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tektronixtechnology · 4 months
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expediteiot · 4 months
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Visitor Management System Dubai UAE: Enhancing Security and Efficiency
Security is a top priority in both public and private companies in the modern world. The security of a facility, its occupants, and its visitors is a responsibility shared by businesses, governments, and educational institutions. Organizations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, are investing in cutting-edge visitor management systems to do this in order to increase security and productivity.
Visitor management systems help organizations in Dubai, UAE to maintain a secure environment by identifying potential threats before they occur. The systems use a range of security measures such as ID verification, facial recognition, and biometric scanning to ensure that only authorized personnel can access restricted areas. Visitor management systems also enable security personnel to screen visitors against watchlists, alerting them to potential security threats.
Additionally, visitor management systems provide organizations with real-time information on the location of visitors, enabling security personnel to respond quickly to emergencies or security breaches. In the event of an emergency, security personnel can use the system to quickly identify visitors in the building and direct them to safety.
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mattkennard · 6 years
Business Is Booming for the U.K.'s Spy Tech Industry
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Published: The Intercept (11 May 2018)
DRIVING INTO CHELTENHAM from the west, it is hard to miss the offices of Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, the United Kingdom’s surveillance agency. The large, doughnut-shaped building sits behind high-perimeter fencing with barbed wire and many levels of security. The facility – used to eavesdrop on global emails and phone calls – is located on the edge of the sleepy Gloucestershire town, which feels like an incongruous location for one of the world’s most aggressive spy agencies.
Cheltenham has a population of just 117,000 people, and GCHQ’s presence has turned the area into one of Europe’s central hubs for companies working in the fields of cybersecurity and surveillance. GCHQ says it employs almost 6,000 people in Cheltenham and at some smaller bases around the U.K., although the agency has in recent years secretly expanded its workforce, reportedly employing thousands more staff.
People in the area are now talking of a cyber “corridor” that stretches for 50 miles from Malvern, just north of Cheltenham, all the way to Bristol, where the Ministry of Defence has its equipment and support headquarters at Abbey Wood. Many quaint English towns, known for their farming and country pubs, have seen an influx of companies dealing in cybersecurity and electronic spying. Even office space on former farms is being used for this burgeoning industry.
Chris Dunning-Walton, the founder of a nonprofit called Cyber Cheltenham, or Cynam, organizes quarterly events in the town attended by politicians and entrepreneurs. “Historically, there has been a need for the companies that are working here to be very off the radar with their relationships with GCHQ and to some extent, that does exist,” says Dunning-Walton. But since Edward Snowden leaked information in 2013 about GCHQ’s sweeping surveillance activities, the agency has been forced to come out of the shadows and embrace greater transparency. One consequence of this, according to Dunning-Walton, is that GCHQ is now more open to partnering with private companies, which has helped fuel the cyber industry around the Cheltenham area.
Northrop Grumman, the world’s fifth-largest arms manufacturer, has located its European cyber and intelligence operations in Cheltenham, where it has two offices in the center of the town. In the nearby city of Gloucester, a 20-minute drive west of Cheltenham, Raytheon, the world’s third-largest arms company, in 2015 opened a Cyber Innovation Centre that it says is focused on “big data, analytics and network defense.” BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, the cyber arm of the world’s fourth-largest arms company, also has offices in Gloucester, where it says it “delivers information intelligence solutions to government and commercial customers.”
Many of these companies are secretive about the work they do – especially when it concerns surveillance technology – and refuse to speak to the media. But L3 TRL Technology – which is based in Tewkesbury at the northern tip of this new cyber corridor – does grant an interview via email.
L3 says it provides “electronic warfare” equipment that can jam communication signals and gather intelligence. A spokesperson for the company says it plays “a crucial role in counter terrorism and the protection of military forces with our electronic warfare solutions.” He declines to provide any information about any of the company’s customers. But a video posted on YouTube by a Middle Eastern news agency reveals one potential client: It documents a recent meeting between L3’s parent company and Mohammed bin Zayed, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy commander of the UAE military.
According to government records, the U.K. has sold weapons and other equipment worth £7.3 billion ($9.9 billion) to the UAE in the past decade, including components for telecommunications eavesdropping technology and “intrusion software,” which is used to hack into targeted phones and computers.
Another Cheltenham-based company is CommsAudit, whose flagship product is a surveillance system called Spectra Black, a portable device that can monitor cellphone calls and other wireless communications. CommsAudit did not respond to a request for comment and does not publicly disclose the identities of its customers. The company was, however, showcasing its products at the 2017 DSEI arms fair in London, which was attended by government delegations from across the world.
Latching onto this wave of innovation, last year, the British government pledged £22 million ($30 million) in funding for a new cyber business park on a patch of land close to GCHQ’s headquarters. “It will act as a ‘honeypot’ for cyber security and high tech supply chain businesses,” the promotional literature said, creating 7,000 jobs, while boosting the number of private companies in the area that can then potentially become GCHQ’s clients. There is a lot of largesse to go around. GCHQ takes the majority of the share of the roughly £2.8 billion ($3.8 billion) budget for Britain’s intelligence services and has twice the number of personnel of MI5 and MI6 combined.
