#fact is i have like 10 more caps + 5 more of v's awful awful dance moves but jsidfjis
mindsmade · 7 months
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the events at totentanz so far ( ft. @enypneon 🩶 )
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saint-patrice · 5 years
“Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD” 
here are some more of my favourite marchy pics, complete with my bizarre personal commentary, for anon! the 34 bergy pics can be found here also!
Note: a few people have said they like these posts, so i’m up for taking people’s requests if there’s a particular player they’d like to see! inbox is always open (and anon is on) so just drop me your request and i’ll get working on it :)
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okay so this is some absolutely premium cute marchy!! the smile that manages to be completely self-confident yet in no way cocky? the polite little wave as he surveys his audience who, if i recall correctly, were booing him heavily?? oh i do love you mr rat. marchy is fantastic and i have so much respect for the way he deals with his reputation across the league and the excessive amount of shit he gets.he knows what people think of him yet doesn’t seem to let it get to him. i have so much love for him.
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KATRINA IS LEGENDARY. before moving on to the part of the image that gave me whiplash when i first saw it, we’re back to talking about brad’s smile. i think i said it in my last post but he really is one of those people who smiles with their whole face - even if you just saw his eyes in this photo you can immediately tell that he’s got that little grin on his face and that’s adorable tbh. now onto the d*lf mug (censored bc i fear the dodgy underground porn blogs these days)… i don’t even know where to start. i feel like he very proudly bought it for himself. and it’s like the only mug he ever wants to drink out of. just my take. i also think the longer hair really suits marchy ngl
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ahhh the boys and their dirtbag christmas suits 💛 highlights of this image are the suit jacket that is definitely just one size too small for this absolute man rocket, and the pants with “FRAGILE” plastered all over them - very relatable if not at all festive.
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gay rights are stored in the rat!!! i’m glad marchy has been pretty open about his support of LGBT stuff, particularly within hockey. also i feel like some of the stuff he’s said in interviews or social media (esp re: lickgate) manages, even if not intentionally, to be quite diminutive towards implicit homophobia or ‘toxic masculinity’ within hockey. okay maybe that that was poorly expressed but basically he just doesn’t give a shit and appears very open and accepting and i think that’s super nice. this picture also makes for a good reaction image when someone says something dumb
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short kings love.jpeg !! a wonderful example of the love that brad shows his teammates on a regular basis, despite his constant chirping. i have no real opinions on torey krug (no h8, i just don’t think i’ve seen that much of him off ice so idk) but him and marchy are quite the duo tbh, i live for their back and forths on twitter - more on that later - and they seem to love each other an awful lot, it’s v cute :^)
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that’s my pest™. honestly i think lickgate is one of the best scandals in recent hockey history. when looking for a good image of this is saw an article where some dipshit reporter was outraged about it and was like “how would you feel if someone just came up and liked you?” i mean what if someone just came up and started punching you or hip-checked you into the wall????? hockey is a nasty game a lot of the time, and instead of giving people concussions or broken bones (not that he hasn’t in the past ik…) marchy managed to make opposing teams just as angry, if not moreso, just by licking players. i think it’s fucking hilarious. and most of them took it well in hindsight anyway - i think it was komarov who said he kinda liked it lmaoooooo. peak bradley kevin antics if you  ask me
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every pic from the china trip has such a special place in my heart. this is just an all-round adorable photo and brad is looking gorgeous in the sunlight and his backwards cap
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brad waving the towel in surrender is just about the funniest thing i’ve ever seen someone do in the penalty box… i can’t believe they gave him a 10 minute misconduct for it, something i think they’d wouldn’t have done if it had have been someone else. at least someone in this league has a goddamn sense of humour. the penalty minutes stat in the corner just makes this even better
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brad, once again, showing us how we should deal with people talking shit about us - just get on board with it. i love how much he’s just embraced his massive nose and his height and his general reputation. idk if it’s really deliberate but i think it’s such a good message to send, and it makes for some pretty funny stuff too.
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brad single-handedly keeps nhl refs in a job. in my bruins drinking game™ you have to take a shot every time the ref has to physically restrain marchy (2 if it’s because he was going to get revenge or fend for bergy) and you could get fucked off that alone during some games. it was nice to see him not actually get suspended this year, but i will always love that he’s such a physical player and quite the pest on the ice :))
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me: *slaps helmet of brad marchand* this bad boy can fit so much personality.
really though, can you believe he’s managed to squeeze more charisma into only 5 feet and 9 inches than 85% of the league combined… very cute picture, and always lovely to see him by bergy’s side on the ice where he belongs
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oh my goddddddd how fucking cute is this though!!!! the hat! the dad energy those jeans and the boots give off!!! his face!! his little daughter!!!!! i can’t take it, my heart is going to burst.
