silverdeer · 2 months
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"Met two other Xerneas, they're my brother and his adorable little girl. We're all equally the best." ✨
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obliviscii · 1 year
"Santa has no idea what he's talking about frankly." - Xerneas ;v; 
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“I hope that is the case... I had just thought my years of self-reflection and atonement may have been enough. Perhaps some of my recent slip-ups prevented a favorable outcome.”
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gardenofgods · 2 years
"....Pink, dear." - Zacian. How is this man alive without him. 
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“Pink..? I guess it makes sense.” Zamazenta thought he was purple.
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alibraryofsouls · 2 years
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[maaay be working on my blog pages a little bit while I’m posting today, so here’s some updated rules] 
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twilighttheater · 2 years
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“Still pretty sure neither Xerneas or Yveltal are flying the same flag as me.”
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sereina-archive · 3 years
dream eater — does your muse have any recurring dreams/nightmares? ;;v;;
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 | accepting!
She does! Her most common reoccurring nightmare is the one where she's getting strangled by Lysandre. This one always ends in her bolting awake, coughing and gasping for air.
Another one that has been happening more lately deals with his Gyarados. She has had dreams where it attacks her loved ones, like Dani, Reggie, Xavier, Xerneas, Yveltal, Red, and even her mom. And while she tries to run and stop it, it seems like the room only stretches out and she gets further and further away, and can't do anything. If this nightmare gets bad enough, she does end up screaming the victim's name over and over in the real world.
A reoccurring dream that she's had several times now is of her and Red taking a flight on Flicker. It's an exhilarating dream that makes her stomach feel like it drops, and she's always just laughing in the dream. They soar high above the clouds, away from everything beneath them, safe from any harm. That dream always makes her wake up feeling light and giddy.
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Name: Prince Xavier Alekzander Fontaine
Age: 20
Current Residence: Lumiose City
Prince Xavier is not the only heir to the throne, but he is the eldest as far as he’s aware. He doesn’t have too many gripes about his position as prince, he’s well-liked by the community and they have faith that he’ll do a better job than the king before him. His knight used to agree in fact, before she disappeared abruptly after the loss of her fiance... Xavier worries about where she’s ended up now. But of course all his father is concerned with is his lack of a personal guard without her, this and whatever other activities Xavier is forced to tolerate.
After the passing of King Maxime’s wife, Queen Josephine, the king had taken to just about anything he could do to not think about her death. New short-lived loves, alcohol, and one of his personal favorites had been bloodshed as she’d been killed by a neighboring region’s soldier. Watching people in any way associated with that region cut down to nothing was cathartic to the man, even though Xavier himself found it to be a horrible practice that he was forced to sit through. Trying not to had earned him a lecture and physical punishment from the king for ‘disrespecting him in public’, even though he had merely left without a sound.
Since he was forced to watch these battles take place, he did notice that one foreign gladiator kept winning despite whatever his father threw at him. He was full of pride after the fact and...really quite handsome if Xavier was honest. The prince had a certain fascination for this particular fighter, but his father was growing increasingly agitated as though this was an insult to the kingdom. Xavier was going to try to convince them to leave behind his father’s back, before he learned that the man was a slave. Despite his grins to the crowd he was not doing this willingly, and on the spot the prince paid off whatever was owed for him-- vowing also to do his best to get rid of this horrid practice when he took the throne... but ‘legally’ the handsome gladiator was now ‘his’. Now what?
First and foremost he told him that he was free to do as he wished, everything had been paid for and the prince would not ask anything of him in return. However he didn’t simply accept that, as Xavier thought he might have with some relief to be free. Xavier told him that if he wanted to he could always become his bodyguard, to which that he did accept. Xavier’s father hated this arrangement but it fulfilled his requirement for his son to have a new person guarding him, so he could not complain.
