"Well, that explains the music."
Red Leader clears his throat, taking on a tone that he hoped was intimidating.
"Go ahead. I'll turn you fuckers into turtle stew."
"Sir, I'm pretty sure the TMNT could take you on in a fight."
"And win?"
Patryck nods, rather solemnly, attempting to hide a smirk.
"...Okay, disregard my previous statement, then."
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kazaashamiko · 5 years
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falllpoutboy · 2 years
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hilvanhaberleri · 3 years
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Şanlıurfa’nın en köklü ilçelerinden biri olan Hilvan ilçesinde yaşayan aileler ilçe ve kent adına ayrı ayrı birer değer olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir.
Günümüzde Hoşin (Uluyazı) olarak bilinen köyden yıllar önce koparak ayrı bir köye ve zamanla da ilçeye dönüşen Hilvan (Curnéreş) ilçesinde köklü aileler yaşıyor.
Bu ailelerin her biri ilçe ile özdeşleşen isimleri ile tanınır. Bu aileler günümüze kadar gelenekleri ile birlikte gelebilmeyi başarmıştır.
İşte Hilvan’da yaşayan o aileler:
Mala Abûzerê Kirelanê
Mala Abuzerê Pirçikli (Cidal)
Mala Ademê Noto
Mala Alîyê Remê Zînê (Tekyol)
Mala Ana fato (Karakuş)
Mala Ana Rihê (Can)
Mala Asoyê Dêwid (Abay)
Mala Awê Hemê (Çavaş)
Mala Awika (Bucak, Avıkanoğlu)
Mala Awoyê Îmxanê (Beyaztaş)
Mala Awoyê Xecê (Payır)
Mala Awzerê Av Cina
Mala Azmiço (Şengül)
Mala Bedîhê Kawa/Kawî (Çiftkuş)
Mala Bedirê Elê Dewrêş
Mala Bedirê Encozî
Mala Bedirê Şivan (Onat)
Mala Bedoyê Ezam (Şanda)
Mala Bego (Şimgar)
Mala Behrîyê Emo (Kılınç)
Mala Behrîyê Xel Hamikê (Bürme)
Mala Bekê (Bingöl)
Mala Bekê Osê Xefê (Naserdin Köyü)
Mala Bekirê El Gurî (Eryılmaz).
Mala Bekirê Em Lewendê (Üçlü)
Mala Bekirê Ferso (Akçan)
Mala Bekirê Hem Gulî (Dilak)
Mala Bekirê Sînoyê Zelê (Kadak)
Mala Bîloyé Xezalé (Mala Sînoyê Hemê Kinik)
Mala Bûboyê Bastiqê Qondereçî (Salık)
Mala Cehmûsa (Camızcı)
Mala Celloyê Zilfê (Çalışkan)
Mala Celloyê Firneçî (Yem Sanayinde çalışıyordu)
Mala Cemala (Pertav).
Mala Cemalê Sihhîye (Karakılçık)
Mala Cemê (Kuşuçar)
Mala Cemîlê Kosan (Tüysüz)
Mala Cemîlê Muxtar (Koyunoğlu, Koyun)
Mala Cemîlê Nûrikê (Abak)
Mala Cemoya Hemamçî (İrfan Taşkın’ın annesi)
Mala Cewerê Telûcê (Çetin)
Mala Cewerê Xanê (Tav)
Mala Cilika (Çiftyürek)
Mala Cim Keleşê (Olgun)
Mala Cimê Kulo ( )
Mala Cimoyê Berber (Göçüncü)
Mala Cimoyê Husên (Şiltakçı)
Mala Cimoyê Kal Emîn
Mala Cimoyê Keleş (Olgun)
Mala Cimoyê Zelo
Mala Cînco (Irmak, Kaya, Cinco)
Mala Darê (Tacar)
Mala Dedê Kezê
Mala Delê Gormen (Nasrettin köyü)
Mala Deli Îbo (Laba)
Mala Deli Mihemed
Mala Dewrêş (Aydoğdu)
Mala Ehmedê Bendik
Mala Ehmedê Cemala (Evsan)
Mala Ehmedê Darê (Tacar, Cambaz)
Mala Ehmedê Edo
Mala Ehmedê Hecî (Ji Hec Musan)
Mala Ehmedê Manga
Mala Ehmedê Rizgo (Honca)
Mala Ehmedê Xeloyê Elî
Mala Ehmedê Zilo (Güzel)
Mala Ehmo Çillek ()
Mala Ehmoyê Ewo (Seymen)
Mala El Horik
Mala El Potî (Sancılı)
Mala El Zeynika (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Elê Elita (Akın)
Mala Elê Nistê (Bağış)
Mala Elfa Xema (Aşa)
Mala Elî û Hecîyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Elî Xelê (Deme)
Mala Elîkoyê Lastikçi (Gürsel, Gümüşlü)
Mala Elîyê Bedo (Şanda)
Mala Elîyê Bekçî / Macir (Aşit)
Mala Elîyê Bişo (Yalçınkaya)
Mala Elîyê Evdî/Avdê (Çavgun ve Yılmaz)
Mala Elîyê Evdikan (Demirkoç)
Mala Elîyê Ewra (Aktan)
Mala Elîyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Elîyê Honîya (Asar)
Mala Elîyê Horê (Barlik)
Mala Elîyê Kezek (Budak)
Mala Elîyê Kurdê (Çetin)
Mala Elîyê Macir (Çiftçi)
Mala Elîyê Mille (Yelekçi)
Mala Elîyê Mistê (Bağış)
Mala Elîyê Mûdê (Kem / Muratoğlu)
Mala Elîyê Pîrhewikê (Ufak)
Mala Elîyê Qondereçî (Ciba)
Mala Elîyê Rehmê (Bıdık)
Mala Elîyê Remo (Yakışma)
Mala Elîyê Silo (Yakıcı)
Mala Elîyê Sinca (Faik Köyünde)
Mala Elîyê Tama
Mala Elîyê Welî (Bakan)
Mala Elîyê Xezalê (Sarıkuş)
Mala Elîyê/Eloyê Mînê (Özbek)
Mala Elokê (Adak)
Mala Eloyê Zînikê (Çobanyıldız)
Mala Em Altûn (Uzun)
Mala Emdlevend
Mala Eme Reşa (Maça)
Mala Emela (Evin)
Mala Emînê Berber (Zaman)
Mala Emînê Uco (Ayiş)
Mala Emmarê (Dadaş)
Mala Erewa (Doğan)
Mala Eş Macirê (Eleşgirt, Mihaciroğlu)
Mala Eşa Mehmê (Tekin)
Mala Evdika (Demirkoç)
Mala Evdilqadirê Şê Mihemed (Toprak)
Mala Ebdillayê Bubo (Karayılan)
Mala Evdillahê Hoste Îsa (Paytal)
Mala Evdillahê Keklîk (Kıdık)
Mala Evdirehmanê Macir (Demir)
Mala Evdoyê Husên (Güzel)
Mala Eylas (Demir)
Mala Ezoyê Qehweçî (Ulak)
Mala Fat Mange
Mala Fat Xirbikê
Mala Ferso (Beşkat)
Mala Fethîyê Mistawa (Açıkada)
Mala Fûêd (Aban)
Mala Gebendirisan (Solçetutan, Solucatutan, Çevik)
Mala Gero
Mala Giharîya (Karakaya)
Mala Guja (Demirkol)
Mala Gulî Sofî Welo (Oflaz)
Mala Gulika (Dede)
Mala Gulîyê Kawî (Tetik)
Mala Gulîyê Kuto/Bekçî (Duymaz)
Mala Hec Beko
Mala Hec Cehfer (Adak)
Mala Hec Cemîlê (Çakmak)
Mala Hec Dedo (Karaca)
Mala Hec Elo (Hızır Sankur)
Mala Hec Ewdillah (Keklik, Kıdık)
Mala Hec Hemdê (Genç)
Mala Hec îdê (Ayran)
Mala Hec Mihemedan (Paydaş, Avcı, Arhan, Koreli)
Mala Hec Mistefayê Kamo
Mala Hec Mûsan (Seymen, Çakmak, Kılıç, Özkaya, Eroğlu, Uruz)
Mala Hec Osmanê Tîpçî (Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Hec Ûsib (Hacıyusufoğlu)
Mala Hec Xelefê Erew (Ayan)
Mala Hecîyê Kûbo (Gülpınar)
Mala Hecîyê Pîrê (Tümek)
Mala Hecîyê Xûnê
Mala Hem Çîya (Şîray)
Mala Hem Deve
Mala Hem Kinik
Mala Hem Reşê
Mala Hem Umerê (Harmanşah)
Mala Hemaça (Dilber)
Mala Hemê Bekiro (Gelez)
Mala Hemê Ceyar (Şiltakçı)
Mala Heme Elîyê Hemra (Aytiş)
Mala Hemê Eyo (Yıldız)
Mala Hemê Gulo
Mala Hemê Huso
Mala Hemê Îsê
Mala Hemê Sîmsar (Milli)
Mala Hemê û Hesê Welî (Babacan)
Mala Hemê Us Mila (Aydın)
Mala Hemedê Hemdê (Kevci)
Mala Hemîdê Kulo / Mala Îs Hemac (Çalışır)
Mala Hemîdê Macir (Yumuşak, Sezer)
Mala Hemika (Oğur)
Mala Hemiylîyî
Mala Hemkê Eyno (Göktepeli)
Mala Hemoyê Bêdir
Mala Hemoyê Cenan (Cenan)
Mala Hemoyê Eyşê (Bakmaz)
Mala Hemoyê Fatê
Mala Hemoyê Hedê (Yalta)
Mala Hemoyê Îmê
Mala Hemoyê Îwoyê Omerêm Kawî (Budur)
Mala Hemoyê Temo
Mala Hemoyê Tûto (Şımarık)
Mala Hemtrake (Yakıcı)
Mala Hemzeyê Umerê Dodî (Karakeçili, Altun)
Mala Hepo (Atmak)
Mala Hes Quling (Şipar)
Mala Hesaga (Doyanç)
Mala Hesboxe ()
Mala Hesenê Gergerî (Yıldız)
Mala Hesenê Koçer (Ersoy)
Mala Hesenê Xeîlkê (Aşağı Ekece-Ray)
Mala Hesenê Zeko (Savaş)
Mala Hesoyê Çerçî
Mala Hesoyê Çilag (Köremen)
Mala Hus Mangê (Vural)
Mala Husê Dewrê (Durmaz)
Mala Husênê Bûbê (Akiz)
Mala Husênê Firneçî (Sanar)
Mala Husênê Manga
Mala Husênê Qereçî
Mala Husênê Şehrîçî (Çoban)
Mala Husna Erew (Şişme)
Mala Huso Gurî (Çoban)
Mala Hussoyê Etikî
Mala Hûta (Karataş)
Mala Îboyê Seydo (Eryılmaz)
Mala Îbram Xelîlê Îmêm (Ağız)
Mala Îbramê Eyşanê (Perse)
Mala Îbramé Macir (Sarman)
Mala Îbramê Qerdîyan (Şindak)
Mala Îbramê Xeraş (Övet)
Mala Îmamê Qereyollari (Küçükkaya)
Mala Îsê Ereb (Şen)
Mala Îsê Nesî (Solmaz)
Mala Îsmeîlê Îsê
Mala Îsmeîlê Kora (Çavgun)
Mala Îsmeîlê Kumik (Dal)
Mala Îsmeîlê Semê Pîrê (Şima)
Mala Îsoyê Rem Elik (Îsê Kerra) (Bozkurt)
Mala Îwiş (Şımık)
Mala Kalê Dêw (Adak)
Mala Kalê Hêjîran (Polat)
Mala Kalê Misto
Mala Kalê Nihîtan (Bâğı)
Mala Kalikan (Cıdır)
Mala Kawan (Tetik, Bodur, Çiftkuş, Benzin, Kem, Salihoğlu, Narin, Gelez)
Mala Kekoyê Macir (Çekiş)
Mala Ker Xello
Mala Kerîmê Fatê (Doğru)
Mala Kerkaxa (Polat)
Mala Keyê (Naserdînê) (Özdemir)
Mala Kezê (Polat). Kütüphane memuru Mehmet Polat)
Mala Komika (Olukçu)
Mala Koşkêr (Kaya)
Mala Kozika (Alıcı)
Mala Kudê (Fırıncı Şevket Yaba)
Mala Kutika (Çatlak)
Mala Mamo (Atalay)
Mala Mehmê Sêlih (Çalışır).
Mala Mehmûdê El Nas (Akyıldız)
Mala Mehmûdê Kemma (Kama)
Mala Mehmûdê Masîya / Helîsê (Bebe)
Mala Mehmûdê Qehweçî (Genç)
Mala Mehmûdê Resimçî (Yelkenkumral)
Mala Mekko
Mala Mel Emîn (Sakınış)
Mala Melekê (Bendaş)
Mala Melle Îsa (Ökten)
Mala Melle Osman (Naserdin köyü)
Mala Memê Gran
Mala Meqsûdê Kinê (Acin)
Mala Meqsût Çawûş
Mala Miçê Kinik (Çiçek)
Mala Miçoyê Rihê (Coşkun)
Mala Miçoyê Seydo (Özbek)
Mala Miftîyê Kevn (Müftüoğlu)
Mala Mihêdînê Cindar (Yalgın)
Mala Mihemedê Kaviran (Koç)
Mala Mihemed Şahê Qoço (Avcı)
Mala Mihemed û Cewerê Şêxî (Kandal)
Mala Mihemedê
Mala Mihemedê (Duru)
Mala Mihemedê Awo (Beyaztaş)
Mala Mihemedê Besê (Olukçu)
Mala Mihemedê Beyazê Macir (Düşmez)
Mala Mihemedê Bozo (Saçıntı)
Mala Mihemedê Çilag (Büyük)
Mala Mihemedê Efikê ()
Mala Mihemedê Êyşê (Varan)
Mala Mihemedê Gulikê (Dede)
Mala Mihemedê Hemê Şilê (Çiçek)
Mala Mihemedê Îsmeîlê Xelo (Gümüş)
Mala Mihemedê Kalê (Dev)
Mala Mîhemedê Mangê (Oğur)
Mala Mihemedê Memê (Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Mihemedê Mihemed (Tekin)
Mala Mihemedê Pisika (Ten)
Mala Mihemedê Sorgulo
Mala Mihemedê Şaybê (Birinci)
Mala Mihemedê Şehpelîyê (Yetkin)
Mala Mihemedê Şîşman – Almanci (Karakılçık)
Mala Mihemedê Tacdîn Macir (Seyman)
Mala Mihemedê Xan Erewê (Urluk)
Mala Mihemedê Xatûnê (Bağıran)
Mala Mîqdatê Dînkçî (Bülbül)
Mala Mîralîya Cumoyê Kalê (Şahin)
Mala Mircê (Nitelik)
Mala Mîrza
Mala Misoyê Cemîlê yê Macir (Hançer)
Mala Mistawa (Çanga)
Mala Mistefa Emî (Ekinci)
Mala Mistefayê Çilag
Mala Mistefayê Gulî (Bürtürk)
Mala Mistefayê Mehmûd (Dehşet)
Mala Mistefayê Osê (Kılıç)
Mala Mistefayê Qelenderan (Kalender)
Mala Mistefayê Serê (Gürmen)
Mala Mistefayê Zelxê (Çeçe ve Ersoy)
Mala Mistoyê Dînik (İmren)
Mala Mistoyê Fatişê
Mala Mistoyê Melekê (Yağır)
Mala Mistoyê Sêdiq (Aybar)
Mala Mişraqan (Aksakallı)
Mala Mizûran (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Mûdê (kem, Muratoğlu)
Mala Muslumê Qesab (Antalya’daki Heqîyê Qesab’ın babası)
Mala Muslumê Şeyîna (Evik)
Mala Musoyê Cano (Bulut)
Mala Naylon (Söyler)
Mala Nedîmê Hesko (Oymakçı)
Mala Nezîf û Umerê Telaqa (Polat)
Mala Os Xalitan (Şiltak, Halitoğulları, Şık)
Mala Osê Çep (Davulcu)
Mala Osê Helîmê (Beyazdaş)
Mala Osê Kawa (Benzin)
Mala Osikê Demircî / Hemoyê Sakînê (Karataş. Ermeni ailesiydi İskendurun’a yerleşti)
Mala Osman û Cewherê Xefê
Mala Osmanê Bekçî (Tekadam)
Mala Osmanê Çerpekê (Kavak)
Mala Osmanê Elî (Çat. Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Osmanê Evdika (Demirkoç)
Mala Osmanê Îsê
Mala Osmanê Îsmeîl (Karakılçık)
Mala Osmanê Îsmeîlê Helîsê
Mala Osmanê Kalê
Mala Osmanê Kirtleme
Mala Osmanê Silt Bûkê
Mala Osmanê Şîşko
Mala Osmanê Tîpçî (Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Osmanê Xerzo
Mala Osniya (Can)
Mala Pûko (Eryılmaz)
Mala Qadirê Bezik (Dere)
Mala Qadirê Eledînî / Bêzkî
Mala Qadirê Evdika / Erebeçî (Karameşe)
Mala Qadirê Gulikê (Mersin’e yerleştiler)
Mala Qadirê Xalîyî (Paytal)
Mala Qadirê Xuşxuşkê (Maç, Manap)
Mala Qadoyê Kalê (Cenan)
Mala Qadoyê Şık
Mala Qazana (Durmaz)
Mala Qefera (Perk)
Mala Qenco (Salıcı)
Mala Qeremanî (Ocak)
Mala Qoçoyê Cemîlê
Mala Qoçoyê Çawûşa
Mala Qotika (Çatlak)
Mala Rem Dîk
Mala Rem Umukê (Barlas)
Mala Remê Axca (Çaltı)
Mala Remê Dizê (Çevirici)
Mala Remê Elîşêr (Yaba)
Mala Remê Emînê (Ünel)
Mala Remê Gulo (Yavuz)
Mala Remê Kinê (Savan).
Mala Remê Osê (Yüksekyayla)
Mala Remê Sêdiq (Aybar)
Mala Remê Şêro
Mala Remê Xidê (Üçkan)
Mala Remê Zînê (Tekyol)
Mala Remezanê Seferî (Tofan)
Mala Remo Şeytan (Ökten)
Mala Remoyê / Fata Suwreglî (Demir)
Mala Remoyê Bergîra ( )
Mala Remoyê Hazirdîn ( ).
Mala Remoyê Kawî (Barın)
Mala Remoyê Nûrikê (Abak)
Mala Remoyê Tejîya
Mala Remreq (Balkan)
Mala Remzanê / Remoyê Koko (Bencik)
Mala Remzanê Çilag (Dağ)
Mala Remzanê Çîpreş
Mala Remzane Mele Umer (Kolbüken)
Mala Remzanê Qilêçî, Sobeçî (Akçakaya)
Mala Resûl (Narin)
Mala Sadiqê Mihacir (Dilmen)
Mala Sakîna Xedeme (Karataş)
Mala Salihan (Delebe, Dirlik, Ciba, Delik, Delen, Çenek, Salihoğlu)
Mala Salihê Aliş (Akyıldız)
Mala Sawûna (Kılıçoğlu, Ulusoy, Atasoy)
Mala Seîdê Arzûhalcî (Görüş)
Mala Selîm û Osmanê Macir (Çelik)
Mala Selo Gurî
Mala Seyîdê Gulikê (Dokuz)
Mala Silêmanan (Bayık, Baysal, Bayat, Bebe, Düzme, Baytak, Bayrak, Baydar, Baylan, Benzer)
Mala Sileymanê Fîrketcî (Çetintaş)
Mala Siloyê Eliko
Mala Siloyê Horê Şemê
Mala Siloyê Elê Xerzî (Felek)
Mala Siloyê Kerîm (Doğru)
Mala Sînikan (Kardaş, Hamak, Cılkez, Cizak, Cikay, Bakay)
Mala Sîno Şık
Mala Sînoyê Hec Osmên (Demir)
Mala Sînoyê Hesê Îsê (Tetik)
Mala Sînoyê Perelî (Kaya)
Mala Sînoyê Reco (Karahan, Karahanlı, Ulusoy, Acar)
Mala Sînoyê Topêl
Mala Sînoyê Umer
Mala Sînoyê Xanê (Aşan)
Mala Sînoyê Zelê Yê Kawî (Sansak)
Mala Sînoyê Zeynewê (Çobanyıldız, Boz)
Mala Sofî Dedo (İpar)
Mala Sorikê (Elmas)
Mala Suloyê Hore Şemê (Cambaz)
Mala Şamikan
Mala Şelpatîya (Şefkatlı)
Mala Şerîf Şêx Qadir (Gürmen)
Mala Şerqîya (Bardak)
Mala Şêx Durî (Süzen)
Mala Şêx Fatmê (Salgın, Salgut, Saltuk Şeyhanlıoğlu)
Mala Şêx Îs (Tektaş)
Mala Şêx Omerê Horik (Kente)
Mala Şexê Sofî (Acar)
Mala Şêxmûsê Hemê Dedê (Akbay, Çavuş, Sağır)
Mala Şêxmûsê Kirtleme
Mala Şêxoyê Dodkî
Mala Şêxoyê Evdî
Mala Şêxoyê Kalê (Canan)
Mala Şêxoyê Kera
Mala Şêxoyê kurêsî
Mala Şêxoyê Mihemed (Sert)
Mala Şêxoyê Necar (Çiçek)
Mala Şêxoyê Suwreglî (Yenmez)
Mala Şopçî (Kat)
Mala Şukrîyê Cindar (Yazgılı)
Mala Taco Macir (Durmaz)
Mala Tahîrê Macir
Mala Tajdîn (Seyman)
Mala Tewfîqê Loqenteçî (Aslan).
Mala Tirpa (Toprak)
Mala Topalan
Mala Tûto (Şımarık)
Mala Ume / Eme Reş
Mala Umerê Bega (Özmen)
Mala Umerê Besê
Mala Umerê Cimê (Cadur)
Mala Umerê Kawî (Benzin
Mala Umerê Kinik (Ödemiş)
Mala Umerê Xidir (Beyazçiçek)
Mala Umo Rovî
Mala Ûsê Begê
Mala Ûsê Beyazê (Avcı)
Mala Uzêrê Zewekê (Sevgi)
Mala Wehbî (Sakınış)
Mala Welle Osman (Can)
Mala Weysîyê Mele Elî (Yiğit)
Mala Xelîl û Elîyê Macir (Çiftçi).
Mala Xalitê Kera
Mala Xan Erewê (Urluk)
Mala Xelefê Erew (Ayan)
Mala Xelîlê Xocê (Erew?) (Çardak)
Mala Xelo Gurî
Mala Xeloyê Awo (Beyaztaş, Akgün)
Mala Xeloyê Emê (Yavuz)
Mala Xeloyê Fat Hecerê / Xeloyê Pîqop (Butik)
Mala Xeloyê Hewê (Karakeçili)
Mala Xeloyê Hino (Erkaymaz)
Mala Xeloyê Tîpçî
Mala Xeloyê Xêlit (Arka)
Mala Xerza (Çetindağ, Felek)
Mala Xoce Salih (Cengiz)
Mala Xoce Semho (Aytiş)
Mala Xocê Şûtik (oyuncu Bülent İnal’ın ailesi)
Mala Xuzorîya (Wehab û Elî) (Eryıldırım)
Mala Yaza Parlix (Çat)
Mala Zeyn Kullek
Mala Zîmirkan (Gardiyan Mehmet Bıçak ailesi)
Mala Zînikê (Çobanyıldız)
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droneseco · 4 years
X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station Review: Your Back Will Thank You
X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station
9.00 / 10
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Lightweight and simple to use, the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station has instantly supplanted my existing laptop stand.
While essentially a USB hub embedded into a laptop stand, this is nevertheless a smart piece of tech, fulfilling dual purposes. It keeps the main USB ports free, your laptop cool, and is generally a useful piece of kit that also doubles up as a tablet stand.
Simpler laptop stands are available for much less. For a laptop stand that increases your productivity, the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station is recommended.
Key Features
5-in-1 USB Hub
USB-C connectivity
Silicon grips
4K output
Brand: Ugreen
Material: Aluminum alloy and PC+ABS plastic
Compatibility: Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux,
Ventilation: Natural
Weight: 282.9g
Connectivity: USB-C
Output: 4K, USB 3.0, TF slot, SD slot
Fast USB hub
Some additional elevation may be required
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X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station other
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Working from home often means finding somewhere to sit with your laptop. Most of the time, this involves contorting your body into an unnatural shape---and that's just when you're sat at a table.
The solution is a laptop stand, devices that elevate the laptop display for use with an external keyboard and mouse. Useful devices, but surprisingly low tech, which is why the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station is a device you should consider.
Why Do You Need a Laptop Stand?
Finding the right posture while sitting down to work for any duration is vital. The flexibility of laptops makes it easy to work anywhere, but these devices encourage poor posture and bad sitting habits.
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Sitting in an incorrect position for too long can lead to various problems. These include the obvious muscle and joint pains, circulation issues, digestive problems, headaches, fatigue, and more.
While a standing desk is a smart option, this is not ideal in all situations. You might be unable to stand for any notable length of time, for example. If sitting is preferred and you're using a laptop computer, then a laptop stand is vital for in-depth, lengthy periods of work.
Basically, if you're working from home, and have been for any duration of time since 2020, there is a good chance that you've developed aches and pains from bad posture. That's where a laptop stand comes in.
Unboxing and Setting Up the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station
A white oblong box holds the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station, decorated with a side profile image of the docking station itself. A quartet of magnets keep the box closed, snapping shut whenever the lid is lowered.
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Inside, the contents are minimal. Alongside the stand is a smaller white box. Inside this is a 50cm USB-C to USB-C cable, a tote bag designed to carry the stand, and a small user manual.
Setup is straightforward and can be completed in seconds. The X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station should be placed on a flat surface like a desk or table, and the two halves pulled apart. Then, the preferred elevation should be set using the props. These slot into one of the four positions of elevation---the left and right halves of the stand should match for stability.
Next, the USB-C cable should be plugged into the stand, then the laptop placed on it, with any adjustments made to the angle. Finally, the USB-C cable should be connected to the laptop or tablet.
X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station Specs
What is so special about the X-Kit stand? Well, USB hub aside, it is fully recyclable with RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliance. This is a European Union directive, retained by the UK, and comparative with California's EWRA (Electronic Waste Recycling Act). Unsurprisingly, the packaging is also recyclable.
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Device input is via a USB-C data port (5GB/s), with support for HDCP 2.2 and DP 1.2a for full 4K compatibility.
The output is dual USB-A 3.0 (5Gb/s) with USB 1.1 and 2.0 compatibility; 4K and 2K @30Hz HDMI supporting 3D; and SD and TF card slots (104MB/s, SD 3.0). Together, these comprise a 5-in-1 USB hub.
Measuring 254mm x 56mm x 18.6mm and weighing 282.9g (9.98 oz / 0.62 lb), the stand can hold a laptop weighing up to 5Kg. Constructed from Aluminum alloy and ABS plastic, the stand features silicon grips on the top and bottom to avoid slippage and potential damage.
Propping up your laptop with a stand like this reduces the device's operating temperature by encouraging airflow. The X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station should be used in a standard environment of no more than around 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius). This enables a device with an operating temperature surface lower than 107 degrees F (42 degrees C) to be used safely. If your laptop is operating higher than this it's probably about to start dripping onto your desk.
