heartofhryule · 7 years
Heart of Wisdom - Chapter 10
Chapter 10 - T*T good and bad. lots of off screen death. But we get a new friend!
WARNINGS: Contains Hyrule Warriors spoilers and story items. I highly recommend playing the game if you haven’t! It’s complete fluff, but fun fluff…. minus Lana.
Heart of Wisdom - a Tale after Hyrule Warriors | Chapter10 - Smoke in the Distance
Zelda’s heart was soaring as she all but ran with Link down the halls of Snowpeak Keep to find Volga, Impa, and ask how to find a Sage. They’d scrambled around to get dressed like excited children at Wintertide, and the excitement hadn’t faded.
Their secret intimacies had done precisely what she’d hoped, as she’d slept wonderfully and instead of the attack she’d endured dancing behind her closed eyes, it was Link that greeted her thoughts any moment she let her mind wander. And tonight, or… this afternoon if she was lucky, she would give everything in love, appreciation and affection to the soul hers longed for. Her Hero.
The moment they came into Volga’s study, where the servants had said he and Impa were speaking, the energy began to syphon her newly found joy. She instantly knew something was wrong. “Impa?” she asked, her pace halted, though she did not let go of Link’s hand.
Volga sat behind a small but nice wooden desk, Impa standing in from of the fire in the spartan, but nicely appointed study. Volga was not wearing his armor, but still dressed head to toe in reds and orange - his tunic embellished nicely with flame motifs and gold thread. Impa was in her normal blue and silver, the on shoulder of her jumper that was usually down to free her sword arm was up and the only real added deail was a long, blue, leather coat. The Sheikah was not accustom the the cold weather.
They both looked up to Zelda’s voice to find the Princess and Link standing just inside the doorway, Impa’s face impassive. “Close the door,” she bid softly.
An invisible hand gripped Zelda’s heart as Link closed the study door, squeezing her hand. His face was set seriously, braced to endure whatever bad news was about to come, but Zelda had a far, far worse feeling she could not explain.
“What’s happened?” Link asked, his voice even and low. Her brave knight.
Volga and Impa shared a look, Volga lifting a letter from his desk and standing. Walking around he offered it to them, Zelda taking it to read and holding it so link could too. However, it did not take long to determine that the letter was not for her. Despite being addressed to General Impa in the care of the Baron of Snowpeak, the letter was for Link.
The steward Impa had assigned wrote about how a villager from nearby to Hyrule Castle had shown up, bloodied and nearly dead saying they’d been attacked by a group of Gerudans, but from the North. They were lead by whom could only be assumed as Griffin, and they had laid waist to all men, women and children… save the one survivor to take the message to the Castle. Specifically the message; “Darkness comes for The Hero and his Goddess.”
Hand over her mouth, Zelda realized slowly that the village in question was the village in which Link had grown up. He was an orphan, but the village was his family. They had raised him as a community, and personally all gathered the rupees needed to purchase his gear and passage to Hyrule to become a knight. Zelda knew this as she had already sent missive to them that Link had proposed and there would be a royal wedding.
Watching his face carefully as he read the letter again, she did not let go of his hand, nor did she move. His jaw was clenched and the muscle in from of his ear was jumping. Blue eyes shining as tears began to form, he looked up to Impa, taking the letter from Zelda and crumpling it in his hand. “When?”
“Yesterday,” Impa answered flatly. She was also clearly angry on his behalf, but she was keeping her temper.
“Magic,” Volga grumbled. “There’s no other way they could have made it so far in less time than we made it here. And I saw the man disappear before me eyes.”
“What did it look like?” Zelda asked. Volga’s eyes narrowed as if he didn’t quite understand the question, and Zelda held up a hand. “The purple fire and darkness - or black lightning. Was there any trace of it.”
“There was a red flash,” Volga nodding, now understanding her purpose. “If I’m not mistaken-”
“It was the Triforce of Power,” Impa and Zelda said in unison.
“So he can use the Triforce, but may not yet have Ganon’s full power,” Impa added.
“The Master Sword is still in place.”
“Does it matter?” Link snapped, but did not raise his voice. “He killed innocent people… children.” His voice cracked with the last and Zelda’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Children he knew, had helped raise. People, innocents and children that he loved.
“No,” Zelda said, coming to stand in front of him and rest her forehead to his. “No, it doesn’t matter. Not anymore. He has gone far enough it no longer matters if he is Ganon.”
“He is,” Link hissed through clenched teeth, but was also resting his head to hers.
“I know. But it doesn’t matter if he knows any longer. We should return to the Castle. There is much preparation to do.”
“I’m going to find him.”
She’d been afraid of that. He was angry, understandably. She was angry and she’d never met any of his kin. But tearing off alone was not the answer. Trying to think of a way to say as much without hurting him, it was Impa that spoke.
“Link,” she said gently, “If that is what you truly desire we can make it happen. However, may I point out that while I am General of the armies, and Volga has already offered to return to Hyrule Castle with us, neither of us are the Goddess’s Chosen Hero. We stand no true chance of protecting Zelda if the full might of Darkness strikes our weakened defenses at the Castle.”
“I fear this is what he wants,” Volga supplemented. “To draw you off. He’s made it very clear that Zelda is a target. Drawing you off for revenge may be his plot.”
Zelda shivered at the idea but stilled her heart best she could. Looking up to meet his eyes, she spoke just for him. “If you feel you need to, I understand and will give you everything I can to see you off and back to me safely.”
Gears turned in his mind, she could see him thinking. His gaz dropped, and he reached out to crush her against him into a hug. “No, you’re right, Impa. Volga. We are the bearers of the Triforce. The Goddess’s chosen ones. We are stronger together.”
