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Enjoy Shirdi with Direct flight package from Chennai
Planning to visit shirdi from Chennai??? Vasantkamal Tours Packages offers best tour package to shirdi from chennai, which is convenient for you. The tourism industry has changed a lot since the past few years, but the principles of Vasantkamal travel have not changed — we are always at the forefront of providing the best comfort for our guests. Vasantkamal is only travel company that offers a 4 star & 5 star hotel at a budget cost of Rs. 11,900/- Per Head. Our experienced guides lead Darshan to escort SAI TEMPLE’s Samadhi mandir for each guest — special pass for Darshan (subject to availability). The highly affordable Chennai to shirdi tour package offered by Vasantkamal, offering pick-up service, accommodation and more comprehensive and best packages. Vasantkamal is top Chennai to Shirdi tour Operator, provides Best shirdi tour package from chennai by Flight, air. Best offers on chennai to shirdi tour package at vasantkamal.com
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The direct Shirdi flight package from Chennai brings comfort to the sai devotees — Great News Direct flight package to shirdi from Chennai, Vasantkamals hospitality and darshan arrangements. Flight time is very flexible and you can move on and back. No need to get up in the morning and be late. Travel time is reduced. You will receive the same excellent service and hospitality from Vasantkamal.
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saiorgseo · 4 years
chennai to shirdi flight packages
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started  expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of  chennai to shirdi flight packages  expression   and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi    in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was  chennai to shirdi flight packages  moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all    understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest     aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his  sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has     failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in   India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of    His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull  of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
 chennai to shirdi flight packages
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myshirdi9seo-blog · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight package
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expresssion and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
 chennai to shirdi flight package
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10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Pune To Mahabaleshwar Cab Booking
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Choose for a variety of options on Pune Mahabaleshwar Car Service automotive rental resembling pune mahabaleshwar sight seeing and pune mahabaleshwar full day cab reserving. As we had lined all the places of attraction at mahabaleshwar and panchgani, we considered going to another place and as i have never been to pune, we selected that one because it fell on the best way to our route to home as nicely. The best time to go to mahabaleshwar is within the wet season the place you can relish a splash within the waterfalls. Pawar travels has additionally grown with the identical velocity by offering pune to mumbai cab, mumbai to pune cab, pune to shirdi cab companies to change into a one stop journey solution of the jet set crowd of pune. Wilson level: ht 1435 m distance 2.2 km. This is the very best level in mahabaleshwar and is near the downtown marketplace. The highway from mangalore to coorg has abundant natural beauty and is best loved best whereas having a trip within the taxi.
Going on a trip to mahabaleshwar from pune shall be a super option and you'll go to widespread locations in mahabaleshwar. It's at all times good to have a automobile on standby while you're out and about in the city. Next day we began for pune, we reached pune in 4 hours and checked in our hotel. Individuals visiting pune typically look for dependable taxi services to go to close by cities like pune, surat, nasik, etc. Xpress's cab services are available across all main cities in india including cab services in pune. The jungles of Car Pune To Mahabaleshwar are identified for his or her density and a surprising array of birds and wildlife.The following table mentions the various taxi options available for reserving pune to mahabaleshwar cabs. Veena lake: it is a famend lake of mahabaleshwar famous for its sparkling water and abundance environment. The ideal approach to visit these historical sites and well-known malls is by taking a automobile rental in mumbai as its very versatile, quick and saves loads of time.
 Leave this task to pawar travels who've intensive experience of transporting individuals and baggage securely and on time by pune to mumbai airport drop for the previous decade. From satara railway station one can attain mahabaleshwar from state transport msrtc buses or hire a vehicle to succeed in mahabaleshwar. Taxi pune to mumbai, for home flights, 2 hours reporting time to airport and four hours journey time, so you'll want to start 6 hours before your flight departure. There was this point identify lodwick point, when we had to visit a tourist spot where our automotive could not enter and we needed to park our car 1-2 km away from the purpose. Till the eighties, panchgani was virtually entirely an educational centre and a health resort, with solely the overflow of vacationers from Cab Service From Pune To Mahabaleshwar coming. You will no longer be capable of cite the fee as a problem as we provide pune to mahabaleshwar cab package, which is economical.Driver was co-operative ,car supplied was a sedan automobile in excellent condition,journey with ccr is fabulous.
