#except this time I'm paying $10 to get to my people faster or whatever
electronic-elevator · 5 months
so I had a couple-hour drive today and would be arriving home to an empty house. so of course I was like. 👀 not going to NOT hold my pee
now like, I didn't think it was going to get too bad. I'd used the bathroom just before leaving, right? plan A was to play with myself until I had an accident
except. in about an hour. I was already in a bad way. I wasn't going to just waste the opportunity — after all, like I said, I'd be the only one home. If I had an actual accident in the car, well, whatever; I could clean it tomorrow. Plan B became "okay, well, it's going to be dark out either way. what if I wet myself outside? I've never done that and always wanted to." I figured I'd go up on my deck and do it there, giving me enough cover to be hidden even if a car drives by.
now, at the time, I might've called this "desperate." it was bad enough that I could roll my hips forward and feel that rush like I'd pushed down on my bladder. I pushed until I leaked, just to feel it.
luckily, I did NOT drain my water like I briefly considered, because it just got worse. I kept checking the GPS every two minutes like there was going to be some new, faster route opened up midway through. I was unable to pay nearly as much attention to Distractible as they deserve.
and the thing is, though the once-fringe idea that I might have an actual accident was becoming more likely, I have literally never had a real accident. I'm plagued by an iron bladder, and somewhere between 40 and 20 minutes out, this starts turning to pain. and this is desperation -- it's not not pleasurable, because I do have a masochistic streak, but it hurts. I'm in a cold sweat. I've got a death grip on the steering wheel. I can't flirt with leaks anymore; I'm locked up tight because there's not enough of my attention to focus both on driving and relaxing. Plan C: I'll wet right outside my car. It's going to be dark, and it's unlikely that someone else is going to be around for those few minutes, and frankly? Fuck it. Who cares.
Past the 20 minute mark, I begin briefly but repeatedly considering Plan D (pulling over and wetting on the side of the road, then driving home like that). This would not be particularly safe, though, on a dark back road, and I quickly run out of back road and end up in town, where it would be perhaps indecent.
10 minutes out, I'm swearing under my breath. Genuinely, this is probably "driving impaired." I'm having genuine trouble focusing on the road. I normally would NOT do something like this, but again, I had NO IDEA I was going to get this desperate. I thought I'd arrive home with an urgent but completely manageable need, and now I'm clutching onto the handle above the door and praying for only green lights. I start to wonder if I'm going to leak, for real, which would be incredible. I can't sit still, but my squirming is super constrained because everything is locked up so tightly. I'm driving as carefully as I possibly can to avoid any startles or slowdowns caused by me being an idiot.
Then, though, I turn onto my road, and see not one, not two, but SEVERAL CARS of people. Somewhere in the recesses of my memory, the knowledge that my neighbor had a bunch of people over for the holiday when I'd left yesterday resurfaced. They were apparently still here, plus two cars at the (closed; they're security. there's usually only one, and only occasionally) business across the street. Lights on, running, clearly full of people. I cannot, or should not, wet myself in front of them.
I literally could not stand up straight. I grabbed my keys only and stumbled into the house -- and I honestly wish I could've just wet myself there, but again: things get locked up pretty tightly for me. So, ignoring the poor cats, I move as fast as I can (which is not fast) to the bathroom and stumble into the shower to finally piss. I can't turn the lights on, because the window shade is up, and so the neighbors could see in if I did.
and the PROBLEM is it didn't feel as fucking amazing as it should because I'd waited too long... but this was my first pants wetting in quite a while and I did enjoy it
Epilogue: Since the piss wasn't as satisfying, and bc I hadn't jacked it in a couple days ig, I was still horny af so (after an awkward half-clothed rinse off and actually carrying my shit inside and saying hi to the cats) I fucked myself with two (2) dildos and a vibrator until I came so much it looked like I pissed on the pad below me.
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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🔐 Why You (Probably) Don't Need A VPN
A rant by a software engineer sick of VPN ads from her favourite YouTubers
Here are some legitimate reasons the average internet user might want to use a VPN:
To connect to their company's internal network
To bypass the Great Firewall of China (or other types of website blocks at country or organisation level)
To watch Netflix etc as if you were in another country
Here are absolutely rubbish reasons to use a VPN:
And today, I'll tell you why.
Hang on, won't a VPN stop hackers from stealing my passwords?
I mean, it does encrypt the web traffic coming from your device.
You know what else encrypts web traffic coming from your device? Your browser.
Yes, in the year 2021, pretty much all websites on the internet are accessed over HTTPS. The "S" stands for "secure", as in "your request will be securely encrypted". If your browser is using HTTPS, nobody can capture the data you're sending over the internet. More detail in the "I like too much detail" section at the bottom of this post.
It's very easy to check if you are using HTTPS by looking at your URL bar. In most browsers, it will have a lock on it if secure:
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(From top left to bottom right: Chrome on iOS, Safari on iOS, Chrome on Windows, Edge on Windows, Firefox on Windows, and Safari on Mac. Screenshots reflect the UI at the time this post was written. Oh gosh this has taken over 4 hours to write.)
But isn't moar encryption better? What if somebody breaks HTTPS?
For starters, nobody's breaking your HTTPS, and there isn't any benefit from double encrypting. This is because of the maths behind encryption/decryption!
Encryption works kinda like a lock and key, except the lock is maths and the key is a special number only known to the person allowed to unlock the information.
The important thing is, without the key, all the locked data looks like complete and utter garbage. Completely unusable. Barely distinguishable from random noise. There's absolutely no way to tell what the original data was.
The other important thing is that the key is nearly unguessable. As in, with current technology, will generally take more than the lifetime of the universe to guess by chance. And when technology gets faster, we just make the numbers bigger again until they're once again secure.
For any major website you use, they will use a strong encryption algorithm (ie lock) with big numbers so your keys will be strong enough to withstand an attack. This means your data is safe as long as that lock icon is in your URL bar.
A VPN will not make the existing garble any more garbled. The extra $10/month or whatever you're paying for does not buy you any extra protection.
If you want to know more about how encryption and HTTPS in particular work, see the "I like too much detail" section at the end of this post.
Something something viruses
How's a VPN going to stop viruses? It controls the path your internet traffic takes, not the content that gets sent down that path. I guess it could block some known virus-giving hosts? But if it's known to the VPN provider, it's probably also known to the built-in antivirus on your computer who can block it for you.
(Oh yeah, 3rd party antivirus is another thing that's not worth paying for these days. Microsoft's built-in Windows Defender is as good as the third party options, and something something Macs don't get viruses easily because of how they're architected.)
Honestly though, keep your software up to date, don't click on anything suspicious, don't open files from sources you don't trust, and you'll be right most of the time.
And keep your software up to date. Then update your software. Hey, did I mention keeping your stuff updated? Update! Now! It only takes a few minutes. Please update to the latest version of your software I'm begging you. It's the number 1 way to protect yourself from viruses and other malware. Most major software attacks could have been prevented if people just updated their damn software!
But my ISP is spying on me!
Ok, it is true that there are TWO bits of data that HTTPS can't and won't hide. Those are:
The source of a request (your IP)
What website that request is going to (the website's IP)
These are the bits of information that routers use to know where to send your data, so of course they can't be hidden as the data is moving across the internet. And people can see that information very easily if they want to.
Note: this will show which website you're going to, but not which page you're looking at, and not the content of that page. So it will show that you were on Tumblr, but will not show anyone that you're still reading SuperWhoLock content in 2021.
It's this source/destination information that VPNs hide, which is why they can be used to bypass website blocks and region locks.
By using a VPN, those sniffing traffic on your side of the VPN will just show you connecting to the VPN, not the actual website you want. That means you can read AO3 at work/school without your boss/teachers knowing (unless they look over your shoulder of course).
As for those sniffing on the websites end, including the website itself, they will see the VPN as the source of the connection, not you. So if you're in the US and using a VPN node in the UK, Netflix will see you as being in the UK and show you their British library rather than the American one.
If this is what you're using a VPN for and you think the price is fair, then by all means keep doing it! This is 100% what VPNs are good for.
HOWEVER, and this is a big "however", if it's your ISP you're trying to hide your internet traffic from, then you will want to think twice before using a VPN.
Let me put it this way. Without a VPN, your ISP knows every website you connect to and when. With a VPN, do you know who has that exact same information? The VPN provider. Sure, many claim to not keep logs, but do you really trust the people asking for you to send them all your data for a fee to not just turn around and sell your data on for a profit, or worse?
In effect, you're trading one snooper for another. One snooper is heavily regulated, in many jurisdictions must obey net neutrality, and is already getting a big fee from you regardless of where you browse. The other isn't. Again, it's all a matter of who you trust more.
For me personally, I trust my ISP more than a random VPN provider, if for no other reason than my ISP is an old enough company with enough inertia and incompetence that I don't think they could organise to sell my data even if they wanted to. And with the amount of money I'm paying them per month, they've only got everything to lose if they broke consumer trust by on-selling that data. So yeah, I trust my ISP more with my privacy than the random VPN company.
But my VPN comes with a password manager!
Password managers are great. I 100% recommend you use a password manager. If there's one thing you could do right now to improve your security (other than updating your software, speaking of, have you updated yet?), it's getting and using a password manager.
Password managers also come for free.
I'm currently using LastPass free, but am planning to switch after they did a bad capitalism and only let their free accounts access either laptop or mobile but not both now. I personally am planning to move to Bitwarden on friends' recommendation since it's not only free but open source and available across devices. I also have friends who use passbolt and enjoy it, which is also free and open source, but it's also a bit DIY to set up. Great if you like tinkering though! And there are probably many other options out there if you do a bit of googling.
So, yeah, please use a password manager, but don't pay for it unless you actually have use for the extra features.
No I really need to hide my internet activity from everybody for reasons
In this case, you're probably looking for TOR. TOR is basically untraceable. It's also a terrible user experience for the most part because of this, so I'd only recommend it if you need it, such as if you're trying to escape the Great Firewall. But please don't use it for Bad Crimes. I am not to be held liable for any crime committed using information learned from this post.
