inchidentally · 8 months
Why do I feel like Oscar is intentionally keeping Lando at a distance because he assumes it would never work out? And Lando kind of wishes Oscar would show an interest but he isn't so Lando pulls back too? Maybe I'm totally crazy but feels like they're doing a double fake out. If not then why not just be friendly the way they are with other guys?
@twinkodium helped talk me through this ask so a huge thank you to her <3
gonna put below a cut and include some other asks that aren't necessarily of interest to everyone and are kind of in the same vein (note the tag)
okay so "why not just be friendly like they are with other guys" is a pretty good thing to focus on bc when you actually break it down, Lando and Oscar define themselves as being pretty shy and they conceal a fair amount their lives and closest friends from the public. and truth is that it seems to take both of them at least a year of knowing someone before they open up - and even longer before they're as friendly as we see them with guys like Logan, Zhou, Carlos or Daniel. Lando lists the guys he's known since as far back as karting as his closest friends. so after just one season together, what we already have in terms of friendliness between Lando and Oscar is pretty damn good!
but honestly we can't say that either of them are really holding back at all when we've got Andrea and Zak constantly emphasizing how in sync they are and then of course how big they both show up for each other's wins/poles etc. whatever we don't get in terms of fun fandom content, we've got them showing each other mutual respect and support and sharing the same priorities. that's... really good imo.
it's what cracks me up abt everyone who went all 'planetf1 angry white dad in oakleys selfie in a truck comment section' over that recent Oscar quote. Lando's literally had everyone saying the same thing to him, directly and on social media ?? did they also decide that Martin Brundle, Natalie Pinkham, Lawrence Barretto and Jenson Button all despise Lando and want to take swipes at him by saying that his public flagellation feels of no use and worse, that it's probably a hindrance to his mindset? did Lando suddenly became loathed by all these people who SEEM to openly like or love him bc they said that ??
or did they expect Oscar to respond to that question with "oh no yeah it's cool that my teammate who I actually like shits all over himself and gives his haters ammo y'know to each their own whatever man" bc that WOULD actually be incredibly cold and hurtful asgajsgfljasf
I know fandom can go way off track and start expecting these men to talk like fan fic but the truth is that they view each other as professionals and fellow drivers first and friends (if they are) second. I won't repeat myself bc I've posted about it enough but none of the grid are a significant part of Lando or Oscar's life outside F1. Lando and Martin did a stopover in Perth (and apparently Martin even had work there?) for one day to ride dirt bikes at Daniel's ranch and Lando went to Carlos' sisters' gigantic state wedding lol. doesn't compare at all compared to Lando's time spent with Max F, the quadrant folks, his family, his Monaco friends and definitely not Martin Garrix. it also doesn't mean that they're not still friends with those guys on the grid - it's just not the same.
so the fact that Lando and Oscar aren't out here dishing out bromancey stuff where fans can see and hear definitely doesn't say that those bromances mean the drivers are actually any closer. Oscar relied on extroverts like Robert and Arthur to give him something to play off and Lando relied on Carlos and Daniel for the same. so when they're left without a gobby extrovert they do that cute thing of giggling and handing back and forth to each other. to me personally it's always kind of sweet ?? that Lando and Oscar do the thing of looking at each other for support to get through the cringey and awkward to camera stuff. sometimes when Lando is really feeling himself Oscar can just kick back and watch him. and as we saw w that helmet design video, even when Oscar isn't filming w Lando he hangs around offers support.
wow apparently I cannot stay on track today anon but idk I just personally think that it's the opposite of a mutual fakeout and they've bonded pretty well over both being shy, both being equally focused on their careers and also needing to switch off sometimes. finding out they spent the night after Lando's crash in Vegas together sharing "commiserations" is like, one in a long list of us hearing that they chose to hang out alone together and not publicize it.
all of us are on the outside of their friendship and as much as that suuuuucks for not getting as much content as we want, it's also really sweet and kind more likely to be genuine and lasting since they consider a lot of that relationship as private <3
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askgfka no prob!! tbh a lot of the stress and anxiety in other Lando ships is down to ppl getting way too comfy w the idea that real life partners either aren't "real" or that they're the only thing standing in the way of their ship becoming real.