Pune is positioned round 69 km away from mahabaleshwar so if you happen to journey on the consistent speed of 50 km per hour you'll be able to reach mahabaleshwar in 2 hours and 20 minutes. I've booked the car after three to 4 dialog with clear automotive helpline nos. Booking for the Pune To Mahabaleshwar Cab Booking route in a taxi has develop into a lot simplified and environment friendly, because of the inception and channelization of the brand new reserving interface. By offering a method automobile rentals, aha taxis has made taking an outstation taxi even cheaper than going by practice or a bus experience. Pune is the second largest metropolis of maharashtra and is positioned within the jap part of spectacular western ghats. The highway from pune to panchgani is gorgeous and one can have a peaceful trip till there. The journey between pune and mahabaleshwar takes roughly 2.5 to three hours by bus.Nh four hyperlinks three of the ten most populous indian cities - mumbai , bengaluru , chennai , nh four additionally connects karad to pune and kolhapur , pune is the biggest metropolis close to karad and kolhapur is an important commerce centre and academic hub for iit training and a tourist vacation spot.
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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Car From Mumbai To Shirdi
Mumbai Pune automotive Leases On-line reserving cab Rent automobile Pune Low cost automobile Rental Companies Pune. The gap from Hyderabad to Shirdi is 592 kms and it takes round 11 hours and 18 minutes to achieve there by Hyderabad to Shirdi taxi. You can book outstation cabs from Car From Mumbai To Shirdi  and travel to widespread vacation spot of your alternative and interest. Travel with mates or household by booking taxi from Hyderabad to Shirdi to have a memorable journey. I took the ten pm bus which picked me up on the Borivali Nationwide Park gate exactly at 10.05 pm. From 10 pm to 12.30 am, the bus was choosing up passengers on route: borivali -> goregaon -> andheri -> santacruz -> bandra -> sion -> ghatkopar -> vikhroli -> mulund -> thane. The shopper must contact us for the available dates of group packages from Chennai to Shirdi by flight. Be it for local sightseeing or going for a trip, Savaari is the perfect platform to e-book cab Aurangabad to Shirdi. Distance to Pawna Lake from Mumbai is 108 kms and it takes about 2 hours and 45 minutes to travel by a taxi.
The Particular Chennai to Shirdi Struggle Tour Packages are the personalized mainly for holiday seasons when devotees wish to spend extra time holidaying with their family together with the pilgrimage. The Bus Starts from Borivali at 9.00pm and has completely Cabs From Mumbai Airport To Shirdi different stops in between within car can be there for Shanishingnapur Visit. Meenakshi Street Strains operates 1 bus from Mumbai to Shirdi with starting price of Rs.300. Bookcab, with a wide variety of choices within the fleet, supplies taxi services from Bangalore to Shirdi with greatest drive experience. Mumbai Shirdi or Pune Shirdi tours & travel function 24Hx7/ 365days and offer safe and cozy travel for businessman and households Hire-a-Automotive , Car Reservation or worldwide airport Transfers for Mumbai Aiport to Pune Airport , Metropolis or House Drop services then call us for cab, automobile on-line reserving and skilled providers. Saibaba found shelter in Khandoba temple, the place a villager Mahalsapathi within the temple addressed him as Sai or Saint Sai Saibaba of Shirdi lived between 1838 and 1918, whose real title, birthplace and date of start will not be known. To avail this exciting package deal, all it's essential do is to make Mumbai to Shirdi on-line cab booking at Savaari.
