indigoeccos · 2 years
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Hay, que exagerados! Lol #existir #aveces #exagerados https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3TPkHSiTP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cupcek · 6 months
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hansolsticio · 2 months
toda vez que eu começo a mexer no tema desse perfil eu lembro o porquê de eu evitar mexer... pra quê que eu fui inventar? não acaba mais
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roger-spirit · 2 years
Celebrating your birthday with Roger (and his crew)
Soo today it's my birthday and what better way than to celebrate it with Roger? I was going to have Robin too, but Roger possessed 100% of my mind
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▹Roger is the type who loves a holiday and parties, any excuse he has to party and drink he loves it
▹He counts the minute until midnight to say happy birthday to you
▹Nobody can give you happy birthday before him is the rule, once Shanks e Buggy gave you before Roger in his front and they ended up grounded on the ship for a month (they swear it was worth it)
▹If you like parties oh dear, he'll throw the biggest one just for you
▹It'll be a surprise and with the whole crew involved in it, he spares no expense
▹Roger will keep a secret from you and he's good at it, you don't even suspect something when he takes you for a walk on the island they docked
▹You don't know, but without a doubt there's someone on the crew clearing the way for the two of you
▹He'll go to all the stores he knows you'll like and buy everything you look at
▹Exaggerated but he just wants to see you smiling and happy that day
▹When you two get back to the ship it's already dark and all the lights are off
▹Then out of nowhere the whole crew comes screaming your name
▹They hug you and give you congratulations and a mountain of gifts
▹The party is almost the same as any other at Oro Jackson, but the difference is that everyone gathers around you to praise you, tell stories about you and hear you talk
▹At the end of the party, when everyone is almost passed out from drinking so much, Roger gives a little speech (he loves making speeches)
▹He talks about how important you are to him, how he loves every little part of you and that he couldn't bear not having you with him
▹It's too cute and doesn't suit him at all
▹Now, if you don't like parties or celebrating your birthday, he will respect that
▹Will ask if you have a reason behind it, if you do or don't it's okay, he will respect if you want to talk or not too
▹He'll try to plan something, maybe a dinner or a picnic
▹Roger will only accept Rayleigh's help because he know his crew can't keep their mouths shut around you and even if they could, they would talk to you just to annoy their captain (that's why at surprise parties he takes you on a walk away from the crew)
▹Rayleigh will probably tell him that it's better to ask you, what you like and what you want to do, probably
▹He tries to spend all day with you, even trying to participate in your hobbies
▹With or without a party, Roger will do everything to see you happy and smiling
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elbiotipo · 6 months
Pero la puta, entre no saber lo que es vivir con hardware obsoleto y con declaraciones hiperbólicas ninguno de estos sobrevive un día en Argentina
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lets-play-that · 3 months
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Cazuza - Só as maes são felizes
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thesonhador · 2 years
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calebine · 6 months
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biblioteca de la universidad de berna › como un pez fuera del agua, vaya, que se está esforzando por hacerlo medianamente decente. por algún motivo, está picado con la pareja de al lado en una rivalidad unilateral — pero bueno, no es su culpa haber nacido competitivo por naturaleza. ‘ auch ’ suelta por lo bajo, el pisotón de josephine le hace enfocarse de nuevo en ella, listo para fingirse ofendido: ‘ ¿me odias? ’ el alce de cejas dramático da a entender que ya tiene la respuesta, mas la sonrisilla que se asoma le delata en entretenimiento. ‘ es porque mis vibes no hacen match con el panorama, ¿verdad? ’ ¡en fin! que entre la vestimenta, los tatuajes, y el contraste de su apariencia con la femenina, sólo pueden lucir como una cosa: ‘ ¿o porque parecemos la bella y la bestia? ’