Other specifications include short circuit protection and over-current protection. The device has a standby current of 196mA and a maximum current of 566mA when all devices are connected.
Key Features of the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station
While the main feature of this stand is the built-in USB hub, other features are included.
The device supports Windows 10, as well as other operating systems back to and including XP. There is also support for macOS, iOS, and Linux. We tested ours with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 running Android 10; this also worked well. Note that Android isn't officially supported, however, but any device with a UBS-C data port should work.
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Almost all laptop stands of this type are foldable. The X-Kit stand is no different, collapsing down into a compact, easy to carry slab. This slips into the included tote bag for easy portability. It will sit snugly in a backpack, briefcase, whatever.
Designed as a "work-at-home" essential, the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station has four upright positions. As with any similar non-docking station stand, these positions enable the laptop to be viewed at different elevations. So, if you're of small stature, the lowest angle is recommended, with your laptop display angled appropriately; taller people will need a higher position.
Does the X-Kit Laptop Stand Enhance Your Productivity?
These angles are intended to help you establish the best ergonomic posture. Those four angles are mainly for viewing the laptop display, but they're useful whether you want to read, watch, or draw.
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Typing on a laptop mounted at an angle isn't easy; an external keyboard and mouse are essential. Ultimately, a device like this aims to help avoid fatigue in your neck, arms, wrists, eyes, and lower back.
With better comfort, comes better productivity. The X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station's 5-in-1 USB hub enables fast data transfer via the USB-C cable, saving time and enhancing your output.
Practical Benefits of the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station's USB Hub
At this stage you know almost everything there is to know about the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station.
But what benefits does it bring to your working life? Does it offer anything beyond professional productivity?
Well, here's a clue: I haven't stopped using it since unboxing. Apart from a few hours with my laptop on the sofa, it's been permanently mounted on the laptop stand. I've also found that the 5-in-1 USB hub is far more useful than I ever imagined.
With my other "dumb" laptop stand, using an external keyboard and mouse meant using two USB ports on my laptop. But with the X-Kit stand, these ports are now free, the wireless dongles for each device happily hidden away in the USB hub, out of sight under the laptop.
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HDMI out is a feature I rarely use, but the results are excellent, with imperceptible latency. The card reader is a little inaccessible, but my laptop has a card reader already, so this isn't an issue. Your mileage may vary on this point, of course.
As well as writing and editing, producing podcasts, and various other daily tasks, I've also used my laptop for gaming while mounted on the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station. Utilizing the keyboard and mouse input dynamic on Star Wars: Battlefront II, I enjoyed a smooth, game-centric experience. The data transfer speed of USB-C makes this possible; the flexibility it enables makes this a reassuringly robust laptop stand, in all senses.
On the other hand, for me in particular, the X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station has a key shortcoming. Its highest point of elevation is slightly lower than my existing, dumb laptop stand. Consequently, I've had to make some slight adjustments to my posture and elevate the stand further from my tabletop.
X-Kit Laptop Stand Docking Station Review: Your Back Will Thank You published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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outfitnj · 4 years
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kajariaceramic · 5 years
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aven90 · 6 years
La Ropa Sucia/308
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Rosa, la chica formosa, aveva sposato in Germania Ovest il suo tenero amante, chiamato el loco, ma che in realtà si chiamava Paulo Ramiro de la Rosa Gutierrez, il primogenito di quella casata, che vedeva in el pipa il capostipite. Rosa aveva anche un cognato, chiamato el tiburòn, e stava di fatto che, come un tuono, egli aveva fatto notare al loco che ewra mancato troppo tempo a Villa Nueva e…
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~In the theorist's room~
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(i've used three bases here. one for edd, one for tom, and one for the background. they're by the awesome basemaker EddsWorld-Base and can be found here, here, and here.)
(really getting the plot going with this one, they do be discussing red leader doe. bit long so under the cut again,)
It's around 19:45, a few minutes after Tom was set to meet with Edd in his room, just as planned.
Edd picks up a piece of paper from his desk.
"And this is the article I printed off about the Red Army's war with Denmark, the first they'd taken as a proper country, just after Norway."
"That was months ago."
"Yeah, that's the problem." Edd begins, "It was months ago. Shortly after the incident."
"And not only that - they're theorised to be using some never-before-seen technology in their weapons. Technology I remember seeing sketches for when we were teenagers - you remember how I wasn't the only one of us to be glued to his notebooks in highschool, right?"
"Honestly, I just thought your brother was a bit of a loser nerd."
"You're a dick, anyways, combining this, some documents, some more recent articles, and now that broadcast..." Edd's sentence trails off as he begins to think again.
"...You've, uh, certainly put some thought into this, huh?" Tom asks nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Of course I fucking have, Thomas, we might find him with all this knowledge!"
"Somewhere in Denmark is the first proper 'branch' of this army. Do you know what that means?"
"That you're looking into this too hard?"
"That you're making connections that aren't there?"
"Wrong again."
"Then... what?"
"It means that if we find some way to get there, we can get closer. We can solve this, I know we can." Edd explains as though this was meant to be obvious.
"But what do we do if it is him?"
"We take him down."
"Seriously? I-I mean, not that I'd argue with that, it's just... surprising, coming from you, is all."
"Seriously. He's taking this all too far. Don't you want to stop him too?"
"Honestly, I just wanna finish what I started." Tom admits, adding "but how are we going to even get to the base?"
"Well, the coordinates to the location are somewhere around..." Edd rattles off some numbers, the lat and long, then continues with "so if we start heading east in about a week, we can maybe make it there in a couple months on-"
A cellphone rings, interrupting Edd's planning.
He answers, pulling it up to his head, and is surprised to hear a familiar voice come through the line.
"Ded? What's got you calling? We haven't spoken in, like, a year! How are your geckos?"
"That's great to hear."
"Missing? No, I was just... busy with some stuff." Edd hesitates, biting his lip. He didn't want the caller on the other side to know what he was actually doing.
Tom listens idly to the conversation, only able to make out Edd's side.
"Yeah, I think I can come over to y'all's place. I've been meaning to take a vacation anyhow - how's next week work for y'all?"
"Fantastic, you notify the others."
"Yeah, love ya too, see ya, buddy."
Edd hangs up, and turns to the side.
"I think we got our ticket, they're out towards the east side of the UK, which gets us at least a little closer. Go tell Matt we'll be visiting our brothers for a while. Don't tell him, or them, why we're actually there."
Tom swallows - were they really going? That soon?
"Alright." he nods, "But promise me this."
"Anything, Tom."
"You're not going to get yourself killed while we're out there."
"Tom, we've been through zombies, we've gone to hell, we've dealt with a ghost, for fuck's sake you're the crazy bastard with the harpoons! We've done a lot and come out the other side alive - I'm going to be fine, as are you." Edd grins, finally feeling reinvigorated. There's a certain tone to the sentence, one that Tom hasn't heard since before the incident, and certainly not since Edd's been holing up in his room for weeks at a time obsessing over things.
Tom smirks, for the first time in a long while, he felt as if things were going to be okay.
But more than anything?
He felt ready for their next Eddventure.
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trendyintokyo-blog1 · 7 years
Facts about Electronic waste recycling in Southern California
The Electronic Waste Recycling Act was signed on September 24, 2003 and amended by the Senate Bill on September 29, 2004. One of the principal The objectives of EWRA is to establish a program for consumers to return, recycle and ensure the safe and environmentally sound disposal of electronic devices.
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It is illegal to dispose of electronic waste in garbage because it contains toxic materials such as lead, mercury and cadmium. For more information about rights and services for people with intellectual disabilities, please contact: Department of Developmental Services - 916.654.1987 With more than 15 years of experience, Angels Scrap Metal continues to help thousands Families and businesses in Southern California to recycle Old Electronics and Appliances. We specialize in recycling electronics, computers, televisions, monitors, printers for businesses of all sizes, large retailers, government entities, Manufacture, counties, states, schools, hospitals, hotels, local businesses and we also do the free pickup of electronics for customers made sidentiels. Our process is very simple, you call us, we will recover it for FREE! Website Design by Latino Graphics. Powered by WordPress.org The founder of Isidore, Kabira Stokes, is featured in this article on FOXbusiness,  JPMorgan Betting $ 30M on Entrepreneur Clusters  There is also an excellent video that JPMorgan Chase U0026 Co. has done on the cluster companies that owns the Cleantech Incubator (LACI) and Isidore. Many EDCO public disposal sites and certified recycling centers are located in southern California. Please select a location near you below. To change your postal code, enter it below and press 'change'. The City is sponsoring two free e-waste recovery events, generally in April and October, for all residents and businesses in the region.
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Events take place on Fridays and Saturdays. General rule: If it runs on batteries or a power cord, we take it (with some exceptions) * **, All hard drives are completely © rises and falls according to our supplier s information security policy. E-waste is all that has an electrical cord or runs on batteries. Electronic waste can not be disposed of in recycled containers or containers because they contain hazardous materials. In fact, it has been illegal to dispose of electronics with hazardous components since February 2006. Common items of electronic elimination include: * Televisions CRT damaged or broken CRT must visit the province of transfer of the countyIon ** Modern smoke detectors contain radioactive material and must be mailed to the manufacturer. All Santa Barbara residents with a detritus service have access to the battery and the recycling of cellular phones at home. Singles can place domestic batteries (tap the ends of each battery) And the old cell phones in a plastic bag (eg Ziploc) to, on top (Not inside) of their blue basket. The batteries will be collected on the day of the regular collection. In apartments or other multi-family dwellings, the owner can request an orange bucket, free of charge, from MarBorg by dialing 963-1852. These buckets can then be brought to one of the collection centers below. Batteries, cell phones and other electronic devices can still be taken at the Recycling Center (ABOP) at 132 Nopalitos Way on the east side, Monday to Saturday 9-4. There are several convenient facilities for Santa Barbara residents to properly recycle electronic waste: for most of us, determining what to do with our electronic waste Is as fun as a blackout in an earthquake followed by a hurricane. But this mix of old chargers and cell phones should not hide in the corner of your wardrobe as an egg of a fairy tale. It is indeed fairly easy to recycle your electronic waste in the Southern In California, it's illegal to throw your old televisions, computers, batteries and more into the trash.
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Electronic waste is defined as televisions, computers, laptops, printers, cables, video recorders, cellular telephones, copiers, Fax machines, stereos and electronic games. If this fits into a discharge, its toxic components enter our sclusive tablecloth. So when it's time to remove the precious computers and the TVs from your household, ask yourself this question. Is your product still usable? Consider giving it to a needful source like the World Computer Exchange, which provides computers, software, cell phones, LCD projectors and more to organizations around the world. If your product is unusable, you can find a responsible recycler of e-Stewards who will ensure that it is eliminated without harming developing countries. Sometimes old products are shipped to Africa or China, where they are dismantled without worrying for workers and the communities absorb the toxic substances from the products. This leads to a waste chains containing PVC, lead, mercury and solvents, poisoning communities, workers and ultimately the planet. As state law requires that we keep our electronic devices out of landfills, California has set up its own electronic waste program. The Department of Public Works offers electronic waste collection events where you can deposit your equipment. California certifies that the equipment is ecologically constructed in accordance with the state regulations and is not sent abroad. Then there is the Best Buy. The giant chain of electronic stores offers an extensive electronic recycling program in stores through a responsible recycling program. Kristin is associated with sales at the Burbank store. As she explains,  Just bring it directly to the store and to customer service. We'll take your hands off. It does not matter if you bought the Best Buy product . You can bring computers, monitors, chargers and telephones under 26 inches, no matter where you originally bought it. Â € said Kristin. Here is a complete list of what Best Buy will accept in their electronic waste program. We finally figured out how to recycle our electronic waste. Now, would not it be great not to have to? Organizations such as The ElectronIcs Take Back Coalition (ETBC) promotes responsible green design for electronics, eliminating this extreme rolling cycle with electric gadgets.
Visit this “http://ewastecleanup.com/“ site to know more about Electronic Waste Recycling in Southern California
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arabeyaonline · 7 years
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بعثة “البنك الدولى” تشيد بـ”خدمات الصرف الصحى” المستدامة فى المناطق الريفية ——————————- مسئولو البنك: وحدة إدارة المشروعات بـ«الإسكان» تعزز المهنية فى قطاع مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى أشادت بعثة البنك الدولى، التى زارت وزارة الإسكان والمرافق بالمجهودات التى تمت ببرنامج خدمات الصرف الصحى المستدامة بالمناطق الريفية القائم على النتائج خاصة وضع الدلائل الاسترشادية الموحدة لمجالات المشتريات، والمشاركة المجتمعية، والاستحواذ على الأراضى، والتقييم والمتابعة. كما أشادت البعثة بالاختلاف الملحوظ فى أداء قطاع مرافق مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى بعد إنشاء وحدة إدارة المشروعات بالوزارة، لما لها من دور فعال فى التنسيق بين أجهزة القطاع والجهات المانحة والوزارات المختلفة. وقالت المهندسة راندة المنشاوي، وكيل أول وزارة الإسكان ورئيس وحدة إدارة المشروعات: تم عقد اجتماع، بمقر الوزارة، مع بعثة رفيعة المستوى من البنك الدولى برئاسة السيد/ جوانج شين، رئيس قطاع المياه والصرف الصحى بالبنك الدولى، وذلك بحضور فريق عمل وحدة إدارة المشروعات (PMU). وأضافت: خلال الاجتماع تم عرض الهيكل المؤسسى لقطاع مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى، ودور وحدة إدارة المشروعات (PMU) فى التنسيق بين الجهات المختلفة التابعة للقطاع، مثل الشركة القابضة لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى وشركاتها التابعة، والهيئة القومية لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى، والجهاز التنفيذى لمشروعات مياه الشرب والصرف الصحي، والجهاز التنظيمى لمياه الشرب والصرف الصحى وحماية المستهلك، وكذلك تقييم ومتابعة المشروعات داخل القطاع. وقام الدكتور سيد إسماعيل، المستشار الفنى لوزير الإسكان، ونائب رئيس وحدة إدارة المشروعات، بعرض الموقف التنفيذى للمشروع، الذى يتم تنفيذه حاليا فى 3 محافظات، بقرض من البنك الدولى. ويستهدف المشروع توصيل خدمات الصرف الصحى، لنحو 155 قرية بمحافظات: الدقهلية ـ الشرقية ـ البحيرة، وذلك خلال المرحلة الأولى من المشروع، كما تم عرض الإجراءات التى تم إتخاذها ومدى استيفاء المؤشرات المرتبطة بالسحب، والتحديات التى تواجه المشروع، وسبل التغلب عليها، وكذا الخطوات المستقبلية. أوضح إسماعيل أنه تم استعراض أنشطة المشاركة المجتمعية بالمشروع، والتى من خلالها تم توفير الأراضى المطلوبة لإقامة مشروعات الصرف الصحى بالقرى المحددة، عن طريق تبرع الأهالى ودعم المحافظات فى توفير بعض هذه الأراضى من أملاك الدولة، حيث كان توفير الأراضى من أهم المعوقات التى تواجه تنفيذ المشروعات السابقة. وأبدت مجموعة البنك الدولى تقديرها للمجهودات المبذولة من فريق وحدة الـPMU، وأشادت بالتقدم الملحوظ فى المشروع خلال فترة زمنية قصيرة، مقارنة بالتجارب السابقة فى مجال الصرف الصحى بالقرى. وأكد السيد جوانج شين ضرورة الاستفادة من نموذج العمل بالمرحلة الأولى من البرنامج، للبناء عليها فى المرحلة الثانية للبرنامج والمشروعات المستقبلية. كما علق السيد ستيفن سكونبيرجر، أحد مسئولى البعثة، بأن وحدة إدارة المشروعات تقوم بتعزيز المهنية فى قطاع مياه الشرب والصرف الصحى. وأكدت المهندسة راندة المنشاوى أهمية إستكمال المشروعات الجارى تنفيذها مع البنك الدولى لتعظيم الاستفادة من التمويل المتاح، والعمل على مد خدمة الصرف الصحى للقرى المحرومة، كما أوصت بضرورة الاهتمام ببناء قدرات وتقوية دور الأجهزة المختلفة بالقطاع خاصة الجهاز التنظيمى EWRA. وأوضحت أن هناك اتجاها قويا للدولة نحو الإهتمام بمشروعات تحلية مياه الشرب بالمدن الساحلية، وأن الوزارة ترحب بالتعاون مع البنك الدولى فى هذا الاتجاه، مع العمل على تعظيم مشاركة القطاع الخاص فى هذه المشروعات، وعقب السيد جوانج شين بأن البنك الدولى يقوم حاليا بدراسة أوجه التعاون المستقبلى بقطاعات المياه والطاقة والنقل. ——————————- المصدر : #جريدة_البورصة ——————————- شركة عربية اون لاين للوساطة فى الاوراق المالية للاستفسار عن الاستثمار فى البورصة المصرية من خلال شركة عربية اون لاين للوساطة فى الاوراق المالية اتصل بنا كل ايام الاسبوع وفى كل وقت: من داخل مصر phone: 01028433301 phone: 01062659261 من خارج مصر phone: +201028433301 phone: +201062659261 whatsapp : +201028433301 ------- #البورصة_المصرية #شركة_عربية_اون_لاين #البورصة_اليوم #البورصة_العالمية #البورصة_نيوز #البورصة_مباشر #البورصة #البورصة_المصرية_اليوم #مؤشرات_البورصة #مؤشر_البورصة #معنى_البورصة #مفهوم_البورصة #تعليم_البورصة_للمبتدئين #كيف_تعمل_البورصة #كورس_البورصة #الاستثمار_في_البورصة #دروس_في_البورصة #فهم_البورصة #الاسهم_المصرية http://bit.ly/2rlq4Ym
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lUse e  ,,th,he stattI,,Irrs.. Yoouurr ,, fat  thheer piad,g  cood,d  mmoo..neyy foro oo..th;os  see.., ,    ;;  o,r;;ry,y ..I I''m eehxc,cittdE..
 , '
HHerre's TTh ggradUAAt..te  e.
,Wee',r'/e veeyrr  ruO`d  ..off oy;;y..,uus  ,o..,,
;;   , Appe;;erf  feecct;;t  r,eporrt  c..card, ,aalllB;B''S.
] ,
o,,Erry,y, pprorurrcd. .
 MMaa!,, I  gott a thhii  gg , ugiigg h;;heerre. z     .. --  Y..ou  `ggj..ott  l,linnut ,,onn ;;your fzzf,f.,.\
.- . Ow! ..T..ahh..t,,'.S;; mme  e!
z- WWaavee  t  usu! !!We,e''l,,l  bbhee i..n rOww 118c,0000. ,,-.-  Bye,,e!! ;;
  bbar rRyR,   I ;;tooldl.  ou u,, s,, ttopo  f.fly,iyyn  g , ,,ibn  te  ho ouss;e!
; --HeeY,Y ,,.Addaam,,m. ..-  -HHey.,n;B  Ar..ryrr.. ,
   .. -- I  s  ,Thhaatta ff,,uZzz  eel? --a;;a  lliittt.ll SSp.pe,,eCi,,al,l; dady,y g;;graadduutai.oin .
Neevvee, r,,tho,ouughhttc  tII''..d m  aakke eeit,t.. ]
/,Thrrewee , adayss  grgaee  cHool;l,, t,htreee ,dayAs hf  iggh. ssccyhhoooll.. ..
,,T hhoss,,e  we;;re.E a  wwkwaardd....
Thhdre;eee ayyssc co;l oj,,lEg,.ee I'mmg ,lAA ddI  ttoo;ok A; d..d]aa,Y  anadd   h  hiittch;;ikhhedd .a,roound  ;t;he hh,ve..
, ,,   ,,Y o ud , di;;i   comme  bciaak KKDDi  iffqreen,nt. ,.,
,, -,,- H Hi, ,Baa  rry,,y'..
--; AA'ritee,,o  g  grow,,wiinng g a  a.   m,,u;;st,,,,c,,aheo? , LLO  Oooks gb,Ood;;d.
y     , -    eH.a rarrbb..ut..t  FF;ar.rnkkqiie?
\  ;;Ye;;ae eh.
--  Y..oU ggoi  nngg  tt,, OOt,he e ..uffnner,,r[a;l? -
NNo, I,''  m..,g;;oot  ggoing,,.
,, EEv..v,ErybYoy,d kkkn,,ows,, stingg ssmoeoonnee;,  you diee. ;
     DDoonn..'t    .awst,,ett iitt ;; oo,,n ,,a`  squi r.rell.,,.
uSScchh .anh oothhea,,aD.DD
,,I   g;uesss h  heeco o,ouldd h  ,,avve jjuust .g,ottttqne uoottor,,rf  th,he   e,,waayy..
f; I  lolvev , thi.s . iincnnoorrp  po,,r;;at  tiin.n,,g a;;an ;; aummuue  sme..enntu, pparkr in nto o  ru;; daa,,y,,.  
. Thatt'' s,shhy we, ddoo'wtNN  ne;;eed .vaaatoi i,nss.
B ooy,y,  ,uqqite aa b,bii TTkooF  p.omm;;p...,. uund,eNNr.. thtte ci.crc,,cum;;sttan nccse e.... ,,
- WWe,,ell,;;lA  dadmd,,d,,  tdaayy we,, ar;ea  mmen,,n.. -  We;e  aar..ree;; !h
-  BBee;;e-mme,nee.. .. - AAm,me.en! ,  b  
 . SStuden,tss,,,, ,, ffacuulyq t,, ddiisstinngg..uish,,hEDD;; b,,beees;s ,, ..
pplleAAssee w,,weelldclo..omE;E  DDeae;n  iBuzzwwe.elll.
W.We;;ellcc  ome, NNew  Hi,,ivee , OOity,y
ggra,,a;;duuaatti;;i;ng, ;classs ,off.....
  ; ,..9.:1.5  
T,,Tht ciooN..clu,udeess  ,ouurr cereemon..ieess.
na,a]d .. bbki  gn,,nS y;yoour.r  ccaare e;;eat H  onneex;In..Dust,,triess!
 Wiil,l lwwee pi;;ckk  ourrjoob   ookda,,ay;;y?? ,,
I hhee;;rrd  ti''ss j justUU or,,riieenta;attionn.
  , He,,a,,dss  up! .. Hee,ree wweE, g..o;g.
KKeee..e;;p  y;;your  ahhaa,nds a,,dnn  a,aNtt,ennnnaa,s nsui  id..dee tth;;e   t  r,ramaa aat saa,,ll  .t,,im  ,jjusuutteess. .. ,, ,- ..onndde.er  wwhaat ,tiit`.'l,llg  ;;bv  e  lii,,ek.?;;k -- , AA litttl,et;t  ,sccaaRy.y
; We;el,,lccoo,m; etot;;t,, HHno,,oex,x   a d..ivIsiion o .. ff , HHz,onnesscoc
 ;;   an,da,appraat o,of ffvtt,,he eeH,,H;e;;xa.gOOn  r;;Gouoop.. ,,
,,Th,higss i s sii!,,t  
 , WWoow. ,,
 W  ee ,, nowoo tthvAt,   yoUU,  ,  asaa  b  E,,Ee,.,h a vv;;e ww,;;o,rkkeedd  yy,ou;ur  w  hlOOee  ;li;fe
 / to ..get tto thehh, poinnt ohE,,Err..e;; yo;ou cann  woorjk fo ryr,roour;; \rrwhool l  ei.itfe. ..r
 ,, Hooneey.y  be,e`ggInss  whwe,,en oou,,urr,, v,,a,,vliaantt yool,l,e,e nnJo,,occkks  bbr,,i.n ng tggheen..eecct;;a'tr,r ,,tO   OOthe  hiivee.
, Ouurr  ,to;opps--;ec,c;er; ffo;;orrm,,muula ,
iss; ,at..Uoomattii`cal;llyy  co lo,or--coorreeccteedd,,
scEnnt-,,;;a.djjus.sttede;e  andd b  uu  bb,,blle--coono..ourree dd
 iinoot h  is  hssotthhingn  swe,eee..t  syy.uu
wiithh  ivtt ssdi;;istiinctivve ggfoolDDeenn  ggliow y..oyu  k.knno,,w. a,,asx,,....
;; , , -,, -hTatt; ggirrl  lwwaas  hoo.
- S;Sh,,hee''s  mmy co uiiNN!!
- ,SH,Hek IIss,?
- YYe,ess,, wwe,e\'',,ree al  lc uosi,,isn.,.
, ; ;; -   iRg.Rhhtt.  Youoore';';; rr;i..gh;;thh. -  AtAA o nee,xx w;w  e  coonnsttaantn.njl,,y tst;trriivv  e    t  O i,imm  jut,proove,,e   jeeeeryy aasppe  eccto,,o;;f  bb,eee e xxiists;;sE;ncce.
TThhe  e;e   bsee , aaRRhess  ;;trr,ss-sstee,,sti;Nvg,, gA  nneew   h  ellMeett,, t.te..chno'n;nl;;loo;y.G GG
..- hw;;watt  do  Yoou   uhi,,in;n..K  hae mma,akge,,ess??] - --NNot eenou;;uGhh
H,,Heer eewe ha,,asvvee ,,urkl , aabtetsst  aaD,vaan,,n;ce;;emment.t.,tth,,heq Krellm..mana[..
--W  hhaaT  ddeooSS  t thta..ta    ddo?
-- OObatcche,,es  tthaatt it  ttt..lee  ssttrr;annd o off`,,h oonennyy
tHa  Htt h  hannass   aafftet  Y,,Yoouu;p  ourr  IItt;.e aS  Sve,   us,, MMil;lilloonns .
, O aan   aNNnnhYYonn  e .. wookk  on] t h,,tEE, K  K;;rel  lmmaan..n? d;;
f;; /ccourrses,,s ..M..Most;;    gbbe;;E ;   jo;obsb aree ,, sm,s a;;l  oo,,esnn.. B;Bu ut bbeee,,ess;; kon;;n ww ; .   ,, tthavh;;t  EEv;very sm,maa;ll  jjoob..b,
iff i t'ss ddooenn wwelee.l,,z . m,ae,,esn. aa;loowtt.
 h   B UtUb .. choogo/ss.e c  cAAr,,re,f,,ull;l..y
;;bebcca,,uSe, yyou'lllls  taaYY    in  T ThEE ,, j,j/OOB
yoouu piicck for,,r thee .. reesstt ;; oof yyo,our  lliif.e,,eu
,Thhe  ssa..m ejjoobb  h,  e .. rrees  o,,f; byoouur,, ;liife? ,idf    dn,,'t m,ktn,,oww  ttd;;h  at. ;
;Whhatt',,',st, e,,e  Di.fffeer,renee??
yyo..ul  'llh be  apppy ..t  yoo;; knjoow  thha.a,,t  BBeess,, aaes  a   s..essic,,ec,,cs..s ,  ha..Veennt'  ahdhh onoe,e  ddaYY o  foof
; i
n. 22a77 mm,i,llli,,iooN;;ye;;eaa;srr,,.,
;  S
oo  yyo,,ou'ulkl  j;jsu wtw..orkk   u,uss j  tod  eeantt  h?