and bc for some reason landoscar makes me want to write all of these essays I feel like it's kind of my responsibility to be like yeah, there's even more than just assuming ppl's sexualities and their real life partners stand between two ppl we like to imagine together actually getting together. rpf is heavy on the f and mostly what we're all actually enjoying are friendships. and as someone who is lucky to have them, I personally wouldn't be one of those ppl who said romantic partners and friendships are on some sliding scale of importance. they're just different!
ever since landoscar became a thing, Lily's been in Oscar's life and Lando's been pursued by every man who sees him and burning through baddies on Raya on a literal global scale. it's important to come back from rpf to that fact so we don't end up attraction those legions of people calling real life girlfriends "PR beards" or that Lando's dating app horniness is some front for him meeting up with Carlos or Daniel or whoever lol.
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oh I am so not the person to answer abt this since I can't relate to wanting couples to get married or thinking that it's all that significant! I'm a huge romantic and I theoretically enjoy the idea of weddings/marriage but all the ppl I know who've gotten married out of college are already regretting or cheating it so it's put a real damper on it for me.
but that's as much as I want to speculate abt them bc I don't want to put anything out in the universe for ppl I'll never even know !!
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inchidentally · 6 months
I just saw Carlos' girlfriend when they kissed and she is stunning!! Do they stay private like Oscar and Lily? I've never seen them together. I laughed so hard at Lando's dad being nosy watching them 😂
she is !!! her modeling reels are so impressive she's like 90s model level of chic. and you could actually hear her screaming on the broadcast bc she was one of the few high voices in that masculine Ferrari team asfgsalgfslajgfa
and the renaissance painting quality of these photos where he reaches for her is !!!
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NO SAME I laughed so hard at Zak discreetly looking away to give them a moment but Adam is full on pulling a Lando and O.O the whole time sfashlfhaslfhal
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and she gets so much hate and abuse from ppl who either want to be with him or want him to be with Lando you would not believe. and like, it's one thing to choose not to rb wives and girlfriends at all but it's rly obvious who is doing it for that reason and who just wants to police these men's choices in partners.
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so as of this season they definitely made the decision to be fully public and allow fans to take photos with her in them when they want to which is <3 (it's also sadly why the hate has ramped up)
but they started out extremely private and all we saw were grainy sneaky fan photos. ppl managed to find out who she was and I think the paps managed to get her a couple of times even though she tended to walk a bit apart from him to avoid it. then Pierre accidentally hard launched her in one of his pictures of a group hanging out with Carlos and then he deleted it minutes later. it's so funny too bc she had deliberately scooted further down the table against the wall and wasn't looking at the camera so he must've just forgotten to crop it aslfgjslaf. I can't always watch the broadcasts so I can't remember how early she started going to races but I remember seeing pics of her and Charles' gf Alex around the paddock by about mid-season? they were definitely still hiding her a fair amount around Mexico and Brazil bc she was on the flight Lando and Carlos took bc ppl spotted her cardigan on one of the seats (if I ever go missing btw give the case to gossip sites they'd find me in 3 hours flat asgkfgalfgla). and ofc she and Carlos posted parallel carousels of their little private holiday in Bermuda (I think?) so they didn't rly mind ppl putting 2 and 2 together by then. she didn't do the walk to the garage with him until around Vegas I think? and since then she's gone to every race when she isn't working. she was invited to Dakar and Spanish media filmed her walking w his family. Carlos' mom and sister attended her runway show in Madrid, Rebecca went to lunch with I wanna say three generations of Sainz men a couple months ago and there's been sm commenting back and forth going on. so it's been very gradually but steadily been getting more public and now I think they're relaxed into it.
my favorite part tho is that Carlos has been leaving emojis on her photos for a while but she doesn't comment on his content so I feel like she's more pushing for not posting each other atp bc the comments are likely to be a cesspool. she's already restricted and monitored comments on her own content.
this is totally my pointless take but I feel like the fact that she works and travels so steadily as a model and keeps her own family off her social media is rly ideal for a Virgo micromanager like Carlos? he very much likes to manage what he shares and when.
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inchidentally · 3 months
hey man i'm genuinely confused. i read your 'oscar' post (of reasons you love him) and I genuinely do not understand what gentlesir means?
