#evil charlie i am kicking him and beating him up he's so nasty he kills people for fun
cowboysuperhero · 2 years
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THREE OF HIM. blue is an au where he never turns to villainy and is just a hero from the get go, red is just normal, and green is an au where he never stops being a villain and actually turns Even Worse
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 3 - Action!
[PoV: ???]
Not once did my excitement damper the further I walked. The constant thoughts of actors acting their acts continues to fuel me, the prospect of stumbling upon their ‘stage’ and joining them makes me extremely giddy.
I walk- No, I MARCH with purpose! My beak possessing a wide grin, one arm swinging to and fro while the other holds my hoe over my shoulder. I’m gonna become an actor, and it’ll be the best thing ever!
A loud snap makes me stop and immediately turn to the noise, my eyes sparkling that maybe I’ve found one of these actors in this secluded forest!
To say the least I was quite surprised when I looked.
Standing behind me is a rather tall and intimidating fella, his eyes glaring and his rather toothy smile looking real unsettling.
Is he...an actor? He doesn’t really look like one.
Despite my nervousness I give him a wide smile. “Howdy!” I greet, giving him a friendly wave. “Ya startled me there, with ya sudden appearance an’ all that.”
The...Bisharp(?) blinks at this, probably not expecting my greeting. Soon said eyes narrow and his clawed hands clench into fists, in which I notice some real nasty looking blades on his arms. “How unlucky, to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.” He chuckles darkly, his grin widening further. “But for me, it is the right place at the right time.”
Now I would’ve been more nervous, but a thought struck me.
Maybe he...is an actor too?
My eyes widen, but not in fear...but in realization.
Yeah! He gotta be! He’s probably trying his acting skills out me, to see if I’m deserving enough to join their group!
Well, time for me to show him the what for!
I point the end of my hoe at him. “YA DON’T SCARE ME, FOUL RASCAL!” I shout with conviction, doing a pose that I assume looks ‘knightly’. “AH SHALL SMITE YA WHERE YA STAND LIKE THA’ PROUD KNIGHT AH’ AM, YA WON’T GIVE THIS PLACE NO TROUBLE ANYMORE!”
[PoV: Rook]
I don’t know where the hell this is coming from, but this Magmar seems to think of himself as some kind of knight? I know for a fact that this is not true.
The white and red plaid shirt, the denim overalls, the large boots, the wide-brimmed straw hat...
He looks like a stereotypical farmer, not a knight.
I feel myself grit my fangs in irritation. Is he mocking me?!
“You’ve made a grave mistake coming here.” I growl at him, raising my blades threateningly. “And an even graver mistake opening your mouth.”
The Magmar brings his hoe back and holds it like some sort of sword before leaning back and laughing loudly...and excessively. “Ain’t that a kick! Ya made a mistake messin’ with a knight of tha’ square table! We don’t stand by while ya foul villains be runnin’ around and causin’ trouble!” He swings his hoe a few times, the movements containing too much force and obviously showing his lack of training. “So ah’ll be teachin’ ya a lesson!”
At this I couldn’t help but chuckle.
Yes, I’ll be enjoying this...so very much. It will be greatly satisfying to watch that facade of his crumble when I dig my blades into him.
Without warning I leap for him, striking down with my arm-blades. This element of surprise should allow me to put him down instantly, so that he’ll stop his mocking and weep in agony.
But what I got instead was a loud clang of metal connecting to metal soon followed by resistance to my arm. I look down in surprise to see that the Magmar actually managed to block my attack with his hoe.
“Now ain’t that just dirty!” The Magmar says lowly. “Attackin’ a knight he was ready, ya really are just a dirty good-fer-nothin’ scoundrel!”
I pull back, my irritation growing at his lucky block. He shouldn’t have even managed to fend it off, but he did.
Oh...I am going to end this right here and now before I get pissed to the point where I might even consider killing him.
I strike again, delivering another precise blow with the intention of burying my blades into his shoulder. But the Magmar swings his hoe wildly, the tool managing to connect to my claws and sending it off-course...making it miss.
My teeth grind again as I start swinging and stabbing more and more, but the Magmar keeps swinging his hoe with no direction or plan. Yet with each swing he somehow parries or blocks my attempted attacks, making it so that I can’t even land a hit on him.