“And if you are with me,” she added, letting a bit of her own anger seep into her words as she hugged him, “Then eventually he will come, because Volga is right. If it’s me he wants, let him come. We will strike him down again.”
“And again,” Link muttered into her hair.
“In this life and beyond.”
The ride back to Hyrule was faster than it had been there. The storms had passed and everyone had their own horse. There had been no further discussion necessary on the matter of urgency. Their wedding was going to have to wait, and while a part of Zelda was sad for that, it was entirely necessary.
It was still overcast when they reached Hyrule Castle in the middle of the next day, and they wasted no time heading inside to summon the war council. Upon reaching the throne room, Zelda’s curiosity had been peaked to see who it was that Impa trust enough to Steward the throne in their absence, and at first her eyes refused to make sense of what they were seeing.
Her pale skin was grey-ish green, a compliment to the glowing magic geometry on her black robes. But her fiery orange hair, exotic eyes and devilish smile were unmistakeable.
“Midna?!” Link declared and picked up his stride.
The Princess of Twilight stood from the throne grinning as she stepped down the dias and stood, waiting on them to reach her. Sitting into her hip, she crossed her arms over her chest and chuckled. “You were expecting…?”
Link was the first to reach her, and they embraced companionably, Midna coming over to hug Zelda next. “How is this possible?” Zelda asked in wonder, but could not hide her joy.
“It’s been what, a few weeks since you two saw me?” she asked pulling back, her eerie voice still echoed in a lovely manner. “For me, it’s been hundreds of your human years. Twili aren’t immortal, but we’re certainly more long lived than Hyruleans.”
“Wait… so Twilight…?”
“Is still there. Always has been.”
Link shook his head. “But how… are you here? Twilight was sealed from Hyrule.”
“You think I can’t fix one stupid mirror in 300 or more years?” she snorted, but there was a twinkle of laughter to her eyes. “Thanks, bud. Good to see you too.”
“Midna arrived and told me you two were in danger, and that Ganon had returned,” Impa explained, stepped forward.
“I was spying,” Midna shrugged. “I do that whenever the Hero and Goddess are back. Just incase they need me again. Like now. I also dreamed of Lana,” she added with a sneer. “She kept crying it was all her fault, and boohoohoo woe is her and blech!” Midna shuddered as if to shake something unsavory from her shoulders. “Well I certainly couldn’t have a repeat of that dream, and if Darkness was making an encore which is unusual and not supposed to happen, then I figured ‘Hey, I can be an ace in the hole!’ So, here I am.”
Despite her distaste for Lana, Zelda was smiling. After all they’d been through both recently and in previous lives, Zelda reached out to touch her friend’s arm. “I’m glad you’re here, Midna.”
The smile Midna gave was mostly in her eyes, but Link slugged her gently in the other arm. “Nice of you to join the party. Again.”
“Maybe if we all make it through this, I’ll stick around for the wedding too.”
“Wait how did you-”
“Uh, spying? Remember?”
Link stood on the balcony outside the room he was coming to think of as ‘their’ room. Zelda was washing up from their journey inside before the war council convened. He had stepped outside to keep his hands to himself as they were somewhat in a hurry. Also seeing her healing bruises reminded him of all the other reasons he was going to kill Griffin slowly and painfully if given the chance.
His village. His home. The closest thing Link had ever had to a family. Gone. The one survivor, a young man name Lucas who he’d helped raise, who he’d watched as a child and helped train with the hopes he could also one day be a knight, remained in the infirmary. His wounds were so severe it was taking many potions to heal him. His home burned to the ground, his beautiful Goddess, his to be wife had been violated.
Griffin would pay. Ganon would die.
Delicate hands came around his waist. He’d been so lost in thought he’d not heard her come up. But she was gentle, and resting her cheek between his shoulder blades so he’d not been startled. Her touched eased him - he was still angry, but he could turn his thoughts from loss and murder when she was consoling him.
“We’re going to have to get the Master Sword,” he said softly.
“I know.”
“If he’s not Awakened yet, he will be when that happens.”
“...I know,” she said more softly as if her mind had been running in the same circles as his.
“I’m going to end him. For good, if I can.”
“I have one condition,” Zelda whispered, turning him around in her arms to face her. “I want a piece of him. I don’t always… I can’t always help. But this time, I want to.”
The look in her eyes was one of anger, hurt, and every inch of the abuse and shame he’d inflicted on her mind. Link’s blood was hot, but he gave her a smile, hands rubbing her arms. “Damn straight,” he affirmed. “No one deserves it more than you. And if I have my way, this will be your last chance.”
It wouldn’t be, not really. They both knew that, but they could try and waylay it as long as possible. They shared a smile, and knew they were thinking the same thing. But it was time to go. The War Council was waiting.
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poopoostarsigns · 5 years
The signs as March 22nd things *sniff*
Aries: Listening to Panic! because you cba
Taurus: What's a mcr
Gemini: Listening to the black parade all day until you kind of get sick of it but don't because it's The Black Parade and you can't
Cancer: Bring me the tissues mother
Leo: pleasegetbacktogetherpleasegetbacktogetherpleasegetbacktogether
Virgo: wHERE'S MY EYELINER??!??!??!?!?!??!?!?!
Libra: Wearing a Killjoy cosplay and black parade jacket and revenge era tie and carrying a battleaxe bc conventional weapons and a bullets era album sleeve on your nose bc you can't pick just one
Scorpio: Reading MCR facfinction until you find the vore and have to run and look at gifs of Ray Toro being Ray Toro to cleanse your mind
Sagittarius: G noting everyone just because (you wanna feel weightless and that should be enough)
Capricorn: Sadly memeing
Aquarius: Being a gay disaster just like Gerard Way wanted it
Pisces: *plays sad violin cover of Planetary (GO!)* Vanya says hi
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