David Woodfine, a former head of the Ministry of Defence’s Security Operations Centre, worked inside GCHQ’s Cheltenham headquarters for two years. He left in September 2013 to found Cyber Security Associates, a Gloucestershire-based company providing cyber consultancy services to the public and private sector.
Woodfine says toward the end of his tenure at GCHQ, there was a realization that the agency needed to partner more with private industry. “From a GCHQ perspective, I think their whole attitude has changed from quite a hard approach – ‘we’ll keep everything in-house’ – to ‘actually, we need to open up.’ They changed their recruiting, their apprenticeship schemes, so they are attracting more young talent into their organization.”
The National Cyber Security Centre – which opened in 2016 under the remit of GCHQ – is currently piloting new “Cyber Schools Hubs” in Gloucestershire. The idea is to send staff into local schools to “encourage a diverse range of students into taking up computer science,” in effect grooming the next generation of cyber-competent spies.
GCHQ offers meager salaries compared to the private sector, but the agency can offer prospective employees the chance to work with technologies that they could not use anywhere else – because if they did, they would be breaking the law. “That’s a good way of retaining people on public sector pay,” says Woodfine. “So you can argue that they don’t join for the money, they join for the ability to learn and to test their techniques and their abilities.”
A GCHQ employee can work with the agency for a few years, learn about its tools and methods, and then take that knowledge with them to a job in the more lucrative private sector, where there are plenty opportunities for surveillance innovation. According to the London-based advocacy group Privacy International, the U.K. has 104 companies producing surveillance equipment for export to foreign governments and corporations. Only the United States – with 122 companies – has more.
SINCE 2013, SALES of surveillance and hacking technology have been controlled under the Wassenaar Arrangement, which was signed by 42 countries, including the U.S. and most of Europe. The arrangement is intended to prevent authoritarian regimes from obtaining arms and sophisticated spy tools that could be used to commit human rights violations. However, it is not legally binding. And the U.K. has continued to sell eavesdropping equipment to a number of countries with questionable human rights records, such as Honduras, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, China, and Qatar.
Inside the bustling Victoria train station in central London, Digital Barriers, the world’s premier video analytics company, has its offices. Video analytics sounds like an arcane branch of the high-tech industry, but in terms of surveillance technology, it is a field that has rapidly advanced in recent years. Zak Doffman, chief executive at Digital Barriers, founded the company in 2010 after recognizing that in the area of video intelligence, there was a gap in the international market. Digital Barriers’s technology is designed to analyze video – and identify people’s faces – in real time, where the cameras are placed, rather than having to rely on retrospective analysis.
In its London offices, the company demonstrates to this reporter how even with a scarf wrapped around a person’s face, its software can successfully identify them within a few seconds using a standard surveillance camera. Facial-recognition technology is notoriously inaccurate and can produce false positives, but Digital Barriers claims its software can pick out obscured and blurred faces in crowds and match them with photographs that are held on databases or published on the internet. It is, the company says, most useful for counterterrorism operations. But in the wrong hands, wired up to a nationwide camera network, the technology could potentially be used to trace the movements of millions of people in real time. “We built the business primarily in the public sector working for government agencies,” says Doffman. “We are now working increasingly in the private sector with the commercial customers.”
Digital Barriers’s website boasts that it has clients in more than 50 countries. Doffman won’t reveal the names of his customers, and when questioned about the export licensing process, he says the company’s products are exempt. “It’s not export control per se,” he says, “so there’s no formal restrictions on the technology.” What would he do if countries with authoritarian governments wanted to buy the system? Doffman says only that Digital Barriers has a “moral code on this stuff.”
People within this industry want the technology to remain uncontrolled; they argue that countries with authoritarian governments don’t want this type of video surveillance anyway. “Countries where you have a lot of corruption, the last thing they want is facial recognition,” says one industry source, because of elite factionalism. But that seems scant reassurance for dissidents living in dictatorships that can now freely access this technology at the right price.
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gmiresearch · 3 years
UAE IoT Market Research Report
UAE IOT Market
Growth opportunities in the UAE IOT Market look promising over the next six years. This is mainly due to the rising government initiative and investment to build smart cities, growing penetration of cloud-platform, technological advancement, the high demand for machine intelligence, and the strong adoption of several wearable technology applications.
Request for a FREE Sample Report on UAE IOT Market
UAE IOT Market Dynamics (including market size, share, trends, forecast, growth, forecast, and industry analysis)
Key Drivers
The strong adoption of IoT technology in several application areas, such as smart manufacturing, transportation, smart cities, logistics, etc., is a key driver contributing to the growth of the UAE IoT market. Moreover, owing to the rising government initiative and investment to build smart cities will further surge the growth of the market. For example, in Oct 2018, the pilot phase of the five-year plan for Artificial Intelligence and Smart Cities introduced by the Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities in Abu Dhabi. Dubai Expo 2020 is predicted to surge the development of the smart city in UAE will also offer a proving ground to execute IoT devices to collect information. In addition to this, the growing penetration of cloud-platform, technological advancement, the high demand for machine intelligence, and the strong adoption of several wearable technology applications will propel the market growth in UAE. On the other hand, the factors hindering the growth of the UAE IoT market include privacy concerns and data security.