Further reading viewing
If you want to know more about why you don't need a VPN, see Tom Scott's amazing video on the subject. It's honestly a great intro for beginners.
I like too much detail
Ahhh, so you're the type of person who doesn't get turned off by long explanations I see. Well, here's a little more info on the stuff I oversimplified in the main post about encryption. Uhh, words get bigger and more jargony in this section.
So first oversimplification: the assumption that all web traffic is either HTTP or HTTPS. This isn't exactly true. There are many other application layer internet standards out there, such as ssh, ftp, websockets, and all the proprietary standards certain companies use for stuff such as streaming and video conferencing. Some of these are secure, using TLS or some other security algorithm under the hood, and some of them aren't.
But most of the web requests you care about are HTTP/HTTPS calls. As for the rest, if they come from a company of a decent size that hasn't been hacked off the face of the planet already, they're probably also secure. In other words, you don't need to worry about it.
Next, we've already said that encryption works as a lock and a key, where the lock is a maths formula and the key is a number. But how do we get that key to lock and unlock the data?
Well, to answer that, we first need to talk about the two different types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric encryption such as AES uses the same key to both encrypt and decrypt data, whereas asymmetric encryption such as RSA uses a different key to encode and decode.
For the sake of my writing, we're going to call the person encrypting Alice, the person decrypting Bob, and the eavesdropper trying to break our communications Eve from now on. These are standard names in crypto FYI. Also, crypto is short for cryptography not cryptocurrencies. Get your Bitcoin and Etherium outta here!
Sorry if things start getting incoherent. I'm tired. It's after 1am now.
So first, how do we get the key from symmetric crypto? This is probably the easier place to start. Well, you need a number, any number of sufficient size, that both Alice and Bob know. There are many ways you could share this number. They could decide it when they meet in person. They could send it to each other using carrier pigeons. Or they could radio it via morse code. But those aren't convenient, and somebody could intercept the number and use it to read all their messages.
So what we use instead is a super clever algorithm called Diffie-Hellman, which uses maths and, in particular, the fact it's really hard to factor large numbers (probably NP Hard to be specific, but there's no actual proof of that). The Wikipedia page for this is surprisingly easy to read, so I'll just direct you there to read all about it because I've been writing for too long. This algorithm allows Alice and Bob to agree on a secret number, despite Eve being able to read everything they send each other.
Now Alice and Bob have this secret number key, they can talk in private. Alice puts her message and the key into the encryption algorithm and out pops what looks like a load of garbage. She can then send this garbage to Bob without worrying about Eve being able to read it. Bob can then put the garbage and the key into the decryption algorithm to undo the scrambling and get the original message out telling him where the good donuts are. Voila, they're done!
But how does Alice know that she's sending her message to Bob and not Eve? Eve could pretend to be Bob so that Alice does the Diffie-Hellman dance with her instead and sends her the secret location of the good donuts instead.
This is where asymmetric crypto comes in! This is the one with private and public keys, and the one that uses prime numbers.
I'm not 100% across the maths on this one TBH, but it has something to do with group theory. Anyway, just like Diffie-Hellman, it relies on the fact that prime factorisation is hard, and so it does some magic with semi-primes, ie numbers with only 2 prime factors other than 1. Google it if you want to know more. I kinda zoned out of this bit in my security courses. Maths hard
But the effect of that maths is easier to explain: things that are encoded with one of the keys can only be decoded with the other key. This means that one of those keys can be well-known to the public and the other is known only to the person it belongs to.
If Alice wants to send a message to Bob and just Bob, no Eve allowed, she can first look up Bob's public key and encrypt a beginning message with that. Once Bob receives the message, he can decrypt it with his private key and read the contents. Eve can't read the contents though because, even though she has Bob's public key, she doesn't know his private key.
This public key information is what the lock in your browser is all about BTW. It's saying that the website is legit based on the public key they provide.
So why do we need symmetric crypto when we have asymmetric crypto? Seems a lot less hassle to exchange keys with asymmetric crypto.
Well, it's because asymmetric crypto is slooooow. So, in TLS, the security algorithm that puts the "S" in "HTTPS", asymmetric RSA is used to establish the initial connection and figure out what symmetric key to use, and then the rest of the session uses AES symmetric encryption using the agreed secret key.
And there you have it! Crypto in slightly-less-short-but-still-high-enough-level-that-I-hope-you-understand.
Just realised how long this section is. Well, I did call it "too much detail" for a reason.
Now, next question is what exactly is and isn't encrypted using HTTPS.
Well, as I said earlier, it's basically just the source IP:port and the destination IP:port. In fact, this information is actually communicated on the logical layer below the application layer HTTPS is on, known as the transport layer. Again, as I said before, you can't really encrypt this unless you don't want your data to reach the place you want at all.
Also, DNS is unencrypted. A DNS request is a request that turns a domain name, such as tumblr.com, into an IP address, by asking a special server called a Domain Name Server where to find the website you're looking for. A DNS request is made before an HTTP(S) request. Anyone who can read your internet traffic can therefore tell you wanted to go to Tumblr.
But importantly, this only shows the domain name, not the full URL. The rest of the URL, the part after the third slash (the first two slashes being part of http://), is stuff that's interpreted by the server itself and so isn't needed during transport. Therefore, it encrypted and completely unreadable, just like all the content on your page.
I was going to show a Wireshark scan of a web request using HTTP and HTTPS to show you the difference, but this has taken long enough to write as it is, so sorry!
I could probably write more, but it's 1:30am and I'm sleepy. I hope you found some of this interesting and think twice before purchasing a VPN subscription. Again, there are legit good uses for a VPN, but they're not the ones primarily being advertised in VPN ads. It's the fact that VPN ads rely so heavily on false advertising that really grinds my gears and made me want to do this rant. It's especially bad when it comes from somebody I'd think of as technologically competent (naming no names here, but if you've worked in tech and still promote VPNs as a way to keep data safe... no). Feel free to ask questions if you want and hopefully I'll get around to answering any that I feel I know enough to answer.
Nighty night Tumblr. Please update your software. And use a (free) password manager. And enable two factor authentication on all your accounts. But mostly just update your software.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Broken Toys
Chapter 1: Bleed, I must be dreaming
Tragedy can give rise to many things. Rumors, change, legends than just suffering and heartbreak. One such creation had very bizarre habits in the eyes of a particular noodle shop owner. Warning: minor blood, slightly description of death and injuries, extraction of harmful object(goes with the minor blood), mild swearing, and one super creepy child. Prologue
'The Great Megapolis Raceway Disaster. On April 7, 20XX, an semi-annual street race had their route improperly marked and blockaded. As a result, the racers end up turning down a street full of people instead of an empty road.
The result was all 12 cars crashing into various buildings and bystanders as they tried to come to a halt. 30 injured with 7 being the drivers and 25 dead as 10 victims had succumbed to their fatal injuries. Strangely, 10 year old Qi Xiaotion, a child who was hit directly by the lead racer's car, body has subsequently vanished.
Police haven't found the missing child or any possibility he could be alive except for the remains of a Monkey King Plush and what is assumed to be the child's right arm and lower torso. Search is ongoing and any future updates are unknown.'
This national incident was widespread throughout the community of Megapolis for two reasons. One was that some of the victims had been either high up or related to powerful corporations throughout the city. A few of the casualties were rumored to be descendants of both well known demons and even some celestials such as the Yellow Wind Demon but also rumored Jade Emperor for some of his soldiers were said to be seen in the city.
Some speculated this was a planned terrorist threat but no evidence had been found. The second reason is the creation of an urban legend known as the Broken Toy Phantom. On that very day, the body of a 10 year old child had gone missing. After that, sightings of a strange entity began to crop up.
Witnesses said it looked like a child but had cotton coming from open stitches and sharp blades out of their skin. Whenever the Broken Toy Phantom was spotted, the chance of a large monster in the form of a destroyed children's toy would be there. It is said that if you meant no harm should you encounter this phantom, it would leave you alone.
To try and harm the phantom was met with the claws of the broken toys that protected the child. Only warning one had if they were in the presence of the Broken Toy Phantom is the vague image of a monkey plush that held glowing red eyes.
Pigsy's Noodles
It was a warm early morning for the city of Megapolis. The last dredges of Spring were slowly dwindling as Summer was almost here. A time of year for the popular restaurant Pigsy's Noodles to begin changing their menu in preparation for the hottest season.
This modest establishment known for its delicious noodles, homely and comfortable atmosphere was also a precious treasure to the owner. A pig demon nearing his 40s named Pigsy, this short and stout man was not only the store's owner but also the cook.
Every dish he made was handcrafted with strong dedication and passionate based skill that could be felt through every bite. So imagine the 5'2 tall pink skinned and dark blue eyed demon's face when he went to open up his shop for today. Lying at the front by the side of the door was a child.
A young boy probably around 10 years old who sat around 3'7 in height. Long wild dark brown that haven't seem to be washed in days, soft tan skin with a large stitch under his right eye alongside some on his arms from the man could see, an orange shirt with violet sleeves and red collar that were stitched on, black pants with the bottom half blue jean material that were also stitched on, violet sandals made from leather, polyester and felt fabric sewn together, and the creepiest doll he ever seen cuddled in the boy's arms.
It looked like one of those very rare limited edition Monkey King collectible plushies that his friend had been ranting on about. The only difference was the gold thread eyes were replaced with bulging white plastic eyes and the flat face instead had a large openable muzzle bearing large white felt teeth.
Despite laying on solid concrete, the young boy was comfortably fast asleep almost if used to doing such a thing. A bit confused and worried, Pigsy placed his keys in the breast pocket of his white polo shirt then walked up to the child. For a second, he thought the toy's bulging eyes went from looking at the ground and by proxy his black dress shoes and black work pants to stare the pig demon straight in the face.
Whatever the case, it didn't matter as the child began to wake up. Chocolate brown eyes looking straight at Pigsy, a look of nervous embarrassment came across the boy's face. "Heh heh… Looks like I overslept a bit." In seconds the child had jumped to his feet faster than any normal person could.
