#except Widmore didn’t turn Desmond into a hired goon for Penny’s hand in marriage
grayintogreen · 1 year
I realize Sun wasn’t thinking clearly when she went to Widmore about her Kill Ben plan because all she was registering was “Ben has been the source of all the problems I have known” as opposed to “actually Widmore caused the chain reaction that led to Jin’s ‘death.’” HOWEVER, she really went to the wrong Widmore like you mean to tell me that Little Miss “I used my massive settlement to buy a controlling interest in my father’s company” is too soft-hearted to not put her money where her Determination is and not hunt down Penny and Desmond?
Like I don’t know if it would’ve worked, but GOD it would be funny if Sun just shows up next to the sailboat in a fucking yacht like “hey sluts.” Even if it ends up like “I’m not going to kill anyone.” “Skill issue.”
Three years later, she hears about Ben’s attempted Pennycide and is just OH REALLY??? WOW MAYBE IF SOMEONE HAD BEEN DOWN TO MURDER THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
honestly, we were robbed of Sun and Penny. Like two rich women with wife guy husbands who are done with their fathers. If Penny and Desmond didn’t make it their business to be off the grid, they’d be doing mimosas every weekend and committing acts of violence against their fathers’ legacies while Desmond tries not to succumb to the Visions again.
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