#experienced police brutality lawyers in San Diego
If violent actions by police enforcement or another government official have caused harm to you or someone you love? Contact our experienced police brutality lawyers in San Diego at 619-292-0840. 
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laurellynnleake · 6 years
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Fight To Protect Immigrants! - Resource & Organization Masterlist (updated: 6/22/18)
If you need help and/or want to help others trapped in the brutal US immigration system, let me get you started! Regardless of your time and abilities, you can help in countless ways big and small. Head to Informed Immigrant to find local/national/global orgs supporting undocumented immigrants - you can donate money/time/transportation, join protest actions, register voters, cook dinners, watch kids, and simply provide emotional support to people!
I’ve gathered together some useful links and resources here - please help me spread ‘em around, and add any of your own links and info too (and let me know if you donate/contact reps and I’ll draw you some art).
Calling Scripts: 
Check out Celeste Pewter’s twitter for up-to-date call scripts and resources for contacting your reps and fighting for human rights (@ her or use #Icalledmyreps after you call to get a boost and/or share info). She eventually transcribes most scripts here, but can take several days, so while these links below go to images on twitter I’ve also included captions under the cut.
Tips for calling your electeds
Calling Senate/House for Feinstein/Nadler’s Keep Families Together Act post EO (6/22), and for Texans near the border (6/13)
Call scripts pushing for House/Senators to investigate DHS’s Zero Tolerance Policy (6/22), and for contacting the DOJ/DHS to protest the Zero Tolerence Policy post executive order (6/20)
Call scripts for governors to refuse to send the National Guard to the border (6/22) and calling for Sec Nielson’s resignation (6/18)
Calling Congress re: Kids already separated, and rumors of military lawyers (06/22)
Calling governors, federal reps, and state attorney’s about joining the multi-state lawsuit (6/22)
General Guides for Contacting Reps:
Find My Reps
Resistbot (emails and faxes reps for you)
Herd on the Hill a FB group of dedicated volunteers who will print out your letters, and deliver them.
How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety
Legislative & Organizing Resources:
Join a local protest at FamiliesBelong.org. Donate here.
ACLU Know Your Rights pocket guides includes ICE Visits (ICE Visitas), If Questioned About Imm. Status (Que Hacer Si Le Preguntan Acerca de su Estatus Migratorio), and What To Do If Stopped By Police (Qué Debe Hacer Si la Policía/Agentes de Inmigración/FBI) in English and en Español, as well as guides for protests.
Know Your Rights Handouts: If ICE Raids a Home/Employer/Public Space (AILA) in Español, Chinese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, & Punjabi
Indivisible’s Immigration News Resources
Indivisible’s Immigrant Ally Toolkit
Tisp for attending protests and rallies and advice for white allies
Look up ICE detention centers here
Internet security: FB centric, basic computer security, more elaborate
Organizations to Join/Support:
Use the Informed Immigrant to find groups near you, find legal aid, and join the fight!  
Pueblos Sin Fronteras provides humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees. Donate here.
Al Otro Lado is a bi-national, direct legal services organization serving indigent deportees/migrants/refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Donate here.
The Florence Project provides free legal services to adults and unaccompanied children in imm. custody in Arizona. Donate here.
Border Angels serves San Diego County’s immigrant population through various migrant outreach programs such as Day Laborer outreach, a free legal assistance program, and more. Donate here.
RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas. Donate here.
The Immigrant Children’s Assistance Project is an American Bar Association project currently helping unaccompanied children in South Texas w/ knowing their rights. Donate here.
United We Dream is the largest immigrant-youth led group in the USA, and their site provides news, event info, as well as guides and toolkits for fighting the system, protecting LGBTQ immigrants, and taking care of your mental health. Donate here.
The Black Alliance for Just Immigration “educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social, and economic justice.” Donate here.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is one of the largest civil rights and advocacy organizations dedicated to fighting against discrimination against Muslims. Click here to donate to the national organization or a specific campaign, or click here to find your local CAIR chapter (which needs your support as much/even more).
CUNY CLEAR provides representation and rights training to Muslim communities targeted by law enforcement. Donate here.
Families for Freedom fights on behalf of families facing deportation. “We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation.�� Donate here.
The Immigrant Defense Project uses impact litigation, advocacy, and public education to fight to stop mass deportations and an unjust immigration system. Donate here.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national resource center that helps train immigration lawyers and advocates on the local, state and federal level. Donate here.
