#exposing lila prompt
trashyangelic · 4 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐀 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥, +𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘢 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘵
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Takes Place on Heroes Day!
CREDIT BY @trashyangelic! Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet.
Aurore was about to go to the news building to broadcast the weather with Mirelle but told her that she will be held back something caught her attention.
At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi this made her quite suspicious about her and took her phone to select an app for recording. She carefully followed Lila to where she is going.
Aurore wasn't happy with Lila for ruining Marinette's reptuation back in school. She will make sure that girl won't be a bother to Marinette anymore unlike Alya who doesn't fact check on her blog. Time to catch the fox. But I need to be careful not getting caught by that liar. How dare she bully Marinette into keeping quiet. After hearing rants from Marc that Adrien told Marinette to take a high road. That is a horrible advice. Who side is Adrien on? She thought to herself.
She continue following Lila not afar but not too close she doesn't want Lila to get too suspicious. Then she walked to a dark alley where she used that shortcut to go to school. She lean against the trash can when turning on the recording but kept her phone on silent. Then heard another thump on the ground it really startled her but kept calm.
"Ah finally you showed up, Hawkmoth." Lila said annoyanced. "Keep it down, Ms. Rossi. What do you want?" Hawkmoth scowl at the girl they don't realize the phone recording them and their conversations. The conversation became very dark about Marinette it really concern Aurore the most then saw that Hawkmoth detransform into Gabriel Agreste. She jaw dropped but pissed this whole time it was Adrien's father who is the villain of their home. Oh I am is definitately showing this to Nadja about what I have discovered but they are not going to be very happy when they watch it from my phone. Aurore thought to herself. Then continue watching how their conversation lead to where there will be a mass akumatized in her school but Lila had a plan to get Marinette framed for what she didn't do.
Then Mr. Agreste turn back into Hawkmoth and departed away as Lila begin to walk out of the other side of the alley way to a photoshoot. "Can't be late for the photoshoot." Lila muttered to herself not realizing that she had got herself caught by none other than Aurore who looks angry but kept calm she doesn't want to get akumatized for nothing.
After a couple hours later, Aurore send a copy to Sabrina but warned her to send this to her father for a full arrest on two people but tells her to watch the recording video she had discovered when following Lila but much detail of when hearing from her classmate about Lila going for photoshoot. Then also send a copy to Lila's mother who she found online at the Embassy website turns out Lila lied about her mother's job she send this to her email which has the .gov instead of .com from what Chloe complied back in school with Marinette and Sabrina earlier.
Aurore had a feeling that Lila's mother is going to be pissed when watching the recording but also giving her details on what her daughter has done in the school as in Collège Françoise Dupont by linking the ladyblog first post.
Then she went back to the TV News Buildings and informed the manager and Nadja what she had discovered but she had a feeling they will respond from shock to anger later. "Sorry I'm late. I got held back. But you won't believe what I discovered, I had to put a video recording on their conversation. I found out who is Hawkmoth and he has a accomplice who goes to the same school as Mirelle, Marinette and I. Please watch this video on my phone you'd be shock who is Hawkmoth." Aurore said explaining her part which surprised the manager and shock Nadja.
As the Manager and Nadja both looked at each other but nodded so they let Aurore play the clip as both begin to watch.
Don't be a ghost reader! But also comment if you want the next chapter!
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mcheang · 2 years
I have a prompt idea! So a rich kid transfers into DuPont who is the son of the prime minister or something. He can be bratty like Chloe and deceitful like Lila. The first thing he does is put Chloe in her place since her dad can’t do anything to him and exposes Lila as the liar she is with the help from his connections.But here’s the kicker, he has a massive crush on Marinette. But she has a massive crush on Adrien, someone he looks down on. Cue jealousy and retribution. Basically Adrien gaining an antagonist of his own because if he can have FOUR girls getting into a cat fight of her (two of whom are nasty bullies) then Marinette can have her own evil love interest. Bonus points if he is beginning to endear to Marinette after standing up to her bullies.
Remy Gusteau
Can you guess where I got his name? But I imagine him to look like Draco Malfoy if he has to keep saying “My father….” Lol
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Your prompt is the first in a long while that has given my that old flair of imagination :D Thank you. Also, for anyone else who wants to send me a prompt, note I have not watched the latest season yet as I am waiting for all episodes to air first. So no spoilers please.
The only reason Remy even agreed to go to Paris after the rise of Hawkmoth was because it was the capital of gastronomy.
Even so, he refused to stay as a guest at the Le Grand Paris. There is no way he is staying in the same hotel as that bully Chloe. Honestly why Ladybug even let her remain a hero after she purposefully endangered a train full of Parisians is beyond him. And ever since he saw her purposefully sabotage a cooking show, he has been asking his father why her father was even still mayor if he could not even raise his daughter properly.
Even so, the mayor personally welcomed Remy at the airport.
Mayor: my daughter attends Dupont too, she can be your tour guide.
Remy: I certainly hope she learned to improve her personality. It doesn’t look good on France if the mayor of our capital has a bully for a daughter.
The mayor paled at the threat. “Of course she has improved. Why else would Ladybug give her a miraculous again?”
Remy: I guess we’ll see.
Later that night, Andre begged his daughter to be on her best behavior because otherwise, it might cost him his job.
Naturally Chloe was appalled. She started to protest when even her mother agreed with Andre. “It would never do for my darling to lose his job. All Chloe has to do is act nice in front of the prime minister’s boy, right? That’s easy to do. Chloe, if you can’t handle even this much, ask your sister for advice.”
The next day Chloe went out of her way to greet Remy and did not even give Sabrina orders…only to be ignored by Remy.
Ugh. Who did he think he is?
Sabrina: Um, the prime minister’s son?
The only seat left available was next to Ivan, right in front of Lila.
As Caline told Remy that Marinette would be his tour guide, Lila volunteered instead.
Lila: Oh, I can do it. As the ambassador’s daughter, I’m sure Marinette would has a lot to do anyway.
Marinette scowled at Lila. And she wasn’t the only one.
Remy himself was not happy. He recognised Marinette because of her parents and uncle. He had actually been looking forward to discuss recipes with her. Why did that nobody have to butt in?
Well that nobody was Lila, and clearly she never heard of personal space. For someone supposed to be giving a tour of the classrooms and teachers, she sure talked a lot about herself instead.