"no idea if he's even aware of this but where he decidedly will not do creepy pseudo "gentlesir" shit with Lily (ie treating her as helpless or in need of his aid to exist in the world)".
forgive me for being so clueless. thank you.
omg no I don't even think anyone uses that anymore so it prob didn't make sense to a lot of ppl lafhsaljfhlsaf
if you look up 'neckbeard' and gentlesir then you'll get the idea but it's basically mra type guys who use chivalry as an excuse to make women seem helpless and useless. a lot of male athletes combine this oppressive quality with an oh so charming oedipal manipulation of making their gfs and wives mommy them :|
could not be further from who Oscar is tg <3
(even funnier when you consider what Oscar looked like when he and Lily first got together and it was a genuine toss up between who had the softer skin and prettier face out of the two of them - sis has never been out here looking for a toxic performative dudebro)
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inchidentally · 5 months
Do you happen to know why people seem to hate Magui so much?
ok so I'll do a quick reply once bc even if I can't rly support a woman I still will NOT encourage dogpiling onto her or the fangirl jealousy-motivated witch hunts - esp when a decent chunk of the grid have done similar or worse and get a pass!! I won't defend anyone's objective wrongs but I won't ignore the fact that at times certain fans' moral outrage is imbalanced much more heavily against women than men.
I'm over-using "allegedly" for obv purposes but just to say these are only the things where there's photo or video proof, I'm not including anything that's just rumors. and I unfortunately do love reading gossip but I won't disappoint myself enough to personally catalog it so pls do not ask for links etc. if you want to look it up then it's readily available.
allegedly saying the n-word multiple times on video (very clearly tbh)
xenophobia generally but the worst was the extremely overtly Islamaphobic tweet about a bathroom sign (like, you couldn't just mistake this as an innocent joke hence why this isn't "allegedly")
allegedly defending her father who allegedly has physically attacked a woman and family member
alleged blackfishing (the rule is that if black women find it offensive then yes it is, even if it was part of a fake tanning "trend")
posted an nsfw photo of her then-boyfriend to twitter before eventually deleting it and saying it was an accident (a lot of ppl questioned how easy it is to accidentally post an nsfw photo to twitter and also raised the question of what if the photo had been of a woman - so use your own judgement on that)
I'll only mention in passing the whole highly public cheating and messiness bc honestly, to me that stuff is wrapped up in relationship drama and shouldn't be classed with objectively problematic behavior. some people are messy quietly, Magui just happens to be messy pretty openly !!
personally, while I won't be posting content about her the same way I do Lily or even Rebecca, I won't go out of my way to not rb content she happens to be in. so far all that's happened is the same as what happened last year (being seen alone only once and then in groups followed by them living totally separate lives) and Lando went on stream with Max to deny all of that as dating so who even knows! I will say that while I don't have the image there was a fairly recent interview an Italian magazine where Lando said he was planning on staying single for to focus on his driving so ??
also: pls note that I don't want to use my blog to discuss or perpetuate gossip and unless it's like this ask and pretty straightforward I won't be answering <3
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inchidentally · 6 months
tricky asks time! a lot have built up so I'm definitely going to have to do a multiparter - remember to bl 'wank adjacent' to not see these posts <3
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I'm putting these two together bc the first one is to do with a super creepy anon who has a very loud and fully parasocial "our relationship" attitude toward Lily and Oscar and ironically thought that me saying that I engage in rpf for fun on a website that requires multiple hoops to get through to even scroll one page of someone's blog. and the second is the side of fandom who have developed a certain idea of "perfect relationships" based solely on the woman remaining largely unknown and the man a major public figure.
okay, so. full disclosure: I don't have a great view of heterosexual relationships when it comes to what they do to women and what they take from women. I'm not automatically down on any of them and as always I'm like, other people's choices are fully their own and my opinions are irrelevant as far as they're concerned!
it's pretty obvious from me repeating over and over but first and foremost !! I am aggressively against internalized misogyny in fandom spaces, and esp toward the women who date or marry male public figures. it's absolutely rampant on a larrying level in carlando and pretty damn bad in dando and I've been adamant that landoscar won't fall prey to those people (carlando and dando fandoms still have plenty of great people, just to say <3).
but make no mistake, me sticking up for these women is because they do not deserve abuse as a basic decency. they're not dolls I pick up and put down based on if they happen to be with a guy I post about. they deserve respect regardless of who is observing them and why. *if they're genuinely problematic then that's a separate topic but holy shit only bring that morality if you're prepared to apply it to the men you're a fan of at the same time !!