The International Rescue Committee works to provide aid to people affected by humanitarian crises. You can donate to specifically support U.S. refugee resettlement programs re: Trump’s Muslim Ban here, and see other ways to get involved (volunteering/calling reps) here.
The International Refugee Assistance Project works to organize lawyers and law students to fight for the human and legal rights of refugees through legal aid and policy advocacy. For legal help click here, and to donate click here.
Make the Road New York uses policy advocacy, organizing, education, and survival services (including workforce training and adult education) to improve the lives of immigrants—in particular Latino and working class communities—in NYC. Donate here, get involved here.
Mariposas Sin Fronteras works with LGBTQ people detained in immigration facilities and works to get vulnerable detainees out on bond. Donate here.
MPower Change does grassroots organizing, campaigning, and storytelling to empower Muslim communities in the USA. Donate here.
National Immigration Law Center works for the rights of low-income immigrants through impact legislation, policy analysis and advocacy, communications, and education programs. Donate here.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project offers legal services directly to immigrants with its network of 350 pro-bono attorneys. Donate here.
Remember, one person alone can’t do everything, so please take care of yourself and each other - but if we all do a little, we can make a difference together!
Captions for the Pewter call scripts under the cut, as well as a list of pro-bono legal aid and therapist volunteers organized by Joanna Rothkopf.
Tips for calling your electeds, especially if you’re leaving a VM
If you’re leaving a voicemail, make sure you clearly state your name and where you are calling from. (Zip, etc.)
Make sure you have a concrete ask, or specify a specific opinion. Imagine a staffer asking: “What’s the best outcome/resolution for you?” and frame your comment that way. E.g. If you want them to specifically oppose an amendment, say that, and explain why.
Always clarify if you would like a response, and leave a way for the office to reach you. (Phone number, email, etc.)
If you have another issue, bring it up on the phone at the time. Always personalize your comments.
For Cruz/Cornyn constituents on the TX detention facilities: (06/18, tweaked by OP)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zıp code]. You: I am calling today to ask [Cruz/Cornyn] take a stand... 
Opposing the detention facilities for young people in Texas, and
To also oppose the DHS’s overall zero tolerance policy.
You: The horrific conditions being experienced by these children are absolutely unacceptable, and betray the values of our state.
You: <Insert optional comments here>
You: Furthermore, I am also calling on [Cruz/Cornyn] to support their colleague Senator Feinstein’s Keep Families Together Act. President Trump has clearly and repeatedly stated he would support a bill to keep families together, so I expect [Cruz/Cornyn] to follow the GOP agenda.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points for Texas residents re: local/state electeds re: the detention facilities (06/13)
What did the city/county/state know about these proposals to hold children in warehouses, with limited access to fresh air? Does local city/county/state official condone these practices?
If yes: does [official] understand that these kids are in conditions that are comparable to what certain criminals experience in jail?
If no: great. How will [elected] address this with their federal counterparts? I do not support facilities like these, and want [elected] to exert all possible pressure with their federal counterparts.
Will [elected] come out with a public statement condemning these facilities?
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTEPEWTER
For House/Senators re: DHS’s Zero tolerance policy (opening investigations) Talking points post-Trump executive order (6/20)
The Executive Order would only create family detention centers which would continue to lead to expanded camps.
The executive order doesn't offer recourse for reuniting already- separated families The EO gives wide discretion to DHS Secretary Nielsen
Crossing the border will be deemed a criminal violation, vs. a civil one (which will lead to parents being charged criminally; and children likely being taken)
The EO doesn't address asylum seekers, and will still prohibit anyone seeking asylum under domestic violence/gang violence from seeking asylum
The House bill (Border Security and Immigration Reform Act) will also not fully address these concerns.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: the DOJ/DHS following Trump's Executive Order signing (6/20)
Ask the DOJ/DHS stop lying about the origins of zero tolerance policy - it's well documented it's a Trump Administration policy
Stop using Flores to justify this policy.
Stop saying it's about the wall. Democrats have actually offered funding for the wall before (during the DACA debate) and the GOP/Trump Administration passed. This is NOT about the wall
Per news reports this morning, DHS thought the zero tolerance policy would deter border crossings. According to public documents sited by outlets like the Hill, crossings have actually gone up, including crossings by unaccompanied minor children
The Executive order doesn't have a recourse for how families will be reunited. How will the DOJ/DHS address this?
