc Merlin because I at least have someone fun and magical (and wouldn't that be handy on a deserted island) to pass time with! Aaaand.. Agent Twilight aka Loid Forger from Spy x Family. Not only am I simping HARD for the man lately, but between him and Merlin, I'd be safe as fuck. He's fucking smart and would probably have some spy connection that ends up getting us off the island anyway. And while he wait - he can make me and Merlin foooood. He'll find a way, he always does that smooth culinary fucker. I'd trust Twilight and Merlin with my goddamn life, fuck!
15.) Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
See... given that I kinda stay in my little NyxNoct corner and don't venture much into writing outside of them - I guess it's easy to say that both of them are the easiest for me to write? At the same time it's still hard because... well, I don't know if I even write them well? Don't get me wrong, I personally enjoy the way I write them, but at the same time I sometimes wonder if, despite that, I write them in a way others would consider "in character". Sometimes I think I do, but sometimes I doubt myself too. It can be a back and forth thing at times, but at the end of the day I still manage to write things I'm proud of.
Again, OUTSIDE of those two. The hardest character for me to write is without a doubt Ignis. Why? I have no clue. Whenever I look at the bros and think about writing them it just goes like this:
Noct: Yeah cool I got this Gladio: Mmm yeah I can pull this off probably Prompto: Erm, winging it but I think it'll be okay Ignis: ????
Not to talk about Cagefighter AU again but. Listen. The aside is a Monster for many reasons. I am nervous about the aside for Many Reasons. One of those many reasons for both of these circumstances is "I hope to fucking god I can write a convincing and in-character Ignis because he's a big part of the whole damn thing. Everyone start your prayer circles for me n o w."
I think for the most part I've been able to do him justice, and in turn it's starting to help build my confidence a little with writing him. But to say it hasn't been challenging would be a lie.
As always, I am doing my best ;u;
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insomniasix · 5 years
Not you again/Leave me alone | FFXV - Six Ulric
Prompt: "Not you again." , "Leave me alone." 
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"What's it gonna take for you guys to leave me alone?"
The first three years of darkness were the hardest.
"Gotta stay on my feet. Gotta reach Cor and the others."
Daemons were everywhere.
It didn't matter what time of the day -or night, it was anymore.
Humans couldn't tell it apart; neither did monsters, prowling every corner of Eos.
It was hard enough to move around in a vehicle, but Six? Six had put herself in serious trouble.
She was on a rescue mission. A couple of her glaives had gone missing some hours ago and she'd taken it upon herself to find them.
Not taking into account the time; or place they'd gone missing.
Galdin was one of the first places to turn into daemon strongholds after Noctis' decent into the Crystal. The sea providing more and more of them almost every day; making it seem they spawned from Angelgard itself.
Six, having given her truck to a couple of fishermen out to try and bring supplies to Hammerhead, was now stranded; surrounded by multiple enemies of various shapes and sizes. Wounded. Looking for a way this could turn to her advantage; or at least a way to survive it long enough to see her daughter again.
"Damn it!" She swore under her breath, clutching the wound on her side as blood run between her fingers, staining her sword.
"In need of assistance, dear sister?"
The voice made her swear again, this time out loud, "Fuck, not you again."
"Why, it is a pleasure, seeing you like this!" Ardyn smiled sarcastically, walking calmly between his minions, "Trust me, I would love to let my toys destroy you, right here and now..." the Accursed followed the bloody trail up to her side with his golden eyes, smile growing ever bigger as she winced in pain, "but I have my very own plans for your personal destruction."
"Brother..." she begun, wanting to explain.
"I'm ecstatic the rumors are true, dear sister... or should I say... Somnus... my long lost brother whom I so despise!"
"Go. Be with your friends and companions, sister." Ardyn snapped his fingers and the daemon horde opened in half, creating a path for her to walk through them untouched, "The time for my revenge is soon to come. I would be devastated if you missed but a second of it."
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mzargentum · 7 years
“Just don’t buy a goat. I don’t care what you do, just no goats.” or “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” With Evie and anyone of your choice? ;)
I FINALLY got my shit straight so I could get back to my writing and this fic for my dear, @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit, will be the highlight of my return. ^^ I hope you like it.
You’re Golden (SFW)
Warnings: None | Word Count: 1,071 | OC’s: Evita Hemlock, Six Ulric, Muerlinian Zephyr & Sibyl Ramses
It didn’t seem possible.
Life in general had put her through so much.
Pain. Rage. Sadness.
But never once had Evita Hemlock experienced true fear like she was this day.
Her golden eyes locked onto her reflection. Paralyzed by the view.
What was this?
Who was the girl in front of her?
Where was the daemon that haunted her for all these years?
Storming through Eos leaving constant destruction in its wake.
Who’s face was this?
Shimmering in the sunrise like a seashells washed over by the ocean waves.
Who’s perfect doll-like fingers were these inching toward the reflection of this goddess in red?
“Still getting used to it, huh?”
Six Ulric, interrupted the confused woman’s trance. Leaned against the doorway with a smile.
“To what?” the assassin replied with a chuckle as she returned her gaze to the mirror before her. “Being normal?”
“Being happy”. Six smirked as she approached her friend, taking in the view.
“Not really to be honest…”.
Six wasn’t surprised. She knew the turmoil her dear friend had faced in the past.
Years of torture. Never feeling as if she belonged. Never having a true home.
There were times Six wondered if she would ever be happy.
That is…until he came along.
“Yeah”, the glaive continued to gaze at her friend’s beauty while adjusting the roses in her hair. “Neither am I, but y’know what?”
“We wouldn’t have it any other way”. Six sweetly grinned receiving a light eye roll from her friend.
“Oh, barf”, Evita scoffed, her cheeks slightly flushed much to the glaive’s amusement.
Their banter interrupted by a sudden gasp behind them.
They both turned to view a flailing Muerlin, whose cheeks were puffed as she tried to muffle her excitement.
“OhmyGods”, she choked out as she shuffled toward her best friends.
“Oh, hell”, the assassin groaned as the glaive giggled.
“You look like a princess!”, the silver haired vixen squeaked, biting her lip in a failed attempt to contain her excitement.
“Say that again and you’re pulp”, Evita lightly glared at the young queen from the mirror.
“Oh, come on Ev”, Six chuckled. “It’s not like she’s wrong. You do look beautiful”.
“Exactly”, Muerlin continued. “Even better than beautiful. You make Shiva look homely”.
The young assassin giggled at her friend’s compliment. “I don’t know about that”.
“Au contraire, I know someone who’d agree”, the silver haired girl grinned at her blushing friend’s reflection.
“Mhm. I bet he’s eager to get a nice piece of you tonight too”. Six fueling the heat rising in Evita’s cheeks.
“Better believe it”, the young queen continued. “He’ll get a taste of that booty like ‘I’ve come up with a new recipehhhhhh’”, Muerlin joked imitating Ignis forcing a snort from Six as she just about died laughing.
“You two are the worst”, the assassin joined in the giggles.
“And that’s what makes up awesome”, the young queen replied with a wink.
After a brief moment, Six noticed her friend’s golden gaze lock on her reflection.
“I never thought this would be my life…”, the fearful assassin began. “I….I was always taught to never count on anyone…for anything…and…now…”.
“Now, you can finally be free of all that”. Her golden gaze shifted to the glaive on her left, gracing her with a light smile.
“But…I feel like I don’t really deserve it…”.
“Bollocks”. Her gaze shifting to the spunky queen to her right, a confident grin stretched across her face.
“You really think you don’t deserve to be just as happy as the rest of us? If not more?”
“What makes me so special?”, the woman softly asked.
“For starters…look at you”, Muerlin replied.
“Glowing like a solar fire”, Six chimed in.
And she was glowing. As radiant as the fire in her heart.
“You absolutely are something special, Vee”. The cheery wizard added. “You’re rattling the stars”, the glaive finished.
At that moment, Evita’s reflection became clear. She was beautiful. She did deserve to be happy. The Gods had graced her with this day for a reason and she was going to make the absolute most of it.
“There you are!”, a lightly panting Sibyl exclaimed as she entered the room. “Been looking for you all forever. You’re on in 5. Evie, we need you in position”.
A low groan escaped the fearful assassin’s throat as she rose from her seat. “Guess this is it…”.
“You got this, love”, Six shouted in encouragement.
“Don’t die!!”, Muerlin joked.
“If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass”, the blushing beauty smirked at her young wizard friend.
“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t”, Muerlin replied with a chuckle as she watched her friend exit the room.
As the sun peaked over the oceans of Altissia, all was silent, but the pounding of Evita’s heart.
It felt as if you could hear it for miles, despite the fact no one else did.
She felt warm and like she was drenched in sweat, yet frozen in terror every step she took toward the edge.
Mere seconds felt like an eternity.
A single step felt like a voyage.
Her mind traveling warp speed.
What am I doing here? How did this even happen?
Behind the haze, she could clearly make out Prompto’s chocobo hair as well as Muerlin’s silver locks on the opposite side of him.
She internally chuckled at the clear height difference between Muerlin and Six, whom was standing beside her.
As well as Prompto aside Gladio.
For some reason, Noct’s clear baby face amused her despite the fact that, given the circumstance, it was warranted for him to be shaven clean.
Still the juxtaposition between the scruffy Lucian King and the ever so graceful Lunafreya was enough to bring a smile to her face even if it was out of potential laughter.
All this was through her periphery though for her eyes were fixated on one soul in particular standing in the center.
He could definitely hear her heartbeat. That smile made it apparent.
His emerald gaze both soothing her and driving her to internal hysteria as she awaited him to remove the haze, revealing her face.
To ask her if she trusts him to forever hold her in her darkest hours.
To cherish the fire burning deep in her core and to never let it extinguish.
To brand a smile on her face like no other ever would.
To grant her the happiness she so rightfully deserves.
“…I do”.
Tagging: @digitalkanvas @insomniasix @aquathemermaidstripper @a-new-recipehhh @titty-sprinkles-6969 @prettyprompto
If you would like to be tagged, please let me know. ^^
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triggerdance · 5 years
princecaelum replied to your post: (20/22 threads are not my turn! Whoo! Bless me...
Damm. You’re on a roll cranking out all those replies
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(I try not to get behind. I actually had peace and quiet in the hospital room so I just put on music and uber focused.)
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manias-wordcount · 3 years
Kinktober 2021 M.list
Day One: Blindfolded
The Eternity Game (Yae, Sara, Baal x Reader)
Day Two: Marking
Lips That Bite (Ban x Reader)
Day Three: Breeding 
Make Me, Give Me (Twilight Princess! Link x Reader)
Day Four: Cockwarming
Best Seat in the House (Laurent x Reader)
Day Five: Body Worship
Tainted Perfection (Overhaul x Reader)
Day Six: Threesome
Pass the Baton (Akechi x Reader x Akira)
Day Seven:  Exhibitism/Voyuerism
Invitation (Ningguang x Reader x Beidou)
Day Eight: Orgasm Delay/Denial
Spoiled Mess (Claude Faustus x Reader)
Day Nine: Clothed
(Un)dressed (Jumin Han x Reader)
Day Ten: The Morning After
Peace (Thoma x Reader)
Day Eleven: Choking
Angel’s Neck (Dabi x Reader)
Day Twelve: Mommy
Mommy (Pakunoda x Reader)
Day Thirteen: Size
Big and Bad (Itto Arataki)
Day Fourteen: Roleplay
Bad (Daichi Sawamura)
Day Fifteen: Face Fucking
Secret (Dazai Osamu)
Day Sixteen: Knifeplay
Angel’s Knife (Himiko Toga)
Day Seventeen: Sextoys
Just Business (Yusuke Kitagawa)
Day Eighteen: Free Use
Full Stop! (Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Gladio)
Day Nineteen: Brat Taming
Cat and Mouse (Childe)
Day Twenty: Sleepy
Care (Sebastian Michaelis)
Day Twenty One: Gunplay
Gunfight (Sniper Mask)
Day Twenty Two: Overstimulation
Favorite (Makoto Edamura)
Day Twenty Three: Predator/Prey
Nothing Left (Dark Link)
Day Twenty Four: Sensation Play
The Lightest Touch (Howl Jenkins Pendragon)
Day Twenty Five: Phone Sex
Call Me (Chrollo Lucifer)
Day Twenty Six: Bondage
Needy, Greedy (Lisa)
Day Twenty Seven: Face-sitting
Behind Closed Doors (Tooru Oikawa)
Day Twenty Eight: Voice
Talker (Spike Spiegel)
Day Twenty Nine: Shower
Wet (Kiryu Kazuma)
Day Thirty: Cuckholding
Sharing (Kaeya, Diluc)
Day Thirty One: Service
Work (BNHA Heroes)
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scientiastudy · 3 years
Pleeease can we get a fic of Ignis taking care of reader after they're injured doing something dangerous and he's quietly very mad but needs to make sure they're ok
Pairing: Ignis Scientia x Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Rating: G
Content: Hurt/Comfort (literally), mutual pining, protective Ignis, fluff, one-shot
Author's note: Once again this got out of control because my mind is all Ignis 25/8. I love this trope so much and I love Ignis so it was a double whammy. Enjoy!
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Ignis huffs as he dabs your wounds with disinfectant, drawing a hiss of pain from you at the sting. You’d been a victim of a coeurl hunt gone south. One of their electrifying whiskers had gotten you right in the chest, rendering you useless for about half of the fight. You’d been infinitely thankful when Prompto had come to your aid with a potion and a cheeky smile, but now you wish he’d left you there to rot.
Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but the silent treatment Ignis was giving you was enough for you to prefer the company of the coeurls.
