#fabio coentrao
percervall · 1 month
you scrambled my brain in such a way with that slutty, slutty man, that I searched for Fabio Coentrao and then realised "wait a minute, he's a motor rider??? Why are these all images of someone playing football???"
in short, man so pretty brain went BYE BITCH
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squiffy-fags · 2 years
Fabio Coentrao Portuguese left-back footballer. He also operated as a winger and occasionally as a defensive midfielder
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Happy 7th birthday Henrique Coentrao 🎂🎁
Pic: Fabio Coentrao
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feanva · 3 years
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Dinamo Zagreb - Real Madrid 14.09.2011
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realwhitegold · 5 years
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a lot of the stuff that went down at real madrid under mourinho was just so  absurdly balls-to-the-wall crazy that we tend to forget the smaller moments of pure weirdness and drama that could only ever happen to this club.
in that spirit, here’s a fun little reminder of the time that jose mourinho did what my teachers always threatened to do on field trips... aka, five late-arriving players got stranded at the bernabeu the night before the madrid derby because mourinho had the bus leave without them:
Cristiano Ronaldo, Pepe, Fabio Coentrao, Kaká and Álvaro Arbeloa all arrived a few minutes late to their appointment with the rest of the Real Madrid squad at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium. At the designated departure time, José Mourinho told the driver to leave and the five footballers were left behind.
Cristiano, Pepe, Coentrao, Kaká and Arbeloa had to travel to the Mirasierra Suites Hotel, where the team is staying, in Arbeloa’s car.
every other week was something like this. 
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everybodylovesluka · 6 years
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Training day fun @RM
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smurf4ever · 6 years
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Sincronia a gente vê aqui
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madridistaforever · 6 years
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Official: Fábio Coentrão joins Rio Ave FC | August 31, 2018 Real Madrid’s official announcement: “Real Madrid C. F. and Fábio Coentrão have agreed to cancel the player's contract.Real Madrid would like to express their thanks to the player for these years in which he has been part of the club and wish him all the best in this new chapter.
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glitterscale · 5 years
Fabio’s POV
5 years later
 Wow, a few things have passed since the last time you’ve heard of me. Let me briefly summarize them for you:
-          First and foremost, Cristiano and I have found each other. Well, we kind of did. Even though you might have heard from the media that Cristiano has made three new children and won over a new girlfriend, we have confessed our love for one another. I tell you that it was an emotional and overwhelming moment for me which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life. Yet, I’m still with Andreia and he with his new girl Georgina, who is famously known as ‘big love’, but we’re all living in Madrid next door to each other in order for me to still be able to steal his apples (and more of course…). However, since the incident with Maria it had become clear to us that it was better to love each other in secret. Not even Andreia knows about us.
-          Apropos Maria, he is still at Real but his skills got worse. He barely makes the squad anymore which may also be a result of our new coach.
-          Yes, you’ve heard right. We have a new coach. Or rather a new old one: The one and only Zinedine Zidane. He used to be our coach one season ago resulting in us winning the Champions League three times in a row, however, he quit after the last season. Now, he’s back and stronger than ever.
-          If you almost stopped reading because you were scared that Mou was gone – don’t be! He is now our assistant coach. Whether or not he likes his new role is up to debate but more about that in the following chapters.
-          The new coaching duo Zizou and Mou have turned the whole squad upside down. The only remaining players you may still recognize are Di Maria, Sergio Ramos, Luka Modric, Varane and the German guy Khedira.
-          We have got another German import called Groteska (or is it Goretzka? … No, I don’t think so…) whose playing in the defensive midfield – be aware of his curls!
-          It’s not only Germans who made the team but we’re a very international Real Madrid in fact.
-          We have three Brits: our new goalkeeper Jamie Dornan (San Iker has retired ... or is he still playing? I’m not sure) who keeps saying that he has a very special taste. I think he doesn’t like fish. The other British guy played for a Real Madrid more than a decade ago. You may remember him as David Beckham. He is now working in our marketing department as he is too old to play football. He has reformed a lot already. On matchdays, he sells strawberry banana smoothies and after I requested it the menu also lists fish bone smoothies now. The last British guy is Ruben Loftus Cheek who has not only nice cheeks but also long legs and brown skin. He will also be a huge part of the upcoming chapters… Stay tuned!!