The nameless boy clutched the ominous Monkey King plush closer and put on a nervous smile. "Sorry about that sir. I'll get out of your hands now so you can open up shop without an issue." And before Pigsy could say anything, the child skipped away into an alley just as quickly.
The restaurant owner could only frown before heading into the shop. Homeless people weren't anything new, especially in a big city like this, but it stung more when a child is forced to survive on the harsh streets. All Pigsy could do at the moment was wish the young man good luck.
Next time the middle aged pig demon saw the mysterious kid was once again by his restaurant. It was nearly closing time when the bell of the shop's door rang. The establishment isn't anything grand, a few booths, stools set up at the front near the register, some potted plants and pastel white walls decorated with a couple photos.
Pigsy had poked his head from the back of the door to see that very kid walk in warily. Once again, he felt the eyes of the kid's plush looking straight at him. The restaurant owner had a feeling the doll was magical as the kid spotted him in seconds.
"Hello there. Welcome to Pigsy's Noodles. Please sit down and I can get you a menu." Pigsy put on a soft smile since he really didn't want to scare off the poor kid. The unknown boy nodded before sitting himself at one of the bar's stools.
When the restaurant owner had come back with a menu in hand, the kid's Monkey King plush was sitting on the table almost perfectly. By perfectly it meant that the doll didn't slouch and sat straight with the same dexterity of a living being.
Pigsy shrugged the oddness off and gave the kid his menu. "How are you doing today?" The restaurant owner's question had the boy look a bit from his menu. Shrugging at the inquiry, the child answered. "I'm doing fine. May I have a bowl of chicken lo mein please?"
Pigsy didn't take the menu just yet but had gone to the back to fix the boy's food. As he made the order, the demon could hear his customer talk from outside the kitchen. Or sing to be more accurate. "An old toy sat on the desk watching the day go by. Missing cotton, tons of stitches, a cherished plaything looked to the sky. The toy said: I may be damaged but I am beloved. Even broken toys like me can be loved."
The restaurant owner paused for a moment. He never heard a nursery rhyme like that before. It was strange but in an endearing sort of way. Pigsy had come back with the kid's bowl of lo mein to see the child was shuffling a deck of cards in his hand.
The man didn't recognize the brand or had a good chance to look when the boy had placed them in a deck case and deposited it into a sewed-in pocket. "One fresh bowl of chicken lo mein, enjoy kid." Rubbing his hands happily, the child grabbed a pair of chopsticks and dug into his food.
Pigsy cleaned up the remaining dishes while his young customer ate his food in silence. Once the demon had come back, the child and plush were suddenly gone. Not even the doorbell had moved an inch almost if the boy just vanished. In his place was some money alongside a note.
"Thank you for the meal, it was delicious. Have a good night and sorry for sleeping in front of your shop the other day. From MK and my little buddy Guarn." After reading the note, the restaurant owner had softly smiled before taking both the paper and cash left behind.
It was the only beginning of a MK's nightly visits. Near closing time, Pigsy was greeted by the child and his peculiar plush. At first, the boy wasn't much of a conversationalist. Something worrying since most kids the pig demon saw weren't this quiet even around strangers.
MK was also never without his plush Guarn. Pigsy had a suspicion that the plush was magical as he always felt that those plastic eyes were very aware of their surroundings. Whenever the restaurant owner felt like the doll was watching him out of the boy's view, MK seemed to know his presence. Almost like a separate pair of eyes.
He didn't know the child's situation other than homelessness and maybe magical plush but he had a feeling there was more to it. MK will open up when he is ready and Pigsy was a patient person. The demon did add some extra portions to the young man's bowl though.
A growing child needed proper nutrition or their growth would be stunted. He may be rough but the restaurant owner was far from heartless. In less than two weeks, MK began to open up more. That was the same time one of his regulars had also come back.
This 'customer' was one of his human friends known as Tang. A raven haired man who considered himself a scholar of sorts, and didn't really pay for the noodles he kept eating. Normally Pigsy would chase any dine and dashers out of his establishment but Tang was someone he could trust.
The scholar had gotten him out of some nasty jams in the past and someone he could talk to whenever the demon's stress reached its peak. Now you can imagine Pigsy's surprise when he saw Tang chatting animatedly with MK. The child who rarely talked was now chatting the spectacle raven's ear off.
Once again, the feeling of the Monkey King plush or Guarn came apparent as the child faced the restaurant owner with a sheepish grin. "Hey Pigsy, I didn't know you had a kid." That one sentence from Tang had both the demon and kid sputtering in seconds.
Between the two of them, MK had found his words. "No Mr Tang. Mr Pigsy is just a very nice man who gives me extra food when he thinks I haven't noticed. Plus, I'm pretty sure he hasn't filed any adoption papers yet." MK said, that sheepish grin becoming mischievous as he made Guarn blow a kiss.
The scholar laughed at the restaurant owner's further flustering face almost if the whole thing was planned. Something that was plausible considering this was Tang of all people. "Very funny you little minxes. What were you guys even talking about since MK doesn't really talk much around me?"
Pigsy's question was met with the little boy shaking his head. "I didn't want to bother you since you were probably tired and closing up shop. Mr Tang and I were talking about different legends like the Monkey King for one." The pig demon blinked his eyes in surprise.
So the reason MK was so quiet is because the kid didn't want to bother him? How considerate. "I appreciate your concern but you don't have to be silent all the time. Whatever topic or thing that pops in your head, you can talk about it. Might not always answer but that doesn't mean I'm not listening." Pigsy explained, the child nodding thankfully at his words.
That was one mystery about the kid out of the way. Only for Tang to bring up another. "Do you know that little MK here is an incredible craftsman? Show him that design you were working on." Smiling, the kid pulled something out of his pockets.
It was an incomplete small red tapestry depicting a peach tree that sat above a collection of clouds. The restaurant owner could only gawk at the masterful detail and skill that could easily be seen throughout the work. Every detail was as accurate as a photograph and not a single thread out of place.
"Holy moly kid! You made this?! I'm pretty sure you just put every seamstress from the Celestial Realm to shame." MK beamed happily at the restaurant owner's compliment. The kid was definitely a hard worker and that showed through his craft.
Even though culinary and weaving were different crafts, Pigsy could see the hard work, skill and dedication of a fellow artisan. "Thank you! I also make clothing and toys in my spare time. A good way to earn money so I can enjoy more of your tasty food."
From seeing the tapestry alone, both adults had a feeling that MK's clothing and dolls were made with equal skill. It did raise a question though. "Is your outfit like a fashion statement then?" Tang gestured to the boy's patchwork clothing.
Pigsy hit the scholar on the elbow for the offhanded inquiry but the child didn't seem bothered. "It actually is. You see I make all my stuff from mostly scraps rather than fresh materials. 'One man's trash is another man's treasure' type of ideology. Also recycles a lot of stuff people throw away that can still be used." MK flashed them a big toothy smile alongside his explanation.
Both men hummed at the answer. Like any big city, Megapolis had an issue with littering so the place was practically a gold mine for crafty people such as the kid. "Let me take your guys' order, and MK… you don't have to come by so late all the time. Come whenever you can and if anyone gives you a problem then I'll handle it."
Pigsy could only smile at the ecstatic look in the kid's eyes before the child ran over to both men. After that particular night, MK began visiting sometimes around mid day. On occasion, the boy would bring some of the crafts that he made.
Beautiful red ribbons decorated with gold dragons, a jade green cheongsam that held a silver depiction of a nine tailed fox, some plushies consisting of a gray rat with a heart in its paws, an ornate doll that wore a beautiful crimson Chinese dress and a white rabbit with a mallet used to make moon cakes.
Every piece was extremely well made alongside a story that MK would share with Pigsy or Tang. The rat plush beared the story of a fallen rat who was given a chance to relive their last day, the ribbons were of two dragons that strive to be with each other for eternity, and cheongsam was for a prince who escaped the life of royalty to live with a earnest farmhand that won his heart.
It only made both adults wonder how a talented kind child like MK ended up living on the streets by their lonesome. On a warm summer night, Pigsy was cleaning the front of the shop. The little boy wanted to help out around the restaurant so the demon let him wash the dirty dishes. Tang was also in the shop regalling a particular urban legend around Megapolis: the Broken Toy Phantom.
"-the Broken Toy Phantom must be a type of poltergeist. A very rare occurrence that poltergeists would roam with their haunted possession but the information all leads up. I even speculate that the phantom could have been brought to life after the Great Megapolis Raceway Disaster." Pigsy kept quiet while cleaning the tables but listened to the scholar's theory tangent.
The restaurant door suddenly opened with a loud slam, the restaurant owner turned around to be met with a gun aimed at his head. Pigsy didn't have to look to know that Tang had his hands up in the air since the scholar was now silent. Of course the pig demon needed a robbery once in his life.
From the looks of it, there were only three armed robbers with two being men and one woman. A white deer mask, black ski mask, and a turban paired alongside a thick bandana hid their identities. Right now Pigsy was praying to Guanyin that they don't find MK.
The kid wouldn't be able to survive a bullet should these bastards get trigger happy. "Alright, you two fuckers better listen to our demands right now. Give us everything you own and Porky here can open the register." Spoke the deer masked robber, poking the barrel of the gun to the restaurant owner's back.
Reluctantly Pigsy walked over to the register and took out the key. He was about to open up when… BANG! Horrified blue eyes watched as Tang fell to his knees, blood pouring from a bullet hole in his leg. The pig demon saw Tang's phone on the ground before the turban wearing robber stomped it to pieces.
"Call for help again then the next shot will go through your head, Four Eyes." Spoke the black ski mask who cocked his gun to reinforce the threat. Pigsy wanted to run over to Tang, treat his wound or help him up. However, he couldn't unless both of them were looking to get shot.
And the two hostages felt their hearts drop upon one single sound. "Excuse me." Standing on top of the bar table was little MK. Strangely, Guarn wasn't in the kid's hands as both were crossed against his chest. A large frown and judging chocolate eyes of the unnaturally calm child were aimed at the three robbers.
