well-yah · 7 years
Facebook at Work by Clim
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matthewroberts · 8 years
Facebook at Work - by Clim
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corpomir · 9 years
Facebook готовит конкурента платформе LinkedIn
Через считанные месяцы стартует новый проект социального гиганта Facebook at Work, предлагающий корпоративное общение по конфиденциальным деловым вопросам. С этим сервисом, как отмечается информагентством Reuters, контрагенты получат возможность оперативно контактировать друг с другом, и обмениваться файлами. далее...
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clickymas-blog · 9 years
Hasta hoy todos sabemos que Facebook y el trabajo no se llevan bien, salvo que seas un community manager.
Ante esto, la compañía de Mark Zuckerberg ha decidido dar el salto al terreno profesional, del mismo modo que ya lo están haciendo las demás tecnológicas como Google, Microsoft o Apple, que creen que ahí está la batalla una vez que los hogares ya están bastante colonizados de aplicaciones, dispositivos móviles, etc.
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La aplicación se llama Work Chat, de momento funciona para Android y pertenece a la plataforma  de “Facebook at Work” por lo que como su propio nombre indica, es esencialmente una herramienta para mantener unidos a los miembros de un mismo equipo de trabajo, con los que nos podremos comunicar rápidamente, compartir información sensible y crucial para el desarrollo de nuestra actividad.
Como cualquier otra suite de este tipo, lo primero que hace es garantizarnos la seguridad de lo que decimos o nos dicen y para eso hay que completar un paso previo antes de poder usar Work Chat: nuestra empresa debe darse de alta en el programa de Facebook at Work.
Además, cuenta con una ventaja adicional y es que mantienen fácilmente comunicada a toda la empresa ya que es posible crear un directorio completo de miembros del staff al que tendremos acceso rápidamente para iniciar una conversación o enviarles una foto o un vídeo interesante para el tema que tengamos en marcha.
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micdousmi · 9 years
Facebook at Work rolls out a dedicated chat app on Android
Facebook at Work rolls out a dedicated chat app on Android
Facebook at Work caters to businesses, allowing employees to communicate and share documents on private channels, and this week it adds a new mobile feature called Work Chat. Work Chat is a separate messaging app that operates similarly to the stan…
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aut-oriented-blog · 9 years
“If somebody comes into the company, they know how to use this tool from day one,” explained Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite, which is part of the beta group. “So training cost is zero. That’s important.”
Via Re/Code
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winkt · 9 years
Facebook at work
Vind je Facebook ook zo gemakkelijk? Wil je het overal kunnen integreren? Dit kan! Gebruik nu ook je Facebook op het werk met Facebook at work!
Facebook at work zorgt ervoor dat je privé en werk gescheiden kan houden. Op het werk gebruik je gewoon je werkaccount en kan je zo perfect samenwerken met je collega’s. Natuurlijk kan je via je werkaccount direct overschakelen naar je persoonlijk account.
Alles wat jij deelt is alleen zichtbaar voor andere mensen van hetzelfde bedrijf. Zo blijft ook iedereen op de hoogte van wat er speelt in het bedrijf.
Met Facebook at work zorgt Facebook voor veel minder problemen en minder stress! Misschien een idee voor in jouw bedrijf?
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cprate1994 · 10 years
This article details how Facebook now wants to be the biggest social networking site for the workplace too, and not just for the general public and friends.  The article is similar to what we talked about in class because it shows the possibilities of FB not being adequate because of its information overload.  The article even says that workplaces want a place for "need-to-know" information, not EVERYTHING you need to know and more.  So, the company is now testing a new network called "Facebook at Work".
-Courtney Prate
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onlythepursued · 10 years
A Completely Safe, Secure and Ad-free Facebook?
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Facebook tests new platform exclusively for businesses to connect internally.
Facebook recently announced that fewer than one dozen partners will begin using the beta version of Facebook at Work, a service separate from the public-facing version meant entirely for workplace collaboration.
According to Facebook, “employees’ Facebook at Work info is safe, secure, confidential and completely separate from their personal Facebook profiles.” It will be free to companies that sign up and offer an ad-free experience.
So all your information, posts and photos will only be seen by those in your network and there’s no advertisements? Seeing as how the original Facebook was ad-free and exclusive to colleges only, what could possibly go wrong?
For starters, the social network has “not yet … determined how the company will try to monetize Facebook at Work.” Smells like advertising to me.
If and when Facebook at Work launches, would your office use it or would it be another distraction like, say, Facebook?
(Originally posted on RP3 Agency blog.)
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corpomir · 9 years
Facebook представляет Work Chat
От Facebook Messenger новая программа обмена сообщениями отличается ориентацией на бизнес-контакты: с помощью Work Chat можно будет общаться лишь в рамках своей компании. далее...
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Facebook@Work vs. safebook
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Facebook At Work features a News Feed of “what’s new and relevant at your company,” individual and group chat, Groups, and the ability to invite your whole company to events. Within Facebook At Work, you’ll be able to see content shared publicly on classic Facebook, but not anything shared more privately, like just with friends.
For Facebook at Work to be successful, they are going to need to provide integration with CRM, ERP, HR, Customer Service/Support, Marketing, Finance and other business software. They will also need to have integrated with functions such as project/task management, file sharing, and web conferencing.
Privacy is not Facebook At Work’s strong suit. Anything you post to the feed can be seen by the whole company, meaning the product lacks granular privacy controls for now. And Facebook says that “The people who manage Facebook at Work at your company can access anything you share from your work account, just as they might access your work emails and other work files.” So bosses could snoop on your messages.
safebook (Social Apps For Enterprises) is a Enterprise Collaboration Network Software for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and includes social networking and collaboration, semantic Mail (sMail), social CRM, Project Management, Produpedia- and iTweet technologies.
The objective has been to build a platform that delivers all of this functionality in one deeply integrated platform, built from the ground-up to be secure and social. safebook integrates Teams by connecting people, information and processes in one place. 
safebook helps to focus on top priorities and making it easier to see the most important things from different sources in one place (Mails/Messages/i-Tweets, Todos, Notes, Files, Sales Pipeline etc.), allows users to  find and share information, and take control on actions. (Focus, Find, Do) 
It's a secure collaboration network, providing social and collaboration apps to the community. 
The apps provided for the community cover areas such as customer relationship management, simplified project and task management,  chat and email communications as well as product information and document management. Special apps to cover standard enterprise task, such as financial management for SME, complete the picture.
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corpomir · 10 years
Facebook тайно разрабатывает новую соцсеть для офисных служащих
В Facebook совершенствуют свое новое предложение под названием «Facebook At Work», т.е. Facebook для работы. Веб-сайт обеспечит пользователям возможность хранения своих личных профессиональных профилей, тем самым разделяя приватную сферу и бизнес-контакты. далее...
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