#extremely hot london girls and boys pod
bisluthq · 3 years
The thing about ex-Kaylors is that they’re extremely vulnerable. Like when I look at tily I lowkey side-eye you guys but laugh along because ehhh it’s almost defs untrue tbh but it does sound hot and y’all keep clarifying that it’s a joke. However, I never believed in everlasting kaylor. These kids did. For years. And they only stopped a couple of months ago because they found a community that accommodated their sexuality and acknowledged that closeting is very hard but very common. It’s easy for them to fall down the rabbit hole again if given the slightest nudge. They don’t really understand what it means to joke around with a ship because they were SO ATTACHED to theirs. Some of them might become hardcore tily truthers, while others might become disillusioned and heartbroken because they genuinely don’t see the distinction. They just aren’t ready.
I know this is a v unfair responsibility to place on a single person or group of people who just want to crack out, though. I enjoy that, too, but Ik we all care about the baby Kays and imo they just aren’t ready for that.
Yeah I think that’s where I’m at with this personally, I’ll release a statement for this blog’s position in a bit but ya I think we’re gonna shut it down here.
I probs still will participate in it over at Cam’s blog and on her pod but I think I care more about keeping this space safe for vulnerable folks than I do about cracking the fuck out imagining this hot ass London based polycule. It’s like my extremely hot London girls and boys pod but WITH FUCKING. So ya for me personally it’s appealing as a crack take and I do want to have fun with it tbh because like... such a hot concept y’all. Come on.
But like yeah I think this blog in particular needs to be a safe space with that kind of shit so I do think we have to keep this speculation to other blogs.
As you say: it’s almost defs untrue and we all know that.
A lot of these people don’t seem to tho (yet) and that’s where the problem can kick in
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bisluthq · 3 years
Zoe and Taylor are friends. Also, no reason for rob to meet zoe off set if they would spend weeks together filming The Batman.
I mean yes they’re friends but if you’re gonna pod you usually do it with work friends like if you’re COVID conscious? And with people who already see each other?
Suki and Zoe are very close.
Suki and Taylor are friends as we have discussed.
Zoe and Rob are working together.
Suki and Rob are dating.
Rob and Joe are friends.
Like it... is quite obvious why they would all pod together and it’s not just because Tay and Zoe are friends (which they are) because you usually don’t pick random friends to pod with?? But this is a sensible decision that reflects their social circle in London and is also COVID conscious?
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bisluthq · 3 years
I didn't see if anyone else mentioned this, but another blog pointed out that choosing actors who are actively filming to socially pod with might seem very covid safe to someone as risk averse as Taylor because the actors are required to be tested every single day. Also Rob has already had and recovered from covid, so he probably seems safer to hang out with as well.
Yeah that makes sense.
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bisluthq · 3 years
I just read an eonline article about Zoe and Tay sharing the same pod business and bout near died. The article was hilarious on it’s own but I couldn’t stop thinking about all the ways gaylors could and would spin this and I about near died from laughing. OMG, the entire article... they were like Taylor’s squad is still alive, some friendships never go out of style (lmao with a Kaylor throwback photo) and how Zoe and Tay have been friends for years ( like Kaylor went out of style but not Toë) 💀. The author smoothly dropped love story in there. And their Source. Omg can this source stop saying Taylor and Joe are “really getting to know each other more” and all that. Everytime I see that line i roll my eyes. If your trying to like let the public know that Toe is together and in love maybe use a different phrase to describe people in a 4 year relationship.
This isn’t an exclusive. The “source” is an old Tree snippet - from the exclusive they got on the matching wellies day - not something she said for this Toë piece.
Like this isn’t part of a Taylor press strategy. This is just E! capitalizing on search trends and SEO vibes. Like Taylor is being searched a lot (hence including Love Story, they have to because that’s what people are searching for - and notice they reuse it a bunch including “As for Zoe, her love story came to a close in 2020” that’s not an accident lol it’s so this story pops up and people click that’s how SEO works).
It’s mildly interesting if Toë really made enough of a splash for an SEO spike tho. Like that’s interesting if we’re trying to figure out how much of an impact Gaylorism has on press things and it’s very worth keeping in mind for the “is baiting commercially worthwhile for her” discussion.