Don’t tell him that everybody actually indulged her like this?
Later that day, after class ended, he asked Caline why she does not try reining in Lila’s tall tales.
Caline: Lila has a special disease. She didn’t want her classmates to see her differently because of it.
Remy stared cooly at this dumb woman. “Hmm. Do you know something, I’ve heard the other students tell me I was in the akuma class. I thought perhaps it might be due to Chloe but perhaps you have something to do with it too. I wonder if I should ask my father to bring an inspector here.”
Caline: If you think it’s needed. I have only ever encouraged my students to forgive each other.
Remy: right, which is why you never told your class they were being lied to by Lila and denied them the chance to forgive her.
True to his word, Remy did bring an inspector around, and was he thorough! Marinette’s previous expulsion case was brought up and both Damocles and Caline were fired for mishandling the case. Remy even forced them to apologize to Marinette. Some, including Adrien, might protest this was harsh, but Remy drily pointed out that Caline’s method of forgiving bullies without punishing them was called enabling. Did she expect them to forgive Hawkmoth too? And Damocles is not supposed to turn school property into some cheap owl cave, nor punish the school for Chloe’s misdeeds. They were like children in the bodies of adults.
Oh, and Lila was exposed too. She had to confess her special ability to the whole school, outing her as someone who likes to tell tall tales.
Understandably, akumas appeared. Curiously though, they never got much chance to cause chaos. Mainly because the no-nonsense inspector and Remy struck them in the head once the transformation had finished, giving them no time to react, and proceeded to keep hitting them till they passed out.
Everyone stared at them.
Remy: What? The miraculous cure will fix everything.
And Remy finally got to discuss baking with Marinette! He just didn’t understand why she was so fixated on Adrien Agreste. The model reminded Remy of Caline, always about forgiving bullies. Spoken like someone who has never been bullied himself!
He just has to help Marinette see that Adrien isn’t worth her time. Some planned situations to show how useless the boy is. Good thing he has the mayor’s daughter at his beck and call. And he just knows she is dying to be mean again.
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jayphoenic · 1 year
MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations
A Bakers Daughter by @ladyanput
This doesn't actually have a title
“You’re not walking away from this, Marinette! If you need harrassing Lila like this, you’ll get arrested! Get it in your head! Adrien doesn’t want you! He would never want a baker’s daughter, someone so useless and uninspiring! You’ll never reach great heights, Lila does! Lila has more talent grace in one pinky, than you have in your entire being! You’ll always be a nobody and you need to learn to deal with that.”
All This After a Monkey Tries to Steal Marinette’s Purse by @cornholio4
“Dad, I can explain…” Alya replied while trying to think of an explanation that sounded somewhat believable.
“I sent Marinette to our house to wait for either of us, I want you home within half an hour to take over for the babysitting duties that you were supposed to be doing anyway! I will try and be home shortly to have a talk with you!” Otis told him sternly and Alya looked down sadly having to tell Nino and Adrien that she has to get home with them looking concerned.
FACT CHECK by @spooky-z
“Marinette, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Act like nothing is wrong. I didn’t know you could be that cold and calculating.” She caught everyone’s attention again, especially Marinette.
Marinette sighed, her elbow resting on the table, she laid her head on her palm. There was an air of boredom around her. Chloe, Sabrina and Nathaniel with unimpressed looks on their faces.
New York Special Salt: Confrontation by @nobodyfamousposts
Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.
“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”
He glared.
“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”
Exposed by @miraculousbelladonna
She is still absolutely going to have words with her bestie later, but she doesn’t think twice about posting the life changing video onto her blog.
All she’s thinking about is how it’s so cool that she’s the one who found Ladybugs identity. It’s so cool that she’s the one who’s revealing it. It’s so cool that her best friend, Marinette, is Ladybug. Her views are going to go through the roof. Television channels are going to be talking about this, they’re going to be calling her and asking to use her footage.
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I just wanted to say how much I love this account. As someone who's been very open about their dislike for Marinette, it's great seeing prompts where she's the one getting salted on.
I have a few ideas for prompts if people want to expand on them:
• Typically in student transfer fics, it's Marinette going to a different class/school. I'd love to see the potential of Adrien being the one who changes class/school. Whether it's because he was thrown under the bus for knowing Lila's lies or because he learned Marinette was stalking him and he didn't feel safe being that close to her anymore. Like, even switching seats isn't enough for him to feel comfortable since she may also ask to switch seats or partner up with him for group projects. And what do you know, he actually flourishes in his new class/school.
If we want to go for an angstier route: with the thrown out of the bus option, his "friends" start ignoring him. It starts off that way at least, but then they begin to bad mouth him, maybe even bully him. Either way, it gets to him and shows in his work. It's one of those extremely rare times when Gabriel is actually a good dad. And seeing how upset and stressed his son is over this, he has him pulled from the class/school and put into a new one. There is no threat this time, because he knows doing it this time would be helping Adrien.
• I've said it in my own account and I'll say it here, give me Amazon Marinette. There is potential there. But noooo, she has to go the BatFam. A past ladybug miraculous wielder is close by, but no, have her go the vigilantes of Gotham.
Well, how about we actually see her get training by said past ladybug miraculous wielder. And during her training, Diana, aka Wonder Woman, captures her with her lasso of truth. From there they find things out that make them question if Marinette should even be Ladybug.
Meanwhile, in Gotham, Chat Noir is having a blast doing some crime with his new Catmom.
• While she's expelled, Marinette makes social media account (MDC) where she posts her fashion designs and rants about her personal life. She goes on and on about what's going on while keeping everything vague and anonymous. She eventually gets back into DuPont but continues the account anyways.
She's happy when people side with her, but when people don't she gets upset and blocks them before making a new post about how people never side with her. Everything she writes about is from her own perspective. She's the one who got hurt the most. She's the one who people ignored. She's the one who tried to tell the truth only for people to tell her she was wrong. People should feel bad for her. And they do.
Until someone begins to break down her posts. They spill details she omitted or exaggerated to fit her story. They spill how, for someone who tried to say hard to show her crush she loved him and make him realize he loved her how she loved him, she did a good job at stalking him. This makes people question MDC and more people begin to call her out. Some people even begin to see through the cracks and realize MDC is Marinette.
