#💀 answered.
obliviscii · 1 year
from @faesandfaunas - Xerneas wanders up behind Yveltal to hug him in hopefully surprise-- though if that was to fail he wasn't worried about it. "Hello my beloved Lord Yveltal, my Oblivion King and King-Consort, the ever so handsome God of Death." He snickers softly.
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"Let me see, I could've sworn you had another didn't you?" He hums for a moment before it dawns on him. "Ah-- King of Night! My you may outrank me yet with so much honor to your name."
Before Xerneas’ arms even wrap around Yveltal from behind, he knows his husband is there - how could he not, after all, when the two’s very souls and beings were so intertwined? Even still, the sudden affection brings a smile on his face, leaning back slightly into Xerneas’ embrace.
As quick as his smile was, though, Yveltal soon felt his ears growing hot with Xerneas’ teasing. All of his titles, some of which were new and others were old, still making him feel flustered as they leave Xerneas’ lips.
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“You’re doing this on purpose,” Yveltal protests, gently, turning to face his husband, “is this payback for the ‘I love you deerly’ pun?” Of course, they were the only ones that could tease one another like this. Anyone else who pushed their luck like this would be met with a much different reaction.
Hearing King of Night, though... what a throwback that was. It felt nostalgic, a title his Murkrow and other dark-types used to refer him by until they opted for the quicker ‘Lord Yveltal’ or ‘Lord Death’. And now, with ‘Oblivion King’ catching on, King of Night was a remnant of the past that only few remembered... but of course Xerneas would, and he’s not sure why hearing it again stirs such feelings in his heart.
There’s a laugh that leaves him, becoming much more commonplace nowadays. “Oh stop,” he rests a hand on his love’s face, gently brushing his thumb across his cheek, “you are my equal. No matter how many fancy titles I have, that will never change.”
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rongzhi · 8 months
hey (culture ask incoming) im wondering about weddings in china and whether people generally wear more western style wedding clothes or traditional chinese style?
(Long-winded answer incoming)
I would say Chinese/hanfu style wedding attire has been making a big comeback (so to speak) in recent years as a side effect of the hanfu revival movement, but there is also Chinese wedding attire that is distinctly it's own genre of clothing, i.e, bridal/groom wear. When you look at it, you know (if you know) that it's wedding attire. More on this in a second.
Still, for those who can afford it, it is popular these days to wear both western style wedding attire and Chinese wedding attire. Most people who I've seen wear both change into the Chinese attire for the wedding banquet. If they wear a western wedding dress, it will be at the ceremony/walking down the aisle. Likewise, if they wear both hanfu and Chinese wedding attire, they will wear the hanfu for the ceremony. Another thing to keep in mind is that in China, it is quite popular to take wedding photos in a myriad of outfits, not just the one you will be wearing on the occasion. So people nowadays may take photos in all the different kinds of wedding attire (via clothing rentals), whether they are going to wear it at their wedding or not. In that spirit, they still technically wear both western and Chinese style wedding clothes.
Hopefully that answers your question there. I have a #chinese wedding that covers a lot of videos but in which you can see the types of gowns and all that which I will briefly go into below.
So: when it comes to "traditional Chinese style" wedding attire, what does that really mean?
To me, three main types of clothing come to mind: 1) Chinese Wedding Attire™ , 2) Chinese style wedding attire, 3) Wedding hanfu
1) Chinese Wedding Attire™, AKA 秀禾服 Xiùhé
Visually distinct, it is not really hanfu nor qizhuang but a secret third thing.... In this case, it is a blend of Qing dynasty and Republican era styles dubbed "xiuhe". As bridal wear specifically, it is actually a rather recent trend (21st century), but it's become a fixture in Chinese wedding wear. While the colors can vary wildly and magnificently, the classic colors here are gold and red.
The style that exists today shows Qing dynasty influence in its construction and at its core consists of both bride and groom wearing embroidered tang suit tops and a matching silk skirt. The bride usually wears hair ornaments/pins in place of a veil. Since there are pins in the hair, brides may wear a xiapei/cape with a long train instead.