Ignis had been opposed to the hunt from the start. Not only did he think it was beneath a king to run around doing jobs for mercenaries, but he had been hesitant about your targets as well. He’d taken the entire drive to lecture your party on the instant-death attacks coeurls could dole out, as well as all their electric abilities and tendencies to maul hunters. That had been enough to get Prompto on his side, but not the rest.
Gladio had no such reservations about your quarry. He thought it was good combat training for Noct, and nobody was ever going to see Gladiolus Amicitia back down from a challenge. He’d dismissed Ignis’s concerns with a cocky grin, and you were 90% sure he’d tuned out his lecture from the way he’d been quietly snoring in the back of the Regalia.
You and Noct shared neither of the two’s opinions. Noct saw it as just another job, and you saw it as a chance for a new adventure. That wasn’t to say you were particularly excited about fighting murderous electric cats, but being outside of Insomnia and seeing the beasts you’d only heard about in stories was intoxicating.
When it had finally gotten down to the nitty-gritty, your excitement had been cut short by a coeurl whisker to the chest. ‘Great,’ you thought, ‘Just what Specs warned me about.’
Now, as you sit on the cold counter of your hotel bathroom, you wish you’d taken his words to heart.
When the five of you had arrived to your room, Ignis had immediately directed you to the bathroom with a shake of his head and a sigh. He hadn’t said a word since the two of you had entered the small room, and the silence was killing you.
Under any other circumstance, you’d be mortified you were shirtless in front of Ignis Scientia, but now it makes you want to get swallowed up by the floor and die.
Okay, again, a little dramatic, but having the man you’ve had a crush on for Six knows how long see your chest molted black and blue with electricity was not how you’d wanted this to go.
Of course, Ignis is nothing if not professional. You’re seated on the edge of the counter facing him, your legs separated to accommodate the older man as he works. His fingers are clinical and precise as they apply ointment over the affected areas, soothing the dry and burnt skin that the curatives had failed to heal. It isn’t so much his gaze that’s killing you, but the silence.
A talking Ignis you can work with, a lecturing one even more so. But silence? Oh you know you’ve screwed up this time.
The silence persists as Ignis unwraps a roll of bandages, the crackling of the unrolling filling the bathroom as Ignis begins to wrap the fabric around your chest. You’ve been patched up enough by him to know that this is signaling the end of the ritual, and you couldn’t be more glad.
He taps you on your shoulder, your cue to hop off the counter and turn around so he can seal the bandage on your back. You do as instructed, secretly savoring the gentle but firm touch of his fingers now that he isn’t looking.
You feel him rip the edge of the bandage and press it down, but oddly his hand doesn’t move after the bandage has been sealed. You both stand there for a moment, your heart hammering in your chest.
“I do wish you wouldn’t be so reckless,” Ignis’s voice is so sudden against the silence that you almost jump at the noise.
“I- uh-” You fumble for words as your traitorous brain fails you. “I’m sorry,” You say, your voice quiet and meek. “I’ve just been so excited since we left Insomnia, y’know? I’ve never had a chance to see any of these things in person before. It gets the better of me sometimes, I’m sorry,” You inwardly cringe. Despite your low tone, your words feel too clumsy and unwieldy in the air between the two of you.
Ignis still hasn’t moved his hand. The touch of his fingers between your shoulder blades feels more electric than any coeurl whisker could ever be, and you resist the urge to shiver under them.
“I know,” He replies, his voice low.”But please remember that while Noct is my formal charge, it does me no pleasure to see you in these situations.”
You’re suddenly infinitely grateful that you aren’t facing Ignis. You can’t see yourself, but you’re certain your face is redder than a tomato at the moment. Your heart hammers in your chest and your blood roars in your ears at his words. You fight to remind your rational brain that he means this as a friend, that he’d say the same thing to Prompto or Gladio in a heartbeat. But with his hand on your back and his voice rumbling behind you, all rational thought is out the window.
You nod, not entirely trusting your voice to not betray the utter panic happening in your head and heart.
You momentarily panic even more, your mind completely scrambling as his fingers begin gently trailing down your spine, leaving little sparks in their wake. Oh Astrals, you’re going to tell Prompto just to leave you to die next time.
But just as quickly as they appeared, his fingers leave your back as you feel him step back from behind you. You stay stock still where you stand, afraid to even breathe and ruin whatever moment is happening between the two of you. You hear him sigh again and walk towards to door, and before you know what you’re doing, your arm shoots out to gently grab him by the sleeve. Oh dear Astrals what am I doing-
When you meet his gaze, you see a flicker of surprise and confusion from behind his glasses. You’re certain you’re redder than the paint in Cindy’s garage as you flick your eyes down to where you have his sleeve caught between your fingers.
“Thank you,” You mutter, in what you hope is your most sincere voice.
Ignis doesn’t reply at first, you can feel his familiar calculating gaze rolling over you as you once again wish to disappear into thin air. Gnawing anxiety fills your chest, and you begin to worry that you’ve ruined whatever is happening here, that you’ve totally misread the situation and Ignis is going to think you’re more eccentric than the chancellor himself.
It only intensifies when Ignis turns towards you again, fully facing you as your mind races.
Unexpectedly, he steps towards you again, the familiar scent of laundry detergent and a mix of spices you can’t quite name filling your nose. You both preen and panic when he places a hand on the back of your head, your heart beating out of your chest as he gently places a kiss into your hair.
You freeze again, briefly wondering if maybe you’d died when that coeurl had hit you. That had to be it, the shock had stopped your heart and now you were in the afterlife living out some sort of self-imposed illusion.
Unfortunately, the warmth from his lips radiating through your hair, the hand on the crown of your head, and the heat from his chest confirmed that this is, in fact, reality.
But as quickly as the moment comes, it’s gone. Ignis slowly pulls away, and you resist the urge to chase his warmth. He makes his way to the door again, and you swear you see the slightest hint of pink dusting his cheeks.
Maybe you'll let Prompto revive you next time after all.
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mandakatt · 2 years
Kitty Cursed - Part 6 Cat-harsis - Cor Leonis
A/N: Another one of those things that took me forever to get done, and yet, surprisingly was easy for me to finish once I got started. XD
Also, I had someone mention to me that sometimes pet names can make them uncomfortable when they read reader insert fics, it was mentioned that sometimes the gender specific nicknames (Princess as an example) can be kinda triggering, or pull you out of the story when they're labeled as Gender Neutral - so from now on I will put a mention of the pet name used under warnings. =3 Again, each of the boys from FFXV will have their own part. I'll put the link to the others below.
Characters: Cor Leonis x Reader [Gender Neutral] Warnings: Pet name used: Sweetheart Word Count: 1046 Summary: You’ve been inflicted with a strange status ailment that has turned you into a cat. Immediately you seek out your soulmate to help you out with your little predicament, but you forgot one, small....TINY little detail. He’s allergic to cats!
[ Dino | Prompto | Gladio | Ignis | Noctis ]
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“...you alright?” 
Hearing Cor groan softly said volumes about what the two of you had just gone through. 
Then again, he could be making such a noise because of the way you tackled him when a daemon appeared out of nowhere from behind you both. It was foolish to put yourself in harm's way for the Marshal, you knew that, but you were positive in the back of your mind that it was going to be worth the scolding later.
However, you hadn’t expected that attack to cause this sort of a situation.
“Hey,” Cor called again, a slight urgency in his voice. “Answer me?”
Well, you honestly wanted to, but you knew that it was best that you didn’t.
Not right now anyway. 
At least, not with the status effect you were suffering from. 
“Sweetheart? Where are you?!”
Lowering your head you sighed deeply through your nose, tail flicking gently behind you. It caused an odd twist in your gut to hear his voice crack like that. It wasn’t often that he showed emotion, but to hear him call for you like that…
You mewled softly to him in return, and slowly padded around the rock you’d been hiding behind. 
To say that you were amused by the confused expression on his face was an understatement as you sat down on your rump and gently wrapped your tail about your paws as you huffed softly up at him. 
He watched you with wide eyes for a moment before he took just a half step back from you, and that got your ears to perk forward in surprise. 
“Hmn, I’ve never seen this as a status ailment before.”
Honestly, neither had you in all the times you’d gone off hunting daemons. 
But you supposed there was a first time for—
Cor’s head snapped to the side as he brought his hand up to gently place it over his mouth and nose, then groaned as he tried to stifle a sniffle. 
Oh six! I forgot!
With a loud mrrp like noise you scrambled to your feet, your tail held high for a moment before you found the direction of the wind and literally; and probably comically, skittered down wind. You huffed at yourself for forgetting something so important. 
He was allergic to cats!
“What are you— sniffle —oh. Hm, it’s too late for that Sweetheart. Th-thaan—hm,” Cor then sniffled again, and sort of wiggled his nose as he brought his hand down from his face. “Now I think you understand whyyy—HEEECKSHEW! Ugh—why I said we couldn’t adopt the cat you found in Lestallum.” 
Huffing at yourself again you lowered your head, feeling guilty.
“You didn’t know I suffered thi-thiiiiis— sniffle— this badly. It’s not your faauu…” he paused, his eyes slowly closing halfway before he turned his head to sneeze loudly again. “Guh, your fault.” 
This was something you should have remembered. Some partner you were. 
How could you forget something so important?!
Your head snapped up when you realized how close he was, and you mewled loudly in surprise, then in complaint when he picked you up. 
What are you doing?! You’ll make it worse!
“Easy…” he practically purred to you as you squirmed in his arms, not realizing that you’d accidentally scratched his hands in your flailing to get away, and they were now covered in large, pink welts. You mewled in complaint again as he gently petted you and held you gently against his chest. “I’ve got you.” 
Got me?! You foolish man put me down!
Cor chuckled at you, sniffled then moved to pick your clothing and weapons up off the ground. “Don’t worry. It’s not so terrible that I can’t carry you ba-baaack to— sniffle, snort— ugh, back to the haven. I’ve got allergy—” 
It was the pause that made you look up at him, and you burbled softly in concern at the very odd look on his face.
“Hm…” he then moved you enough so that he could tuck you into his coat, buttoning it up to keep you safe against his chest as he gently placed an arm under you to support you. 
And yet…he didn’t move…
It was as if he was frozen in place, waiting for something to happen.
You mewled up at him, turning to look only to go wide eyed as his eyes were watering and slightly swollen shut. 
“Don’t…don’t— sniffle— move…” 
That slightly growled warning got you to freeze in place.
What was wrong? Did the daemon that had ambushed you both come back? If so, how was he going to fight the damned thing with you held against his chest?!
He’d wrapped both arms around you then as his entire form almost bent in half with his sneeze, and you couldn't help but mew softly in surprise. 
“...right, let's get back to the ha-haven. That way I can take those allergy pills I have t-tuu-tucked into my first aid k-iiiii—HEEECKSHEW—ugh. First aid kit.” and he simply turned in the direction of the haven to do just that.
You growled up at him, then huffed when he still had you tucked into his coat. 
“It’s fine,” he rumbled softly as he glanced down at you for a moment, then sniffled again. “Just…I thought the worst for a m-mmm—” he turned his head to sneeze yet again, then growled a little. “—I thought the worst for a moment. I was afraid that you’d been seriously hurt. I just..” When his words trailed off you realized that you were purring, probably because his fingers were gently petting you through his coat, but you hoped that sound might comfort him a little. 
“...you know that no matter what, I’m here for you, right?”
Yes. I know. 
You purred louder up at him, your eyes closing just a little as you nuzzled your head lightly against his chest.
“Good,” Cor sniffled again with a huff, then wiped his nose with his sleeve. “Now then, let’s get—HECKSHEW! HEEECKSHEW! HEEEEEEECKSHEW!” he stumbled a little, sniffled then growled again. 
If you could have laughed a little at the annoyed expression on his face, you would have. 
“Right. Haven. Allergy pills. Then I’ll call Ignis…and see if he’s— sniffle— run into this status ailment with the others.”
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ticklish-v-93 · 3 years
A Recipe for Punishment (sfw)
Hello hello! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays @tickleraptorss​ I’m your squealing santa and hope you enjoy the fic I made for you with our favorite chocoboys! Its funny I love the game and reading the content for these guys but this would be my first time actually writing for them! So I hope you enjoy and are pleased. I’m just gonna ignore the ending in FF15, and ignore there is a war and that they are in peaceful times as wonderful boyfriends! So very happy I got to participate in this years squealing Santa! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and cheering on that we all have a wonderful new year! And thank you again @ticklygiggles​ for being fantastic as always and hosting this fun event! Summary: Ignis is preparing some new recipe samples, and everything would be perfect if it weren’t for his lovers sneaking in and eating them! Having had enough he decides to teach them a lesson one by one. Pairing: Gladio x Ignis x Noctis x Prompto Words:4069
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The weather outside was cold, windy, and full of snow, as a light snowstorm was beginning to descend on the city of Insomnia. This of course was a welcomed gift, as this meant meetings that were to be held in the citadel were cancelled. Which allowed a certain advisor to indulge in his hobby and spend the day with his lovers. Ignis was happy to have this day off as it was a holiday, and he was more than satisfied that he didn’t need to work. So here he was de-stressing by trying a few new recipes. The ones he completed on the other counter. Scribbling things down in his notepad, unknown to him a certain trio was coming into the kitchen taking samples. Ignis didn’t know at first until he caught Gladio and chased him from the kitchen believing his food would be safe. So far everything was at peace, or it was until he caught Noctis and Prompto red handed but bolting from the kitchen as soon as they made eye contact.
“If one more of you enters my kitchen again the Six will not be able to spare you from my wrath.” He called after them. “We love you Iggy!” was the response filled with laughter. Ignis didn’t dare go after them lest he leave the food unprotected, instead he gave a suspicious glare at the entryway and then went back to cooking. He had an ear out for sneaking steps and when he heard none he went back to cooking in peace once again. He kept chancing glances and saw the amount of food was still the same, taking that as a good sign to continue.