Avail our Ahmedabad to Shirdi cab companies as we guarantee you a protected, comfortable and pleasurable journey. Pune to Nashik Taxi Services : We additionally present personalized taxi providers for Nashik journey from Pune. Savaari is the very best platform to search for in case you are Mumbai To Shirdi Car  planning to travel by a taxi or a cab from Goa to Shirdi. You possibly can reach Tuljapur from Mumbai by road in about utilizing a cab upon driving utilizing a cab. Provides Pune to Shirdi One Day Bundle Tour services by Cab, you can ebook it proper right here on this page. B/F, Lunch and Dinner ( Fixed Menu ). Temple is walkable distance from the lodge (car not allowed close to the resort). E book excellent Cabs in Indore at the most effective rates as our taxi fare in Indore may be very attractive. You may easily find many good inns in Mumbai of all value ranges that provide all main services.
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You possibly can avail Mumbai to Bhandardara automotive package deal relying on the itinerary available. Mendacity on the west coast of India, Mumbai is the capital city of the state of Maharashtra. Book your Mumbai to Goa taxi and be assured to experience high quality providers that Savaari offers you. With glorious Mumbai to Goa cab companies, you can now book your cabs in Mumbai within the easiest method with few simple clicks. You can strive queries corresponding to Taxi Fare From Mumbai To Shirdi find out how to go from Mumbai to Shirdi fastest method which is by train , in eight hours 4 minutes. Ecabs additionally supplies it services for individuals who are looking for an affordable and handy choice to travel from Mumbai Worldwide Airport to Nashik Metropolis and then back from Nashik City to Mumbai Worldwide Airport. The small print of Mumbai to Shirdi cab packages will probably be accessible to you once you make the reserving with no hidden costs.
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saiorgseo · 4 years
chennai to shirdi flight packages
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he  was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati sat for chennai to shirdi flight packages  three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and  conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness  was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His chennai to shirdi flight packages  hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi  a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into     the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his  own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher  of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began  to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
 chennai to shirdi flight packages
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saiorgseo · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight packages
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of  chennai to shirdi flight packages  expression   and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi    in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all    understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest     aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the chennai to shirdi flight packages   devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has     failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in   India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of  chennai to shirdi flight packages  His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull  of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
chennai to shirdi flight packages
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saiorgseo · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight packages
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he  chennai to shirdi flight packages  was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried  near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati     sat for three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and  conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi  chennai to shirdi flight packages  a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into     the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his  own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher  of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began  to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the  chennai to shirdi flight packages  Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
 chennai to shirdi flight packages
0 notes
saiorgseo · 5 years
shirdi flight packages from chennai
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expression shirdi flight packages from chennai   and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi    in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all  shirdi flight packages from chennai  understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest     aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has     failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in   shirdi flight packages from chennai India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
shirdi flight packages from chennai
0 notes
saiorgseo · 5 years
shirdi flight packages from chennai
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried  near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati  shirdi flight packages from chennai   sat for three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into  shirdi flight packages from chennai   the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his  own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that shirdi flight packages from chennai  he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
 shirdi flight packages from chennai
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saiorgseo · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight package
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expresssion and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi  chennai to shirdi flight package  in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest   chennai to shirdi flight package   aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has  chennai to shirdi flight package   failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
chennai to shirdi flight package
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saiorgseo · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight package
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried chennai to shirdi flight package  near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati sat for three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his  chennai to shirdi flight package  own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked chennai to shirdi flight package  everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
 chennai to shirdi flight package
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myshirdi9seo-blog · 5 years
chennai to shirdi flight package
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati sat for three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
 chennai to shirdi flight package
0 notes
myshirdi9seo-blog · 5 years
shirdi flight package from chennai
Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expresssion and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
shirdi flight package from chennai
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myshirdi9seo-blog · 5 years
shirdi flight package from chennai
Holy shirdi
 Mhalsapati, who had the benefit of forty to fifty unbroken years with Sai Baba, may be considered among the foremost of his devotees. He was the first to worship Baba, the first to greet him on his arrival in Shirdi and to address him as "Sai" (Saint). Only Mhalsapati and one other (Tatya Kote Patil) were allowed to stay with Baba in the mosque at night.