Marinette tries everything she can to recover from this. But she can't. And in one last ditch effort, she messages the account who first exposed her, asking why they did it. What did they have to gain from this? Easy. You messed with my cousin, Marinette. The only person I care about other than my mother. And with that, she knows who found her out. Felix.
I just think there should be a story where Marinette used her alias, MDC, to say things she wouldn't as Marinette online, because she feels that safety of being behind a screen. She's not expecting to be cancelled because of how popular MDC is. So when she is, she tries to do everything she can to get things under control, but is unsuccessful. And it's Felix because he has the skills to do so and is the one person who has no prior relationship with her. They've never met. They're not friends. They're not even enemies prior to this.
If it were, say, Chloe, it'd be more likely that people would side with MDC. Because she can bring up how Chloe always bullied her. Marinette can't say anything about Felix, because they never interacted. He knows that. She has nothing on him that won't reveal something she doesn't want to be revealed. Whether he knows this or not is unclear.
Hello to you too! Thank you for sharing your ideas BTW, it's great that there are people who want to come up with thier own salt prompts, considering the amount of different ways a prompt can go!
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miraculousfanworks · 5 months
Writing Prompt: "Ladybug is Who??"
Crack fic that is Set in season 5, where Lila was already exposed, rumors start to go around that Lila is Ladybug. Of course this reaches Chat Noir and the rest of the team who currently don’t have a miraculous. Betrayed, Chat decides to get the team together to help defeat Ladybug. Alya tries her best without giving anything away that she isn’t Ladybug, yet no one believes her.
Rena Rouge: I’m telling you, Lila is not Ladybug!!! Chat Noir: Oh really, and how do you know?? Rena: I just do!! Chat this is ridiculous!! Chat: No you’re ridiculous!!! Everyone else: Yea! Rena: Ugh… Chat: We are going to take her miraculous and give it to someone who rightfully deserves it…Marinette!! She was great as Multimouse, she would be an amazing Ladybug! Everyone agrees Rena: …I’m done…
Prompt by: Mickeyfan1
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howhow326 · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug: season 4 Alya sugar fic (based on the Alya exposes Lila's secrets prompt that I made)
Alya pov
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"... Anansi has been rigging her wrestling matches! It's the only reason why she's made it as far as she has." was the only thing Alya needed to hear to send off alarm bells throughout her whole body. Why would Lila say something that wasn't true? Alya tried to correct her friend, thinking it had to be some type of mistake. At first, Lila was surpised her latest gossip target had a sister, but held fast to the truthfulness of her 'sources'. Alya tried to correct her again, and Lila got defensive over her friend 'attacking' her. Alya tried to fact check Lila one last time, then the green eyed monster finnally retaliated. All she had to claim was Alya harassing her and Kim, Nino, and Ms. Bustier swiftly came to her defence.
Within the blink of an eye, Alya landed in detention. Alone in her punishment, but togather with Marinette who had been a recent victim of the lying new girl. As her real friend comforted her, Alya finnaly realized her real mistake... how could Lila be friends with Maribug if she met her the same time as me? Alya finnaly gleaned the truth that Marinette had been warnning her for so long, and despite Marinette's affirmations of her being guiltless, Alya couldn't help but feel that this whole mess was her fault. What kind of journalist am I to be fooled by a school girl...
That's when a Light bulb appeared above her head. Alya is exactly the kind of journalist to solve this mess, and she will if it's the last thing she does. As soon as she got home, Alya began scowering the internet for every and any truth of Lila's claims. As she took more and more notes, she began to learn Lila's real specialty: half truths. All the photos she wowed the class of her meeting with Jagged Stone and traveling the world were real, but the "special connections" she claimed to have were all as fake as her hair. That was the real reason why Lila asked everyone to keep some of the things she said between classmates, it stopped anyone from reaching the truth. As Alya started getting ready for bed, Trixx whispered a devious plan into her ear. Normally, Alya would never agree to using the miraculous to spread a falsehood, but this mirage might be just what she needs to reveal the truth...
The next day at school was much the same; Ms. Bustier was forcing the class to write an eassy analyzing the theme of love in the popular children's book series, Hubert Porter, written by JC Bowling. Because of some of the research Alya did last night, she knew that Bustier and Bowling were the same person. She gussed that it isn't a crime to teach a class based on a book you wrote, but it was starting to get suspicious when Bustier did it three times in a row and ended each class by giving extra credit to the students who donated to the charity of her choice, a conservative group located in Florida of U.S.A.
"... and just the other day, Jagged Stone asked me to come with him on his latest tour! He got so sad when I had to tell him no!" Lila lied. Alya was almost impressed with how good the Italian was at doing it; Jagged went on tour just three days ago, but Alya was sure that he never asked Lila to come with him. Now's the time, Alya thought to herself. She go out of her seat and confronted Lila.
"Do you have any proof that Jagged Stone asked you to come with him on his tour" Alya flatly asked. Marinette got up to reel her back, but Alya gave her a look that said she has everything under control. Of course, Lila pulled her usual: she claimed that Alya was bullying her and that she just wanted to be friends. Kim jumped to her defence, as Lila filled the void that Chloe left when she went on extended vacation with her grandmother. That void being "evil chick that he can make googoo eyes at". Nino, who had started to hang out with Lila more then he was around Alya by the day, also jumped to the Italian's defense. He lectured Alya on all the ways he was "disappointed in her" and the like. Just as Ms. Bustier was about to send Alya to detention, she pulled out her trump card. "Lila's lying, and she admitted to it here!" Alta pulled out a voice recorder and pressed play. "If course I'm lying, and you can't do anything about it!" Lila's voice vindictively said.
And just like that, the class erupted into chaos. Nino got re-akumatized into Rocketear and targeted Lila for "breaking my heart". When it was over, the class all sang their swan songs to Marinette and Alya for believing some new girl over them. Except Nino, who seemed to think he was entitled to his girlfriend's forgiveness. Yeah no, their relationship is on hold and Alya is going to be too busy to come to the phone rifht now, but Nino was welcomed to leave a message. And he did. Like a lot. Alya regretted even making that suggestion. As usual, Ms. Bustier was the last person to get the hint and tried to punish Alya for (???) but this time Marinette came prepared. She discovered their lovesick teacher had fled Britain from a little too many taxes, and that was all that was needed to get her fired. After Alya learned that her choice of charity was a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist organization, she considered it good riddance.