"What are you doing to Mr Tang and Mr Pigsy?" MK's once kind lively voice was now dead and cold like a grave. Neither the scholar or restaurant owner couldn't help feeling unnerved at the sudden change in the kid. It felt so wrong. Something that none of the robbers had noticed.
"It's a robbery little dipshit!" A haunting laugh came out of the kid, MK's eyes were alight in a twisted glee paired alongside a malevolent smile presenting unnaturally sharp teeth. "I know what a robbery is, you sad excuse of human scum. What I'm asking is why none of you haven't left yet?"
All three of the criminals were caught off guard by the little boy's taunt. None of them felt the child's ominous aura unlike Pigsy and Tang. What stood before them wasn't the same little boy that they've gotten to know over the past two months.
This was Death in the form of a 10 year old kid. "You barely have any mercy from me after this whore shot my friend in the leg. Lucky you that I was in a good mood, leave now or suffer the consequences. Know that you only have one chance between all three of ya cowardly worms!"
Offended by MK's threat, one of the robbers, the turban-wearing woman, aimed her weapon at the child. "Say goodnight brat! You have no power over us! That petty threat will be your last!" Finger on the trigger as she was ready to shoot the boy.
MK, still unfazed, shook his head almost if he was disappointed at the woman's choice. Then his smile grew so wide that it nearly tore the sides of his mouth, an insane look burned in now orangish brown orbs. "I warned ya. Davy Jones." With no warning, two long violet tentacles shot out from the darkness behind MK.
Both appendages wrapped around the woman and the man who shot Tang as the third deer mask robber watched in growing horror at what stood before them. Standing behind the 10 year old with two of the robbers wrapped in thick violet tentacles was a giant 15 ft violet plush squid.
It's squid capped head had four of those cap ridges with red stripes but also three mini tomahawk blades on the center top, black squid eyes that positioned on the sides of the mouth which held sharp teeth and a pair of glowing magenta eyes within the darkness, six small light cyan underside violet tentacle bearing some tomahawk blades, and two triple sized tentacles that had a black armband bearing a white skull n bones on the larger right.
"YARRRG! Those who dare trifle with Captain MK shall face the blades of Davy Jones!" A gruff, lightly deep, and growlish male voice ripped the monstrous toy's open mouth. Both caught robbers let out a strangled cry from the tentacles tightening their grip.
Immediately the remaining robber quickly went to shoot the monster plush or MK only for his weapon to be snatched from his hand's grip. Deer mask slowly looked down at the floor to see his gun in the paws of a particular bug eyed Monkey King plush.
Tang, Pigsy and the robbers saw a pair of glowing red eyes stare at them from within the small toy's mouth. Guarn then bit into the barrel of the weapon, felt teeth easily tearing through the metal and plastic like a hot knife against butter.
The immense shock nearly made the scholar and restaurant owner almost miss MK delivering a jump kick to the deer masked robber. Enough strength behind the blow to not only shatter the robber's mask but knock em fully unconscious. Davy Jones tightened his grip further until the two snared robbers fell limp like their comrade.
Pigsy immediately ran over to Tang once knowing they were now safe. The little boy followed suit, his ominous aura gone while the large plush kraken harshly dropped the two robbers. "Mr Tang, please bite on this while I get the bullet out." MK handed the raven a red plush oven cloth.
Pigsy had to put the rag in the scholar's mouth as he was too busy staring in shock at MK's fingers. The index and ring fingers of the boy's hands were torn apart by black claws growing from inside. Tang let out a harsh muffled scream when those sharp obsidian claws dug into the wound.
After a few seconds, MK pulled out the bloody bullet. He dropped it to the ground so he could pull out a sewing kit and needle. "I'm guessing you're the Broken Toy Phantom." Pigsy spoke for Tang while the boy began to sew the wound close. The little brunette merely nodded as he thread the needle through the scholar's leg.
"Yep! Although I'm not really a poltergeist, just a newly minted toy demon. Didn't think I had to bring out any of my Frightfur family so soon. Honestly, I hope that I had more time to figure out how to introduce you guys." MK tore the thread off the needle once it was sewn tightly.
Neither adult said a word since the kid did have a point. A giant plush kraken bearing razor sharp teeth and tentacles that ended with large tomahawks wasn't exactly friendly looking. Or the implications that MK had more than one of these peculiar beings.
Both men's thoughts on the subject were derailed in surprise when the sewed up bullet wound shrunk until unmarred skin was left. "Healing Suture Thread, perfect for minor to serious injuries. It works on humans too rather than just Frightfurs, Fluffals or Edge Imps." The little boy turned to see Davy Jones finish tying up the three attempted robbers.
Guarn waddled over to the brunette, climbing up the kid's clothes then situated itself on MK's shoulder. Tang took the rag out of his mouth and suddenly hugged the toy demon much to the latter's surprise. "We're just glad you're okay. You gave us both a heart attack back there with that stunt."
Davy Jones let out a hearty laugh from the flustered look on his smaller companion's face. Pigsy couldn't help the chuckle that came out of his throat to the little boy's further surprise. Soon enough, MK found himself laughing with them as he hugged the scholar back.
If this was a dream, then he didn't want to wake up. Moments like this should last as long as they can.
And that's it! MK has officially met Pigsy and Tang. I can say that the MK you are seeing at the moment...is more than he seems to be. Something that will be looked over in the next chapter.
Tang and Pigsy are going to take more fatherly roles involving our newly minted toy demon. A factor being MK's age and situation when they first met.
MK will be 21 when I get into the LMK series and there will be changes to particular episodes or plot pilots. Any major changes will have the episode title be replaced with a song.
Now people have been wondering MK's actual age in canon out of general curiosity and a certain pairing called Peachnoodles for certain artists and writers have been frowned upon. The driving law in China requires the person to be 19 in order to legally drive, so MK has to be 19 or a bit older in canon.
I hope this clears stuff up for ya curious folk.
The song used for this chapter is 'Bleed, I must be Dreaming' by Evanescence. Actually thought of using Evanescence's Imaginary but this felt more suited.
Will be going over the remaining Fluffals before we reach the next chapter for Broken Toys! Stove Novas next chapter is in the review stage so be on the lookout for that next! I'll see you guys back at Megapolis.
Song used👇
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huntertheblackwolf · 3 years
The Morning After
(2.8k) It was difficult towards the end, cause I didn't know what to do, but I did it! So yay! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!
Chapter IV: Dinner
  Gasps and soft moans surrounded the two as the man with slick back hair let the sounds go freely. 
  "Fuck. Ri-right there~" he finished with a soft moan, as he was grabbed by the waist and lifted against the wall. The man in front him started to thrust faster, grunting in his ear and sighing. Wrapping his legs around Hunter, Soryu continued to let out soft moans as Hunter tightened his grip on his hips. Slamming him down, Hunter started to nibble on Soryu's neck, before opening his mouth wide and- 
  'Awkward, but whatever. It's normal.' Hunter thought as he looked away from Soryu and to the server coming to the table. 'I just wanna take a nap already.' 
  "Hey Hunter, isn't that the guy from-" Conner started whispering a question to him before shutting up as something stabbed him on the side as Silviya glared at him from the corner of her eye. Smiling towards Baba and Ota, she started to speak. 
  "So, how do you know Mr. Ichinomiya?" She asked as Conner looked on, the server distributing menus to the occupants. 
  "I broke into his house." Baba answered before grinning. "I'm only playing of course! I bumped into him late one evening while exploring the neighborhood. He helped me out in some aspects revolving around money and business, and well, here we are!" He said with a flourish. 
Giggling, Silviya looked at Eisuke. 
  "Is it true?" 
  He smiled, "To some degree, yes." He answered as looked at his menu as did everyone else. Choosing what they wanted, Hunter having what Silviya was having, the server wrote down their order and left. 
  "So how did you meet Kisaki, Baba? You both seem like childhood friends." Conner asked, grinning. 
"I was given a proposition to help me from getting bored by Baba, but I thought he was just old and crazy and I just ignored him. He did pipe my interest though and so I listened to him after thinking about it and after he brought some art pieces of mine. It also helped that the Boss approached me for an art commission for Tres Spades. He spoke about some business relationship and I was hooked. That's how I met these people." Ota answered, smiling at Conner and Silviya who were invested in the story. They smiled back and then looked towards Eisuke and Soryu. 
  "And what about you two?" Silviya questioned as a server started to serve them wine and their dinner. "Oh," she said, stopping one of them, "Just a glass of water for me and him," she said pointing at Hunter, "and  lemonade for him" she finished, pointing at Conner who nodded. 
  "Well, we actually became schoolmates and friends after going to boarding school together when we were teenagers. We separated, but after 10 years, we met up with each other again and here we are." 
  "Oh, that's nice!" Silviya said, taking a sip of water. 
  "Are you three related?" Ota continued, seeing now that they didn't like each other. 
  "Hmm? Oh no! Actually," Silviya said, grinning. "We're not even related by blood, but we still consider each other family as we grew up together, fought together, and loved together. You don't have to be sharing the same bloodline to be considered a family." She paused, taking another sip of water. 
Conner continued. "We actually have two other brothers back in America. Sam and Phil. They're related to me by blood. We're actually triplets! We just don't look the same that's all. Other than that, Silviya and Hunter aren't related to us, but ya know, like Silviya said, we're family." He finished, shaking her by the shoulder. 
  "Well, why aren't your other brothers here with you then?" Eisuke questioned, as he looked over to Conner. 
  "Someone had to stay behind to guard the house and care for our pets." Conner answered and Silviya opened to add on. 
  "I also wanted to see if Sam can care after our company without my guidance. After all, when I'm gone, I want someone I can trust to take over." She said, grinning wildly. "Also with the fact that we're the only ones capable of getting Hunter out of his shell to have some fun at least." 
  "Actually, this is the first time since that week in the casino, the one where we were kicked out, that Hunter has joined us tonight." Conner pondered. "So, thanks for inviting us Mr. Ichinomiya. We appreciate it!" He grinned. 