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(gif via @kureally) this is also just so cute, i need a minute. brad has some very powerful eyebrows and this gif displays them wonderfully. this section of behind the b was also pretty sweet all round, and i agree with pasta that the hair is looking pretty first class
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(gif via @murlin09) i am not like into marchy (no tea no shade if u are though), but this gif… whew. i’ll let you come to your own conclusions on this one, gang
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i was not lying when i said more on the brad-torey social media antics earlier. there are some truly iconic chirps (the zamboni one is lethal), but this self-roast just kills me every time. i never once thought i’d read a tweet from the official brad marchand twitter account that opened with “hey shorty” but here we are. “my nose wouldn’t fit” i astral projected the first time i read that. and if you’re wondering what torey said to prompt this, it was simply “hey marchy”. it doesn’t take much for brad to light on you, huh? we better watch our backs
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definitely a favourite marcheron pic right here - the pucks and paddles (i still think that’s a questionable name but maybe that’s a me issue) content is always top notch. if you can find the video, it’s even better, but this picture captures the general energy of the video perfectly. the only thing missing is that brad’s feet aren’t actually on the floor because the height difference is so pronounced that bergy has to lift him. beautiful
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return of the cute brad smile!! a cute yet mischievous little grin, i can only assume he’s restraining himself from laughing at m*tthews fivehead (although who is he to talk with that schnozz. at least he rocks it tbf 👃🏻). not sure blue is really his colour but he’s going for it anyway. that’s my all star!
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it’s been days since this photo first surfaced and i haven’t stopped palpitating. the cutest photo ever, they all look so happy and i love that!!! also how are their wives so beautiful….!? oh my every pixel of this image is just stunning
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i know i included this in my last bergy list but if they can name new york twice i think i can put this on 2 lists, because lord knows it’s even more iconic. i feel like this is a good metaphor for brad marchand: getting up to no good, although still relatively harmless, all the while supported by the considerably more sensible, yet still entertaining, patrice bergeron. additionally, another excellent display of the oft-overlooked fact that this man is built like a motherfucking tank. holy shit
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i wish i could see these boys in suits without my brain immediately trying to think of some sort of au. anyway, i really like this look on brad (unpopular opinion - i love his loud checkered suits as a concept but i don’t think they look good). although he has dark hair, strong eyebrows, and dark facial hai, the all black actually looks really good on him. coffee in hand really adding to the look too - well done, brad “fashionista” marchand.
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ahhhhh i love nothing more than family man marchy 💛 his daughter is adorable - those tiny jerseys kill me - and i love that his son is wearing the all-star jersey omg how cute (he is definitely going to end up taller than brad lmao)
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sometimes i forget that brad is short and then i see photos like this (brandon is 6′5 for reference)…amazing. i relate to the lady on the left on a spiritual level. brad’s face is a mood and a half. his feet are half a foot of the ice at least. i adore this photo.
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(gif via @brandoncarlo) absolutely one of my fav things about watching bruins games is how brad and patrice will always find each other during a celly - nothing beats the 100 hug. this is also just a very satisfying skating gif that i love.
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last but very very very far from least is this. there is literally no need for me to make any comment on this so i’m just going to leave it and go. bradley kevin marchand you are iconic and ily
ayyy this was super fun to do, thank you for requesting it anon, i hope you like!! again, i’m absolutely up for taking requests for more of these lists so hmu if you have ideas :) 
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thevueindiatours · 5 years
15 Unique Facts About India That The World May Not Know
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India is a continent masquerading as a country. With rich natural abundance and mindboggling cultural diversity, this vast land has fascinated travellers for centuries. Being home to more than a billion people is only one of the many interesting facts about India.
Before you book a vacation package in India, let’s take a look at some facts that make India so unique:
1. Largest Gathering Of Mankind, Observed From Space
It takes 12 years for this unbelievable mega event to happen in India. The Kumbh Mela, a pilgrimage taken up by devotees of Lord Shiva, sees a gathering of around 90-100 million people at the riverbanks of Ganges and Godavari rivers.