And as for Lila, she quitely disappeared like she usually did with no sign of coming back. Good, Alya thought to herself, no one messes with my friends and gets away with it. To make sure no one forgot, Alya posted her experience onto the Ladyblog, where the truth would be known for years to come.
I challenged myself to use less dialogue in this fic and I hope you enjoy it!
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alien-slushie · 2 years
Class sugar and Lila salt prompt! One of the classmates becomes their inner wereanimal (painful transformation, non-feral mindset). Lila sees it and lies to everyone that the monster (the transformed classmate) is a danger and must be put down. But the class would rather try to save the person instead (much to Lila’s frustration). Obviously, the classmate is cured and Lila is exposed.
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Disclaimer: I don't hate any MLB characters, salt drama is just funny, and I want to get my writing enthusiasm back. Don't like, don't read. And any hate comments that are not constructive criticism will be laughed at and then ignored so don't waste your own time.
Thank you for the prompt(s). I'm pretty sure they are from the same person, because they came pretty close together, so I combined these two. If not, well, sorry. This is not my best work, and was kind of rushed, sorry.
Contains: Lila Salt, Canon Typical Violence, Mentioned/Implied Putting Down/Death, Not Beta Read, Akuma Typical Body Modification/Mutation, One Cuss Word,
Title: 'Were' the Lies were Exposed
Nobody was quite sure what had happened. One moment they were walking down the street as a class, intent on going to the park to surprise Marinette with a party for her latest third place victory in a local fashion contest(against much older and more experienced designers mind you), but also as a ‘Thank You’ for all the hard work she did daily for their class, the next Marinette was shoving Juleka out of the way, getting an akuma absorbed into the pen she had tucked into her ear. 
The akuma’s energy bubbled and oozed while Marinette fought, trying desperately to fight the akuma’s hold, but Hawkmoth must have done something to it because she just couldn’t shake its effects completely. The one thing she was thankful for was that she seemed to be keeping her head, and was very much in control of her thoughts and actions. Her bones started popping, and an animalistic whine escaped her throat, her limbs twisting to accommodate the akumatized form while soft fur sprouted across her body. Marinette choked on painful whines as the transformation finally stopped.
The class gaped at their class president’s new form. She was much taller now, matching Ivan’s height, her legs bent like that of an animal’s haunches, with sharp clawed feet and hands. Her face and head were animalistic tiger-like, like the third or fourth picture of an Animorph book cover. Fur took up where had once been skin, but not the usual orange or white fur on a natural tiger, her fur was ladybug red, and the stripes that cascaded down her body we a blue hued black, with dashes of white around her muzzle, chest, and chin. Most noticeable was the now bushy red and blue-black striped tail that sprouted from her tail bone, and her human ears that were larger and rounded, with noticeable white spots on the back. 
Marinette opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a gargled half growl sound that caused her friends to jump in fright, with her softer classmates taking a few steps away. Hurt flared in Marinette’s chest before she remembered the predicament she was in. Her head bowed, ears twitching like they wanted to fold back while her tail drooped.
“M-Marinette?” Juleka stuttered, trying to gauge if her akumatized friend, and savior, was a threat or not. Whiskered twitching, Marinette turned towards her, blinking slit pupiled yellow eyes at her. 
“Girl you in there?” Alya asked, stepping towards her friend and grabbing her claw-hand. In place of a purr, Marinette let out an odd cuff sound, her tail twitching happily. Alya grinned at her. “No way! Hawkmoth transformed you but don’t seem to be under his control at all! I knew my best friend was badass but dang!” She reached up to pet her friend's new furry head, getting a pleased cuff sound in return. 
That seemed to break the tension as the class then relaxed, Juleka was quick to hug Marinette, stammering ‘thank you’s and ‘I’m sorry’s. Alix and Nathan were taking selfies with their akumatized friend, her cuffing fondly at them and played along. Mylene was tentatively running her hand over her tail, amazed by the softness, while her boyfriend and Kim were comparing her new height, Kim in particular wanted an arm wrestle seeing as Marinette seemed to get some extra muscle. Nino was quickly writing a new script while Adrien’s back acted as his table, the DJ/Movie Director hopeful getting a flash of inspiration and Adrien not minding since no one was in immediate danger. 
“Are you crazy!” Lila simpered, drawing the class attention to herself. “Marinette just turned into a beast! We need to call Animal control!”
“Girl, it's fine.” Alya sighed. “We just have to find Ladybug or Chat Noir so they can dispel the Akuma.”
“How are you so sure she's an akuma?” Lila balled her hands into fists. “Ladybug told me that there was no way a person could shake off an akuma, much less transform but not be under Hawkmoth’s control! As her /best friend/ she tells me everything!”
“We saw the akuma, Lila.” Juleka said softly, glaring at the italian, whom she blamed for the situation. She was the one who upset Juleka in the first place, if Lila hadn't said that Marinette would have won if she had a professional model(ie not Juleka like she had) then the shy model to-be wouldn't have gotten upset enough to summon an Akuma. 
“Well she maybe just hasn’t met someone strong enough to do it then.” Adrien chimed in. “I mean, Ladybug is human, she doesn’t know everything about everything, and its wrong to assume she does.”
“Or Marinette just isn’t human.” Lila huffed in frustration. 
Alix laughed. “You can’t honestly believe Marinette has been an actual weretiger this whole time and exposed herself to fight an akuma.”
Lila glared at the girl. “Its possible!” She screeched. “Which is why we have to call animal control to come put her down or something!”
“That isn’t funny Lila.” Mylene chided.
“I’m not joking! She’s a danger to all of us!” Lila huffed and grabbed her phone, but Nathan swiped it from her hands before she could dial a single number. “Give me my phone back!”
“No.” Nathan shook his head, handing the phone to Alix to keep safe.
“Sorry to interrupt.” A tiny voice squeaked, drawing everyone’s attention upwards, where a small floating bug kwami floated. “Ladybug is in a every important exam, and since this young lady isn’t a danger she send me out to dispose of the akuma. So if one of you could break that pen.”
“On it!” Kim said, recovering the fastest from seeing Ladybug’s kwami. He snatched the pen from Marinette’s ear and snapped over his knee, wincing at the sharp glare he got from the tiger turned girl. “I will buy you a new one.” He promised. 