-          Loftus moved over from Chelsea London alongside Eden Hazard who hopefully every one of you know. He’s Belgian. He is short – but not shorter than me and quite handsome. I think, he and Ruben would make such a great couple. Unfortunately, their communication seems to be a bit complicated … Cristiano and I had better luck with this…
-          Zizou has pulled his strings and made the signing of a very promising talent possible: Kylian Mbappe who is French and young but very skilled.
-          The last two signings are the defender David Luiz and our new media spokesman Ingo Zamperoni.
-          Last but not least, it was the legendary number 7 Juanito who has watched our Club’s every move and still is!!
 So, now back to business. It was a rainy day in Huesca when I woke up early in the hotel room. (Yes, Huesca – I don’t know where that is but Cristiano told me that it was somewhere in Spain which kind of makes sense considering we’re playing in a Spanish League.) I heard the rain falling when I turned around in my bed to face Cristiano. There he was – the Portuguese hero, legend, and sex symbol lying 10 centimetres away from me. I was about to touch his face when someone knocked at the door.
“Cristiano, Fabio! Hallooooooo! Cristianoooooooo, open the door!”
I got up but before I opened the door I asked nervously “Hello? Who is there?”
“Fabio, you idiot. You not know my voice? It’s Sami”
“Who?” I asked. I didn’t know a Sami. “Khedira. Boy from Germany!”, the man said. “Ah okay!”
I opened the door and let the German in. Before I could stop him, he stormed into the room and stopped almost as fast in front of the bed looking at a very naked Cristiano whose blanket had fallen to the floor. There we were. Standing around the bed, both unable to move staring at Cristiano’s manhood.
Moments later, someone entered the room. It must have been Zizou because he said with a French accent: “Cristiano, I hope you don’t mind getting dressed and coming to the conference room? Now?!” He continued in a calm voice: “Fabio, Sami, please just don’t make a scene and go, too. I think Cristiano is able to dress himself!”
 I was sitting in the conference room with the good-looking British / Irish guy next to me. “Hi, my name is Fabio!”, I said. “Man, I know. We have been playing together in one team for a little over a year now.” Oh really? Instead of apologizing and fixing the situation (something that would have been impossible anyway because of my bad English), I pointed at my ear and said: “We must hear Zizou!”, to underline my statement, I also pointed at Zizou. Hopefully, the British / Irish guy had understood that.
Zizou started talking about tactics and about our opponent Huesca. I was unable to concentrate because I missed the breakfast and was lusting for fish already. It was when Zizou began to talk about the starting eleven that Cristiano entered. He looked around and targeted the seat next to me. However, it wasn’t the seat on the right taken by the Irish / British guy but the one on the left where Real Madrid’s new signing and promising English talent Ruben Loftus-Cheek was sitting. “Move!”, Cristiano said kind of rude. Instead of replying something, Loftus just smiled at him. “I said move!”, Cristiano said again. Loftus got up as slowly as he probably could and placed himself in front of Cristiano. The whole conference room gasped. Loftus was one head taller than Cristiano and therefore made him look like a child. “Oh god, just sit down. I need a seat close to the mirror, anyway!”, Cristiano said and went into the opposite corner.
That’s how the 2019 / 2020 season started. When we set foot on the pitch in Huesca the sun was shining again, and I was sure that this was Juanito’s doing. The appearance of his spirit promised a very exciting season ahead, of that I was sure. Yet at that time, I didn’t know about all the drama that was awaiting us in the upcoming months…
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lucassvazquez · 6 years
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FABS IS IN MADRID 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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realmadridnews · 6 years
Official announcement
Fabio Coentrao and Real Madrid terminated the contract of the defender. The Portuguese signed a contract with Rio Ave.
Good luck Fabio! 
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xtraminute · 6 years
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riricitaa · 6 years
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💚❤️ Fábio Coentrão  💚❤️
for @kingkeylor
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"I got along very well with everyone and there were no problems. Now that I'm not there, the only one I speak with is Cristiano Ronaldo, who is my friend and who is the best player in the world. And, in addition, they have a coach with whom, when he speaks, they all listen. From Cristiano I learned to do my talking on the pitch."
Fabio Coentrao
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Vitoria’s birthday party
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fabio-coentrao · 6 years
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Fabio_coentrao: 🔙 Momentos inesquecíveis. Hoje serei mais um a apoiar, boa sorte!! #HalaMadrid
🔙 Unforgettable moments. Today I will be one more supporter, good luck!! #HalaMadrid
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