A few bridal styles (keep in mind that these are just the classic cuts and colors—there are other styles/colors that contain recognisable elements of bridal wear but are made of different fabrics, have different draping, have more tassels, have a softer look, etc):
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2) Chinese style wedding attire
This is admittedly somewhat of the same thing as Wedding Attire™, just toned down as it was more popular/commonplace in the last century, when it was what was most affordable for most, but it's a style that nonetheless comes to mind. With this, the key is simply that the bride wears a mostly all red dress/top+skirt and the groom wears a suit. Bride and groom will also often wear a red flower/ribbon pinned to their top or worn around them gift-wrapped style, haha. My mom just wore a red top and bottom to her wedding dinner (that's as much detail as I've ever gotten out of her lol) when she got married in the early 80s. Another thing is, since white is a funerary color/color of death in Asian cultures, some people also just wear Western style wedding dresses that are red.
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3) Wedding hanfu
As you can imagine, this is ornate hanfu that is worn for weddings. Song/Ming style hanfu is particularly popular here.This clothing is traditional in the sense that it has historical basis and is what those who could afford to word for weddings historically. Historical wedding colors varied but color pairings like red & blue and red & green are traditional (man wears red, woman wears blue/green; 红男绿女). Wearing hanfu for weddings is a trend that has become popular with the hanfu revival movement and is, as you might guess, a trend for Han Chinese people
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Chinese ethnic minorities have their own wedding attire that they may choose to wear/wear as well (if they do a banquet, etc). Or they might just wear red/xiuhe/western style dresses, too—this is another area where wedding photos let you basically wear everything.
(just a few examples:)
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rosy-crow · 2 months
This Tweet made me laugh so hard.
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This is exactly why Genesis is so hilarious. WHO ELSE DOES THIS SHIT.
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luigi-core · 1 year
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i am going to combust into a million pieces
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(last seen at the tmnt au comp u _ u)
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i think donnie is objectively the worst aberration turtle to run into swannie,, but they'll be fine <3
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rodolfoparras · 3 months
Brb, putting Digger in a Boomerang-shaped chastity cage to boost that humiliation kink he's just discovered
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Digger would absolutely love the idea at first, all hot and bothered at the thought of his big fat cock trapped in a cock cage, unable to touch himself, or just wearing it while out and about in public, maybe even opting to go without boxers just so the little contraption is clearly shown through his prison uniform, proudly smiling at anyone looking down at his crotch.
However as soon as it’s actually on and he’s unable to touch his dick, he’s over this little fantasy, especially when you go out your way to tease him, groping and rubbing up against him til he’s begging and pleading for you to take the cage off of him, speaking to him in the way that usually has blood rushing down to his dick, telling him how a slut like him shouldn’t mind that his cock is locked up, he doesn’t even know how to use that thing at all, riling him up so much til there’s nothing left to do but show him mercy by pounding into his ass and through your laughter asking him how a greedy slut like him fails to reach his orgasm, knowing fully well it’s because of the little mechanism.
He’d most likely try to find ways to break out of it, getting so frustrated he sneaks away, pants pulled down his legs and thighs parted; ready to take any weapon at hand to the cock cage and if you were to catch him in the act he wouldn’t even care, he’d just smile at you, face flushed from exhaustion, body drenched in sweat, cock finally free, fully hard and weeping and eagerly waiting for you to punish him
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wejustvibing · 6 months
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doinggreat · 5 months
reblog and say which footballer is YOURS and no one else’s
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rosesocietyy · 19 days
lmao danny is so angry about that ruse he's so unbelievably angry at being blindsided by that glorified role play he almost can't believe his anger. hiding underneath the bitterness of his words is barely distinguishable tremor at that very clear reminder at just how much power he holds communing with two predators that kill to live
"I mean hey whatever it is they're trying to hide I'm probably not gonna crack it which is, you know, who cares" said the man who's never cared more in his life and lashing out at real rashid? really??
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exilethegame · 3 months
Hihi! This has been one of the BEST ifs I've ever read!!! Although i do have a question can we expect any updates soon? I'm totally fine with waiting this is just one of my absolute favorites! The writing, the RO's the characters everything😭
Hello! Thank you for the kind words :)
As for an update, all I'll say is-- I'm working on it! Re. the rewrite Chapters 1 + 2 are finished and 3 is about halfway done. I don't want to announce an actual "release date" because I haven't been able to work on things consistently w/ school. However, my thoughts are to just release Chapters 1-3 when they're done on the Twine demo for public release, and then update it again when Chapters 4 + 5 are done.