Software Segment Drivers
Based on software, the security solution is predicted to rise at a higher CAGR in the coming years due to data security by data confidentiality, preventing data integrity, and allowing IoT infrastructures free from cybersecurity risks. IoT-enabled security solutions increase security by enabling the usage of security and access control systems that depend on voice printing, facial recognition, among others. IoT based security solution provides benefits like decreases cybercrime, better data authentication process, and data encryption.
Node Component Segment Drivers
Based on the node component, the sensor is projected to rise at a higher CAGR in the coming years as it is an essential part of the IoT and contains RF modules, energy modules, sensing modules, and power management modules. The sensing modules act as an important part of sensing through the assorted device and passive measurement devices. The RF modules handle the communications by Bluetooth, processing signal, Wi-Fi, and others.
Platform Segment Drivers
Based on the platform, device management is projected to dominate the market in the coming years as it offers properties like configuring, authenticating, provisioning, monitoring, and maintaining the software and device firmware and device firmware that increases its functional capabilities. In addition to this, IoT device management is important in connectivity, creating and retaining the health and security of IoT devices.
UAE IOT Market’s leading Manufacturers:
·         AT&T, Inc
·         ZTE Corporation
·         Intel Corporation
·         IBM Corporation
·         Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
·         Oracle Corporation
·         Google LLC
·         GSM Association
·         Cisco Systems, Inc
·         Amazon Web Services, Inc.
·         Honeywell International Inc.
·         BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.
UAE IOT Market Segmentation:
Segmentation by Component:
·         Software
·         Services
·         Platform
Segmentation by Software:
·         Real Time Streaming Analytics
·         Security Solution
o   Identity Access Management
o   Data Encryption and Tokenization
o   Secure Communications
o   Distributed Denial of Service Protection
o   Others
·         Data Management
o   Customer Data
o   Product Data
o   Supplier Data
o   Location Data
o   Asset Data
·         Remote Monitoring Systems
·         Network bandwidth management
o   Standalone Network Management
o   Bundled Network Management
Segmentation by Service:
·         Professional service
o   Deployment and Integration
o   Support and Maintenance
o   Consulting Service
·         Managed Service
Segmentation by Platform:
·         Device Management
·         Application Management
·         Network Management
·         Cloud Platform
Segmentation by Node Component:
·         Processor
·         Sensor
·         Connectivity IC
Segmentation by Network Infrastructure:
·         Server
·         Storage
·         Ethernet Switch and Routing
·         Gateway
Segmentation by Application:
·         Building and Automation
·         Smart Energy and Utilities
·         Smart Manufacturing
·         Connected Logistics
·         Smart Retail
·         Connected Healthcare
·         Smart Mobility and Transportation
·         Government and Defense
·         Agriculture
·         Banking and Financial Services
·         Others
About GMI Research
GMI Research is a market research and consulting company that offers business insights and market research reports for large and small & medium enterprises. Our detailed reports help the clients to make strategic business policies and achieve sustainable growth in the particular market domain. The company's large team of seasoned analysts and industry experts with experience from different regions such as Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, among others, provides a one-stop solution for the client. Our market research report has in-depth analysis, which includes refined forecasts, a bird's eye view of the competitive landscape, key factors influencing the market growth, and various other market insights to aid companies in making strategic decisions. Featured in the 'Top 20 Most Promising Market Research Consultants' list of Silicon India Magazine in 2018, we at GMI Research are always looking forward to helping our clients to stay ahead of the curve.
Media Contact Company Name: GMI RESEARCH Contact Person: Sarah Nash Email: [email protected] Phone: Europe – +353 1 442 8820; US – +1 860 881 2270 Address: Dublin, Ireland Website: www.gmiresearch.com
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sknews7 · 4 years
Contactless Technologies Gaining Traction In Travel And Tourism Industry, Says GlobalData
The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced the journey and tourism business to a close to standstill with extended lockdowns. Now that authorities authorities throughout a number of nations have relaxed air journey restrictions, airports and accommodations try to re-build confidence in vacationers. Towards the backdrop, contactless applied sciences are proving to be a game-changer for the business, says GlobalData, a number one knowledge, and analytics firm.
Sneha Nigade, Disruptive Tech Analyst at GlobalData, feedback: “The COVID-19 pandemic grew to become a wakeup name for the journey and tourism business to speed up investments in contactless applied sciences like biometric check-in at airports and keyless lodge entry, which considerably reduces potential dangers related to bodily touchpoints.”
The Innovation Explorer database of GlobalData’s Disruptor Intelligence Heart reveals how journey and tourism corporations are utilizing contactless applied sciences to make sure the protection and wellbeing of passengers, particularly in transportation and lodging.
Biometric boarding
Beijing Capital Worldwide Airport has partnered with Swiss tech firm SITA to automate total passenger journey utilizing biometric applied sciences. From the airport check-in and bag drop to safety clearance and remaining boarding, passengers can simply stroll via the designated lanes geared up with facial recognition programs.
Contactless check-in
Singapore’s Changi Airport has deployed contactless kiosks to automate the check-in course of for passengers. The kiosks are built-in with infrared proximity sensors, which may determine the movement of a passenger’s finger as they level in the direction of the choices on the display.
