#except this time it is millenial and zoomers
0utrenoir · 7 months
i know 99.5% of people will just glance at a pretty picture and reblog it without thinking twice about it. but can't you see there is not mastery there? no brush strokes, no human hand holding the pen. aren't you entranced enough to zoom in and look at the details? That's right, there are none, because when you look closely everything turns to undefined goop. aren't you furious? you are being lied to. no emotion brought this image together. it is woven with nothing but copyright infringement and pixel soup.
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do u consider urself a millennial? ik yu are one but do you identify w th rest of ur generation?
yes lol i do.. altho i was a lot more online as a kid than most pf my peers so i think i exhibit some traits similar to older gen z.? but i am a millenioid thru and thru. that pluto in scorpio spirit is strong in me lol. i identify w millenails a lot more than zoomers i guess? i dnt rly have any zoomer friends except chloe. and even when i was younger i wad mostly friends w older millenials. i dont rly understand the younger gen i find them to be very um. preachy and dogmatic in a way that was uncoool when i was growing up. millenials was all about being nonchalant n sure that has its flaws but its more in line w my natural temperment. i also love so much music my generation created but have yet to rly find any music from the current youth that i connect w. i love a slow burn im not into the instantness & oversaturatedness of everything rn.. Yeah lol i hope this dont sound condescening ^^; its just my opinion. but i am certainly a product of my time & i like it that way..💟PMD9
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
why does console generational discourse bring out the absolute worst humans
I have an xbox one and plan to buy a ps4 and switch when I have the financial ability to. when I was little I had a nintendo 64 and a ps1 for a brief period of time. but I spent my formative years, my adolescence, with a gamecube and a ps2. then I briefly had a ps3. and when I was an older teenager I had an xbox 360.
the nes/5200/colecovision began the 90s and modern video gaming as we know it today
Mario. Zelda. Kirby. Metroid. Contra. Castlevania. Earthbound. these are the games that Gen X played. this is the gen x console generation.
the genesis/commodore/7800/snes capped off the 80s and ushered in the 90s
I can guarantee even some millennials don’t remember some of these but that’s probably because the 7800 and commodore weren’t that great. but everyone knows the super nintendo and sonic. no matter how old you are. toddlers today know about the super nintendo and sonic. but these is still the console generation that is specifically associated with millennials.
the 64/jaguar/saturn/ps1/3d0/amiga/neogeo in the 90s
if you’ve never heard of half of these you’re not a fucking millenial. atari sega commodore and SNK haven’t really made a console since then and it’s because they weren’t great consoles with good libraries and that’s why they fell into obscurity and failure. but at the time they were beloved, and still are. sega consoles were the lifeblood of millennials, not zillenials. and so was 3d Mario, 3d Zelda, goldeneye, donkey kong, banjo, resident evil, silent hill, metal gear solid, symphony of the night, final fantasy 7, crash, spyro… yes you’ve probably played these if you’re a zillenial or zoomer but that’s because these games are all classics beloved by everyone but in these cases you’re an adult or teen going back in time. you were not a literal actual child who remembered a time when these games didn’t exist. this is the console generation that is associated with millennials and zillenials.
dreamcast the awkward one in the late 90s, rip, only remembered by millennials and the lucky few zillenials who had parents or older siblings who had them
ps2/gamecube/xbox1 in 2000
the older half of zillenials and some millennials who happened to have money and like video games who bought these as adults but didn’t spend their childhoods with them, had these. smash, halo, kotor, half life 2, god of war, okami, shadow of the colossus, the wind waker, games that NEWSFLASH, EVERYONE LOVES REGARDLESS OF WHAT GENERATION THEY’RE FROM. literally everybody had one of these. but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re still specifically associated with zillenials because it came out during our childhood. not millennials. zillenials.
ps3/xbox360/wii in the mid-2000s and early 2010s
the younger half of zillenials grew up with skyrim, bioshock, modern warfare, resident evil 4 HD, all classics nowadays but at the time they were all so far beyond technological breakthroughs they blew everyone’s mind. and zoomers were all either a) not alive or b) in diapers for the first half, and actual children in the second half. which means that this is the console generation that is most associated with them. not the prior: this one. not millennials.
wiiU/ps4/xboxOne/switch in the mid to late 2010s
the transition between zillenial and gen z is a blurred line but it takes place in the 2010s so the older gen z and/or gen z with older siblings and the younger zillenial and/or zillenial with younger siblings are gonna be the ones most associated with bloodborne, breath of the wild, splatoon, overwatch, and stardew valley. except zillenials and millennials also play those games. fucking oops.
ps5/xbox X in the 2020s
the generation after gen z is gonna grow up in 2020 and on, so the ps5/xbox X is going to be mostly associated with them because they’re the ones growing up in a world where elden ring, bugsnax, and starfield have always existed
the buffer generation between millenial and zoomer is a separate entity with some overlap, and until you get that through your thick fucking skull there’s no point being an insufferable ass to content creators online because your personal definition of what generation you identify as is different than their definition, besides being a dick.