Or would have if it weren’t for the strong arms wrapping around him. “Gladiolus…” he stopped what he was doing turning in his arms, to receive a kiss to his forehead. “Is there something you need?” he raised a brow. “Or up to tricks,” he moved looking around his shoulder at the partners in crime. “With your accomplices scurrying about.”
“Ahh Iggy don’t be mad at us…how can we resist when everything smells so good.” He squeezed him, grinning as Ignis gasped hands shooting to push at him.
“G-Gluttons the lot of you.” He huffed with a roll of his eyes. “And- Noct and Prompto!” He called to them in warning. “You all will spoil your dinneERR! AH G-GLADIOLUS!” he blushed as he was lifted and sat on the counter top. “This doesn’t get you off the hook.” He glared down at him unyielding. “The same goes for you two as well.” The two paused in scarfing down food and approached the trapped cook both taking his hand and placing sweet kisses to his hand and wrist smiling sweetly at him.
“Plan B Gladio,” Prompto said poking the advisor in the side. “Since we’re in trouble anyway.” Noctis nodded smile turning mischievous as he gave a quick pinch to the advisor’s hip.
“HA!” Ignis covered his mouth flinching as he tried to save face by stopping chuckles that wanted to escape. “Mfmfmf…Y-You pft!” He jerked in the brunette’s hold when his sides were squeezed. “You-You ahaha-all are skating ohohohon thin ice!” he gritted out only to bark out soft laughter as the hands on him got more active. “Stahahahap!” he pushed and wiggled trying to escape, a lost cause. “Y-You’ll HAhahahahaha pahahahahay when Ihehehehe gehehet my hands on you!” he threatened as he was lost in laughter.
“Of course you will.” Gladio mocked leaning in giving nibbling kisses to Ignis neck. “Just let us enjoy the main course here.”
Ignis laughter changed to snickers as his neck was the worst spot for him. It didn’t help that those pokes and pinches were being delivered to his side and hip. The torture continued until he was left disheveled and breathless. Noctis and Prompto kissed his cheeks running out cackling while Gladio stayed behind fixing his clothes and claiming those lips and strutting out in victory snatching another sample.
Panting, that was the last straw, if they wanted to play dirty, he would do the same! To step things up, he moved the samples he prepared next to him and prepared a quicky batch that he spliced. He’d teach his lovers a lesson his own way after they disturbed his peace.
As predicted, not even after the batch was out the oven they waltz back in munching on the spliced samples before running out. Smirking in victory the first step was done. The little spice he added would simply knock them out and that would give him more than enough time to prep for his revenge.
Ignis put away his samples that he kept safe and cleaned up. It was quiet which meant it was safe to begin. Leaving the kitchen, he went to the living room to find the three men passed out. Chuckling, he grabbed up their phones shutting them off, and placing the items away. Then went to the closet grabbing the spare flashlight that was half dead and set it on the table. Next, he got a pen and paper and elegantly scribbled a note for his loves to find. For the final touch, he went to the fuse box shutting off the power and taking the key and locking the box pocketing the key. He then found a spot to watch the show and wait to strike taking out his phone as the weather outside grew worse.
When night came the three men began stirring, Ignis who was on his phone shut it off and sat in the corner quietly.
“Ughnn…” Gladio groaned sitting up, Prompto sliding off of him onto Noctis. “Whe-haaaa!” he let out a loud yawn. “When did we fall asleep?” he knew they couldn’t be that tired.
“Dunno…” Noct grumbled rubbing at his eyes. “What time is it?” He blinked sleepily as he rested his head on the arm of the couch. Prompto snuggled into the raven. “Iggy what time is it?” He asked only to receive silence as an answer. “Iggy?”
“Maybe he’s in the other room.” The raven said, though his internal clock wasn’t great he felt this was too early for ignis to call it a night. And he had this weird feeling of foreboding. He heard the wind howling outside and the storm in full swing. “Maybe the power went out because of the storm?” Ignis sat in place in amusement, he wanted to pick them off one by one but who would be the unlucky one. He perked up as Gladio said he’d check the fuse box, about to follow he stopped as he saw the silhouettes of Noctis and Prompto follow. ‘Hmm that is a problem…’ he thought then as they went down the hall he moved to the flash light turning it on and moving to a dark corner. ‘It wont last that long anyway..’ He thought as he watched the flashlight fizzle in and out. Now he played the waiting game.
Gladiolus took the lead maneuvering in the dark while Noctis and Prompto followed close. When they went to the fuse box first thing Gladio did was trying to open it but realized it was locked and the key was missing. “What?....” “What’s wrong?” Prompto asked clinging to Noctis.
“The fuse box is locked.” Gladio answered.
“What do you mean locked? Stop messing around and turn it on already.” Noctis said with some impatience.
“Check for yourself then princess.” He moved to the side and heard the grumbling prince move to his place. When he heard Noct release a sound of disbelief he scoffed crossing his arms. “Told ya.” He moved in front of the trio going back to the living room only to blink as there was a dimly lit flashlight that sat on the table with a note.
Thinking the advisor stepped out he ran over picking up the note. “Oh maybe its from Iggy!” Prompto said in giddness shining the light on the note reading it until his face paled. “Oh shit…”
“What’s it say Prompto?” the bigger of the three asked.
“He warned us…” he said.
“About what?”
“No guys… that is what the note says: I warned you.” And as those words finally set in the flashlight flickered briefly before it went out with a soft click.
“Damn…we are screwed.” Noctis sat down on the couch. “Would if we just wait it out and beg or something.” Even he knew his advisor was vicious and he always kept his word for everything.
“Pft..this is ridiculous! Iggy come out!” Gladio went to the hallway, and Prompto gaped as he patted for Noctis until he found him.
“Dude what are you doing?! You don’t leave the group, safety in numbers!” he told the shield.
Gladio rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Oh please, this is Iggy we’re talking about, what can he do?” He turned. “You guys are more than welcome to sit here and do whatever…Iggy!” he called going down the hall, leaving a nervous blond and raven.
“It was nice knowing you Gladio!” Noctis called after him and turned to Prompto.  ”Wanna hide in the bedroom or wait here for our deaths?” he asked letting the blond snuggle up next to him.
“Wouldn’t that make things worse?” the blond added. “Let’s think of an apology!”
Ignis was in the room and heard everything that was spoken. Deciding to target their biggest lover as he followed behind silently as he listened to the brunette’s taunts and grumbles as he bumped into things. Ignis thought about targeting Noctis and Prompto first yet decided to save them for last. As he followed the big lummox to one of the spare rooms entering and closing the door silently locking it.
“Iggy come on! You still aren’t upset about earlier, right?” He moved around patting the bed, growling as he found this situation to be ridiculous, only Ignis could take things to a whole new level when crossed. “This is silly Iggy!” he could tough this out and wait until morning then he’d look for the advisor properly. “Fine, I’ll see ya in the morning!” He called sitting on the side of the bed then flopped on oh his back.
And it was time to make his move, approaching the other side of the bed without so much of word or rustling of the sheets. Leaning over him with a smirk as he brought his hands up to cup his face, withholding a chuckle as the brunette jumped with gasp. “How about seeing me now love?” He said so smoothly as his fingers rubbed his cheeks. “I’m curious though?” He began letting his fingers lightly trace patterns from his cheeks to under his chin making the shield squirm slightly and clear his throat a few times. “Whahaha-ahem w-what?” he asked eyes closed as he tried to keep his composure as his lips twitched.
Pausing his fingers, he hummed tilting his head as he moved closer. “What exactly did you find to be silly?”
Gladio gulped as that tone meant business and that he was still in trouble. “N-Now Iggy-gehehe!” His shoulders scrunched up as his fingers moved slowly in a circle under his chin inching to his neck. “Iggy hehehe c-come on! I-I can’t answer with you doing thahahat!” he chuckled out, even a snort escaped.
“Ohh you can’t…” He said as if concerned. “If I recall... You were boasting quite loudly when you and your greedy abettors decided to be thieves in my kitchen.” He glided his fingers back and forth. “So go ahead and answer my question Gladiolus… It should be easy for you.” And then he went for his ears making the man laugh out loud and move to intercept his hands.
Which is exactly what Ignis wanted and Gladio realizing his mistake too late.
Ignis being quick went for the pits, another one of Gladio’s weak spots as his fingers scribbled and dug in the deep groves. “I’m still waiting for an answer Gladiolus…” he said avoiding the other’s hands. If there was one thing he loved in over powering his behemoth of a lover was using his own tactics against him. Gladio could be quite the tickle monster, catching himself and the others off guard, or when he was bored and wanting to be mischievous. Ignis was happy to know he wasn’t invincible to tickling, knowing the best spots to make the shield crack and weak. “GYAHAHAHAHAHAHA I-IGGYHEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHOHOHO!” Gladio chortled out his laughter booming as he struggled to wiggle away from the other while keeping his arms down which only made things worse as he trapped the advisor’s hands there. “I-HAHAHAHAHA-I’M SORREHEHEHEHEHE!” “I doubt that claim very much.” Oh Ignis wasn’t that kind, he heard many such admissions from him and the man never learned his lesson. Heck, he knew even after today he’d still do it again. “In this moment I’m sure you are.” He reached around with his left hand tickling his back on the shoulder blade, an odd spot but effective. “Don’t worry you won’t be the only one receiving punishment. I still have our little darlings to chat with.” He whispered into his ear blowing on it, chuckling as Gladio snorted again. “Now please accept the consequences for your actions.”
The other could do nothing but roar in laughter as Ignis took his time in wrecking him and taunting him so politely all the while. A feat only the advisor could pull off so well while going for another death spot, his hip making him yelp and try to curl up. “ME-MEHEHEHEHERCY!” He pleaded over and over only to receive some elegant remark from his spectral eyed lover.
“There I think that’s enough… I still have two other’s I need to get to.” He leaned down kissing panting lips with a soft laugh. “Let this be a lesson for you darling.” He pinched at his hip and the man groaning with laughter as he laid there recovering.
“Ohoho oh man, y-yehehes dear.” Gladio responded with a tired wave of his hand.
Ignis then made his way back to the living room, he wouldn’t be surprised if Noctis and Prompto were in the same place. Yet, if they heard what was going on, most likely they changed locations.
“Did you find the phones?”
‘Or not.’ He thought with a small chuckle shaking his head, of course getting their phones back to see would be top priority. He heard them rummaging in the kitchen and gave them points for thinking he’d place them there. Yet, he simply put them in the ottoman in the living room, the most obvious place he knew they wouldn’t check.
“I checked in the pots and pans and found zip! What about you Noct?”
“Nothing in the cabinets either, next time we bring an extra flashlight and spare phone to call ours.” He said Prompto agreeing.
‘Ah, a grand idea though useless if the phones are off.’ He made a mental note, to check Noct’s bag and be sure to take his extra flashlight or at least the battery when they have another getaway. Smiling he simply leaned against the doorway while they searched.
“Gyah! We’ll never find them at this rate- wait… listen… I don’t hear Gladio anymore…” was the unnerving statement that came from the prince. If the lights were on Ignis was sure their counterpart’s expression was morphed into adorable mortification on that freckled face.
“Dude we need to hide! Or-Or-Or really be pathetic and beg for forgiveness!”
“I don’t think begging is going to work… so hide?”
“Hide!” The photographer agreed, out of the four of them he and Noctis were the most ticklish, not that he mind but he knew in this state ignis was unforgiving. “Hold my hand!” who knew when Ignis would pop up and get them. The feeling was nerve wracking and fun in its own way.
Ignis moved silently able to make out their silhouettes in the darkness, and smoothly he took the photographer’s hand and prince’s, standing between them and they didn’t even know it. He was happy it was pitch black and he could rely on his senses to navigate as they moved out the kitchen.
“We should hide in the closet in the bedroom or under the bed.” Whispered a worried blonde. “If he finds us we need to be ready for him.” He squeezed the prince’s hand, Ignis squeezing back.
It was so hard to keep his laughter in check, it may be a bit mean on his part. Still, he’d be sure to drill the lesson into these guys one way or another. This way they know not to trespass in his kitchen again. As they maneuvered in the dark to their shared bedroom, Ignis listened silently as they rambled on quietly. They entered the room Noctis closing the door locking it before flopping on the bed. The brunette and blond joining him, ignis in the middle. “Don’t think we need to worry about Ignis anytime soon.” Noctis said.
Prompto sighed in relief. “Maybe he’ll just torture Gladio for the rest of the night.” “Mhmm, once he realizes he can’t get in. Hope Gladio is up for round two because we got the best spot. Safe and sound.” He said in content closing his eyes.
“Oh yes quite the perfect place to hide away.” Was the response, the blond and raven ceasing all conversation as they tensed up. Laughing softly, though to others it sounded sinister. Ignis gave a squeeze to their hands before letting go. “Thank you for bringing me along gentlemen.”
Both realized with dread what they’ve done.  “You both seemed more remorseful than Gladio, so I’ll allow you the opportunity to plead your case.” He added. “Or one of you can volunteer.”
“It was Gladio’s idea!” they both cried out moving away from the advisor scurrying to opposite ends of the room.
“Ah yes, he was the ringleader… nonetheless you both decided to follow along.” He pointed out moving silently to block the door. “Anything you would like to add?”
“W-We…um we’re really sorry.” Prompto squeaked out feeling along the wall until he was huddled in the corner. Noctis shimmed his way unknowingly toward ignis trying to make an escape.
“Hmm Gladio said the same thing… and I’m sure this won’t be the last offense.” He felt Noctis bump into him and he smirked. “Thanks for volunteering to go first your highness.”
