jharn5-blog · 7 years
STMP No.11
I started off doing my project on “How to do the Bring Sally Up Challenge", but after speaking with Christopher about the topic... we came to an understanding on expanding the topic to the topic of viral challenges. My topic now is on Social Movements and Viral Challenges: Are they beneficial? If so, how? Also, I will talk about how it effects you, the people around you, society and/or an organization. Likewise, I will discuss if I challenge contributes to a specific cause. After the meeting with Christopher I wrote in my notes several ideas and thoughts that came to mind about my topic. I recently did research on the topic and combined all of the information I found into a word document for myself. I will use it as a guideline, and organize it into almost a script for my LTMP No.2, the documentary. My cousin took great interest in this topic so she shared with me a book called "Social Movements For Good: How Companies & Causes Create Viral Change" by Derrick Feldmann. In this book, he provided me with several quotes that I narrowed down to a few which I could use in several areas of my documentary. I may even use part of a video where the author is speaking about his book. I already have a few clips that I know I will be using, and others in mind for my documentary such as friends or people actually doing the challenges.
My plan is to introduce the topic by talking about social movements and how they link to viral challenges, using information/anecdotes from Derrick Feldmann's book. Plus I will give a short introduction on what I will be talking about in the video. I will state examples of challenges, define them, and answer the questions: Are they beneficial? If so, how? How does it effects you, the people around you, society and/or an organization? Does it contribute to a specific cause?
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alexandramlove-blog · 7 years
For my LTMP #2 I will focus on the long distance relationship I am in with my boyfriend. For the first part of my LTMP, I plan to focus exclusively on the story of me and my boyfriend. The footage I have collected for this includes various travel scenes from when I went to visit him two weeks ago (packing a suitcase, taking a bus, several different views from two trains, train stations, and car) to showcase what we have to go through to see each other, and videos of me and my boyfriend together from that time. I also have filmed how we stay in touch when we are apart (texting, snapchat, etc) and will include audio of a voicemail my boyfriend had sent to me in the documentary. I filmed clips of the handwritten notes and letters we have sent each other over the years as well.
The second part of my film I hope to make more broad and include interviews with my friends on their opinions of long distance and their experiences with it.  I also am thinking about incorporating clips from youtube videos explaining the importance of long distance and showing emotional and heartfelt reunions of couples. Overtop of this, I want to start speaking in a voiceover to explain why I feel that long distance worthwhile and not as hard as many may think, and go into further detail on how I am able to make it work. To end my movie I will focus more on my personal life and use pictures of me and my boyfriend with more voiceover on why I think this is meant to be. 
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chicanahoodelite · 7 years
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The Pregnancy Series: Seven Stages is a metaphor for how everyone in MASA got here. This piece by American artist George Segal represents pregnancy in America, which in our experience is how we became Mexican-Americans. I see it as a metaphor for the under-representation that led to the formation of the club because all of the statues are stark white. While that could be a coincidence because it is made out of plaster, i doubt this White man was even considering the importance of representation through his art in 1978. This is the driving force behind MASA, the need to feel included, welcomed, and supported.
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Raw Footage
Basically i have recorded bits and pieces of my journey to, at and from work... lol you thought I️t would be exciting... start off waking up getting ready. Most of the footage is taken in first person view. When i am in my car i set my camera to view me and the road ahead almost as if a passenger. First person clocking in at work and performing some tasks. A couple interviews were made asking about work, how they like I️t how long they’ve worked. More random footage of what goes on inside that no one really sees, at times it’s interesting. The footage is almost as if it’s part of a vlog, like a day in the life of Paul. Hopefully i don’t change my mind again about what my short film is going to be on so I’m going to try and stick with work.
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jdepsilon-blog · 7 years
I mostly have video of multiple interviews on people’s pet peeves and how they end up procrastinating. I also answered the interview questions myself. IN addition to that I also have previous shots from my time commuting to school and back. Then I also have silent shots of myself at home “allegedly” being a good student and doing my homework. Then there are still shots of inanimate objects, which I plan to do voice overs for. It will be used in a mini skit of how I usually end up procrastination at home. I also had planned to incorporate how my mind wanders, but I will come up for a mini script or improv and add voice over and/or a few scenes with that in the near future. Plus, I plan to include a possible visual representation of a pet peeve in a skit as well, or just add it to my narrative voice over which will play in-and-out the entire documentary, when music or other people aren’t present. The random interviews with friends will simply include a diverse yet somewhat personal types of pet peeves, some relatable, and others new, unrelatable, or unheard of. Just shows how human we all are and how many things can bother us, myself included.