 In 1886 Mhalsapati was entrusted with a very important responsibility that was literally a matter of life and death, and which had far-reaching implications. Baba, who had been suffering from breathing difficulties, told him that he was "going to Allah", and that Mhalsapati should look after his body for three days. "If I do not return," said Baba, "then get it buried near the neem tree." On uttering these words, Baba passed out. Mhalsapati sat for three days with Baba's body on his lap. When village officers held an inquest and declared Baba dead, Mhalsapati remained steadfast and refused to allow them to take the body for burial. After this, Baba revived to live for another thirty-two years!
 In such ways, Mhalsapati gave continued and devoted service to Baba throughout. In return, Baba guided and protected him, and kept him on a high moral and spiritual course.
 Mhalsapati survived Baba by four years. During that time he continued to sleep in the mosque, perform daily worship of Baba and Khandoba, observe mouna (silence) and sit in meditation. Baba had moulded this simple and conservative yet dedicated priest into a paragon of spiritual excellence.
 Notable Disciples of Sai baba
 Once at the time of Deepawali Sai Baba was sitting near the ‘Dhuni’ (a sacred site represented as a cleft in the ground). Sai baba was warming himself by putting the wood into the dhuni. High flames were coming out from the dhuni and warmness was spread around it. After a while instead of putting wood, Sai baba put his hand inside it. His hand was severely burnt and his disciple Madhav and Madhav Rao Deshpande were shocked to see the sight. They immediately pulled Baba back and became worried for his hand.
 They started asking Baba- “Deva, why did you do so?” Baba became attentive and told his disciples that at some distance from Shirdi a lady iron-smith was airing the oven. The lady forgot that her child was tied to her waist and she overheard her husband’s sound. Unfortunately the child slipped and fell into the oven.
 Sai baba said that I put my hand into the oven and immediately saved the child from burning. He said that he is not concerned about burning of his own hand instead he is contented that he saved the life of an infant.
 After the incident Madhav Rao Desphpande immediately went to call the famous doctor Shri Parmanand along with medicines and bandages. Baba did not let the doctor examine his hand, instead he said that God is the healer of his wound and he will get well by the love of his disciples.
 Sai Baba left behind no spiritual heirs, appointed no disciples, and did not even provide formal initiation (diksha), despite requests. Some disciples of Sai Baba achieved fame as spiritual figures, such as Upasni Maharaj of Sakori. After Sai Baba left his body, his devotees offered the daily Aarti to Upasni Maharaj when he paid a visit to Shirdi, two times within 10 years.
 Shirdi Ke Sai Baba : The Warrior Saint
 Many of us do not know that the wise man from Shirdi, Sai Baba, is the most popular non-Zoroastrian saint that the Zoroastrians worship. A modern-day wonder who combines old-world values and secular practices with a 21st century broad-mindedness, frankness and generosity, Shirdi ke Sai Baba is a saint, warrior and philosopher of the highest order. His dwelling place, Shirdi, has attracted tourists from the world over in huge numbers ever since his death in the second decade of the last century.
 The young lad who lived under trees, practicing hard penance for days on end, was finally seen leaving the village. Nobody knew whether the continuous taunts of the children had driven him away, because they jeered at him for his ‘peculiar’ ways. When he returned, he was a devotee of the one true God in who he believed, keeping love, gratitude and mercy above all deities and frequently saying things like ‘Sab ka Maalik ek’ ( Everyone has just one God ), to emphasise his secular outlook. He never made it quite clear if he were a Hindu, Muslim or Christian. He quoted liberally both from the Bhagavad Gita and the Quran during his talks with his disciples, and asked everyone to read religious scriptures irrespective of whatever religion they followed, or believed in.
 He was strictly against both caste and religious differences, greeting Hindus with ‘Bismillah!’ and Muslims with Hindu words of devotion. This truly modern view of the world prompted many to start visiting him, and Shirdi began to be venerated as a religious shrine in India, though Sai Baba has temples in England, USA, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Pakistan and Kenya. Much beyond the one-piece robe wearing fakir that he was mistaken for, Sai Baba has become a religious figure of international repute and popularity. Thousands of foreigners frequent the hallowed precints of the place where his mortal remains are interred.