As Marinette turned back, the transformation just as painful as before, Alya and Juleka pressed against her in comfort, the rest of the class watched at the kwami gulped up the akuma, spitting out a purified one that fluttered away with ease. 
“This had been bothering me for a while,” Alix chimed, grabbing the kwami’s attention before she could fly back to Ladybug. “Is Ladybug friends with any civilians.” The pink haired girl glanced at Lila, who stopped stewing in her anger long enough to panic. 
A very serious face befell the kwami. “No. Understand that Ladybug befriending a civilian, even privately, is extremely dangerous. It puts them, and herself in grave danger. Even in her private life shes extremely careful with who she befriends. If you know someone saying they are friends with her, please stop them. It’s a lie and it can cause them great harm.” She advised before flying away. 
“I wonder what else Lila has been lying about.” Adrien prodded, and the class turned to the Italian, but she had booked it down the street during the kwami’s speech and was nowhere to be seen.
Alya sighed. “We’ll deel her her later. Right now lets go to the party we set up for my best friend!” She smiled at Marinette, who smiled back with a small wince.
“Can we get an Ice pack on the way?” She asked carefully. “Everything hurts.” She admitted, pulling a few laughs from her friends. “I am not kidding.”
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fabrowrites · 4 months
For the ask game: you've got an improbable number of fics I'm not caught up on, so here comes a great big shiny
Hi Lila! tysm! you get the director's cut of Dosimetry!
Together they don their suits, gather their equipment, and ascend the ladder to the topside. Golden light floods down on them from seemingly everywhere at once, leaving no shadows to hide in. Kai’s breath hitches as the ruined point of Borg Tower rises into view. He hasn’t returned since that fateful day. or: Kai and Nya at the end of the world
So Dosimetry was originally written for a writing prompt challenge of "write about a ninja merging with their element." I chose Lloyd :D
The story takes place in an alternate s3, specifically canon-divergent post Enter the Digiverse. We open in media res with Kai and Nya, because I'm predictable XD
“I’m going up,” Kai says, throwing his jacket onto the bed as he enters their shared room.
Two things immediately:
"I'm going up" creates a "below" where Kai and the reader are
He's sharing a room with someone, implying (a) a lack of space and/or (b) a desire to be close to someone else.
Behind him, Nya’s pen clatters to the table.   “I’m coming too.” Kai freezes.  “No,” he says, spinning around.  “No, you can’t.  You don’t have any powers.” Nya gives him a sharp glare.  “Like fire is going to protect you out there,” she retorts, standing.
Dew from NWoD actually commented on this when she was reading Dosimetry, but there's not very much setting or description at the beginning (or really for the whole fic). This is due to the fact that I am (a) bad at descriptions, (b) limited by the challenge's word count, and (c) actually trying to create a sense of emptiness and utility.
Kai shoves the manhole cover aside.  Golden light floods down on them from seemingly everywhere at once, leaving no shadows to hide in.  It sets off his EPD counter’s mechanical clicking – slow, good.  It’s impossible not to trigger it on the topside, but as long as it stays this slow, they’re safe. Well, as safe as one can be when exposed to the criticality.
a little nod to the s3 manhole scene! we're also dropping some more terms that, if you combine them with the title, might start to paint a picture of what's going on.
It’s not the criticality.  Their counters would be going haywire if it were.  But there’s more than just exposure to worry about on the topside – only the desperate linger up here, and he edges in front of Nya, reaching for his sword.  Fire is dangerous here, bright and bold and full of energy as it is.  Behind him, he hears Nya readying her chakram.
This is just me begging Lego to let Nya use chakram again pls pls she'd be so cool
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Click. Click, click, click click clickclick clickclickclickclickclick – Kai’s head snaps up.  His horrified eyes find Nya’s. Light as bright as the sun, light that burns a hole through the universe.  Light that thralls, that dazzles, that kills.
aw ye here we go! it's criticality time baby :D I actually really like how I formatted this part back when I was experimenting with Transfiguration compared to ao3.
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In case it hasn't come together for you yet, we're dealing with an entire nuclear disaster situation here :D
You can actually blame Markiplier for this one, like the dominoes meme. I watched his video playing the Liquidators a summer ago and was hooked (here's my plug to go watch Kyle Hill on YouTube if you want to follow me down this rabbit hole XD) As explained by Wikipedia, which does it much better than I can:
Criticality occurs when sufficient fissile material (a critical mass) accumulates in a small volume such that each fission, on average, produces a neutron that in turn strikes another fissile atom causing another fission; this causes the chain reaction to become self-sustaining within the mass of material.
A critical mass accumulated in a small volume.
All the energy of creation, merged with one small body.
(Dosimetry, by the way, is "the measurement, calculation and assessment of the ionizing radiation dose absorbed by an object, usually the human body" - Wikipedia, emphasis added by me.)
A boy with unseeing golden eyes reaches out his hands. “W H Y  A M  I  A L O N E?  W H E R E  A R E  Y O U?”
The final lines of the criticality are a callback to "Enter the Digiverse."
Lloyd: I am not alone. I am not alone.
So that's Dosimetry! ad;fksjlgasdhjl this got way out of hand but thanks for letting me ramble, lila! this was really fun :D
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milarqui · 1 year
Miraculous Ladybug Prompt
I've seen a zillion Miraculous Ladybug prompts around, so I decided to bring up my own.
It begins with the moment where Adrien tells Marinette not to expose Lila and the "high road" thing. However, here he realizes that Lila's lies may not hurt now, but who's to say what she might do in the future? How does he know that it won't get worse?
And, hell, he said he would have Marinette's back. What if he grows a spine and actually supports her?
So, when Marinette is forced to the back? He moves there as well - that way he won't distract Lila with his presence, and she'll be able to focus on the lesson!
If the others shun Marinette? He defends her, says they all know Marinette better than him and he can't believe they're believing Lila over her.
He's there whenever Lila tries to accuse her of anything.
When it becomes clear Lila won't stop lying? He helps Marinette come up with a plan to stop her before someone gets hurt.
Thanks to Adrien's support, Marinette (re)gains self-confidence to stand against Lila, Chloé, and others. She might even stop doing things for free, depending on how bad it gets.