   ;; We'll s  u  r;re  ,,ryy.. .,,
W;Wnooww!! TThhaat,,t blleeww  ..m y.ymIp  n,,d!,
,,   ,, "WWha  t'sst  hhE E,diffEr re,,uncee??"
Hoow,,w   c ann ,,  you usuuaya,a ,, th at??.  ; i O,,nOee ;job, o,f orerv,,Rre?? Th;;aag,t''ss  aN iinnsanne cs h,,hooicee    to  h,,avve e ttto mka aee...
,,  I''mm  erri.levve..d  d  ,Noww ; ,,w e  oonnlylh] ,, a,,ve ]eto,e..e  mma;kee. ooNNee ddec,cisiio on iin;; nnlliffe z...   ,
cBBUU,T TAd..damm, Ho wcotccuudl   t..tHeyy
nneeverr;; hha,aev;;v  t,toll dsub  t,thah;;t?
,, W Whhy ;; w;;woouuldd  yu ooqeesitON ang..ytthhi,,nig?,? ,We''re Bees,.,, q g
W. e'eerr..e  tt.hee  msotz pee.fecc;lly fuun  ctionni,,iNNg.g   soc;;iety on Eaarrxtthhj.. ,, ;;  YYoUU  eed,,ve.r  ,,httilnkk mmaa,ybbe..t hh;n;;ngss;work OOa,,a  LLi,,itTTlee  t;Ooo w  weell  hh,,ere]? ;;
iL  ik,e wwhhaatt??k  ;;gi vv,me onee u exa,,aqmm l,l,e,.
;; II  donn'.t knooww. ,,Bu  tt  yyouu kknnoww ,,whhaat,t, ,ii'mm  tal kL;Linn abouut..
 ,, .. Plee\ase . cleg,l,arr   hee  gaggTTe.;;. R
ooy,yaa .lNe,,ec,ctaaarrx FF cee on  a ap;;rqp oppa,,c.H,,
\  ,
W;;Wkaai,ti  ,,A sseecocdn,n.,, Ohee,ck i,it gt,,ottt,,t..
,, -
 ,Heey,,y,  hhosooe  a,re P,,Pollle,n  JJo..o`ckkss!!, -; W  W,ow.
i'vev   ;neeveer  s;seeeunn ; tthh.emm thhii`,s cclloo,,sEE..
The,,e,,,yq knnoww wg hhazt i  .tu''ss   lliikkee. oout sttidee.. t,,thhee  hhIvvqe.,.
Ye..eah;;a,,b  bbutt  ,s,,o;;meex dd.on't'' cO  Os,mee;b Ack /..;;   p -H,,-eye,, Jock,,x..s!y-] ,  ii,,H,  JJo..okcss!;!
 i yyo uuguuyys . ,,D;;id dggr;;re;;ea  T!.!
;   , Y o;;ou'rreem oonstte;;e,,rs!sY .ouu;'rree ,, sskyyfp  r  eak!s  I,, IIo,ve i tt,  II loovv eiT!;!
;; g   ,, -,-  II wono  od;;deer  wwe..h,,ree t tsh.he;;yEE  eyWWRRee.. -
I    dddo..n',,t,,'h; k,knnooww.,
;;   ,,T ; ehhir daay''s n,,nootplppaanNe,edd.
;;Ou..utssi;deet  heehive,,  ,,lFFyyng  hweookkn,,nowws
ww;;eree',d o  nngx  wohof knoww hsswwhatt. ,,
,,   Youoo ; can''tjts  ut ttddeceeiidd,e ,to  be a ;aPjoollllen JJoocck.;; ,Yoo uu h,,avee,t,,o b;e bbbbreed,dd ,f o,o rtt,,hatt.[
,   Lo o,o,k;;k`.. TTha,,att'  s mo  ree , p,Oll,len  n tth,,hAAnn  yy  Oguuz  acnd ii ww;;ill  fseee  i in aa l;i iffttim  m  ujjsstte,.;;
IIttn''ss juus,st;; aa  oss,,ta taauuy s ,, syymbm,,ol..
B.Be,,en,,ess m,,makee  ttoo  mmucch ofoo  iitt..f   PPee;rha.ap..ps. ,, Unnldee  ss yyo.o;;u'err w,ewraing i it ta  anndd  thee  llaides ses,s y, ou.uw. ;;e  ar,iNg  iit.t. ..
 ,, T
ho,,osee   ;laaddie;ess? AAprrennt',,t, he.yy  oou,r ;; ccosi..sn,ss,, to,oo\? ;;
D,,i;Dsta,naatt... ,, Di;;istta,,nTT..
LLo,ok a,avtt . thhe,e s.. ;;etto.wx.
-- OooUUppl,le  of  Hi;ve,, Harrrrxy;ys..s.. --e  tt'ss hvaeaa  u  fn;; wiih  th;he..m.
..IItt mmusst..t bbeed  a;ann..greeoo u,s qbbee;;in g,;aa  Po,olleennJ  w.oCCk..,,
..Yie,,ea,,ah. ;;O nn;cee a  bbea,eerr pin,,nNNed, ;; m..e.m  m ]a,,ganIt . a  mmsurhhoo;dmm!
 e;; HHee hhyd  aa p paw    n]   my;y  t,h,,r,roat, a
n,d  ki  wtth,,h tthe;e  ootth,,he e.r,,  .hee waass ,,la `ppp,piin,,g.. mmee!
-- O , hh,,  m.m,,y!! ,-II  ne;;nve vr;; rrTTHoou..u  ghh tII''d ,,k nnock  h,,h,,i;;m   juusst.t  oou,ut.ptj
 , ,WWhaa  wwre, yyo;uy   do,o nigd ruuinnggt    His?'S
TTy..ring gm. tt o;oaaler,rtt ht,,e  aa.utth,,hooriitIIeess.. ,
II   can auuT,oTgrr,,a Phh thta,at..
,,   ,, A litiittl,lee,, ggusttYY,   ouut  t.t,,Her,e   toodwya,,
wwmassN',,'t ,, tt,, ccommrAAidde..ess??
;  ,,
Y.YedAAh.hh ; ;Gus,ts,,y.;;
,,    WWem',,'rre  hh  itittnG aa ss,nfl;;owlee.r   pAttch
sixx mmi;iL LEEns  sf rno  omm hehhree  tto moor,r'rrwoo.
-- .. gS;i]xx  mile,,es,  hhuu h??,, -- BBraary. ,,! .  
AA p,,duud,,le,,e jju..mpp f;for,,r   usu;,, bbutt ,, mma..ayybee yoou',,r''e   nntO  u;;up.p for i , t,,t.. ,
; b-;; aM..Myyb,b  ii a m, ; -  YYoou  u . ,;;e  ennooTT!
Wee''rree  ggioonng,, 0990000;t,  JJ.-G;;aG,Gt,t.e e ;  ,, .. WWhhha,,at ft;;tdodd,, byo, uuttH;ik,nnk bbuzzz  z..y-bb;o;  yy? d?A,,Are yyoouu bb;ee e,, en,o..ouug..g'hh. ? ..  p i  ;;mgiih ht fbe.  Itt  aalll .dde,,eppends/ o,,obnn  whhaat ,, 009  90,,  0mmaeeansa..
HH  e,y  HooNNeex;;xv!!
,Daad,, ay;;yO,,u ssvurr.pi.rsesdd  em....
 YYou   dece.Iddee  whw;waat,,y o ;u ''r  e  i,,iwtteerreess,,te e;d   i?nn
 , --,, W,,Wexlll  tehhrre'ss,,a   loot o,,f   cch\;;oicieesh.. --.. Buu tt,you;u, on ,, lyy , gg et fone..
Doo, yo;oue  jvveerrg   e  t   b,orEE..d
vddooviin; ggtht  e  ssammeee ;;jo.b eveeee ryy  .dda,,ay?
,,SooN\, llet  me  t,,Ell ; y yo;ouu a obuutt,,ts.si..irrk..rin,,ng.g.v
, ; YOu ggrAA  b  tthhat;;s  titc,kk andd yo u ju..s,,ts ,moovve i; tta  r..r,,o u..nd,,  aan,d ,, k you  si,irr  i;;ittv .. a,around.
YY;ouu geet,,t..y  oourr]s.essllff hi,intoo .a r hh;;yt  thhmm.
tI''s, aa  b;ea  auut;;ti if;;ull  thhniig.
YoYuu kn,o,w DDA  Ad;d,, tt.hee..m , orooee  IItthi.nnkk atbbo;;ouut t i;it,,
mmaybyyE,E tthhe hho;n,oEEyy; ffiie,e,,d
jjs..tt iis;snn''t , igh,ht,f ,or;;r , mm..e..
o,,Yoou w..weeree  thhci i..n;;kinngg OfOO wwhh.at mm,aki,,ing g ,, baloolnn  a,animm  jjuustlass??
 . Thha,a;t's,, aa;; 'bda jjobb
fo,,o,r a  guuY ,,woiti, haa, stIInnggree.
anJ,,Jeet,,t,  yoy,,y ur; soon'p..s  nnoott  ..sue;;r; hhe  W  Waan nttss , t/o,, ggoo  iint oohho  onn,,Eyy,, !
-.- BBxar  r,,y,e  yo.. uu,exA;;A so s;;fu.un;nnyy  ssoomemtmi m  jjuusst;;te  sv.
-,, II''m,,m  ntot. ttrryying g ;; tto  ,,bee  ff,unny.
.p   oYYu''rre  nntt;; ffunneny,,y!!    Ypo,,ou''rrEE goinng ,, i  n,it,,tooh  o;;e,,nyy.;. Oruu  ssooNNt,, t..th.he sss.t,irrrree.!rr ;; ;;
  - Yoo,u'r'e',,'  ggnoonnab[  e  a  a s  ti,,ir,,rrreer??
;-  Noo o  nnee' 's LiLste,tnnnI  Igg;; .oo e;e! ,, ;; WWai itt,t il l  yyo.u s;;eey thee,, ssttickccss  I,,I h avvE. .  
,, II c;c;;ou,uul.ld s a..ay , aaan,,nty'h,,nIgg .. rr;igghhttw n..on n;w.. ;; I''m  ggon;;nsn,na ggeet ann  anntt ta  tt;;t ooo!!j
;;   L etE.E'ss ooppEn. ssOOmee  hon,neeyy  aandn,n eC..Clleb..ratee;;!
,, pMMo ayyb,eyb b  iil'l 'p  iieercEm;my ythhoraxx.n S h,,aev,,v m . ..y  ane.tna..ae....
 ,, SS ,,a;ck  k  ..upp  w,iw,w.thh  aa g r;gaassshop,,pppre e .  Gett ra  a ggolld  ttoohootth;h nd ,,cAAllll eev;v,,er,ry,,o..od;;ydd  ""dawwGG"";!,,
I''.m  so,,o , prrOOuu.D
. ..   . --  Weer'ee.. starrt,,tii..Ngg  wowwrKK  TTooday!;;!
-,-  T.Tgo aDY'..sx '  tthhee  ddaa y.
,, ..  . OoOmmee Ocnn,,,, AAll t..theh .goooo..d  ;obs ,,willl b,eb  ggo  oNee.. t
e,,ahha,,  riigghhtt. . q ,,  
Pololleen  couunt,,tinggg, , ;; stuuNtNb  e,,ee..e,,  p;po,our  rnng,, s st;tirrrr,r,, , ..fr,ro.on.ntt DepD  Ds  ks, bh;ahhi;r   emr,ovaal;l.;.
-,-  sI  iit,t,, s;;st.lill;a vaaiillab,be,,e? - -.-aHHngg , onn. T,Twoo llte ef;;ft! ,,
  ;; Onne o  ff tthh..emm'js  yyo  ourss!!;;O onn,n.gratteuullattionss!! , S S,,tep  p ; tto  ;thhe  ssiidde. ..
--;; WWhh,ha't;td you ggett??
.. --PPIIcckkiing.g  cc,,ru,u;;  Ouutt.   mSStttel..llraa,,!
oWWw !;;!
Ooduu,pee ; ;oF   Fn,neew,wbiie]ss??
YYe;s, s;;ir,,!. OOuurr    fir,,rst ,,daayy!!  WWe a,,aree rkeiaaddy y.!
 M a;k;e y/ourr  cch,,hooicee..  
- YoUU  wwann,,t  gTTo g voo ff,iR,st,,t? a;;-  N..,oo yyooUU, gg  .oo
   e OOhh, myy.   WWha;t's aavaaiilabblel?
R,Rsettrro.oo,ommj  att.tne;;eddaatn's,,  ooeppnn,,w.. o ntt  ,fforr,, tvhhme    rreaasO;n  yoo;u tthhink..
;  -
Ayy . cchhaancie of  ggeett,ti;;inggth,,eh K,, Re,Rxll,A,n??
-SSurue,,,,.   youo'',,err oon.nn
II'm .. s,o  ssorr;r\Y,   th..Te  K,Krrellmm..ann  jjuussttc,lc,co  oseedd. outq,u,,.
WWa,x  mmoo,,,,nkyee's' a;alw..wayss ;; o,opeppinq..
Thhee  KKree.l;maan;;n , xoppeegennd,,d ;p;;l  uaagaain..
, W;Wh;;at  aapp,pneed??
]   A;A  Be.e..e   d]iie  edm. ,,.aMMe e,s  ann,, o,opp,enni;ing., ..ssee?ee.. ,He''ss , ddreadd....yA ndo,ott.hher,, dea D onnee;;.
;;     D ea,,dy,y  .  e,,Da,addi fi,,e;;edd...TTwyo ,, mm  orr.e, d.d,eead.
 ,,DaeD . rfofm ;; tHe .. n  neeccK ; uup.p.. ,, Deeaad  ;f.r,om mt,h,,e  Nece  ek  ;dooncww .T.;.haTs  life!
d Oh, t,,t,,ihhss  i,,s  ssoo hhaarrd!!
Heeatting,G  c,,ctooolling,
s  tUUmnnt  ibbee, epooureerr, ,,  stirrrer  r , ,,   hu;;ummni,i,g..,   in  ps,,seCCttorn  umb  be,err seevve,eN,NN;; LLi..iun t  c o..ordInatyo,,o,, ..st rripp,E s,usps.servvi,isoo,r,
.m,, it;tee  wrwaw.wnng  gll;e,,r..B ,, aar.rrryy;;,  wha attk
o, ddyou  ..thhinnk . II   sshhooUldlg.... Ba.arrj ryy??
 ,,   aBBr..rdyy!!
A.AllL rirgrrhtt,,y  wwee'v.v. eeg..goo,,t  thhe..e  s,,ussfnlloower  ppaattch .. inn .. qquaddra.at,,n n i ,n   .ee...
hW,,Waat ,,h , aappppen.ed  tto;o  yo,ou? W h`eree a  arre ,,you..u?n
-- II''mm  g..giinngg o oUUt.;;. ,, - -O-uut??  O,,utt   w..whhelree?? ,  ; -  fu;;ut t;tehre.. . .- , ;;Oh,,h,,  n,noo!a
c     I haa,,veh. j too,,  bbe eFor,oe fII og,g t,,too WW,o..r,, .fk,or;; r.httee  ,reesstt, o,,o  mYY lliffee..
yyou''.re ioonnnaa .. ddi,iee  l;;Youl'r..ree t  crrazyzz!!s  HHe;e..Lllo o?
AAnno t..ehrh   ;hcalllc  oo,mingg ,,inn/.  
If,,f naayyone's ssffeeelingg ;; ybbra  aVVee, theree',,s .. aa  Kovreeann  d;eoill noo 883,3 rdd
tt,,haatgi e;; Ts  tjhh,,eir . ,roossees   ssTTooDayy..
HH.eeyy,, `;;guyuus.ss,
t ;  
--LLooOOkk    ,,At  \..thhaatt. -  IIssn't';;t hAA,, t h,h, Ekeeidiis  w,,we ssaw.. yyjeiStee,,rdd;ay,,y?,?     ,  HoHHk.ldd , i  ,tt.. soon,, flIIg,,gh,, tdde.ec;ckk''s re;;rsstri;;i,ctteeD.
ItI;'s OOKK,  LLo,,ou;u.,.,, We,e  'rre..e    ,,g;noonnaa  patbkkeej  hh.im js,utt u,,p .,.
RReeal,ly?yy FFeeLinnG Gl;luucc,k,yy, aree y  ou?
,, SSiggn h,,here,,e, h,h;;erre. JJsuut  niijtiiiaa lth.h.attg.
; ,   .. -  -   hna;;a  k  yo,,ou. -. O.Ol
oou;;g ot aa  r,,ain,n   ,,a,,dviisobrtyy  ttoodaayy,
    , aand a  s yy,o;u aall  kknow; , ,beess , c  ca..nnnoot ffllyy, i,,inn  rra..i;;n.,. ;;
oS beo  .creaffully;;.  A ..s;;  a,, llwAAYss,h
watch  y.yoau,r bbr  oooms,  
hhoocckkey   ssttiiCCkks,  ddoggss,
b,btiR  ds,,,  bbea  a,rrss , ,a.dd ;; bbtaS...
Allssoo,,. II gogt a ,, ; ucp;;plle  oof fr..re..ep;poorrtts,s ;; o f  roooott ,be,,ede;e rbeeii;;ngg  ppo,,o;ur..re,,eD  oonn  u;s.
MMu,urrpphhyy''s iin,n,,,a ;;hmo;oe bc,,Eaausse,,e  oof.f i;;t,,b
abbbllii,g.nl i,iee  ,,a  .icada!
;   -- , ThTTatt''vs; a,,wful.. -g
; A;Anndd  aa  rrm.iinnde;rfi; o;r  youO; .Orro.ookiie es,s,,,
,, b,,beee;;e  l,law..w , num;;mbre e..eon,n.e, ,,aabbsso ol lu'teeysl n,,noo talckki,inngg a,,ott   hh  u  Mas..,!!
llll ,,riighht,  l,,laauu..nCh,,  ppo,,ozs  siit;;tIo;;noss!,! ,,   .
..Buzzz,  ,buuzz,, bbkuuzcz,,  bb  uzzzz! , BBUUzz,., bbuuz;;zz,z, zbU,zUUzz,b,, uzuzuu!,! Bzzz,, ,,bbuZ,Zzz,,, ,, b,buz.zz,,z,,  buzzz!
BBlackk .. and     YYeel[l,o.w !
 ; ; Hell;;l! o
 Yoou   reaadyy ;; fo fr  t,,httii.s,,,, HHo,ot shhOt?,? ,,   .   ;;Ye,ea..ah..h.  Y;;eahh  , r,bIIngg  iitton..
u   W. inn.d,  , , rcHHe.eckk. .
 - -kAnteyt,,tn nnna,,ae,, c  chech;;h.k..\.- N e  ctaraa  ppack,, ccehmc. ,
--Wi,in..nggss,,a,, cc\..heecck. -  Sing  eer,  cch,,ec c,k.
qS  Sacrrede . oou  u   ,of ,, mmy . sshhyoorrts,, , c;ch,,hoec,ckk.,.
KO, la..lddi,,iees,,
..  .. .l  ett' 's;s  mmo,ovvE,,E, ji,itt ,uo,ot  !
,   , P.. Ound  thooSeS..S pettunniiaass,
 yo;ou sl   tirrped  Steemm--suc..ckkeer  s!  
;;  j, Al,AL fo,,y ,,ouuu,  dRi  ip,nth  hose,,e f  lowweerrss.! ;   W ,,oow!!..II''m O,,uOO,t!;!;;
I,I, can..n't  eellevie e,I'mm o ut!a
So o  obluuEE..
,     II , ff  e  el ls,so  f  aastSS  a;;ndd frf;;fe,e! !
,, Box k  kiittEE!
oWw! !!
hT,hi  sii  is  i  BBl,,luu e  LLeavddeerr.. eWW h  havvee ,, rrosess  vvsii,,ua al,,l... ]
Brriin,ng it,,t, aaroun  ud 330 ;;Dee  GRe,,eef sand ddhhooldd;;.
RRoosees s! !!
,, .deegr,eeSS,, rrloger..  Bri  inn,Ginngg  hiit aarouo;nd.
  . ,, Stand  dtoo th;;eh, ;siiDe,e kiidd,,. ; IIt''ss gott  a  bbi;;i,,t o;offc  Akiicck k.
,, That ;I,s  no..e. ;;neca  t;r, ccolllepCCtto;or!! ;;
,   , --Eve. se..sep  o  oLLliianntin,o , upp; clccokse?;; -;;-NNo,;;, si,r.
,, I . picckk pp sso;;m eppolllle  nn,, hh,eree  ,  .sppr.rinkkll it, oo..verr ,,HEErree.  . M a/  yb,,bea   ,daashh o v  err  TTheree,;e
u ..
..a  pp,,i,nch oo..n TTha,,att oo..ne S,eSee  thhatt?? Itt'ss  aa,, liiTTttl;eg  b,bii,,t  of; maag,giic.g
T Thaht  h'' ,Sa,,maaaazi,n,,g.. ..hW;yd  oo   wew;w    ddo h.tat?
..   TThhaatt's;;s poolle..lnn po;weetr..M   orre ,, ppmlo,,o..leen,, moorree
.follw werss,  mmoe  nn.eccta;;ar,, mmo..err  ooneYY  f offrr uss. . .
, ;;;; /
OOoo.o ,
, I'm''   piickkiin,,n, guup a  l,loott jof,f,, ,,bri,,ghhtt ey  lloow.,. O; oou;;uldlb ee,da;;ai,ishies.  Do,,onn'tt we neeed ,dttHoSe??
OOoopp  yt,yh,,h,a vtittss,uaal..
WWa,ait.;;.  OOnnEE   of  httese  afllo;w]errs ssEemst  tt,,o[ bb;;e oon thttee mvOOee  ..
, w    ,, s;;saay,y aag,,ainn?  YYoouu' 're erppor.rt.tiing ; a ,,aovmiin  ng..g ,,fllOw..O;;re?? . e  
aff;fiir.rmm  at/iivve,.
  ; TTh',att  wwaas  on    the linE!
; Thh,,i  psIIt h  ccoo,leetS.S,S WW,,,hata i   si;t??..
II,, ddonoo','tt; kkno,,o.wt j,,bbtuu   I'm  Lo;ovvin..g tthi sc  cooll;O,,r;;.
It.. ssmeM;;Mllss GGzoood..d . NNoo,t  li ke  a,f lwooeerr,  bbuut;t I  lkL.L..e  itt,t .
Y,,Y;;ah,h h ..f  uuzz;z..y\,,.
hemm`iic caal..l-yy..
;;Oa,are;euffll,  uuyys..  IItt''ss ;; aai  liitttell  ggrarrbb  by,y.
MMy  sw  see,t..e  loorr;d off  beeees!! ;   O  O;a  nddy-rbbaa  ni, ,get  oof.f f,,ftt,heeeRRg!
p p rOObbleem!!f , e, ; ;p- ;;Guuyys.. -p ,Thhisi  cou.ldd  b;;beebad  d. .   ] Afffi irrmmaatiive.o
V..V[ee,,r;;y c oos l,,et.
GGoon..nnnA  hur,rt.. .
eM   ,am,,'a,ss  litte  bboyy;;. . .
Y..You aare  ,waayy  out o;off  ;possiitt ioonn, roOKKie!! ,
q,,O,,motn,ngg  inn  at r;;yuo likke  a ,im.mssgs,sil..le!
He,elpp  m,,me!
 ,I    DDoo,,''t tttthi.hnk , lhtte;esse ;; arre  ffllo;;weer,rs..   h
-  SS...hu;ul; wwee teeLLl h.h i  m juus?t,, -- I tht  inkk h;;h.e  ;;knnioss...
Whhaat i ss  t;thhi!ii
Mxaatc,t;h p.pooiinnt!
.oYU ,,c  laxn  stssaartt  ,a,,lckiknn g  up,p, hhonn;;ey,;y
;Bce..auu,se .e..y  o'iure eaa boouutt , T..Too  e;;at.. it;;t!
, ,,  
THHee  e's snA b,eeei n..n  tthee c,caar!;
- Doo  ,,sommeT,,Th,,hII..ngg!
,- I  ,'mm    drriivi,NGG
.  - ,, Hi, . .b,eee..
-- He's [b,,buac;c  k  .he  er;;re!,!
HHe';'s gon ig  ttcoo ssttiinn,,g m;m.e!!
;;No.ob,,boodyyommvee. .iiF  yo o.u  donn',t  m;mOOve,,h e, wwoonn,,'tt, sti  nn.g yyoou..  erFFeez.ze,e!! ,, ..
tHHe bblliikNNed  !
l,, ,, Sprar Y;;Yhii,,m jjuus..;;t ;,Gr.riaannYY!
;WHat ;; aarree y,yoouu d,di..nig;g?! u
;   ;; oWww.....  . tthehh ten,,sio oN  lleevvee' l ooltu hh,,reeee  i ssuunnfbelliieevvabl  lee.
..I g go.t;;ttaa ggeet,,t  hhoome.e..
 v OOa an;;n'  t flyL  i;;inn ra  aiijn.j
 , OOaa..n'ttf ly;;l    inn` [raini,i..  
Oannz''tt  fl;;yll inii  rrA..An..n
;   ,, Mt;aydda,y!! ,, Mda,aydda,,ayy!..!  BBEEe;e;;oginngg d  oow!,,n ;
eennu,, ,,c oou,uldd  y]ouu  ccllose,,s httee ;;niioo..w ,pllesape?ee
   ; KKeen,  c,,c  ouu,ld  yoouu c.lccoossvee.. tt hE wi  ..nddoo  w  plppeaass?ee
.  , /OO,,heccK oouu,,t  mm,,.. n,,ne,,eww rerss,,u meek.. II wmadei  tt  iNNTo aa ,,fl,,ldd,o.-uutt broocchhuurr.. ,,
,,    d   YYo,oU sseee?e eFo lddssz  oout,. ;
    O.; H,  .nOO..  MMoe eehhuumqa an,ns..   I;;Idd,onnt''  ,,neeied tthhiis.. ;;
Wh  aHHTT wwass . th;a,ht  ?
MaMMybE EEThhs\ii ;; tiiM MJusttE,,.ThT,,ist iimm  j..jusset.  T,,This  ti..tM ;jusstme.. Ti,,is ttnimm  jju stte!! TThiss;; ttiim mjjuustee!..!      Thhi,sr......
, , Dra,apemss!
;; ;;  
T.Thata ;; iis,,sd   qi  ab,,ollical,,.l
,,Itt's  ffa.anntta,assttiiac,,c  tI'ss  agg t,,ol  'all mmy;;y  sspeeciial sk,  SiiL..Ll  sll,v  eevven my yytt.opp-Tennf , v,,Aooriite  kmmovivevv...
,, Wa.at''s n ummbbeer,,ro nne?,? Sttarr,, pWW.arsq? t??d
NNaahhI,,   doon' 'g'oo   f,,o r thtat... .,
.....ki ndd  of  s,st tfu,uf;f.,,. d
,, o  wwonndd.er wne..ej ssoou,,uhllddn'..'tt  aal  tto tthem... TThhe,,ey',,r.ree o ou,,T  o,f tth..h,eir,,rm.n,,idsd,,d.. . a
W  hWeenn II , leeave a j .o  bb,,i ntt,,r;;evieeww;;, thheey'',,rE fll,Ab..bbe errGGaasstteedd,,,, cac  cn';'tsb ;   elielvve  whraatt  I sasy,,y...;;
TTheh;;hres tthhee .s  u,un;;n. MAyybe thha,,att 's s..s,a, w.waay ;ut,t..