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This enormous congregation is one of the most difficult mass communions to manage and can be observed in satellite images from space. The Kumbh Mela has also been recognized by UNESCO as an ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’.
2. Second Largest English-Speaking Nation
India is the second largest English-speaking nation in the world. Over 125 million Indians understand and speak English. But that constitutes to only 11% percent of the country’s total population.
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Apart from the colonial language, the country officially has 22 major languages and 720 dialects. At every 500 km, the dialect or the language itself is bound to change.
3. 37 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
With its exuberant cultural diversity and expansive history, India is home to 37 UNESCO World Heritage sites.
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 Making India the sixth most UNESCO listed country in the world, the heritage sites testify India’s history of art and architecture.  Take a golden triangle tour of India to witness the majestic heritage of North India.
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Explore Unique Experiences Of Indian Aesthetics
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   4. World’s Oldest & Largest Civilization
The Indus Valley Civilization that spans across the north-western part of India is the world’s oldest and largest civilization that had been in existence continuously for centuries.
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 The people of Indus Valley Civilization would trade with other parts of the world even before the Silk Route was there. The remains found in the archaeological site of Harappa and Mohenjo Daro, which dates back to 2600 BC, prove that the civilization was urban in structure with sophisticated cities, drainage systems, grand baths and temples.
Also read: https://www.vueindiatours.com/blog/top-10-unesco-world-heritage-sites-in-india/
 5. Oldest Inhabited City In The World
The spiritual city of Varanasi is popularly said to be 5,000 years old, founded by Lord Shiva. Although it sounds exaggerated, facts do not take away much of the awe around the myth. Historical findings suggest that the city on the banks of River Ganges has been inhabited since 2000 BC and Lord Buddha had visited the city at his prime.
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It is the pilgrimage for many Hindus as it’s believed that dying in Varanasi frees the soul from the cycle of rebirths and the soul attains moksha (ultimate cleansing) to ascend to the heavens forever.
 6. Largest Mangrove Forest In The World
Home to the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger, the Sundarbans located at the Gangetic Delta in West Bengal is the largest mangrove forest in the world.
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 Once under complete authority of pre-Independence India, the forest is now shared with the neighbouring nation of Bangladesh. A wildlife tour of India will take you on an enchanting journey among the flora and fauna of India.
 7. Only Country To Have Native Tigers And Lions
The diversity of Indian wildlife is fascinating. Hundreds of rare and endangered animals and birds have found shelter in the conservation areas in India.
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 There is a large population of Asiatic Lions in the Gir National Park in Gujarat while the other national parks in India, especially the Bandhavgarh and the Sundarban national parks are home to India’s national animal – the Royal Bengal Tiger. This makes India the only country to have indigenous population of both tigers and lions.
8. A Spa Retreat For Elephants
Indians love elephants. They are a part of their mythology as Lord Ganesha (the elephant-faced god) and the animal is adored in all corners of the country.
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 So much so that elephants have a special spa retreat for themselves at Punnathoor Cotta Elephant Yard Rejuvenation Centre in Kerala. Elephant mahouts bring their jumbo friends to this retreat for a day or two of baths, scrubs, massages, body rubs and abundant food.
9. Largest Wholesale Spice Market
When you walk the lanes of Old Delhi, the delicious smell of exotic spices touches your senses and titillates the taste buds.
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Khari Baoli, a road in the heart of the Indian capital of Delhi near the Red Fort, is the world’s largest spice market. The colours and smell are just overwhelming!
 10. Birthplace Of Four Major Religions
If you want to spend a week in complete peace, visit the quaint hill station of Dharamshala. This picturesque town on the foothills of Dhauladhar Mountains is home to many wellness centres and yoga schools. The highlight of your trip would be spectacular scenery of the snow-capped mountain which can be viewed from all points of the town.
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Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism – all have originated in India and has spread across the world to propound the messages of peace and camaraderie.
 11. Largest Population Of Vegetarians
Around 35-40% Indians are vegetarians, which tantamount to 500 million people, the highest population in the world. Either by personal choice or for religious reasons, about one-third of all Indians do not consume meat, fish or eggs.
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Some of the communities in India even consider eating garlic or onion to be similar to having non-vegetarian food and they have created different cuisines for themselves that only have vegetarian items and are equally delicious.
 12. First To Detect Water On The Moon
In 2008, India’s first moon satellite – Chandrayaan I – detected trace amounts of water at the South Pole of the Moon.
