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experienscesol · 4 years
Does your marketing demand that you participate in trade shows regularly to promote your products and meet with your clients? Does your work require you to conduct exhibitions for promotion from time to time? Well then, I’d really insist you give some of your time to understand how a booth design affects brand perception. Setting up an exhibition booth to promote your brand is a simple yet tricky task. It’s simple because the steps are well defined and you need to follow them, and tricky because everything depends on those simple steps.
Let’s take a step by step approach when it comes to creating an exhibition booth design with an edge:
Define Your Brief: You will seldom get a booth design that is better than your brief. Invest time in defining your design brief. Put in the physical requirements clearly;
The amount of space you need in your pantry?
The number of meeting rooms you need and how many people will be there in each meeting room?
Do you need a dedicated space for catering?
Do you need engagement or interactive ideas at the booth?
What is the objective of participating in this show?
Is there any theme that you and your marketing team have decided on for this show?
What is the ballpark budget for booth building at the show?
If you can, then go a step ahead to make a complete mood board of design references, product displays, information counters, etc. that you like. A visual representation would go a long way in communicating to a designer the kind of design language you like.
Take Agency Inputs: As you define the brief and create a mood board, remember to tell the trade show booth design companies to put in their thoughts and ideas and not be restricted by all that you have given them. You might do 10 trade shows every year, but remember the agency does more than 100 exhibitions every month… So if you trust your agency, then give them an upper hand when it comes to design concepts, branding insights, and engagement ideas at the booth.
Keep Show & Geography Regulations In Mind: At the design stage itself, ensure that your agency understands the technical floorplan for seeing pillars, ducts, access points, and height regulations. Also, ensure that the agency has experience in building exhibition booths in the geography where you are exhibiting. Some countries do not have rigging facilities, some do not allow onsite painting, some have different electrical connections, etc. Knowledge of these regulations is vital and can make or break your exhibition booth design.
Have a Post-Show Meeting: While all these factors can contribute to having a correct booth design that represents your brand efficiently, the last point is the most crucial and is often missed by even seasoned exhibitors. It is most important to have a post-show meeting to discuss the design and its positives as well as drawbacks. The show is the moment of truth and the feedback from the show floor is invaluable. So make sure to interact with your sales team that was onsite to understand how visitors perceived the booth design, how it was functionality-wise, how it was branding wise and what worked well, and what needed improvement. This last step will ensure that each trade show booth you build, over a period of time, is better than the previous one and the customer experience will be uplifted at each new tradeshow.
So, we hope that these tips were valuable to you and you will keep them in mind while you design for your next trade show. If you have any questions then do contact us.
Happy Exhibiting!
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