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oudie-blog1 · 7 years
My documentary introduces my concept of food and how it revolves around everything I do. Food is not just a meal to me, it is my passion and will hopefully be my livelihood. In the unedited film, I captured a continuous stream of myself cooking up some dinner - mushroom soup. I want this to be my film since it shows me doing what I love! I would like to edit in music and add in a voice-over of myself just explaining how cooking has and will continue to impact my life. I do not want to edit the video as much, as I like the way it captures my own cooking. This will be background to my voice-over, but I still think it holds a lot of importance to have a video of me cooking even if it doesn’t necessarily pertain to what I am talking about at every second during the documentary. Food is a part of everyone’s life, but everyone’s life is not a part of food. Through this documentary, I want to address how food is different in my life. I want everyone to understand that, at the end of the day, a good plate of food can make all the difference in the world.
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Raw Footage
From the footage that I have collected and still plan on getting I want to explain the role of stereotypes and ideologies regarding black people but make it personal through retellings of events from my past that are relevant to the documentary.
           The main plot point of my documentary will focus on my trip to San Antonio Texas over thanksgiving break and the experience I had with my family. I have footage that shows my journey there, as well as my arrival and what occurred at thanksgiving and the family reunion the day after. I hope to use these pictures and videos to highlight their importance in my life and the meaning of family and culture in my life as well in the black community.
           Additional footage I have will function as B-roll and play a part in further pushing the point I’m trying to make of what being black is like in our current society. I make use of black stereotypes that although old, remain prevalent today in media. I also have video of people answering questions that relate to race and the black identity, this is not my own footage but they make points that I very much agree with and that I believe will strengthen my documentary. I have a general idea of what I’m going to say and what images and videos I want to accompany my verbal cues so it will just be a matter of finding the right ones. And as far as accompanying music I have a few options that I’m still considering but I want it to have the same positive energy of my documentary trailer.  
           I hope to also get an interview with one of my family members to get their perspective and I want to have narration guiding the film and the audience through my experience and what I’m presenting.  
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The first part of my raw footage for my long-term media project is b-roll. As I am doing my project on the campus radio station, the b-roll footage consists of various things around the station, such as shots of the station in general–in the studio and in other rooms–as well as images of people talking on air, in meetings, and just hanging out around the station. I intend to remove the audio from this footage and record a voiceover over it, describing how the station functions and how it has affected people in different ways. The next part of my footage will segue from the b-roll, and consists of interviews I have done with various managers and station members. I intend to cut these interviews together so we can hear multiple people answer the same question in different ways, and then move onto the next interview question. The final part of my raw footage consists of videos of people on the air, and it is intended to actually show what people do at the radio station instead of just listening to them talking about it. But I intend to cut up this footage insert pieces of it throughout the film so that it does not get too boring hearing and seeing it all at once. 
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Final Project
What are we afraid of?                     
the movies we see as a kid?             
The Myths we hear from our friends?    
the stories we hear from our parents?      
is it The nightmares we experience ?            
the darkness that surrounds the night     
the class we know we just won’t past     
the feeling that our future isn’t bright 
the feeling of loneliness                         
the feeling we aren’t in control                                                                              
The feeling we’ll never be loved 
The feeling we won’t succeed   
 The feeling we are lost               
 The feeling we can’t trust others  
The feeling we can’t keep up    
The feeling we aren’t accepted      
The feeling those we love won’t come back 
fear that those we care about will live a dark path  
the feeling that no matter what we do, we’ll always be wrong
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The footage I took was raw footage of the daily event that Rutgers usually holds for comp sci students to interact and work on a project together.  For this documentary, I decided to take a different approach than how I had originally planned.  Rather than taking a stance on the impact of computer science on the world, I decided to make my film about the struggles of comp sci students and obstacles they undergo.  Being one of the more difficult majors out there, there is a lot of information that can be broadcasted in a humorous way.  For example did you know that comp sci majors live under the slogan that C’s earn degrees?  This is because the classes are extremely difficult resulting the average being a c or less, thus having an immense curve.  I will then feature interviews with students within this field and their thought process on why they chose this major, if they regret it, how they are doing and what their plan is moving on.  there are many students who decide to enter the major knowing full well what they would like to accomplish with it and then there are others who have absolutely no idea what they are doing as a computer science major.  those who question there major are the ones that make up the majority of the major.  Being a computer science major is a rollercoaster in college.  Whether it be extreme stress or high ambitions with impossible goals, the memes are all the same and every student can relate.  My footage will capture these moments of distress and essentially make it one giant meme for these comp sci majors to laugh and for others to see things on our end.  