The prince is certainly an odd one, with his kindness towards others not at all mirroring how his father has treated people. There is also rumor that he may be part fae somehow, or at least carries a fae’s blessing. Some have insisted that he wouldn’t have eyes that are so mesmerizing if he wasn’t somehow connected to one. He neither confirms or denies this, simply calls the entire idea silly... though in reality he may as well be a prince in the fae court as well as the human one. The Fairy King himself has an interest in the merciful prince, and he knows he will not disappoint.
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obliviscii-a · 3 years
When Yveltal gets chased out of the kitchen again by Grace, Xerneas gestures for him to sit next to him on the couch and leans to give him a cheek kiss. "We'll talk with her a bit later, when she's not so absurdly busy with dinner alright?" (faesandfaunas)
This is the exact same thing that happened last year, and all the years prior that he spent Christmas with Serena and her mom. He’d wander into the kitchen and Serena would be too late to stop him, he’d try to talk to Grace while she was cooking, and subsequently get whacked with a wooden spoon. Not hard enough to hurt or leave a mark, but it sure did startle him every time it happened.
Yveltal returns to the living room sulking slightly, moving to sit next to Xerneas on the couch after the other waves him over. After he plops down, Xerxes gives him a kiss on the cheek which does make him feel a little bit better.
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“I suppose that is true... I thought she could use some company, but it seems I was mistaken once again.”
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[Sorry to have gone quiet for a couple days everyone, I got caught up in working on my new blogs. I’ll be doing my best to get to replies today though, but if you want you can say hi to Xavier over at @shadesandrollerblades too :D]
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faesandfaunas · 2 years
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“To think everyone jumped the gun a bit about those rumors about me. Ha.”
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gardenofgods-a · 3 years
so im likely going to be moving yveltal from his sideblog to here today. the most important things to note abt him is that he doesn’t follow the plot of x or y, but a z fanplot done by @xfaucheuse!! also he’s singleship w @faesandfaunas :)
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silverdeer · 10 months
Sylvia's Relationships with other legendaries:
Relationship is extremely good. If applied to legendary species, Sylvia is favorable to them. If name only, Sylvia is favorable to the person only. Sylvia is extremely fond of them. Relationship is neutral. Relationship is extremely negative. Regrettable that Sylvia knows them.
Others she will watch carefully. Especially the stranger around her brother.
(the one who created Sylvia) is extremely narcissistic. While Sylvia acknowledges creation needed them, that's all of the credit she is willing to give.
Heidi is the exception to the rule! What started out as a game turned into a lot more.
Augustine is Sylvia's brother. They both were created as Arceus' revenge against the UMA trio for not worshiping their creator, which has made their relationship rocky. Worsening things was Az's weapon killing them both. They have only begun to start mending things.
Xerxes is like another brother to Sylvia. It doesn't hurt that they're both gods of life. His daughter is absolutely adored by Sylvia. She unlocked Sylvia's fun aunt mode.
Raiden and Sylvia knock heads in a rivalry. Sylvia only tolerates him because she can roast his choice in romantic partners.
Athos is a stupid, stubborn, and dense goat. What makes you think that she'd be pining for that? He is fun to fluster or get a reaction out of.
If you don't love Vivi, something is wrong with you.
There's a reason Sylvia listened to Ho-oh about giving humanity another chance. They're a fellow god of life, which Sylvia respects.
Grail and Sylvia are extremely close, however, Sylvia likes to tease him when she can.
Karen Sylvia has sympathy for due to the situation she is in. But now they both walk the line of humanity of legendary.
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obliviscii · 1 year
from @faesandfaunas - Xerneas wanders up behind Yveltal to hug him in hopefully surprise-- though if that was to fail he wasn't worried about it. "Hello my beloved Lord Yveltal, my Oblivion King and King-Consort, the ever so handsome God of Death." He snickers softly.
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"Let me see, I could've sworn you had another didn't you?" He hums for a moment before it dawns on him. "Ah-- King of Night! My you may outrank me yet with so much honor to your name."
Before Xerneas’ arms even wrap around Yveltal from behind, he knows his husband is there - how could he not, after all, when the two’s very souls and beings were so intertwined? Even still, the sudden affection brings a smile on his face, leaning back slightly into Xerneas’ embrace.
