#fabrice de sauveterre
romangoldendreams · 4 years
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The pursuit of love (2020) - 
Lily James as Linda Radlet 
Assaad Bouab as Fabrice de Sauveterre 
Emily Beecham as Fanny Logan 
Shazad Latif as Alfred Wincham 
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frimleyblogger · 4 years
Book Corner – September 2020 (5)
Book Corner – September 2020 (5) - The Pursuit of Love by Nancy Mitford
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The Pursuit Of Love – Nancy Mitford
I am going through a phase of reading, often for the first time, novels from the mid-20th century by authors whose popularity has somewhat waned. This, her fifth novel, published in 1945, is the first of Mitford’s books I have read. I’m not sure what I was expecting but I rather enjoyed it.
It seems to me to work on two levels, a light, romantic comedy,…
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alphadrg · 5 years
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repost, don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.  absalon de sauveterre TITLE.   warrior of light, warrior of darkness, the azure dragoon, finder of false gods  NICKNAME.   distra revare GENDER.    male. HEIGHT.    6 ′ 4″. AGE.   31  (as of ARR). ZODIAC.   cancer. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.     common, Ishgardian, passable Hingan. In addition he can understand all spoken languages.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.   beige.   EYE COLOR.   blood red. SKIN TONE.    olive, mid brown BODY TYPE.   fairly lithe as per the normal Elezen standard. has broad shoulders, and a rather muscular body-- especially in the legs.  VOICE.   rather soft, and usually soft spoken. tends towards the quieter side and usually does not use the full brunt of his voice (although he can, and when he does it is a crashing wave against the mountainsides).  DOMINANT HAND.    right - handed, left - eye dominate. POSTURE.     lax, sometimes unreasonably so. has a habit of crossing his arms over his chest or even slouching. but he does know when to stand up straight and act proper when need to. often has a habit of holding his breath. SCARS.   the most predominate is on his left cheek trailing from his inner eye towards his neck. there are many more all over his body from years of hunting, some faded and others permanent. the most notable is across his back. TATTOOS.   none. BIRTHMARKS.   none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).    piercing red eyes, deep scar on his face, how he almost looks as if he is to move to say or do something but stands still. 
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   ferndale, coerthas. HOMETOWN.    ferndale, coerthas. SIBLINGS.   none. PARENTS.    marie de sauveterre (mother, deceased), corentin de sauveterre (father, deceased), sikha kaahle (adoptive mother, alive)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.     elite hunter (formerly), local adventurer, scion, primal slayer CURRENT RESIDENCE.    although he has a small apartment in shirogane (often used whenever he is in kugane), he does not have any formal home and wanders.  CLOSE FRIENDS.   n/a RELATIONSHIP STATUS.   widower (distr’a revare, deceased) FINANCIAL STATUS.    well enough to live comfortably. has an unclaimed fortune from the house of sauveterre of a pretty heavy size. DRIVER’S LICENSE.   he can ride a chocobo??? CRIMINAL RECORD.   poaching, vandalism, trespassing whilst living in the keeper tribe. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.   homosexual / homoromantic. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.    submissive | dominant | switch |  unsure PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.    submissive | dominant | switch |  sex repulsed LIBIDO.   yeah he fucks.  TURN ON’S.    slow burn, unknowing caresses and accidental touches, gazes from across the room, holding and being held, being freely emotional TURN OFF’S.    being pushy, forcing himself to open up, belittling, making fun of his emotional tendency LOVE LANGUAGE.   physical affections, gazes and smiles only meant for their other half, loving freely but silently between one another behind closed doors, lending his soul to the other in times of need.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.    when distra has found someone who he can be himself around, he will allow the facade he has created around himself to fall away and he then becomes rather emotional around the other person (not so much where he is a complete wreck but will often comment more on how he feels such as noting what about the world he loves, and showing more outward joy). he’ll be more silly around the other, giddy, and physically affectionate with lingering touches and caresses.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  took a turn, young widows HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.    knitting/making plushies, watching the stars, making orange juice, light gardening, taking naps beneath trees. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.    right brained.  FEARS.    being forgotten, not finding a place to belong, pushing away everyone so much that he can no longer connect to anyone and being forever lonely, having his past self forgotten forever and he will have to continue to live this facade because people consider that to be his ‘real’ self. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.    fluctuates a lot. he’s rather confident in his battle prowess but outside of that its kind of low. VULNERABILITIES.   sometimes does not think before moving, often lending to injuries that could have easily have been avoided had he paused for a moment and put a thought to what he was doing. bites more than he can chew. in addition is EXTREMELY empathetic and if there is strong emotion in the air he can succumb to it with fainting, migraines, frozen in place, or blinding tears that make him an easy target (and in turn he sometimes need to shut himself off in order to endure battles with high emotions making him have a one set mind to kill)
tagged by:     @fourfolded ty ty ty
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Love in a Cold Climate  -  ITV  -  October 29, 1980 - December 17, 1980
Drama (8 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Judi Dench as Aunt Sadie (Lady Alconleigh)
Michael Aldridge as Uncle Matt (Matthew Radlett, Lord Alconleigh)
Michael Williams as Davey Warbeck
Lucy Gutteridge as Linda
John Moffatt as Lord Merlin
Isabelle Amyes as Fanny
Vivian Pickles as Lady Montdore
Diana Fairfax as Emily Warbeck
Job Stewart as Boy Dougdale
Rosalyn Landor as Lady Polly Hampton
Rebecca Saire as Victoria
Christopher Scoular as Alfred
Richard Hurndall as Lord Montdore
Michael Cochrane as Cedric Hampton
Yolande Palfrey as Jassy
Selena Carey-Jones as Louisa
Max Harris as Little Matt
Jean-Pierre Cassel as Fabrice, duc de Sauveterre
Patience Collier as duchesse de Sauveterre
Anthony Head as Tony Kroesig
Peter Howell as Duke of Paddington
Joshua Le Touzel as Bob
David Parfitt as Little Matt
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redroem · 5 years
intro post: cyprien sauveterre
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Tangled legs and mangled dreams. That's how he used to wake up, hateful for the hangover but thankful for the warmth on those brisk Ishgardian nights.