the fact that we only know these women based on the man they're dating or married to is already problematic and I get pretty grossed out when fans go hard for a gf or wife and then easily transfer that energy immediately when there's a breakup and a new gf or wife. it's equally gross when they continue to follow the ex and say how much they "miss her" or constantly bring up her ex in spaces she can see.
so when I speak up about or for Lily and any other wife or girlfriend of a driver, I'm doing so with full respect for how uncomfortable it is that I only know of her existence bc of a man. and that I also have a responsibility in a fandom space - even one as fairly invisible as tumblr - to kick back at fans who attack them purely to create space for their rpf ship fantasy or their own unhealthy obsession.
it's also why you'll see me being a broken record about keeping the line between rpf for fun and the reality of these men's relationships.
I don't think I'll ever believe that a woman is anything but relatively happy in a partnership with the type of man who has to give their entire selves to their career. especially F1 that demands 10 months of almost nonstop travel and commitments. and sorry, the whole 'yay she has her own career/life!' as some kind of consolation prize for her sacrifices doesn't work bc in order for the relationship to exist beyond phone calls and texts has always required the wife or girlfriend to fly wherever he is to spend time together. very occasionally, I see someone like George or Alex make the effort during the season to fly out to their girlfriend. Oscar went on a minibreak with Lily during the break last season. like, that's bare minimum lol and nothing compared to these women flying across the globe and being stuck waiting around while their bf or husband only has the rare hour or so between commitments on a race weekend.
so any "praise" of a wife or girlfriend for how they accommodate a man's career and "stay out of the spotlight" or "stay private" is a massive red flag for me. an largely invisible woman dating a man with a public profile will never feel like an organic decision on her part to me. it's a reaction to a situation that shouldn't exist.
"his fans and fangirls are awful though" yea and that's not fucking right and it's not a reason to let them win. decent fans can work harder to suppress the shitty ones and mass report accounts. and I know that for Lily Z, she's gotten temporary respite by being nothing more than a woman walking beside Oscar and not "giving haters any ammunition". but for example, even though Lily M and Carmen still get occasional shit from idiots who just want to hate, they go relatively unscathed because the decision was made early on to be in on the rpf ship jokes and George and Alex consistently make as many posts about them in a sort of joint, impenetrable "this is our relationship and you will not drive these women into hiding". Lily's hugely intelligent and has professional STEM aspirations of her own.
it's wayyyyy too convenient to say she's as private as she is because privacy fulfills her and brings her happiness. it's just the flipside of haters giving her a conditional reprieve bc they don't have to be annoyed by her having a visible personality.
and guess what? we've never once heard from Lily herself that she would be private even without dating a man in the public eye. we've heard what her boyfriend has said. we've heard from Kym Ilm*n. and women in fandom have taken that and decided it's permission to praise her for not wanting to face unfair abuse. like ??? I am not ok with that lol.
"maybe she just doesn't want to be super visible or have a public identity!" nah. if she's under 50 then having a public identity is fully the norm so it's too much of a convenient reach to make that assumption. and if she has a career of her own then she absolutely needs to have a public identity. even when you start out in entry positions, showing the work you do and the people you work with is totally normal for advancement. (I'm in shitty jobs so that doesn't apply to me lol but no F1 wife or gf will be working my jobs. almost all the women I know are in aspirational careers tho.)
women deserve to at least have a go at being a dynamic, public person who pursues life to the degree she chooses irrespective of her bf - and if afterward she finds she wants to be super private and raise a man's babies out of sight AND SHE SAYS SO HERSELF then that's absolutely wonderful.
but absolutely no one can convince me that women aren't conditioned and pressured in a world like F1 to either shut up and stay out of the way, or that they're "asking for it" if they do live publicly and have crazies stalking them and sending them abuse.
*side note that I've heard some ummm potentially not great things about Seb with regard to women that are not worth repeating here in case they've been blown out of proportion or just rumors. (I get the whole "he may have changed" but a lot of the videos of him flirting with women or objectifying them is... not great and hopefully he's seen the error in that) but even if it's all untrue (and obv I hope it is) I'm only happy for his wife if she has openly stated herself that she voluntarily chose to remain largely invisible and put up with him being absent so often and her having to be the one to alter her life to be with him during the F1 season. if she hasn't clearly said that herself (a direct quote "" and not just a reporter stating it) then there's no point in us assuming it about her. and the Seb's words are not a replacement for her own, sorry.