And seeing the real Marinette, Adrien begins to fall for her. And, as he does, he starts to realize that all of his flirting with Ladybug is hurting her. He apologizes to Ladybug and promises to stop - Ladybug replies that she doesn't mind it much, just when he does it in inappropriate moments and/or in inappropriate ways.
He tones it down and keeps it to patrol times or post-purification, and takes the fights more seriously.
Eventually, Marinette gathers her courage and manages to ask Adrien out. Adrien agrees, and discovers that Marinette now stands above Ladybug in his heart - the fact that Ladybug tells him that she's now dating the boy she's in love with helps.
Eventually, they find their secret identities, and Adrien says he should have realized it - both Marinette and Ladybug are wonderful, beautiful girls. The only bad thing is that he wishes he would have fallen for Marinette earlier.
In the meantime, Lila keeps trying to ruin Adrien's relationship. How Gabriel Agreste takes it depends - does he attempt to do that to break Marinette's heart and Akumatize her? Does he decide to leave them together so he can have a pull to bring her into his company?
As for the class, up to you. Maybe they begin as Lila's hoodwinked audience, but Marinette and Adrien manage to wake them up? Or perhaps what the duo does doesn't matter?
BONUS: A scene where, after Bustier tries to make Marinette apologize for something, Marinette asks at which point do the "Chloés/Lilas of the world" get punished.
BONUS 2: Same as above, but instead Marinette does something really hurtful, and when Bustier tries to order her to apologize, Marinette fires back that she's been a good example for long enough - now it's Lila's turn to forgive her! (She may also call Bustier an hypocrite if she tries to apply a double standard)
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knifedancer · 9 months
Let It Snow (2/2)
An alternate snow story speed write that didn't fit the original 'snow' prompt but I felt compelled to write. Not related to the first but hopefully you enjoy it!
Part 1/2 | AO3
Taking a calm solitary stroll through the park on the way to the library was interrupted when a pink blur collided with his chest, knocking him back into the snowbank behind him with an “oof!” Scowling as he shook free the snow that had fallen into his face, Felix took in the sight of one Marinette Dupain-Cheng sprawled across his lap and looking a bit dazed from the impact. “Miss Dupain-Cheng, to what do I owe the pleasure…”
“I saw her go this way!” The sound of the quickly approaching voices of their classmates, namely the those of the classroom pests Miss Rossi and Miss Césaire, broke his train of thought.
Marinette snapped out of her stupor and sat up to glanced around, assessing what her best escape route was with her limited amount of time. She quickly deduced that she wouldn’t be able to lose them in the wide-open park. Her bluebell eyes took in the now disheveled and snow-covered Felix with a calculating gaze before nodding. Pulling her knit cap down and tucking in her pigtails, she addressed the taciturn blond. “Sorry, Felix. I’m trying to avoid Alya and Lila.” Having disguised her hair as best she could, the young designer then grabbed his jacket lapels with a firm grip. “You’re an actor, right? Think you can play along?”
“Play along? What are yo—”
In one swift motion, and with a strength he hadn’t known she possessed, Marinette pulled Felix in for a kiss and then flipped them so that he was on top of her in the snow. With the last vestiges of his awareness, he caged her against his chest, so as not to crush her with his weight and block her face from being seen. Her lips were warm and sweet, like a cookie straight from the oven. With a muffled moan and compelled by a dizzying yet sudden hunger, his lips began digging into hers. He felt her body quiver before her mouth answered his with equal fervor. His hands cupped and gripped her body with a soft growl of desire; she mewled into his mouth as her fingers took purchase in Felix’s hair. When Marinette’s tongue shyly brushed against his bottom lip, he eagerly deepened the kiss with his own. Their mouths now locked in a heated battle for dominance; a mess of lips and tongues as their bodies pressed together in the snow.
While lost in the moment, their senses completely overwhelmed with each other and blissfully unaware of the world around them, Lila and Alya slowed to a stop about ten meters away. They were sure they had seen Marinette come this way but the only thing they found was some overly amorous – and vocal! – couple snogging in the snow.
“I could have sworn she came this way! Sorry, girl, we’ll get your scarf back from her next time,” Alya regretfully patted Lila’s shoulder.
“Thanks, Alya! You’re the best! Let’s go. These two are making me uncomfortable,” Lila replied as she pointed a thumb over her shoulder towards the couple. They quickly walked away, shouting comments about ‘getting a room’ as they exited from whence they came.
Marinette broke the kiss and peeked over Felix’s shoulder to confirm her two pursuers had gone before meeting the blond’s eyes. They both were breathing raggedly, their cheeks flushed and warm, their pupils blown wide as they stared at each other, and their bodies still intimately entwined. At some point his jacket buttons had come undone and her delicate hands had found their way beneath his shirt. She fared no better, his one hand causing little electric jolts while stroking the exposed skin on her spine while the other cupped her butt through her jeans.
Felix broke the silence between them first, the hand on her butt squeezed gently to accentuate his words. “You’re quite the method actor, my dear.”
“What can I say? I’m full of surprises, Mr. Fathom,” Marinette smirked slyly, slowly dragging her foot up the calf it had wrapped around.
“Although, I do have a few notes on how to improve your performance,” the blond glanced down at her lips. He leaned in, his forehead and nose resting against her own. Felix pressed closer until their lips were about to touch, murmuring before diving in for another kiss…
“Once more from the top, shall we?”
NOTES: Dialogue my brain came up with that just didn’t work for me at the time:
“That was…quite a realistic performance, Miss Dupain-Cheng.”
“…What if it wasn’t entirely a performance, Mr. Fathom?” (she bites her lip nervously)
(he leans in, his voice becomes a rough/growling whisper) “Oh. Then you should stop biting your lip, that my job now.”
SURPRISE "Bonus" Content!
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trashyangelic · 2 years
I got another ML prompt that anyone is willing to do it as a grant. This is a Gabriel Redemption + Lila Gets Busted.
i have one in mind for lila gets busted but also arrested for theft. but this is no adrienette but a Lukadrien. As for Marinette well she is paired with Felix after leaving Paris to a Fashion School in London with her parents that is moving the bakery there. (Felinette)
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬?