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May 2020-3
I meant to write more about what I realized yesterday, but I didn’t get around to it. I put it on hold. It’s mostly my fault.
I don’t know what to write about it now. That’s sad. I hope I’ll find it again but these things can’t be relied on.
I feel like maybe I’m letting despair get the better of me here. But I’m also massively tired, so perhaps that’s just what we have to do today.
It’s weird that “I don’t want to kill myself, I just don’t want to be alive” was an adage in my high school days. It’s weird that that was normal. It’s weird that the world just kept going on and no one really seemed to notice or do anything about it (I don’t know what they could have done, honestly; even when there were interventions I remember evading them and being incredibly proud of myself for it), and it’s weird that everyone just kind of... forgot. Like people talk about millenials being depressed like it was an outgrowth of 2008 and the years that followed, and for sure a lot of it was, but there definitely was what you might call a despair culture well before then. 
So now people spill all this ink about zoomers being fragile and traumatized and it’s like “I don’t know, dude. We managed.” Which isn’t helpful. In part because a lot of us didn’t. But I feel like there’s this heightened sense of fragility about kids these days that doesn’t really make sense.
But then again, I didn’t even realize I was a woman until a lot later than kids these days do, and it certainly wasn’t just because of internalized transphobia. I grew up to disdain and avoid vulnerability (or, weakness), out of a sense that the world (i.e. authoritarianism, capitalism, and other predators) would use whatever it was against you. So, dwelling on painful feelings (or, painful feelings that you did not think you could control,) was discouraged. Gender dysphoria is exactly the sort of unmanageable feeling that was too much of a liability to consider.
Oh, but perhaps this is related to my Bad Experience after all. The summer before I really cherished the feeling of being sweet and strange and vulnerable. I spent weeks and weeks alone with myself, and I was convinced I was approaching some sweet, strange realization. Incidentally, I listened to Poe’s “Beautiful Girl” over and over again.
But school started, the swelling I felt in my heart faded, and I was left rather forlorn about what it was that disappeared. Life went on, and I continued to be the entitled, solipsistic little shit that I was, but now with a weird pain or yearning tugging at the back of my head. Or, closer now, as I’d felt it a lot since I’d turned thirteen or so. I wanted to go back. I didn’t know what it was, what this sweet, strange world I’d left behind was, or why it was that I couldn’t feel it near me anymore. It felt like it was so, so close to materializing, too.
Anyway. I felt a similar, but different, stirring, the next summer when this girl took an interest in me. I was the only “boy” she’d been interested in, except for another who’d also, later in life, turn out to be trans. She was rather flamboyantly poisonous (I’d find out later that no one who caught her interest came out of the relationship feeling well,) but we had a mutual friend who I thought would be a bit of a chaperone, and at the time I imagined myself too clever to be snared. I was also recovering from a break-up that in retrospect I was so entitled and self-involved in that the fact that I was broken up about it at all is comical. We all lived around the same neighborhood.
I don’t know how much more I can really get myself to relate. I right now don’t really know what the purpose of revisiting this is. I don’t feel the presence of a project or anything. These just feel like facts. No, perhaps I am mythologizing things too much, and that’s what’s making me anxious. Or maybe it’s just a bad memory. Well I suppose I know that it’s a bad memory, but I don’t know if any of the other factors play in.
Anyway, I thought I was clever. I felt something like a sisterhood that couldn’t totally be there at the time. She and I had a bit of an obsession with All The Things She Said by t.A.T.u, despite ourselves. Why oh why that song. Because it felt tragic and pained, I guess. It’s good I turned out to be trans or else that would have been really embarrassing. It definitely is not now. I do not feel embarrassed typing out that title. Not at all.
This is a pretty gay story, in retrospect. Are you allowed to call traumatic things gay? It feels like a trespass.
I don’t want to spend too much time here, but I also don’t think I can keep writing about this right now. I hope I’ll return to it sometime.
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