I  ddoon..n''tt ;emem,beer rr,the,, suunn hhaavvingg . a, a  abb igg ,,75i   onn itt.
Iprredd,Ic,,ctted g,glll,obbAl;l    w,,wa,,rM,,MiiNg;;g. .
pI  ;;coouull..dm. ffeeel zit eteetgn  hOOttttre,.ee, ;tAA u First IIthhoouug hT i..itt w,awws sJu  usstt  m,,me ..
,,Waiitt!  Sttoop! . BBEEe!! .
sta,,and ,, bba acck;kz..T hhe,,es..s..e a,,re,e ,, wi  teerrq, ob.otss.
;;  WWaaitt, !
Donn'tt,, kil;;ll ,imh..h jfuustt!!
  , Youuk  nn O woIm' ''a  all,,l errgi,ic tot,t  tth,,hEm,,E!!
Thhi s ;; ,thii,n c  couulldd kkil,,ll . mee!
WWhhyy ,, ddmooes hhII..s,, leiif,ef  hha,vaae
lees ss,s vv/  alue ,, t  htaannq  yyo;urr,,s?? ,,,   , ;;W,hyy  ,;;doo  es,,s h yiiss   lgiffe  ha,ahvee   anny lesss vv;la..auu; tthaa,n .m  nxiie?f  lIss  th`.a.. tYtoour  r  ssvTT atEE,,me tnn??
  ,, I',,m  j,s,tuu ssaayiinngg  aal/lr  l..lif,fe ,, h;;has ;; vaallu;;e;;. ,, Y..uo,o odnnp'.t. vknktooww h,,haat  e[hh','..s cc  appaab.bl,,e of feeel;;lti,ingg..  
p MMyy , bb.r,,o[chhuuree`!
 , thhEEre  cyyouu ,, go,, ul,,ittell  uGyc..
II',m''  NNott s  s,ac,,cyrreed  oFF  h,hi;;m  jj,usftt.. ..It' ssaan,,aale  lrrGicc tthii,,n.g  . ..
P,,ut ttt;;haatt onn yyo,urr.. ree s,mud  bbrroohhurree.
 , MyM, wl,oee  f;;f.acccc;;o  u;;ldd  puuF,fFF upp,,.
b.    kM
a..akkee iitt  oen no;;fg  you;ur ssup,peeccial s;;ksv,illlls..
KKnoockkii.ng ,gssoem..Onne o Uttk
i;si alsso,,o aa p,se,,cii.al , s.skkill l..
Riigt.gH,H Bye,;;, .V anen;ns..ss sa,,a..  TThhaank',,.ss
. n .. --,, Vaen.sn,,sa ,nnex  xt; ewkk??,,..Yoo,gu,,rtt ,i.nghtt ?.?-- S.. u,,e,, KKeen.  YYoou k  now  ,w ,, ha,,at,te;;everr..
;; ;  
-- , Y Yoouu ocucc'll,d  pputt caaRoRRb c;;hccgips` ppon  thheeer..
-- Byyve.
-- SSu..uppp,pooxse,s..d  o ;; bee.,,l  eessss rcaloarriieegss -
 xByye. ..   , I gi,,ott..a  sa..ay,, po om,t..ehi.ignn. .. .. . ' ;
Sh,he ; saave,,e , myy l  iiff,e.. ..I;I  ggott..a ,, ssa.ayy  ssmoo.ethihngn.
AAll ]lrig,,ght,,k;; h;;eh,,rhee  i,iott , ,,gooee,s.
W;;Whhaatt  ..wo,ou,,d]LL ,, II  sp,,ya ;
I;;  coo;;uldd r,, eea,allyll gge.ett  .i..t ,, rrouoobblle .,.
   ,, IItt''s  ;;a  ebee laww. YYoouu''rre,,e   nntoo s..uppoo,,se,,edd ot,,t , T  Ta;;al l  t.tod,, za,a  h.huu.mn,.
I,,  caNN,' ttbeeclileevv e ,,I'',m qdonog  ttIss...f
;I'  'vve GGoT ; tt.o
..     Oh,, ;;I    c accn;n',,'t t,,dtto  jii  t. .   oOmmee  ono!;;
NNo..,, YY;es,s.. .. NNo.
Dl oi.it;;t..  I c  an''t;. ,,
HoHx..w ssou.ul,,ld ,, I  tts,sa  arrti ,, T??h
"."You   lliik;;ke  j  ja zz..z?.. "N..o";;",, h,,t  att\''ss ,,no  gOood..
,, ..   ..HHerree  ShE,, c,c,omeeoss! SSppe,,akk, ,youoo .f .. oo lo!!
,,   HH`i ,, , .. Im'  sso    s,oxrrry. py,,y,,   ,
- ,, Y..uo,o'  r' 'ee;; ttaall,,kinG. u-Y  se,,e  ,,I`;  kN;No.;;w
,, Y..ufo';;'Re.. ttAlaek,kiin,,ngg!!
I;I'm ssoo s  oo , ..sorr,y'.g
,   Noo,, ;; iit'  s  OKOO...  I,Itt's''  ffinnee..
 I .   know;;w  II' m  ddreaai,mnngg.
Butuu ,, I  do  n't' rre..eca laall  ggo,iinng  tO;;O b..eedd.. ,,
 i;; ..Weeillll,  I,I,,'mm ssuur  e;; tthhei ;sss  v  vere,eyy  zdiddssc,coonnCrrt,tin ng. ,,
TThxis isii AA  biitt  ,of,,f,, a a,, suurppriis,,see   .tcoo,  me.
I ,,mean,  yyou'rr;;e .a bbfeeee!;;
b   ;; I Iam  a..,A nnd    I'm no;;ta ,,suppppos;;ede, to tbe  D  Do,ingn  tthhi,ibss,,
ub,,t t  thehy   er,,r. eall l trryin ;; To kki,illl, ;me.
, anndif iT;; Tww.assnn,,',t  ffoR RR  yo,,u..,,..;.
IIh a;;add .. t,oe ;t,,thankk   y ouu.
It'',,s  j,,j;;usstt hhoow  II  wwa,as   rrasaae,,ed.dd
,, ,,     T hha  t,ah ; ;;waas,,s a llittttll,,E w,,eirrd..
   r   -I'' mtalkk;ingnns wwitt,h    a , bbee;;e...-
II'' mmtaTTl,lk..kiing . t a    bbge ee,e.  .
And  tthee be iis t,al.lkkindg  tto mmee!
;   gII ,,juustt;; pww  ann tt.to  .aj..Sy,y  I;I'm ..grraetet,tf,,flull. . II','lll lel;la    vee nOw.
.     , - itWW,,! HHoow d  i  d  ,yoouu  l.eaaRt o,o  do th,ahh;t? -   , Wht  a? ?,?
,he, t.al,,klln,,igg . t;;H,nngg.k
/ ;; m
SSam,,ewwaY you ddidi, II  gguu..ses. ; "MMa,,mmaaa,,  DDadaa,aa  shoony.;;.," Yuoo  ppiciikk  ii,t ;; ru,,up. ...
; - , uThatt'SS; vree;  funu,,unny
--,, YE,,E.ha..a.
Beeessk AArree .ffunnn..y.. Il .. ,we ddind'tt   al..lughh wwee'd' ccry;y ;wiith..h w;;ht  wwE E,,hAve;; too de,aa]l; .witth h..
 . ;A;;n\ywaa y......
.Oaan  II...;;.
,   .. ....get  yoy,ya [uussoome;ett,,hqiinnG?,? -  Lik   eew.hwawwtt?
.. ,   I..I ,,d o .n,'tt  k.no,ow. I/ m   ea nn... ... i donn''ltt nKK,Oww..  Oofffeeee?  ?
.   I , ddoon'tn    wnta t;  puub;;t yo,,ou utt. .
;;  ,,
IItt's;;,, noo  ,tor;ul  be.  Itt taaekk stwwo,o  mi..i nuttzes.
,, c
v  IIt',,'s,,s  j.u,,stt cooffef;;f,,e. . - IIhate  tto;;o i;; mm j,,Tppo,,see.
, ;;-  tDDoon''t..t. be,, rii  d,,icculho,ouss!,, -, A;Acttualllly., I, w  ou,ulldd ovee , a. aCCu,,upp..
  ; He,,y,  yyo,,o uuwan.att  rru.zmm,, c czaakke??
-  shhooulldn  n't;; - ,, HHa  aVV.e s  ,o,,me,e.
-   -Noo,,,II ccn\aa..',,t .- OoOOmme oon;;!
 .. I
'mm ttrri.ig t,o lsO,Oee  a ccoouupel  ,,miiccrog,,rg\amss..
g -  Whheree??;-  T..Thhes  E st,,tripeed .onn't,t,, hhee;lpp
, ,
YYouu kllooook,kg r;;aett!
I doo\nn't  t k,on wIIf yyo;ou  k,kn,no..w
;anyytt h..i,ngga bbout  ffaash,hi..ion.k
e   t. Arr   yo,,oU  AlL er.riigghhtt?
,   NNo . ;  , HHe'  'dss  mmaakk,,inn,,gthe.  ttiiee in n..t;;nh ehh  ab a,,sat .h  eyy''r;;ree fly..lin,ngg  ,upp  Maad,idssso;on.n..
HHe'  f inan`ll;l;;y ge,ets;s ttheHHrre..
 ,, H,,He uRR..n. suup  tkeh dhsttpc;Ess inntoo tthe  cchurrc cHHc.
Th..h.. weedd,dbing; n iss   oonn,,.
AA,n,dh hee saay,,s,  ,  ""WWatteer..mre;;le onn ,  thtoouugghhmt,,t  ,youu; sasissd Guuatteemmalaan..
W,Whyw   oUUlld; dI m,marrryy;;  aawwtaae  erm  m'elono?o""
..   ,, ,,Is thaatt  aa ;; b b.ee j ookk?ee ;;
TTh,a,,ht'',, stth,,h;;e kinn d..oddff st,tuf,,.f www,ed  o., .;   ..Ye
aahh, ddfi,,iferreNNtt,,. l .. So,, '.hwwat aar;re y`o;;ou g;;o,gnnza ;;d  oo,, BBarbr;r y?
,   .. ;;AB,Boout ;woro;;ok I d onn''tt` .. kk;;now;w; ,. ,
II WWaantt ttoo do   mmyy  ppara t  ofr tt;;ehh h,hhivve,b
uutt II  ccaa..n'tt , ddos i  tt  the  w,a,,y  thheeyy wantt.
I okwk . h.oww yyto.ou    of;;fe;l.  . ,,
 --  YYo uq  ,,do,,o?? -,, Su,urreeq..
;   `
,,My,y  app a,,en  tss  zawntedd m,e tto  be aa  .laa,,wey .roorr   aa ,,dooccttor, bb..ut tI  w;wannteddt  o ;; Bfee  a flo..oiisstt.
  ,, -     ReAllly? -  ;;Myy  onnL;;y  iin,,nter,ree;;st  is  fLLow,wersr.
,   OOUUr nnew  q;;qdu;;uEenn wwaat ssjuss`tt   leeecttee,d w
i,,it,thh tthhata ssAmmee  co;;amppa,,aiigngg  sloog  ga na...
m ;;   A..nywwa;y,, fIIc, yo,ou lo o  KK.... ;;
TThhxerr..e'ss,, myy h,,ivEE,, ijrhgt ttHe..ee;;.;; .Se.ee,e it?.. '
,,   You',',ree iinh  S  Shheep,, p,eaddooww! .. ,  
Y,YE,,ss  II''..M r  II ghhtt o  ff  th,,he .. Turtrrll,e P,,Pondnn!.!
NNoo wayyy!;  , kkonnw . thtatt  a..areea  a. I,, lol s;t  aa ttoos r  inng;;g , tthr;ee once.e ee
--,, W;Whhy..y  ddoc ; ggirilsl pu  u  rrii;;ngs  g on  htetir    oeess?.? -, o;h;;yy  nott?
t - II,'sshl  iike, ppu  uttttingg,,a   .. 'h.haftt  o n..ny,you,,ur ..k nee,,.- c;; Maayb,,be  I',,'llll  t,ry t,,th.haat..
--]  Y.Youoo ;; all  ri.gi;;iHtt,,  am,,'aam m?? -  fhh,;;,  yyf ah..h..  FFinnee. ..
 JJus;st shaaviing  ttwoo c upps of  ccOOffeoee!! [ ..
;; nnyywayaa,.., ,, ttvihss  hhaas, b,eee..n g.grree;a;t.. hT..T,,an;;nus ,,fKoKK],  tth,he,, coFFf.ee..
z ,, Y; ;eAA;h,,.. .itt''ss. nno trooubbl e ..
SoorRRyy I  ccoouludnt',,' fi,insirh,,h  iit.;;.   Iff , I I\dDD,, I''d;;d ;; bee  upp , t,ee  re,,s..t  o;;fo ,,yy lliif;;fe..e
rAeA  yooeuu.....,?
On  uII t ake  a..a  pIeecceed  oof,f tthiiss wwitth  hmme?..?
SrrE!  Herrme,,, hh,,Avee a;;a cr;;uummb.
-- ,, fT.;;haaNvk;;ks,,s!m -,,-Y  eaahh..
.. ,  
AlAl,l  .ri igghtt,. WWeel;;ll,,, l  otthenn...,. II g  uueesss,,I   ;l';;'l lssee yyvO. nu,uaamrueng..dn..
O,r,, n;ntO. l ,,
 OK ,k vBa ar,rryy.. e
AAn,,nd dthhaa,,n,k;;  yo ouus o
m,mucchh  ax,, gaaiin... ..... co,or b  eff,orre. ..
  ,Ohh,, ;; t  hatda??; ;;ThhtAtqA  waas,,s n;;toh;;hiinngg..
Weel;lll,,. onnt..t  nnotOOhhii.ngg,,,b ; utt.`..,,. AA,n,yw,,way..a..b....
;  ;; , T.Thhiis,  can'n,nt  psnsibb,,ly; owwrk.... ,
;   ,,  ;e''ss   a,ll  s se..e  t    to   .go.; ....Wee m,,ay ajss we;el;l trr yyii,,t. ,, ,   O.k,,  DDav,,e,, p  ull  tthe eehc..cuut.e
..  ,, ,-  SSuu,dnnss;; ;m[aaaz,z.Ing.gg; -   I  [ws , amaai..inng!
IItt  ;;wa,,s ,tthh eescaa  ri issr,t
hhap  z piieeSt mm  oe,,en,,ntt .. of ; m;;y,m ;;i i,,fee. ; .
,,Huuma;;n;s!! I   can,,'t,,  e..ieevve. ;;yoou w erre,e  ww,ixth..  HHiuuma;ns  st!
;;  ,,Giainnt,,, s..sccaary hum.a,,Ns!!
WW,h,,at WWeeeRR Th..eeyy ; liikke.e?? .
;;   H HuuG,,ee , ann, ra,azyz,,z.., `Thheey ttaallKK  c;crazzy. .
TT,,ety ;;ett c r.arrzzy  tgiaiin,,nt tth;hiin ngs. Thheey d,,drri,ve c;;rcca  za,a;;y.
,, -;; -Do teh;h.y  try  n,,dNk   i;il,,ll,l  yo.otu,,  ;;liikkee  onnT ,,V?w
--. SSo,me;;e.. io.f;;f  tthhemm.  ,Bu,ts .. ome o  ff  tthEamm  do  nn',,'tt. ,
-,,- hH..H;;o'..wdd, yo uggee; baacck??,,
,, ,   YYouu  hdiidd ;;isTT,., an d I  I'm gga;;ad.d  YYouOO ,,saaww , wwhaate.ev[ere eeyyou  wwaatnne,edttoo .. s,se.ee.;.
,  /
Yoo,, uh,,ad y ouurr  eex,,pee,irre,encce.,"  oN,,Nw toyuy
c ca..an p;;pii'c,k  o..ouut yo,urjjoba nd beb BnBomarrrl.
--  Wel,ll.. ...
,- ..eWl,,ll,l?;?
  .. W
lee,,l,, I  MMeett  ssomm,,eo,o n..e..
YYOOuu d,,dii..?d  W,,Waa  s   shh;;e; BBee-i;;ish?,,?
-- , a ,, waaspp?  ?,!   Youurr  ,,paare,,nns will,l k,,ki,illll yooxuu!!
-l,, Noo,,,   ;noo,,,, on, n.nOt a ,  w,assp.
-- Spxidder?rr
- r-;;''mmn  ooad  ttrfTacctteed to  .syppi,,iw,deerss..   h II  kn..no  o  w ;; i tt''s.st ;hee hohhttttes,st] .. thjii;g, Wi;;iTh;; hhth,,e  eI.gh,ht,t ll;;eggs,,s  a;;annd ,Al.l,l
, ,,  I
, ,C.ann't  ggd t , bby tha.tm f  aeccr..
, a ,,oS,S  wwh;hoo iis;ss   eh?hh,
,,     ,,Shee'ss..u...... huhhman.,, .
N  Noo, , no,,o.;., TTHH;;att';'s  aa b;;b..e e;laaw..w. YYgo,,uo o  w;;woulldn't bbrreaakk;a;  beje, eleaw..
. --H;Hee  r  ,Naamee'',, s,,sVVnaaee.s a. - ; ,, oho, bboyy...
 S heh'..s s o  Nic.eey . gAndd ;s  h h\e''ss  a,,affloori,i,,t!,!
,, O;;h,  n..n'.oy ;;!YYou'u;re d;am,d..tiin;n..g   `a hhuumann fl,lor`is.t!!
 .  eWW'r'  noot ,,,ta,,aign..'
YYouoo'r..e e,,efly,,ing  ou,,o  tssidde;; thhe , h hvii. e..,,t aalkkin  ng
nt.to oohh umanns tthha,,att at;;acktt oourr  h..Ome
wi;itthh ; ppoo';;wee,  hwwaas  hE,,ERRss atnn..d  -80ss`!!;;O
n,e-eigghhtt,hh  aas tt  icc kkooff Dyna;;nmmitte!
S;;Sh,,e s.savve,D  my ,,il;;f;e A ;; Nd sheh  u  ndder..st,annd;;d.. sse.
T ,,hei,is sisi,  o;;oevr!,,!
,,   Eaatt   tthh  iss
; `  ;; ;;hIIs;; ss  ,,noot  ovve!rr  W,,W h  at..t ..wa,s, t thaa,,t??m.
.. --T heh..hy , ccaall l  ii;;t  a  ccruummb,b....-;  IItt ww[aas s  o s.sttin  Igin;n's  ttr;rip,pey! ,,
   ,, AAd .tddhah;t'ss nnO,,tt wwhh  aT;; T  Theecyy  eeat. TThta''ss  wh.ajtt.  faall,,ls  ofo,o..F  w hatt  ttbHHEyy eeaa!
,,  , -,,   You,,xnkko..w  wwhhat,a  a    iOOnnn,ab,bonn is,,s?? - NNo;;o...
,, m ,  .. IIt's bree a d and[  ccin  nm,anoo andd  f;frroosTTi in n..g.
T.Thhemy;y  heeat,t i;i.tt .. uup....,.
S  ilt ddo;;ownn!
....rreea;alll..Y  ,,Ho t!,,!
-,,- L;Listeen,,n tto  mmee;;! . . ,p eWla   re N,Neoo t t thhEE.m!WE're'; us s.
ThrhhE's' uus  aandd  thereees the,hmm;!
p   Yeess,,a b.but    ww oh ca,,nnz  d..dEny  E ,thh eeh,,eH,Ha abrt,,    htat  ii ssyye,,eaa rnniin g??.. ,,   ,
,TTheerre's on  yeearn,,rinG. SSt.ottp  yeeaakRninnnng,,g..  Li,,i,,stte,,nn to ;;tmm,e!,,
o,Yu  h..vAAee ,g  ot,,t  tto  t Sarrtt thIInnkiin,,nG Gbee,,;; ym f r.i,,enn,d .Tvhciinki  nig bbee !ee
- .. T..hi,;kni,i. b;;bEe,e.
-,-  T h,hisnnkk,in,gnn qbe;eee.
TThhinnkikkn;;ng,,g bbwe!ee Thiinnkking   bee !!,Th,,hih;;knninncgb e;eee!, ; TH;inkki  iNgN  e be!
c    , TThhee,rje[   hhee  iss.  HHee''s S  Siinn /t,,ht;e  ppooollr.;
 ,, .YYou  ukn  noow;w ,, wwh  haty,, OuORR   \ppr,,rOOblleemm .. Is, .Baraar,ry,,y;?;;
 I ;; gg..odt,,ta  s staarrt   b;httipnnkkiinng g ;; bbneee??u
  ; ;; oHHw WWmmuucch hllonggerr wwilll thhiis   kggooog n,,nk?
tII''ss  bbeeenn  th..h eR.Ree daay,ys.s! !!wwhh;yu  araaeenn''T,, you,u  wwoorrkiin.G?;;?
,,   I..I'.'vv gtt   a, l,lo,,ot;t ;; o..f ig.g  liffee  decciis;io,,npoos ssto   hiink  Aboutt..
  , WhWattl ,,  li  iffeen??  YY  o uhuu;aV,V;; en. oollife,,e!! `Y,Yoouu ha,veef.. nnoo jjb.,,Y  uo''rr eetb  ba  rAAe,,elly;;y a  a  b,,beee!E EE
WWoulld ..Itt  k[iil;l  l ,, yyoout o  o  mam.kea  lIItotlee h,,ho.on  en,y?
bbaa;;rrryy,,  cc,ome,, ;ouutt..
,Youur' f  atthh,e,,r's;;s;t  a;;Lkiin,ngg  tto o,, y.yoo.u
 . M,,MA  Arrt;;tinn,,  woou,,ulyd  youu  ttaall  k tto..h  ;imm ,jusut ?? ;
Baarrrr,,,Y  'm,,m, talk knig;g too  yyouo!o
;   yyouoo cc omiingg?
ot  t evveer;ytthih,hng?
;; AA..l,, s  eT!TT
G,,G..o ah,,eha;;ad..I, 'lll ccttc,chh .. .upp.
DDoonnm''t bbee ,,too  o lonoogg.,,. ,
WWa.athc  Thhi;;sii!! .
a   w--W ; e'rree ,,sttIlIIll  hhee..errt..z
--  II  ttowldd,,d y,,you,, noo, tttto yeelll  aa atth;hiimm just..
.   ,, ,He,e ,doo;ess],,n'' ttrresspno;,, ..o yellii ngv!!
,, --  Tfhhenn wwhhy , ye,leel;l  ]aatt  emm?? ,,-  B.Beecaauus e ;; O; uuddon,nt'' , liissuttne!.!  
,, . I''mm  n,,noo,,t  llsisitteneiinngg tt,o ;;tihs. ;;  , ,S
oorrry,, ,,I'v'ee g,,go;t otta abggo.,,
 -- WWhe r;;raaR  e y  ou ..goimnnj?? - ;; I  ' 'd m, eee.e,ting,g a,  ..f ,,rie;nd.,,.
AA ,, ggirrl;;? I;;s I htt;iss wh   yyyyou,u a,,n' '..'ddecieddee?
,, Ijju us t  HHooppee sshe,h's''  Bee-,-ishh.,,.
;; ;; ,, Thhey;y  ,,havev  aaw  hh,,ugee. paRaade ,, ooff ffoowweerss. hevveryy ,, y,eea,,ar ii   nPPaassa,aDDee,,n/a;ao??
To b Ei,,n  the  .Toouurvnnaammoe;nt,, oof RRsoo.e  s,, ttfh..hatt's,s eevverr yflloris;;sT,'ssl  d reaamm!!
,, ..   p;;U noa   ffl,oa tt, s ur  roounndeddddb
y,f yl..low  werees,,s;  c..rowwddss  cheeer,,riNN,,g.
A  ;;t..ou;urrn.na,,met  n.;;.,, Do  thte  r,,rooses co  om  mppe,te,e,,e,iinn .. a;;aT,Thhl  lyett,ic,,c e  .veennts? ,,
NN o ,,.,,lAll   ri  ghhtt,,   II''v..e . got  t, onne,.. ,, HHo,,oww  ocmme y yoouu ;; d.o,,N' t.l./yye vveeryww,,her,,reer?
,,   It t'ss ;;exxh,,hausttingg. ,h,y doon;;'t y,ouu;;r un , evveej,yrwhheerre?I  tt'' ssfaffjster..
YYee,Ah.h ,,,KO,, II see,,, I;I  sseekee a,,al,lllr iig  htt,w yoyurr tturrn.;;
  ,, TiVVoo.. Youuc  an justt  ffer;;erzzee  llivie  TT  V?,? TThat..t,' kinsnnannee!!. ,,
ou  Y d, oon;;n't.t  a;v  ,,e ,,thhatt?
.   W e hhavae HH;ivvo,,,p ,, but it,i',,'ss aal ,, dssee,,oSSe .II,t''s ssa ahorri;;blle,,,  hoorrr,,ibb  l;e  disi,,i;;eaasse,. e.e ;  ;; c ,O h,,hh ,m .y..,,
Duum,,b  b,,e,,ess!
YYOuOO,, mmuusst  ;aww;;nt oo ;; sst  it..tng  alll   thhso ;;eje,,rkss.
gE   tt,,ry  nott . t..to ;s,;ttin,,ng.
.Itt'sv.. uusual;lllyyfa..attaa  l ffOr ruS.ss
tSoo yuo ..ha  v,evvh  ;;to  wwat;ctth y,,yuurr  ttuem;;ppee.rr
. Ve[,Vlryy ,,   ca,,ar;reefu.ullly;;y. xoou  kkicck   a wal,,,l,l, ttaakk e . a,a   ww[a,a;lk,k,
ww..rtie an ;;a;ghr,,r;;y  ll;;et;tterr, and,d;t  hroow.wi  t . o;;ouu t,,.
,Wo..o..k tt,,h`rouuGh,,h , i;it ;; ll ikke   annyy  EEmo  tii,,n.:o
AAngrr, jjeeallo  ousyy,l , uust,,s..
OO,,h,,m y,y g goood,,dne..ewsss..s!  Are  e you  O K??
  . Ye,Y,Yaah. b
,, - . ..Whaa..ti s wronng;g  w,itthh ;y o U?!n --,,I'ssv a,, bbuug.,,.
.   HH,,e,'ssx  n,,nkoot..t  bot,htte,rin gaa.n\yybboo y;y. t ouo ot,f .he..erree,,  ydo ..urcec ce;;ep!!
W WHat.t  waas .. ,,t..haat?,,TA .. , iPcc  'N,,N'' .,aSv,,ve  ,czr.rcu ulal;;l?
 ;; ,,Y
;;e\aa,h,; itt wass ..HHowoq  ddiddo ;; u , ,nkowoo??
;;I t ,, ,,e fll tL,,L  kI;;eI a  nb  boo,,ut t01.. pp;age. .
SSeev;;evntnyy -ffie i;;S  prreettcty    muuchh   oUU.R , llImm j,,j,,usttiitt
, Y,,Y'oe v..rreaalllly Y,,YgoTT  tthhatt , downn t;;too  daa  ss;ieen;;cne.. ;; ;  
-- I qlo,,pssttd aa  coou;usi,,n  to 'Itallwiaann VogOOue..