For a little peek of how things have changed, there's the mythosi sub-variants being added for MC, and then some scenes have completely different branches than before. For example, Jaime's encounter in Chapter 1 has 3-4 completely different endings now, which I think is pretty fun! And the Jost/Nikke battle has been completely overhauled to be a lot more dynamic/convoluted... (and of course there are now some Jost flirt options <3)
But I'm glad you enjoy the game so much! I can't overstate how thankful I am for those of you who have been willing to wait for so long. I know things are slow moving but we'll get there! Eventually!
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obliviscii · 2 years
Leon texts a photo. It's been taken at one of Opal's Halloween baking contests, judging by the looks of it, and the cakes in question are an array of Ghosts and Dark types. There's many Gastlys, as one would expect, and a fair number of Pumpkaboo and Litwick and Zorua, but they're not the thing that prompted Leon to take this picture.
At the end of the line, messily iced and half-melted under the heat of the lights, sits a single Yveltal cake.
[ TEXT: Thought you'd appreciate this unexpected appearance! 👑⭐ ]
Yveltal had been putting some finishing touches on his Halloween costume - Dracula and the Grim Reaper combined, taking some creative liberties of course - when he heard the chime of his text ringtone from across the cabin. He half expected it to be Xerneas, as the life god was away for the moment, but Yveltal was pleasantly surprised to see it was a text from Leon, Dani’s husband.
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He looks at the picture first, tapping on it to make it larger, as he was shown before when learning the device. There was an assortment of baked goods on a table, clearly Halloween-themed for the upcoming holiday. Many of the desserts looked impressive, ghost and dark-types prominently on display. As his eyes trail along the photo, it soon came to rest on a cake of... well, himself. It looked like it had seen better days (which wasn’t too far off the mark for himself, really), but there was clear thought and care put into it, despite it’s sad and droopy appearance.
[✉ → Leon] Good evening Leon, thank you so much for the picture and the kind text. I do hope your day was well. I must say - I am quite honored to have a dessert made in my image. It is a surprise, but very welcome. Thank you very much for sharing this with me.
[✉ → Leon] Forgive my asking, but did you make that yourself? If so, you should be proud; I can see the love and care you put into it. Even if the appearance of the cake overall may not be the best in some people’s eyes, I have to say... there have been moments in my life where I truly did feel like how that cake looks, so it is quite ‘relatable’ regardless.
He’s not sure what to send afterwards, but soon gets the idea to take a selfie sporting a ‘thumbs-up’ pose. Of course, the death god’s face remains deadpan, despite the gesture being a positive one. He sends the selfie, along with a final text.
[✉ → Leon] 👍
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
I'm not sure if requests are still open since it's early in the morning where I'm from and idk how our timezones work, please delete this if it isn't orz. If it isn't too much trouble, a dainsleif fic mayhaps 🙏😔? I miss him so much and he didn't come home this patch, can be a short drabble ^^.
Not sure if it's leaning on your "things in consideration" list, but the prompt can be:
You've been under his radar for years but now that he's tracked you down, an unknown child who mirrors his blue Khaenriahn eyes guards you with his small and very fragile life. Those eyes... They're eerily familiar.
(side note: Dain isn't the type who thinks children automatically have a heart of gold lolol. He's kinda a hater when it comes to children cept for Yaoyao /jjjj, maybe that's some extra spice to add for the reason why reader is so terrified and left as soon as she had the opportunity?)
yandere!dainsleif x reader
cw(s) : yandere, implied female reader (the narrative is not gender specific but the word 'mother' has been used once)
wc : 1.7 k
this was an interesting challenge for me because this is one theme i've not done before, with a character i've also never written for! i'm extremely sorry for the wait as i got distracted by hsr :') and thank you so much for requesting<3
a delightful illustration by the loveliest person <3 (spoiler alert!)
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Stories are truly spectacular.