Contactless elevators
Abu Dhabi Worldwide Airport has partnered with UAE tech startup Meta Contact to put in touchless elevator panel know-how. The management panel, put in in 53 elevators on the airport, will be managed by gestures, permitting folks to command an elevator with out bodily urgent any buttons.
Contactless hospitality
Dutch lodge chain citizenM has launched a sensible cellular software to supply prospects contactless stays at its accommodations. The app helps visitors to check-in and out digitally. Visitors can even management lights, blinds and temperature inside their rooms utilizing a smartphone.
Disinfection robots
Hong Kong Worldwide Airport has deployed clever sterilization robotic to quickly dininfect passenger services and public areas. The autonomous robotic, geared up with ultraviolet lights and an air sterilizer, can sterilize its environment in 10 minutes with 99.99% accuracy.
Different key use circumstances of contactless applied sciences selling security within the business embody thermal screening, automated hand sanitizers, cellular apps enabling touchless entry to vacationer locations and contactless funds.
Ms Nigade concludes: “Contatcless applied sciences are empowering enterprises to get well from the COVID-19 disaster by digitizing the end-to-end journey for vacationers. Nevertheless, biometric applied sciences increase considerations round private knowledge being collected and shared, which heightens safety dangers sooner or later. The way forward for journey within the post-COVID-19 world might be more and more contactless to advocate security, not just for passengers but additionally workers within the business.”
About GlobalData
4,000 of the world’s largest corporations, together with over 70% of FTSE 100 and 60% of Fortune 100 corporations, make extra well timed and higher enterprise choices due to GlobalData’s distinctive knowledge, professional evaluation and progressive options, multi functional platform. GlobalData’s mission is to assist our purchasers decode the longer term to be extra profitable and progressive throughout a variety of industries, together with the healthcare, shopper, retail, monetary, know-how {and professional} providers sectors.
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abangtech · 4 years
This startup reworked its privacy-friendly sensors to help battle COVID-19
One little-known home and retail automation startup might seem like an unlikely candidate to help combat the ongoing pandemic. But its founder says its technology can do just that, even if it wasn’t the company’s original plan.
Butlr, a spin-out of the MIT Media Lab, uses a mix of wireless, battery-powered hardware and artificial intelligence to track people’s movements indoors without violating their privacy. The startup uses ceiling-mounted sensors to detect individuals’ body heat to track where a person walks and where they might go next. The use cases are near-endless. The sensors can turn on mood-lighting or air conditioning when it detects movement, help businesses understand how shoppers navigate their stores, determine the wait-time in the queues at the checkout and even sound the alarm if it detects a person after-hours.
By using passive infrared sensors to detect only body heat, the sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are and where you’re heading. The tracking stops as soon as you leave the sensor’s range, like when you leave a store.
The technology is in high demand. Butlr says some 200,000 retail stores use its technology, not least because it’s far cheaper than the more privacy-invading — and expensive — alternatives, like surveillance cameras and facial recognition.
But when the pandemic hit, most of those stores closed — as effectively did entire cities and nations — to counter the ongoing threat from of COVID-19. But those stores would have to open again, and so Butlr got back to work.
Butlr’s privacy-friendly body heat sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are. Now the company is retooling its technology to help combat coronavirus. (Image: Butlr)
Butlr’s co-founder Honghao Deng told TechCrunch that it began retooling its technology to help support stores opening again.
The company quickly rolled out new software features — like maximum occupancy and queue management — to help stores with sensors already installed cope with the new but ever-changing laws and guidance that businesses had to comply with.
Deng said that the sensors can make sure no more than the allowed number of people can be in a store at once, and make sure that staff are protected from customers by helping to enforce social distancing rules. Customers can also see live queue data to help them pick a less-crowded time to shop, said Deng.
All these things before a pandemic might have sounded, frankly, a little dull. Fast-forward to the middle of a pandemic and you’re probably thankful for all the help — and the technology — you can get.
Butlr tested its new features in China at the height of the pandemic’s rise in February, and later rolled out to its global customers, including in the United States. Deng said Butlr’s technology is already helping customers at furniture store Steelcase, supermarket chain 99 Ranch Market and the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi to help them reopen while minimizing the risk to others.
It’s a pivot that’s paid off. Last month Butlr raised $1.2 million in seed funding, just as the pandemic was reaching its peak in the United States.
Nobody knew a pandemic was coming, not least Deng. And as the pandemic spread, businesses have suffered. If it wasn’t for quick thinking, Butlr might’ve been another startup that succumbed to the pandemic.
Instead, the startup is probably going to help save lives — and without compromising anyone’s privacy.
The post This startup reworked its privacy-friendly sensors to help battle COVID-19 appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/this-startup-reworked-its-privacy-friendly-sensors-to-help-battle-covid-19/
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
This startup reworked its privacy-friendly sensors to help battle COVID-19
One little-known home and retail automation startup might seem like an unlikely candidate to help combat the ongoing pandemic. But its founder says its technology can do just that, even if it wasn’t the company’s original plan.