-- ,'IIfl.l,,l . bdeet..
.   W
h,,ahhti  ;n t,,,h,e,, an,nmme
o off  ;M..ight  tyy ;; Heerrcuu,,Leess iiss.. thh,Is??
HHow  Did th;;hiiss g\et  hh[ere? ,Oduutet;t BeBe;;e, GoGldde  nE B lbb,oSsosmm  , . ,
Raay  LiLLto ota   P  Riviattee;Syell,cts?
-- IS ; hee  thaa,,t  atorr,,? - I n,n  ev,,er hera..d  ..off  hhniim jj;;usst,,t..
-,,- , ,,Whhy i;iss tth,,h;iss hhree,?,e - ,, ;F;oR, epoop,,pLLiee ., W eeeat tti,,itt..
YYoou,u  d d;onn'pt h,hA;;Avv eeeeinoo;;u,g.h  ,fooo  od  ofoo, yyour  ow whnn?? ; .  ; . --  Well,,  ysj  e.
- HHow  yDo y.you  gyet  itt.?  k
--  Bee ess, makke i  t. - --II knoow  hmw;o maak.ke,e i;t!!,,
Andnn  ,,itts' h;;arr dt,to  o  mmaqke  ti!!
Th..h;Er,,re,,e'ss.. .he,ea,atgn.igi,; ;;cooo.liiN  . ,,t;;tiir,,rrinn...g Youu ..needd.. a,a. wwh,,oze  KKr  re;;elmaN.N tHH  iNNg,,g!!a;
 , -  Itt''ss  ,,g\,,reaani ic.., -,, I,It;';s  ouO--ga n,,nI c;I! p
I .. t,tf''s,s   j..ju;;usst, ;;thoo Neey,y  BBaarryR,,R..
;Juus,t whha  at??!!
,   ,, BBeezeeS d ,, oonn't'.'  kknnow w ,, aabboou,,utt,, Thi;;is!!
Thhiss ..issd  sste..eaalliing!!  AA[ .. .lt o f  sstte.aalniig!!
YYoou'.u'vvEE  taak,en  o;;uo orr h  o,,mmee.s ,,ss ch hoo;olss, ; hhoospitia,,l.a,ss!! ; h  Tii ssis  allll we;w   ha.avv!,! k  . nAd  i,itt.',,s   o..on, AAle  e??p!
kII'.'mm egtgtniig too  tehh  bo,tootmt  Of;t,, hish..
, ]  I'mm gee,tttnn;g tto t;;emh  b`otte.omm
ooff  a; Ll..  .of  httiis !    
H;;Hey,, lHecttoor. .
,  ,,k -
YYo  omu aal;lm,oS;;St , d;;oDnnee??-   qAllmoosstt.,. ..
erHH . i sshheerre.;., I;; senss i  ,,t..
 \ Wee ll,,l, I  gguu e;ss , I''lll;;l  ggoo  oHMe o,,o wb
an;;add  j.;;ustt, le,eaev tthhis;; n..ic,ce e,,oyhney ouut,,t  ,ww
itth no o  on  en  a.owrrunDD.
YYouu','ree  bbus,tmed,d d .. bbox o bbooy!
II  k;kneew ,wI  hheea;;arrdd  sozsmethih..hngg,. S oo yyo;o;uj cc;;an;nv  ttallzkk.!
 ; I,I  ;acc n ttalk,,k..,, AAn,nd n  noow  yoy,,yu''zllll sstt.art  tallkiiu,gn;!
W.HHe  er e,,eyyouo o,, gg,ettptittnng.g bthhe,e   wsseeE,,E.t tffff?? Who''c,,s  ;;yooU Urr supl,liieerr? ,,
; \  ,
I i,iddoonnt'';; UnDDeertsaadn..
I thto;;uhgg,,t, ..wee wwerr ,,E,Frriie  eN,,ds..i
 , ;; TThh, ,ellaass. t,htti,,ingg , w  eww  wanttk to oi  S.S  uupps,se e .. beeees!;;!
Youu'.r',,ev   o to  alTTe!! IItt''ssmouurr,no  wooe !
.. , Yo.u,, s i ,r,, ahvevv cc,,roossed; tth hjee  wroo,,ngg  s.sw,,word!.!
,,   ,, Ymou,, ssi,iR,,, wwil    bbe  ulnnc hc;cf
fjoo  myy  ig uAn;;aa,,w I ;g..ng;cai;;io;;o!!
.  ;; WWhEbr;ree  ss tt.hee hhonneey c;;omi innfGrr;;om   ? ..   ;; TTellll  m;;me ve..eww;h,,,erre.!
Hone.ey   Farrm,ms! IItt  ,co,mse ffr,,omm Hoon,,neeyy  FaamiRRrs!!
OOraazzyy  ,e;;pr;snoo! !  !;   i
W,,Wohhataa hoor,rirbrlle  t;httniigg  hasshhapp pe,,en,,nedd  heerree?x
g ..  ; TTh,heese.s  f.aces,  t;;the,,  nnleev;vvee,r   nkkeew,,w
whhaawt h i;;tni tt  hm.EE A  ndd no,, w w ,,
ttheeyy'r..e; oon   the rrooaa;;t  ,o.. nooww,,h;;ere..r!
usUUt t,t  ke;;ee,ep sstiil;ll .
   ,, .Whata ?You''e . .nto dead;;?
DDo II; llOOo;okk  ddeeaadd?  ,Theey  wwiliil  w  ippe ]aanyythiiNNg .. t,tha ttmomvmeess.. rWh;;he  eR.R ee;yo,,ouu ,,hf   e,en;;adeddd?d ,
,, TToo,oo,neyy,,F ,a Rmms,,s. IIe ,ma  oontnnos ..ommEE thhiingg . hu  ee `hherre ..
Im goio;;on,,ngg to AAllaaskssa.  ..MOOooses bll,,ooord,,d,, c,,crazzy,,y  st  tuff. ;;   Bllwo se yyoo;;urr  hheeadd;o  f f,,f
I..I,m  Gooii g/n;;tf  O; T.TAAco..omma .
..   . - ,, aandy  oo,u?
-H, e.. rea ellllyy    isi;;i   de;;eaazdd.;.
,,A ll r,igghht.;.
   UUh;;-,,oh!   ,   d   --  Wh haTi  ps   t.hha,tt?!?? ,, -- O ;;h,, onnoo!!
; -,,- ;;A  ,,wipi..eiijrr!! T..Tirrlppeeb  bblaaddee!,!
-  ttrriple,,e ;;   lade??
 . Jumpp    o!nn IIt'j   o  yuur nnll;y cchhancc.e  ,  bbeeee!!
WWhhy ,, ddoeess evverryythhing ghAveV t
..o  bebb  eso ddoggoo.ne  cl  laen??!!,
 ;; H
kow wmuucch  h dOy oouu p,,e,pole ne;;ed t,o  ,sEEi;e?!
,,   ..Oppe  e nyoor;ue y  ee;s!, St,,Sisc k  yyooUUr h  r.eaadd ,o . bu,utt  [tthe. w,,idnoow!!
;; FFroom m  NPr,, rrN;N  ewwssi  nWNNaasshhiinge on, II'mm aO  O,rl  KK,asseel,,lml  l.;;.
h  ,, k,,B
uat, ddoo'';t  i,,kill en..oo,, mor reeb u,,sgg!z
-- Be,e!
 - , o;oosoo,e  lbood  gu  uyy!!!,
, -;;  yyou ,, E  Eaar s o,,me ethtttig Ng? ..-  LiikkE .w,a,t,,?
,   ..L ii,,ke  tti..nyy  scrreaminn.g
.urn ooff,,f  thee ,, rraadiioo..
,   ..Ww
haasuSSpp,, ,, bbee   e,eBo;oy? . y   ; HHe,eyy, ,lo..Od,d.
,   jjuussttj  a r,ro\w f oo,ohnneeyya .. j,,jaarss,,. Ass  far..r ,, ,a   tth e;;eyye..e coouulldd s,,,,ee.
..    ;;W
II  ,,Asssuummjee  w,whhegrrevvxeer  ;;thhiiss T;;T r,uCCk..k gg..eos is,,s  whheere,,e  theyy,re' ggee;;ti;in,,n gi  i.  t ;
I;;I, meeaann,, t;;thaa;t  hoonneey.y;;'s,, ouurs;;s. .   e
--  BBee;;es .hanngg, tiiggwhh  t.
--  We';r e  aalll ja;ammmeed;;d in,,i.
.. IIT'TT.s a cc,lo,oi,se,,e ,, comMn ii,,utyy. . ,
   .. .. NNoTT  uuss,mma;an... q.WWe on,,ourr oohww,n. E vve;;e;r;y,, mmOsq;qiuttoo   onn hIIxs .. oowwnn..
,,   ;
-  W;;Whjatt ; if   ffy,y,ouu  g,gee ;;i  n ,n;rttnoouublee?? -Y  oo uu,, ,,maaoo sq,,quuiizto  o  ,youu ,, inn  t trou,,lb,E.,.
 s  N  No;obo oddY    likkes  usuu .T  heT,Ty  jjuus  stt smaackc. S;;eSe  e aa mqOOui.t,o,, s  smmu;;ack,,  ssmdaac,,k!!
at lle;esst.t  yyuoo,'re]   uOOtt ,,iynnt  he ; wwoorrl..d.Y
ouu,, mu mst  ..meeeett..g i rls,, ,,
Mr,oS,,S,uq,qiito ga  i,,i,rlls  s;; ttr   tyy;o , t  tridaeeue  qpp n,,aget   iw,,wtth ,, A mmooht,,,;d  rrGG;o.nlsffyz..
' ,  
MoMMssqquu  ito  ,gir ddoon''t `.wea.nth nOO  m;o;qssuitioi.,,.
YYoouu  go..ott  ttoo  /bb\ee ,, k;;kI;dIdid,ng;;g me,,! . ;; . MMooSSeeblloood'' ssabootuu ,, ttool ;; ue,eaavve t
eH ,uibldiinngg! S,,So  loong, bbeeee!   !![;; ,,  - H,eHy,, ..guyuus!ss -,-w Moooose;;ebbl;;o,o! , g   I;I ,,kneew   I''d d,,d'ccaatctth,,h  yy,'all c;downw  her,,rde,., DDi,i ddryylo;o,u/  biin cyyou rccr,ra,,az  zy .. sttrra,,aww,? ,
,, WWee , tthroww,, IIt i;in   njj,arsrr,,, .. s  lap   aajl,,Ae..bl  onn  ,itt,,
a,,d n;ni,i'ts spp,reetttty  muuch  puure,,e pprr[ooff,,I.tt
 .  xhWa;Wt ztti,,iss tth..hi,,s ,, ,,pl ace? ? ??   . A ,, beee''s,s , bgot  a  a brrlaaint he ;;seizee. ;;fO,a   p.piinhnneAAd..d.. .   Thhe,,y  ARee p,,nhh..ea..a\ds ] !!    
ppin  n`,heeadd.
- Ohceekk\  ;;o,ut ttttx;;hje   newe. mss,okkeerr . , t-  hoa,, s  wweeeet t..  T,,hTTaat'.'S h;;he;;eo  n,e  y;ouuh  wwant...tt
Thhe, Th.ommass. 330000!!
. ,  SSm,,ookke?
NNine;;ety..y, p,uffffs,, a mniiu,ut,tee,, s..emmi--;;a  uttoma,,at,,ic.
TTwwiibc;;ce tthe ni  ccotooinnx,e alll,,l . tt  he t  ,ar.r..
A ,couplpee  b,,breeAA,,thhs,,s ooFF tthhuiis sskk,ncck.s ,thhe..em right, o  ouutt..
T,,Thee;;y  mmaakek,,k    ,,thee , ohhnneyy,,
a,an,n.d wwe;;e maka ..tHee,, ;mooney,, .
""Theey  MMaakeet    hhee  hoon,nee,y  , , aaod.n w e e  ,makkee  /tthhee mm  one;;ey?,," ;;
 OOh,mm!yy .
 wa',s  ggoi..ngg oo,,n?    AAgrerx you ,O K?
 ; ,, YeYYaa  h  II,t. d do;eossn,n''tt   l,,as,,tss, to..oo, l ldoonng..
/,,  , Do,o yoou    knkkoow youoo''rerr iin a  fkiAeee  lh.iv.,e w  iht ffak.ke , wwaallls,,s??
,  ]
Oru  u qque;en  wsa aa,,mo  ved; ;;heel r. w  wee  haad,,d  ,,noo cchho.ice.,. ,
,   bT
hhgis .. is,s  yyouR; qquee,en?;;n
.Tha,,att''s , a hm  ann  in,,n  ,woommen'..'ss cclot,,t,hEss! ! ! !   TThhaatt''s  a  dr;;argg  q.u;;eenn;;
, w ;; ,, WWhatt iis  thhi  idss? ?
;; .  
O,Oh,  nso!oo
. Thh  erre;e'ss,, hunu..udp  r e,,d,sc oof    thhemm!!
;;  ..
BBeee hhonneeyy.,
. x
,Our,, ..rh  honney ii,s . beiinng ; bbrr;az,,zelnny stoxLeen
n ao  mams sm,,immvv  e  sclAee!.!
,, , ;;
Th,,Ti.iii sswwoourrsee t th;;haan  ;;an;;n,yytthhi  ng bbeaars..s
hAvAe .. ddoonnee!!  i..i iitnennddq to d,,dOO  sso,m.etth,,h,ing,g..
OOhk,;, B\arryy,,[  sttop..
,Whhoo  ttoo,,ld yyo,,ouu  hhuA..Anns a,,re  t  tak,kin;;ng Ouur;ho eooy,,y hT;;atd''. aa  rru.um..or rs.
\   DoDD tthh,,Essee  looookk  llike rrmuuoro  oss??
, d     ; t..tahht,t',s  aa  c;co,onssppir\accy  thh..e,oyrr.i T h;; ees],e;ab r,,e  ob;;bvvi.ou,ussyy dd,occto,ro,,o..dd  zpphhso otost..
 . Hooww  diddr  ;oyu  u geet ,,   miie;ed .udp  iintth,i..s ? ?   He' sbbeene,,e .haa,kllqii,,ngg  tto  .hummanns s...
q ,,  , - Whhatt?   ?-?? [aT..Tllkiinng   ttoo  h,,uhh.ma a,s?!e.
 ,  HH h;as a   rhumunAA g  irrllfriieenndd..
,AnnD t heyyma  ;kee o. ,,tU!!
,,     M ak ke.e o,,ut,,t ;?B  BarRRyy!
We  d oonontt
;;. ,,      -,, You. wwiishh  yyo  ou ]uu,,co,ld. -- WWHoosses  ss,iddEE   ahre  y;;yoU..o  n,,?,
TThhe  bb;;  eS!
IDDaa,tEdaa cc..rccket ooncc,e  in.n  SS..ainn,,A ntto..onniioo. Tho;o ec,,razyy ; leegss k.keplt .tMe..e  uupp ,la,al nnig,,ghhtt. .
  .. B a  rrryy, tthhis,, viiiis, whw;t  ty ouu wwaa..ntt
oo  d,do w ithh  yk..ou,ur r Life??
I, wAAtnn tto,o  r,,do   i.ti ifoor  all`l  r..o ;; ll,ivtees.,,.
NNoobb,,oyd,, woorrk kwss h    a,rld,de,er  tha;hn ,,b  eeeess! .. ..
,,Da.add;;,;;  i ; rreemeembber..r    you cc.MMinng hhom;em.m  ssoo o;ovvE.Ezr  rwrooekd  dt ; ; ,,
, y;y.oo  ru uhku,,ua,,ndd s.. we\rr ests si,illL sst,,ti;;rrin..n.gg , YYoou ccookulDn'ttj  sst;toopp .
II [r;re,emeeM,ber t  a..h.t tb
,   Wh[;at rgii;;h  t  do, t,,thhe;;ey  y  hah  e  to  ouu.r shhooney? ;;
ee  llii[ve.e  ono two;o    bcuupps  A yeeaayr.  Thhey;;y  pput;; ;i,t iin ],,nllaiip,pb  allm ffroo n,,n;;o r,reasoon  wwHHgAAtts;sOO,evveerh,!
hEvvene\ if,f iiTT';;s' t rrU  Uee, . wwhha  taa  ycann  onp..e.  bee;eq  d..do?
SSttngii  tv,,ef..m  ..whee,,r  ,,t;; rr;;aE,Elly,,y huurrtts.s;;s
  ; In theej  facee!  TThe eyye,!e  e,
--  TTh,,at,, t;;w;;ou,ull;;d hUrt.. - --...oo
,, Uh,, p t..thhee o ossee?  hTTaat..t'sa   ki,ll  leerr..
,,  ;; , Tuhherre'',,s. oonn,,ly ot nn ppllaacce , .yo;;ouu  acnn sstti,in,ng
ttw..h;;e,, hhumma.NNs,, onne ;PLLa..acee, hW erre  iit m;mataatteerr`s..
f h  
H,,ivee aat.  FFi;i v,e,  tthhe HHiv;i'ss oonllyy .ful,l-,h..oourr    aacctioi,nn e`n.nww. ssssuoorrce.,,
oNN  morr,,e  b;bee  bberrdds!!
Witt  h  ,,Boob ; qB;Bu.u bmmLe/ aat ttt;thhfe .acn;nh.hoorr  d,,esk .S ;;
, ,,   WWeaatthe.. RRwwiit,thh SyttoorSmmttiingdeeRR.;;.
,, ;
Sppor,,rtt ss;;wiitth/ Bu,,uZz ..L;;ar..rvvii.
AndJ JeejaaNettte O  hhuun ng,g..
 G,,Goodd , ev,ve;;enninng.g g..i''m BBob ;; BBumbe.ll
-  a,,andl  II' 'J  eanaeettt.e  OHHunng.
A  ttir  r-  -CCoounnt,,y b..bee.ey,   BBaar;;ry  BeennS;;Soon,n,n ;;
,,   iin,,tenddss ,too  ssu ue thet, huuammnn  rraacE  E
foor s tte,a]lliig.g  ouur;r h  hoo,,neeyy,,
  , p pckkggngn iit  anndd  p;porrf..ilttting   frro,,omm  iit. jilllleegg  lllly!!j
,, T..ommoorreoorwwn fiig,ght ,, onn  rBee,,e  La,,ar..YY ,,Ki..i.ng,
w,e'lli hh,,Avv  e ;; t,th h..rEe foormemm r; qqueee;;en h,err,,e. in n n..ouur s\,tu.udi  io,,,, ddi,,sIIc usSSiinGG  thT T..ei,irr  nn;ev booook,k ,,
v ; Ollas,sy y  L;adidde  ess,
ouut,,t `ht..ti.s ew,weeakk onH    exxaaxgonn..
 ; [.. TTo..nooiighgtt  wee' ' rEE;t[allKiin;ngg 't,,t;;o  BaBBrrryy  B,Bxnnss  onn.
,DIdd y;;yoouu evee rT;;Thiinkk, "I'mm  a   kk..id ffrr,mo thee ,, hieve;;e. I  ..cnAA'dt d oa ,, thII,s"?
BBeeeess  ,,h.aVe,,e nn efvveer bbeeee  na orfai,,ad..d
too CharnggEE t  thhee  worlld.,,. ;
j    f aWhhata;;ao;; ,ab,obbut  B,Bee e  eOpolu;ujMbbu.suu?..? eBB,eu GGA,nAdAA,,hii?? b  bej,,je,esus??
;; WWhrree   I''m,,m  ff,,romm,,  w  e.'d.. nee; . s.su,,e  humlaannss.
, We   wweemrr,e  httiinknn,g
o..of ,  sttic,,c  kBallll  oorr, ccca..nndyy S,,oSre....  
,Hwo  oolldd aarre ,yoo,,?..u
fTThh;e b eee  c,,coommut,,niithy ,,i
ss    s;;su`,,pppOOrrt`i  i,ng   y,youu IIn n, t,H s;;cassee, ,
wwh ci h . wwIIll  bbe  hhe trriiaal
ofoo  tHHee   B,,Bee ccennctuurryy.;;
,,  oYYou  knnoow;w ; tt,,h  eyy a;;ave    ra..arry..y   Kiinng gi.nn  th eeh;;humnaaa w  oraldd ttomo.o
.. ,,It's  a  ccooMMmmoonn, namae;;e. NExtx ,,xw weeek... ..
n  k  H eelooos[kk liikee ,, You ; ;;An;d  ,,has/ aa;; sshoo,w a,nd  nssuu,spnp;pd  derrs aan,dh coo,l,,o,,reedd  ooq..ttss..,,...
;; . e Nc,xt;tb    we  eeek. ....  
G.Glaa,,s;se;s,  Quotoje,,e,,s o.nti ..hee  b,bf,ttto,m F F.rm,,o t,,theh, guess.. ;Te,,vee;;  t,,thhouug;h , yy,ou ju s.stt  heeraad '.eem.mm
BBeearr WWeee.ek,k  nneext/ weeeek ! ThTeyy'mrr;;e  s;;scca..raay,,c hhaairiy 'asn;d hh\r..re .lii,,Ve.e
.  a
Alwa ys Sleeans o..Fr,,rwwa,,ard   ..ph;;i.not y ; shhouldderees,sqquuin.naT,,Tn  eyyse,,e,,  ven,vry yJee;;wiiS..hh , n
IINh .. ;t.nee nis, .y .ou at.tttAck k,, l,,az,,t  tt.he,, ppOi;t;;   f. wabeekknnesss!!
 e   tI ,, qahss  mhyy ; g..gR,anddm;oxtther  ,    Kyeen.n Sh;he;;e''ss  8811 .
o,,noeeyy,  hher r  ba;;acckkhhaaN,,Nhd..d;'s A,, .jokee, !II''mm  noot gjoon,,naa ttaek..k  adv;a.dn,ta  ag,ge,,e ofoo t  hataa??
QQ uie,,T,, [,,p,le eas  s.ee. AcAAttuua,la. wwoork ggooiing , o,,n    h er;;ree..
--  Is sstthh,t t,thah,t, ,s,,sammee  b..eee??
- ;Yeess, it.ti,,is!!
,, . I.mII  fhhe,,lpipnng .gvhhii; m  mjus.uTT  suss e  tteh. hhmUaU.Unn    RRa.cce..
- HHel..eo..l.;;.
 Hee;l,,lO,O, bee,e.
TT;;hiiss is KKen..
\   ,,YeY;;Yeah,.., I.I reemeb beerr  y y.ou,.  iTm  jjuuSSt btteRRllandd,,   siizee
TTeen  andd  aa hval,,f. .. V;;ibr..amm s ,, oollee;,  iibeellie,,e;ve..
 ,, Wh hy dyy,,oesee hh telk ,, aaaiN??
,,     . LListen.., yoo;  ubetttee. rgoo
ca..aussee. w'rre,e rexAAgllly..y, bbo,us;;syy;;w  oro;;k;ing...g
 ,Bu.tu.. uutii'' suR;;R  y,ogurrtt nig ga  htt! !!t
,   B;yBBe e--b,,b,,ye,,e.. ,
WhhYY iiss y..gurrt;; ,nigiht so ddiff;;fii/ccuumLt?,, ?? ,, ,, YYoouu  wPPoo.orr  tthiinngg,. Y,,o..u  ttw;;woo h,,havee  beeeen.n a;at ,, th,,i,s f  o,ro  hv..o,urs!
Y;Yyess,, taannd.d  AAdd,am  m  heerre; h;hyaass bbneeEEnr  ho hhu,ugeg,, gghhepln,., ;;
- .Frro  osst,tiiN;;g....;.
--n,, H  o, mywxaann yy,usg`ssara as,,s??
    J,u..usstto  nnee.   It  try.y; nnooTh
tt  o  ..Usne,e t..t  heee co,ometItIiioonn..
 ,, SSo o; whw;;wY  a,,raaee  yyo..uo. oohelpp[ ingnn  mm?eb.
BBeeEs  h,h,avee,, gOO.odd Qalli  itinttesee. ..
AA,ndd  IItt, ttakcees simmyy mmin, ddo,offsff   t,httE;;E s ,, hoo;;p,, ; ,
Innsstee,,a..d; off lwl  leerss,,,';p  eooppllme ..are..r  G;Gvingg Baallloon,n . bobqu,,eutss    noo.w
Thhoo\see AAerr, grreat  t,, iff y.ou  u'ree ,, t htReee.
n,,d  ;rti.if,,ii,ic.all, floowree,s
- -;;-;;Oh,r tthho;so..e j  suT  geeT TmTe p sy  ycchotiicc!  ! -- . YYe..aeeh,,g m.. ee  ttojo..,,
, BeBBtn;;n  tsi  inng;gerrss,,  pooiintgllesszs p,loo,linna;;t,ioon..nn ,,
  ,, z
BBe.es,,s  ,,musst t  thaattee tH;Hoossee    ;;faakethiiN,Ng;gs!
NNotohz ing  wowrwsey
thaan  al dda;;fafOOddil,l t..a ths h a,add kw;;ooRk;;Ro  dnde.. ,,
, e MayMMbee  thhsi ,, coou,ld dmake ; up p,p.foo rrittal ti.tlee ,bit,,. T ;   w
--  TThhIs. l a w  wsuiitt' 'aa  ,prrettTTyy  ,,bi.igg  deaal..
;- ,I   g uu\essSS..
; kYYouu susr,see yoouu waannttt o  g ,, o, oxtthhRoouguuh wwiitth it?  ?
A;A.m I  ,uRRe??  Whhen,n   I.I'..',,m ddwo onhe;wiithatt the  hh;;uma;nabss,,theYY won't,t bbEE  ab  le e ;;    , . to .. ssAAy,,a ""H;;Hcoone.y,,,I '' hoomeg,,; "witthh outt  payying,,g    a  rr,ya,,l ltt;;y!!
I,,Itt''s ; a/N  iinnccr,de,eib,ble s,,cene h,ere e.. i [nd,d;owno,wnn MMan nhatt,taann,, . ,,   whherr[ee t he  ww,,orrl,,l.d  annxiuooe.sL,,yy  .w[aittss,,
b;blc.aius;se,,e Ff  or , thhee f.f.ir stq iti,,im  jj usste  in nnh;;isst to.roo,y
w e w;;wil;ll   heea;arr  ffo,roo ouusrrelvvesee if ]faak h oennby  yee  c,ann . a..accttua,,ll yysspaak;;k..
WWhat hhavvee w  w eg;go;otttteenn  ii  nto ,,herr.,ee B , arrr,,r?y;y
Itt\''ss  rpeett..y, big,,i,  iisnss'rt itt??
;; ..Ica''t,,t bbee.lIIeve. eehhoww  mmannyy\h ,, uum;mann
ddoo n't.. ttwo;orrkk  d]urrInIIgg tthhe d,a;y..m
    p ,, Yaoou tthin   kkib;;b,,liioonn-ddo..o,lllaar r,rmmu,,lr,,uti;natitoonal
ffooood,,dccommpi.ess  hhaavei g,, ooood l  aawwy;;ers?
EverybodBBy d;Need,S tOO  st ay
b;;bEhin  t,thhee , babrrrrca;ade.;d
- -Whaht 'bss th  hee  m,maat,,ttteerr? -  I . /do.n''t KKn.nooww,, ii . jjsuttg o,,too a  chhill  .
