#extra disrespectful imo. to them and to him. theyre STILL shinee. its gonna be a different shinee but they ARE shinee
sanstropfremir · 11 months
hi hellooo pleasure to be here again!! i have come to rant
so last night i went a bit through your blog because i vaguely remembered that at some point there was a conversation about "stage presence" and how only kpoppies give a shit about it. and i found some asks from last year about this youtuber who made like a whole classification on stage presence with all this masculine overt dominant whatever categories. and i was mindblown because just yesterday i got recommended one of their videos and i was watching that stuff like wtf. that took me back to my early kpop days (which is like 2018 lol) when i also discovered the term stage presence and i thought i did something. anyway
i actually came here to talk about shinee's recent comeback!! from the little i've seen, there's some beef among shawols regarding wether shinee is really "shinee" anymore and i've seen some people saying they've unstanned bc of hard. like you do you ig
i've been thinking that i genuinely like the song, but indeed it doesn't have that classic shinee vibe. (also satellite best bside???) to me it's just like taemin key onew and minho got together to sing a song, but it's not "shinee" per se. and that's okay.
regarding performances i only watched the studio choom dance version and tbh for the first time in my limited shinee eras knowledge i thought that minho takes the cake for this one. idk if it's the fact that he's more stereotipically masculine (or at least coming across that way) or what, but honestly his part in the second chorus is my favorite. key is second favorite and again his part in the last chorus suits him a lot imo especially with the different choreo for it. as for taemin i'm glad he's bringing his poppiest pops forward because i swear i feels like that man's bones are snapping inside his body but other than that honestly i don't think he's enjoying this era too much fdjdvscg
hi hello again!!!
alksdjflksdafj not that youtuber again....they're a fucking plague i need them to read a fucking book for the love of god. just so profoundly uninformed, its mind boggling.
i've seen variations of this take since before the song even came out and honestly? i don't agree. you can not like the song for any number of reasons but the fact of the matter is that it IS a shinee song. what makes a shinee song is that it's their voices. that's all that makes a shinee song. for a group that has an extended history of genre experimentation, for fans to get mad or say it's "not them" when they DO do something experimental is cowardly and embarrassing. just admit that you don't like the song and move on. there will be a time when EVERY artist you love makes something that you don't. that's fine and normal. don't hide behind incorrect assertions like "it's an nct reject" or that it doesn't sound like them. they're artists that still want to explore and grow and they have agency to do that. it's not a failing to admit that you don't like something that your faves made, and i also think it's rude and denies them identity and agency to say that 'it doesn't sound like them', especially with this particular group.
personally what i think people are subconsciously getting at when they say a song doesnt sound like shinee is that it sounds incomplete because it's missing a voice. the same discourse circled around with dcm came out and people are not acknowledging that shinee is never going to sound the same as they did pre 2017 (2018 technically bc jonghyun's voice is still on tsol). they just aren't. the chemical makeup of the melodies is going to be different forever and people need to acknowledge and accept that. the four of them are doing their best to fill in that hole and theyre doing a great job, but there is still a hole.
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rqs902 · 4 years
yang chaowen is really a sensitive kid... man he brings out renyu's song's feels and then brings up ylq to relate to the lyrics bc he knows his friend isnt getting as much appreciation as himself. (this makes even more sense after ylq said he had been crying before ycw went onstage and ycw was comforting him... and then after ycw came off the stage, it was time for ylq to comfort him from crying TT) Their friendship is really something. But then ycw saying he just gets ripped for getting screentime for crying all the time ouch but i dont get the feeling that hes doing it for attention but maybe im becoming partly biased towards chaowen :) 
Lol the fact that they focus so much on xzx and how hes favored by gjm but feels like it's unfair to be treated uncomfortably by other trainees as a result... all i can say is, what do u expect, of course the other kids will be salty, their lives are on the line and theyre getting nothing close to the attention you are, so unfortunately u cant win everything :(
Lol I see why everyone on twitter is annoyed at gjm... Jackson is literally trying to say something meaningful and mentor-like to su er and gjm literally interrupts with his own opinion.... jackson is like unable to finish his thought. and then when Cheng xiao is actually trying to give ma haowen advice, gjm just goes WELL I DISAGREE, THIS IS RENYU'S FAULT and everyone's like wtffffff???? And then he starts saying people can help Xinhai with his terrible dance (ouch) but renyu didnt help haowen sing and Huang enyu MY CHILD just goes: but dancing and singing are different....... and I'm just smh.... gjm really shouldnt act like he knows everything when hes the only mentor with zero actual relevant experience :( Poor renyu literally looks like hes about to burst into tears, ma haowen looks so sorry and appalled renyu's getting yelled at and none of the other mentors seem to agree with gjm lol 
lets appreciate renyu’s song, its really good!!! 