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I'm not at all a person to comment on this myself but I fully respect your experience babe <3 I personally know and know of a few ppl who got together in HS and ended up getting engaged or married and they're already cheating or breaking up so I also can't contradict you aslfgsjalgf
and just to say: while I (for all the reasons above) will never be yay I'm so glad Lily is tied to a man whose job absorbs his entire life I will NEVER say that outside these replies. I will always push support for Lily - and any gf Lando might have at some point - bc they deserve and need it in fandom. and any of our takes on these relationships are pointless and irrelevant anyway.
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I think I covered my own feeling about this above and tbh it depends on the intent. if they're going to drop the woman in question if/when a breakup happens then yea that is super creepy and weird to make fan pages etc.
I like following certain wives and gfs accounts mostly bc I live vicariously through the glamour of their lives but I'd feel weird interacting with their content or making fan content of it when I know damn well I only started following them bc of a man.
it's tricky to say and I think it depends so much on the individual fan's intent and how they create that content y'know?
but god yeah, unless a ship is a joke openly shared by the men in question like carlando and dando then I need these official accounts to just not do rpf. it's why I tend not to rb when that happens with landoscar bc I so want this ship to remain mostly under the radar and not attract rpf truthers.
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inchidentally · 5 months
Am I the only one who finds it a little sad that none of the drivers at the tennis event interacted at all? They weren't seated near each other but you'd think such old friends would have met up for a selfie or maybe a meal afterward. They all live in Monaco after all.
oh babe they probably all did or are hanging out otherwise in Monaco now that Carlos has a place there now too (or that's what we all assumed at least) <3 but also, Lando George and Carlos were there in their own individual groups and it's honestly fair to want to spend their breaks more with family and partners rather than the guys they're gonna be traveling with and seeing for the rest of the year!
oh wait I'm stupid these were two diff days I think ??
but also
Ariana what are you doing here??
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I had to look it up and the fact that Carlos' gf and Lando's bf Martin are both ambassadors for this brand of denim is afgasjlsalfhafl both Carlos and Lando were the plus ones this time <3
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inchidentally · 5 months
I've got a few asks that are all actually roughly under the same umbrella in terms of my replies - and be aware I've had to get way more serious then usual so pls skip if you're not here for that <3
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mmmmm yea you can feel as you want anon but I personally am not going to want to parallel that relationship with Oscar and Lily's. my main cause when it comes to wives and girlfriends is that they all deserve to be protected against rampant, casual misogyny in fandom spaces. but also to not to project any reflected good will onto her boyfriend or husband simply because he's the boyfriend or husband. and there's so much about the 2000s drivers that makes me hope that at least some of their behavior isn't being carried on with the current younger guys on the grid :///
also just as a reminder: I was raised by intersectional feminists and I've witnessed what even supposedly "loving" het relationships can do to people who identify as women* - so I'm never going to be rooting for heterosexual relationships as far as women are concerned. I'm not overly prejudiced and I fully support any woman's choices for herself - and I don't have the smallest delusion that I have a right to an opinion on those choices <3 but equally I'm not going to lie to myself that women don't statistically always lose or sacrifice something of themselves when they become a partner to a man and that the man loses and sacrifices nothing - and if he makes the most basic effort he's praised as a god among men. especially not a man who's career has and will always take priority over his relationship and especially if the woman has to navigate or alter her life to deal with the man's profession, public image or his fanbase. I will always want women to pursue life on their own terms without men in any way dragging them down or altering their lives - that's just my opinion and it's fine if others disagree or hopefully project onto those relationships for any reason. so far, to me, the only driver's relationships that seem at all truly balanced and not negatively affecting or requiring compromises of the women that the man doesn't have to repay, are Lily and Alex and Melissa and Nando - and while I don't know much about them probably Tiffany and Valtteri. those women were already fully adults when they met these guys and would be able to leave the relationships whenever they want without having their own individual lives and incomes affected or altered in any way. I do not see any excuse for a woman to be in a relationship in any other way or with any further sacrifice and especially not because of a man, who will always enjoy economic and social power above hers.