“N-No W-ait Wait Ignihihihihis!”
Ignis went went right for the gold, attacking the prince’s sides, receiving those pitchy little giggles. “Why should I wait my little prince?” He used a nickname that made the raven more sensitive and to drive him mad. He held Noctis in place as he slowly maneuvered the laughing prince to the floor. “Ohh trying to get away love, I don’t think so,” then he clawed his way to his ribs, adding more pressure as he vibrated his fingers. “Isn’t this what you did to me in the kitchen?”
“Ahahaha Nohohoho! H-HEHEHEHHEHELP! Prohohohohompto!” he shrieked out only to fall into a laughing fit once more gripping weakly at Ignis’s hands. Noctis wasn’t much when fighting back, especially when being caught off guard.
“Why should Prompto help you? When you were going to leave him to suffer my wrath.” He stated over his loud laughter switching between scribbling and digging tickles. “Besides, I was rudely gained up on, to which you all can properly receive this gift.”
“Nahahahahaha!” Noctis shook his head back and forth as he felt his hands move past his hips to squeeze at his thighs making him jump and flop around. “NAahahahaha therhehehehehehe I-Igghehehehhehey!” He chortled weakly kicking his legs.
“I’ve yet to receive an apology from you my bratty prince.” He told him as his fingers spider danced to his back right at the middle feeling his spine. “You knew the consequences…” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone. “So please accept your due punishment.”
Noctis could barely form a sentence and all he could do was laugh and shriek. The advisor got most of his spots all the while speaking so politely with the elegance that was Ignis. The eloquent taunts and nicknames making blush and feel even more silly.  “M-Mahahaha-ercy! I-I apolhohohogizehehe!” before he was laying there in a giggling heap. Receive a kiss to his lips and brow as he gave another weak apology.
“And there stood one…” Standing and clapping his hands together Ignis looked in the blond’s direction. “Promptooo~” he sang walking toward him.
“I-Ignis p-please can I g-gehehet a pass?” He asked already giggling, and he wasn’t even near him yet.
Chuckling he shook his head. “Oh no precious,” he said smoothly trapping him between himself and the wall. “Everyone gets a turn…Though I’ll be nice, since you seem to be the most remorseful.” He whispered in his ear purposely making the photographer giggle. Pressing closer he used one hand to softly tickle his stomach then slipping under his shirt, teasing his navel by swirling his fingers around the area. “Prompto I’m barely touching you.” The best way he learned to drive the blonde crazy, were the soft and slow tickles. “Mnn…” he started giving butterfly kisses to his faces and moving to his neck, the action making the other hiccup with laughter.
“Pfthehehehe!” was his answer. “I-Ignis d-d-dohohohon’t do thahahaHAt!” He tried to hide his face by pressing into ignis chest as he shook.
Ignis could appreciate that Prompto wasn’t much of a fighter when it came to these types of situations. “If I recall sweet Prompto…you like when I do this.” He announced inserting his finger into his navel and vibrating it.
He groaned as he snickered as his heated ears were teased. “Pftnonohoho don’t say that out lohohohhohud!” Yet he was unprepared for the new assault. “NAAHAAHAHA!” He shrieked jumping and pushing at the man to escape. “HAHAHAHAHAHA P-PLEHAHAHAHAHa!” he cackled babbling noncoherent apologizes and pleas.
“Come now, I have to be a little callous, or else Gladio and Noct will feel I showed favoritism.” He purred into his ear kissing his neck.
If the photographer could describe the feeling of bursting from these affections it was lost, he knew he was redder than a tomato, heart pounding as he was practically melting from the attention. He didn’t dislike the tickling, enjoying the physical attentiveness he received, not only from the advisor but from his two other lovers as well.
“PFFT HAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHA N0NOHOHOHO BIHIHIHIHITING!” He chortled out, his laughter switching from bubbly to squeaking shimming from left to right only to jump into his arms as he squeezed his butt. “EYEHEHEHEHEK!” Another spot that he tried to keep covered, hence the reason he pressed himself against the wall.
Smirking he focused on pinching his small baby fat while his other hand adding more tickling squeezes to his rear end.
The advisor continued to extract his revenge until he was satisfied with a red faced and panting Prompto. He picked him up moving him to the bed and nuzzling his face getting a tired giggle. Nodding he sat on the bed. “I hope you all learned a valuable lesson from this.” He stated and the lights turned back on with a soft flicker. “Seems Gladio found the spare keys.” Now able to see his work properly of wrecking the two. “Now then I’ll prepare a nice dinner for us then we can sit by the fire.” He stood walking over Noct opening the door to a disheveled shield. “You’re just in time, I was ready to get dinner ready.”
“Lets wait a bit for dinner…” Gladio blocked his way looking at the other two. “What do you guys think about that?” Prompto and Noctis eyes lit up at those words. Energy back as if they weren’t just wrecked.
“Lets just skip dinner and get right to dessert.” Noctis said moving to hug Ignis from behind.
“Yep, iggy always did make the best main course!” Prompto chimed.
Ignis looked back and forth between them all and could only chuckle. “Oh my dear hearts, it seems none of you learned your lesson.” He told them receiving beaming grins in response.
The wintry night was filled with laughter as the group had their fun and free for all. The night ending with being wrapped up in each other’s warm embrace as the howling storm outside made them feel ever warmer.
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Big Hands: Gladiolus Amicitia x Plus-Sized!Reader (Semi-NSFW)
Contains: Implied sex at the end, self-deprecating thoughts, body image
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Despite his promises, his gentle crooning and warm embraces as well as the countless times he had you wrapped around his finger, you still couldn’t get over the looks people were giving you as well as the words muttered under their breath. It was everywhere, people were everywhere, judging you, weighing you as inferior compared to the god-like being standing next to you, holding your hand firmly. You felt like crawling back under the covers of your comfy bed, to disappear from the world.
It was all the same insults and comments, over and over again. The words looming over you like you were in some stupid horror movie. It didn’t shock you all that much about how frail your confidence was.
Shattered like a broken mirror with the brick being just a jumble of words.
He would often fight back, spitting harsh threats at the people that treated you worse than hunters treated their targets. He hated how quick people would turn on others. It was revolting, that humans can be so cruel to one another without even caring.
He was always so quick to escort you away, to care for you, to fix that fragile mirror even if it meant he would cut his fingertips.
But he adored you.
Where he was hard and ridged, you were soft and delicate. He loved feeling your curves, he loved holding something that wasn’t a heavy broadsword or shield that rubbed his scratched up palms raw. He loved holding your hands and absent-mindedly playing with your chubby fingers.
It was all the better as he would always hold you tightly, stopping you from squirming.
“I’ve got big hands for a reason,” he would always grumble into your ear before pinching at the plush curve of your ass.
And he was no different tonight. He had found you sitting on the bed, back facing him. He knew what had happened, heard from Ignis that a few citizens were snickering under their breath as you were helping Ignis and Prompto with a few things. Even worse, he had seen the scale on the bathroom floor, barely sticking out from the cabinet next to the sink. He barely saw it himself, but seeing the contraption only fueled his anger.
“(Y/n)?” he murmured, pushing the bedroom door open a little more.
You didn’t answer. You sat there, still, head down and looking at the floorboards. You could feel your face heating up in embarrassment.
You were only soiling his royal name the more you stayed with him.
The door opened fully, the light of the hallway filled the dark bedroom.
Gladio sighed and slowly stepped towards you. Instead of rounding the corners of the massive bed, he instead climbed up onto the mattress from behind and kneeled behind you. You flinched when his large hands came into contact with your shoulders.
You always loved how his rough hands felt against your soft skin.
His fingertips curled, allowing him to push himself forward until his chiseled chest and abdomen was pressed right up against your back. He hummed softly, slowly moving his hands down the length of your arms until the joined together right on top of your belly.
You bit your lip, feeling suddenly nauseous at how disgusting you looked right now. Oh Six, why did you have to be this disgusting? Why did this being chiseled by the Six themselves fall for you? Oh Six, why does you belly look like that when you sit down? And why are your legs so big and awkward?
Your throat tensed and tightened. You felt like you were going to vomit.
You nearly heaved when he placed his lips on your shoulder, feeling the scratch of his facial hair brush against your skin. He hummed softly and pressed another kiss closer to your neck.
“I love you,” he murmured.
It always fascinated you on how soft Gladiolus could be. He was the King’s shield. He was meant to be a force of nature. He was a behemoth in human skin with how powerful he was and how dangerous he could be. And yet, he’s being so gentle to you.
“Gladio,” you whimpered.
He shushed you, tightening his grip around you and resting his head on the crook of your shoulder. He pressed a kiss to your neck.
“I love you so much,” he cooed. “I love you so much, it’s crazy.” Another kiss had you suddenly tearing up, a sob pushing past your sealed lips. “I ever tell you how much I fucking love you?” he hummed in your ear. “I love you so fucking much (Y/n).”
“Gladio,” you whimpered.
He was so warm against your back. It felt nice.
“I love that you’re so soft. I love your cute fingers and how you always blush when I hold your hand.” He tightened his hold around you. “I love how you always sleep on top of me, a perfect way for me to grab at that fine ass of yours.” You couldn’t help yourself but to laugh. A few tears rolled down your full cheeks which Gladio quickly wiped away. “I love you so much, I’m so fucking lucky I met you when I did. And I’m so lucky the Astrals above blessed me with these big hands so I can show you how much I love you whenever I want.”
And just as he said that, his hands flew from your waist to slide under your ass. he hiked you up in the air, suddenly standing on the floor. Carrying you bridal style, he grinned down at your blushing face. His eyes were a fiery blaze, suddenly filling with lust.
He set you down on the bed, kicking the bedroom door closed with his heel.
“I love you so fucking much, it’s not even funny,” he grumbled.
“You know Iris is home,” you found yourself laughing.
“She has friends she can go hang out with.”
And just like that, his belt was loosened and his pants fell to the floor.
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heartlessfujoshi · 2 years
inseperable - a promnis one shot
Title: Inseperable Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Ignis Scientia x Prompto Argentum) Rating: Teen (Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault - Angst and Feels - Angst and Hurt/Comfort - Angst with a happy ending) Word Count: ~2,425 Summary: Ignis receives a phone call from Prompto, who has been hurt.
A/N: I decided to write some stuff I generally steer away from. I promise it has a happy ending, because I needed it to have one lol. Please heed the warnings - if this isn’t something for you, thanks for stopping by. :) 
Special shoutout to my dear friend @lavendartwine, who I know loves the angsty stuff. :)
Holding his phone up to his ear, Ignis sets his feet on the ground, going on high alert as he can hear that something is very wrong. “Prompto?” He replies, not used to hearing from the Prince’s best friend like this. He’d given him his phone number when he and Noctis began to hang out more, figuring that if something should happen, at least Prompto would have a way to get a hold of him. “Prompto - what’s wrong?” He tries to ignore the panic that begins to flare up inside of his chest, his hand gripping onto the phone with a little bit more strength than probably necessary.
“I’m really sorry to call you, but I don’t know what to do.” Prompto cries softly, Ignis standing up from his couch as he goes over to his door and begins to put on his shoes. “I need help.”
He takes a few deep breaths while Prompto is speaking, getting his shoes on properly. “Tell me where you are. I’m coming to get you.”
“I’m…I don’t know where I am, Iggy. It’s dark. I’m in a park? I think? I don’t know.”
Ignis is somewhat thankful to be in the position he’s in, as he has access to certain things that most normal civilians would not. “It’s all right, Prompto. I’ll find you, okay? Do you need medical help?”
He bites his lip as he grabs his jacket, then picks up his keys and heads down to where his car is parked underneath his apartment building. “Do you need it right at this moment, or can you hang on until I get there?” Thankful that he keeps a bag of curatives in his trunk, he puts his phone down and allows his speakers to take over, allowing him to drive with his hands. “Prompto - are you still there?”
“I’m here.” Ignis doesn’t like the way that Prompto sounds. “Please, hurry. I’m trying to stay awake, but it’s hard. I just want to sleep. I want this pain to end.”
“It’s okay, Prompto. Stay with me. Tell me about your day.” He turns on the location for where Prompto’s phone is - he has a locator for the Prince, Prompto and Gladio for these specific reasons. If anything were to ever happen to any of them, he’s made it much easier to track them. “Did you have a good day at school today?”
“Yes, Iggy.” Prompto sighs. “School was fine. After school - not so great.”
He sees the location of where Prompto is, and thanks the Six that it’s not that far from where he is. “Keep talking, darling.” He knows that they’re not very close, but Prompto trusts him enough to contact him in an emergency situation, so he wants to make him feel as much at ease as he can. “I’ll be there soon. Less than five minutes.”
“That’s not so long.” A long sigh comes through his speakers. “I’m sorry for when you see me.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” Ignis tries to keep him talking, wants to make sure that he doesn’t lose connection to him. “I bet you look marvelous.”
A sound comes through his speakers, not quite a laugh and not quite a sob. It’s a combination of both, and it breaks his heart. “Oh, I don’t know about that. But thank you, Iggy. You’re always so kind to me. Why? Why are you always so nice to me?”
“Because the Prince cares about you very much.” He speaks without thinking, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he’s forced to come to a stop, the light turning red. He’s less than a block away from where Prompto should be, and all he wants to do is get there.
“Only because of Noct, huh? That figures.”
He pushes on the gas pedal, the light finally changing to green. “Prompto, you know that isn’t the only case. You are a very nice person, and I know that the Prince is looking forward to when you join his Crownsguard. Which means you and I will be spending a lot more time together.”
“I hope so. I’m really looking forward to joining the Crownsguard. But I’m pretty sure no one is going to care about me. No one ever does.”