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This was a historic achievement for the Indian space agency, ISRO. The data transmitted by the satellite has since been fundamental in improving research studies about the Moon
 13. Royal Families Still Live Like Kings
Before the Independence in 1947, India was divided among more than 600 princely states. They all joined hands to make the nation once India was free from the British rule. However, few royal families in some parts of India still hold regal status and live like kings following their unique rituals and traditions
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Some of these royal families even host guests at their palaces and reminisce their glorious pasts under the old chandelier lights that still decorate the hallways and rooms at these palaces. The Mewar Dynasty of Rajasthan, The Wadiyar Dynasty of Mysore, The Royal Families of Alsisar (Jhunjhunu District of Rajasthan), The Royal Family of Rajkot (Gujarat), The Gaekwads of Baroda (Gujarat) are some of the royal families that still live life king size in India.
Read more: https://www.vueindiatours.com/blog/rajasthan-forts-palaces-lakes-an-unforgettable-experience/
 14. First Place To Mine Diamonds
Diamond, the resplendent stone that has been the desire of people around the world, was first mined in India. From ancient times, Indians have been known as the only producer of diamonds in the world.
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This had been the case until diamonds were discovered in Brazil in 1726. The technique to extract diamond from the mine was taught to the world by Indians.
 15. An Indian Invented Usbs
Ajay V. Bhatt, an Indian computer engineer, invented the USB chip that we all depend on so many times in our daily lives.
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It is Mr Bhatt’s genius that has made transferring files so much easier. He is also behind other inventions such as AGP (Accelerated Graphics Port), PCI Express, Platform Power management architecture and various other chip-set improvements.
Looking at these facts one can easily understand that India is a land of wonders. The facts speak for themselves. India is unlike any other country in the world and to witness the uniqueness of this country is an enthralling experience.
If you want to have a taste of unique experiences in India, feel free to get in touch with us to avail holiday packages for India.
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/top-6-day-trips-from-hokitika/
Top 6 Day Trips From Hokitika
1. Franz Josef Glacier – Day Trip From Hokitika
A visit to Franz Josef is easily doable in a day from Hokitika. It takes about 1hr 20mins to drive there. Then you can decide how you want to spend your time. There are a number of options – just decide what takes your fancy and fits your budget.
Many people choose a guided walk to the glacier, which I can highly recommend and there are number of companies to choose from. They all offer an excellent service and you will be in good hands whoever you choose.
Franz Josef Glacier Guides Glacier Valley Walk
An overview of the incredible Glacier Valley Walk operated by Franz Josef Glacier Guides at Franz Josef, West Coast New Zealand. Your Glacier Valley Walk will take you up alongside the mighty Waiho River bed following the glaciers path of retreat in this remarkable landscape.
Another popular option is to take a heli-hike. I’ve done this myself and it is incredible and well worth the money. It also takes less time and so gives you more time to do other things while down there.
Franz Josef Glacier Guides Heli Hike
An overview of the incredible Heli HIke product operated by Franz Josef Glacier Guides on Franz Josef Glacier, West Coast New Zealand. After an exciting scenic flight, you land high up on the glacier and undertake a two hour guided hike amongst some of the most pristine and awe-inspiring glacier scenery available.
You can also take a scenic flight landing on the ice, without the hike.
Glacier Helicopters – Fox Glacier & Franz Josef Glacier
Experience spectacular scenic helicopter flights and incredible glacier landings. The opportunity to view up close and touch the glacier formations, ice caves and pinnacles – makes for a truly memorable experience. Glacier Helicopter flights range from 20 – 40 minutes and can include Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glaciers, Aoraki/Mt Cook and the Southern Alps.
If you have time to kill either before or after your glacier trip, there a a lot of other activities to choose from.
You can hire a quad bike and explore the region.
Across Country Quad Bikes Franz Josef
We had the opportunity to work with Across Country Quad Bikes in Franz Josef Glacier, New Zealand. Here is the short sizzle reel we created for their sales office. What a fun day on the Quads – Their staff are highly professional, and know the terrain very well.
If kayaking is more your thing you can join a tour at www.glacierkayaks.com
Prices from $115pp
If all this activity sounds a bit much or you need to revive your muscles then I can highly recommend a soak in the hot pools at www.glacierhotpools.co.nz There are 3 pools, each one a different temperature. You can also book massages and spa treatments. A great way to unwind after a walk on the ice.