Another mildly interesting tidbit from the article is that Jack and Zoe are hanging out for work as well at the moment so like ya this Extremely Hot London Girls and Boys Pod keeps making more and more sense.
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bisluthq · 3 years
I mean yeah you've got Dua taking world tours and people like Rita Ora hosting birthday parties with tons of people during lockdowns so like seeing a few friends isn't a huge deal but like of course the rich people can get away with it, like if they got caught and fined it'd be like a few pence to them
No exactly like relative to other celebs Taylor has been extremely careful. Like I say, if she’s gonna bubble with people and see friends this Extremely Hot London Girls and Boys Pod sounds really sensible to me because they have a BUNCH of social connections between all of them and two of them deadass would’ve already been seeing each other at work. 
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bisluthq · 3 years
Er Nat we had a lockdown the month of November as well... it only got lifted at the start of December then we had to lock down again in January lol. In general you shouldn’t be mixing multiple households cause we have tier rules but if they’ve got access to vaccines as celebrities and people do tend to do pods, it’s technically against the rules but better than mixing with no pods (which some people do anyway of course)
(I mean they’re still less fucked up than all the ones travelling all over the show and partying and shit but like ya overall not ~perfect~ behavior).
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bisluthq · 3 years
Nat is funny that everytime you talk about Joe's famous friends you mention Robert Pattinson but I really think you should get him off that list. that rumour about them going out together was basically a blind like there weren't even pictures, they both were seen together at an event but it was just a group photo and I doubt they exchanged numbers or even talked at all. I think people just assumed that because Suki was seen hanging out with Taylor a couple times but let's be honest Robert don't have the energy to do a double date, especially with Taylor lol.
I just don't think they're are friends, in fact I don't think Joe has actual friends in the industry, like text messages type friends, he's only friendly with people while they're working together but don't stay in touch after that
I mean no they were spotted at dinner with an extreme amount of details. Suki and Taylor are friends. Suki’s like besties with Zoë who people thought Tay wasn’t close to and yet they turned out to be very fucking close. Zoë was working with Rob when they were in the extremely hot London boys and girls pod so it’s fair to assume they’re all friends.
Joe still supports Nic publicly so they’ve stayed friends. He doesn’t do that for Jack even though they were close when doing promo because yes that was a work thing but Nic and him legit became personal friends.
Nic is friends with Rob too and has been for years.
I don’t think they’re all BEST FRIENDS but they talk to each other and see each other sometimes, that’s a very fair assumption to make post Zoë Kravitz being in their bubble.
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bisluthq · 3 years
maybe the tweet just made her laugh. i don't think taylor is anywhere near as fixated on how her sexuality (whatever it is) is perceived as certain stans.
Oh fuck off with this take. She has young teenage stans literally holding onto hope from her ambiguous sexuality.
We’ve heard from one’s sister in depth and tbh much as Hard Kay anon is funny that was most likely another.
Like I’m sorry but she doesn’t exist in isolation or a vacuum and she has fucking impact and SHE KNOWS THIS. Like that’s half of MA like she talks about this impact all the time??
If she found it funny she could SS and send to her Extremely Hot London Girls and Boys Pod GC. My ass doesn’t even have Twitter but I send Tweets I spot to friends and even here.
If she’s straight she is baiting and needs to sort her shit out and consider her audience. And before you tell me “yes but that’s not most her audience” - for sure. But that’s her marginalized audience. So if she’s not here making it safe for them and instead consciously profiting off them for shits and gigs then I go from simping from afar to wanting to meet her to discuss in depth how the fuck that happened and if she’s sorry for it.
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bisluthq · 3 years
They've been dating since shooting Mary queen of scoots, so they've been dating for 2/3 years... There's a picture of Joe and Jack at Taylor's NY apartment that Joe posted (you can see the 1989 lights behind them), so they probably already had double dates ahah
CUTE. That goes to show I am a baaaad Saoirse fan.
Adorbs tbh.
Hope they join the Extremely Hot London Girls and Boys Pod.
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