fabulyeux · 2 years
Bear Down for Midterms (Starter for @diadic)
When Louis received an invitation for the potluck, he couldn’t contain his excitement. Not that Louis was a party animal particularly, he’d hate it to be the center of attention, but because gatherings were a prime spot to do some people-watching.
Any sort of dinner was fraught with touchy subjects and other faux-pas. As a valet, Louis had to prevent these from erupting into any sort of conflict, but as an individual interested in the human psyche he studied these breaking points…to prevent them, of course.
Now, a potluck with so many cultures mingling? It would have a folksy feel to it, Louis theorized, and at the center would be the new arrivals from Elyos like him. Truly an interesting place to take a peek. Imagine his disappointment when he arrived, perched himself against the wall as a vantage point and found himself leering at quite the conventional convention. After his eyes darted across the room, making the connections he always did, he was satisfied with his analysis of the composition of this particular gathering.
New however, was the bear on the spit, located in the middle of the room. Intrigued by both the possible interactions in a line for food as well as the taste of foreign meat, he decided to walk up to the dinner. “Excuse me.” he said to someone close to the centerpiece. “You seem like a capable man. Can I bother you with a request?” Louis started. “You see, I’d love a taste of this mighty creature, but I am afraid bears are not a regular part of Firenese cuisine. Could you give me any pointers on which part of this animal is the real delicacy? I am afraid that my knowledge of meat comes up short here.” he said, already peeking inside the animal for any differences in meat color. “The name is Louis by the way, I am one of the new arrivals from Lythos.”
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beholdenning · 1 year
“Tea: Just what it says on the tin! There’s a wide variety of herbs, berries, fruits, and other flavors, brewed in a way that requires the leaves to be scooped out afterwards. Mmm nature”
Louis scooped up some tea and looked over the dance floor. He shot a quick glance at nothing in particular as if to invoke the lightning spirit itself, feeling its glance on him, and he wasn’t going to disappoint his new patrons by being a boring party guest. His eyes met a peculiar attended and he found himself walking towards them.
He didn’t know why he found himself drawn to this particular attendant, though he took the opportunity that the circumstances presented to go with the flow as to be a proper and unbiased guinea pig for the kind elemental Watchers studying humanity. He wasn’t the one taking notes today, a relief for the man that fancied himself to be the observer.
“Good day, nice to meet you! My name is Louis. I brought you a cup of tea to settle in here. It’s a bit of an unusual event tonight, but with a cup of tea and a good chat I’m sure it’ll be a night to remember.”
Louis stuck out his right hand, half expecting to get an electric shock from the lightning mark on the palm of his hand if the gesture was to be reciprocated.
... They are approached. Golden eyes swivel towards purposeful motion and are met with a man whose eyes cannot be seen in turn. In their periphery, the morph hears the babble of brooks and creeks, pushing them gently like a small rock down a stream — So they turn a half-measure further to face him fully, gaze unwavering.
... Louis, he says? Denning catalogues his name, lips parting slightly in attempt to exchange their own; All they can muster is a soft noise upon the exhale. The tea is glanced at, but the offered hand is deemed a higher priority, for their current deity watches, expectantly, for them to take it.
A handshake, firm and too-practiced, their hand cold, his warm. A bit like water and lightning, respectively, in their natural forms. There is no shock, and they cannot feel static, but there is a faint buzz in the tips of their fingers where their hand meets his. Upon the vines wrapped around their neck, a purple flower blooms — And upon his, a blue one, in turn. How curious...
... Alas, they cannot speak with only one hand. Expectant eyes from above lie upon their shoulders. The morph is quickly realising that despite being familiar with a master, they are not well-acquainted with such constant, close scrutiny, and so, they let go, press their fingertips together as they gather words of greeting.
"'good day', louis. my name is denning." A pause. "i would 'like' to chat. i hope you can understand me."
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
Activity Check: June
We’ve conducted the activity check for June!
If your muse is both:
Not listed below
Has made the activity requirement for this month (3 IC posts, regardless of any exemption status)
you may claim your activity skill point! Simply add it to your Total Skill Points on your stats and allocate it wherever you please. If you have reached a new letter rank and would like to claim a new ability, please message the Masterlist.
Tiki @dreamingdragonscion
Artur @shadesofpurity
Henry @th3twist3dmind
Shigure @stalarmonios
Louis @fabulyeux
Tine @wrathfulbrand
- the House Leaders
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fabulyeux · 1 year
the mice that bind us (ethereal ball 2023)
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that Louis has fantasized about a party with a *sizeable* theme. After all, any ball is a diorama that highlights those things that all humans share and those that sets them apart from eachother. Plus, Louis has often fashioned his behavior after that of a fly on the wall in these events (once he was done organizing various doo-dads.)
Still, their new elemental acquaintances doling out this new environment as if it were a quest or a chore was most positively unsettling and far from the organic symphony events like these are, though the irony of having his social interactions watched and measured did not go past Louis. Do people really see him like this? It was a ménage-a-trois of people watching, and being the middle man did not sit well with him.
The flower necklace was exactly his taste though, and once the initial discomfort were to wash away, the new elemental overlords watching over them offered a fresh new take on his people-watching, and the elemental grouping had all sorts of interesting implications should there have been rhyme and reason to it. If the ordeal was meant to be like a karmic punishment, then punishing Louis with a ball is like having a rat cook the dishes: It doesn’t make sense with what we know of the world. Watch and be watched, or was it eat and be eaten. Only one way to find out. The show must go on.