Stop insisting this is up to Congress to act - this is a DHS/DOJ created problem
Call your SENATORS post-Trump's executive order signing re: family separation (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code} You: I am calling to ask Senators to continue to do everything in their legislative power to address the DHS/DOJ's zero tolerance policy. You: This week's executive order does not adequately solve the problem of family separation; it just creates family detention centers, and doesn't address the overarching problem. You: We also need clarity on how this executive order helps the children who have already been separated. The administration is claiming 500 kids have been reunited. When will we get proof? When is this rumored staging ground in Texas supposed to be complete?
Dem Senators: Finally, I'd like to call on [Senator] to continue to express support for Feinstein's Keep Families Together Act. GOP Senators: I am calling on [Senator] to support Feinstein's Keep Families Together. You: <Additional comments>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call both chambers re: asking for Secretary Nielsen's resignation (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]. You: I am calling on [elected] to issue a public statement to ask for Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation. Not only has she been complicit in helping the Trump Administration institute their new zero tolerance policy, she has lied repeatedly to the public on the policy, and what it does and doesn't do. You: I am calling on [elected] to follow in congressional colleague Senator Kamala Harris's footsteps, and call for Secretary Nielsen's resignation immediately. You: <insert optional comment>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to direct the national guard to NOT send resources to the border (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to please follow Governor Baker of Massachusetts, by instructing the national guard to not deploy to the US-Mexico border. The National Guard cannot and should not be used to further assist in enforcing the Zero Tolerance policy being enacted by the Trump Administration.
You: I am also calling on [GOVERNOR] to commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado, prohibiting any state resources from being used to asssist the Trump Administration's efforts to enforce the zero tolerance policy. I understand it's largely ceremonial, but I want [GOVERNOR] to commit to taking a stand.
You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: JAG corps allegedly being assigned to try cases at the border (06/22)
JAG lawyers have different rules to follow than civilian lawyers. How can we be sure they'll follow proper procedure when trying cases? How will any appeals process on behalf of the defendant be impacted (if applicable) given that military and civilian appeals are different?
WHY are we letting DHS/HHS utilize DOD resources, for something that is strictly in DHS/HHS territory? What is the justification?
Should we not be concerned we're allowing military personnel to handle civilian affairs? This is conflating multiple departments and cross issues.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to continue issuing directives to NOT support border efforts + support their requests for clarity on children in their respective states (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to continue to refuse to utilize any state resources that would help the federal government's zero tolerance policy. [GOVERNOR] should commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado.
If there are children in your state: I am also calling on [Governor] to continue to be vocal on the need to get accurate numbers on how many children are in our state, and where these facilities are. I ask [Governor] to do everything in their power to tour these facilities. Accountability is needed. You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your local electeds to request a resolution condemning the zero tolerance policy/family separation (6/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [address/zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to please endorse a resolution that makes clear [CITY] does not condone the Trump Administration's current immigration practices, including family separation, family detention centers, and the refusal to provide asylum to those who are seeking it under domestic violence and gang violence.
You: Yesterday's federal executive order does little to solve the problem. Families are still separated, and the executive order only opens up the pathway to family detention centers.
You: I am calling on [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to show what our city stands for, and take a stand. You: <insert optional comment here>
Call your Attorneys general, and ask them to join the multi-state lawsuit. (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling on [AG] to join the other state attorneys generals who are planning on suing the Trump Administration to compel reunification for the 2.3K children separated from their families.
You: As Maryland's AG Frosh confirmed in an interview: the executive order does not adequately address the problems that have resulted in family separation; including how to reunite the families, and the government appears to not have a concrete plan.
You: Please sign onto the lawsuit and compel the administration to act.
You: <insert optional comment>
Find your AG: http://www.naag.org/naag/attorneys- general/whos-my-ag.php
Ted Colquett, Birmingham, AL -  [email protected], (205) 245-4370
Morgan Petriello, Los Angeles, CA - [email protected], (323) 651-2577
Elleni Kalouris, Chicago suburbs, IL - [email protected]
Muni Olia, Philadelphia, PA - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - [email protected]
Ruth Durack, MSW, Peoria, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Lauren Fallon, LCSW, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Jennifer Goldstein, Chicago, IL - Therapist - [email protected]
Gloria Jetter, LMSW, New York, NY - Social Worker - [email protected]
Note: These attorneys and therapists/psychiatrists were shared via Jezebel, and have not been vetted by the website; their inclusion on the list is by request.If you are an attorney or therapist who would like to offer your services to immigrants and refugees pro-bono, email Joanna Rothkopf with your contact information at [email protected]. The descriptions I found for many of these resources are also courtesy of Rothkopf and Pewter.
Please consider boosting this post, @phonescripts​, @justsomeantifas​, and @nativenews​! 
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