menchmark · 3 years
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robwiltontv · 2 years
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It is unwise to think that where you are today as a leader is as good as you will ever be. Every leader can grow, but it takes dedication to do so and a willingness to work for it. -John C Maxwell This was a business trip that I won’t forget and it was extra special to enjoy it with @gdwilton. Keep climbing levels this season fellas. Let’s bust through some lids!!! #whodat #whodatnation #failcons (at Mercedes-Benz Stadium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYjIHSLSmr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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possumcorpse · 7 years
Team Rocket blasting off again the Millenium Failcon's first "successful" launch with an A8-3 engine. im gonna have to make changes to it though
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moonmoon2102 · 3 years
KAVECON... more like FAILCON!
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mohammadseddighi · 6 years
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. #جشن #پیروزی در #کنفرانس #شکست . . . #failcon #failconiran #failcon97 (at Tehran, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpbYidRH2q8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iqgq6cdzmqbi
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Shane is just an incredible sweet angel and he’s making ART from all this failcon tanacon mess. We don’t deserve him, please tell him that this isn’t his fault. I truly hope he’s not struggling about this, he just doesn’t deserve it. He really wants to make things right.
And I’m actually super excited about this new series.
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babyfox-love · 8 years
Lmaooo that good omen on a good Sunday!!! Yassss baby!!! #Goodnight 🌃🌃 Bout to sleep good af yo!! 😜😜😝😝😛😛😏😏😎😎😤😤😌😌😊😊☺️☺️😂😂😇😇😀😀😃😃😄😄😁😁😆😆🙃🙃🙂🙂😴😴 Mane JUST NIGHT!!! Lol Them DirtyBirds lost baby congratulations #Failcons I mean... nah that's what I meant!! Where then fans at now tho. Y'all said y'all was gone win I seen the post yo!! Lmaooo no win for yooooouuuuu!!! Lmaoooo nah keep that. #NewEngland congrats baby!! Thank y'all for beating them!!! Too y'all can't know how happy I am in this moment!! Yesssss #Patriots hahaha #Failconfans crying now lmaoo #TheyGoneCryInTheCar. They gone cry in the car. 😂😂😂😂 #superbowl51 (at Jackson, Mississippi)
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ks3tech · 6 years
More proof of how Failcons fans act during a game. They deny, reject and want to start over. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrejdSJFNRR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kye4h49agroj
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azspot · 6 years
There has long been the sense in Silicon Valley that anyone who criticizes is simply a hater. We take the opposite view. Engaging with failure is, as FailCon could have taught us, the first step to growth. Only, that growth may have to happen in a different direction than Silicon Valley has been imagining. We may not need to iterate to grow faster but act boldly to create a more expansive and equitable world. The only failure that should frighten us is not taking advantage of the opportunity that this moment presents. Complacency is no way to honor the disruptive potential of technology.
Project Runway
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kendinigelistir · 6 years
Başarılı olmak yapılacak birinci öncelikli iş gibi öğretmeye çalışırız herkese. İş arkadaşlarımıza, çocuğumuza, ailemize, yakınlarımıza.. Hatta bazen o kadar iş körü gibi anlatırız ki başarısız olmanın güzelliği kaçar gider! Sitemizin içinde onlarca #başarısızlık hikayesi vardır. Hatta çok büyük başarı hikayeleri “başarısız” olan yüzlerce denemeden çıkmıştır.  
Silikon Vadisi’nin resmi olmayan bir sloganı vardır: “Başarısız ol.” Örneğin Facebook’un ofisinde üzerinde “Çabuk Başarısız Ol” yazan posterler bulunur. Çalışanlar daha “sık” #başarısız olmaları için adeta teşvik edilir. Hatta “FailCon” isminde dünya çapında düzenlenen bir konferans bile vardır.
Peki ama neden?
