#excellent taste with gemfourth here
jojotichakorn · 1 year
Not sure if you watched msp/Tinngun for the ask game and/or heartliming
not only have i watched msp, it's actually my favorite drama and the only one i've ever given a 10/10 rating to!! thanks so much for sending in these two wonderful couples 🥺
tinngun (my school president)
when I started shipping it if I did: literally the second i started watching, i felt the vibe of it all and i was HOOKED. the dynamic that they have with the initial set up of everyone thinking tinn doesn't like the music club and tinn doing all these sweet things behind the scenes, while gun slowly warms up to him... it's a recipe for success.
my thoughts: they are literally perfect and there is not a single thing i would change about them. i absolutely adore them as human beings and as a couple. they are the greatest thing that's ever happened in history of romance and i am ready to die, kill, and live for them.
what makes me happy about them: so many things, but what makes me the happiest about them is how mature and communicative they are with each other. honestly, i have the writers to thank for this first and foremost, because i think a lot of characters from other media actually have the potential to be like this, but so many writers utilize shitty tropes like miscommunication and rely so much on formulaic storytelling (particularly third act break ups) that they don't allow their characters' personalities to truly stop these things from happening. that's not what msp writers did though, and that's what makes the show and tinn and gun as characters specifically so great both separately and together. i just love how they always tell each other the important things, even if it's hard, how they share their feelings and are capable of supporting each other so well, how truly beautiful their relationship is and how i think it will stand the test of time because of their ability to trust each other and be understanding and supportive and honest.
what makes me sad about them: i was sitting here trying to think of anything, like anything at all, but i'm coming up with nothing... their relationship in and of itself has no issues and any hardships that they have gone through together only made them stronger and were - at the end of the day - beneficial to their journey. the only thing i can say is the fact that homophobia exists, i guess. the problems and pressures connected to that. but that goes for everyone unfortunately :(
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: ok so i was trying to think of someone specific i could ship them with. and particularly as someone who is so into friends to lovers, it should be that i have an easy time picking someone from the array of friends both tinn and gun have (particularly because both of them have best friends, which is obviously thiu for tinn and - in my humblest of opinions - sound for gun). but though i would be comfortable with them ending up with literally anyone from the final friend group (because i love all the characters), there isn't anyone in particular who i can necessarily look at and say "yes, they'd be super cool together".
my happily ever after for them: despite the fact that they are each other's first relationship etc. etc., i think they are just so good together and i genuinely believe they are each other's soulmates, so i see them staying together all through uni years and after. i don't see it as an unhealthy attachment or anything like that at all - i think they are just two people who were lucky enough to both meet the love of their life at an early age and are mature and emotionally intelligent enough to keep the relationship going through all the struggles that they will face in how much their lives will change and also in the face of gun's future fame (because we all know that boy is well on his way to becoming a famous successful musician).
who is the big spoon/little spoon: tinn is the little spoon in the vast majority of cases.
what is their favorite activity: honestly probably everything connected to music, they both seem to love it a lot (though tinn probably loves seeing gun sing more than anything else kgjdfkgjfld).
heartliming (moonlight chicken)
when I started shipping it if I did: i didn't jump into shipping them right away as i was pretty cautiously watching how they would approach the development from kind-of-enemies to lovers and whether there would be any ableism because unfortunately that happens with on-screen relationships where one of the partners is disabled quite often. but the second i saw them quickly but realistically becoming friends and li ming doing a good job of communicating with heart, i couldn't wait for the romantic feelings to bloom between them.
my thoughts: in my controversial opinion, they are the only truly likable characters in the entire drama and also the only believable couple that i was rooting for.
what makes me happy about them: i love how much comfort and understanding they found in each other. for heart, who obviously lives in an abusive and ableist home and who is stripped of the ability to communicate effectively by his mother who refuses to learn sign language for three fucking years, to find someone who is so instantly enthusiastic about communicating with him, who - without a second thought - starts learning sign language, who is so glad to be hanging out with him constantly, who wants to go out with him and have fun, it's great. he finally has someone in his life who treats him right. as for li ming, he finally finds someone who understand him and who he can truly connect with. being with heart seems to be the first time when he isn't lost or unsure in his life, he is so comfortable in their relationship and in their feelings for each other, heart becomes someone he can truly lean on without judgment, which is beautiful.
what makes me sad about them: this doesn't really have a direct connection to them as a couple but i just can't not mention their families. particularly heart's, who - as i said before - had to deal with abuse and ableism for years. li ming's situation is a bit more complex in a sense that he is being raised by his uncle and a bit simpler in a sense that a caretaker treating their kid as a child and as an adult at the same time depending on the situation is a common mistake parents make. but yeah, i wish they both had better home environments.
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one in that show fits age-wise, first of all. so that's already a no.
my happily ever after for them: in the nearest future i imagine them having a nice life together in the us. i think they definitely live together - heart is studying at uni, li ming is very comfortable doing odd jobs, maybe he gets really good at bartending and likes it a lot. heart gets to go out a lot both on his own and with li ming. i also imagine the boys having a cool friend group, probably from heart's uni.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: upon careful consideration, heart is the big spoon.
what is their favorite activity: i think they try new things and go out a lot. they definitely have favorite restaurants and cafes and activities etc. and they watch lots of movies together as well. especially at the cinema, i don't think a single premier goes past them.
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