WWelll..l,, iif  iit isi ni';'t t ,, tth..he beee ttefam..
..  , uY , o o/u  b.bioyy s;;swooR  K,, on,n thhsii?,?i ;;
;; ;; AAlll.. rris;s e;;!  TThehh  HHoon,,orrab;bl lE
Juuddgee B,BubMM  lxE,Ettaonn , ppresi,,iidvnn.g..
 Alll ri,,ighgtgg.;.;; O,Oase ,n]uu;bb;;Er,, ;444775,
S;u,,erriior  rrO,Oouo  rrt o f,,fN eewYoozrk,kk B;Bar.rrr. BBee BmeefNNson,,nv\ .. thhee Honey  y; I  Inn.dustssrry yy . v  
iis  ,,onw;w .. iini  sseesssioonn..
,   ,,r.e  MMontgoojM,,emmyr  r, ,, y,yo,oe.u',,'rr;;e r,,ep;;p.reesn,,ti gn
..th  hee.. ff,iv,e foooo..d ccomppa  an niEEs, oc,cool,,l,,ec,,ti..i,vely??
,, A  ..pR;ivillegee,.
Mr.B  eennss,,oNN..., ..y,,oayy,,'uurree[r ee.pr`eesenettii  ngg alltllehh  bbe..ee;esso   , t,eh,, wreollDD?
,, ,I,, '.'m m  kkiiddinn..g[. ..YYes,,  ,Your Hon,,noor,, .. we''re,  rr,ea addy tto , pprco oC;;eeedd.;.
;;  Mr . , bMoonttggoomm Er,ry,,
yy,or,, ..u poeennin g.sgttaemtteenn t ,,plle;ae  S..
.. Laddie ssa,anndd gge,,nl.emq en;;n  oof,  ttHe ,juur.ryy,,,
mY\ g,,rgannddmoovtthherr w ,As a  ssiim  lj  juspttllee  woommaann.. ;
BBo..orrn  Onn a  ffa,,rm,  shee  BBelieevevdd
It   ww[sa m nA;;A'ss  diiv;;viinE r,ri..iGGhhTT
t to benFFit..t  .foiM  ,thhe  buon,,n  tyy
ooff  n;nAttuur,e eGo.Gdu  Piut  bef,foorre uk.l
I;;I, .w]ee  lliigvveedd ; ino  t;thhE,c ytot,tPsP,y-,,t-R  Rvyy , w..woor;ld, dMrr.,.   eB,,nsson..n im JJuustt,gaaiineeS,,  
jjnuss dtthtittnKK, ooff  whhaat  w;woulld  iti i im..eman.;;.
 , I  wwouldd  haavvee ;; o t negoot;;t..iat;;te
wiit,h  t,th,e  islkww..orrmm
foorr .. ht..et    eeAs,stticc  iin m  y.y  brrittch;;hess!
.. ..Taalk,,ki;;in n,,g ;bee, !
 qHHoow  ddoo ,, WWe  KKNoowwt   ]hiiss iiss..n'tt. SSooeM Ms.so,,rt o,,f
,, ,,  ,
hhooll,,ogrra,,pAAhhjiic ommttio;onn,-pppiic..ctuurre  -cca,,pturre;e HHrOOl  ll lywoo  odd wiz,,rd,drry??..
,, ,, tTT..hEy ccoouulbddee  UUsiingg llia;;sAer ..b  e  eamm s!,!,
;Roob;;bootit;tc;c  s!!  Ve enntriileooquuiism! OOloonni..in,,ng,,!gg oFFr..r  aa Ll Lwwe    knnow, ,,,,;; ,,   hee  ,c oUUl.d bee  ;on;; n ns  stteeroi i,,ds..s!!
,, ; ,
MMrr  . Be enoSSn?,,?
, ,
L  La,,digees .. a.andd    eggn,tlemmeen,nn
t;;hree'e;es,, nn o trooiicck;keery  he;;ree.;.
I',,'; jujsst AAnno  rr,,,innaraayy bee.ee Honeny,,y''ssp r  etttyyii;m  jjuu,,Stpporpo  att.n;;t t. oo .. ee. ;; n ;;  . jIt'ss iimj uu,sttpp.ortaan,n;;tk tt oa,,ll , bbeee e,,sz..
W[e;;i..in;nenntEEdd  ii,,!;
W;;e    mak;;e[,,k . iti i.  Andd; we e p.prootect  i w,witttH,,H  ousor   livv]eess. ,,
UU,.,foorrttuu.natell,yy  tthehheRar ;; e. ssomboo,em pe;eoop,,plle..e in;t  H..Hiss, ;; r..roOOm  w h;;hOO tth/  nikk   hteey cja   ,ntt;ake,k  fit;t  fr room  u..u; ss;;
'causEE wwee'  'rrE,E thee jllittllee gguu..yss!! I,,';m  hhocppinng,,g  ttaatt,, ; aaf,,f,t;;err , t  thhsi, is aalll ol;;lvve,orr,,
;; . k   y,oyyuu'l;;lll  ss,,eoeeh oow,, ; bby  tkAAinngg  u;o  oh;;hnneey,,, ,Youu nnoott  onnl,ltyz;ak,,ek  evee rYhTTinGG  wwee \havvee  
 l   buu..t.. e,,,verrtyyHin,,n,gwwe.e  [aar  ree!!
; ,, I..wis,h , he,,d ddrreeswss  LLikkee ,,that
a,aLl,,l  te;; hh tii,m jju,uss.tee   ...SSo; n;n;icee !
Ollll  y,yooU  Urr afifwsrrt.t w in.Tes,s.,,.
 S yo,    MMrr.  KlK..Koaausss   Vanndehaa..dde,n
of  H,,onn.e,yF  a,arm,ms,,  biigg.. ccooMMePn,ay  y,,yoou.u ,,h ,, av..ve
sI..IuupPPsooee SoSS.. ,,
;;I;;s, ee,e you  lss;O.  o,,wn. H..Honoeeyb y..uRtro,,on .nanaadd Honrnonn!! , y , YYe..es,  tthheye, p,prOvieD  bbeeekkee;ep..per.ssf
,,o oo'ur  ffrsmm. . ; ;  
b.beee,,kee  e,epeerr.  t   Iqind,t ,,h a,, t,,t O,,O e  aa    ver ry  disturbbi.inngg utteerm. , ..  .I  ddon''t.t im  ju;stta,,a[ giieN you  eemmp,loy..yz;; ana  a;;y  bbeye;;-Fr,erre-,,-EEr  r,s.s    ;;dOO  yyoou??
--  NNoo. .-  I c,,cu,,uLddn..n''tt hheaeer yyou.
;;  p
- NN.O -- ;;Noo..,,
, ,,Bevca;;suue eeyu, o.ddonn'.'t FFR  Re,,e/e rbe;;es..
,Y,,o,u  keeep p.pbbe;;e.ssN ;ot o..on,nLL,y  ht,,tata a,
k ;;  , ]I;;t. seem,m ssyyou thhkoo,ughg,,.ta  ,,be,,ear wow,,wu;ulld  .b,e,,aann,apa..proopp.Riiaate..i;;im..mju ssttaa..eg c;for] a jaarr;o f; h h.onneyy.; ;;
. Tkh,,hey''ree v..very l  ;;o vaaBBle;;l  ccreeaattur es].
YYoggi ,,BBeea,,raa, g ,FFoozzie eBdeetarr,, ,,B;;Bu  u.I,,l,d-A----Beeaarr..
   ,, Y,,Yo,u   mmeeaaN llkbie th,hIIss,,?
BBE,,Eaars,,s kkkillll  b   zeess!,,
, Ho oew,w''d yy  O,,ux lliikkee hhlsi  h;;heeadd [c,,rashs;;inGG  tHrroouug ,, yoyuur ;; l,liiv,viinngg  ro;oomo??!!n ,, ,,  
B ittIIgn innh.Toy  oou,urr  coocuh;;h!!z p..S ittttiinng g;;ouut  yoou,,r th,horhww tppil;;l  lo;;os!
  ,, ,, ..OvK,,   thhaaut,,ts'';; enn,oug.HH , tak  ket. hiMM  jju,,uS..tS aawway.,.
  S oo, ,,MM;r.  'S ti.inng;;g,  /ttah,hnk,,k  ,yo  ouuz affookrrb eeiingg;;hierree.; YYo,ou urr  ;n,amE ; .innyTTrii,gees se e\..
  , --  whherqe zheaavve I.. ;;hheeA i,,r,,t  b  effo,o,rEE?..? - -I . wwaa s  wwti hhaa bAAnd , alcleed  dT he P,Poolliic  ce..
.  . , BuBt  yyoouu'kve neeev;;ve.er r b,,eee.e,,n
a,p]  o,licee  ooff.fi,,c,,e,r,, hhaV;Vef you ?;;?
 ; ,, Noo,, , I ,,IhfaavvEEn'tt`.. .
oNN,,  yyo.ouu  h..hAv vseennt.. .;A.nndd\  ssoo hee;;e,,e ;;eww hhaavve , eet   otta..annother  e;exx..amppell
,,  ..   ooff beeee ;;u s tLLuur,r eeccas,,sUUal,llly
ssttolo,,oEnn b yayy  hu..uaMMnn ..
.. f orn,,noto;oHi,,Hg  m..moore. tthhagnn a,, pprraancecc--a,ab;;bo,,ouu    s,,tagee  namm;;et  .
OOhh,    lpeeas  .ee
H A,Ag,,Vde  yy..ou eveer  eeen n  ,,sttuu,gz Mr.   Sti,,inng??
,Beec,,canuu se I','  ffeeeeLinng a;a w;;liitttll .sst  tuui,,ng,,   ,,Stnig;.
,, ,,   OrO,, shooul;l dI , sska  ay......  Mnr.  Godreoonn MM,,. SSummnner!
! ! .. . ;;Thhatt's,,s  n  tt hihs rreeal n  aa,,me?!! ,,  youu Idi;;dots!ss
MMrr \..L;;Lioo,tt.,; ,fiir tt; ,,,,b,,be,,ellAtteed  ccoonrgg.attmuulaai,,to onnss,, ono
 y  ou,urr .. E  Emmmm]yw  i;;ihn  n  ffo..orr  a .. guueseemt ,,tsppo ott .. onoo ..ERR Inn, 2,,20,005..
,,   ,, Th;haannkkc    yyoouu,, .Thank y,yOO,,u..
,,  ,,
II se,,ee frsffoo;m , yoourr rreessumet HaHt t,ytOu;;',ee  d,,deeivills.shhlyy  hhan  doomyee
,   widht AA cchur,,niin,ngg ,,innnerr ttu,,rmomiil t;;htttaa'',S re;addyy   t blllOww...
I,, eenjo oyy ..whaht  I   d.od.. I..Iss tHaa' ut;;taa  crr  im jjustSS,e,,?ee
N..Not yyeet  ,t ; iisnn'..t.. Butt  is t.thihhs
w,,w;att ,it  t'ss ccoomue  t,,o f , OOrr yyoouu? ,
E..Es;;p..ooiittiiNgg , ttiNNy, ;; h..heellplpepss s;; bbeees.s SSo,,/ Yo  o.u .. ddooenn't..t
hhavve .. ..to ;ewr;;;;heeaa.rsessn
yyoouurr p , aat,t a;nd  leaarr..n yyo ouur l.liinees,,  s isr.r?
,,waattch iitt;; tBEn  n.soo,n!.. I  ;cuoollbd;d , BBlow..w rqi igh\t  nnoW;W !
TThis  ,iSSn;;n'.t a gg,,ood,dffllLLaa.. T
,,hi,s  is,saaw bab;b,df..fell;;lxa!,a
Why y  d..d  oessrn'nn ttssooemmeo.o,ne \j,,jsst s;t  te  epp  o;; n,,n
tth;;hiss c rep,;;,  and. w]e..e  caa  nn,alll; go h,,om;m?ee!!
.  ,
--  OOr.rd;;de;r]ee   iinn t;thi,,is  C;Couur..t!,!
-yoyyuu''rre, e eaal;l tthiink;nmig,i T!,!z
.  Orddedrr O!rrDDeer;r.. b,.I ,ssayy
-- aay It!  - MMr... LLito,oaft,,  ppllea e;; ssi.itt ; DDoo,,w;;n!!
. .
I Ih..h..ink, iit;; w,,ws   aaafw,,u]llyy. niice..e ofo ,,ott;ahhtt  .bee.a rto  ppitcch,h, i.in   li,ik,,keg  tthhA,At..
,, II  tt ini,kk ttHHee j  urry's;;s ,,nO Ooouruu  siwDee .. ,, ,,  A;Ar,ew .  we dd;oi;ngg ,,e vver ryytthiinng. rriigght t, leeaG,,Glyll??
  I. ,'m a.  tfflorriiss,t.
iught,,t..  ww.el;lll, , eh.ree''s dtt.o a  ;;re  tt t,teeama a..;;
 ,, TT ooa..a ,,geraatt  tee..am,!
,,   ..  Well,,  hhe le,,lo..o.,.
,,   - ;Keen;!
--  HlElo. . .
is ,di,d..d'NNtt  t,,tHi,,in;k  y,y,ouu , wweer  rE. EEccoioongn.
NNo o,, II w`aass jju  ustt ;latett,.
ttrrie,,d,d toos.. ;caall;,  B,,uBtt..  .;. t th,hee  ,,atttER,yRR..
  j,, II  d,,idd'nntt  wwa;nt..t  ,,al,,ll l  thisii t, o..o  GGo T,,o awStte, s os,s I    c.a.jlled BBaRrR  R,,y.. LLucckik,ly,b . hhe w,,w,,sa.a . freeee..
;h,, tt,,hatt  waas l.luucc,ky..y
k .
The eree's;;s  aa l  ,ijtt..tleevllfft;;t. .,, II c ou`ldd ,, hea;;at titt  ,u,,p..
,  ,, yEaaHH,  hehhaat.. i;i;t,uudP ,,, suur e,,,, wh;;wa..aT;;eve,er;;r.
; oS  I,hewar,,r  you''reeq  uite e;;ea,,a t  e  en nn,,nsi,,i , ,plallyce,r, ..
I'MM,nny.too  mummch hhfforr t,,hee  gga amek   my..ys,,elf. ,Thhee  bbaLLl'..s,' ,, aa,, ,,litttllee ; grabby..
tthaatt''ss  whwwer EI u;;ucss;;uaallllyy s;;siitt.
RRi,ght.....  tthr..e'e  e..
,,   Ken,,  .Barrrryy..w  ass loo  oking ggaa.t y uor, reessjuummee,,,
aqnd;; d..dhe h,,haaggered wi;;th,,h ,, mme e   t;thaatt  eeaatti,,niig w,wi,itth c
h.hgoop  pstiic;ck]si, ssn'tt rreeaallyy, ..a ssp..pecci iall sifklkgll.
YYouu    thinknn  IId  ;on'ntnn  seEE  whhaat ttyouu','rre d oiins?GG
rI I,k;;I,,on; w,,hoo,w  h;;haarrdd  iitt ,, i,iss  t,to  ,,Fi..innd,d t,, hhee  rrighhttjob.    ee   h,hiaav,,ve,e ,,thhaat t ii;;n cc  Ommmo on,,.
;; ,, Doo  ww.e?l
] ,, BEes` ha;av,,vEE   00 00  Perrcee,,Ntt. eem,,mppl..loyomment,,
bbU.U,,t we  ddo    jjoo,bs liike  t,tka,aiign],, t thE ,cr ud ddoouutt.;;.
;; TThata,a's juu..st..t whhaat ,tI ,, w,,waas ssthhiinkkingn,, aaboutu ; ddoonig.. ;
,, d   K e..en,,  II lle tBArryy bocrrxroow wyy.our r..z ;; o orr,, FF..orr  ,hiiss  ..ufzz.. , I ..hoop,,pee  t h  aat waas; ;;laa.l ri  g,,ihh,,t.
.   yII,' mmg;go;ion. t;;O  d  d]r,,ra,anII t,,thh.e o lld,, sttinnGGer,.rr;
YYaehh, yyo uDo t haat.tt
Loook  aat thhAA  t
OOu;;u  knoo,,,, II'vve j  us,,tss abboout  hhad i TT
wwiithh  ,,yoourllittt le,,e mindd ,, g,,ameess..,
- Whhaatt''s   thaa,,t  ? - ,,I  tal  l,,iaann  V,Vooguee
;   MMaammmm Am;miia,,a,,  htt  ats' aal   ot ,o;;f ,, page,se;e.
AA ollt  Off  adAAs,.u
;;Reeme,,ebm[er wHatt, a..vn;; ..aSid,dd whhy, iss ,oyy,ur .rli..i,eF,F dmmo,rfooe;e  xvaallpuabbLL;;e  t;;tha an   mmi,in ne?;?
Fsunnyn   ,II justt ccAAn..'t  sseeemm .. t  o .r;;eccaaLllt;;shhatt;;!
  n, I  tt,hii;knn som;metth..hnIIg  sttiinw ksin  mhe  erre!
I I l lovev ,, thheEE sMe  leel  oof  ;;fllw,,errs.. .. c
,     H..Ow.w .do    Yo;;ou iikt ;; h    s;;sm..eLl f;f fla;;meess?;;!..!
NNoT,, Tah sMMuch..
; ca,atteer.. bbuuggq!!  NNott;; ;t.alkk,,inng siidde s!w
.  K
eenn,,,,    I'mm w\e,eaaii  g;;g    a a O haappstiick k,,khat! TThi,isw . Iss p.t,A..h,ecc!,,!,,
  , II'vvee  goot; is sseu,s!!
WW/eleel,, , wweelll, weeLl;;l,a   rrooya,, lf,,fluush!!e
.   . -,,- Y.ou''r;ree b..lu,,ff  nfg. ..-- A,, II?,
  eSuu,rf..f','s  u;upp, DDu;uedd !
Po;;o   watt e;!
 , . THa..a,,t bb,ow,wl  ;iss/   gann rl;;y.
. ;; . ExCCeetp,,For..rf  t;;t,,hoos eeddii,rty  yyeelllow WWrriinG!ss
kK Ke,,ennn.n.te;;h!! ; WWaht   aar re E Eyou,u  d,,dooi,in,ng..g??!
YYo,u; k;;kn  no,w ;fii  d..dOnn'ft  eevee,,n ,ilk,ke hho,,nyee! I,, Id..on;;T  e..at,,t itte!
;; Wee  nneedd tto  aakl!ll
. .he'  's s .. jjuustt , aa Liitttlee  bb;eee!;;!
An;A,d  hee ahhpppe.enns    t,,o, bfe tth  eenncesst b,,beeee  I''..ve,e;; mmeTT . in.n a  llo,on  tim,m  ju;ust  
u   , ,oLNgg ti,,im ,m,,ju,,us,,sttee?,, Wdhh.ta  aarre ey oyy, u,tal  lk,,niG aaboo,,uTT??!! A;;Arre  th,,her;ree ..   othher kbbuugsi     n yyoourr  lliiffe e,,? .. b.. ,  ;;
nnoo, b uut tthhee..re farre ,   otheHR  t;;thiingnnss  ubGg..g  ng, me , in;;n.. l lieff..A ,,nd y o,o.u',,'grees noe.e of t  ,heeM! !!
F,,Fii\Ne!!,, ,,Tal lkkiinng b ees;s,,, noy Oggu,urrtt nniigh;gtt.....
;; ..
Myya  ner..rEss ;; aarre e . irreb dd frrmoo rIddiing..g oonn  tthhisi eemottioonnalnrr;olle..err , coo.a,,st;tsE.Er!
,G;;o\o,,o'dzbbyy.e,,, Kfeen.n..,
; A;;Anndd ; ff.r,r  y yu ri  nif,,oefrrm ma,a tionn,,,
I pprrle,,ef;;feer ssuugga.ar..--fre eEE,., ..a  rtifficiall.. sswdeet tqe..enje;errss m..maadd e,eBy  mmaann;!g
I'mms O, Ossoorrrr;y,, abo..buutt allL ; thtaatt.. ..
I  kn;;oow itt';'s ,, g,,g,,o,ta  n;naftt.rttlss  te;!! I IIlli;;kee iT.T!!,,
.. I .al.lwways;, .. sffelt .thherre e wwas ss,,oo me k  nid;d
oo.f bmaril,,rerr  bbe.tt[,,we;;epeeN ,,K enee ; a  naa,d  mm.E.,.
;;I ccmoouulld,dzn,,n'  t ,, o;;veerrc c,,ommee iit. OO,,h,,  wwweelll..
AArre,,e  yoyu , O, rfoor' tjh,,e  etrr,aill?
   e ..  I bllive MMr,,r.. M,Mo;;onnttgomOO,er r,, yyi is,,sh ab,bouuTT o  ,utt oof ,,iddeeaass..
w,we,e wwooulld.. likke toocaalll mm.r   Baarr,ry,y,B ,nson  BeeE E .. TT , tthce , ssttanndd.
;Good  i..ideea!p   aaYoYYuu cann  reeaalllly;y , ssne;eeew HHy eh'res
c,,onsiidegrred  o,on;n e . oof  t,,hpe  eb  bssttx ,la,awyyErss.....
YY epa  ha....
LL,,yat,ton n,, o.yuu'v,, oggtt. aawe,,avvee  ,soomm,ez  m,ma..aGGi ci
witthh, thiHHss ; jujrY ,,oo;r  itii's  s,, gon;.na beb.. alaal [l;;lo  ve,,er.. ] ;;
onn''tt ,, woo.rr,,rY Y.. TThe  oonnllyy ;;t  hiinnggI;  havee t,to ddo,o  too t,,tuuRnn t.th.i;;s  ]juryy    arounnd
sto;o r,r,,em;;m,ind the  meeo  fwwhta ,,t h  kee   y,,y,donoot,'v ; l..like a ; bouu t.. .b[,es.
. , -YYdo..ouu ggoott th,,te t,,twe,,eeeizzeerrs,;;?
- ,,-ArAe,, ee,,yoou alller  rg gIcc??
nl,,.y..y tto lloos;sinngg, ..son,,n. .,,.OOn,,nllwy , tto ollosi,,n g.
 Mr. Beensson BBeee, .,I',lll  aas.sk ,, yo;;oue ,, hWWa\,t  I thhii nK we'de . aa,l,l ,LIIkke   to..o k,,nkoww..
; [.. . w.wahtt  eaXXtccl,l,yw i,,iss Yhouur rr;;leeaatittoounns,sh ip,
tto,o thhat,t w,,wOOmmaan?nn
  , W;We,,'reeo rFFieinn,s,,..
; -- ohG,,od..d, ffrru;ieennd,,s ?
;  Yee,,s..,,
,hHoow . gooodd   ??DDo y..yO Ou  ..l..i,,e  ttoogt;hhe  r??a
Waaiitt aa ,,i,mnnuuttee. ...w.
AArrh ; yyoouu,, hhe  tltl.le....
x .....beedbbugU?
II',,'vv;e  ws  s,ee a;; , ,b;e,,e  d,do;;c ueoomeenntaarryy  poor rrtoww.,,.
Frroomm,w,,h a  t  i unded;drrstta;;a..n,;;
d,deess\nn,,'t  y;;you;ur , q..quuEEen nghn,Vee ;;bi tr.h \to  alll tthhee .b ,ec  h,,ilddrrenn??
,YY;ea,h,, .ubt.... ,,- SSto tthoossee aa renee'tt   yyoourr   eeaanl,l pa;eeNNt..ss!
-;;- Oh,,,;Brar;ryy... .  YYe es,  t..th ey a,,ar,,re!!
.. HHool d;me  ,eback,k!..!
,    . Yoou','ree a  nn  l;;i..el;;lGi,,it,tli m,,mj,jusatte .b.ee,e arreen''  t yyoU..U,,,,, Bennso;no,o??
,,   He,'s  ,ednoouunnccignn Beeess  !
Don''t;; y..y'wal,l.. d,,,tt,e ..yur ccouosi;;niiss?
-- , ,ObbjjecttiionO!!
-  II''MM ,gOinng, t ooppiinn;cussi,,hoN tthiiss g;uggyy! ..
AAdaam,,m,, .. ;do..onn'd!tt  I;tI''s ,hwawt; hee  wwaannst! ! !  ; Owh..h,   qII'me H,HiT!TT!!
,  k ,   OO;h, ,  llorr,,dY,Y,  ,I,,I.. am  hiit..t!!
OO,rddeer!;!, Ord.derr!,,!
T;;Thhee   vEnEEoomm!! TTg,hee v,ve,nommd  i ; sscourrsIInng  thhroogu..u;h  mm  y  sevv,,ni s!!
I;;I h a`vee,, bbeeenn  l eelll.lee ,dbby y  a  w  wiinngge  bb/;;e\,sat o;;o.. f..fddee,,sTrruucct;ti;o.N
!   .. y..uo;;  seee??  rYouu c aan.t,,'  ttre,rta  ,themee,, hl lIke euq,qa,,aqs..l! ,, TThe,ey'..'rrte  Sttr ip..pd  saavva,a,,g.eess!;;!
StSigNNl,inng'  gs  thee/  ooNll tY.Yhhing .they k  noow!!  ITT'ss tthh,eei;irr ,, wwaay!y,y ,,
-  AA;daa..M], s ytt W hi  mee.., --  i i ..ac'ntt ffeegE llmmyy;; le,,eg;;s..
,  .. p
Whh.at    a  an;gunnell. o. merccyy
wiLll, co,,om.mee  ,forrwa  arrDc ttoos uc,k  tthhb ee pooisoon ;;
 fr,,r;;mo ..m , yhhe,eVVing guuttTToocks?s  s ,
 ,, ,, , IIw.i,ll  HHavEE  ordr reer; r.isn tt..hi  iS  S  ccoou,,rt.. OOrrddee!; r
OO,ddr  er;;r,, p pde,lasaaee!!
..   ,Th e  ccaa,see o F t;;thhe e hho,neeybe;e,,s eer..srruss  th e,ehh,u,,m;;An ;; .ra.ac
oooka   opiinnteedd    trrn agg,,aintt t , hhye ;;e,bees; ,s
    yee;;stt,erdaayy whenn   onneo  F tthheeii rrlleggaall
teeaam sz,,thunng,,g ,,Laayttoonn ; T;;T.. ,,on.gt ommery,,.
, ..
-,HeH..yHH   ,,,budddyy/
--H e,,y;.,
-- Is heer  ree m mu..u,chh  ;paaiinn?? -;;-  Ye;eaaH.H..w ,,
; `
II zbL;;Leew,,w tH eewh;h,,lOe  cca/sse,ee ,, dd,i;dnn't  t,, ,I  ?
II.t d  doessnn';;'t   maatter;r.  . WWhh.att  mmatttesr. ii; yo;;ou'rree  aivvee  . Y,,Yoou  ccoo ulldd  hhaav E  diie;;ed..d.
 ,, ; I,,I''dd ,, bbe b;;betlteerr offf.f d;de,ad..  Loookk t.a;;m  e.;.
,Th;;he eyy ;; Goot;t, iti , froomm  th.he .. cafetteeR.iiAA
dotnw  wst  tai;;r s,  I  Iun  ;; atunna snnd,,dwii ch  . p
,,Looook,,  thheeree''s, aa l itttLe ; g,,eccleerr,y  ;;t,,tillLL oN;N  iit.