This evening, the hanging vestiges of that familiar sensation - spiderweb wisps - of something warm and soft roams around his calves, jolting him upright.
"It has been too long" is where his humor prompts his mind to go, but he buries it with a deep inhale. Meditation is the way he chooses to center himself these days; though wholly tempting is it to drown in the drink or throw a night's earnings to the roulette tables at the nearest gambling parlor. Instead, he slowly focuses on his surroundings, breath gliding in an even cadence, air tightening his abdomen, awakening him to the present moment in calmness.
What the fuck is THAT?
"Oh," Cyprien comments lamely, lavender eyes blinking and finding the source of his discontent. Eto's tiger is making his rounds, weaving over and atop the troupes' sleep-paralyzed legs, butting them with his dewy black nose. The Elezen can not contain a small smile; he is such a big baby. They all were, in their own ways. Taunted creatures from all ends of the earth, brought together by the craving for belonging, camaraderie. A balm for their bruised hearts. Tantalus was their name. Their family. De Sauveterre was a vestige of a former life he'd long since severed, grinning as the blade brutely hacked off that tainted flesh.
Skeletal fingers sharply pat Whisper on his hindquarters as the beast sulks silently over to another sleeping circus member. Cyprien rises and goes about his stretches, then makes his way into the circus tent proper.
It is a harlequin ghost, an empty shell this early in the morning with moonlight still kissing the diamond-shape pattern on the canvas walls. The moon is milky on his own skin; he raises his hands, breathing steadily again to ignore the light marks on the undersides of his forearms. He covers them in makeup to omit the scarring, the ridges from past bouts, past drugs, past hindrances. He clenches his fists and makes for the center of the room - where his violet silk dangles. A lover's finger beckoning him to dance.
He gathers the tendrils of silk in both hands, winding the fabric swiftly around his forearms three times. With a hop and a firm tug downward, he pulls himself up off the floor, jerking firmly on the lengths of silk and swings both legs up and over her head, flipping into an upside-down split. In a whirl of purple, he twists at the hips and bends his knees, entwining the excess silk around his legs. Letting go of the silk in his hands he swings downward, dangling precariously by the fabric wound tightly around thick thighs.
His expression turns grave and his eyes dart fearfully at the silk tangled about her. He abruptly tosses his arms out at his sides as he screams silently, unintelligibly, thrashing against the bindings. He quickly seizes the tail of ribbons dangling beneath his head and tosses them violently and haphazardly around his torso and arms, ensnaring herself within the silken vines.
Halfway through reality and dream, misty morning crashing in as performance butts against nightmares still crawling through his mind.
Cyprien curls his head and knees into his chest, forming his body into a violet cocoon. The movement makes him rock languidly back and forth, but he twitches and jerks violently inside the purple embrace, suggesting that whatever transformation is occurring is not a gentle one. He then abruptly bursts forth, silks unraveling around his form as he plummets towards the ground. Just before he hits the floor, the silks snap tight, twisted securely around his calves and ankles. He brings his arms up over his head and clasps both ribbons, arching his back and tilting his head up, eyes ablaze with excitement.
This is the heat he lives for in his chest. The delicious thrill of being winded, being feareful of the plummeting darkness. Nearly crashing to his death, bashing his brains across the floor. But at the last moment...he saves himself.
He wonders if it will always be that way.
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artifice-luxe · 3 years
Style it Up: Pursuit of Love
Style it Up: Pursuit of Love
THE LATEST BBC Period Drama based on a beloved book by Nancy Mitford Lily James in ‘Pursuit of Love’ is saved by Heart-melting French Lover, Fabrice de Sauveterre, the Duke who appears to be feckless but ends up being a hero of the French Resistance. Pictured with the Love of her Life after two failures, The leading Character played by Lily James.Without the performance of Lily James this story…
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