lucidicer · 2 years
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SZÉP ÉVA -  White Shadows Projekt
„Ez a sztori egy barcelonai bolhapiaccal kezdődött és egy régi, de annál gyönyörűbb fényképezőgéppel, amit ott kaptam. Befűztük még a tengerparton, a homokban ülve és rábíztuk az emlékeinket. Aztán évekkel később elkezdtem ezekből a mi szemcsézett történeteinkből kifirkálgatni a szereplőket. Magamban White Shadows Projektnek neveztem el és tervezgettem, halogattam, hogy majd egyszer megosztom másokkal is. Aztán pár hónapja a válás után afféle tisztítókúra is lett belőle. És most eljött a pillanat, hogy útjára engedjem, az egyik első fotóval a sorozatból. Magántörténelem egy csöpp naivitással, ahogy én szeretem.”
Szép Éva / EVUSKA // Weboldal: http://www.evuska.com/
NeighbourART interjú: goo.gl/8Kre9i
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lucidicer · 5 months
random simblr question of the day: do you have one or more ocs/fav townies you associate with a tarot card? If so, which ones?🃏
okay i actually did some brief research before answering this and this is what i came to
silje // the hanged man
evuska // the tower
tang // the world reversed
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lucidicer · 1 year
13% and 17% for evuska <3
13%. How has your character's personality changed from childhood to adulthood?
her childhood was a lot more white picket fence than it is now, at least as white picket fence as it can be when you live in poverty with a mentally unstable mother. she was a very clingy kid, especially with her father, and she had a lot of love to give and was very expressive about how she was feeling. as a baby she was absolutely always begging to be picked up and would cry if you put her down for any reason. as an adult its like everything turned grey, the reality of a lot of things sunk in when her mother overdosed and they got separated, she's still someone with a lot of emotions and love to give but the way in which that manifests is very different now. her father can still see everything despite how reserved and stoic she became and she hates it but also a part of her is grateful that her emotions aren't completely gone from outside view
17%. Does your character ever put someone else's needs in front of their own? And if there are only rare exceptions, why is that the case?
literally all the damn time, anyone would look at her and assume the opposite especially because of how she carries herself and interacts with people but her one driving force is her family. her lil fucked up family. she risked her own freedom for those she cares about
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lucidicer · 1 year
26% for evuska!!
26%. How well can your character resist their emotions and impulses?
not at all 😭 that's the reason she's in the mess she's in. she can hide her emotions and motives around most people but resisting them is a completely different story. if she really set her mind on it she could resist her impulses for a day or two but theyll be eating away at her the entire time, making her unable to sleep or concentrate on what she has to do. her impulses are more often than not driven by a need to protect her family (whats left of it anyway), even if sometimes its not the best route, so forcing them down only leads her to experiencing a lot of anxiety and guilt
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lucidicer · 2 years
Oc asks, 21 24 30 for Evuska. 👀
21. What’s one secret of theirs that could potentially ruin a relationship they have?
she doesnt keep relationships of any kind aside from familial so there wouldnt be any to ruin
24. Do they have any phobias?
anthropophobia 😁
30. What’s their political stance?
help i never think abt this but she would def be an anarchist
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