2. Arthur’s Pass Day Trip From Hokitika
Arthur’s Pass is a little over an hours drive from Hokitika. This is a really worthwhile trip if you have driven down from Picton or Westport and are continuing south to Queenstown etc. If you haven’t come from Christchurch ( or will not be returning that way) you will not have had the opportunity to drive over this amazing alpine pass. A day trip to Arthur’s Pass will give you the chance to see the incredible feat of engineering that is the Otira Viaduct.
You can learn about the viaduct here: www.arthurspass.com
If you’re lucky you may even get to see the kea. The world’s only alpine parrot.
There are a number of short walks you can do in and around Arthur’s Pass.
Devils Punchbowl Falls (Arthur’s Pass, Canterbury, New Zealand)
Arthur’s Pass National Park, Canterbury Region (South Island), New Zealand Rating: 4Difficulty: 2.5 Devils Punchbowl Falls was certainly a waterfall that Julie and I anticipated visiting ever since we came across it during our pre-trip research.
Best daywalks in Arthur’s Pass | Christchurch – Canterbury, New Zealand
Arthur’s Pass is an Alpine Village set on the Main Divide of the Southern Alps. We are surrounded by the mountains and native forests of the Arthur’s Pass National Park. There are oodles of walking opportunities close to the Village and I’ve included the best, (in my opinion), here.
You can also check out the Otira Stagecoach Hotel. It has a huge collection of antiques and collectibles. You can grab a bite to eat and a coffee. www.otirahotel.co.nz
3. Punakaiki Pancake Rocks – Day Trip From Hokitika
This is one of my favourite things to do here. I love the drive from Hokitika up to Punakaiki. It doesn’t matter if the weather is amazing or terrible the Coast Road is incredible and the blow holes are always stunning.
We like to stop in at the Monteiths Brewery for a bite to eat and of course a taste of the product.
The drive from Hokitika to Punakaiki takes about an hour but we recommend you slow down and enjoy the journey. There are so many beaches, nooks and crannys you may want to take the whole day – and make sure you have your camera. You could stop at Rapahoe Beach for a swim.
The main highway called The Great Coast Road between Westport and Greymouth has been named one of the Top 10 Coastal Drives in the world according to Lonely Planet. Your drive to Punakaiki takes you on the very best part of this road.
Punakaiki is an amazing place to visit in any weather. Of course it is beautiful when it is warm and sunny but the blow holes are at their most impressive when the sea is up and the wind is blowing.
I can also highly recommend the short Truman Track walk to the beach.
Punakaiki area walks
Walks here range from 15 minutes to 3 days. Many tracks pass through densely forested karst limestone areas, which are the essence of the park.
Punakaiki Pancake Rocks and Blowholes
The famous Pancake Rocks and Blowholes are just a 20 minute loop walk from where you park your vehicle on the main highway at Punakaiki.
4. Lake Brunner/Moana – Day Trip From Hokitika
Go for lunch at Lake Brunner Hotel or the Station House Cafe.
Moana is a town that sits on the edge of Lake Brunner near Greymouth, West Coast.
It is famous for: Brown trout that die of old age.
When to come: Year round.
What you will experience: A lake that’s awesome for jet boating, yachting, paddle boarding and fishing for brown trout.
Pack: Your togs (swimsuit), towel and sunscreen.
Locals tip: The TranzAlpine train stops at the lake side in Moana and is a nice alternative to board the train to Christchurch a little later in the day.
Fun fact: Moana has a fascinating history of maori tribes that lived in the area.
There are a number of easy walks in the area.
10 Hikes Around Lake Brunner
While in the Lake Brunner area, go see an impressive waterfall! (Yes, another waterfall in New Zealand). This moderate walk gently climbs a mixed podocarp forest before continuing more steeply to the base of Carew Falls! Location: The track starts 50m from the Lake Brunner Lodge, Mitchells, on the southern end of the lake.
West Coast New Zealand – Lake Brunner
Take an adventure on Lake Brunner in West Coast New Zealand. Whether it’s fishing, taking a day out with the kids, or heading out on the water by boat, there’s something for everyone. Find out more about Lake Brunner on: westcoast.co.nz/west-coast-regions/haast-world-heritage
How To Get There
From Greymouth drive inland under the Cobden Bridge, follow the road until you turn right onto Arnold Valley Rd (signs for Moana/Christchurch/Lake Brunner Road/Lake Brunner Tourist Drive), turn onto Ahau Road to go into the Moana township and most popular lake side spots.