While Gabriel realize his sketchbook went missing on his desk from the last meeting with Ms. Rossi but something came up online where Nathalie turn on the news on her tablet for him to see that Lila delivered his designs to a Fashion Competition as her owns which really start to piss him off wanting to fired Lila Rossi in public for stealing his sketchbook in his desk were there is a secruity camera in plain sight and take back the deal he made with Rossi from the start.
After he realize that Ms. Rossi only wants his money and his son which really made mad, why Adrien you ask well Chloe send a video from her phone back in the school where Lila forced sexually harrassed his son but also threaten him too that put him on edge for life. He will try and moved on from his wife Emelie to Nathalie but he had gave up his and the peacock miraculous as he send it back to Ladybug after all she is the guardian. He will also try to retact to his son like he use to when Emelie was alive.
Where he found out himself that his son is dating Jagged Stone's son Luka Couffaine well he has no problem with his son's relationship and decided to accept him. Plus he supports the Gay and the LGBTQ though.
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mcheang · 2 years
Not sure if your open for prompts. But I was wondering if you can do another Bustier Salt, Lila Salt, Chloe Redemption, Alya Salt prompt. But no Adrienette please. Just Chlonette.
What if Marinette had ask Chloe to help her to get rid of Lila and Bustier for their misdeeds as a discount for Chloe to request a custom design from her since Chloe wanted to be a better person? | As Alya plotted something on Marinette to confess her feelings to Adrien but she doesn't know that Marinette is bisexual. Since Marinette is dating Chloe since they started highschool both played a big part role as pretending. Chloe pretend to be a bully while Marinette pretend to be a sweet girl and doormat.
Secret Girlfriend
It has been a long time since I written fanfiction…so I claim this as draft material
What drew Marinette to Chloe initially was her mother. Marinette adored fashion.
However, Chloe was not in the mood to hear about her mother, who had abandoned her again. She lashed out at Marinette.
Later, Sabrina told Marinette not to hold it against Chloe but her mother was a sore subject.
Feeling guilty, Marinette made a peace offering by giving Chloe her dad’s famous macarons.
Chloe refuses to accept the sweets and forgive Marinette, even vowing revenge to bully her.
However Marinette was stubborn. She tried various ways to befriend Chloe.
And while it might not seem like it in public, Chloe was gradually softened and amused by Marinette.
Eventually Marinette was kidnapped to have tea with Chloe, who explains she doesn’t need to keep bribing her to be friends.
Marinette is thrilled they are finally friends, except Chloe points out it can’t be in public. Chloe has a rep to maintain, and can’t be seen going soft.
From then on, while the class sees Chloe bullying Marinette, they don’t realise the hidden actions.
Chloe forcing Marinette to switch seats? She left her a present under the desk.
Chloe insulting Marinette’s designs. Ok, this was criticism in an attempt to be helpful
Ruining Bustier’s gift. Ok, Chloe dislikes how Bustier forced Marinette to shoulder so much responsibility. She doesn’t deserve a gift.
Point is, for every mean action Chloe does, Marinette knows there’s a hidden message behind it from her friend.
When Adrien showed up, Marinette was jealous by how much attention Chloe was giving him.
Chloe later talked to Marinette and assured her that she didn’t have a crush on Adrien, but rather an Asian fashion designer. As Marinette started blushing and stammering if she was dreaming, Chloe kissed her cheek.
Marinette finally befriended Adrien.
Later Alya assumed Marinette’s gushing about blond hair and knowledge about fashion was about a certain model rather than a certain class bully.
Flustered, Marinette went along with the lie, and proceeded to fail those false confessions to Adrien, cringing all the while at the ridiculous plans she came up with to sell the lie.
Speaking of lies, Marinette may do it out of necessity, but Lila does it out of spite and she’s putting her foot down.
Since Adrien won’t help her, and apparently she had overdone her fake crush on Adrien to the point that everyone would think her accusations are founded on jealousy, Marinette turns to Chloe for help.
Chloe: and why should I care what the sheep think? Let this be a lesson not to fall for such glamorous stories. And seriously, that blogger girl thought I was Ladybug? Has she never heard of fact checking?
Marinette: how about that Lila threatened to turn everyone against me?
Chloe paused, then gave a sigh. “Fine! Now tell me how you know she’s a liar.”
Marinette explained that she saw Ladybug expose Lila.
Chloe: hmm, well as a hero myself, we don’t want a repeat of a hero humiliating Lila. It’s bad publicity. And if she becomes an akuma, she might target us. No, we need her to be exposed in a way that doesn’t implicate our involvement. Which means we can’t ask Jagged or Ladybug for help. Not to mention I’m pretty sure Ms Bustier will guilt trip you for exposing Lila so publicly.
Marinette: she’s not-
Chloe: oh shush. If you want my help, let me rant. Just because people are nice doesn’t mean they’re right.
Slowly, a smirk began to form on Chloe’s face. “I’ve got it. A rock that will take out 2 birdbrains.”
The day after tomorrow, it was announced that Ms Bustier had been forced to resign after it had been revealed that she had no degree in teaching. She had breezed her way into the job based on white lies that she had teached before (at summer camps and while babysitting)
This fact had been exposed after Chloe had secretly baited her father to check on the teaching faculty after complaining about how her school had a rep for attracting akumas.
Thanks to Caline’s dismissal, the school board was now investigating all her work, in case she had missed proper procedure.
It was when they discovered there was an email from Mrs Rossi explaining about her daughter’s leave of absence, that the email address did not match the one on Lila’s file, nor was her medical file updated for all those diseases she kept claiming to have.
Back then, Caline hadn’t seen the necessity of doing those things as it seemed so minor.
She was proven wrong when Mrs Rossi herself confirmed Lila was lying.
To prevent akumatization, it was best to expose the matter as delicately as possible.
Lila would be facing detention and forced to confess to the whole student body about her lies and apologize. Her reputation as a liar may be known but her mother was not feeling sorry after being tricked herself.
After Lila’s forced apology, the principle advised everyone to remain calm.
Most were hardly affected by Lila.
But the akuma class were not happy to have been fooled or that their favorite teacher was gone now.
Chloe looked over their frowns and said loudly, “With that attitude, you’re sure to be akumatized. And over that liar? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.”
Marinette stood up and started the whole class on breathing exercises.
Since Lila’s presence was not welcome in her old class, she will be transferred. Honestly, why Ms Bustier had 3 new students was a mystery when there were other classes too.