josephine pisa accidentalmente a caleb mientras ambos participan en las clases de la bailarina malou meyenhofer, sobre aprender conceptos básicos de la danza de 1920 ⟡ @jovvest
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thatweirdnoise · 1 year
Cellbit singing the song that represents his qsmp character
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prestado-pal-hit · 14 days
No le vuelvo a cubrir el horario en el laburo a nadie, es realmente horrible salir y que sean las 18
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wordwizardsara · 19 days
Exaggerated (Exagerado)
by Cazuza
listen to the original song
Amor da minha vida Love of my life Daqui até a eternidade From here to eternity Nossos destinos foram traçados Our destinies were traced Na maternidade In the maternity ward Paixão cruel, desenfreada Cruel passion, unbridled Te trago mil rosas roubadas I bring you a thousand stolen roses Pra desculpar minhas mentiras To apologize for my lies Minhas mancadas My mistakes [chorus] Exagerado Exaggerated Jogado aos teus pés Thrown at your feet Eu sou mesmo exagerado I'm really exaggerated Adoro um amor inventado I love an invented love Eu nunca mais vou respirar I'll never breathe again Se você não me notar If you don't notice me Eu posso até morrer de fome I might even starve to death Se você não me amar If you don't love me Por você eu largo tudo For you, I'd drop everything Vou mendigar, roubar, matar I'll beg, steal, kill Até nas coisas mais banais Even in the most trivial things Pra mim é tudo ou nunca mais For me, it's all or never again [chorus] E por você eu largo tudo And for you, I'd drop everything Carreira, dinheiro, canudo Career, money, straw Até nas coisas mais banais Even in the most trivial things Pra mim é tudo ou nunca mais For me, it's all or never again [chorus]
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leohiranc · 1 year
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take a look at LEO's outfit.
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neighbourhoodtwo · 4 months
good news everyone sobreviví mi examen de español
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cahrma · 1 year
Eu tenho essa tendência geral para exagerar, e resolvi tentar não exigir dos outros senão o mínimo. É uma forma de paz.
-𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗
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a-lasogavi · 5 months
Jessica: Y el clima también (vestida como Jessica Rabbit)
Camarógrafo: ¡Perfecto! Estamos listos 
Productor: (gritando) ¡Todos a sus puestos! ¡Empezamos en 3, …
Llega Margarita corriendo.
Margarita: (gritando) ¡Ay, perdón! Se me hizo tarde our en tráfico y el perro que se me escapó y mi esposo…
Se le acerca el camarógrafo a Margarita.
Camarógrafo: (susurrando) Oiga, ¿qué no le dijeron? Está despedida, aquella chica (se le queda viendo a Jessica embobado) es su reemplazo.
Margarita: (sorprendida y enojada) ¡Mi reemplazo! Solo llegó una vez tarde, ¡una vez! Y ya me reemplazaron… (entrando en crisis) ¡No sé que voy a hacer! ¡Mis hijos necesitan el dinero! 
Camarógrafo: Cálmese señorita, tranquila, repite.
Margarita: ¿Pero… pero qué tiene ella que yo no tenga?!
El camarógrafo la ve con cara burlona, pero no se atreve a decir nada.
Margarita: (se ve a ella y examina a Jessica) ¡Mejor no diga nada!
Camarógrafo: Ok.
Productor: ¡Margarita! No tenemos tiempo para tus dramas, ¡estás despedida! Ahora, vete, que vamos a empezar a grabar.
Margarita camina hacia Jessica indignada.
Margarita: (indignada) Mmmj, ya veo la razón de que te dieran el trabajo. (La ve de arriba a abajo, juzgándola) 
Jessica: ¿Y cuál es esa razón?
Margarita: Pues que estás toda operada.
Jessica: (molesta) ¡Pues mire usted que son reales, yo jamás me operaría, y menos para aparentar algo que no soy!
Margarita: Ajá, claro, como usted diga…
Margarita da media vuelta, dándole la espalda a Jessica y se va del escenario.
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elbiotipo · 2 years
O sea no creo que los argentinos nos estemos dando cuenta que básicamente somos una colonia económica de EEUU a estas alturas. Ningún país verdaderamente soberano se preocupa tanto por los valores de una moneda extranjera ni tiene su economía pendiente de ella de esta manera. Ya creo que tenemos que dejar de hablar del tema del dólar como que es un factor económico neutro, es un tema de soberanía nacional.
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