#eyes full of dreams‚ heart filled with love ✧ marshall headcanons
starikune · 4 months
chimchar: how active is your muse? (For Marshall and Jasmine)
Pokèmon Starters Headcanons!
Marshall is definitely very active. He makes an effort to try and work out at least 3 times a week. The main reason he even started was so he could pick up his Pokémon easier.
Jasmine is not as active as Marshall, at least not in the sense that she actively goes out to exercise. She gets plenty of physical activity with how often she plays with her Pokémon to keep them happy.
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starikune · 5 months
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ? (for Marshall)
Ooh, I'd say he would lean towards more the simpler, personal life. He values intimacy. He would absolutely love to get some accolades for making a scientific discovery, but he wouldn't be in it for the accolades, of course.
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starikune · 9 months
Tag Dump Part 3.
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