They're capable of preserving bygone memories ; changing, adapting and sometimes, becoming far too distant from reality. Like saplings of the tree which extends its roots throughout Teyvat and, their seeds are welcomed by the flighty wind, soon to be cultivated by the torrents of time. The present will one day become history and that history will be archived for posterity to learn and criticize. One such story inspires much intrigue, dressed in charming rhetoric and is thus cataloged among fairy tales : a bittersweet tale of a Knight and an Angel.
And in classic format it goes — once upon a time, a defiled Knight cried out to the heavens, for he could not win against the temptation of seeing the forbidden pearl. This blatant defiance earned him but a curse of eternal agony and soon, he begged the skies for salvation. The clouds softened and sent him a little Angel, who quelled the fires of his pain bit by bit, until it became an infinitesimal dot in the Knight's soul. Brimming with gratitude, the Knight offered his very being to the Angel's service and of course, they lived happily ever after.
Now suppose, fundamentally speaking, if fairy tales are but stories and the retelling of history follows the same pattern — who are the storytellers?
The victors, of course.
The dull thud of pages colliding shut assuages Dainsleif, for the story which now finds itself beside children's bedside tables serves no other purpose than to instigate dulcet fantasies, losing credence before the trials of history. It brews a litany of feelings in his numbed heart until they intertwine and transform into a yarn of befuddling human emotions ; echoing in his ears that this is what his past has become.
Albeit, this hardly astonishes the Bough Keeper. When a war ends and the winners hoist their flags, they'd obviously be privy to recounting their glories — none of them would ever write that the Knight in the story had never begged the heavens for forgiveness and no such Angel was sent. Instead, he'd seen fit to snatch the Messenger that'd implored him to return to his right mind and one would think that Celestia had taken great offense in this act, but no one batted an eye.
That is because the Messenger, too, was forsaken by their home, a fallen angel with no wings and no divinity left. Whose existence became synonymous to that of a firefly and the Knight, became the darkness that allowed it to glow. When two broken individuals unite, they either complete their flaws or destroy one another and sadly, in his case, it was the latter.
But is it such a sin to wish for a normal life? Dainsleif muses as he passes by giggling groups of unassuming humans, desperate vendors trying to sell their wares and many more individuals who might carve their places in the next epics of Teyvat. Often is it said, you only learn to value things after they leave your grasp and while his memory does erode day by day, he'll forever remember that Angel's — your countenance, how the corners of your lips used to curve before they did no longer, how every word of yours bewitched his decaying mind and built it anew.
He was an ant chasing after the fragrance of sugar, a mindless bug blinded by a speck of light, an apophyte clinging desperately to the bough, a sinner. And sinners do not deserve luxuries called normalcy, love or a home. The aftereffects of the Cataclysm that befell his homeland drove uncountable masses to nihility, some embraced their hatred while others rotted in corners of this world. It is testament to Dainsleif's willpower that he'd not been conquered by insanity yet. Indeed, he's always practiced rationale and patience ; which have also aided him in his prolonged search for you.
He investigated till every rock of this wretched world became his acquaintance and he kept on hanging to the last traces of your existence. But, as every expedition led to a dead end, he was forced to accept a lamentable realization, that he missed you. He missed you so much. He'd vowed to never kneel before those who took everything from him, at this point in his life though, he found himself one breath away from begging that floating island — if only it'd bring you back to his side.
Rain. It'd rained before that catastrophic day and on the eve you trespassed in his life as well. Would you laugh if you saw him in this state? Or, would you coax him up from his knees and shield him from the rain? A hoarse chuckle leaves his lips, how shameless does one need to be to still expect comfort from the being they hurt repeatedly? He'd rather not hear the answer.
The sky growled at his misery but he could not differentiate it from a mocking sneer. He blinked upon feeling the absence of raindrops falling on his person and raised his head to stare.
It is as though the stars gazed at him back, “Why are you kneeling on the ground on a rainy day, mister?”
Dainsleif stared owlishly, his mind momentarily ceased to comprehend the present. The boy that'd reach his knees at most if Dainsleif had been standing returned his gaze in equal interest. Though the man failed to decipher those familiar eyes, it seemed that the boy had reached a conclusion.