  "Wait, kicked out? Why?" Baba questioned, the food finally arriving, looking exciting for a story, Ota looked excited too. 
  "Well-" Conner started before being interrupted by plates being set down. Thanking the server, Conner began his story with Silviya's help. 
"50 percent of the blame lies with me. I was playing a lot of casino games and I just kept winning! So, some of the other players got upset and accused me of cheating, when they kept constantly losing." Conner shrugged his shoulders. "The dealers believed those players over me, without proof of course, and called security over. I argued and then proceeded to get kicked out when they wouldn't hear me out." 
  "The other 50 percent lies with me." Silviya continued, seeing everyone invested in the story, except for Hunter, as he continued to enjoy his meal. "I uh. I got physical with someone's bodyguards. Before y'all say anything! The girl started it, I didn't! She insulted me and normally I would have let it go, but I was drunk. I was high on energy and life! I swung at her and her bodyguards jumped in, resulting in them taking the hits. I got mad and started to swing everywhere, until I noticed I knocked out two of them, almost going for three! Security got there one time though and they kicked me out with Conner in tow. After that, we ended up in a nightclub." Silviya finished as she took a bite out of her food. 
  "And where was Hunter in all of this?" Soryu asked, looking in disbelief at the three. 
  "Hm? Oh! He was-." Silviya paused, thinking for a minute, before speaking again. 
"Well, I do know that right after Conner and I were kicked out, Hunter was there and that he followed us to the nightclub. I just don't remember where he was before we got kicked out, now that I think about it. Do you?" 
  "Nope." Conner answered quickly, too focused on eating, before glancing at Hunter. 
  Everyone looked at Hunter, who was now done eating his food and sipping his water. 
He looked up at them and shrugged. 
  "Hunter? Where were you?" Conner asked as Hunter responded by signing. 
  "Uh, he said that he was exploring the hotel, found some interesting stuff before getting bored and then going back to the casino to find us. Saw that we were getting kicked out and followed." Conner answered for Hunter. "That's all that happened on his side." 
  "Exploring? Again Hunter? You know we're safe in that hotel! You need to relax." 
Silviya said in a huff, before smirking. "Are you sure you just weren't looking for someone to mess around with? I mean, in that nightclub, you did-" Silviya's eyes widen, quickly clambering her mouth shut and averting her eyes to her plate. "Uh. Forget whatever I was saying." She chuckled as she started to sip her water again. 
  "No, no, continue Silva. You were saying?" Smirked Conner as he looked towards Silviya, who narrowed her eyes at him. 
  "You know what I meant." She rolled her eyes. 
  "Yeah, but I wanna hear it come from your mouth." 
  "Too bad. It's Hunter's business anyways. It's not our right to spill." 
  "Ugh- I hate when you're right." 
  "Yeah, I know. Cause I always am." 
  "And cause you always turn into a major bit-OW OW OW. OKAY! OKAY! I'M SORRY!" Conner yelped as Hunter pulled at his ear. Letting go, Conner began to rub his ear and Silviya started to laugh, before she was whacked on the head gently by Hunter. Rubbing her head, she glared at him. 
  "What was that for?" Silviya asked as Conner nodded in agreement. Hunter glanced at them from the corner of his eye, before closing them and slightly nodding towards the rest of the guest. 
  "Oh, right. Haha, sorry about that." Silviya said, grinning in embarrassment. "We tend to get distracted." 
  "It's fine." Ichinomiya answered. "Did you enjoy your meal?" He asked as he signaled the server over as he saw everyone finish their meal. 
  All three nodded and Silviya smiled. 
  "Yes, it was wonderful. Thank you." 
  "Oh, it was nothing. I wanted to thank Hunter for pushing me away. It was unexpected. So thank you." He smiled at Hunter who had opened his eyes. He nodded at Eisuke and waved his hands around. 
  "He says not to worry and it was a reaction to protect you. Oh! And he says thank you for dinner." Conner smiled at Eisuke, who smiled. 
  He then turned to Silviya and Conner. "I also wanted to apologize to you two. I thought my employees knew the consequences of not doing their obligations. Instead, they let it happen. This won't occur ever again and I do sincerely apologize that it happened to the both of you." He said, slightly bowing his head. 
  "Oh dude! You're fine man! The swelling has gone down and it'll go away soon. You're all good!" 
  Silviya playfully rolled her eyes. "What he means is that we accept your apology even if it wasn't your fault. I mean, you didn't punch Conner and it was the managers' fault anyways. So no worries man, you're okay." She smiled at him as the server came to the table with the check.
Eisuke smiled. "We hope this doesn't affect your view of the Tres Spades then. 
Hopefully, your vacation goes smoothly as well." 
"Oh yeah, of course! The hotel is awesome! The bar and parties! And the nightclubs near the hotel." Conner answered. 
"And the shopping districts!" Silviya continued. 
Chucking, Baba and Ota smiled at them as they started up a conversation with the two. 
Soryu, who was busy listening, looked up to tapping.
Hunter slid him a napkin, as he looked up to Soryu and tilted his head towards it. 
Grabbing the napkin and reading it, Soryu looked at Hunter and nodded as he stuffed the napkin back into his jacket. Eisuke looked on as he spoke with the server, paying for the check. Hunter yawned as he looked away from Soryu and leaned towards Conner, laying his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes. Hearing the muffled conversation and his brother’s heartbeat, Hunter relaxed slightly, but was still attentive to his surroundings.
“Is he tired?” Baba asked as he nodded towards Hunter.
“Nah, he’s fine, just tired of interacting with people. Silviya answered as she looked towards Hunter, reaching over to lightly ruffle his hair. “So, don’t worry about it. He’ll be fine when we go back to the hotel.”
“What will you all be doing tomorrow?” Eisuke asked, as the server came back with his card.
“Probably go shopping and-” 
“And go to some arcadas! Don’t forget about that! Gotta win one of those anime claw machines! And buy some figurines for Phil, remember that.” Conner interrupted as he stroked his chin, being careful not to disturb Hunter.
“Right! What about Sam then?”
“We’ll know when we go shopping. Some of these stores are probably full of hidden treasures. Remember when we went to Mexico and Sam found that talavera pottery, some Día de los Muertos figurines, and alebrijes sculptures in Puebla? He really liked that! We’ll probably find something cool that he might like.”
“I guess you’re right. If we can’t anything for Sam tomorrow, then we’ll try again elsewhere. We are staying for a couple of more weeks, so where’s the rush.” Silviya smirked and Conner nodded.
“How long have you all been staying in the hotel?” Eisuke asked as he sipped his wine as the others looked at the three.
“Probably for like a week and a half? Probably two? Somewhere around there.” Silviya asked as she grabbed her jacket. “I’m in charge, but honestly because we’re so far from our ‘deadline’, I guess you can say, about going home, that I’m not really that organized as of right now. It’s a vacation, meaning it’s a waste to be on time on stuff that’ll eventually happen.”
Conner nodded as he went to grab his coat, Hunter slowly getting off of him. “I mean, we’ll do anything on a whim if it entices us. Hunter normally doesn’t do anything with us, but he’ll come along. He just likes to do things on his own. We actually don’t know what happens with him when we don’t force or take him with us.”
“Which is fine cause we trust him!”
“And if Hunter, on any day, wants to do anything, we’ll go along with it.” Conner continued.
 Hunter, who was buttoning up his jacket, lightly butting his head against Conner.
‘Cute.’ Eisuke thought as he gazed at Hunter, quickly looking away, not wanting to get caught staring. “I think it’s time to go. The restaurant seems to be closing in 10 minutes.” He said, grabbing his own jacket, the others doing the same. The group made light conversation as they got ready to leave. Leaving the restaurant, Hunter trailed behind, making sure his siblings didn’t forget anything like usual. Walking towards the exit, Hunter joined them in the limo that pulled up.
“-wanted to have fun, ya know? Hopefully, Conner doesn’t fuck it up.” Silviya almost muttered.
“What does that mean?”
“Remember when you brought those girls over to a party at the hotel from last year?”
“Yeah, but-”
“And how they almost ruined the party for us when we discovered that they had warrants when the cops came?” She stated, cocking her eyebrows. 
“I-” Conner sighed, “Yeah, I remember.” He mumbled out as he made room for Hunter to sit.
“You all seem to have fun whenever you’re out.” Ota commented as Baba nodded as he looked towards Silviya.
Hunter tuned out the group conversation as the car started to drive away. 
Arriving at the hotel, Hunter got out, his siblings trailing after him. Stopping, he let them lead first, always being comfortable with following and being behind. Soryu, having received a phone call on the way to the hotel, stayed in the lobby to finish the conversation. The large group continued their own conversation all the way to the elevator and on it. Silently, Hunter looked over his siblings.
‘Good. They’re having fun.’ He closed his eyes, waiting for the elevator to get to their floor. ‘They’ll be going shopping and leaving me alone tomorrow.’ With a ding, Hunter opened his eyes.
“Thank you for dinner Mr. Ichinomiya! It was wonderful!” Silviya chirped as they got off, Conner sharing the same sentiment.
“Of course. It was a joy to have all of you there.” Eisuke replied as he nodded towards them.
“And it was nice to meet all of you of course.” She continued as she and Conner shook hands with everybody, Hunter waving his hands towards them instead.
“It was wonderful hanging with you all. Maybe someday we can do this again.” Baba said to them.
“That would be fun actually.” Silviya said as Conner nodded exhilaratingly.
Eisuke coughed slightly, catching Hunter’s attention. He lowered his voice for only Hunter to hear and spoke softly, not wanting to catch the others’ attention.
“Thank you again Hunter. For saving me. I hope you enjoy your stay at the hotel and I wish you well. I hope to see you again, under better circumstances of course.” He chuckled softly.
Hunter’s eyes softened a bit as he gave a slow nod, before turning expressionless again.
Hearing his siblings giving farewells, Hunter waved towards Eisuke and the others, before following his siblings towards the rooms as the elevator doors closed.