5. Okarito – Day Trip From Hokitika
Okarito is approx 1hr 10mins drive south of Hokitika
At Okarito lagoon, on the west coast of the South Island, there’s a huge area of shallow open water and tidal flats just waiting to be explored. It’s the perfect location for sheltered water kayaking, and there is plenty to see as you paddle along.
The lagoon is surrounded by lush native rainforest, above which rise the towering snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps. The area is an important feeding ground for thousands of wading birds that seem relatively unruffled by the wide-eyed people drifting quietly by in kayaks.
The kotuku (white heron) is very rare here, as New Zealand is at the edge of the bird’s climatic and geographic range. Each year adult kotuku come from all over New Zealand to the country’s only breeding area on the Waitangiroto River. The Okarito lagoon is their main feeding ground and the permanent home for some of the population.
The kotuku is sacred to Maori people. Kotuku feathers were highly prized and used to adorn chiefs in life and death. In Maori oratory, one of the highest compliments that can be made is to liken someone to the kotuku. Maori people believe the kotuku is an inhabitant of the spirit land of Reinga and an old Maori funeral chant ends with these words ‘Ko to kotuku to tapui, e Tama – e’, which means ‘Kotuku is now thy sole companion, oh my son’.
Okarito Kayaks
Kayak tours and freedom kayak rental on Okarito Lagoon, South Westland. Just 20 minutes drive from Franz Josef Glacier, the lagoon is a birdwatcher’s paradise. Paddle into the rainforest. Amazing view of the Southern Alps.
Adult$55.00 – $115.00Child$27.50 – $57.50
Contact Us
Visit our website
Explore the stunning waterways of Okarito Lagoon
Kayaking on Okarito Lagoon, New Zealand’s largest unmodified wetland and home to large numbers of native and endemic bird species (over 70 species of bird have been recorded here). Kayaks are a great way to explore the lagoon and view the abundant birdlife.
Okarito township is just a 20 minutes drive from Franz Josef Glacier.
We provide guided kayak trips and freedom rental kayaking with a focus on the ecology of the lagoon and the outstanding scenery. After exploring the tidal mudflats of the lagoon, kayakers can paddle deep into the rainforest river channels of the Okarito river delta. Towered over by 400 year old Kahikatea trees, kayakers can then view a large number of forest dwelling birds. A true wilderness experience.
Visit our website
Get directions
Physical address
Okarito Kayaks, 1 The Strand, Okarito, West Coast, New Zealand.
Opening times
Business hours:8am – 5:30pm Months of operation:All months of the year
  6. Historic Gold Town, Ross – Day Trip From Hokitika
Ross is a 25min drive south of Hokitika.
Ross was settled in 1865, proving to be gold-rich. It is the sources of a fist-sized nugget weighing about 3.1kg. This was a celebrated find, and the nugget was christened  ‘the Honourable Roddy Nugget’, after the Minister of Mines Roderick McKenzie.
A visit to the town wouldn’t be complete without a beer at The Empire Ross Hotel
Origin of name:
The town popped up following the discovery of gold in the mid-1860s and was named after George Ross, provincial treasurer of Canterbury.
Population: Today there are 297 people in Ross, quite a drop from the 2500 who lived here during the height of the gold rush.
Claim to fame: New Zealand’s largest gold nugget was unearthed in Ross in 1909; weighing 3.1kg or 99.9oz, it was dubbed the “Honourable Roddy Nugget” after Roderick Mackenzie, Minister for Mines at the time. Although don’t expect to clap eyes on it, because in 1911 the nugget was given to King George V as a coronation gift and was melted down and gilded on to a tea set. Prior to that it was used as a doorstep at the local hotel before being raffled off to raise funds to build the local hospital.
Ross Activities
Mining relics, tunnels and the remainder of miles of water race can be found in the regenerating rainforest on the many walks around Ross.
There are also some of NZ’s best trout fishing nearby and at a certain low tides, you can collect mussels on the beach.
The Information Centre in Ross offers the opportunity to try your hand at goldpanning and get your own Roddy nugget!
Floating Golf Challenge. Hit the golf balls onto the floating platform in the lake.