“Oh, you must be in pain! Here, take one of my apples.”
The Bough Keeper jolted at the fruit that was shoved to his hand, in the blur of his confusion he'd not taken note of the bag full of apples clutched by the boy's other hand.
“My mother said that an apple a day would keep the pain away—ah, or was it the doctor? Anyway, please take it and don't look so sad. I should really be returning now…!”
Dainsleif opened his mouth (To protest, to question or to thank? He didn't know.) as the boy dashed away, the pitter-patters of the rain lulled his footsteps and left the man a great deal dumbfounded. He looked at the apple, now glistening with rainwater and recalled the boy's words. On normal occasions, he'd be tempted to immediately evacuate the vicinity after that mildly embarrassing encounter but, the memory of the starry gaze that rendered him speechless implored him to follow the boy's tracks.
At this point, his mind was operating on instinct, tracing the footprints of an unknown child without purpose would be the farthest thing he'd put on his agenda in his current state. The dense forest swallowed his form until it finally gifted him with a clearing, a small source of light peeked past a half open window and enticed him closer.
The man only came to his senses after hearing muffled voices, standing before what he assumed was the door to the thatched cottage. For a second, he debated whether to continue this rendezvous but resigning that he'd come too far, he decided to take a peek through the window.
The rain lulled just enough to not be an outright nuisance, succinct yet unforgettable — there you were, separated by but a weak wooden structure and Dainsleif's stupefied mind. You are there. Are you really there? Right before his eyes, emerging out of nowhere after he turned Teyvat upside down just to find some reassurance that you're still alive? Your eyes narrowed in that familiar frown and rubbing a towel through a boy's hair—
Wait, what?
Fine strands of blonde clung to Dainsleif's forehead, a few drops of water dripping down to join the small puddle under his feet. He gaped like a fish at the scene and at the boy who led him to this epiphany, completely forgetting vigilance.
“Did you talk to anyone, son?”
Flowers bloomed in his heart at the sound of that familiar lilt and his breath hitched as he processed the contents you uttered. Son. You called that boy son. In the light of your humble abode, he noticed the boy's golden locks of hair that he'd previously foregone and a conclusion crawled its way to his mind. He has a child. He has a child? Dainsleif knew you have a knack for unpredictability but this level of surprise was not what he was expecting upon your first appearance after all these years. He dwelled on the question of how it was even possible for a while, he recalled the boy's eyes ; those characteristic star-shaped pupils would never lie. Voices reached his ear again and he decided to cast aside these questions for a later time.
“I did, but the man looked so sad all alone in the rain! So, I gave him one of the apples because I didn't know what else to do. I promise I didn't talk too much!”
You paused for a while, a cautious query followed, “What did he look like?”
The boy copied your silence this time, finding great interest in your nails before exclaiming, “Pretty ordinary!”
Dainsleif didn't know why but that gave a sting to his heart, he looked back to you to see the unreadable expression on your face slowly shift to a soft smile. You affectionately ruffled the boy—his boy's hair, the action somehow softened the ache in his soul. Until he remembered that he was ignorant of his own son's name. He was one who preferred to form his opinion of everyone from a neutral point of view and while he's not one to excuse children's behavior just because of their age, seeing his own son speak half-truths at this stage raised many more concerns to be dropped in the pile.
You're not someone who'd preach dishonesty to a child but considering the situation you are currently in and the things this child must've seen, he found himself understanding. The skies rumbled and Dainsleif barely pushed back the urge to kick down the door and take his family to where they belonged. But seeing the smile that he'd yearned for so many years, he hesitated. You'd fought hard to earn this little happiness and acting on his impulses now, however justified they might be, would be dishonoring your efforts. And judging by your reactions, he can already sense that you won't just sit idly by for him to pounce on.
So, he'll be patient for bit longer and when the time is right, it'll seem as though his family returned to his arms out of their own volition.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Thinking about a fake dating scenario like say Sweets family is always bothering her about not dating anyone and she lies and says “actually I am seeing someone!” But then they ask to meet the person so now she has to find someone ti be her fake date. I would imagine the boys would be fighting each other for a chance to do that.
I know this is super random haha I’m just talking to talk at this point.