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tangistuff-blog · 7 years
STMP No 11
I have gathered pictures and video for my b-roll. The footage is of the pictures of my family and friends. This footage will be used as a transition from each interview.  A couple of the pictures will be used when I call my a couple of my friends.  The video will show the picture of these friends as they talk.
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mspuddincake09-blog · 7 years
15 min raw footage
For my documentary I am either going to choose to focus on my relationship with my grandparents or my relationship with my sisters. I have off-guard footage of my sisters being themselves and then I have footage from my grandparents house and also videos of them talking about me. I also filmed different areas of Trenton to show where I come from and to just use it as an extra. The footage that I have in my opinion better helps people to understand me. With the footage of my sister people can see where I get my sense of humor from but also can see how we’re total opposites that attract. With the footage of my grandparents and the different aspects of their house the viewers will be able to see how much my grandparents love me and how they showcase my achievements . 
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chicanahoodelite · 7 years
Raw footage
For my documentary I got footage of Felisha and I taking friendship quizzes and talking about our favorite moments from our friendship. I will cut the most meaningful parts that display our relationship and use that under b-roll pictures. I interviewed our friend Rachel who was there when we met and she retold the story of how we met. This will be used in the beginning and I’m hoping to recreate that with Felisha and use it as b-roll. I have old videos and pictures from last year to represent how our friendship has grown since then. I also got footage of us at breakfast which we do every week. I will put this in in between interviews to demonstrate how we bond. On Thursday I am going to interview our counselor LaShelle and she will serve as the expert because she has watched our friendship grow. What I hope to show is how opposites attract because we are both very different people, but we balance each other out which is necessary sometimes. I also plan on connecting this to the EOF experience and how they tell us our friends from the summer are going to be lifelong because of what we experienced together.
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bbkaykez-blog · 7 years
My film will be about me coming to Rutgers and basically finding my way around here on the East Coast all while trying to work on my craft and make a home out of my new state. The film I’ve collected consists of videos of me meeting my little cousins for the very first time when I came to New Jersey. Family has always been a huge part of my life and my newfound family here on the East Coast has helped make my transition smooth, making the 3,000 miles seem insignificant. Along with film of my little cousins and I bonding, I also have videos of the football games, parties, and my friends and I just hanging out. I also have videos of when I first saw snow as that was new for me. I also have film of me in New York, making my way around on the subway, walking around, and in an audition studio. With me making my home on the East Coast, I have also tried to further my career here on this coast by attending as many auditions as possible. I’ll use this film to demonstrate my love for the city and the passion I have for my art. Long story short, this film will center around an Orange county girl, born and raised in California, attempting to acclimate with her new environment, while working to make a name for herself in New York.
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oudie-blog1 · 7 years
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Robert Watts, Chocolate Cream Pie - 1964
This chocolate cream pie acts as a metaphor, by comparing our expectations of how food looks to what it really is. 
In social media today, food is portrayed as this beautiful, perfectly arranged and garnished dish. It almost seems inedible. This chrome pie represents what we’re moving towards in society - food so beautiful that you can’t eat it! This relates to my long term media project because I take a more *edible* stance on food. I want food to taste good, not always look instagram-worthy. I want food to be nutritious and delicious, not just have flower petals and acai berries sprinkled over the tops. 
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minniemouseminty · 7 years
Zimmerli Art
Calm Before the Storm by Nikolai Dubovskoi
calm sea with a storm approaching. Calm yet dark as the storm approaches. I thought it was representative of how a day can be normal and calm without anything bad happening but can feel as though something bad will happen anytime. 
***Matt Black’s Photo of a Young Girl not showing her face. 
 Purposeful lighting which hides the young girl’s face. Reflects similarly to how anxiety and depression could be portrayed. I related to the image and connected with my perceived story that comes from the picture. The hidden face is like hiding one’s sadness and darkness behind a face. 
Occupy Wall Street by Jerry Hirniak
Long strips of photos pasted closely together. Seems very daunting because of the sheer number of photos. If you closely, each photo strip has an individual photo all in a row.  I thought it was very symbolic and the artist wasn’t trying to show something directly but trying to show something to the viewer using how the images were placed.
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