Butlr, a spin-out of the MIT Media Lab, uses a mix of wireless, battery-powered hardware and artificial intelligence to track people’s movements indoors without violating their privacy. The startup uses ceiling-mounted sensors to detect individuals’ body heat to track where a person walks and where they might go next. The use-cases are near-endless. The sensors can turn on mood-lighting or air conditioning when it detects movement, help businesses understand how shoppers navigate their stores, determine the wait-time in the queues at the checkout, and even sound the alarm if it detects a person after-hours.
By using passive infrared sensors to detect only body heat, the sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are and where you’re heading. The tracking stops as soon as you leave the sensor’s range, like when you leave a store.
The technology is in high demand. Butlr says some 200,000 retail stores use its technology, not least because it’s far cheaper than the more privacy-invading — and expensive — alternatives, like surveillance cameras and facial recognition.
But when the pandemic hit, most of those stores closed — as effectively did entire cities and nations — to counter the ongoing threat from of COVID-19. But those stores would have to open again, and so Butlr got back to work.
Butlr’s privacy-friendly body heat sensors don’t know who you are — only where you are. Now the company is retooling its technology to help combat coronavirus. (Image: Butlr)
Butlr’s co-founder Honghao Deng told TechCrunch that it began retooling its technology to help support stores opening again.
The company quickly rolled out new software features — like maximum occupancy and queue management — to help stores with sensors already installed cope with the new but ever-changing laws and guidance that businesses had to comply with.
Deng said that the sensors can make sure no more than the allowed number of people can be in a store at once, and make sure that staff are protected from customers by helping to enforce social distancing rules. Customers can also see live queue data to help them pick a less-crowded time to shop, said Deng.
All these things before a pandemic might have sounded, frankly, a little dull. Fast forward to the middle of a pandemic and you’re probably thankful for all the help — and the technology — you can get.
Butlr tested its new features in China at the height of the pandemic’s rise in February, and later rolled out to its global customers, including in the United States. Deng said Butlr’s technology is already helping customers at furniture store Steelcase, supermarket chain 99 Ranch Market, and the Louvre Museum in Abu Dhabi to help them reopen while minimizing the risk to others.
It’s a pivot that’s paid off. Last month Butlr raised $1.2 million in seed funding, just as the pandemic was reaching its peak in the United States.
Nobody knew a pandemic was coming, not least Deng. And as the pandemic spread, businesses have suffered. If it wasn’t for quick thinking, Butlr might’ve been another startup that succumbed to the pandemic.
Instead, the startup is probably going to help save lives — and without compromising anyone’s privacy.
AI can battle coronavirus, but privacy shouldn’t be a casualty
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tektronixtechnology · 7 months
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Credentials: Users need some form of identification to gain access. This could be in the form of access cards, key fobs, PIN codes, biometric data (such as fingerprints or retina scans), or a combination of these.
Reader Devices: These devices read the credentials provided by users. There are different types of readers, such as card readers, biometric scanners, and keypad entry systems.
Control Panel/Controller: The control panel is the central processing unit of the access control system. It receives information from the reader devices and makes decisions based on the access control policies configured in the system.
Locking Mechanisms: Physical barriers like doors, gates, or turnstiles are equipped with locking mechanisms controlled by the access control system. These can include electronic locks, electromagnetic locks, or other locking devices.
Database: A database stores information about authorized users, their credentials, and access permissions. This information is used by the control panel to make decisions regarding access.
Software: Access control systems are managed through software, which allows administrators to set up and customize access levels, view logs of access events, and make changes to the system's configuration.
Monitoring and Logging: Access control systems often include features for monitoring and logging access events. This information can be useful for security audits, investigations, and tracking user activity.
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dubaigamers · 6 years
DELL Latitude 7480 Laptop (Intel Core i7-7600U 2.8 GHz, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 14-inch FHD, Intel HD, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit) | NBXDEL74WY702
Description for DELL Latitude 7480 Laptop (Intel Core i7-7600U 2.8 GHz, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 14-inch FHD, Intel HD, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit) | NBXDEL74WY702
Versatile design. Exceptional experience. This 14” business-class laptop is incredibly mobile without compromise. Featuring industry leading security, manageability and reliability.
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Upgraded for mobile excellence
  More mobile than ever: Featuring a 14" FHD & QHD Narrow Border touch display, this laptop features a 6% smaller footprint than previous versions, and weighs only 3.01lbs and includes bottom load keyboard. Saving space has never been easier. Premium materials: The unibody design provides a clean and seamless exterior with superior structural performance. Finished with soft-touch paint and an optional woven carbon fiber back cover. Log in with ease: Activate Windows Hello via optional infrared camera to facilitate facial recognition for easy and secure access.