*I know this is a whole unique point but as far as I'm concerned identifying as a woman is how I'm referring to women at any time. TERFs DNI.
ok so I've heavily edited these next two bc my blog is not the place to get into All That and I don't want to bring stress and negativity to moots
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I think the funniest part of this rumor is how everyone's been asking for a screen recording of this and absolutely no one can produce anything other than one screencap of Rebecca at one brief time offering subscription content with no explanation for what - and that was something all models and influencers did for a while to make some money when a bunch of platforms screwed over their engagement. everyone's just running with this as if it's anyting and wtfff you're saying all she was offering were 'pictures of Carlos from the back' LIKE BFFR what are y'all even saying here ??? who was being robbed what crime was committed how is this even worth remembering ??? the reach being rought!!
but on the serious side, I'm gonna need all of you to sit yourselves in a quiet place and start taking this spontaneous and erratic morality that magically shows up when women are involved and start actually applying it to your pookie bears in F1. because not only does Carlos and the rest of the grid exploit the media, fans and sponsorships for cash, gifts, engagement and popularity - they also endorse and personally directly fund and engage with entire companies and individuals who actively perpetuate and uphold the absolute gutter of amorality and social iniquity that is the foundation of this whole sport !!
like here you guys are hunting for any tiny scrap of something to further the prejudice that these wives and girlfiends are not your ideas of Perfect Pure Sainted Angels - meanwhile you're looking at hugely problematic words and actions from your favorite driver and literally assuming that they've suddenly "had a change of heart" or are "better people now" based on ???? nothing ???? and THEN you start hoping that the girlfriend or wife is "good for him" or that she won't "be bad for him" I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind since when does a girl or woman over the age of 15 think that rich, powerful white men in hugely problematic fields of work are the ones being cruelly corrupted by the women they personally choose to date ??? if these men are shitheads then they did it all on their own babes !!
and I have to assume that even die hard Carlos fans on here are aware of how he's very much not perfect and that anyone sensible has to admit that unless he made the decision to publicly and loudly make a statement to the contrary then all of his opinions and affiliations are the same. you can absolutely compartmentalize these guys - we all do! - in order to like certain things about them or engage in content about them, but nobody should be out here so woman-hating as to take nothing of substance and use it to award these men virtues that have no foundation in reality. all while vilifying their wives and girlfriends over literally the smallest thing or making the most tenuous of connections to try and prove why they shouldn't be with your fave guy. or because while the men can fuck and cheat all they want, you've decided the women they date or marry have to conform to regressive ideas of female purity.
(just to clarify, the stuff I'm referring to "men" or "drivers" as doing is not specifically referring to Carlos or one man in particular but about the wider issue of double standards between drivers and their girlfriends and wives)
so a wife or gf of a man with an all-consuming career that involves her altering her life and plans to go all over the world just to be with him, decides to do exactly what he does and utilize a fanbase and popularity for gain? suddenly she's an evil conniving witch capable of manipulating and controlling poor widdle rich, white, powerful, influential man !! even though he dumps women and cheats on women whenever he wants and doesn't face a single bit of criticism for fans' perceptions of problems in his relationships but oh he's just a helpless hard-working victim who is nobly doing his dream job that his one percenter family and/or social status and/or race and gender made completely effortless for him and how DARE his wife or girlfriend get any of the financial benefit from a field of sports where women are so hated that even the most powerful woman is publicly accused by the highest authority in the sport of collusion based on nothing more than one gossip columnists lie !!
I could go so fucking far about how the women these men date and marry have been socially groomed from birth to be beautiful and silently supportive of their man and told they're not good enough or smart enough to succeed in a "serious" business environment - and that the drivers conveniently always end up with beautiful women who suffer at the hands of his fans who blame women for how men treat them all while he says nothing so as not to upset his base of support - then fuck it, let them all sell you people subscriptions for pictures of the drivers! let them scrape even a tiny fraction off the top of this imbalanced and unfair socioeconomic dynamic compared to the huge, unearned kickbacks and handshakes that make these men so effortlessly successful and rich. you can see those subscriptions as payment on your part for spreading rumors and hate about women and using double standards.
the rich famous man will NOT change his life to either fit your rpf ship - or to stay single so that you can continue your parasocial relationship with him uninterrupted - or choose a woman based on who you deem to be an appropriate self-insert. no matter how many rumors you believe or spread or how often you post content hating on his partner, his choice will not be affected by you. so keep those delusions and misogyny to yourself - or at least away from my blog and inbox !