Floating Golf Challenge
Floating Golf Challenge, Ross West Coast New Zealand. 300 likes. Floating Golf Challenge in Ross south of Hokitika, a fun activity to hit floating golf balls out on to the lake to a pontoon to win…
Ross Historic Cemetery – Walk
LOCATION : 5mins before you reach the townships northern end
EASY  Time: 10 min one way Access: Walk starts from the top of St James Street near Visitor Centre. Features: Part of the Ross Water Race Walkway. Short zig zags uphill before entering the Cemetery. Interesting headstones and great views.
Ross Water Race Walkway – Walk
EASY / MODERATE Time: 1 hour loop. Access: Walk starts from Ross Visitor Centre. Features: Follows Mt Greenland Rd up Jones Ck & loops back following water race. Replica miner’s hut, several dam sites and tunnels. Passes through old Ross cemetery with views overlooking Ross and the Tasman Sea. Goldmining area relics to be seen on walk and at visitor centre.
Best reasons to stop:
Ross is popular for bush walks, bird watching, fishing, whitebaiting and hunting.
Kids love: Gold panning – hire a pan at the Ross Goldfields Information and Heritage Centreand try your luck right outside the centre or down at Jones Creek – or, if you’re feeling lucky, ask a local for a secret spot.
Best parks: There are lots of reserves dotted about the town, from the rugby grounds to Pioneer Park by the swimming pool. The area beside the information centre is pretty popular, look out over Birchfield’s Hole (is it a little lake or a large pond?) where you’ll find barbecues, bathrooms and facilities for campervans.
Best playground: Right next door to the school, there are slides, swings, see-saws and a jungle gym.
Best walks: Ross Waterway Walk is an easy one hour loop. Starting at the visitor centre, it passes by a miner’s hut, dams and tunnels and along the way you’ll be rewarded with views across Ross and the Tasman Sea. For an easy 20-minute trot, zig zag up to the cemetery and read the headstones.
Climb every mountain: If you fancy a hearty hike, trek up Mt Greenland, at 18km the walk takes about seven hours there and back. Fab bush and bird life and, on a clear day, the views are outstanding.
Best views: Either from the top of Mt Greenland or from the cemetery.
Best place to pull over: Take a picnic to the beach at sunset, the sculptural driftwood is epic.
Best swim: If you swim in the sea, be sure to respect it – on a good day it’s fine but in rough weather it can be a big angry monster. Swim in the local pool during summer for a modest entry fee or dip in the Mikonui River if you’d rather. Or paddle in Birchfield’s Hole.
Best museum: Ross Goldfields Information & Heritage Centre is a mine of information (ha!). Run by locals, you can learn all about local history which was pretty wild back in the day.
Nice arts: The museum has a neat shop where you can purchase local art, crafts, souvenirs and gifts. Or stop in at The Ross Art Studio and Gallery (next to the dairy) where you can buy the works of local artists including impressive pottery.
Cream of the coffee: The Roddy Nugget Cafe serves a super brew. Alternatively grab a cuppa at The Empire or the local grocery store.
Hungry? The Roddy Nugget bakes amazing pies and their whitebait fritters are delish – you’ll never find fresher than on the West Coast. The marinated pork strips are rated highly, while their seafood chowder flies out the door. Or head to the Empire Hotel for a roast on Sunday night and live music.
DIY dinner: Time the tide right and pick a feed of mussels off the rocks – happily the kai moana on the West Coast is unlikely to be overfished because Mother Nature only allows humans to fish about 10 per cent of the year.
Wet your whistle: The Empire is a welcoming historic hotel. The open fire is the pub’s heart and soul, although the real warmth comes from the people. Be sure to stop in for a jam session on the last Friday of each month. Because many West Coast homes only got power in the 1960s, musical traditions are strong around here because, for generations, people had to make their own entertainment.
Best mountain biking: The West Coast Wilderness trail is a little beauty. At 139km long it connects Ross to Greymouth and bursts with nature, history and beauty. Or go to Totara Valley, an easy half-day mountain bike ride (40km, grade 1).
Best adventure: Kayaking, bush walking, bird watching and, mountain biking. The region is also famous for trout fishing, whitebaiting and surfcasting.
Coming soon: The Chinese Memorial Gold Miners’ Gardens should be up and blooming next year, ditto the Motorcycle Museum.
Best kept secret: The West Coast Treetop Walk, just minutes from Ross, is a canopy walkway through mature rimu forest that is 20m high and 450m long and truly astonishing.
Wildlife: Birds, seals, deer, pigs, trout, salmon and whitebait.
The verdict: Good as gold.
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