YAZININ TAMAMI : http://www.kendinigelistir.com/oncelikle-basarisiz-olmak-ogretilmeli/
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noticiasq · 5 years
Roxanne Varza proporcionará una actualización sobre Disrupt Berlin F Station
Nueva Noticia publicada en https://noticiasq.com/roxanne-varza-proporcionara-una-actualizacion-sobre-disrupt-berlin-f-station/
Roxanne Varza proporcionará una actualización sobre Disrupt Berlin F Station
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La estación F es el campus universitario más grande del mundo y tiene su sede en París. La directora Roxanne Varza presentó la Estación F por primera vez en TechCrunch Disrupt en diciembre de 2016. Es por eso que me emociona anunciar que la directora de la Estación F, Roxanne Varza, se une a nosotros en TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin para darnos una actualización y hablar sobre planes futuros. . [19659002] Si no está familiarizado con la Estación F, comience con un hermoso edificio. Originalmente construido en 1929, ahora está clasificado como monumento histórico. Pero ahora también es un edificio de alta tecnología y una piedra angular del ecosistema tecnológico francés.
Varza ha logrado crear una comunidad de empresarios, fondos de capital de riesgo y grandes empresas de tecnología que trabajan, comparten conocimientos y colaboran. Además del programa de Fundadores y el programa Station F Fighters, puede convertirse en miembro de Station F al participar en un programa de socios.
Facebook, Naver (Line), Ubisoft, Microsoft y muchos otros manejan su propia incubadora desde Station FE funcionó realmente bien ya que hay más de mil startups en la estación F.
Incluso la estación F es una buena señal para la comunidad tecnológica internacional. Si va a su cuenta de Instagram, puede ver que muchos jefes de estado y CEO de grandes tecnologías vienen a la Estación F cada vez que visitan París, desde Jack Dorsey hasta el recién elegido presidente de Ucrania, Vlodomyr Zelensky. Alrededor de un tercio de las nuevas empresas de Station F provienen del extranjero y 600 miembros ni siquiera hablan francés.
Más recientemente, Station F presentó Flatmate, un espacio de convivencia para los miembros de Station F. Station F está creando un estilo de vida y se ha convertido en un fenómeno cultural para París. Y no puedo esperar para ver qué nos espera.
Compre su boleto para Disrupt Berlin para escuchar este hilo y muchos más. La conferencia tendrá lugar del 11 al 12 de diciembre.
Además de paneles y chats en llamas, así, las nuevas startups participarán en Startup Battlefield para competir por la codiciada Battlefield Cup.
Roxanne Varza es directora de STATION F, el campus de startups más grande en el mundo con más de 1,000 startups, con sede en París. Es nativo de Silicon Valley. Antes de unirse a la ESTACIÓN F, dirigió Microsoft Ventures Paris y TechCrunch France. También trabajó para varias empresas de nueva creación con sede en Londres y cofundó StarHer, Tech.eu y Failcon France.
Antes de su cargo actual, Roxanne era el líder de las actividades de inicio de Microsoft en Francia, dirigiendo los programas Bizspark y Microsoft Ventures durante 3 años. También fue editora de TechCrunch France desde 2010-2011 y ha escrito para varias publicaciones, incluyendo Business Insider y The Telegraph. En abril de 2013, Business Insider figuraba entre las 30 mejores mujeres menores de 30 años en tecnología. También ha sido incluido en otros rankings por Business Insider, Vanity Fair y Le Figaro, The Evening Standard y otros.
Roxanne también cofundó StartHer (ex Girls in Tech Paris) y es coorganizadora de la conferencia Failcon Paris. Más recientemente, cofundó Tech.eu, un medio tecnológico europeo respaldado por Dave McClure, Adeo Ressi, Daniel Waterhouse y otros.