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An amazing display that lasts all day See the difference: An optional touch-enabled, high resolution display makes it simple to view and manage your work throughout the day. Built with stunning resolution: The 14" QHD (2560x1440) screen with E2E touch display features Corning Gorilla Glass 4 for remarkable viewing all day. All-day power: Work confidently with a laptop equipped with all-day battery life and improvements to both web browsing and video playback time. Power your performance: Equipped with an Intel 7th Gen ultra-low volt (U) for increased performance and PCLe SSD for faster data transfer speeds. Processor 7th Gen Intel Core i7-7600U 2.8 GHz Processors Operating System ​ Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Memory 8 GB DDR4 Hard Drive 256 GB SSD Display 14.0 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) Anti Glare (16:9) WLED, 300 nits, Magesium Alloy LCD back Optical Drive External Options Only Ports 1 DisplayPort over USB Type C with optional Thunderbolt 3 capabi lity 1 Headset/mic combo jack 1 uSD 4.0 Memory card reader 3 USB 3.1 Gen 1 (one with PowerShare) 1 HDMI 1 RJ-45 1 External uSIM card tray option 1 Optional SmartCard Reader and Touch Fingerprint Reader 1 Noble Wedge Lock slot Slots 3 M.2 expansion slots: 1 SSD, 1 WWAN/HCA and 1 WLAN/BT/WiGig Optional Contacted SmartCard Reader and touch Fingerprint Reader Lock Slot Chassis Backup Options Dell Client Command Suite available Security Options Dell Client Command Suite Optional Dell Data Security and Management Software Dimensions 20.8 mm (0.82") x Width: 331 mm (13.03") x Depth: 220.9 mm (8.7") Weight 1.36 kg (3.01 lbs)     Free 24 Hour Delivery in UAE  We offer express delivery to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain, UAE for DELL Latitude 7480 Laptop (Intel Core i7-7600U 2.8 GHz, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 14-inch FHD, Intel HD, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit) | NBXDEL74WY702. Best Price Guarantee We offer the best price for DELL Latitude 7480 Laptop (Intel Core i7-7600U 2.8 GHz, 8GB, 256GB SSD, 14-inch FHD, Intel HD, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit) | NBXDEL74WY702 in Dubai, UAE. Buy now with the best price! Read the full article
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iamcarriesoom · 7 years
Furiouser and Furiouser
After ramping up my interest in and dedication to these movies for the past few installments, my hopes were sky-high for this one. Ridiculous-stunt-wise, it was pretty much on point, but as a whole I was a bit disappointed. Not disappointing, however, are the keywords displayed for this movie on IMDb: car falling off a cliff, star died before release, terrorist, revenge, hospital.
We open on Jason Statham, and my first thought is that I’m gonna need to watch this movie with closed captions on so I can understand wtf he’s saying. He’s chatting with his brother, Gaston, who is somehow still alive (though very burned and in a coma) after being launched out of a burning plane (though technically so was Dom and he basically walked away unscathed. He vows revenge and then blows up a lot of the hospital, which seems like a weird choice considering his brother is there.
Dom takes Letty to Race Wars (OMG how have they not changed the name?) to try to trigger her memories. Based on the crowd there, it is apparent that these movies are 80% about cars and 20% about butts. Speaking of butts, Iggy Azalea has a cameo (more like Ugh-y Azalea, am I right?)
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Brian is revving an engine, which, surprise! Is in the minivan he drives now because he’s a boring suburban dad now.
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Letty runs off and Dom finds her at her own gravestone. Oof. He tries to smash it with sledgehammer and she’s like “No, it’s accurate, Letty died,” and then she takes off which is way harsh, Tai. I mean I get it, but I still feel bad for Dom.
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Hobbs is working late at his whatever-it-is-that-he-does job. I know he must not have a strict dress code at [mystery government agency] but a skintight Under Armor tank top seems like it might be pushing the boundaries? He chases Elena, who works for him I guess, to her car to give her a job recommendation for some other job she wants to take. They have kind of a romantic vibe and if I’m being honest, I ship it. When he goes back in, Jason Statham is stealing info off his computer.
He’s like “I’m here for the team that crippled my brother,” and I have a lot of questions. How did he know to go to Hobbs for that info? How does he know it was a team? When he says “my brother,” how does Hobbs automatically know who he’s talking about?
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Anyway, they start beating each other up and I’m immediately not liking the way the camera is moving during all of these stunts. If a guy somersaults and the camera spins with him, it’s like he didn’t move at all. I don’t watch action movies to see a ROOM flip over, I want to see a GUY flip over! I don’t know if it’s easier or harder to shoot stunts like this, but it definitely makes them look less impressive, or makes it harder to see how impressive they are.
Elena comes back to help her boss but Jason Statham throws a grenade and they basically jump out the window to save themselves. People in these movies love jumping off buildings onto the roofs of cars, like car roofs are mattresses or something.
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Brian, Mia and Dom are hanging out at home. There’s a package on the porch for Dom, and Brian’s getting their son (Jack) strapped into the car. Apparently he’s restless as a dad because he “misses the bullets” from their adventurous lives, which is pretty fucked up. Mia’s pregnant again and tells her brother but not her baby daddy.
Dom’s phone rings and it’s Jason Statham calling from Tokyo right after smashing Han’s car and leaving it to explode. Dom looks at the package on his porch right when it explodes hard enough to take out half the house. It’s…bonkers. Brian slams the minivan door so Jack doesn’t get exploded, but the blast smashes his head into the window. This is the first of many times in this movie that I wonder “Is this how Brian dies?” I spend most of the movie waiting for him to die.
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Dom and Hobbs (who has a surprise daughter!!!!) have a chat in the hospital room where Hobbs is laid up with a couple broken bones, basically the first character to ever have any physical repercussions for all their shenanigans. Hobbs is like “Definitely don’t go after this guy…wink wink wink.” It’s extremely weird that this team of car racing petty thieves is now the go-to group of on-call government assasins.