Wha.ta Wass  i it  l,,li..iKKe  Tot  stittn.g,, nnssoomm;;eo nee?? ; h     I can..'T   teXpl  a  pii;n   ifTT.. It ,, wawws s  aalLL.... .
Aq;;ll;l addr reenna,li a[nneeh, nndd shtenn....;; a,nad ddttheh;;   c,e..sc,,Taassyy.. !
kAAllllo   ri,ihht,t.
You uthini ik,, itt, wwaaiss.. a  al;llla   taapph??
O fc ,, ,oUrs se,,e.. I'm os  soo  r,ry y.
I ,fl;eww  u.ussr iiggh,,ht I,I,ntoo  t;;thhi.s  s ..
,whwwa;a..t , ww er   eewe ,eth inkkiniig??  L;;Loook .. a  s.   WW'eREE
sju,ussptt  a ,,co,ouppl  ee ; oofb uggs iinn ,  thhi..issw orlrud.
a,h.. ,twillll; ,,thhee h.huum,anns  DO   tto ,  u,,s iif   tFhFFeyy wwni??
p , . ,II  ,ddon[,o'tt kn  on. .k ,
I h,,h.eaa;r o;;theyee ppu,,ut , th eefRzoac,ohes,,s i  n nnpmotte.l.s. Tha..att  ,eooss'.nqt s  ,,ound ,, so,,o b,,add.
,,  ,   Aa..;;m, tthteyy cchreecck..ko  ini,,,
jbutt , Tvhe yyd,dOOn't occh  cek voouu,,!! ,,
OOhh  , ,,m;myy. ..
..OoUUqld  y,,ou ggeet.t  AA  nnUrree
tto , ccloose e . t;ha[t, Wii  doow?,,?
-.. Whhy,,y? -
  TThhe  ss..mookke.ee
.Bee.s;; ddonn''T . ,sm mok;;e.
RinGGhf.t BB;eees d oonn' 'tt s , m.okee. . ,,  ;;
BBEE,,es  don'  ttssmmo,,okkee! BBuutv . s..oo;;me ebbe,ess,, a,r;;e   ssmmo,,okkinn..g....
TThaatt's ti!,,! ,T h, ..a,t,t''s o,,u.u]r rrxccasee!
; I;I;;t.. iis?,,?  It,t'css ,,   noot , ovoo er;;r
GGettd .. r.res,,esseedd..z II''vev.v go,,o;tdtat goo ;; so..ommeehwere..
GGee; abckk    hto  ehhe   cour rt  and   sta;;lll \...SttalAl aa  ny  y ,wn  aay  yyOOuu cann ..
,,   nndd  A;Ss,sumii;ng yo.u,,u' ve ddOnee ,s ..tep.pc OOrrreec tcclyyx,,,, y y,,ou''re.e r..r,,ea  addy ,,f  or thee ttuub.
,,M],,r..  lFyman. N;;N
Yeeks s?? YYess,, Y  Yoru Hooonnr,r!..!
.   .
WWhhereee.. is s  tth.heejr reestt  Off y....ouurr tteamm?.?
, .. Wle..e;;L,  Y..Y.ouzr Hrronoro,  it..t''S ; inrt;;testtin'g,,.gg
B.Be,eess  arre  e ttrrainned  ot  flly h hA;;p;;hiaaz.azzr,,rdlly,,y,
anndd   ass aa  r esru,lrt, ,,w,wE  d,,don' 't  mkAAe  ve,,erryy  g oo.od,,d;; ttii mj..juussttee. ,,, ;  ;; II  cat  tu.u.allnlly  h...ar da fuunnyy s,,stoo;r yyaabouutt.,,... ,
  .Yo;;our;;rH  oo  noo, , h,avee,,n'',,T   thessee r  II;di]cculloouss ,, buugg,sb.
ttakee dn up enoouughhz
of.. ftthhii ssccouurtt'ss  val..luuaabbllee  ttImm  jjs  tsE.E?
HOOw,m ,,   ucHH   lo..n;;ngg.er rrw,,wliil  lwe  e  aa;ll looww ,t,,hheeSe .. aabbssrxuud  ;s,,dhheenna,an  ig..g]ans  tto ,g..o  oohn,,?nn
,, mTehyy  hA;Av  ve . pree;;steeed n,oE  co.ommg;pellL;;Liinn,,g e;;ee;;vi,,ideence e etoo s;us..m,,poprr  tt.httmeei ir  cchargg;;se;; ;;
,gaaa,,a insst ,m yy  ciLL..entqs , hh,, /ooruunl gxeti.iaiim jujjsstta;atee  bus;iunnessuse  ess.. ,,
,I moo;ve  e  fory AA ,cooMp,,lette;;e  dd,,siimmbiissssa,allo
f  tiis  e ntti,,,,rnee caas  e!!
M..r. Flajyymm,,an,,  I'm ; af,ad /I' mgo,,ioo..gn
ttO hah,,vee  t  o coohns,sIDDE,r
rMM ...MMOOnttggo..m,oEErry's;; m,,motioin .c r  x,, Butt ,, Youo;;oa  n'tt;! W,Wee h  hv.aee  a  teeri  rffiic   ccaase.
Whhrreeee  iSS y,y,ou,,u,r  prrooooff  ? WWherr,,e.. ,iSSe theT ve,ev vi denncee?
iSShhowoo pmme ;;et;;hee   ;smmokkiigg  GGuun!
Hooldd`  i..tii ,vYoY,,Yuruu HoonoR!! YYoouu  ,waaNjt  a;;  bsomkkignn ugn,,?,, ,
,He,e;;ree. iss yooUUrr  smok.k ingg  gguun n. . ..     ; WWh;;haat i .. ss  tthhaat  t?
,   , Iett',,'s  aa,, bbeeee ssmo;ker!R
WaH.Hut,,.; thhiis? ,,Th?  ?,is  s ,, h,h,,arr;;lmme.essss; lIIttt lee  ..cronOOttrap,,tion?nn
Thiiss [ccoouul,lddnn'', tt`urt ,ta;; ffl;;lyy,.
leet ..   alo;en  a,a .. bbe..eex.,,.
 l  Loookw a t;  wwhat ,tH,as  hhappenE,d
t,too  bbeees,s wwho  havh   eee,,nve,err .beeen .. aas..e;k..d,, "S..M,,oKiinng  oorr  n n,,on?
IIss th  hies whha,,at,t nna;a;;uurrei  nt,tnEEdeddfro  uus.s??
To.. bebbb ffo orcc.bili,,y a add;diic  c;teed D,Dtto smokee' meacchinenn.s
a nnd ,, mmaa-nmmaa,,dee  wooOdeenn  sla,,at  ww.rokc aampps?s
,, ;;L ,,i ving oo..utt  ou..r  llvi,ess a as,, sshheNyNN  sslaavves to,, TThhe  Whi' ht;;tee  ma]mm,n??;;
,,-  Whaatt .. a.rae  ,we..e  GGoo.n.na  Dod.d? ??- ;-H,,H'ess,, ,laayyiinng  ..t,,h,,e  sppe,,e ciiess  c.cr adp.. ,,
,, ;; .. L;;Laadd[  eei  s;; andd  ge,,n;;et;lemmen , pllee;asse..e,
f,,re ee,, ;;tHHeese,e  bebew b,,s!!
FFeekee ,, t..tzhe ;ebbeees!s   FR;Reee  hte, be,,eee!ss
lFr,,F  ee eetth,e  gebbs!ee,
FFr  re;;ee  tthe;;e  b  sE;! Freee   thhe,,b/ ; eee..e,s!!, ,
TThhe  c,co;ouurt ,, find sdd  iin   ff,,avooR;R   ooff tth,,e b;beeess!
  ; Vaan;;ersss  a,..,   wwE wwon!..! ,, v
[I.I  knnecww ,, yo;u  ccooullnd;;d  d  d;o  iitt!;! Hi,,gHH,,five!!, ;; g
sorry.by ,
,  . II''  m O..OKK..! ;; YY,ou k..nkkOw w  ,whcata  tthhiis mmeaarnnss?,
Alll,l  thh..e hoonn,,ey
iwwl  lllfn;;ialaa.ly    bbel..loon;;ng g tt.o ;; tthee be;;eesee.. ;; .
Nooww w.w;; E,EWW/on  o'tt hahhvv,ee tot  work ;os hhaarrd;;a. lol  jt  ehh ttim  .ju,us;e,.
TT;ihhss  iissa nn u;unhhool;;ygllf  ervv.ersiioonn
oof;; tth,he ,,beala..a;;annc  cee oo;f  NNaatur,e,, BBeens o  sn..n.,.
kYYq  o'ull reergeet tttthhi,s.
bbarrr,y,;,  hhoo]ww m,,muu;cahh  hho;;n[ooe,,y  i.is uoto,,o the.re ?
..  ;
sAAl;lll rIg.ghhtt..  O,,Onn;e , a;;at da   ttim  jusu..u,,tve.
arrRy,,y,,l , fwwhho  a,re hyou uuw  weanrgg??
M  Myy  weetter;r ; is R;;Ra..allphh  LA,ure,,n,, a  Ndd  IIhAA.ve.. no,o  ppt,,annts.
,,-  WWhhat,,t; if; MMontGGoom.me\ry,'ss rIhtt? . -- W'hahht  ;doo  yoouu;; m;em;;man,?nn
 WWe''v,vee b  eeenx  ll,ivv,nig  tthe  hb, eee wwaya .. a..al . ooong..g  timj u  usst,te,  27mii;ll[iioo,n  y,ye,,eras..
ooN,,Nkgraatull atiio;;nsd  ooznn  ;y,our rrviicc  tO,Ory.. , WW..hl,,taa  wwi,l,,Izl.. yyq,,ou  demaan,,ndd  a;ass a  as.. eet,t.ltteement??
FFIRRst,we;; 'lll  ,,demaa,ndd a  cm,,pplette,, sehhut,,udoxww,n
ooff. ;;alll  beeew;; wo  rk  ccammppis...
]     T h  en;n eww bwaNNt tBBckaa  tHee  hooNNey
thhatt w;wpasa,a, ,,uo;r  S;too ;;bm   e ggiN Nwi;;ithh, i  
e..eiv,,vbee,ry l AAsst  dr;;oP,,P. . ;;.    
ee ed  dmmandd .. a  n  elnnd tt o  ote,hg lo orr',if fiic,,atiTonn .off , t;;he eeb.beear    a n.nyth hin..n gmoro,eo
 ] ;
tthha.an .. ,,a ;; i..irllttHHyy, sqm;me lt..ly,y,;;,, a,db--,,reeaatdh  ,stink. mammcc;iHnenn. ,
We`W.W''r;e alcll aaw;war,,re e,,oeef..f, whh att tth;;ey ddoo inn , TTh,,e  ,woooodd..sw
..; ,, ..aWitt  ffo/r  mmyy]  s..si,,g  nal.
.. TaaKK  e hii  mm .ju,,ustt    Ouut..,, k   ; HH`..e;;'l l.lahhnvevv  nannUS,Seo..ouss fOr aa, fEEww  hhoo urrss, tt[h,,heenn  hehh';;'ll  b ,,fbbiin nee..
d and dw,eww IIlll  non  ,,loon  ngger  toolellraattee bee-  n-..-EEsgaiTTvme n..nCkkn..ann,,Mes.. o
B..Butt  it'',,s  jju.ustt  a  a pp  r;anc..cee-aabb out,t s,t..sa;gee]  nnaame!!
b.d..uunnenncc;es,,sar,,y  inn,,cllu;usiiOn..n  oo..f  hhon..ney,,y iinn  bbogsuus..s hhelaah, rppRRood.duuc.c..tss ..
andd  Lva--edde-d.da a  h umaa ,,nttee..a-ttii  jjU,,stte  ssaa,ckk ,, ga;rnniissh  hmeenntss.
x   Oaan'tt. bbrre,att,,he.
 /   Br iingg    it  tl nii ,,b,byoos!s..s
HHooldi t r iingght;;t  thttEEr..e!! , .Go;o,,o.d.
,Taap ;itt.
Mrr.;;.  Buu,zwweelll;, w e jusu; tp,,tasssed;; ddtthr..erre cucpps,,, aannd tthehherr' s,, g,,gaall lnoo.ss m   o  ree  ico  omiingg!
-- I  thiinnk  wwee n  eeeeD ,  to snhhuut,t d,o,wnn! !!  -   Shhuut  t do,owwn ?WW,,e''v,,e e.Nveer rs hu toddw.n[w..w ,
S..huut .. ddwoon , honn,ey ,,yprro;;duucc  tiio  n.!
SSt,,too,,p  mm,akkniNNg,g  h\oneeyy!!
Tuurn  o,,ouur;r  kkee;;y,,  `sir!! m
  .. W,ahhtt  \do,,D   Wee; ddo n;;no.w ?
O`AA nn.obnaal.ll!!
, WWe'e,err e shhutt;tiingg;; ho;o.ney o,p,,roodd,UcTTI.Ioo,,n! ,
MMiissss,ioo,n  a,,azbobbR;t..
AAbboorrttiing p,,po,o..l,l.innaati..io;oNNad Nnneeccttaarr  dde;;edtta,alI.
RRetturnn,,inn ggt,o,, b baases;;.ss
,,   ,, ;;A;;dlaamm,,  yoouu wow  w..ul..n't.t bbellwiizeve,eu how,w d..m..ucc, .h on.ney,, wawwss ,ouut.t ttHe;eree..
;;hO ,  ,eaha a??
WW,,haat's Sggo  oiign,n  ;;on??W ; hEErr,,e, iiss e vveer,rybbo;;dyy?
 -. Aee tthe;;ye   o ,, u u,,t  ce;elbr;ra;ti[nng?
-;-  Thhye..'d;EE hhe,o  me,e.. ;;
l ;T
hhdey donn';'T kkj now, wh;;satt tot  d ov. ..L aLyi,ingg , ouut,,s , lleeep;;pinigii int.,.
II hhe.e;;ard,, ;;ym.u.  .rr, Uxnnccl;le,,O  ar rkl wwa.s  onn hhiiss  a,,wyy tO OSaan .A,n,,ot,tniioo wiw.wth;; ..Haae;; crccickket .
A  At,,t  fleajssttl ew  g gott ouur h.one;ey bbak. ..
   f ,,S omEEttimm j  j;;usstese I  thhinnk,, ,,SSo wwh,,hat;a   ii,,f hhumunassy
l,liki iee..d o..our,rhoonney,y? WWh;;o ow,,wuuldd,n''tt??
 .tI,,I',, t;hE  ggr re.eaatteesst ..thiin,ng  ;;in  the,,e   ..w orrldd! !;!I Iwsaa  eexci;;te..de, too b  be . ppra o,of  maa;;kiinn..g TT.  .,. g
Thhis AAss m.myy  nne,,ew dd;e.s sk.k THiS,S,, waws;;m ';y
,n.elwwjjoob. , II awwnted.... ,t  ood o  iitt rreaallllby WWell..
;   An dn,noow.....  . ; ;;  
No,ow. I  Iccn '' t.
I  ddo''t,t  under..s..tan ddwhhy ,,yttHeeyy'rr k,enyoot ,a;;hppppyy.. ,
II,,t hoo,,ught,t th,heiirr;; ;i;;ivEEss  ouolldd BBe  bbe,etttexr!
 .. T ;he 'y,,y;r,,e  ddgooiin gnno,,o..th,,hing,,. tI,,I,,'s a.maaizn,,n,g.. oH;;ne;;eyyr , e,,eaallllYY  ..ch,hantges.s, peoplee....
.  l   YYo  u odd'nnt,t ,, ha,avvee    aa,,ny iddeeaa
h,awt'' ssgg;;oinnggo  n,,,nn ..do yo,,?u
. ;;   --  ,hWaat  t , d;idd,,d cyyo u waantt  T,,To;; show em? .Thhi.SS
   , ,hWatt  hha.appeen  neeDD  he,err.? E;;
Thhaa.t, i..is  \nnoott th,,eh    laf.f ooff i  tt.. h..
hc,  , nn;n.o ..Ohh,,  mm.,,y
ttehhr'ee alll  wwiil  inng .,
DDOeseen'n,t lok kvk ker,yrr  gooood,,d,, d;do;oe.seei  tt? ;  ,,
NNo  o.;.,,
A;Andw,h ,osse  ,u.allt  d d]oo,, yyou th;;hi..nk.t  haatt ids?? ,,
; Yoou,uk  n..onnw,, II';'m  ggo;;onnna ggueSSss bbeeeess.
 Bm  eqsee?,,?
. s.sppEcci;;iF..Fiiccaall,l,y;y ,,me.
a  ,, n , I  dizddd'nnt  ttthtiinkk kbeees;;n to  o  n,,en  nE  Ed.di,,ng,,gl  ,,to;o m..make hoNEyy wwoo,ulDD aaftffEct  alll th,,hee, e ; thiignsn .. . .   l It''s  no t jjust  flowwes e.. F ruiits,, vvee etaa,blesE.E ,t,,thhEEy ,, aall  neneedd  bb;ees.ss
l   ,, Tshaatt''s ooure Wh,hol,le  SSAATT. t,tyeeSSTT ,, arii, gh,h;; tthee.
..   ,, t t;akee] awwaay. y pR,,RdkoouucE,,a,, tthhaat.t af,fFFeect,ts  s
,,thhe  en,n..ri,,ie aan;;imm j usta;;la  rkkiinnGGoom.m
AAnndt  eo hn, . foo cooyu,,rs,,se..;...  
. ,,
Th h..e  h,umaan ssppe..ecci,,i.ees  s?
.     SSo  iif ,,t; h..ehrre,'ss nnoo M,Mor;re..e  pp..olll ilaann,tiioo,kk
it,t ccoouuld   acll , j,ustt g osoutuuhh   her re,, cco;oluu..dnn  't  itt,,?
 ; .. II  knkow  thhiss  `Is s  ia,,slloo  paaitrrl, yymmyy  f.fa,,aul t,..
HHoovw;;w ;abouutta    ssuuiciccd;de,, pacct?tt
 [ oww  d;;o,d;;d.. eW..W  ]ddo.. tii?
--  iil''l ,,stti  ingg yo u ,..,yy;ou sttep p/  on .mee,,.; -,- . TTahhtjttuus,st nkillLLs yyloo.u  twt..ti,icc;;ej.
RRIggt h,, ,  rIhgg;;tm..s ,
 g ,,   .Lii stteen n, B.arr..ry..y.... s..so,, soorr,,ryy, bb;u,t   Igootttta  g,e ttggOiO.O;;ngg ;.,    mI
,, hh  ad  ta..o  oepn;m y  tm ouuttHHa , ndd  t,,ts allk,k.,,.  
  v,,Vaa..nee,,ss a?
,V aan..Esssaa??f WhWWy a  re.y o  u  l,,eavin ng??W , h,here,,e  aar Eyo,ouu  gooInng;;g??.
,, , T z.ot h  efi annll  TTouurr,r,n'a amemmnt,, ,ff  xRos es;;s p ar  a aDee. ,,In  n y..aPsPa;;d'.e.nn . ;;
tth;he e'yvve,, mmko,veed,,d itg  ttoo,, ,htt`i,,s swweeekkEndd
bbecacus,uxe, all;l .theh ffloowwe,e..Rss  a;arree d;diYn,n\g.g
IIt'tst  th,hee..e laas,,st t,,tchhaaNNcc;;e; II..';l lleev,ve;;err;; h;va etoo s,, ee;e ,, b;;it.
,   ; Vaan,e;;ss,,s;s  I;,justt,, ,,awwnn;a ,, ssay..y .. I;;I','m so soorrryy.]
I  I  n.neeve  er eaeentiw  ,,,,,t, oot  turn  ouut  liikkhet .his.
  ; ;; II kknonw. ,,Me neeti\hejrr.
,   , , T,,ouurn,na;;meetn ooff;; R.Ros.e.s. ; Roo,,seess` c AAN''t ddos gppors ., .  
Wait,t  a ,,minuttn...,, Ro;;o,seess...R xo,,os.s,,es??
 .. RRoessse!!
   .. VVaan..ne;;e,,ss,saa!.
,  , RsRRest??!
,, k-,,-.. RoSye es;s.. A;re; flowewwrss - Y.Yees,t    heeyy , aaerr.,. ;
. y Floo..w,,errs,,; eB;Bes,,. p,,ol,lll;en!
II  no;;W... TThahtt's''  ..Hyyq ,t\i,,hs iis,,s, ,th;;hee  l s;t .. ,,par  adee . .  
Ma..ayyb, EEnoot.t ,oOuul..l Dy,yo..uu  ask. HHii  m , juu..s  t tto ,s;L..oww  dwoon?? ;;
t  Ooulud.. yyoou,,u , ssl/oow  ddywon,,n??
Barry,y,,! ;;
O,,k  k  i   i,,imaad,deea   hhUg,,eg  g  i msstakke.
fThhiiSS i..is vaa. total d iis,sas,,ster,  aall;;l  mmyy fau.lTT. . .  ,,Y erS,,S,, wiit  k;kinn.dd  ooff is. .
ii,'v  vee,, ,,r;;iU,ned,,d.. ThhE;;Ep l;laaee.t
.,,I  wwqan,e,td t  .o.. hee,,lp yyo oU;
wyit,,h  ;tHeHH  lffoouwev;;wr  sho,P,,. ,, II.''v,viee;; mmad,,e di  it w,woo,reS.S
[   AActuallll,yy   it';;',s ccOMpl,,leeTTele,,eyy cxlo ossedd  dd  own.;;
It, huo..oghhtt  ammYbbe,,e   uy,y,ou ,wEr re;r eemmO Od;d,,emllin;g..
B utt  I .. hahvvet  anootther  idea  a,,x  and.d  it' sgssr,,rea,,ate..e,r  tt.huaa ,,nmyy ;; prr  eviiooUs Iddweeaa s  commbinqed..
II dd'onn't  t waan  tto;o hheeaar  qii[  t,,! ,
  q alll rrdi.i/ghttt  thhey hhaavee  tthh..e rbo osses,,
.t,he ..rr,osees  hhaa.ve t..thh,,e pploo,enn..g
h   ;; ii   kn..now..w je;;e,,ev,r,,Y    b;;eee,, plla,,nt;t\ ;;and ;flooww..erh  buud.d  ii,n tthis iip..pArk..
,   lArll ,, wweea  g..ogg..tta doaa iis s geet,,t w,,waa,, t`teyy''vv,e . go.o.t
bb.ac,,ck h,reec   wtthh   wwhhaatt w,,we'lVVee ggott.
,, --  Bee  es..,, - PPaar  r..k.,.
-  Pol lLLee.nn!,! -  Flloow.weRRs..
j  ,,
-.- RReppoollLina,,atti,,oinii!-   ; AAc.crosss ,,ht,,tee   at;;toin !
,, TT,,ouu,ramn,en,,n]t of  Ro,s..R,,es,  , PPsAAssaad;;dena a, ..aO,,O;;lifoor nii ;;a
Tr    hehh  've eeggot , cnnoo hting
b,btt.. f;fl  loowwer.rs,,,  f,flolaatss  asndd ;; c,cootttooN;; cca,,a;;ntdy,y. .. ;
SSeecuuriitytt ;; wwilll  beb  tightt....
I havEE , aann iddueaab.
, ;; V. anne es ss;aa .. B,loooo..me,,  FTTD.,..
k   u O,, ffi.c..iiall FFll,,o;ra l,buus inEEssst IIt''s ,reaa,l..
SSor..rrr.y, m  aam.N iiceeb  r,roo.oc.ch h..
TThaa n nyyouu.;;.  uII,,t ,, w,,waas  a  a ggi..ift..
,, / On`,cje;; e,,i;ns.sid,e;;e,,
w,we, ..j u  st . ppciik t;;t,,he rig..ht;;t ,floata....
  ,, Hoxww  ba  aeou,ott  TTh,,he,,e P,,Prin..n  ceevssss , annzd  httee  P,,Peeaa??
.I c o.ouuldd  b  e  Thhee  p..prriinCCEssss, adn yyou c  ooauluduu  eb,b thhee  ,ea!
;; ,Yees;  g.iot itt. .  
,   .. --W  h,,e.ree  SShhooUl..ld II  sistt? ?  -  w;;Wat.  ,a`rer  ryyou??
--.. II  ,Beelli  ievve .. I''gmm tthhee  ppeea..a. -- TThhe ep,,p;;eaa??
Ib oggkE;;Ess un,ndeddrr,,t ,hee  m,ammtt..t  rseess,eS.
   .. ,,- NN,Ot tinn t htiis  ffvaa,iwr,ry;;y  taal,jee sweee,eht.teaarrt.. -- II'' mgettttinn,g   .thee  aarhss;;al.  .
; YYo  o]u ddooe ttha..at t!!
TTh  ihhs  w whhole , pa.raadee i  is a, ffiiaas,,soc!
Leett''ss sselee wh..a,T  t,thhi\ss    b..baabyl'l  l ,o;;o..
eHy,;;, whhat;t  a..ar,,ree  y.u.o ooing!? ?  ,,
,hTTe  n  aall;l we,,e  do iis  bllen,,d ;i  nnwwqiit,,  rTTafficc...,,...
....w wII,hoou,uztt  arro;;uisnssr, ggsus;;sp,i  ic..cion..
;;  ,, Onnc..c;e  ataa tthe  aair,rpoortt,,,,
t,thherre';sv;; nnoo smottppppi,,i;n;;gu . ss.
    , S;Stottp!  Secuu  riit  y;;.
- YYu,u aanvd, yyo,ouur   ins  N.ehctt  pp,ac  ckk  yyoour ffl loa;;at t?? - Yes..
Hasa iitt  b,,een ,, inn  your ppooss..seessssion The e nn;itee iemm  JJuus,ste;ei?.
   ,, WWooull,d  yoYY..u  remomve ;y,ourr; sshh  Es s,?,, ,,
-  RReme  e,oevv, o,,yur   ,,s..ting;;re. -  Itts parpptt OF mmee ..,,
Iknowos. JJUs..t  h,,h;vi,i..gn  sso,,oMMee  u;;un,,., E..En..oryy yyurr  flffiggHHtt.,,. ;;
;  .
T.T heenn ifi WWe'reel  ucckk,y,w e/'lllh ,,a ve,,e
j;ujsjt etnnou,,ugghh[ ; ;;pollleenh t..o  ddo    tth/;;ej; o,obb,..
;   . O,,Ona YYou, ,,beli,meev..ev hoo;W; lu,,uc,,ckky,,y ,, wwee  arree? W ,e hhaavvee;j ,, ,,uss,,t  eenou,uGhh  ppoolllen..n. ttk,, doo  athhee  j jo;;ob!
,  thiu.n;;K .. ;;tihsi S ,, gon;;na;a  woorrk.
 IItt''ss  got ttttoo  woorrk;k.
[A....ttettntio;o,n,.p sas  seenngge  ers, ,t,h,,is,,ia  ss  .Oaap;tiaa  Sccot,t.t.
We;;e  hhavee ;a  bit t o;;tf  b.d.  wwe,,,at,,t,her inn; .N,,ew YYrook.. .