WEEK ONE: Getting Acquiainted
Flowers Collected:
-Water: Denning (https://www.tumblr.com/beholdenning/717136753427939328/tea-just-what-it-says-on-the-tin-theres-a-wide?source=share)
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fabulyeux · 1 year
roses are red, violence is due (i asked for grape hyacinths and these are just blue) [Open for @firelles]
“As the Ethereal Ball is only a little ways away, students and staff are doing their best to prepare via dancing lessons, outfit shopping, and event planning. This year a vendor arrives in town with a wagon full of flowers from all over the world in full bloom. They’re quite the romantic though, so luckily for you, they’re even offering corsage and boutonniere lessons. gift your crush, significant other, sworn enemy, or whoever it may be a lovely floral arrangement that you hand-picked and handmade! They won’t judge if it looks ugly, but.. maybe the person next to you is better at arranging
It was unusual for Louis to have a burning sense of pride or entitlement. Seeing Lady Céline or any of his other comrades content was his ultimate goal, so he was always willing to step away and efface himself to let others shine through. But with these cirumstances; a flower vendor coming into town and with a ball to organize, Louis couldn’t help but feel that bit of national pride in Firene’s sense of aesthetics and his own sense of etiquette. This job had Louie’s name all over it.
“Hello good sir, do you have any grape hyacinths?” Louis asked. They were his mother’s favorites and combined with peonies, they could make a lovely arrangement.
The vendor said something about corsages and boutonnières. No need for those just yet.
“No, no, they’re for decorating purposes actually.” Louis smiled attentively. What kind of florist worth his salt is using hyacinths to craft a corsage? Besides, these flowers needed to be resistant to the potentially harsh weather coming their way. Louis tried to shake off this feeling that prevented him from asking questions and being open-minded, but was stuck in his floral-induced wrath instead.
This didn’t improve upon being handed the flowers. Sure, they were hyacinths, but they were not grape at all, having more of a cerulean look to them. Probably a different pH-value of the soil, but unless they sold eggshell-white peonies, it wouldn’t fit the theme at all. Furthermore, the stems weren’t trimmed: No way they could be strung through the seating arrangement cards. This wasn’t an issue, but it did require someone who was good at crafts, which Louis was not.
He was going to need help with this. Just when it seemed the cavalry arrived, the person browsing over the flowers next to him was the person he was least enthusiastic about asking for help: His liege.
“Good day Lady Céline!” Louis said. “I got these flowers for decorating, but I’m going to need some help with crafting these in accessories.” Louis said, immediately regretting not giving her the option to browse flowers at her own leisure. “Of course, I’d be glad to assist you in your flower needs as well. Whatever you prefer, as usual.”
The vendor tried to speak up, but Louis raised his finger. Helping Lady Céline was her job. Oh Divine One, what had come over him?
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fabulyeux · 1 year
Je M’En Fousball (Open for @ashenprofessor) [Heavy Armor v Gaunlets +1]
Louis was used to making himself small: Keeping his distance got him a much larger perspective of the world and the human connections that make the earth go round. The small joys in life didn’t just refer to his favorite tea, or a sunny day, but also to the way joy comes around to those that don’t rate themselves higher than others.
But all of that was metaphorical, and now he found himself literally smaller… and he doubted this to be a matter of perspective.
Somehow, he did make sense of it. The elements in this particular scene were abstract, to say the least, with a water-creature and a sentient tornado playing the leads, neither of em possessing any human qualities at a first glance. Their interactions reminded Louis of a tale as old as time, as he gripped his lance tight. The amphibic aristocrat handed him a bo-staff-like weapon with two bubbles perched on each end, as well as a globous suit of armor that turned Louis into a grape-like gladiator. The objective was clear: Louis had to show water’s windy frenemy that he was the better nutcracker of the toy store.
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fabulyeux · 2 years
Tour de Faerghus (Starter for @breidabloom) (Mission Board: Heavy Armor +1)
To Louis, it was clear that the Corrin and Celica these guards spoke of were impostors. Just by the descriptions given, the Corrin was too open, with too much pep in their step and the woman calling herself Celica was but a pale imitation of his liege’s confidant in all aspects.
But, judging by the guards’ shocked expression, this was news to them. Before the guards could express this shock in words, Louis gave his assurance that he would be on the case.
“Firene’s honor is on the line just as much as Faerghus’. The name of the Emblem entrusted to the royal princess cannot be sullied by an impostor.” Louis said, quickly adding his plan de campagne to the conversation. “I will observe the king and make sure to separate him from from this unsavory company. All I need are local garments and perhaps, someone as familiar with the real royalty. I only know of the Emblem manifestation of Celica, so someone familiar with the princesses should prevent me from making any miscalculations.” Louis said, his politeness clouded by the sensitivity of the mission.
“We can certainly satisfy you on one count.” the guards said. “Though garments can best be purchased in the market. His Majesty should be there too.”
“I am most thankful. Please, tell my partner to meet me at the garments’ stall, as I fear we have no time to waste.” Louis said, heading into town.
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fabulyeux · 2 years
La Valse de Louis (Character Playlist)
Put some of my headcanons for Louis into this playlist. Please grab a cup of tea and enjoy!
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