the-planet-shard · 2 months
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Once Human by Midnight #7
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the-planet-shard · 3 months
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This is Gladis. They're vampire. They have antennea with lanterns. They use them for reading. What a silly being they are.
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the-planet-shard · 3 months
Proč vždycky, když lidi představují jiné druhy, tak jsou ty druhy jak přes kopírák, pokud jde o jedince v rámci druhu? Ukážou třeba nějaké mimozemské bytosti a všechny jsou jenom modré, pokud jde o jeden druh. Všichni elfové stejní. Atd. Kde je diverzita??? Wtf.
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the-planet-shard · 3 months
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This is Elex. I forgot draw it its marks, but nah...nevermind. Haha.
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the-planet-shard · 3 months
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This is Elex. I forgot draw it its marks, but nah...nevermind. Haha.
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the-planet-shard · 3 months
So I realised I dont need to post my art on instagram and feed AI when I even wont be popular. So. Im gonna enjoy posting it here so only these who are supposed to see it by fate, will see it anf hopefully like it. Plus I can spam here every single meme Im gonna make. MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH.
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
List of "what your OC should do to act normal"
Things people always did through out history
- Choked on their drink
- Took one extra step up the stairs
- Didn’t want to wake up in the morning
- Got eyelashes in their eyes
- Didn’t want to host a party
- Slept in an awkward position and woke up sore
- Had pins and needles
- Stuttered and fumbled words
- Misspelled words
- Stubbed their toe
- Got food stuck in their teeth
- Tripped over nothing
- Had one nostril stuffed up and the other nostril clear
- Looked for something only to realize it was in their hand
- Thought they didn’t look good in a portrait
- Were uncomfortable in fancy clothes
- Had a favourite song
- Became restless
- Had amazing insults and comebacks
- Said swear words
- Forgot their keys
- Forgot what they were going to say
- Forgot their dreams after they woke up
- Had nightmares
- Fell in love in a dream and woke up disappointed
- Hated specific fashion trends
- Laughed at something funny
- Bit the inside of their mouth
- Bit their tongue
- Blew on the hot food after they put in their mouth
- Had the sun in their eyes
- Sneezed/coughed during a plague even though they were healthy
- Had favourite hobbies
- Remembered something embarrassing they did
- Had a favourite pet
- Had hangnails
- Had fake arguments with themselves
- Walked into a room and forgot what they were going to do
- Had specific phobias
- Loved their families
- Thought their mother’s cooking was the best
- Did stupid shit with their friends
- Ugly cried
- Had a contagious laugh
- Couldn’t fall asleep
- Had a goodnight’s sleep
- Bullied their siblings
- Had an inner voice
- Got a song stuck in their head
- Got too hot
- Got too cold
- Felt the warmth wash over them as they sit by the fire on a cold day
- Had fun parties
- Had their own unique family traditions
- Had a favourite piece of clothing
- Enjoyed time with their family
- Bounced their leg
- Bit their nails
- Had to deal with minor inconveniences
- Enjoyed the sound of rain
- Had a favourite food
- Had allergies
- Relaxed
- Had a favourite colour
- Found a cool rock
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Currently about 39 species living on the Shard. And I'm still not done. I think...I have a problem. *silent laugh*
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Why clean your teeth with some weird stick with bristles (toothbrush), when you can use Zuběnožku (teethpede? Toothtipede?).
Prostě tvor, co vypadá jak stonožka, ale dáš si ho do pusy a ono to sežere plak a pak ti to z pusy samo vyleze a ty ji vrátíš do jejího bydlení. A protože bydl�� ve vodě, tak se čistí sama. Hehe~
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Ce, Sem, Ull. Some of names of eras. I should make a calendar...
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Ten pocit, když si vymyslíš planetu, ale stejně nevíš, jak vypadá a jak kurwa funguje, bo je to nějaký složitý.
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Nová postava
Hey, asi by nebylo špatný tam mít nějakýho cool týpka, co by se vždy nějak spawnul a poradil. In the end by pak mohl být někdo upe jiný. Ale tím, že by ultra cestoval, tak by mohl poradit mc z popeláku o tom místě na Polluni.
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
So. Kingdom of Ashes has the problem with spawning monsters. And we have the general as mc because he's so cool. Fine. First of all - what's his name? Haha. Dunno. The mc - I need him to get out from the kingdom - still dunno why. I need to figure out why my mcs gonna travell over the Shard. Like in One Piece they're trying to find a treasure. Now what here...but I can make him believe if he gets in Polluň than he can find the way how to get rid of a curse upon his kingdom. Oke. But Polluň is kinda close, but that's the only place where he may speak to Shami the god. Hm. Fine. He can help Fae's in Lost forest (im waaaay bad with names - I should rename it) and here find fae Aine. Oke. Good. Aine and this mc can traveller together because - well we know that Lost Forest and the kingdom close to it are having a conflict because of secta Kalmár. And Kalmár destroyed a ritual place where land faes and souls faes could have a contact. But that's problem only for Melina and Mihr. And Mihr still needs a host. But host future host Joshua is in Newlands and they're reeeally far away from this continent. So. So Melina and Mihr wont be together for long, because Mihr needs his new host. Without it he cant work...live. Hm. So he may just go and looking for someone and k1ll for energy till he finds Joshua. But that would be later in the story. Fine. So Melina has a problem, because they cannot send shard souls back - because the ritual place was destroyed. However Aine is able to find!!! new place. Yes. So Melina and Aine befriend and that's how 3 mcs are together. But why would Aine helps stranger? Mc form Ashes helps save the Forest. But... Melina? How complicated...
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the-planet-shard · 8 months
Well. It's nice having friends who's reading your stuff. But when they stop and no one except you is excited from new post - man, that hurts.
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the-planet-shard · 9 months
Now. First official post for Shard.
I wrote several short stories already and kinda make whole planet and fauna flora stuff. I dont wanna post it here tho. I'm gonna post my random thoughts only. Let's just hope I'll publish the book one day.
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the-planet-shard · 9 months
Look. Im not trying to be b- I wrote that ex-mod and asked what's going on. I got totally messed up answer without getting any info, why they blocked me. Fine. Im more mad than before-
My co-admin asked them either. And they answer were sum' like "i know i pissed them off bla bla bla they pissed me off once but I dont wanna tell you why" (the bla bla is about like they arent mad about being kicked out etc). Cool. So you playing this game. Fine.
I hate when people dont tell you anything but they're mad. Just tell me sum' like "im mad but i dont wanna talk about it rn". Fine. But dont play drama queen.
Bruh. Im co-admin with my twi friends on discord server. We have mods and lately we had to kick few of them and bring new ones. Fine. But whenever we decide to kick one I do an annoucment to them and the server. Im fine with that. But then the ex-mod is mad at me only?! Like btch what I did to you? We decided TOGETHER? HALO?
The last ex-mod (kicked two days ago and they knew we're gonna do it soon or later bcs they werent active or helpful) blocked me and the new mod. But the rest of A-team or mods? Nooo. Nothing. Besties.
You &sshole! I was nice to you all the time and just bcs of this? THIS stupid thing- you hypocrite. Dramatic b- Im furious bcs it's always me. They think Im a leader or sum? No. I just tell you. But fine, be b- after unblocking me, I'll return it. Dont worry. I'll give you a reason why act like d1ck. 💚
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