Lol this whole mentor segment is a mess but man chaowen and renyu won a lotta votesss ayyy
I think xue en seeing hwh as a pro rapper shows him humbling himself, since hes technically a more seasoned and popular idol performer
Cheng xiao fangirling over xue en I mean SAME hahahahahahaha awwwwww yzx being soooo genuinely happy for xue en is the cutest!!! Aw cto friendship and xue en crying :’) actually one thing ive noticed i feel like yzx seems like a genuinely kind and cheerful friend, maybe people are bashing him bc he pushed off some leaderly responsibilities to lin mo in the last round but maybe hes just not someone to take on a strict leader role (looks at aj from afo...) and realized that since lin mo has such experience and is really good at it, it makes sense to respect his experience and skill and let him take on that role. of course its unfortunate that means lin mo worked extra for less recognition, but i think it seems like yzx really respected and admired him so im hopeful what happened wasnt due to mean intentions 
watching chen junhao feeling lost oh man :/ maybe he hadnt fully prepared himself for the idol life when first coming on this show. its unfortunate reality that in this kind of idol survival show, the focus is more on stage presence and face and performance, rather than the music itself. Hopefully he really feels that hes found a path forward through this performance. This is a really real way to present him but I'm sad theres not as much focus on li chenxu when this is hissss song
Man both the self composed songs are really good!! Mann them making this song a dance song is really hard to watch for li chenxu bc its makes it hard for him to shine at his own song which is sad :( also lzx's rap is questionable lol but cjh's vocal part in the middle part is so emotional, I hope he felt like he was able to express himself fully there
Lol does gjm not realize they didnt have a choice to not dance. Lollllll cheng xiao literally said they had too much to do and tried very hard but he didnt listen.
Aww jackson teaching them about team work :') o gosh I have PTSD about jin fan getting classified as a vocal now after uuu..... also not surprised the entire segment was about sxl and even the judging portion lol....
Oof Jin fan's voiceeee I love
Man why does Jin fan always get stuck in not dance songs ><
more appreciation for xu zhaohao vocals pls!!! imo sxl has a poor attitude :/ he doesnt perform calmly under pressure and isnt doing well at making a good atmosphere for practice
LOL why do i feel like lin mo is always saying "song" things hahahah hes really a kid
but mannn yan an just walking into the elevator is so oof
Aw duan xuyu is too nice... but I guess this is the leader in him coming out
Aw yan an immediately encouraging xikan when he lost the center to him
Lolll xikans little “heheh” when he won 
Mannnn ngl even tho yan an leaves the show, I kinda wish he had a bigger role in this perf bc it's literally like his jam.... chinese style influenced dance.... I wish he had at least 1 memorable dance move, like I feel like Luo Joe already had one in the last perf and he has one again here (and hes very talented and he deserves recognition!) but yan an has yet to really show anything and im scared hes gonna just disappear soon :/
They all did so well tho!!! Truly a group of dancers. Really made me want to rewatch the whole thing immediately. altho the beginning I cant unsee the lin mo meme LOL 
and xikan did really well!! His stage presence is real. And hes put effort into his facial expressions
Luo Joe being cute is iconic
Aw yan an cheering on lin mo when revealing his votes!!
Aw I'm surprised 100 ways kids didnt get more votes.... lol ngl i feel like this show is just randomly adding vote bonuses in for random reasons not prespecified for kids they like.... cough gjm yet again
but oo the next ep looks fun hahahha im excited for a happier ep thats not as stressful.
Ycw keeping it real 2020: "im not good at controlling emotions.... i hope if you want to cry or laugh do it loudly, dont care about what other people think"
ok so maybe im liking more new kids than i expected, but i think thats a good thing that the show is making them likable and some kids are able to stand out! honestly i realized I kinda can see why they eliminated so many to begin with. It's sad but also kinda nice tbh (ouch, i know) bc if they really got rid of the ones who have less skill, it makes it easier for the others who dont have to teach from zero (cough lin mo) And then those with skill get to have at least 3(?) stages, unlike qcyn where jin fan got eliminated after only doing 1 silly stage lol The skill level of the stages is also raised, like there's multiple groups of almost all people who are well qualified. im sure the kids are happy that they get to do more stages, im sure that means a lot to them. 
At least on snzm they attempt to give most trainees a positive light and give screentime to more than just the top 10 trainees. and they allow someee time for vocals, dancers and rappers to get appreciation (even tho dancers are still dominating lol)
but yea honestly I disliked the judging on pdc2019 too tho so at least the judges here can be supportive... at times. it is SUPER biased and gjm is very vocal despite his lack of knowledge tho lol 
it's so bad bc I feel like my standards for shows are so low at this point. my standards get lowered with every show I watch. It's like I guess the snzm songs are okay bc I hated the ones on afo more so at least the stages aren't thattt bad lol At least the rules/general setup aren't as terrible as they were on afo..... at least the camera time isnt as biased as it was on qcyn.... sigh the show isnt doing great, and itd be best if the show would help the tygers get more popular, but I guess its prob better than just doing nothing at star master lol. 
qcyn was just painful to watch from "spirit of the knight" onward bc momo literally was buried, mistreated, disrespected and taken advantage of. at least on snzm he gets some screentime and positive recognition.....
tbh i like snzm, maybe thats an unpopular opinion, but at least there have been some really great stages, where the kids really get to shine. at least i can confidently say that bc of snzm, i have met some new kids who i will be sure to follow for new music moving forward :) 
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