As quick as his smile was, though, Yveltal soon felt his ears growing hot with Xerneas’ teasing. All of his titles, some of which were new and others were old, still making him feel flustered as they leave Xerneas’ lips.
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“You’re doing this on purpose,” Yveltal protests, gently, turning to face his husband, “is this payback for the ‘I love you deerly’ pun?” Of course, they were the only ones that could tease one another like this. Anyone else who pushed their luck like this would be met with a much different reaction.
Hearing King of Night, though... what a throwback that was. It felt nostalgic, a title his Murkrow and other dark-types used to refer him by until they opted for the quicker ‘Lord Yveltal’ or ‘Lord Death’. And now, with ‘Oblivion King’ catching on, King of Night was a remnant of the past that only few remembered... but of course Xerneas would, and he’s not sure why hearing it again stirs such feelings in his heart.
There’s a laugh that leaves him, becoming much more commonplace nowadays. “Oh stop,” he rests a hand on his love’s face, gently brushing his thumb across his cheek, “you are my equal. No matter how many fancy titles I have, that will never change.”
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alibraryofsouls · 3 years
📜 - magearna and diancie!!
Oh no it's incorrect quotes time - including @faesandfaunas
Magearna: You often use humor to deflect trauma Diancie: Thank you Magearna: I didn't say that was a good thing Diancie: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny Magearna, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Diancie, pointing at them and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK. Xerneas: I know you snuck out last night, Diancie. Magearna: Play dumb! Diancie: Who's Diancie? Magearna: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
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twilighttheater · 3 years
[ 🌺 ] what is your muse’s relationship with their parents? are there specific things they like/dislike about them?
Headcanon Asks
Hoo boy.
Red's biological father is completely out of the picture, Red doesn't know if he left while he was at a young age, or if he was not at all part of his life to begin with, either way he's an irrelevant man. He may or may not have fathered another child (@unovasrose) but Red's unaware of that fact and so is his half-sibling. Shh. But the bottom line is that he has no opinion on the man, and he could show up to Red tomorrow and he would probably not give a shit.
Red's mother... who knows what her intentions are. Red's theories about her are just that she was really not ready for the responsibility of a child and did the bare minimum to keep him alive. He's had zero contact with her since claiming his Championship position, and she cries crocodile tears to anyone who will listen to her sad tale about her celebrity son who abandoned her and she doesn't know why. She's one of a few reasons why he's glad to have left Kanto behind, since now she has no idea where he is and that 'guilt' can't hang over him anymore.
About the only pro Red has to say about her is the fact that after he came out she didn't refer to him by any pronouns for awhile, and once he started mattering as a person she did refer to him as a man so... it's some twisted form of acceptance, sort of.
He was taken in as Articuno's Champion (@gardenofgods) after visiting him several times throughout his journey, and steadily he grew close enough to him to actually call him his father. He cares a lot about him and they have a lot of similar problems in common, especially given how their anxieties can be similar at times. Red's pretty good at keeping that anxiety down but it's still there and he can talk about that freely with his father who gets it. He does hope one day that there will be an improvement on Articuno's ice abilities, so he doesn't have to worry about freezing people just by being near them anymore.
He hasn't really met Leon's family (@invictarre) yet, but Leon's told him how much he'd be welcomed by them and he does appreciate that. Leon's mother and father sound like nice people, he'd love to be an honorary member of his family and get to know them if they were interested.
Honorable mentions for his future in-laws, Grace Bellegrade (@sereina), Yveltal (@obliviscii) and Xerneas (@faesandfaunas). Grace has been nothing but kind to him, if she had any wariness towards him she definitely didn't make that known to him. He was really afraid about meeting her but she's been nothing but supportive and been really good to get advice from. Yveltal and Xerneas, he hasn't spoken much with them but gets the sense Yveltal likes him, and by extension that makes Xerneas like him. So.... approval all around from your future in-laws feels pretty good.
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[coughs by the way I have a xerneas blog over at @faesandfaunas] 
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