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Dom heads to Tokyo and bumps into Mark Paul Gosselaar Jr racing in the garage. At first I was like “Man, Bow Wow has really aged well, he looks basically the same as he did in Tokyo Drift!” Then I realized it was just literally the scene from the end of Tokyo Drift. That also made it weird for the next, new scene, where Mark Paul Gosselaar Jr ages like 10 years in a few minutes. That must’ve been one hell of a race.
Dom is somehow in charge of bringing Han’s body back to the states to be buried in LA, which I find a little odd- does he not have any [other] family? Dom gives a speech and then leaves the funeral to chase the shady car driving by, which naturally has Jason Statham in it. Jason Statham speeds through a yellow light and Dom is stuck, and I’m pretty sure this is the first time in the entire franchise I’ve seen a character stop at a red light.
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They play a weird game of chicken and fucking wreck each others’ cars instead of just shooting each other like gentlemen. Then some weird no-name guy who looks like the dad from Step By Step busts in with a whole bunch of stealth goons and Jason Statham gets away. The guy’s name is Mr Nobody and he’s played by Kurt Russell but doesn’t really look like Kurt Russell. Other people up for this role, according to IMDb: Denzel Washington, Halle Barry, Taylor Lautner. What did that casting call even say?? “Character description: a human, probably”?
Mr Nobody loves Belgian beers and wants Dom to find a hacker named Ramsey who’s built some sort of software called God’s Eye, which is basically a suped-up version of that thing from The Dark Knight where they use cell phone cameras to spy on the world. I don’t think any facial recognition software that fast/accurate exists, but sure ok whatever. A warlord has kidnapped Ramsey and Mr Nobody wants Dom to double-kidnap (rescue?) her and in exchange, he can use God’s Eye to find Jason Statham and murder him to avenge Han.
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Honestly, Mr Nobody is such a weird character that I assumed he was a secret bad guy for most of the movie even though he said he was friends with Hobbs. Much like I also thought Han was a secret bad guy for most of Tokyo Drift. They keep throwing these mysterious benefactors at us with no explanation and I can’t help but assume they have ulterior motives!
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Mr Nobody basically fucks a keg of Belgian ale and then invites (forces? this isn’t clear) Dom’s whole team to come help. Including Letty, even though she took off. Tyrese takes solo credit for everything they’ve ever done and tries to be in charge, but then Tej comes up with the ultimate plan, which ends up being to parachute in their cars out of plane in Azerbaijan. My notes just say “WHAT THE FUCK.”
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The plan surprisingly ends up mostly working- they have to bust through a lot of armored jeeps with machine guns, and a heavily armed bus, and somehow Jason Statham is also there driving a sports car through the woods. Brian’s in charge of getting Ramsey (who I briefly also thought might be a secret bad guy) off the bus. Surprise: Ramsey’s an attractive young woman! Whoa! Women know how to use computers? That’s nuts. Brian basically chucks her onto the hood of Dom’s car and is like “you deal with this” and goes back to fighting a highly trained martial artist and matching him punch for punch. When did he become an MMA fighter?
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Brian accidentally shoots the bus driver and the other guy traps him on the bus as it’s about to go off a cliff. Without a fully fleshed out plan, Brian climbs out the front door of the bus, precariously hanging over a cliff, climbs up it, and then runs up the bus as it’s falling off the cliff and launches himself at Letty’s car as she drives over to rescue him. It’s such an insane plan, I can’t believe that’s not how he dies.
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Dom basically drives off a cliff with Ramsey in the car and they roll down a mountain and somehow find everyone else. Tyrese immediately starts creeping on Ramsey like “she doesn’t LOOK like a hacker!” Tej is like “What to hackers LOOK like?” THANK YOU TEJ. I hope Ramsey picks no one, but if she picks someone I hope it’s you. Brian is apparently also an EMT now because he starts asking Ramsey questions to make sure she’s not a concussion.
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They head to Abu Dhabi to pick up “the device” for God’s Eye, which I thought was a program, because Ramsey sent it to her friend for safekeeping. When they get there they apparently have time to take a swim, where Tyrese gets that gem of a line “It’s hotter than I thought it would be.” Twist: he is not talking about the desert, but about Ramsey’s smoking bod! It’s funny when women are referred to as “it”!
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Ramsey’s shit-ass friend is like “Great news! I sold it!” Who are you, the mom who sold her kid’s $5000 Magic card because he left it in her house? JFC dude. He agrees to get them into the party of the super rich guy who bought it, and believe it or not this guy put the device in his fancy sports car. 
The gang gets to dress fancy and Dom and Letty have a Moment in the elevator where she starts to have flashes of memory. They have to sneak into a few different places and get the device out of the car without getting caught by this guy’s fancy all-lady security team, including UFC fighter/terrible actress Ronda Rousey. Brian and Dom get to the car and the plan is for Dom to just lift the car with his arms while Brian slides underneath to get the device. Somehow this takes about nine years.
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The gang starts to get found out so they just hop in the car and crash through the party, right when Jason Statham shows up and starts shooting. It seems like a waste that they agreed to risk their lives to find Ramsey in exchange for using God’s Eye to find Jason Statham if he’s just gonna show up everywhere they go anyway.
