#fae vs sekta
the-planet-shard · 8 months
So. Kingdom of Ashes has the problem with spawning monsters. And we have the general as mc because he's so cool. Fine. First of all - what's his name? Haha. Dunno. The mc - I need him to get out from the kingdom - still dunno why. I need to figure out why my mcs gonna travell over the Shard. Like in One Piece they're trying to find a treasure. Now what here...but I can make him believe if he gets in Polluň than he can find the way how to get rid of a curse upon his kingdom. Oke. But Polluň is kinda close, but that's the only place where he may speak to Shami the god. Hm. Fine. He can help Fae's in Lost forest (im waaaay bad with names - I should rename it) and here find fae Aine. Oke. Good. Aine and this mc can traveller together because - well we know that Lost Forest and the kingdom close to it are having a conflict because of secta Kalmár. And Kalmár destroyed a ritual place where land faes and souls faes could have a contact. But that's problem only for Melina and Mihr. And Mihr still needs a host. But host future host Joshua is in Newlands and they're reeeally far away from this continent. So. So Melina and Mihr wont be together for long, because Mihr needs his new host. Without it he cant work...live. Hm. So he may just go and looking for someone and k1ll for energy till he finds Joshua. But that would be later in the story. Fine. So Melina has a problem, because they cannot send shard souls back - because the ritual place was destroyed. However Aine is able to find!!! new place. Yes. So Melina and Aine befriend and that's how 3 mcs are together. But why would Aine helps stranger? Mc form Ashes helps save the Forest. But... Melina? How complicated...
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