#excuse my rusty serbo croatian
ebaeschnbliah · 5 years
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Learning foreign languages
Dracula BBC, Blood Vessel
Conversation between Valeria, Grand Duchess of Augsburg and Count Dracula from Walachia (historically known as Vlad the Impaler, ‘Son of the Dragon' in medieval Romanian). 
COUNT DRACULA:  Forgive me. My German is very rusty. Would you excuse me for a moment?  (leaves the room and ‘drinks’ the Bavarian sailor  on the stirring wheel)
COUNT DRACULA (comes back):  Es tut mir leid. Hat etwas länger gedauert als erwartet. Es ist eine wunderbare Nacht und ... ein schöner Mond.  (I’m sorry. It took a bit longer than expected. It’s such a wonderful night and ... a beautiful moon.))
GRAND DUCHESS VALERIA OF AUGSBURG:  Aber Sie sprechen ein ganz wunderbares Bayrisch!  (But … you are speaking most excellent Bavarian!))
COUNT DRACULA:  Ah, you‘re too kind. I … I s-seem to have remembered more than I thought. It’s good to refresh oneself. 
(For anyone who wants to hear Count Dracula speak Bavarian, I can recommend the german dubbed version. It’s absolutely exquisit! :)))
Sherlock BBC, The Empty Hearse
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Mycroft Holmes! What have you done to absorb the Serbian language so quickly???
Middle age comes to us all … Really?  Is it ‘MIDDLE AGE’ or rather …. ‘MEDIEVAL’ …. (sparked by a fivehundred years old warlord) that has overcome brother Mycroft?  :)))))
Additionally ….
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Etymology of ‘blud’ (x x):
Multicultural London English: BLUD is of Jamaican origin and used as an informal adress to a male. It means "Mate (from blood brother)"
In Czech etymology it means … delusion
In Serbo Croatian etymology it means … bawdry, carnality, fornication
COUNT DRACULA:  “Blood ... is not … nothing! Blood is testimony!”
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January, 2020
@gosherlocked​ @raggedyblue​ @possiblyimbiassed​ @loveismyrevolution​ @sherlockshadow​ @shylockgnomes​
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A što ste zaboravili njih?
Kad grom udari, jednom. Jeli čuješ ga? Taj vrisak, ljut je. Zaboravili ste ga? Jeli? Ali on će tu zauvjek čekati, čeka će dok ne umremo svi. Ali slušaj , šuti nemoj pričati , samo slušaj , jeli čuješ to? Jeli čuješ svi stare bogove. Oni slušaju tebe, oni su još tu. Nisu umreli nego spavaju, čekaju da se sjetimo stare godine prije ‘njega’ što je probao da ubije naše bogove. Ali nije ‘on’ mogu da uspije to, nemože dok imamo Ilirsku vjeru, staru ali hrabru.
Zar nisi ikad pogledao žene i vidio magiju naj veću i naj ljepšu? To je boginja stara što vidiš, to je magija stara prije Hriščanstva, to su stare bogove što forsira tebe da vidiš tu ljepota neopterećenu !
Al jesi ikad vidio osmjeh đeteta? Tu screću? To je duša zemlje, to su ti stari bogovi!
Kad je zadnji put sto si zagrlio brata? Jesili osjetio tu blizinu naj težu ? Ma brate moj to je blizina krva što osjetiš ! To su stare bogove!
Jeli vidiš sad šta prije nisi mogao? Jeli sada vidiš krv stare Ilirije? To su naše bogove, kako smo mogli da zapustimo toliko duga? Al nije kraj, kraj je kad zaboravimo ko smo, kad zaboravimo moć u naš krv!
—— ps : I do mention the blood of old illyria often, and by that I do mean the old faith. I am not relegating and glorifying this faith only ‘pure’ Balkan people because such a thing does not exist. Do not mistake me for a nationalist blog because I will block you immediately. If I do receive any messages from Cetniks, Ustases, or Nazis, not only will I block but I will bitch you out and expose you first ;) thanks ——
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