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They end up driving the car out of the penthouse apartment and into a building next door, where they smash a bunch of terra cotta warriors. I really hate when antiquities get smashed in movies. I did not care for that scene in The Core when they blew up the Coliseum. Leave antiquities alone!! They drive through some more buildings and Brian rips the device out of the car from inside it, and they manage to bail right before the car plummets to its death.
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They do not explain how everyone else managed to get out of that fancy apartment without getting shot by Jason Statham or put in Abu Dhabi prison, but they do at least kind of try to explain how God’s Eye words. They find Jason Statham, and Dom and Mr Nobody start coming up with a plan to take him out. Dom’s like “My guys are racers, not killers.” Dom, since when has that mattered to ANYONE. They’re also not detectives, computer experts, safe crackers or martial artists, but that hasn’t stopped them from being masters at all of those things!
Brian and Dom, plus Mr Nobody and his team, take off for another quip-fest at Jason Statham’s warehouse. Jason Statham brings in the warlord who originally kidnapped Ramsey, and his whole team, and I’m fairly certain this is the scene where Brian is going to die.
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Mr Nobody gets shot, and Mr Nobody’s number one dies. Dom and Brian drag him out of there, they lose God’s Eye, and as it turns out Mr Nobody isn’t even dying. They abandon him by the side of the road (he had a helicopter coming but it still felt kinda cold) and head back to the gang to figure out what’s next.
Dom is gonna find Jason Statham (bad guy #1), and the rest of the gang is gonna roam the city so Ramsey can counter-hack God’s Eye to shut bad guy #2 (Djimon Hounsou) out. I feel like law enforcement definitely should’ve been trying to do something about Djimon Hounsou’s chopper with the torpedo drone. As should be expected, they’re making a big fucking mess and Hobbs sees it on tv. I kind of forgot that he wasn’t in most of this movie.
Hobbs is like “Daddy’s gotta go work” and flexes so hard his cast breaks off. This is not an exaggeration like when I said Mr Nobody fucked a keg of Belgian Ale. This is an actual thing that happened in the movie.
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Dom meets Jason Statham on a rooftop and they start wailing on each other with wrenches. We already know Dom beat a man halfway to death with a wrench, so I like his odds here.
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Brian has to break into a cell tower to do something so Ramsey can keep hacking. I feel like there’s WAY too much going on in this movie. He has to fight the same henchman he fought on the bus, which I always like. I like when each protagonist has their own henchman adversary through the movie and it’s like “Oh, you again.” Once again I’m sure this scene is how Brian dies.
Hobbs jumps an ambulance off a bridge to take down Djimon Hounsou’s torpedo drone, then he rips the machine gun off of it and carries it around with him to try to shoot down the helicopter. Somehow Brian gets the cell tower to do whatever he was trying to do, and Ramsey’s 80% complete hack just finished up without having to start over. I don’t think any of this is how computers work?
Dom and Jason Statham are still wrenching each other and yet neither has any major damage. Dom’s like “The thing about street fights, the street always wins, “which is probably the dumbest line in the whole movie. He basically pushes Jason Statham into a crevasse in the crumbling parking garage and jumps his car at the helicopter to deliver them a bag of grenades, which Hobbs shoots with his machine gun and takes the whole thing down.
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Dom absolutely should not have survived that, but the team rushes around and Brian gives him some extremely terrible CPR, and Letty gushes about how she remembers everything. Surprise! They’re married. No one even knew! She wore a surprisingly feminine wedding dress. He comes back to life and they’re in love again.
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Somehow Jason Statham survived and is in jail now, but is surprisingly cocky about his escape plans.
Everyone else goes on a beach vacation (or maybe just to the beach, they do all live in LA.) Ramsey’s just…in the family now. Did she not have a life or friends to go back to from her pre-kidnap days? They’re all creepily watching Brian and Mia play with Jack on the beach.
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This is where the movie gets fucking weird. I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but the end of this movie is Bad. They’re all extremely emotional about Brian being “home” and how “it’s never goodbye.” I understand that they’re symbolically saying all that about Paul Walker, the actor, who died, but the character, Brian, is alive. We’re still in the movie world! You can’t start the in memoriam for the ACTOR while the movie is still happening!
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Dom takes off in his car, but then Brian pulls up to him at a light and they race for a little while and then go their separate ways, and also a bunch of old clips of Brian from the previous movies play with a light Wiz Khalifa soundtrack. It made me questions whether I’d missed something or if they were implying Brian was a ghost. Maybe this would’ve all made more sense if I’d seen it closer to when he actually passed away, and not the day after I was tweeting how creepy it was that he met his girlfriend when he was 33 and she was 16? I’ll never know. I do know that I definitely thought that Brian would die when Paul Walker died, and I enjoy that they let him live, elsewhere, on a beach with Mia and their kids. Have a nice life, Brian.
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Vol 6: Planes, Tanks & Automobiles
Vol 5: 5ast 5ive
Vol 4: Fast & Fourious
Vol 3: What’s even the point of driftng?
Vol 2: 2 Furious 2 Quit
Vol 1: The Fast & the Curious
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