Adrien looked at Marinette and beamed. “See Marinette, i told you Lila would get exposed eventually.”
Nino: you knew!
Chloe quickly defended Adrien by pointing out if they would believe him when they didn’t believe Marinette.
Marinette also took this chance to gently tell Alya that after seeing Adrien’s nonchalant attitude, her crush on him kind of wilted.
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natedogx15 · 1 year
One Villain, Two Fake Heroes, Two Real Heroes, One Without a Mask
A prompt based on @zoe-oneesama's Scarlet Lady au and my Butterfly villain and Fox hero Lila prompt.
Instead of Hawkmoth having both the Butterfly Miraculous and Peacock, Lila is the one who wields the Butterfly Miraculous and uses it in conjunction with the Fox Miraculous to become a famous hero by making villains with the Butterfly as the mysterious Empress Viola and defeating them as the Fox heroine Volpina. She would repeat this process with every city her family moved to, and it worked great until her family moved to Paris.
Upon arriving in Paris, Master Fu senses her malicious aura and her Miraculous. Fearing the worst, he sends out the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous like in canon. Unfortunately, Chloe steals the Ladybug from Marinette before she can discover them.
Que the first Akuma. Lila was expecting another easy time playing hero and becoming more famous. However, her plans are thrown for a loop when she meets two new Miraculous users for the first time since she found hers.
Now she has to figure out how to get rid of the rookies so she can keep monopolizing the attention of being the only hero hunting down the mysterious Empress Viola. Unfortunately, Paris immediately falls in love with Scarlet Lady due to her Miraculous Ladybug power fixing the city. So, any form of a smear campaign won't help against her. Luckily for Cat Noir, though. Scarlet Lady's arrogant personality causes Lila to focus mostly on putting her down instead of him out of anger and spite.
Cat Noir now has to babysit Scarlet Lady against Empress Viola, with another fake hero secretly plotting his and Scarlet Lady's downfall and berating him for getting in her way since she's the more experienced 'hero' of the three. In the meantime, he, Marinette, and Master Fu try to figure out who Empress Viola, Scarlet Lady, and Volpina are since Master Fu is wary of the fox heroine but unsure how to deal with her.
To add another loop in Lila's plans, you can make it so a different Miraculous puts Emiliee in her comatose state, and the Peacock is fine. So, she could arrive in Paris and begin her latest hero campaign as Gabriel uses the Peacock to start his own villainous campaign to gain the Miraculous and save his wife. Now she doesn't have the luxury of faking or manipulating some of the battles in her favor since there's another villain capable of creating villains. It would also cause Cat Noir, Marinette, and Master Fu to have four people to worry about since they think Volpina and Empress Viola are two different people at the start.
An interesting idea you could do when this story is nearing the climax or to prolong the story into a new arc is to have Gabriel, Lila, and Chloe join forces after Volpina and Scarlet Lady are exposed as the fakes they are. Now, Paon (Peacock Gabriel), Empress Viola, and Chloe, with the newly repaired broken Miraculous in Gabriel's custody, work together to try and bring down the real heroes and take their Miraculous to fix their lives.
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howhow326 · 2 years
Alya sugar/Lila salt prompt: Alya exposes Lila's secrets
Takes place during season 4.
Lila lies about something that Alya knows to be untrue 100% (maybe Lila says that Nora is rigging her wrestling matches), which leads Alya to put two and two togather and that Marinette was right about Lila being a lying h*e. Alya then decides that, because she is a journalist and a truth seeker, she will personally (& secretly) investigate Lila to find out what else she's lying about. To that end, Alya uses the powers of the fox miraculous to recover all information on Lila that she can, which leads to Alya uncovering evidence of all of Lila's secrets (her alliance with Hawkmoth, her three mothers) and maybe an even darker secret about Lila (sentimonster Lila?). Alya post her findings onto the Ladyblog.
Alya and Marinette sugar of course; Lila salt; Adrien/Nino salt or sugar optional; class salt; Ms. Bustier salt (I hate her)
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Maribat – Those that were left Behind
Before anything, read the rules.
Okay, this prompt is… a lot, to say the least. I discussed this idea before with @natedogx15, but, this is a more “polished” version of it.
The concept is, do you know those Maribat fics where Marinette left class after Lila destroyed her reputation during the timeline of season 3? And then she returns dating a dc character? And everyone in class is like “Oh my! We were so stupid, sorry, Mari”?
Yeah, it’s based on this one… but with a twist! In this story, instead of the focus being on Marinette falling in love… it is about the class members that stayed in Paris!
In this AU, the story would start with the class hearing Marinette has moved away… some are shocked, but, believing Lila, are relieved she is away. Some of this include Alya, Nino, Chloe (who would have become Lila’s ally before for reasons to be discussed later) and the rest.
But one specific student is sad, because she knows the truth. And that student is… Sabrina! Basically, we moved her arc of Season 5 finale to the middle of Season 3 and now, she is redeemed.
(I am back on my Sabrina Phase, blame @sabrina-central for that)
The story isn’t over, though, because, since Marinette left, she needed to leave a powerful miraculous back in Paris to purify the akumas, and we get the Solaire Plume plot here to!
So, basically, this fic is Season 4 of miraculous with Rooster!Sabrina as the main character.
As time passes, though, more people start to notice Lila’s intentions, and Sabrina makes her own team to expose Lila. This team is formed by other side characters that deserve more screen time, like Nathaniel, Marc and Alix. (Maybe Kagami and Luka could be thrown in the mix too, but, who knows).
Who wouldn’t love a team formed by Solaire Plume, Ryuko, Viperion, Caprikid and Dog!Marc?
I have no idea where this can go, but, it’s interesting none the less. I just think that it would be cool a fic of miraculous where the main characters aren’t Marinette, Alya, Adrien, Nino and Chloe.
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Prompt: Generic Oc transfers to to the school and exposes Lila. She expects to be loved by everyone and basically become the new Lila, but does ‘t. Her name? Mary Sue.
I mean yeah like. While Lila just /happened/ to be a lying bitch, if some rando showed up and dug up all of her life to put together a fuck you exposé in front of all the classmates....
I'd see it less as 'genuinely helpful person saved us' and more 'yikes you're a nosy and/or vindictive bitch I'd like to avoid'.
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