gilded-billionaire · 9 years
Marcus, honey, color my shocked! Awake before noon AND wearing pants. What's the special occasion?
W-Well I uh... I dunno. I mean like, th’ pants an’ stuff are fer Toby but.. yeah yer right. Why th’ hell m’I awake?
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Marcus, honey, in ground hot tubs at a party. Really?
“They’re all fourteen-seaters. Do you think I should have installed a couple more? I don’t want anybody to feel left out of hot tub time,” Marcus hummed, rubbing his chin and observing from the tower window; he didn’t bother trying to actually look at the flicker in the corner of his eye.
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mistress-strex · 10 years
"Honey, I got your voice mail, but you were talking so fast I couldn't make out what happened."
"I think something happened to Kevin. I haven’t seen or heard from him since yesterday. He won’t answer his phone or texts or anything," Divina said, attempting to speak clearly through her tears, which was proving quite difficult, "Wh-what about the baby, Nana? What am I going to do? I can’t do this alone…"
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