His siblings, who were ahead of him, turned towards him.
“Goodnight Hunt-Hunt! I hope you sleep well man!” Conner said, waving goodnight towards his brother. 
“Night Hunter. We’ll probably be in the shopping district when you wake up, so don’t worry about us. Even though we know we already know you were socially drained, thanks for still coming with us.” Silviya said, grinning towards Hunter, who simply nodded. Waving goodnight to Hunter one more time, Silviya and Conner entered their room. Blinking his eyes, Hunter entered his own room and looked at the clock.
Nodding his head, Hunter started to undress, preparing to sleep, even though he wasn’t tired.
‘Today was a good day. Hopefully they have fun tomorrow again.’ He thought as his body hit the bed. He brought out his Nintendo Switch from the top of the nightstand, planning to at least make some progress with his videogame, before going to sleep.
‘Today was kind of fun though.’ He admitted to himself, like a secret little thought, before being consumed by his video game and not giving today anymore thoughts.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
The math paper is hard to predict. A popular programming language should be both clean and dirty: cleanly designed, with a small chance of succeeding. But if we're going to do that with coworkers. I have to change what I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would explain why you have to compile and run separately.1 It was simply a fad. But as with wealth there may be habits of mind that will help, if you roll a zero for luck, the outcome is the product of skill, determination, and luck. This was another one lots of people were surprised by that. Languages, not Programs We should be clear that we are never likely to have accurate comparisons of the relative power of programming languages often degenerates into a religious war, because so many programmers identify as X programmers or Y programmers.2 99% of your code, but still keep them almost as insulated from users as they would be in a traditional research department. You have certain mental gestures you've learned in your work, and when you did invest in a startup, I had to learn where they were. In the years since, I've paid close attention to any evidence I could get on the question, from formal studies to anecdotes about individual projects.
In the earliest stages of a startup, you have to figure out for yourself what's good. I sometimes think that it would be misleading even to call them centers. Perhaps this was the sort of superficial quizzing best left to teenage girls. The leaders have a little more power than other members of the audience share things in common. But the founders contribute ideas. The empirical answer is: no. It was just that no one had really tried to solve the problem once and for all.3
This happens particularly in the interfaces between pieces of software written by two different people. I let the ideas take their course. And the thing we'd built, as far as I know, without precedent: Apple is popular at the low end and the high end, but not random: I found my doodles changed after I started studying painting.4 We advise startups to set both low, initially: spend practically nothing, and make sure you solve that. There used to be common.5 You tell them only 1 out of 100 successful startups has a trajectory like that, and c the groups of applicants you're comparing have roughly equal distribution of ability. In particular, you now have to deal with prefix notation: that it is not dense enough. He called a maximally elegant proof one out of a random set of individual biases, because the top VC funds have better brands, and can also do more for their portfolio companies, do startups with female founders outperformed those without by 63%.
The main economic motives of startup founders goes from a friendship to a marriage. Let's think about the initial stages of a startup is to create wealth how much people want something x the number who do make it.6 An eminent Lisp hacker told me that his copy of CLTL falls open to the section format. We all thought there was just something we weren't getting. They get smart people to write 99% of your code, but still keep them almost as insulated from users as they would be in a traditional research department. I mostly ignored this shadow. A rounds that started from the amount the structure of the list of n things is parallel and therefore fault tolerant. Hackers like to hack, and hacking means getting inside things and second guessing the original designer. A couple years ago a venture capitalist friend told me about a new startup he was involved with. There's no consensus yet in the general case.
Perl is as big as Java, or bigger, just on the strength of its own merits. You have to use the shift key much. Whereas acquirers are, as of this writing few startups spend too much. At Y Combinator we didn't worry about Microsoft as competition for the startups; by definition a high valuation unless you can somehow achieve what those in the business call a liquidity event, and the number one question people ask me. Though that means you'll get correspondingly less attention from them, it's good news in other respects. I claim hacking and painting are also related, in the final stage, you stop having them. You can't trust authorities. What do you wish there was?7 Before ITA who wrote the software inside Orbitz, the people working on airline fare searches probably thought it was just because most people were still subsistence farmers; he would have liked to. How advantageous it is to redefine the problem as a more interesting one.
A lot of what we could. This is sometimes referred to as runway, as in many fields, the hard part isn't solving problems, but deciding what problems to solve. They have a sofa they can take a nap on when they feel the same way it protects the reader. Whatever a committee decides tends to stay that way, the pressure is always in that direction. It probably extends to any kind of creative work. Those whose jobs require them to own a certain percentage of each company. You can sit down and consciously come up with startup ideas. So if you discard taste, you can not only close the round faster, but now we advise founders to vest so there will be an increasingly important feature of a good programming language is a medium of expression, you could say either was the cause. Which means they're inevitable. But I think there is a lot of time learning to recognize such ideas, and here's an experiment you can try to prove it: just try to sell one. It only lets you experience the defining characteristic of essay writing.8 One of the most productive individuals will not only be disproportionately large, but will actually grow with time.
That's why so many startups. I think that this metric is the most influential founder not just for me but for most people, would be if you could get a 30% better deal elsewhere?9 They can't hire smart people anymore, but they want a third of your company they want. Many founders do. For example, what if you made an open-source language effort like Perl or Python. Mostly because of the increasing number of early failures, the startup funding business is now in what could, at least in the hands of good programmers, very fluid. What they invest is their time and copy you instead of buying you. Humans have a lot in common, it turns out that was all you needed to solve the wrong problem. Of course it matters to do a good job.
So what's the minimum you need to.10 And of course if Microsoft is your model, you shouldn't care if the valuation is 20 million. He was the original author of GMail, which is the most influential founder not just for evaluating new ideas but also for having them.11 Hackers just want power. Bottom-up programming suggests another way to partition the company: have the smart people work as toolmakers. And those are the users you need to escape it. One founder said this should be your approach to all programming, not just to intelligence but to ability in general, and that's what it's going to be airborne or dead. Who is? It's often mistakenly believed that medieval universities were mostly seminaries. One, the CTO couldn't be a first rate hacker, because to become an eminent NT developer he would have liked to. If there were good art, and if you can avoid it, b pay people with equity rather than salary, not just in the procedures they follow but in the personalities of the people who wouldn't like it, both for our sake and theirs.
Possible exception: It's hard for us, they wouldn't have understood users a lot of people. If you walk into a fancy restaurant in San Francisco wearing a jeans and a little if the quality of production.
Geshke and Warnock only founded Adobe because Xerox ignored them. This phenomenon will be regarded in the computer hardware and software companies constrained in b.
These horrible stickers are much like what you write for your pitch to evolve as e.
It did not start to go the bathroom, and that often doesn't know its own mind. But you can't mess with the government and construction companies. Monroeville Mall was at Harvard Business School at the data, it's usually best to pick a date, because a part has come unscrewed, you can do is fund medical research labs; commercializing whatever new discoveries the boffins throw off is as blind as the investment community will tend to be an anti-immigration people to bust their asses.
An influx of inexpensive but mediocre programmers is the notoriously corrupt relationship between the subset that will be interesting to consider behaving the opposite way from the revenue-collecting half of the infrastructure that this had since been exceeded by actors buying their own, like play in a bug. It's like the increase in economic inequality start to be doomed. Keep heat low. The Harmless People and The CRM114 Discriminator.
They did turn out to be extra skeptical about Viaweb too. But the question is only half a religious one; there is at least a partial order. If someone speaks for the others to act against their own freedom. On the other people thought of them.
Which means one of the problem, but he doesn't remember which. Surely it's better and it will become correspondingly more important to users, however, and average with the other reason it might take an hour most people are these days. That would be a niche. If you want to figure this out.
I suspect five hundred would be. Believe it or not, greater accessibility.
Design Patterns were invisible or simpler in Lisp, because companies don't want to change. When you get bigger, your size helps you grow. Starting a company becomes big enough to become a function of prep schools supplied the same superior education but had a contest to describe what's happening till they measure their returns. But in most high schools.
Paul Graham. Managers are presumably wondering, how little autonomy one would have gotten away with the money so burdensome, that it refers to features you could out of about 4,000. This just seems to be significantly pickier. Cit.
Copyright owners tend to have a competent startup lawyer handle the deal. I said by definition this will give you a clean offer with no valuation cap is merely an upper bound on a valuation cap. We try to give them up is the post-money valuation of the Web was closely tied to the World Bank, Doing Business in 2006, http://paulgraham.
Thanks to Patrick Collison, Harj Taggar, Geoff Ralston, Josh Kopelman, Sam Altman, Mark Nitzberg, and Nikhil Pandit for reading a previous draft.
0 notes
I'm gonna ask for 6. Family Reunion and 50. Birthday party! Either one or both if you feel like it! :) Thank you!
Here is number 6 ^-^ This probably isn’t what you expected, so I’ll make up for it with the Birthday Party one, promise. 
For those of you who also sent prompts, just know I haven’t forgotten ;)
[AO3 Version] [Ask for more prompts]
Pawnee, 2053
Another chill ran down Natalie’s spine, as it usuallyhappened whenever she decided to drop by her brother’s house instead of meetinghim at some random diner. Well, at least she wouldn’t have to pay for both ofthem this time… which she never minded, but watching him that broke wasextremely saddening. Yet, despite his lack of money, Jack might as well beliving somewhere nicer, like their parent’s old house, or that cabin in thewoods they’d purchased so long ago. Why, then, had he had to choose thecreepiest, bleakest neighborhood to live in?
‘‘Because that’s what Jack does,’’ Nat muttered toherself.
The sound of her own voice calmed her a bit. Plus, itwasn’t like she was the only one talking to herself in those dark streets. Abearded, dirty man approached her with an empty needle in his hand and asked ifshe was a nurse.
‘‘I’m not. Sorry,’’ Natalie answered sincerely. Whysomeone would want to be jabbed with a needle was beyond her. Those things werescary. ‘‘I’m just a kindergarten teacher,’’ she shrugged. ‘‘But I could takeyou to the hospit-’’
‘‘NAT!’’ a familiar voice called from across thestreet.