YES! AND RANDOM IS GOOD 👏👏 talk the talk and walk the walk babes! Any ideas you have SPEAK ON IT!!! 💓
But omg you're right, they would
Sweetheart walked in the living room, where the team was sitting on the couch drinking beers. She was talking on the phone as she walked past them to the kitchen, not even noticing the boys.
And she's talking to her mom about her love life. Saying "Yes ma! I will bring him this time!" And "You can tell Danni to shut the hell up cause he is real". And then she says love you and hangs up the phone.
Sweetheart, looking at everybody:
The boys looking at her:
Sweetheart: Okay who wants to be my boyfriend for the day
then they all say M E
And all hell breaks loose 💀💀
Soap: What tae FUCK do y'mean 'mE', Ghost?
Ghost: the fuck do YOU mean 'mEaH', Mactavish?
Ghost: nah see-- you did it again. 'MeAh'. It's two letters.
Sweetheart: uhm, guys?
Gaz: Bitch don't even try
Horangi: And why should I listen to you?
Gaz: You get a nose bleed everytime Sweets hugs you.
Gaz: it drips under it, bruv. And I don't think her parents want to witness an extremely touched starved man get an aneurysm everytime their daughter touches him.
Sweetheart: GOOD LORD GAZ--
Ghost: He cries when Capitan says it too.
Horangi: THAT TOO
Price: You cry when I tell you good job?
Sweetheart, kinda touched but concerned: And you cry when I say it too?
Krueger: Ignoring the emotionally unstable man--
Gaz: HEY
Krueger: You should take me, Kleine Göttin.
König: Don't, Sweets. You'll never return if you do
Krueger: König what the fuck
Krueger: You can't even talk your way into getting gas at a gas station, you think her parents want to see you freeze like a tortoise having sex when they talk to you?
Sweetheart: Krueger-- YOU DO WHAT
Ghost: He also sniffs your hair
Sweetheart: You do that too, Ghost
Ghost, stares at Krueger: Not while you're sleeping.
Sweetheart: KRUEGER????
Alejandro: Please don't take Krueger, mama. He would end up in prison
Krueger: (angry German words)
Alejandro: You can take me! They'll love my charm.
Price: What, so you can flirt your way out of personal questions they'll most definitely ask you?
Ghost: Especially with that five-palm forehead you got
Rudy: Price, you have no say in this matter. You can practically be her father's golfing buddy.
Sweetheart: uhm, my dad doesn't golf--
Price: I'm 37 you fucking Muppet
Sweetheart: nevermind.
Rudy, surprised: Really?? Damn I didn't know that! You just looked like one of Super Mario's long lost cousins to me because of the janitor mustache you have on your old body
Price: Mother fucker--
Ghost: I don't think you would do well either when you look like a human gopher
Roach on Alex's shoulders:😠 pap-pap-pap-pap-pap-pap (like a fucking cat)
Gaz, tearing up: I AM NOT
Soap: Me!
Horangi: It's me!
Graves, picking his nails:
Graves: It's probably not me.
Keegan: Uh... If it's no trouble, you can take me. I have to give your brother his game boy back anyway
Everyone looking at Keegan:
Soap: w u t
She takes Keegan.
(He honestly had a good time! Yes, he did start a fire with her siblings accidentally but other than that her parents loved him. Sweetheart sent pictures to everyone and omg they were so SALTY SAD AND JEALOUS. Ghost kinda smiled at a picture with Sweetheart and Keegan together, Keegan's face without the mask and grease paint wearing a nervous but kind smile. He looks happy. The others don't but they'll get over it someday💀💀)
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puppycheesecake · 8 months
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rongzhi · 1 month
I can't for the life of me remember but as a child we had these candies that were shaped like baby corn and was soft like jelly. Please 😔 do you know the name, or does someone out there know? Had it in Chengdu in like 1999
these fuckers??
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google 玉米软糖 there's a lot of brands
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cloverconsolass · 1 month
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Louie would be a great onceler tbh
Without glasses under cut
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Sorry for suddenly dying for 2 weeks, my school just started and man, I haven’t had the time to draw. I drew this in class so it’s not very polished but oh well.
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