 Sai Baba’s devotees and disciples credit him with miracles and wonders, but the truly wondrous event surrounding him is his lifestyle and the knowledge he has bequeathed is rich and lively.
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myshirdi9seo-blog · 5 years
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Life story of sai baba
 Long time ago, at the beginning of eighteenth century a young bearded man with sparkling eyes took shelter in a mosque, in Shirdi Village (of Maharshtra State, In India). Nobody knew from where this stranger had come who hardly spoke a word and stayed there.
 Gradually the curious villagers started offering food to the man, but he never asked anything from them. Sometimes he shared his food with the animals. Soon the young fakir, as he was started to be addressed, started expressing his view points with few elderly villagers. His simple language of expresssion and his special power of solving the problems of poor needy and destitutes soon made this less known fakir, known as Shri Sai Baba. As the days passed, devotees started streaming into Shirdi in ever growing numbers. The village was fast becoming a centre of pilgrimage. As gifts and presentations flowed in, the pomp and ceremony of Sai worship were evolving. Everyday Sai Baba would be a pauper having distributed all among the needy and the poor. But Sai Baba's life of a Fakir remained calm, undisturbed, unaltered and therein is the saint's Spiritual glory.
 People also realised that this "Baba" was no ordinary person but a person with extraordinary godly powers. Such powers are not known or present in normal human beings. Baba preached his principle of love and faith in humanity to all his disciples. He always felt anguished over the fact that all those who came to him were more for their own personal problems and not for attaining the ultimate goal of reaching God which he felt could be attained only by true servicing of humanity.
 Sai Baba strongly believed in uniformity of religion and he never distinguished anyone on the basis of caste, creed or religion. He always made it a point not to return empty handed those who had come to him in their hour of need and grief. He performed miracles to alleviate the suffering of poor people. On one occasion he restored the eyes of a blind elderly and in another occasion he lighted a lantern with water when there was no oil to burn it.
 As all good things have to end ultimately "Baba" also left his body on his own will on 15th Oct. 1918, leaving his millions of believers and followers crying. His body was laid in the Samadhi Mandir called "Booty", which he had asked his disciple to built before his death.
 Sai Baba was Unique, in that, he lived his message through the Essence of his Being. His life and relationship with the common man was his teaching. The lmmense Energy that was manifest in the body of Sai was moving and is still moving in a mysterious way, creating and recreating itself everywhere, beyond the comprehension of time and space.Yet, he lived with the common folk as a penniless fakir, wearing a torn kafni, sleeping over a mat while resting his head on a brick, begging for his food. He radiated a mysterious smile and a deep inward look, of a peace that passeth all understanding. He was always and ever aware of what transpired within the hearts and minds of everyone, whether they be, His devotees or not. This Omnipresent and Omniscient Sri Sai Baba who left his mortal body in 1918, is the living spiritual force that is drawing people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, into his fold, today.Sri Sai Baba lived, acted and behaved as only a "God descended on Earth" can. He came to serve mankind, to free them from the clutches of fear.
 His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here". To take refuge in Sai, is to enter into ajourney to reach the Divine Oasis of Love and drink deep from the Fountain of Life, the source of all Spiritual Energy.Wherever the devotee is, Baba makes him recognize within himself his highest aspirations and goal and at one stroke, his conduct and the attitude to fellow beings is touched with the awareness of love, understanding, patience and faith. This is the promise that Sri Sai Baba holds out to all who come to Him. Sri Sai Baba was beyond the limitations of Time and Space and thus caste, creed, position dogmas and doctrines were fundamentally unimportant to him. Nobody really knew his parentage, where he came from or which religion he practised. He claimed no possessions nor accepted any disciples or gave any specific teaching.