I let out a loud growl and rush him, bringing both of my blades down on the farmer. The Magmar stops his speech half-way upon seeing this before bringing his hoe up, blocking both of my claws.
I push down with all my might, using my enhanced muscles to try to overpower him. But the Magmar stays firm, underneath his clothing I can see his small limbs bristling with lean muscle. The standstill continues from a few seconds to a near minute, both of us pushing at each other.
“How...are...you...so...strong...?” I ask through gritted teeth, more to myself in anger than actually talking to him.
Yet apparently the Magmar misinterpreted my rhetorical question. “Been slayin’ tons of dragons, workin’ mah strength up so I could join tha’ knights!” He boasts with satisfaction before pausing. “Although in real seriousness, farm work knows how ta’ make ya nice in strong.” He clears his throat loudly. “But back ta’ bein’ in character... YA WON’T WIN, VILLAIN!”
Is this like a damn game to him?! He’s not even treating this seriously?!
I release the pressure on him and take several steps back, my irritation morphing into full-blown anger.
I’ve taken on three warriors at once and beat them all with relative ease, yet I can’t seem to strike down a damn farmer who’s treating this fight as some sort of acting scene?!
Enough of this, I’m going to end this right here...and right now.
I pour my power into my blades, causing them to glow with a bright blue light. The air around them crackles and hisses from the extreme heat, possessing the cutting ability to slice cleanly through steel.
I let out a loud roar before charging the Fire-type again, once more delivering an overhead blow. I fully intend to cut through his hoe if he were to block it and then slicing directly into his shoulder, perhaps even taking an arm.
No...I WILL take his arm, for defying me for this long.
The Magmar brings up his hoe again to block my attack, which makes me grin wickedly. My super-heated blade makes contact with the tool...
...and it stops dead..
My sick satisfaction quickly morphs to one of pure shock and bewilderment, for not only was the tool not cleanly cut through, but it seems to not even be bothered by the pure energy running through my weapons.
What...is that thing...made of?!?!
“How?!” I breath out, still trying to comprehend what the hell is going on.
“Ah’m stronger than ya think, that’s what!” The Magmar grins. “Don’t mess with tha’ knight of the square table, we will beat ya up and make ya regret takin’ tha’ path ta’ villainy!” His eyes look at my glowing blades. “Also, ah like them special effects.”
This...is the last...straw.
With a furious howl I pull my blade back and start attacking with great ferocity, no longer caring about precision. I slash and hack at him wildly, intending to fully tear him apart for this infuriating mockery of a ‘fight’.
But with each strike the Magmar somehow blocks and parries, the plasma-infused blades of mine are easily deflected just as they were earlier.
I push and push, forcing the Magmar to back-pedal. Yet each blow is met by his wild swing, as if reality itself would find it amusing to mock me by keeping the fool from getting harmed through sheer luck.
Just as I feel like I’m getting the upper-hand, the Magmar swings much harder than normal when our blades meet. The sudden force knocks me off balance, making me stumble to the side before face-planting.
My snout burns with pain from the impact, the flesh on my face being much softer than that of the rest of my body. I dig my fingers into the dirt in anger, my plasma blades having long burned through the ground. I push myself up and whip my head to the Magmar, my breathing heavy.
“Who are you?!” I shout with exasperation, my anger quickly giving way to sheer disbelief and confusion. How the hell did he manage to fend off all of my attacks?! He has no combat experience or training due to his movements, his swings are clumsy and predictable, and he’s treating this fight like it’s some sort of game.
How is he even alive?! How is he UNHARMED?! WHY IS THIS SITUATION LIKE THIS?!
The Magmar brings his hoe over his shoulder and grins widely. “Ah’m Charlie Higgins!” He says proudly. “Farmer an’ aspirin’ actor!” He stops for a moment before quickly correcting himself. “Actually ah’m Sir Charlie of tha’ square table! Tha’ bane of evil fella’s and champion do-gooder of...good!”
I...can’t...believe this.
I am losing a fight to a farmer who thinks that this is some sort of act.
Why is the world so cruel?
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