decimatlas · 1 year
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micsmasmuses · 2 years
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@extensusmusae asked: ❝ I swear, it was like that when I got here! ❞ / ava or tina @ moxxi akdsjfdf
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She gives Tina a look. The one only a mother so disappointed would give as she places a hand on her hip. Shaking her head as she closes her eyes. Why does she always get stuck with babysitting? She has Ellie and she did have Scooter, but the others? Isn’t she Mordecai’s daughter?
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“Just wait till I tell your mother.”
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biohazardloyal · 2 years
@extensusmusae -- won't you say goodnight so i can say goodbye?
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Brad never was much of a hero, no. He was known for his cowardice, a tendency to run at the sight of danger. Brad was called all sorts of names, and he'd accepted it. So what changed tonight? maybe it was seeing the dogs charge joseph. he hadn't made it to him in time, but he did get to the others. with how they were being chased, they couldn't safely get back into the helicopter, so the mansion was their best bet for right now. there... wasn't really a plan.
separating was a bad idea, but it worked out in a really messed up way. brad finds jill.
"jill-- i think i have an idea as to what's going on here. i might have a solution."
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dcathblossom · 2 years
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he really hasn't wanted part of this supernatural shit, so how does he keep ending up here? "... a siren, huh?"
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almondjustice · 2 years
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“i thought, how could anyone do this? probably with a knife.”
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extensusmusae · 2 years
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-- so when i'm all choked up and i can't find the words, every time we say goodbye [ . . . ] // when the sun goes down and the band won't play, i'll always remember us this way . . .
@extensusmusae & @biohazardloyal                            ft. RE's jill valentine ft. RE's albert wesker                                         by salem & by deku
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compatiissante · 2 years
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you won’t find FAITH OR HOPE down a telescope, you won’t find HEART AND SOUL in the stars-- you can break everything down to CHEMICALS, but you can’t explain a love like ours . . .
                 @compatiissante & @extensusmusae & @faetedforglory                                         planes nomad becker siblings                                                   by salem & gaz
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cureforsaken · 1 year
independent ( mildly canon-divergent, mixed media/headcanon-based ) ellie williams of the last of us, established 05.05.2023. this is NOT my main blog and will have less activity compared to my other ones. aspen, 30, she/they. life kicks me in the ass a lot, so please bear with me. ( dash icon template )
maya becker ( compatiissante - main )
ellie williams ( cureforsaken - sideblog )
multimuse ( extensusmusae )
other sideblogs available upon request.
general info.
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uravityforall · 2 years
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look, it was hard getting used to someone else’s quirk! and after that very weird what felt like retreat from the villain that cornered her-- it was weird, in a flash of light they were just gone, why had they cornered her if they were going to run?-- she just wanted to come back to the dorms and rest. of course one for all would act up on her on an already weird day! and now she’s just holding the door she accidentally ripped off the hinges with a sheepish and startled expression. mismatched eyes spotted her classmate-- or who she thought was her classmate-- and she felt even worse! “please don’t tell mister aizawa it happened again.”
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faetedforglory · 2 years
@extensusmusae​ said: “ i met my first valentine on this ride. her name was eliza. she’s a ghost now. ” / xavier @ beladonis
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for once it seemed he had his filter. or maybe he just realized he should be more serious. “i’m sorry, mon ami. are you going to be alright?”
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elizabeth may have poked her head into the restaurant. "are you still hiring?"
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"----- Think you'll pass Dean's vibe check?"
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fableeffect · 2 years
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he felt it. someone came into this so called reality and it was on his property-- that didn’t happen everyday. cadence opened his eyes and got up from his rocking chair on the porch and looked out into the smaller field of sprouting sunflowers on his farm, head tilting. sure he’d seen some quirks alter appearance before but that was an interesting look. he raised his hand and waved to get her attention. 
“over here!” he called. “are you lost?” you had to be to wind up here but he already had a gut instinct she would be free to go back to her world.
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ofblackskies · 2 years
- - - - - BLOSSOM @extensusmusae​
ofblackskies asked: ❛  being  brave  doen’t  mean  you  go  looking  for  trouble.   ❜ (Ron @ Blossom)
“i don’t go looking for trouble, okay? it’s townsville, trouble usually comes stomping in on fifty foot metal legs. i’m trying to stop the trouble, so are my sisters. and if you know what’s good for you, you’d be better off staying under cover where you won’t get hurt.”
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     “Right. The city of Townsville. Ron mimicked the commercial that had drawn him here in the first place. He hadn’t expected, from that commercial, that there would be evil villains. Though he supposed it was par for the course for him, anyway. “Look, I can help. You know Kim Possible? I mean... she’s not a superhero, but she's pretty stinking close. And I was her sidekick for years. Up until... recently. So... I can help. I’m a great distraction.”
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officialsadboys · 2 years
@extensusmusae​ liked!
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this wasn’t right-- whatever HIM did it couldn’t have just been as simple as tossing him to another part of town, what would be gained from that? things were wrong, he couldn’t explain it since things appeared to be the same but it was as if someone had moved something slightly to the left when he hadn’t been looking. the world felt like it had been shifted. 
a flash of red hair caught his eye, the style familiar as his head turned quickly. “blossom, i--” words died on his tongue. surely, it was blossom, but. . . not his blossom. what the hell had HIM done?
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contradictivs · 3 years
continued / @extensusmusae
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He cannot say that he was exactly surprised by the response or the sudden appearance of a random mechanical device. Taking a step back, he eyed the grappling hook before his attention turned back to Mabel. 
“Where were you hiding that this entire time?”
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extensusmusae · 2 years
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——– you’re seeking something, but at the same time, you are running away for all you’re worth.  ( © ) ( important links )
EXTENSUSMUSAE, FT. LILITH & ANGEL OF 'BORDERLANDS', CANON REWRITTEN. a study in several tropes, including: action girl, be yourself, good is not nice, heroic sacrifice, beware the nice ones, foreshadowing, and power gives you wings.
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