 This anonymity lent a strange facet to his interaction with the people who came to him for guidance. To the Hindus he was an orthodox Brahmin, with a sacred fire, enjoining the worship of many gods and the devout study of various Hindu scriptures. He lived in a mosque but always referred to it as "Dwarkamay!" (Lord Krishna's birth place is Dwaraka). To the Moslems he was a fakir living in a mosque observing the disciplines of Islam, uttering "Allah Malik" (God is the master) guiding Muslim seekers along the lines c)f their own religion. To the Parsis he was the sacred rire worshipper. His life was a living manifestation c)f the Sermon of the Christ and of the Eight-fold path of the Buddha.
 Sai Baba's attraction and appeal lie in this fact that he was a perfect model of the harmony of all religions, for whom this world - with all its sectarian and religious antagonism, had been waiting. Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. He set in motion a wave of spirituality, which is now spreading all over the globe. All his life's activities constituted the upliftment of mankind. By first conferring temporal benefits, he drew unto himself countless souls caught up in ignorance (darkness) and opened their eyes to the true meaning of life. The miracles which manifested through Sai Baba were just such as were needed to create faith in the people and to make his devotees ethically and spiritually better evolved. Baba did not purposefully perform miracles to show his powers. The very strength of his perfect realisation, in its interaction with nature, caused "the miracle" to take place. Thus he drew people from their deluded pursuits after earthly objects of a transitory nature and induced and inspired them to strive for self-realisation. He continued this glorious work until the last moment of his human embodiment in Shirdi.
 Amazingly, there are a phenomenally large number of Instances in which Sai Baba has been literally physically appearing before his devotees, even decades after his passing out of the physical body. Sai Baba is constantly and simultaneously proving that he Is alive in spirit and responds to our sincere prayers. He Is the One Spirit of all existence. which is God in all the forms of God, in all the saints, in all the men and in all the creatures.All those who sincerely take to a life of inner development, Sai Baba lifts him to a higher level. Every one derives benefit according to the ripeness o f his soul and in accordance with his inner yearning.Baba assured his devotees by his saying "I am at Shirdi and everywhere. Whatever you do, wherever you may be, ever bear this in mind, that I am always aware of everything". Sai Baba does not belong to any single tradition but to all mankind on the path of goodness, love and understanding.
 The relevance of Sai Baba
 The divine role of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi in the present embodiment covered a period of about 64 years between 1854, when He made his first appearance in Shirdi, and 1918 when he left His body. However, his sixty years of stay at Shirdi on his second appearance between 1858 and 1918 manifested the depth and expansiveness of his unique role. Shri Sai baba had large number of Hindu, Parsee and Muslim devotees. Christians and Sikhs also used to visit Him.
 All were treated by him alike. Under his umbrella, both the Hindus and Muslims happily took part in each others religious festivals. The caste scheme of the Hindus had no relevance with Shri Sai. He had introduced the tradition of group worship, group prayer and group dinning for all and would share his 'Chilum' (Tobacco pipe) with all. He even showed highest compassion for animals and birds and encouraged his devotees to feed and take care of them. He recognised no difference in temporal status of human beings. He refused to accept food brought in silver and gold utensils from a queen but relished a single ROTI (hand-made bread) of a beggar woman and showered all His blessings.
 - He practiced and preached humanism and universal brotherhood - prophet like.
- He established the superiority of love and compassion above egoism - Christ-like.
- He taught simplicity of livelihood and excellence of human virtue reflected in day to day conduct, Buddha-like.
 Today, the world is looking ahead for a magical solution to its problems of cultural, racial, national and religious differentiation. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in -the world and happiness to mankind has failed for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by Shri Sai. The ever multiplying number of Sai temples and devotees of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba in India and other countries establishes the ever- increasing relevance of His Preachings today. The body of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi cannot be seen but the magnetic pull of His Divine Soul is felt by all those who merely think of Him and particularly, those who visit His tomb at Shirdi. Baba had promised that whosoever would put his feet pn the soil of Shirdi, his miseries would end or marginalise.
 All devotees of Baba find His promise come true, even eighty years after He left the mortal body. Baba used to call His devotees as children, and like the true father, kept busy day-in and day-out for their temporal as well as spiritual upliftment.
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