Parking in a lot, he sees the park that Prompto is in, and quickly grabs his bag of curatives from the trunk and follows the tracker, putting his phone onto speaker as he looks around for Prompto. “Nonsense. Plenty of people care about you.”
“Iggy!” He hears Prompto’s cry from both the phone, and in the area. He turns round a corner, and sees Prompto is in a grove of trees - hidden from the public’s eye. Ignis comes to a sudden stop as he looks at him, his heart crumbling into pieces at what he finds.
Prompto’s shirt is torn, his pants are ripped. His face is a verifiable mess. There’s blood on his chest and on his neck, there’s dried blood on his face, and what looks to be seminal fluid on his stomach. Ignis rushes forward and drops to the ground. “Hi, darling.” He greets him with a sad smile on his face. “Looks like you’ve had a pretty bad afternoon.”
He listens to Prompto begin to cry, and takes an elixir out of his bag. Holding it above him, he breaks the vial and watches as it begins to cover his body with a green haze. It won’t completely heal him, but it will be enough that any pain he’s currently feeling should abate. “Iggy, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize about.” He grabs his handkerchief from his pocket, and takes care to wipe the seminal fluid off of him, wanting to get rid of that as quickly as possible. “Tell me what happened. Do you know who did this to you?”
Grabbing some antibacterial wipes from his bag, he begins to work on cleaning up Prompto’s face, now cradling him in his lap as he works. He wipes at some of the lacerations on his face, hating that he’s causing Prompto to wince but he needs to make sure the wounds are clean. “No. I was walking home, and then had to go to the bathroom. Next thing I know, I’m being shoved up against the wall, and….and…”
“It’s all right, Prompto.” Prompto begins to cry, unable to get the words out. “Are you in pain down there?” He asks, afraid of hearing the answer that he already knows is coming.
“I hurt everywhere, Iggy.”
“Did they….did they rape you?” He asks, trying to remain calm, as a sick feeling begins to emerge in his stomach. Prompto bursts into a fresh set of tears, telling Ignis that the answer he expected is correct. “Do you think you can stand?”
“I don’t know.”
He gets his bag of curatives situated, puts it over his shoulder, and then leans down and picks up Prompto as gently as he can. It’s not gentle enough, as Prompto whines and moans in pain as he shifts him in his arms. He apologizes over and over, hating that he’s causing Prompto to experience more pain. He carries him to his car, and lays him down gently on the backseat.
“I’m going to make you go to sleep now, Prompto. When you wake up, we’ll be at the hospital.”
“I’m scared, Iggy.” Prompto reaches for his hand, and he freely gives it to him. “Please, don’t make anything bad happen.”
“I won’t, darling.” He gives his hand a squeeze, then grabs a sleeping draught from his bag and holds it up to his lips. “Drink this.” Prompto swallows, and then he watches as the potion has its desired effect - Prompto falls fast asleep.
He puts his bag back into the trunk, then heads to the King’s hospital. It’s the place where all the Glaives go, as well as Gladio, Noctis and himself. It’s where Prompto will get the best care. He carries him into the emergency room, and is helped immediately - the staff know to treat anyone in the Crownsguard without any preamble. He follows behind, having every intention of being there when Prompto wakes up.
Thankfully, Prompto remains unconscious as the doctor and nurses do a thorough examination of his body. Ignis informs them that he’d been raped, and they made sure to treat any trauma on all parts of his body. The doctor pulls him aside after the examination. “We’d like to keep him here overnight.”
“I will stay with him.” Ignis has no intention of leaving him alone. “And, doctor - please keep this confidential.” He has a feeling that Prompto isn’t going to want anyone to know about this.
The doctor nods. “As you wish, Mr. Scientia. And please give the King my regards.” He leaves the room, allowing Ignis to pull the chair that’s over to the side to be next to the bed.
“I-Iggy?” Prompto’s voice rouses him from a light sleep a little later. “W-What’s going on?”
He lifts his head, and reaches for Prompto’s hand. His right hand has an IV hooked up to it, along with a small bag of pain medicine. “Hello, darling. You’re in the hospital. I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here tonight, and school will be off the agenda tomorrow.”
“No.” A frown appears on Prompto’s face. “I can’t miss school, Iggy.”
“Prompto, you must allow your body to heal. You’ve been through a very traumatic event.”
He holds onto his hand as Prompto sniffles. “You…You won’t tell Noct, will you?”
“It shall remain our secret.” He lifts Prompto’s hand, and seals the deal with a kiss that he places against the back of his hand.
Prompto closes his eyes, and he can see two tears rolling down his cheeks. “I’m really sorry this happened.”
“Darling, you had nothing to do with this. Some sick fuck decided that you were going to be their target for the day.”
“You swore.” Prompto gasps softly.
A smirk appears on his lips as he lays Prompto’s hand down on the bed, but never lets go. “I do swear on occasion, Prompto.” He teases, happy to see his spirits being elevated somewhat. Turning serious, he looks into his eyes. “Do not think that you’re weak, or anything of the sort. This could have happened to anyone - it could have happened to me.”
“You would have fought back. I didn’t.” Prompto’s lip quivers. “I should have. I’m so stupid.”
He stands up, and carefully puts his arms around his body. “Stop.” He commands him, and hears him sniffle. “You did everything you were supposed to do. It was just an unlucky afternoon.”
“W-What if it happens again?”
“We will train you, and teach you ways on how to defend yourself.”
Prompto’s arm comes up, and returns the hug he’s continuing to give him. “Thank you, Iggy. I really don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I’m very honored that you trust me enough that you thought to call me first.” He pulls away, and sits back down, grabbing onto Prompto’s hand. “I know that must have been difficult for you.”
“You were my first thought.” Prompto leans back on his pillow and sighs. “Thank you for coming to my rescue, Iggy. I don’t deserve your friendship.”
“Yes, you do.” He gives his hand a squeeze. “Go ahead and rest now. And before you ask, I will be spending the night here with you. And your hospital bills will be covered by the Royal family.”
Prompto nods his head, as Ignis sees he’s beginning to cry again. Prompto falls asleep only a few minutes later, his hand going lax against Ignis’ hand.
The next day, Prompto is released with a clean bill of health, as well as a dose of antibiotics to help heal his body faster. Ignis drives him home, helping him to walk up to his front door with his arm around him. He knows the trauma to his backside is going to make sitting a bit painful for a bit, but with the proper care it shouldn’t last too long.
Getting him settled on his couch, Ignis looks at him with a smile on his face. “If you need anything, text me. Call me. I will do my best to reply right away.”
“Thank you, Iggy.” Prompto smiles, then winces as he shifts on the couch. “Man, is it going to hurt like this all the time?”
He smirks, then shakes his head. “Not with the proper care. It isn’t supposed to hurt, Prompto. That’s why what happened to you was sexual assault, not feel good sex.”
“I hope you’re right, Iggy. Because if this is what I have to look forward to, I’m really screwed.”
Ignis laughs, then gives Prompto a quick hug before heading to the front door. “Remember - you can call me anytime, Prompto. And, your secret is safe with me.”
“I know, Iggy. Thank you. Now go - I’m going to watch trash tv until I pass out.” Prompto picks up the remote, and turns on the television.
He smiles, then heads out of his place, knowing that Prompto will be fine.
“Wow.” Prompto flops down onto his chest, panting hard as they’d both made love for the very first time. “That was amazing, Iggy.”
He reaches down, and gently pulls Prompto up towards him, kissing him softly on the lips. “This is how it’s always meant to be, Prompto.”
It had been two years since that eventful afternoon had happened, and the two of them had remained very close following the events. And as one seems to do, Ignis found himself falling in love with Prompto, as he spent more and more time with him. Then, they decided to see how things would be if they changed their friendship to be one that’s more of a relationship, as they both felt a strong bond with one another. And now, here they are, basking in the glow of their first time making love together.
“I think I’d like to do that again.” Prompto kisses him again on the lips, then lays his head back down on his chest. “After a nap.”
Ignis chuckles softly, cradling the back of Prompto’s head with his hand. “Anything you want, darling. I’m happy to make you happy.”
“You make me very happy, Iggy. Do I make you happy?”
“You do, indeed.” He smiles.
Trauma may have brought the two of them together, but true love has kept them inseparable.
Cross-posted to AO3
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter VIII
Prompto placed one of his hands on the back of her neck, holding her in place as he basked in the softness of her lips. When she didn't push him away, he deepened the kiss. However, he snapped out of his blissful revere a few seconds later and immediately pulled away. He stumbled backwards, realizing he'd push himself on to her. "I-I-I..." Prompto tripped over his own feet and landed on his butt. He sat up, running his hands frantically through his blonde locks. "Six, why did I do that?! I-I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!"
The girl stood up and approached him. She squatted down in front of him, smiling. "Calm down. There's no need to apologize, Prom." She took his hands out of his hair and held them gently with hers. "I do want to know... What did that kiss mean?"
"W-Well..." Prompto casted his gaze to the ground, unable to look her in the eye. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so he could say those three important words. He grasped her hands, exhaling with a shaky sigh. "For a long time, I've...I've really liked you. More than a friend. You've been there for me through thick and thin. You never gave up on me and you're still by side even now. I mean, I have Noct and the others, but they aren't you. I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with all these years, but I-I'm glad you've decided to stick around. I haven't had the easiest life, but you made every moment worth while. You're irreplaceable to me. I...I love you, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) clung to every word, taking each one to heart. She remembered every memory she's made with Prompto, cherishing them all. She may have been bound to him because of her status as his guardian, but those memories were made because she cares deeply about him and was infatuated with him. Even if she wasn't his guardian, she would still dedicate herself to him because of how much she cares for him. He too was irreplaceable.
The girl smiled warmly at Prompto. "You've made my life worth while, as well. I cherish every second we've been together and wouldn't trade them for the world. For the longest time, I convinced myself that you were a human and someone who deserved better than me. But still, I found myself falling for you as the days passed. I'm so happy you feel the same way. I love you too, Prompto."
Tears of joy sprang from Prompto's eyes. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hands and tugged her towards him. She lost her balance and fell against him just as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He embraced her tightly, burying his face into the crook of her neck and thanking her for loving him over and over again. She placed her hands on his back, trailing her fingers up and down his spine.
(Y/n) pulled away just enough to move her hands from Prompto's back to his cheeks. Sitting on her knees between his legs, she cupped his cheeks in her palms and used her thumbs to wipe away his tears. Smiling, she leans forward and presses her forehead against his. Her golden eyes darted down to his lips for a split second before locking with his cerulean ones. She didn't hesitate to lean in closer and press her lips against his, kissing him sweetly.
It was a brief yet intoxicating kiss. (Y/n) pulled away a few seconds later after noticing the many questionable stares they were receiving from bystanders. She got to her feet, offering to help Prompto off the ground. When he placed his hands in hers, she pulled him to his feet with a smile. "As much as I would love to continue this, we have to meet up with the others. Ready to go?"
Prompto nodded, smiling. "Yeah."
The duo walked down the road a little ways away from the Cauthess Rest Area. (Y/n) transformed and Prompto climbed onto her back. He pulled out his phone and checked Ignis' directions, sharing them with the guardian. Knowing they had just ate, the fox gently trotted in the direction of Aracheole Stronghold. She refused to use the roads in order to prevent another ambush like yesterday. They ran into many packs of voretooths and sabertusks while traveling through nature, but they fled at the sight of the spirit.
Once arriving at Sothmocke Haven, Prompto sighed in relief when seeing the others were safe. He slid off (Y/n)'s back and ran towards his friends. The fox reverted back to her human form, joining the blonde.
"So, what'd we miss?" Prompto asked.
"Besides a talking daemon and other two runestones, nothing much," Noctis shrugged his shoulders. "What about you guys?" He glanced between his best friend and guardian.
"We kicked some imperial ass! Well, only some. There were way too many to handle by ourselves." Prompto slung an arm over the girl's shoulders and pulled her into his side. "(Y/n)'s the reason why we were able to escape without so much as a scratch."
"What took you both so long to get here, then?" Gladio inquired.
"We were hiding from the empire and Prompto's phone was water-logged from the storm," (Y/n) answered. "We didn't see the messages until a couple hours ago."
"We are simply relieved you both are unscathed," Ignis said.
"The same goes for the rest of you. We were worried there for a little bit." The (h/c)-haired girl, once Prompto released her, turned around to face the stronghold. "So, what's the plan?"
"We were just about to discuss such matters."
Noctis, who was sitting in one of the chairs beside Gladio, looks up at his advisor. "So, any bright ideas, Ignis?"
"A dark one, as it were," Ignis stated. "A frontal assault would leave us exposed. But, if we move under cover of night, we might be able to infiltrate the base unnoticed."
"And until then?"
"We learn all we can about the base's design and narrow down the Regalia's location. I'll analyze what intelligence we have available to find us a way in."
Noctis nodded. "Sounds good, Specs."
"All right! We're gonna get our wheels back!" Prompto cheered as he sat down in the chair beside Noctis. "Guess we gotta wait for night fall now." He pulled out his phone and booted up the King's Knight app. While waiting for it to load, his eyes drifted upward. They locked on to (Y/n)'s back and watched her every moment as she offered to help Ignis.
Noctis caught the blonde staring at the girl with a joyous smile etched across his face. "Did...something happen between you two?"
When Prompto realized he was talking to him, he did his best to look everywhere but at (Y/n). "Why would you think that?"
"Besides the fact you're staring at her, no idea."
The sharpshooter lowered his phone, knowing he couldn't hide the truth from his best friend. "I...may have told her how I feel."
Gladio, who'd been eavesdropping, spoke up. "Guessing by the look on your face, it went well."