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honestly anon, I've already known the content of all of your messages over the past few months and I'm choosing the least offensive one for a reason to post (edited ofc so no one can accuse me of slander or whatever)
listen: if I was at all saying that Carlos is unproblematic or publicly promoting him in any way then I'd absolutely deserve what you're saying. but for myself personally, Carlos is part of am f1blr specific hyperfixation where I stay on my blog and write stupid narratives using drivers for fun. I'm not contributing anything to his overall fanbase or giving him any of my financial or personal support. I stick to fandom spaces only and not any platform that the drivers or anyone in wider F1 circles use.
and the thing is that not only would it be putting the burden of his problematicness on me if I were to post your asks bc I alone would have to answer for them, it would also probably just be informing people of what's fully and easily available to find elsewhere. everyone I mutually follow and most people I see are fully aware that we're taking these men and for the most part using them for our own fanon rather than their actual reality. so for me to pick one driver and say look at these awful realities then I'd have to do that with all of them, including the drivers who are at all friendly with known problematic drivers and people. so while I totally understand if someone wants to kick all of F1 out of their fandom experience bc Men then jfc absolutely go for it. I'm not at all pretending that what I'm doing on my blog is worth the smallest shit! but me deciding to pick one driver out of all of them to put on blast would do nothing but make me a hypocrite and rightfully have people asking me why I don't talk about this or that driver too.
and quite frankly unless someone never supports with any male-majority content and solely focuses all of their time to intersectional feminist content then there ain't a leg to stand on to blast any other fanbase or focus on one particular person. it's fully fair to be critical! but not to get on a high horse if there's even one cishet man in your list of fandom things. honestly that could even be broadened in some cases to one cis man.
absolutely, take the truth to people who are out there on public platforms trying to claim that any of these drivers are saints and perfect humans where they could potentially be recruiting to a fanbase using false narratives and covering up problematic behavior. but ask yourself if you're time is best spent mostly attacking women and girls in fanbases over this or going right to the comments and tags that squarely target the men themselves.
but on here I've got to kind of assume we all know what the score is and nobody's in denial that these are mere Rich Powerful Men and none of them deserves our actual serious allegiance yk ??? I feel like we're all aware this is us having fun and we're all accepting that while we can block and blacklist tags based on personal preferences, none of us in f1blr who likes a male driver can pretend to be superior to liking a different one. at best they're better at keeping their mouths shut but they also permit and overlook a LOT. and yes, that includes Lewis even though my god he has a gigantic lead on the rest in terms of progressive actions and deeds compared to any other man in F1. and that while he still has unaddressed problematic associations and behavior, all of us white fans need to be fucking vigilant of going after him if we're not fully going ten times harder on the white drivers.
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inchidentally · 6 months
Heyyy!!! Thank you for articulating this and actually, I think that’s eventually the plan. Look, my auntie used to work for two professional athlete as their social media manager (basketball players, 1 established nba starand the other 1 an up and coming nba player who is now in the nba). And i remember the up and coming nba star had a gf before and my auntie suggested to gently introduced her to his social media to curate a wholesome image for the player. You would think that that’s gonna “ruin” him for the fans (esp female fans) but actually, my aunt claims that introducing a long time gf in the picture will only make the female fans swoon. They like a good guy. A loyal guy. A wholesome guy. So that’s what they did. Just include her in some of the photos. Also asked the nba player to mention her more. And then get her more involved. She’s still private and their rs is still private but the fans know her and they have a healthy rs. Like they know that that’s her man.
Now, relating to Oscar. Remember he added a social media manager this year? Kym Illman talked about this in one of his videos. So obviously, Osc and his team are making deliberate moves to grow his social media following. What also *just* started happening more this year? Yes that’s right- Osc became more open to his relationship with Lily. He posts her more. He even tags him now. Literally the exact same plan as what my auntie did with the nba player. My guess/theory is they are going to gently open Lily to the public more. I think they are doing this delicately because this girl is not just some pr girl. This is actually Oscar’s gf for 5 yrs. So i think they are being very cautious about it. I predict that we will soon hear her voice and listen to her talk a little. Maybe just a short one but we will soon get to know her better (in a controlled way because i really think that Oscar and her want to keep their rs private).