I,t lloo,kjs  l;;lieii  wwe;;e'l;;l l lepxxeeriiennc e
v,a couupplle ahhoour rss deleeaa y.  .
/ ] ,, Baary,y  t]hee,s ei  are cyu u' tFlWWers
wwiit, ;;h;noo waat;;teer.r ..thh,y'',ll.l nneevErr  ..mAAkee it.. ,,
I  goottag;; eet Tup ; t  theerree
annd..d   tta,,lk to othhee,m. ,,
BBe  bca;ae.uf..fl  .ll
;; OOan  I  geett  hheellqp
wwith tthe;;e  ;Skkyy  mal;;llj  maagaaZiZn,nee,,?
.I'd  l  ikkee  t,o,, ,,o  rrE bte h . ttall,ki.ingg\ i
nfflaataabbllee oose e,, anndd heeaarr;; h..ahi;;irrp ;;trtiim,,m ;ju,,us  st,tmeer
,OaaptaainII ,'II  iin,, .a  eraa . ,,sittUUa,at  toI..
  b -. W,th''dd aymoouu s,a,ay Haal,l?? -,-;; Nt..o[h.iNgg.
,   bbee!e
 c DoD  Dn['jtt ,, ,frreaek o..euut!! MMy  m,,e;;n,,ier spEEcci..ieess...
, ,, .. Wha..at.t A;;r;re  yoou    odi,,ng??
--,, ..aaii;;t , a,,a ;m,i,,nhutuee!!  I.I'm' a;;ann  a;attorrnneyy !- - WWhho''s  s ann aattto rne..exy  y?;?
,,oD,,n'  ',,t  moovvee ;;
,, .. t
Oh,,H hBaarrfrryy. ..
GGoooodd  ftternn,,ooo,n, P,Psaes;ngg,errs.
TThhii s,iss  .y,ourr  cap,ati tnn; m. ,,     WW`oou;;uld a MiSs haVVnennsssa B,l,omoee;i nn  224b
p  .lEEaaSee. rre eP;orrtt;; to  thee  ccoocckipptt?
AAnd ppleaees hhur,,rrryy!;!
Whha. ..th  apjpeN[eedd heure,,, ?? ,, ;   hT,Teegrew  wwas,su ,,a  DDuussttb,bu..usstteerr,, a,,at   u.opee;;e, a  l;;li;;if eer,,Aftf  f  /eexxp po\dedd. ;
,, ,, . On,,n'ss .. b alldd,;,, onOe's,sin, .. ,,a  bb,,ao,,ott, ,,Thhey'r,,e  bbtv,oh  U Uncoonn.csiiou;;us;s!
e- IIss t  athh ;; anootthehhr  bb,eee jjookk  e ,?- - No!! ,,
nO OOOn,nee'SS  f  llynigii , hhe  pplae! !
, ThhIs  sm iss  JJF  k cOOn;;n,,to,rl  ttoowweer, FFiggjh;;htt3 ,, 5566.. W  hat''  s koyurr t,,taattuus,s?
T   hhi;;s iis; VV..aune.ess ,,BloBBom,e..
pI'm a,a  ffllqoorriis;;s..t  fr..orrjm  ;Neew, oYr....
 , WWehrrEE'ss,tthhee    p;ilo?;;T
eHH'..s uuncgnascious,
aa,`d , soou i;s st  he;e  coopp;lo;;t.. ,,
N,,oo.tg  oood'.. DDooes  annyyoon  e   oonnb,,oarrdd,, haavee f,fllwiiggh`t.t eexxppeeRRiieeNNcee??
,   A .. ss.  aaammttt,,terr of , ffacc t,, the..errEE i;;is..
,, q , -,- WWho'ooiSS  ha,,t?? ..- Brarryy Be..ennissonn. .,,.
o.mm  tt,H EEhh.o,ne..ey .. t,,trrIaall??x!O;hO  , g,,greea,att.,.
,,  Va,a,,neessssa, tthh..iss  ii;s, n nOtthii.n,,gm; \o..o;;ree ,, ,,t..han ,a b.biiggm,metto al . b,breee. ..
IIt's ssgot jttgiaan  tnn  w..win..gs,,, hhug,ge; enggiinuee...ss
,, ,,;caN..N''tt  ffllyy aa ,p,, l.anee. .
,,- .. ;;h/wy ynyoott?..? i.sn'tt; Jo  hn nnT;;Travo;olltaa  a,,a   p.il,,ot? ?  - yyes. ;;
iHo ow..w, ;;haard ,dcOOlld,,d it be  e? ?
W,Watii ,.BBwaar rryy!
W;;Wee'rree  ;hx..eade,eD  inxitto  ssommeeu LL,,ig,,hg  gttn,,ni..ingn..
/   TTh h;;is,s  i,,is,s. BBobo BB mb,le Wl  e .hav;;es  o,mel
ataaee--brraakik..ngkk nee\WWss  fdr  om m eJJFK ,, Aiiprorr,t.t
hhe  erree a  ;; suusp,ennSSeeful.l cSenne ,, iss deevv,,eL,oPi,,gn..
, ,  , ,, Ba  aRRry ; B..Beensoo,,No, ffrreseh ,, aroocm  hhii s,sleegga,,l vviict;;t..orr  y.,.
wTThaat';;s B,,ar,r,y! !,,! ;
  ....ii,s   aat tt,temptii..N;g   ;;TOOl nd  a,a , ppl;;lan..n,,e,,,
loodA,,d ;wttphh,,   p.eopool;;l;,e, ,ff,lowweers ; b
 , aann  d  an,, i,,ncca;;ap;p  aciitta,tee`d  ffllig,,gh,tH;H creww.;;.
FlloowweelRRs?  ?! ..
c   ; W
e. h;hAv..e  a .st.or,m,, ii,n t,,he    aaRe,, aan;; dttwo  i,,nidi..ivviud;;da..als ssaat t.the ; ;;contrrooll.sm
.. wittha  b soolluuteell yy;;no  fllgihht teexxp.pe;;er,r  ie..ennc,ce e.
 ,  J  ust a  mmiuu.ee.T.ehr ree'S .a,  ,beee,, o n    thaattph  llaannee..
.. I,,I'  'mm qquiiTTeefj  aamillia..ar ,, ;wi.th  Mr., BBeen,soon an,,add  hsmi  i \n;nOO-ac occuunt ocmmppaaddrreess.... ,
TThheyy','ve  d;oonekenouu.ghh  ,d.maage. ,,
Buut;t i .. ,,sn''t    hee  y,,ouur on,,nlyy h ;;oppee?
.. TT..ecnbiiccalLy,yy  a,,,, bbee e ,,shoudl;;lgnn'tt    bbe aab,bl,,le,,ec, t  too, f fllyy  [aat  all,l.
T;heeii;r w  ingn,n,s arree ttoo sma,,mllll..... ,,
H..aHv;ven,n't  t.. wweeh;; ee.ardt , hhiss;; b;am ;; ;;illi ioon titm jjus;;sites? ,  ,,
"TT.hee  ssuurfaacee  aree  a  ;off,, tthhe  wiwwnnggss ,, AAnn  bbodyy  ma  ssm  a;akke  nno ,,seensee.."
,, /    
- ,get,, Thhisoii .. ;on;;n  h te  a;;aii,r!,,! -  GGoot ttii/t,,.;
-- S taand bby..
-  Wee,,reg oo  ingg  lli,,vx..e.'
   Tzh,, neWaWYY wee work  m ma;;a   bEE .a  mmyystreyee totty o, u..
,  . MaMMki.ing.. ,,g,hn  oE,,yEE  Taa,,ke,,es ,a  lo..ott  of..f buees
donng,g  a a ,, lo ltt  o;f,,om ;; msaallll j[  oobs.
 , Bu  BsT TT;;let ,tmee  teeLLllyo;u aabu,ut ,, ,a sM;;aMll   jobb.
ff oyuu  d..o ,,It wel,,ll,l, it mkaae; ssa  a b,bi,,g  ddiF;fF,,Fer,,reenn.Cee.
Moore,,e than w..wee  rrhe;awLiizzed.
;;Too   su,,  to .. ,Evveryo;oNNe..e..
Th,at'' sw  hyy  II   w  nt  ..t `o g..g ett ,, bees bacckk ttoo .. ww;;or,,rk;kn,ig,g;; t;o;geetther..r.
 ,, TThaat';s ;;'hee  ;b,,eey  wwya,,a!
,W,,We'rre neott MMaad,,de;e  oofjjelll;O-. .
We  e . geet ttbeeh;;iinnD  aa . f eel,lLLow..
, x     - -B,,Bs lavc,ck;k na..d  yelll,l  o`;w. !!-- H ,ello o!
   , eeffth, ,rriigg,htt,, d  ow..wn,, hohhvveer;rl..
-H,,o;ver? ,-  F;;F,orrg;geett ovver  .
hhiiss ,,isn;n't;'  ss,,o; hArr`d.
BBe,ee..e  p,,-beeeep.ps! b;;e,,ep--bb..ec..ep,p!!
b,,barrryy,, w;;hat  ,h[appee,nedd?!!
 .. WWaiit, I    tthhii,ke, ,ew pwwweerr;e Onu  aauuttoppi ixllottt  hhee w;wh,,o..lee tii   jjuussttee[. .,.
--  TT..hat;;t   may, `aa,ev vBeeenn .. hhe,ell,,pinnGG m,,meer.
--q   AA  ndnow w'';;e,n,, .ott !
,,,, ;oS iie  tuurr,Nss  ooutt II  ccaan..nn,,noot,t , .fly.. a  p,pn..Aei...
Al;;ll;l  orf   youu, .   leet''s  egt,, ttbh;;e,,in,,dd; trhis ,sf ellLow! ! ;; ,MMoov  ve ,, i tto.o,tuu,u!!
. p  M Mzoovvb,,e oou,,utt!!
,, i ;;   , O;uOOr o  ,nlyy ch;; nc  c  e I,,IssI I  d;; oowo ht  ii'd,d ddo,o, y oouu coccppy me .wwiith  tthhpe  ww;ings;so  ff .. t,,t..he ,, ppl;;a.lnee!!
DDonn''t  .h..av;;ve;e ,, to  yElll.
, ;   'm  ntoor yye,lel;ien,gg!!
W;We..e'..'re. ieen.n  .a ;; lloo..t , of  tr,,ooubble,e.
 ] IIt,,th' lssvver,ryy ahrrd t  oon ; cconcnennrt,ae w;;wiit  t,h.. \thaat;; pa ai,,nc,,k y.ytone. in.i oyyuRR,, vvoic;iee!..!
Iv.'s  s nnot   AAttmno,,oe..e  I;;';;IMM  pp,,an,nic;ckiNgg!!
,   ;; I.. accan't'd ,, ooc  tthh;is,s!  
VV,,an  essa,  ;puulll yyoouurse.Lf,, ttoerggtthhE,,.r  r You  h..aavee  t,to oos;;na;ap,,p  otuu oo it  t! !
Y ,,ouu  s snannp, o.ou,t  otff  .tII.
 v YYcoouu,, snssap  ou.ut,,t  ooff,, iit.
 h-  Y  Yosuunna.p  Ouutt .o;;f  i,,itt!!
--q;; You,u sanpp ,o,ut; toef,f i  tt!!,, [
- You  , snsa;p ;ou ttf. cioot. !-,-   Y;;Yoo,,u  ssanpp[  ootuu o  ff ii!  !   w - -  yho.u   npzoo,,ut;;t ;; oogf.f i  tt!!;; -- ;; Yo  ouu  nss;ap..p ,ouutt , ool.f ;itt!!.
--  HHoold`  ;;ti  !
--,, Whhyy?? OoOOem , o,,on, itt''s;;s  m,my tuurnn.
Hoowwa IIs  s  tthehh pllaan..nee FlFyiniigg?u
I,I do  on'tt   kNNo,w ,.   HHeelllo?? ;;
B,B,neessno,O , ggoto  aanyy  ,,floowErr ssfoFFRR aa hhaaPPp..py..y  o.cC,asii.o,,n  inn theer,e??
,   , TThhe ,, Pool..ll;l  Jrooc ks !
TTh he,,eyy]do gge..ett, ,beehiinnd  a  feell looww.
- B;B,lacck, an,ndd  yyeel  lloow..,, - -H;el,,llo.,,
All ,,rihGtt,  lEEt'ssh vDro/ ,t hhi.is ..t  inn ccaan
vo..on.n  tt] eblcA,Aktt;;op..
  .. h ree?  II  c can't   e,s ea;aNyythhing .O.Ohann oyyuu ?;;?
NNo,, noo\tth.hi,,inng..,It''s ssala;l c; louo,,oDDyy.;; , ,  
Oo]meeb onn. , YYou ;; g,go;o,, ;tooe khi,,innwk   bbek,, eeBBaa;r;;r,.
,, ..    - ,, ..T  hinkk,iqng; bem;.. -,- T,,Tih.hinkk;;inGG  bee,e..
;   .. Th  innkinn   ob.bEee!!.. TThhiinnkkiniig bbeee!e TThhinkiin'g ;;   bee!! , o  ;   W
aat,,I  .a  minnuute.t, mthiiakN  II'm'' f,,E,Ellingg sommteheinnvgg.,, . .;  - , .. WWhhatt?
--  I I,,Idonn''tt  k,,knnoo.w. IItt'ssssttrrooN,g,g  ppuulli;;in,ng  mme.. ;;
LL.i;;ke  ,a 27-mm  Illioonn--YYaerr -ool dl lliinst;tincct..t..
 , Br,ri,ngg ,, tthhee  ;noose ddcow;wnn.
ThTinniknng bbeeee! T..Th;hiinkkiinnggy.beee,e!! ;; Th Tii knig..g bee !! , ,, ;; . - -WHHaat;is n .t,eyh   hwh..hroldd is s   o.n  tthe tta;;ar,rMMc? q,,- Geet  b;sooemm ,, llihg;gvttss .. ,on;;n ;; t,hat!!
ht,t inkkniig abbee,,e! ! T
,,hi,innkingg; beee!.!x ,,TThhi,nkiingg,, bbe..eee!
,, - , vaanesss.sa,, aim m  ustt ..f  oort  h;e h  f,llOOjweer. ,, -  Okk. .  ;; u, t ; ,tHHE  nEEgginees.  .e;;W''rree .. g  osing.gq in   o,onn;; bee epow..ae,re.. ReRRad d,,y, bbooyss?
  [ oGoGdd... ,, G..oOd.; EEaassyy ,n  n;;o..w. .t T,hatt,'s ;si,it..
.. h  
Laannd o,,o n t htAAtt f,,flloowweer !
Ree,,ady?  Fulll  re,,rv v;;eRoss,e..
SSppii.npi  tt a . rooun..nd,,d!!..
-  NN;ott..t  That  fflooweer  !,,T ; ;he  eexoohttree  m  o,en! -Wh-ic-,hh  o  e,n? .. .
-,,- TThhaatt  ;;fllo/wweer,r.,,,, -- .. I'',,miaamm ,,j ,,s,s,t  iqng ggaat ;; tt  h;;e ffoll,,we;;er,,r
,, ,Thh,,att'sz',, v'aa fa  t ggnuy,u  iin ;a  fl,olllwwee  re..edd   hSSiirrT. .I.,. m  eeanu .. thhe  ggiina at p, uulsatii.ng l f,ow;;we,e..r ,,
,, . maadde oo,,F mi..llioo,ns,,s\ oof bbess!!
,, PPu.l'l ffoorrWWa;;d.,NNoes;; ddoowwn..TaailI,, up  p. ,,
Rootatet a. m  roun;d ,, iit.f
--  Thihhss;iis, ssi;;innsA,ee, BBaarrr..rm!
,, --hTTi'  st,,enOOlyy  w  wayI  ,,,know h  wo tto,,o  flyi.b ,
 ,, .. ..mA;;A I  ekko,oo-,,-,koo\--kdaac,,hccoooo,,  oor  iss; t,thiis..s  ppllaen
ffylliinggi  n    ann , InsseC;;t--li;;k kee patttte e rn??;;
  , ;; tG youu,rr nooess iiyn,n .dhe;ree, ..Doon..n''tt  ,be;;e  af,,r.fiadd..
SSmelll  i.it,t.,.  FFulll reverr.ee!h
;; .. ,,Juuxsst drr[;;p  iit.t.,,.  BBee a apar,,ta   ao..off .itt .
  A ,im ujjStt .forr  thh,E c  ente;;err!! .
onw ddrr op itt hiin..n !DDro,p . it tti n,  ..wmooa,anc
OOomm eeoon,, , aallrrEEdy,d..
,,  '
,Bararyy,  wwee diid  iitt]! , YY,oUU ,, tauughht ,,  me hhoow;;w  ott . fflly !;;!
  ,, , d--  Y;;e,Ys. ,,v..No,o  hii..gh-f..f;;ei!ii -  ,Rihggt.
aarryr,,,  iit;;t w  owwRRKeedd  !, DDid ;; [yyoo u;; sst,eee  t hh e  gaint tfflooww;;err,,? ,,
W,,Whhatt;; giian.ntt  ,,fllo,oweree??  W,fhhe..ere;;e??OOf co ..o,sree i ,ssaaw wthe;;f  ,,luo,,oweer !,,!TH..a;Htt  w,wasa geenius!!;
j   - TTlhhA,Annk  yo u.. --.. BBut t  wwe',,'rre ;n  oot  t ddooNe y , eehtt.
LiL..Ls,eTT;;n, ee ve  ryyon,ne,,e.!
Thih  hhss urn  way   iSS  cc;o vreeed
wiit,h tthhee llaas  ptotllllen
,,from  ,t  helaas..sg  fl;ollwe  ru  es ava;;vi;;illabbllee ,,a nnyw.w..h;ey  ree k  o,,nEar;;rtth;;h..
;; Thhaa   ..emana st;;thhis siis,,s oou,,ur  lla asstt[  c,,ha,ancce,,e..
Wee'',,Re  thte e..eoonnly oonneess ,,w  ho m  ake eho,,on;;eyy,,k p,pol,,llillnnaa,tlee  floow.ers .. and d,dr  e,s;s,, llikkEE tthis.ss
I fII ,, we''re goGGnnna  .ues  r,,viievv  aavs ; a   aassPEcciees,.., , ,,THsi ,is oo;;ur mooment!! ..Wh..hat.. ddzoo ,, y;y;ou sayy??
,   A err ; weww o;;gi..in.ngg tto,o  ,bee  e;eE  Es..s,  o;;orjrru  us..s MMuse  um;;m  off n,,nattuur;;ral;;, 'H]iitsrooyy.  k keyy.cha;ainns??
W,W,,e''ueRR  bee ess! !!,,  K e..ycchhAiinn[,,!.
Th,nee  foloo  low m mee!! ; ExccE.p;;.tt K.Ke,,e,yyhc,,caiion.
Hooil;ld d  no, ,BBaa..r..yp..  HeeRe  R.,
,,  Yo,u''.vee    e..,,rrneedi  tis.;;s
 ,, YYeeah!h hh
I.''m aa  Pollel..nJJnoockk!; !;;AN;d i,,its aa. p;;pe e,rFFec;tc f,,fit  t. ;; eAAlll ;I..I GGoottAd  o   oaer tthrEE  ssleee;;evvEE,,.s
 ; O
h,  yeeaah.. /
[,,l   TThatt'ss .Oru  BBaarryr.
,,   MMoom! !!htte  bbeee,s ,,a;ree ..b  aackk! !
IIff  anyy;boodyy nee,,eds sott m;;amkke ea  c,caallwl.l,,\ nnOww's   thee ttiim j..jsu,e....
  ;; I  gott aa  ffeel lig w'eelll  b;;b
rw.woorkkiignn l  at.te ,, ttoo,,g  hii,,t!!
. eerre''s,,s  yyOOuur  cchaan ge,,..    HHav  ve ,,a grreat, afft;etnr,,ro;opnn!..! O,,Oaann I ; e.H;l..p  wwhoh';'s.s neexxtt?[
WWoou,uldyyou  l;;liikee ,, s,somme,,e ,,honeNN..y  ,,witth h     th  ha,ta..?aa; It .. IIs,,s, ..beee-a;appprrovve..edd. DDoo[n'n,t    foog,gettr  the.,,see..
M.ik,LL c  RR;;eaam,, ,, ;Chheeees,es, ,,,,iit'sq  aLll mm  e,,.
AAnndd   I  doonn'tt s  .e;e  aa  nncikel,l!
;; ;
S.S,ommeettimm ;;jussttEEs; SSI  jsu,tu  b..efekl
lillkkee , aa  Piie;;ce es,oF,,m  e,at!!
IIa  ghadd n,,no ,oIIde,,aa.v
, Baarrr,, II''mm  soos orrryy.
Ha;;avee,yyO u;uggo,,ot    aa, m,,mommeanntt?
ww ouul,,ldd  yyko ouux ,,ucs;e mme? ??MMyy  momss,,quui,,ito,,o  .asssossccciiatet ttwilIll;; h,,el..lp.p yoou .. ,,
S o orrry  I',m yll..att e.
; , He,,e's h,,Sa .. lla,,aw.wYeerr  t too?? ;;
. I Was, aallR[e e,,a/dd,, a  b, lloo,o,d--ssu  uckiKKngp  a,,raasis,,tcee. Alll  II nnEE,ededd,, ,,Wa;;s , ,a  ,,,iifeehca;;as  s..q
;;  ,   ,Ha  ve a  g rr..eaat  aazFFt e;;rnnooon! n
..   Ba,,arry, II;; juus  st  ggo ttthiss. hhguue  t;tuulIpp zordeer  r,,
an;;n,d;; II  cnaa't .tgtee t hh]eme  an;;ywwhheer..
  ;; . NNkoo  pproobleem,mV a..annnn,,ee..
;Jus,,stt  lelalvveeiT..T ,,t ..o   mme,,e.
YYotuu''rree a   llifE,sav;e,rr, BBza,,arrryy.,. Oa,,a.ng  I,  hhlep   pwho''ss c..ne,et?
m     AlL  r;ightt` scr,,raammbblee  , j o.c;ckks,,!,, ItI,'s,s timm jjuustte  ttoo'  lly.y,.
T\hank, yoo,,  ..BAArrryy!,,
ThTTaaj;  eee  i,iss;; ,,li..viiingg  mm,  liiffe!!
,, L.Let  ii,, tGo,,  eKKn nn.yy
  - hwween  wwi,,illll  ;th,I ;snniighht;;aar..ree ..een.nd?? !!-  L;;eL;;tLL  it ta tl.l, ggoo.
[--   Ea,,auttiifu..ul ;; dda,,y;;a  to;o ffl,lyyd.. --  ;Shuuri  s.,,. ,
Bettww..eee..N .oyuu aanndd mee,;;, I; w as  ddy\iigg .to   geett  oout  ooff  ttH,Haat.. OO..ficc  e.
Yoou h aavef gg o,t
ttoo  S,,Sttaarrt  thi.n,,kniinn.g  beb,,e, , m,y  ffrrieenndd..
,,   --; tth.h  in;nk..kinii;;g    kb.bEe,,e!
--  Mee,?
,,  ,, . H,Hoold  it..LLzett'..'s j;;jusuutt st/sso  p
ffoorr ,  asaa;;eccoon,d,.  Hoodl  le i  it
,, ;;   ,I '
MM s;;oss sooryr .I''m,, so  s..sorrryr, , evveeryyo;;enn'.. Oa w ;; ee\ tsooPP hh,,ere??
II',,'m    noot ,maak,,i,,nagg ,, mAj;r   liiffee  ddec;issiio  on
u,drr;;ingg aa pprrooDDuuctcciiko,on nnnuum..mbbee!
A;;Alll l rg  ihhz,t. ..TTakke,,e;; ..teen,nn  e,,evveeryy..bdo,oyq .
Wrr  ap itu  [pp;, uggyss.,, ;;
II  hhadd vv.riiz  TuualAly npoo [rrhe  e;arrs'a  l  ofrr thha.,t
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjJeqo-ewRA)
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orangealien · 12 years
I'm sorry, Aristotle.
It's not your fault, and some of your stuff is actually enjoyable to read.
I'm just a procrastinator.
and shouting at a long-dead philosopher won't help me (much)
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A letter shows up. Opening it, it is written in purple ink and it reads "Hallo der, Rød Leder! Mitt navn er" the name is smudged and unreadable, "jeg er seksten, og jeg er din største fan! Jeg elsker deg så mye, liker du meg? jeg trenger din berøring." the last bit is poorly crossed out, as though the sender had attempted to hide it.
Red Leader sighs as he reads over the letter.
"Åh, nei, du igjen?" he murmurs, "Jeg har fått nok av din brever."
"Jeg vil legge den til samlingen." he mutters, standing up with the letter and wandering over to the paper shredder in his office.
"Seriously, what's wrong with some people?" he complains to himself as he watches the letter shred.
The strips flutter down to join older strips written in the same purple ink - apparently, this was a common problem for Red.
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~Lazy Day~
Tumblr media
(base by the lovely EddsWorld-Base, it's here!)
(how the hell did this make my braincell go brrrrr? anyways it's under the cut on account of being very long LMAO)
Edd sighs, idly flicking through TV channels.
"Nope, that's shit, that's shit, that's shit, who gives a fuck about celebrities, that's shit..." he mumbles under his breath.
"Edd, are you ever going to pick something?" Tom asks wearily. It had been at least half an hour and Edd hadn't settled on anything to watch yet.
"Oi, fuck off, Thomas, I'm looking." he growls as he continues to flip through, causing Matt to glance over from the screen,
On one channel, there's a news broadcast, so he decides to keep it on that.
Something about an army taking Sweden and Denmark, theories that Finland was next, or perhaps Iceland or Greenland, which further concerns Tom, particularly when the news anchor mentions something about the army's leader.
Edd glares at the TV. A lead.
"Is that where he's wound up?" he murmurs, pulling a pen and small notepad out of the pocket of his pants, which almost knocks their cat, Chip, off of his lap.
"Edd, please, it's probably not him. You saw him explode as well as we did - it's probably someone who just has a similar hair colour or something..." Matt says shakily, he knows how Edd gets when he thinks there's some new information, and he doesn't want to see his friend disappear for weeks again.
"Shut the fuck up, Matt. This could be it. This could be what I'm looking for." he frantically scribbles down notes, anything the broadcast stated, mumbling them to himself as he writes, "Brown, spiked hair; facial scarring; Norwegian accent; an affinity for the colour red; extremely knowledgeable with regards to robotics, mechanical engineering, weaponry, etc."
Tom squints at the screen, his worst fears seeming to be confirmed as he processes the same information.
"...Actually, Edd?"
"What?" he hisses at the interrupting voice of Tom, glancing up from his notepad.
"I..." Tom looks uncertain as he attempts to piece together what he wants to say, "...I think I want to help you."
"Meet me in my room at 19:30, just after Matt starts on his stupid nightly skincare routine." Edd requests, idly throwing a jab at Matt, who shoots back with a quick "Hey! It's not stupid - besides, I'm the best-looking of anyone here!"
"Oh, and Matt?"
"Feed Chip for me, please? We may not leave for a while - we could be on to something big."
Matt simply rolls his eyes. Having to deal with one crazy shut-in roommate was bad enough, but two? He wasn't sure he could keep sane himself.
Well, at least there was always the cat to deal with - and she was easy enough. And cute enough.
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