Prompto sighed dreamily. "It went better than well. It went perfect."
"Who knew you had it in you, string bean."
The younger boy rolled his eyes with a groan at the ridiculous nickname. He looked back down at his phone and saw the game finished loading. He focused his eyes on the screen, but his mind was reminiscing in the kisses he shared with (Y/n) only a couple hours ago. His cheeks were dusted with a light tinge of pink as he played King's Knight until it was time for them to infiltrate the stronghold.
The group left Sothmocke Haven and made their way towards one of cargo entrances located on the side of Aracheole Stronghold. They snuck through rows of storage containers until arriving just outside the cargo entrance. Two soldiers were patrolling the road and inspecting the outgoing cargo. While hiding behind two storage containers, Ignis instructed Noctis when to kill the soldiers. Warp-striking each one, he killed the enemies without alerting the stronghold.
With the way clear, they walk through the cargo entrance. They quickly duck behind stacks of boxes and storage containers when spotting the search lights located on the ramparts. They ducked their heads lower as a MA-X Maniple marched directly towards them with its headlight pointed directly at the cargo they were concealing themselves with. Holding their breaths, they patiently waited for the mech to pass by their hiding spot. It turned to their right, strolling away.
"It's gone," Noctis sighed, relieved it didn't spot them.
"Magitek armor," Ignis whispered.
"Don't wanna mess with one of those," Gladio commented.
"We shouldn't have to if we keep to the shadows." Ignis led the group through the rows of cargo in the direction the mech walked in. Three more soldiers sauntered by, which didn't go unnoticed by the group. Noctis times their movements before warp-striking and killing them one by one.
Now the way was clear. They made their way over to a gate located beside a deactivated MA-X Maniple. Noctis deactivated the barrier keeping them from going any further. While the boys continued forward and ran into another group of soldiers, (Y/n) climbed up a stack of storage containers and stalked the enemies' movements from above. She watched Noctis closely as he managed to take down four of the six soldiers patrolling the area.
The girl snuck across the top of the metal storage containers until she reached the second gate. She glanced over the top and spotted the Regalia not too far away. Her attention was redirected back to the prince when he alerted the last soldier by killing the other one. Before the adversary could raise his gun and shoot Noctis, she manifested a dagger made of pure flames and leapt down on top of the soldier. She jammed the fiery blade into his back, killing him instantly. The dagger vaporized as she stepped away from the soldier's corpse.
Noctis glanced behind him before looking back at her. "Where did you...?"
"Nice save," Gladio complimented, the raven-haired boy's question going unanswered.
"Aw, yeah! That's my girl!" Prompto chanted.
"Well done, (Y/n)," Ignis said.
"The Regalia is just through this gate," she said before turning to the panel and deactivating the translucent barrier. They walk into the next area and immediately spot the car they'd been searching for. However, they were spotted by a MA-X Maniple. As the mech rose to its feet and set its sight on the group, soldiers and magiteks encroached on their position. All the search lights were aimed at them, revealing them in the darkness.
(Y/n) transformed and leapt onto the mech while the boys dealt with the soldiers and MTs. She latched on to one of the missile cannons attached to its shoulders. She growled menacingly as her fangs sunk deeper into the machine's metal exterior. Shaking her head, she managed to tear the missile cannon from the MA-X Maniple and toss it aside. She jumped off its body, using her weight to knock it down to a single knee.
Prompto and Ignis dealt heavy damage to the mech after seeing it had collapsed. Noctis and Gladio kept their attention on the soldiers and MTs trying to surround them. Vaulting a safe distance away from the battle, the fox spirit concentrated her energy into her tails and paws. They ignited with bright flames and she rejoined the fray. She charged through a horde of soldiers and MTs, using her blazing paws and tails to swipe and them left and right.
Noctis saw the others were handling the enemies and decided to take it upon himself to warp up to the watchtower. Using the turret located at the top, he targeted the energy tanks. Explosions shook the ground as the tanks blew up one by one, taking enemies with them. When all the tanks, the MA-X Maniple, soldiers, and magiteks were annihilated, Noctis returned to his friends. Discussing their next target, they headed towards the magitek generator located in the rear of the stronghold.
The sun was beginning to rise. (Y/n), still in her spiritual form, split off from the boys to deal with the overwhelming amount of enemies swarming from all directions. She dealt with them while the others headed straight for the generator. She fought against more soldiers, MTs, and MA Veles-Bises, keeping them at bay for a short time before destroying them. She went to rendezvous with the others when her attention was drawn to the magitek generator. It had been destroyed and weakened the entire garrison.
Running as fast as she could, (Y/n) searched for the boys just as Noctis summoned the mighty Fulgurian, Ramuh. She stopped in her tracks, her slitted eyes traveling up to the sky when seeing the Astral appear. She watched in silence and awe as the god used his power to annihilate the remaining enemies in Aracheole Stronghold. Before Ramuh vanished, she could've sworn he glanced at her.
When the god was gone, (Y/n)'s ears perked up when she sensed a strange presence in the distance. Her golden eyes scanned her surroundings when the presence was slowly moving toward the direction of the Regalia. Instead of pursing the person, she used her connection to the gemstone on Prompto's bracelet to find the boys' current location. What caused her fur to stand on end was both their presence and the stranger's were closing in on each other. She couldn't understand why she could sense the stranger's aura without needing a connection. Pushing the thought aside, she made her way back to the Regalia.
The moment the guardian caught a glimpse of the car in the distance, she saw Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were being approached by a man with a sword drawn she'd never seen before. With her sensitive hearing, she listened in on their conversation while keeping her distance.
"Long has it been, Noctis," Ravus, the man who she detected earlier, hissed.
"Ravus," Noctis growled.
"You receive the Storm's blessing. And yet, you know nothing of the consequences." Ravus raises his sword and points the sharp tip at Noctis's throat.
Gladio was enraged at the sight. "Watch it." He moves to get between them, causing Ravus to reposition the blade with its edge now along Gladio's throat.
Ignis starts to move toward Ravus, but the other man raises his left hand. "Be still. All of you," the man warned.
"Not good..." Prompto muttered.
"Heir to a crown befitting no other. Witness his splendor and glory. All hail the Chosen King."
Noctis, although being threatened by Ravus, stood his ground and snapped back. "Awful high and mighty for an imperial rat, serving the enemy to hunt down Luna!"
Ravus suddenly grabs Noctis' throat with his left hand. "I do not serve. I command!" He shoves the boy backward and Gladio gets between them. The high commander glared at the brute. "The king's sworn shield."
"You better believe it," Gladio snarled.
"A weak shield protects naught." Ravus slowly raises his sword above his head, then brings it down fiercely. Gladio briefly blocks it with his own sword before Ravus parries the weapon away and slams the pommel of his sword into the shield's chest, sending him flying into the side of the Regalia. Prompto runs to check on Gladio while Noctis gets between them and Ravus.
"Wanna go? Let's do it," Noctis remarked in a low, threatening tone. He summons the royal arms and they begin spinning around him.
"Should the Chosen fail, that too is fate." Ravus raises his sword again and went to strike the prince. Before he could bring it down, his blade was deflected by another. He stumbled backwards and casted his glare towards the person who parried his attack, ready to swing his sword a second time.
(Y/n)'s slitted eyes narrowed at Ravus' movements. Raising the cosmic blade gifted to her by Brahma, she ducked under his sword and slammed the pommel into his gut. The high commander collapsed to a single knee. The oxygen was knocked from his lungs and his grip on his sword slipped, resulting in him to drop it. It clattered against the ground. She kicked it out of his reach, pointing the tip of her sword at his throat. She stared down into his heterochromia eyes with a stoic expression. "How does it feel to taste your own medicine?"
Ravus went to snap back, but his eyes fell on the blade she wielded. His eyes narrowed, gritting his teeth. "The Creator's Blade..." He then took note of the gemstone embedded in her upper right arm and her slitted eyes. "You are-!"
"I'd say that's far enough," a voice spoke up. Everyone turned their attention to the owner of the voice and saw Ardyn sauntering towards them. Beside him was Callyx. The auburn-haired man smiled at Noctis. "A hand, Highness?"
"Not from you," Noctis scoffed.
"Oh, but I'm here to help," he innocently replied.
Ignis was suspicious of the chancellor's and Callyx's sudden appearance. "And how is that?"
"By taking the army away."
Gladio glowered at him. "You expect us to believe that?"
"When next we meet, it'll be across the sea. Just so happens we have business of our own with the tutelary deity. Don't we?" Ardyn then took a few steps toward (Y/n), who was still pointing her blade at Ravus' throat. He took off his hat and bowed. "Please do forgive my acquaintance, my dear. He has quite the temper."
The guardian stepped away from Ravus, withdrawing her blade. She noticed Ardyn and Callyx were staring at the cosmic weapon. The chancellor's face remained stoic while the emerald-eyed spirit gaped in shock. He went to step forward, but Ardyn stopped him.
"Ardyn, but she's..." Callyx began.
"We are leaving," the chancellor interrupted the guardian. He then helped Ravus up and said his goodbyes. "Fare thee well, Your Majesty, and safe travels." Ravus, Callyx, and Ardyn walk away.
"You guys know that guy?" Prompto asked.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret, first son of Tenebrae...and elder brother to Lady Lunafreya," Ignis explained.
(Y/n) dispelled the sword with a heavy sigh. "What a weird trio..."
"I'll say," Noctis said.
"They were really into your sword, (Y/n)," Prompto commented. "Where did you get it?"
"That's...a story for another day," she forced a smile.
Gladio rubbed the spot where Ravus hit him with his sword. "I don't care where the damn thing came from. Nice moves back there, by the way."
"Consider it payback for what he did to you and Noctis." She combed a hand through her (h/c) locks. "Now then, let's get out of here."
"Yes, please!" Prompto chanted.
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insomniasix · 7 years
The Glaive’s Diary. May 7.  Part II.
Well, I told you I’d go see your dad. Here’s how it went:
I knocked on the door and a ‘lady’ opened up, no clothes whatsoever underneath the sheet she was covering herself with.
I kindly told her I needed to see Gladio and she acted like a… the b word you’re not allowed to say.
Anyway, I said she had no business knowing our dealings and that I wouldn’t explain myself to a ‘one night only’; which was kinna harsh but if I’m being honest with you, I felt pretty proud of. She screeched a ‘no’ and closed the door right on my face.
I felt blood rising on my face; I mean, how can you let something like that just go?
I huffed a laugh and decided to do my usual trick. I wore the same ring he has on his finger, the rings we got to each other when we were dating, broke the door down and show’s on!
I told her she had to grab her stuff and leave because the guy slept with is actually married and has a son. She burst out of the door crying.
Making her feel bad was probably the best thing I’ve done all day!
After that I moved on to wake your daddy, who apparently was still sleeping or playing dead, letting me do my thing, as always.
“Rise and shine, princess!”
He told me he’d been awake for the past ten minutes, adding I’ve lost my touch. Apparently, I should’ve sent her away five minutes earlier.
I started thinking out loud again. Spreading ‘what if’s here and there. “What if it was your son who was knocking on your door.” Or “What if I was here earlier, seeing stuff I’m not supposed to.”
I kept talking up until he got to my level, staring right into my eyes as he cockily asked “Why are you jealous?”
He was so close I could feel his breath on my nose.
Alright, maybe I was jealous -a little -but I can’t let him know, can I?
I took a step back and gave him Iggy’s dagger.
I never did tell him the guy was a daemon, much less details of his plan.
Not that I don’t trust him. I trust Gladio with my life and I know he will do everything in his power to keep me and you safe but I just… I can’t. Not yet.
We stayed there and talked for a whole longer before I left so he could sleep a bit more.
Today’s all about you though. We’re gonna do whatever you want.
Tagging: @nemo-ne-impune-lacessit @mzargentum @glacian-apocalypse @asonataspassions
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ginny-rose-sixx · 4 years
Time to Go
A Final Fantasy XV story
Prompt: This is for @awildkaitlynhasappeared It is spawned from a convo we were having about FFXV. I hope you enjoy this my dear!
Pairing: Ignis x wife!Reader
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Summary: Ignis is packing and getting ready to escort Prince Noctis to Altissa. As his wife, you are worried about him being so far away. It doesn’t help that you keep having a nagging feeling about the upcoming signing of the peace treaty.
Words: 1820
You watched as Ignis compared his list of necessary supplies to what he already had packed. You have known Ignis for nearly half of your lives. You have been together for the last 2 years and have been married for the last 2 months. He has always been so meticulous about planning and executing almost everything. You smiled warmly as you thought back to when he proposed to you last year.
You were complaining to Gladio that Ignis had seemed distracted as of late. “Gladio I’m getting worried about Ignis,” you said, sighing sadly.
 Gladio furrowed his brow at you. “YN, what on earth could Iggy be doing to have you this worried?”
You frowned and looked down as you said, “This entire last week, he has been distant. He’s been too busy to have an actual conversation with me, let alone go out on a date with me. I’ve barely even gotten any responses to the texts that I’ve sent him.”
 Gladio laughed and was relieved that it wasn’t anything actually bad. He had been helping Ignis with parts of his plans. He had gone with Ignis to pick out the ring. Now Gladio was distracting you while Ignis cooked your favorite meal.
 Gladio’s laughter stung and tears started to well up in your eyes. “Gladio this isn’t funny! I feel like Ignis is about to break up with me, and you just laugh about it? How can you think that this is something to laugh about? I love Ignis so much. I have no idea what I’d do without him.”
 Gladio turned away and cringed, he didn’t want to keep lying to you, “Shit, YN, I didn’t realize you thought THAT. Trust me, Iggy’s crazy about you.”