But I agree. My auntie said that letting a longterm gf remain in the background and be mysterious is actually going to fuel more obsession. So giving the public just little bits of her and allowing them to get to know her personality better is a much better plan. It’s like eating small meals throughout the day rather than skipping meals and then binging at night. It also allows the gf to be less of an idea and more of a real person. Keeping Lily this “idea” can quickly become this overly sweet and toxic deification of her. She’s not an idea. She’s a person.
Also, it really helps with Oscar’s image. Trust. It also going to keep him out of the “gossips” and crazy fangirl interest/obsession. Since they like Lily and they like the fact that Oscar has been with her for 5 yrs, they are most likely going to not be romantically obsessed with him. They are going to adore the fact that he’s a wholesome guy and how lucky lily is to have a man like him. Instead of obsessing to be his gf. Something like that.
Also remember Nico Rosberg? Before he married his wife, he was with her for years and years. He is a party boy and yet we dont really associate him with the party scene the way we do with single Lewis. Lewis said Nico is more of a party animal than him and yet Nico rarely got that image. It’s cause the public knows him as someone who’s been in long term relationship. So Oscar’s team opening Lily more to the public (again in a controlled way) is good not only in making Lily less of an idea and more of a real person to the public, but also Oscar’s image. It keeps the crazies and speculations away.
I’m sorry I wrote a whole essay. I just read your opinion on this and I totally agree.
NO TYSM ANON <3<3 fr like I've always been invested in how the women partners to famous men are treated in any fandom and it's always seemed by far the best tactic to offer up a little bit of contextualizing her into the fandom space - while maintaining a healthy distance for her own safety/sanity - and then before you know it she's fully accepted and all the delulus move on to another rpf ship or another man they want to pretend they could somehow have for themselves.
"less of an idea and more of a real person" EXACTLY. like god of course she wants to keep people as much out of her business as possible and if ppl could be sane and normal then the ideal would to continue as is. but a part of keeping those boundaries from being pushed by fans is a controlled release of content rather than nothing at all. I'm hoping that's what is being built up.
and I totally forgot yea that he'd added a sm manager and that the opeightyone acc has become more active in the same way LN4 is where content can be released through those channels as opposed to their personal accs. I feel like apart from when his humor and sarcasm means that it's clearly him (and the emojis lol) he's pulled back for the most part from his public accs. it's a shame bc we won't get to see those interactions with other drivers anymore but w how much fame doesn't suit him it was probably inevitable!
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inchidentally · 6 months
basically i said how some people worship lily z when we know nothing about her and oscar’s said multiple times they want a private relationship. a lot of people think it’s just jealousy because they’re in a happy relationship which is why ill never say this out of anon but it just feels weird seeing people talk so much about her when she clearly doesn’t want it
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(got it now!)
just to say that in fairness Lily's never directly spoken at all pubilcly and she does communicate via DMs w her fan accs at times and she likes edits of her and Oscar - so I think between not knowing what she actually thinks personally and that she's ok with those fans at least, it seems less that she doesn't want to be talked about at all and more that she doesn't want to be open to all of fandom - if that makes sense? like the second a wife or gf has a real, flawed, human personality then the driver's fangirls will immediately turn on her with a vengeance. so she's choosing to only be known to friendly people and has clearly asked them not to disclose the messages themselves. it's a fine line that I am so glad I'll never have to walk myself.
and I think we're thinking the same here when I get icked by the fans who say "she's a literal angel!!" or "she's so perfect!" bc you just know that extreme adoration will flip so damn fast one day - but also bc it's a bit gross that a wife or gf is "ranked" above others solely because she isn't public and even her voice is unknown and all that's firmly known is that she's beautiful and dates a famous guy ??? how about supporting her against misogyny but also admitting it's not possible to form extreme opinions of a woman either way! you can just stand up and tell ppl to not hate on her or try to erase her and not cross any boundaries y'know?? like unless a woman has truly said or done something objectively horrible herself then it's fine to just support women against abuse and harassment without needing reasons why!
so I do get you anon, even though we don't know her own opinions about any of this directly from her, it's safe to say she's not looking to be a major topic of conversation among F1 fans. certainly she's not interested in having ppl who call themselves her stans go around and discuss their version of who they think she is based on nothing more than projection !!
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just to say that I'm pretty sure it was found that that is some male relative and not part of her immediate family. but yeah, if we won't cancel drivers for having problematic family then we sure won't the girlfriends and wives !!
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