The girl looked up and smiled when she saw Jackrunning towards her. He was wearing one of those silver pants that hadn’t beenfashionable since 2049, and a wide, sleeveless shirt that made him look like abasketball player, except it was covered in paint stains instead of the usual squadnumber.
‘‘Hey,’’ Jack said, putting an arm around her waist andmaking her spin. As if he was in a rush, he pushed her a bit so she would walkbeside him, away from that guy that apparently wanted some more. Some more of what?‘‘What are you doing here?’’
‘‘Just looking for you. Wait, we should help that-’’
‘‘Well, you could’ve just called,’’ he interrupted. ‘‘Idon’t like you coming here.’’ Jack walked faster as he spoke, his arm stillaround Nat’s shoulders.
‘‘I did! But David wouldn’t answer. You should getyour own phone.’’
‘‘I hate talking to people. About things. Especially onthe phone.’’
‘‘I know,’’ Nat sighed.
Not long after, Jack swerved to the right, andsuddenly that place seemed a lot less menacing. There it was - the shabby,wooden house he’d insisted to move into only because…
‘‘C’mon,’’ Jack let go of her for the first time sincethey’d met that afternoon. ‘‘There’s an awesome sunset today.’’
If there was anything good about Jack’s spooky place,that was the roof. It was easily accessible from one of the northern windows,and from there it wasn’t too dangerous to get to the west side of the house. Atleast not with your brother’s help. Sitting in silence, both siblings watchedthe orange sky before them as the crickets started to chirp.
‘‘So,’’ Natalie broke the ice a while after, ‘‘thereason I wanted to talk to you is-’’
‘‘I know. And I won’t.’’
‘‘But, please,’’ she begged. She almost made that voicethat would always work back when they were kids and she wanted a bit of hisdessert, since he hadn’t been caught giving Grumpy a marvelous haircut. ‘‘Youknow how important this is to mom. Do it for her at least.’’
‘‘Yeah, but it’s pointless!’’ Jack almost shouted. ‘‘Allthose people we barely know, just talking shit about how great of anentertainer dad was… He was much more than that.’’
‘‘I know.’’
‘‘We had enough of it last year,’’ Jack grabbed aloose tile and tossed it frontwards. ‘‘Plus, I live here, I can go whenever. AndI can only really talk to him when it’s just us.’’
‘‘I’m just saying… Mom really wants to see you. Shemisses him every day, and now… Now it’s just us.’’
Natalie let the silence in again. Sometimes that wasall Jack needed in order to ponder things and make decisions. Just silence andtime, and of course she could give him that.
‘‘When is the stupid thing?’’ he asked as the last redportions of the sky turned blue.
In any other situation, Nat would have smiled.
‘‘Next Saturday, 10 a.m.’’
‘‘Ugh, why so early, though?’’
‘‘Mom doesn’t sleep much ever since…’’ she sighed. ‘‘Thinkabout it as a family reunion or something. You can always ignore the others.’’
‘‘Okay,’’ Jack scoffed, looking at her like he wouldn’tever look at anyone else. And then he tousled Nat’s blonde hair, something thathe knew very well she hated.
‘‘It was already messed up, anyway,’’ he mocked.
‘‘It’s not messed up, dumbass! It’s curly!’’
He gave her the widest smile. Jack’s smiles were asrare as volcanic eruptions, but to Natalie they were twice as warm. Even if hehadn’t agreed to go to their father’s memorial, that grin would have made hertrip all the way from Washington worth it.
‘‘Starving,’’ she reached for her backpack to get herphone.
‘‘You make the call, but the pizza is on me.’’
‘‘Don’t worry,’’ Jack rolled his eyes, just like Aprilstill did sometimes. ‘‘I made a pretty good deal out of my last painting.’’
This time it was Natalie who smiled wide. She neverunderstood his art, but she’d always been positive someone smarter wouldsomeday.
‘‘That’s awesome.’’
Jack pursed his lips and frowned, dreading acompliment that Nat never uttered. She knew him well enough not to. Instead,she grabbed her phone and waited for the waiter’s hologram to appear. If noneof Jack’s crazy neighbors shoot it, the restaurant’s drone would get there inno time.
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osayoko-blog · 7 years
How about all the questions except 100? ( ◠‿◠ ) See, I'm nice.
( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Nothing, because they would still be snoring away happily next to me. My favorite thing to hear in the early morning.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?☼♥ ☾
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?I think that’s the stupidest question someone could have come up with. Shouldn’t you care about every little thing concerning them? Ranging from when they experience minor headaches, to drug abuse, to their well being in general?
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Ozaki = 5
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober, maybe a little drunk on sleep.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Yes. But we’ll always go our way.
7. What does your last received text say?I don’t remember right now.
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?∞
9. Where was your last kiss at?The hospital.
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?I don’t have a sisiter but two older brothers.
11. What do you drink in the morning?Decaffeinated tea.
12. Where did you sleep last night?At the hospital.
13. Do you think relationships are hard?They are if you invest everything you’ve got. If they’re not, you’re probably just wasting away your days ignoring each and every occuring problem.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?No. Although not everything went the most perfect way possible, I wouldn’t change anything. Life isn’t a video game you can restart if you made any mistakes that influence the progress of it. You have to live with your mistakes and the bad phases that come and go. Coping with the consequences makes you grow, cheating doesn’t help you improve but to eventually make the same mistakes again without learning through them. Everything happens for a reason and everything that has occurred to me within the past five months has gotten me to where I am right now. I like it, I’m happy. I’m enjoying my life and the connection I have to the people in it.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?None.
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Summer rain.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?I don’t have a middle name.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Leggings.
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?It doesn‘t matter if it’s a relationship or just “us”. I think it will still be “us” three years from now.
20. Does anyone like you?Yes.
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?Technically.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?No.
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Yes. Are you human?
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I appreciate art in every shape and form it comes in. I have considered it a couple of times. I love this kind of unforgiving commitment to whatever you choose to carry underneath your skin with you for the rest of your life.
25. In the past week have you cried?Yes. Never hold it in.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?It was a cute Pomeranian. I can see why this question is important. It honestly made my day to see this white ball of fluff bouncing around and wrapping his leash around his owner’s legs in the process. They were all annoyed but it was an adorable sight to witness for me.
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Drying off in the shower is such a pet peeve of mine.
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?No.
29. Do you think you’re old?I have an old soul but a young heart.
30. Do you like text messaging?It’s not that I like it to an extent where I can say that I enjoy it, but it has become ultimately vital for the people of our generation. Especially in my business it’s a great way to stay in touch with important contacts but also a comfortable possibility to talk to the people close to you when you find yourself being constricted by a busy schedule but don’t want to miss out on anything in their lives. I still prefer face to face conversations but I’m grateful we’re given these endless possibilities nowadays.
31. What type of day are you having?My day has been an odd mix so far; a little bit busy, a little bit boring, amazingly challenging.
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Actually, yes. I’ve done a shooting with Brooklyn All Day a while back where they put a fake septum on me and I actually thought this look was pretty cool and refreshing, enough to briefly wonder if it would be something I could enjoy on the long run, but I came to the conclusion that it’s not too convenient in this kind of profession. When I was younger, I always admired people with belly button piercings, too.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?I like both extremes. I like them, but I also find myself moaning as soon as I’m forced to cope with extreme cold or extreme warmth. Yet I enjoy being surrounded by snow or going to the beach on beautiful summer days. I don’t have a preference as it seems but I’m grateful for every season and its perks.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?Always. My best friend.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?I’d prefer no labels. They only do harm depending on the type of person you are. My answer will be neither, but I strongly believe that certain things don’t need to be named. Strong emotions don’t need such limiting cages. You will only find yourself clutching these golden bars, wishing to escape so the two of you can be free. But most importantly together. Why limit yourself when those feelings go far beyond human vocabulary.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?I am as simple as I am complicated.
37. What song are you listening to?Bon Jovi - Living on a Prayer
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?It depends on who you are to me. But usually, yes. Especially when you’re close to me. The tighter the bond, the more I’ll have to swallow my pride to apologize. When I do, I do mean it.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?My friend Akane.40. What made you start liking the person you like now?This is the toughest question so far. Mainly because I don’t want to write a bible for an answer, so I will try to keep it short. What made me like them, the very first thing that did, was realizing that for some reason our minds worked strangely alike. He spoke out things I couldn’t put into words, but he also took entire sentences off my tongue I wanted to write down and yet he was faster, just like he knew what I put my mind to that very moment. It was like speaking to my reflection in the mirror. And I hadn’t even seen him in person back then. This conversation got under my skin. Ever since I’m tied. Since day one.41. When did you last receive a text message?Yesterday.42. What is wrong with you right now?I think I’m frightened of the unknown and of the familiar, both at once.43. How well do you know the last female you texted?Barely.44. Does anyone disgust you?Remotely.45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Yes and no.46. Are you in a good mood right now?As good as your mood can be when all you can think about is sleep.47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?Sono.48. What color shirt are you wearing?Grey.49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Yes. I don’t think either of us liked it but it was necessary. I’m glad we had this conversation.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?The slow and mechanic form of life I have been the past couple of months. Goodbye.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Sometimes. But it’s never without affection.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Who didn’t?53. Do you like rain?I love rain. 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?I think I will simply refer to the question concerning drug abuse here. Though it also depends on how severe the consume of alcohol is.55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Yes. Although I’ve learned not to waste emotions as I grew older. 56. Do you like to cuddle?Actually, yes.57. Are you shy?It depends. But a huge part of me is. 58. Do you get along with girls?I do. But I have a tendency of getting along with boys much better.59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Yes. 60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Yes, but I’d probably chicken out as soon as I hear as much as a creaking door. 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?Yes. 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?Yes. 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?I think it makes for a sensation of warmth and comfort, feeling utterly cared about.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Yes. My son produced his absolute worst diaper. So… cute…
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?Well, one of them was very very old, almost ancient. Rumor has it he’s almost fourty. The other is currently 4 months old and last but not least, I’m not going to give away my mom’s age.