 You let out a shuddered sigh and asked, “How can you be sure Gladio?”
 Gladio looked back towards you and smiled, he saw Ignis coming towards the two of you. “Seriously, YN, it’ll be fine.”
 Ignis reached you and Gladio just before you could respond to Gladio. He was about to speak but stopped when he saw the tears you were trying to hold back. He gasped and reached out to wipe the tears that had just started to fall from your eyes. He tilted your face up and placed a light kiss on your forehead before speaking, “Darling, what’s the matter? What happened?”
 You tried to look down, but his hands kept your face tilted up towards his. Steeling yourself, you took a shaky breath and asked, “Ignis, are you going to break up with me?”
 His eyes nearly popped out of his head behind his glasses and he nearly yelped, “What?!” He turned his head to glare at Gladio who was trying to sneak off, “Gladiolus Amicitia what on earth did you say to her?!”
 Gladio chuckled and said, “I didn’t say anything to YN about your plans. You’re the one who messed up Iggy.” With that said, Gladio waved and walked away from you and Ignis.
 Ignis looked back into your eyes with a stricken look on his face. Before he could speak you, begged, “Why have you been ignoring me this week Ignis? Di- did I do something to upset you?”
 Ignis stroked your cheekbones soothingly with his thumbs and spoke softly, “Oh darling I am so sorry. I was so caught up in planning today that I forgot to actually engage in social interactions.”
 You were confused, “Planning? Planning what Ignis?”
 Ignis suddenly seemed uncharacteristically nervous, “Um well Gladio actually helped me pick out the ring and he was supposed to keep you busy while I prepared your favorite supper. I just wanted it to be special.”
 Once you realized what he said, you smiled and laughed softly, “Ignis, love, did you just say that he helped you pick out a ring?”
 Ignis dropped his hands from your face and started to wring them together. He blushed as reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small velvet box, and dropped down onto one knee. He took your left hand into his and spoke as he opened the box with one hand, “I was going to wait until after supper, but after what I’ve put you through this week, I don’t want to wait. YN love, I think I first fell in love with you over 10 years ago when you joined the prince’s class in school. You have been a big part of my life ever since then. This last year has been the best year of my life so far. YN YMN YLN, 1 year ago today you said yes to being my girlfriend. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
 Your face started to hurt with the large grin that was plastered across your face. You looked down at the tasteful yet intricate ring, and ten into Ignis’ eyes. You laughed at how nervous he seemed, as if you would say anything but yes. You decided to tease the poor man, “Ignis Scientia, you absolute imbecile!”
 A shocked, hurt look flashed across his face. You continued before he could speak, “If you do not get that ring on my finger this instant, I will break up with you!!”
 Ignis’ face scrunched in confusion, “Darling, was that a-“
 You laughed and tackled him to the ground, peppering his face in kisses repeating the word yes over and over again between each kiss.
 ***End Flashback***
�� You were broken out of your reverie by Ignis asking you, “Darling, have you seen my new cookbook, you know, the rustic one? I just want to be prepared for if we have to stop and camp along the way to Galdin Quay.”
 You rolled your eyes affectionately and said, “For the 5th time love, it is with your other cookbooks. And before you ask, the cookbooks were packed with the camping cookware. Don’t worry, Gladio already put all of the camping supplies in the trunk of the Regalia.”
 Ignis’ eyes lit up and he laughed as he walked towards you from where his bags were. When he reached you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned down to rest his forehead on yours. “My darling YN, what on earth will I do without you by my side for the next 2 weeks?”
 You gave him a small, sad smile and whispered, “You will be driven insane by those 3 goofballs,” The you spoke a bit louder, “And me, I will be eaten away by worry.”
 Ignis nuzzled his nose against yours and placed a light kiss on your lips. “Love, there is nothing to worry about. As soon as Prince Noctis and Lady Lunafreya are wed, we will begin our journey back.”
 You hummed thoughtfully before saying what was on your mind, “You know that I’ve had a bad feeling about this since we received our most recent Crownsguard orders. Do you recall the last time we had separate orders?”
 He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips before responding, “Of course I do, it was just before we had started dating. You were sent out with a hunting party to track down a pair of behemoths. You were gone for nearly 7 weeks.”
 You took a deep breath and picked up the story from where he left off, “And when I returned, I had to be carried into the castle on a stretcher. I had nearly died and I was in a coma for nine days. Thank The Six that the Oracle was already coming to visit and was able to heal me.”
 Ignis closed his eyes for a moment before looking back into yours, “Gods, it truly was a miracle that Lady Lunafreya was already on her way. I was a wreck for those nine days. While you had been gone, I had realized that the love I had for you was not that of two friends.”
 You smiled and said, “Your face was the first that I saw when I had woken up. I don’t think you even asked me if I was okay before you kissed me. The first thing that anyone even asked me was you asking me out on a date.”
 Ignis pulled away slightly and smirked, “Well can you blame me? You are absolutely stunning when you first wake up.”
 You stood up on your tip toes, “Ignis you are ridiculous!” You then pulled him into a slow, deep kiss. The smell of his cologne filled your nostrils as his lips moved with yours.
 Before your kiss could grow too heated, you heard a wolf-whistle from the open doorway. With your feet flat on the floor again, you turned to glare at the person who dared to interrupt your good byes with your husband.
 Gladio was laughing at the pouty glare on your face, “Sorry love birds but we have to get going.” He grabbed one of Ignis’ bags and motioned for the two of you to follow.
 Ignis grabbed his other bag in one hand and reached out to hold your hand with his free hand. The two of you followed behind Gladio in silence. Once you all had reached the palace’s steps, Gladio took the bag from Ignis and headed to the Regalia.
 Ignis turned to you and wrapped his arms around your waist as your arms went around his neck. He pressed kisses to your lips in between words and said, “Just. Two. Weeks. We’ll. Be texting. And calling. Every. Day.”
 You hugged him tightly and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “Mr. Scientia, you better come back to me safe and sound.”
 Ignis returned the tight embrace, “And you Mrs. Scientia, better stay safe and sound here in the palace.”
 The two of you held each other tightly for a while until Noctis yelled out, “Iggy come ooonnn! We gotta go!”
 You pulled back a bit to pull Ignis in for a deep but short kiss. You released Ignis to let him walk down the steps. Just as the boys were getting into the Regalia, you called out, “Hey Gladio, bring my husband back to me in one piece!”
 Gladio laughed loudly but Prompto yelled out before he could. Prompto addressed you with an air of playful formality, “Fret not Lady Scientia, your knight is in good hands!”
 Ignis smiled at you one last time from the driver’s seat, before the Regalia pulled away slowly and increased in speed. You watched as the car disappeared into the distance. The gnawing feeling that something was severely wrong only increased once the car was out of sight.
 You sighed and wrapped your arms around your abdomen. You turned slowly back to the palace door. Tears started to trickle down your face as you walked back to the rooms you shared with your husband. All you could do was pray to The Six that everything would turn out okay in the end.
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miss-scientia · 4 years
Unrequited Love
Hi all, (everyone who is still here that is!) just a random post by me! Not totally random actually. I was just going through my old documents and I found a FFXV one shot I had completely finished but never posted for some reason. I re-read it and actually quite liked it, so I thought I’d stop by and post it for anyone still around! It’s a bit of slight Noctis angst, I hope you enjoy if you read! 
(Also, I stop by from time to time and see notifications still popping up. You are all still so lovely!)
Prompto x Reader x Noctis (kind of!) SFW This is a long one!
She had confessed her feelings to him at the beginning of their journey, but he’d rejected them to stick to his duty. After a while she moved on and started dating Prom, which is... great! Fantastic really! Then why did he feel so shitty...?
Noctis was sure, he thought to himself as he shuffled around in his sleeping bag, that the six had a pretty sick sense of humour. They had to have, judging by his current predicament. Either that, or he had done something really, really, really bad in a past life to deserve this. 
Gods above it wasn’t fair. 
It wasn’t fair that he was the one chosen to be the king of kings, having his future laid out and already planned for him. It wasn’t fair that he had to marry Luna, an area in life where he ought to have control, yet had none. And it certainly wasn’t fair that the actual girl he was in love with, was with someone else. 
And that someone was his best friend. 
To make matters worse, she had previously admitted feelings for Noctis too, early on in their journey. But he’d had to say no, that he was already betrothed to another, that he couldn’t do that to Luna or his family. A familiar sinking feeling clawed at Noctis’ gut as he recalled that day, the regret of his words churning in his stomach. 
What an idiot. 
How different life could’ve been if he’d only told her how he felt that day. Instead, he had kept his lips sealed and she had moved on. Unfortunately, to a certain blond haired sharp shooter. 
Although he had his back to them, Noctis could hear them both now, whispering to each other in a shared sleeping bag. Did they have to be so... so affectionate? Constantly touching, constantly giggling. It was like they lived to torture him. 
Noctis stifled a groan, the pit in his stomach growing ever deeper. The whispering of the two finally ceased, and Noctis was about to send a silent thanks to the gods, before an odd sound stopped him. 
Are they...? 
A sharp wet sound emanated from behind him, confirming his suspicions. They were making out, completely unaware of the wide awake prince laid only mere inches away from them. 
I must’ve done something absolutely awful in a previous life. 
Before he could prevent it, a perfect picture of the scene behind him had appeared in his mind; her wrapped tightly against Prompto’s body, his arms tight against her, pulling her to his frame. Their lips locked in a heated kiss, eyes communicating their sheer desperation for each other. 
It was like a knife had impaled his stomach. The mental image paired with the the all too real sounds behind him was enough to make him queasy. The thing was though, he couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry at either of them. He had rejected her, and she had ended up with Prom - why shouldn’t they have got together? It was neither of their fault, no. Could he even blame himself however? Was it his own fault, even though he’d been born into this life with all of his future, all of his destiny already set out for him? Was it his fault for following his duty? He wasn’t certain, but he was damn sure that it sucked. 
Curling his fingertips into the soft material of his pillow, Noctis attempted to block out the almost heavenly sighs that fell from her lips. Slowly he drifted off, plagued with thoughts of how if only he had the chance, he could make her sigh like that... 
The ever delicious scent of Ignis’ cooking drifted to your nose as the evening meal was presented to you and your camp mates. Your stomach grumbled in anticipation, desperate for fuel after the exhausting day you’d all had. “I dunno if it’s because I’m ravenous, or if you’ve done an extra special job of it tonight Iggy, but this is the best meal I’ve ever laid my eyes upon!” Your boyfriend Prompto sighed dramatically from beside you, eyes lighting up as he was handed his food. 
“Kid’s right Iggy, this is good stuff.” Gladio nodded, already digging into his larger than average portion. 
“Mmmmph...” came your almost orgasmic sigh of agreement. 
“Well, thank you everyone, but I dare say that I haven’t done anything extra special tonight. Perhaps we were all ready for a meal after our rather busy day.” Ignis modestly brushed aside the compliments, but you could tell he was pleased by the corners of his mouth rising, fighting to hide the beam threatening to reveal itself. 
You were halfway through your food before you realised that Noctis hadn’t said a word since sitting down. Casting your eyes over to the prince, you saw his figure sitting rather slumped over on the floor opposite you. One hand gripped a fork rather loosely as he stabbed the utensil repeatedly into the same carrot, in and out, over and over. His brow line puckered slightly, the hints of a frown forming over his dull looking eyes. It struck you that he sort of looked like... he was sulking. And now you thought about it, he’d been really grumpy all day, unresponsive and quiet. 
Wonder what’s up with him? You thought, glancing once more. Strands of his jet black hair fell into his eyes, causing him to blink those long lashes and sweep his head slightly to clear his vision. 
Your heart stuttered. 
As much as you didn’t want it, he was still able to get you like that. One little move of his head or gesture of his hands, and it shook you again just how pretty he was. 
It truly was hard to forget about your first love. 
Drawing your eyes away you searched for another familiar pair, gaze landing on the ever smiling, ever warm face of your boyfriend and immediately you felt better. As much as Noctis could sometimes catch you off guard, you knew for certain you loved Prompto. There was no doubt there. 
“You okay [Name]?” His kind face and genuine smile had you smiling back instantly. 
“Sure am Prom.” You replied, resting a hand on his knee. Naturally, his hand rested on top of yours, warm and safe. 
“What’s the matter with you prince sulks?” Gladio voiced your earlier question, albeit a little more teasingly. Everyone stopped eating to glance over at the Prince in question. 
Noctis shot Gladio a glare, his eyes clearly saying ‘don’t even start’. 
“Is there something on your mind that you wish to share?” Ignis asked this time, much more accommodatingly. 
“No. Why, does it look like it?” His voice was gruff, annoyed. There was definitely something up. 
“Well, you’ve not really said much since coming back, and you’ve barely touched your food.” You offered. 
“Yeah pal, is there anything we can help with?” Prompto offered his best friend, leaning forward so he could pat his leg. 
Finally Noctis looked up, but as you caught his expression your heart sank. He looked mighty pissed. 
“I said there isn’t anything. Why do you guys have to push me all the time?” 
Prompto blinked, taken aback by his friend’s blunt tone. 
“I just wanted to see if there’s anything I could do to-” 
“Well there isn’t Prompto. There’s nothing that anyone can do, okay?” The prince snapped, rising to his feet. 
Prompto’s face fell, and that was like someone had pressed the anger button on inside you. You were suddenly furious. How could he talk like that to his best friend? 
“What the hell is up with you?” Standing to your feet, you walked over to the sulky prince. 
“Nothing, [Name].” 
“Nothing? So you think you can talk to people like that because... because nothing?” 
Noctis looked at you, fully frowning now, agitation apparent in his ocean blue eyes. 
“Guys, I think we should just cool it...” Prompto’s quiet voice attempted to cut the tension which was now crackling in the air. 
“I agree, Noctis I’m not sure what’s wrong, but we must-” 
“I’d have been fine if people had just left me alone.” Noctis cut over Ignis. 
“Sorry that people care about you.” You retorted, anger still clouding your better judgement. 
“Yeah well, I never asked for people to. I never asked for any of this.” 
“You ungrateful little-” 
“Noctis.” Gladio’s voice stopped you from finishing your sentence. He hadn’t shouted, hadn’t raised his voice, but his deep rumbling tone halted you. “I think you should go and take a walk. Cool down. Come back when you have a better head on, cause this is going no where.” 
“Tch, fine.” Noctis grumbled, but turned on his heel and stalked off into the night, leaving the four of you hurt, annoyed and confused. 
The campsite seemed overly quiet now that the prince was gone, suffocatingly so. Every cough and every shuffle was heard, adding to the already tense atmosphere. 
“I just don’t understand. It’s not like him.” Prompto said for the fifth time. He was anxiously picking at the hem of his shirt, pulling at a loose thread. Every so often you had to lay your hand atop his to remind him to stop before it became threadbare. 
“I know what you mean, I don’t get what’s up with him.” Gladio sighed and stretched. 
“Perhaps his last comment gave us some insight? He said he never asked for any of this. He has never been overly fond on what his future holds in store for him...” Ignis offered a solution in a quiet speculative tone. You almost scoffed however.  
“It still doesn’t give him the right to talk to his best friend like dirt.” Prompto squeezed your hand in silent thanks, but you knew that the blond wasn’t even angry. In fact, you correctly assumed that he was more worried for Noctis’ safety right now. 
Pure person through and through. 
“I do wish we could know where he went.” Ignis sighed, guardian-like instincts kicking in. 
“I’m sure he’ll be fine specs, he’ll come back when he’s ready.” Gladio attempted to appease Ignis, to no avail. 
You had a pretty good idea of where Noctis might have headed to, thinking back to the car journey earlier on that day. The only time when the prince had shown remotely any interest in what was going on around him is when you had driven past a very large lake. It was highly plausible that he’d gone to check it out. The more you thought about it, the more that you were certain this is where he’d have headed. And the more you thought about it, the more you realised you could remember the way there. And the more you thought about that, the more you realised this was a good a chance as any to have a proper conversation with him. And to possibly lecture him on how to actually talk to his best friend. 
I can go there, yank him back here and make him apologise. 
Looking over at Prompto’s anxious face, his top front teeth gently nibbling on his lower lip, you knew this was the right thing to do. You stood up quite forcefully, drawing the attention of the other three boys. 
“I’m going to go find him, and bring him back. Then I’m going to get him to apologise.” 
Ignis sighed, Gladio nodded, and Prom... 
“Are you sure you want to do that [Name]?” He stammered, looking torn between some inner dilemma. 
“I’m sure. I think I know where to look, but I’ll be fine. I can’t have him talking to you like that Prom. I can’t.” 
“He was just angry, he didn’t mean it.” 
“Well then, he can just say sorry when I drag him back here.” You told Prompto with a reassuring smile. The blond boy finally smiled back, standing up to face you. 
“Thank you [Name]. Be safe.” He told you, and with a quick kiss you set off in search of one sulky prince to bring home. 
Just as you’d expected, Noctis had made his way over to the lake that your group had passed earlier. You could see his silhouette from where you stood; his shadowed figure sat crossed legged on the wooden pier which stretched out into the middle of the lake. The perfect fishing spot, yet he wasn’t fishing. 
Well shit, there’s gotta be something really wrong with him then. 
It hadn’t taken you all too long to get there since you knew which paths to take, however it was still a rather long way away from where your group had pitched the tent. It had been a miracle that no daemons had attacked you, dark as it was out. You wondered how long the prince had been sat there, not fishing, just sitting and watching the lake. 
Taking a deep breath, you walked out from your hiding spot and marched all the way down to the lake, stopping to stand a few feet away from Noctis. He didn’t move upon your arrival, showed no sign that he was even aware of your presence. 
You cleared your throat. 
“[Name]?” Was his reply, quiet but with a hint of sullen sarcasm you knew well. Swallowing the biting response you wanted to give, you instead replied; 
“What are you doing out here?” 
He didn’t answer straight away, still looking down at his hands. In fact, he took so long to answer that you weren’t sure if he’d even heard you. But then finally; 
“It’s peaceful out here. When it’s night like this, lakes always seem that much more... tranquil. Kinda makes me feel like time has stopped, at least in this little area, y’know?” His reply startled you a little, it hadn’t been what you were expecting. And looking around the lake, you could kind of see what he meant. But as lovely as the lake was, you weren’t here to discuss that. You had a purpose in mind for travelling all the way out here, and feeling sorry for the prince wasn’t it. 
“Noctis, I don’t really understand your train of thought right now, but what I do know, is that you snapped at everyone and left your best friend feeling highly confused and rather hurt.” He could probably hear the accusatory edge to your voice. 
Well, good. 
“Look, I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I just hate it when everyone is pushing me.” 
“Yeah, well y’did.” 
“I know that [Name].” He finally turned to look at you, those ocean blues flashing with a hint of frustration. “Don’t think I don’t know that, cause I do. It makes me feel worse than I already do, alright?”
You folded your arms. “Then come back and apologise.”
“Tch, I’m not going back there yet.” He mumbled, his eyes dropping once more. This only annoyed you further.
“So, it makes you feel bad, and yet... you’re not gonna apologise for what you’ve done? Is that it?”
“N-n... that’s not what I said.” The prince suddenly sprang to his feet, his body towering over you. He was getting worked up at your words, the biting remarks nibbling away at his ability to think clearly enough to explain himself coherently.
“You aren’t the only one going through some tough shit, okay?” You snapped, unaware at his inner turmoil.
“Obviously! I never once said- it’s really hard for me to- just stop pushing me, alright?”
“No. If you won’t apologise then we at least get to know what’s got that stick so far up your butt!” You drew yourself up to try and make yourself look taller. There was no way he was worming out of this one, and you could tell he knew. He could sense your determination, his eyes betraying the slightest hint of panic within the frustration.
“[Name], seriously, you-”
“No Noctis! We’re sick of it! We can’t even help you if you don’t explain.”
“You can’t help me.”
“Why not? What is it Noctis?” Your voice was sharp but your eyes were gentle. Underneath all of your annoyance, you really did just want to help your friend.
“[Name], really, you don’t-”
“What is it?”
“I’m telling you, you’re not-”
“What is it?”
“Just tell me what it is!”
“It’s you!”
You paused, the words you were about to say dying in your throat. It was... you? You were the reason he was acting this way? Unease swirled in your stomach.
I’ve been making him feel like this...?
Noctis was almost panting, seeming out of breath from your shouting match. Although he seemed weary, he did not look as if he regretted saying so.
“It’s...me?” You whispered, his answer throwing you completely. Noctis sighed heavily, one hand rising to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck. Suddenly he almost seemed... tired.
“Look... that came out wrong, okay? It’s not... it’s not just you.”
“But I... I’ve done something to hurt you?” The crack in her voice at the end of the sentence physically pained him to hear, made him want to take back everything he’d just said. He’d suffer with it all internally if he never had to hear her sound pained again.
“[Name], it’s not something you’ve done. Please, just let it go.” Noctis pleaded, knowing his efforts would more than likely be futile. Slowly he turned away from her, walking once again to the edge of the wooden beams to sit down, dangling his legs only centimeters above the calm lake. Not looking at her made this easier. Her crumpled expression only further pained his heart, and it was getting hard to quell the need to comfort her as it was.
Gentle padding sounds as she walked to sit next to him told him she wasn’t going to give up that easily. Frustrated, he repressed a groan.
Not. Fucking. Fair.
“Noctis...whatever I’ve done, I want to know. It was never my intention to hurt you.”
Of course it wasn’t, pure soul that she was.
Her quiet tone caused him to sneak a peek at her from the corner of his eye. She was sat close to him, legs dangling, an almost mirror of his pose. All traces of previous anger had been washed from her face, instead, confusion and remorse took its place.
He hated that he was responsible for it.
“Honestly, there really isn’t anything you could have done about it. I’m not sure there’s anything anyone could have done about it. My future has been set since day one, I don’t have a say in this stuff... and I sure as hell don’t have a say in who I fall in love with either.”
A quick intake of breath from his immediate right caused him to realise what he’d just said out loud.
His head snapped to look at her fully now. She was turned to him, eyes wide in shock as the realisation of what he’d just admitted sunk in. Quickly he began to try and explain.
“[Name], I-”
“That’s not fucking fair.” Her voice was dull as she cut over him. To his surprise, tears quickly gathered in the corner of her eyes which were rapidly becoming tinted with red. She was... really upset. He had been expecting anger. Not sadness.
“That’s really un-fucking-fair of you Noctis. You know... you know how I felt about you. It took a while to get over that rejection.”
“I’m sorr-”
“You don’t get to say that to me now Noctis! I’m with Prompto, I’ve moved on! I picked myself up and carried on living, you can’t just, just waltz back in and say that. It’s not fair!”
“I know.” He uttered, so softly it was as if he was speaking to himself. It was your turn to be surprised at the sadness of his tone. A few moments of silence passed between the both of you, your eyes trained on the almost black waters beneath you. It was hard to really believe what he’d admitted... he loved you?
Noctis broke the silence first with a soft sigh. Well, if the cat was out of the bag, he may as well try and explain himself.
“I tried so hard to stop it. Y’know? I knew it wasn’t fair, believe me, that’s all I’ve been saying these past few months. Not fair on you, Prom, or me. But, [Name],” He took a deep breath; “you’ve no idea how fucking hard it is when I see you cuddled up to him every night.”
Her eyelids fluttered shut as he spoke, a little pucker forming between her brows as she frowned slightly. There it was again, that look of pain. But he couldn’t stop explaining now he’d started, it would be better to get to the bottom of it.
“It’s not like I resent either of you. Honestly, I was happy for the both of you. But I also felt like absolute shit. Took me a while to realise why, guess I’ve never been one to be clued up about their emotions.”
That earned him a slight snort.
“Yeah, guess that’s no secret either, right?” His words were tinged with regret.
Chancing a glance her way he saw that her eyes were still closed. However, she made no move to stop him explaining, so he continued, eager to finally get it out in the open.
“So when I finally realised how I felt about you... well, the fact that it was far too late sucked. And it just got me thinking, if my life wasn’t so predestined, if I had even a little bit of control over areas of my life where I really should, then we’d be together. We’d be together right now [Name]. No pre-arranged wedding duties. And it’s just been eating at me how little of a choice I get over pretty much everything in my life. Then listening to you and Prom giggling and enjoying each other every night... I just wanted that.”
Finally he petered off, letting the weight of what he’d said hang in the air. It was like the burden had finally been lifted from his shoulders - she knew how he felt. He’d told her, in probably the longest speech he’d ever given in his life, and it just felt good to not have it burning him from the inside.
Although that may all go to shit the next time her and Prom start sucking face again. He almost grimaced at the thought.
The seconds ticked by in what felt like hours, she didn’t breath a word. Shyly Noctis turned to face her again, noticing her eyes were finally open, wide and [e/c], staring right back at him. The whites of her eyes were tinged a deeper red, and fresh tears had collected in her lids. His heart almost broke. He wanted to stop the crying, comfort her, take it all back, anything to stop her tears.
Undecidedly, he lifted his hand, fingers outstretched to rest on her shoulder, but froze in mid air.
“[Name], you don’t know how sorry I am.” He whispered, and she replied with a quiet sob from deep in her throat.
Before he knew what he was doing, the one sound caused him to finally reach out to her, close the distance between them. In no time at all, his strong arms were wrapped around her shoulders, her waist. Her head buried in the crook of his neck, holding her close as she sobbed. His fingers rubbed soothing circles into her back as he held her, noticing with a sick, ironic pleasure that they fit together so well. Like his arms had been made to fit her body exactly.
Could this get any worse? He was comforting her.
But she’s not yours.
They fit together perfectly, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together at last.
But she’s not yours.
She was all he wanted. But she wasn’t his to have.
Fuck, this sucks.
Noctis wasn’t sure how long he sat there, holding her. Time truly seemed at a stand still; they were lost in this little hidden part of nature. He wasn’t sure when her tears finally stopped, but he could feel her breathing return to normal, her silent sobs no longer racking her chest. Still, he couldn’t let her go. Didn’t dare move for fear of breaking this moment with her, her face gently buried into the side of his neck, wrapped in his embrace. He knew it would never happen again, despite how much he wanted it.
It couldn’t.
“Noctis?” Her voice was soft, thick from the tears she’d shed.
“Yes?” They were almost whispering, but in the tranquil quiet of the night, the sound seemed to echo in his skull.
“I’m in love with Prompto.”
“I know.” His reply was gentle, but the feeling in his heart was anything but. The admission shouldn’t have been a surprise to him, he’d known it for a while. He could tell just by how she looked at him, the pure adoration for Prom in her heart. It still hurt. He wished she’d look at him like that.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He uttered, one hand absentmindedly reaching up to tuck a stray hair back behind her ear.
“It’s me who should be apologising. To everyone back at camp, but mostly to you. It wasn’t fair for me to dump all of my baggage on you like that. I just... felt I had to.”
“No... I’m glad you did.” She had lowered her voice, and it came out slightly mumbled into his shoulder, but it meant the world to him anyway. It felt like she’d accepted what he said, and that was the best he could hope for right now.
“Thank you [Name].” He whispered, his voice trailing off, leaving what he wished he could say hanging in the air between them both.
I love you. 
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