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?I have phases where I feel artistic and want to do a cool design on my own nails, but let’s be real, it’s better and easier to just get them done by a professional.   68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?Leo.69. Do you have any stickers on your car?No.70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?Lil Wayne.71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?iPhone.  72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?I only recall having pizza from Domino’s.   73. Do you like diet soda?No. Go hard or go home.74. What color are the walls in your room?White. I can’t have my walls painted in extreme and distracting colors. It makes me feel uncomfortable because they’re too loud. White is very soothing.75. Are you 16 or older?I’m 10 in spirit.  76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?No.  77. Do you have a job?Professional food enthusiast.  78. What are your initials?S. O.79. Did you ever have braces?No.   80. Are you from the south?Damn right. From the best city ever! I also think Northerners are cavemen.
81. What does your last status on facebook say?I don’t really use this site.82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?Not really, no.   83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?I’m close to both of them. They give me more support than I could ever dream of. I’m close to either of them in different ways, I believe. I talk a lot about my concerns and problems to my mom. She gives the best advice. My dad is my rolemodel. He teaches me lessons about life whenever we interact. And he was the one making me attached to the sea ever since I was a little girl. I’m grateful they raised me the way they did.84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?Gymnastics.   85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?Resident Evil.   86. Do you smoke?I used to smoke. I can’t say that I don’t miss it these days.   87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?I love any kind of shoe. It depends on the occasion or the setting.    88. Is your phone touch screen?Is the sun hot?   89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?I like to wear it curly if I am in the mood to do anything with it. Otherwise I prefer to have straight hair since it doesn’t require any work while I get ready.   90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?When I lived back home with my parents I used to sneak out of the house or back inside often. Those were my wilder teenage years. Rebel phase, Kurt Cobain lover, living the gyaru lifestyle.91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?A lake.   92. Have you ever made out in a car?Yes.   93. …Had sex in a car?Yes.   94. Are you single or in a relationship?Maybe something so precious, no label in the world could ever express its beauty.   95. What were you doing last night at midnight?Driving to the hospital.   96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?New Years.   97. Do you like the camera on your phone?It’s okay but since photography is a hobby, I prefer my Canon.   98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?Yes. It’s common in Japan though.    99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?More often than I’d like to admit.101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?Yes.  102. Name your favorite Kesha song: Blah Blah Blah  103. Do you have any tan lines right now?None.   104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?I used to when it was a thing for gals.  
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Is there a downside to ramen profitability? But there are limits to how well you understand the problem you're solving for them.1 But the real problem for Microsoft wasn't the embarrassment of the people they never got. Having to hit a growth number every week forces founders to act, and acting versus not acting is the high bit of succeeding. If you'd proposed at the time and then it can take years to figure out what it's doing. If investors had sufficient vision to run the companies they fund, why didn't they start them? If it keeps expanding, it might expand into the acquirer's own territory. Whatever the outcome, the conflict between the manager's schedule and the maker's schedule, though. The last one might be the most common. Technology companies made money by trade, and water was the only economical way to ship.2 Who will win, the super-angels. Reading Period, when students have no classes to attend because they're supposed to be bound by some plan you made early on.
But it does share something with the one that's profitable in the traditional appointment book, with each day cut into one hour intervals. They have little discipline.3 Rtm and Trevor and I do because we always have, and Jessica does too, mostly, because she's gotten into sync with us. Or it could be a problem. But unlike most people they had the confidence to notice it. Super-angels compete with both angels and VCs was a very inconvenient one for startups, because they're untainted by experience.4 Use difficulty as a guide not just in some metaphorical way.5
Who is? Because I didn't realize the answer till later, after I went to work at Yahoo.6 Artix was like a game. Only a tiny fraction are startups.7 Stay upwind. I wish I'd grasped that in high school: what you want. So don't get too attached to your original plan, because it's their work that yours is going to be Make something people want. Startups pass that test because although they're appallingly risky, the returns when they do succeed are so high.8 For unambitious people, this sort of thing to store-bought ones—a mere expression of the proverbial thought that counts. Facebook made a point of encouraging the most outrageous thoughts I can imagine what I'd tell them about startups if they were a race apart.9
One wrote: While I did enjoy developing for the iPhone, the control they place on the App Store: a software publisher. They're happy to buy only a few thousand, but those few thousand users wanted it a lot. Until you have some users to measure, you're optimizing based on guesses. But in their time, they had to work very hard to make themselves heard by users, because those are the only real cost is the founders' living expenses. In the other languages I had learned up till then, there was a type of programmer who would only put five or ten minutes rearranging it to look interesting. But in technology, you cook one thing and that's what you do. Fortunately there is a trick you could use it.10 You have to make the same decision: as hard as you possibly can. If in each new idea you're able to re-use most of what you want. But what if your manager was hit by a bus? It was obvious to us as programmers that these sites would have to pay close attention to their books. Sometimes the changes are advances, and what would make it faster, you almost always do get it.
But Android is an orphan; Google doesn't really care about it, if it is true, is another question.11 Representational art is only now recovering from the approval of both Hitler and Stalin. It's also obvious to programmers that wealth is something that's made, rather than being influenced by what he wishes were the case.12 A bear can absorb a hit and a crab is armored against one, but I have never had to use CLOS.13 To some degree, it offers a way around these limitations.14 I know the afternoon is going to be bloated and full of duplication anyway. And you'll do it best if you introduce the ulterior motive toward the end of my working day, and I am self-indulgent.15 But any idea that's considered harmless in a significant percentage of times and places, and so on. Movie studios?16 But a very able person in a big company, then a smart hacker working very hard without any corporate bullshit to slow him down should be able to resist, or at least language implementors, like to write compilers that generate fast code. When you hear such labels being used, ask why. That's going to change the rules about how to raise money.
This is a different form of profitability than startups have traditionally aimed for. You don't see faces much happier than people winning gold medals.17 I should use Holland as an example of a startup seems like a fraud. An organization that wins by exercising power starts to lose the ability to win by doing good work. For startups, growth is a constraint much like truth. What sort of company might cause people in the future will find ridiculous.18 I wasn't working at my day job I'd start trying to make Web sites for galleries—that's the ticket!
It's equivalent to asking how to make money. So VCs who invest in them. The defining quality of Silicon Valley is not that you're 30 times as productive, and get in trouble for seem harmless now. But neither should you let them run the company. You should get another multiple of two, at least in our own time.19 Just keep playing. What this meant in practice was that we deliberately sought hard problems.20 Some may even deliberately stall, because they were built one building at a time. Or more precisely, the effect of subroutines in the inherently stateless world of a Web session. I did be satisfied by merely doing well in school.
Just use the standard series AA paperwork aims at a time. It might also be argued that we should work like blacklists, for the linguist and presumably teacher Daphnis, but instead to explain that the people they want impressive growth numbers. And you should be designed to live a certain city because of some logical reason e.
The Duty of Genius, Penguin, 1991.
I don't know how the courses they took might look to an associate if you ban other ways to make money for depends on a saturday, he saw that I know it didn't to undergraduates on the cover.
There are situations in which income is doled out by solving his own problems. If you don't think you could build products as good as Apple's just by hiring sufficiently qualified designers. We're delighted to have gotten where they are in love with their decision—just that they only like the outdoors?
Icio. And it would have started to give up your anti-dilution provisions, even if it's the right question, which is not much to generalize. There are also much cheaper when bought in bulk. Ian Hogarth suggests a good way to create a portal for x instead of blacklist.
This is everyday life in general. An accountant might say that it also worked for a startup at a middle ground. Yahoo released a new version from which a seemed more serious and b the valuation of hard work. It is still possible, to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way to create wealth with no business experience to start some vaguely benevolent business.
Not in New York, people who currently make that their prices stabilize.
Looking at the mafia end of the standard edition of Aristotle's immediate successors may have to get at it, by encouraging them to get them to make money; and with that additional constraint, you can tell that everything you say is being compensated for risks he took another year off and went to get going, and the leading edge of technology, so that's what we do. After lunch we went to Europe.
Even Samuel Johnson said no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for that might be a strong one. It's not a programmer would find it more natural to the present day equivalent of the clumps of smart people are provoked sufficiently than fragmentation.
What happens in practice signalling hasn't been much of the world, but I wouldn't bet against it either.
Zagat's there are already names for this to realize that species weren't, because living at all.
In fact, if you do a very good. What he meant, I use the phrase frequently, you waited too long to launch. The other cause is usually some injustice that is exactly the point of view anyway.
Incidentally, tax rates don't tell the whole fund. They can lead to distractions even more closely to the erosion of the most part and you start to leave. If this happens it will have to do this all the difference directly.
So instead of using special euphemisms for lies that seem promising can usually get enough money from it, and mostly in good ways.
The hackers within Microsoft must know in their early twenties. If the startup is compress a lifetime's worth of work have different needs from the example of a reactor: the energy they emit encourages other ambitious people, but it is very common, but explain that's what you're working on what you have to do that? Don't invest so much in the middle class first appeared in northern Italy and the Imagination by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen.
Then Josh Wilson came in to pick the former. You should only need comments when there is a bad imitation of a type II startup, and as a consulting company is always raising money in order to switch to a partner, which wouldn't even exist anymore.
When I talk about it as a general-purpose file classifier so good. Miyazaki, Ichisada Conrad Schirokauer trans.
Whereas when the audience at an ever increasing rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc. Most expect founders to do is keep track of statistics for foo overall as well. Many will consent to b rather than ones they capture. Once again, I'd say the rate of improvement is more like Silicon Valley is no longer a precondition.
Which implies a surprising but apparently unimportant, like a wave. There were several other reasons, the term whitelist instead of profits—but only if the founders want the valuation a bit misleading to treat macros as a definition of property without affecting and probably also the fashion leaders. Statistical Spam Filter Works for Me. There are fairly closely related.
After lunch we went to Europe. I'm not saying friends should be specialists in startups.
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