Antes de TechCrunch, Roxanne trabajó para la agencia de inversión extranjera directa del gobierno francés ayudando a nuevas empresas de rápido crecimiento a desarrollar sus negocios en Francia. Roxanne ha hablado, moderado, guiado y juzgado numerosos eventos y programas de startups en toda Europa y también ayuda a las startups europeas con contenido y comunicaciones. Roxanne es trilingüe y se graduó de la UCLA, Sciences Po Paris y la London School of Economics. Ella también es partidaria de la epilepsia.
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Roxanne Varza to give an update on Station F at Disrupt Berlin
Station F is the world’s biggest startup campus and it’s based in Paris. Director Roxanne Varza first unveiled Station F at TechCrunch Disrupt back in December 2016. That’s why I’m excited to announce that Station F director Roxanne Varza is joining us at TechCrunch Disrupt Berlin to give us an update and tell us about future plans.
If you aren’t familiar with Station F, it starts with a beautiful building. Originally built in 1929, it is now classified as a historical monument. But now, it’s also a high-tech building and a cornerstone of the French tech ecosystem.
Varza has managed to create a community of entrepreneurs, VC funds and big tech companies that work, share knowledge and collaborate. In addition to Station F’s own Founders Program and Fighters Program, you can become a Station F member by joining a partner program.
Facebook, Naver (Line), Ubisoft, Microsoft and plenty of others all run their own incubator from Station F. And it’s been working really well as there are over one thousand startups based at Station F.
Station F is also a great signal for the international tech community. If you head over to its Instagram account, you can see that plenty of head of states and major tech CEOs come to Station F whenever they visit Paris, from Jack Dorsey to newly elected president of Ukraine Vlodomyr Zelensky. Around one third of Station F startups come from abroad and 600 members don’t even speak French.
More recently, Station F unveiled Flatmates, a co-living space for Station F members. Station F is creating a lifestyle and has become a cultural phenomenon for Paris. And I can’t wait to see what’s next.
Buy your ticket to Disrupt Berlin to listen to this discussion and many others. The conference will take place on December 11-12.
In addition to panels and fireside chats, like this one, new startups will participate in the Startup Battlefield to compete for the highly coveted Battlefield Cup.
Roxanne Varza is Director of STATION F, the biggest startup campus in the world with more than 1.000 startups, located in Paris. She is originally from Silicon Valley. Before joining STATION F, she led Microsoft Ventures Paris and TechCrunch France. She also worked for several London-based startups and cofounded StarHer, Tech.eu and Failcon France.
Prior to her current role, Roxanne was the lead for Microsoft’s start-up activities in France, running both Bizspark and Microsoft Ventures programs for 3 years. She was also Editor of TechCrunch France from 2010-2011 and has written for several publications including Business Insider and The Telegraph. In April 2013, Business Insider listed her as one of the top 30 women under 30 in tech. She has also been listed in additional rankings by Business Insider, Vanity Fair and Le Figaro, The Evening Standard and more.
Roxanne also co-founded StartHer (ex Girls in Tech Paris) and is the co-organizer of the Failcon Paris conference. More recently, she co-founded Tech.eu, a European tech media backed by Dave McClure, Adeo Ressi, Daniel Waterhouse and more.
Prior to TechCrunch, Roxanne worked for the French government’s foreign direct investment agency helping fast-growing startups develop their activities in France. Roxanne has spoken, moderated, mentored and judged numerous startup events and programs throughout Europe and also helps European startups with content and communications. Roxanne is trilingual and holds degrees from UCLA, Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics. She is also an epilepsy advocate.
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magic-office · 5 years
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Pourquoi toutes les entreprises devraient organiser leurs propres conférences de l'échec ?
Bon, on n’est pas très qualifiés pour vous parler d’échec car on n’y connait pas grand-chose. Plus sérieusement, nous constatons avec plaisir la percée que réalisent les conférences de l’échec dans l’Hexagone, les fameuses Failcon. « Un fiasco »… c’est ainsi que Pauline Laigneau résume son parcours avant la création de Gemmyo, un site de joaillerie qui réalise aujourd’hui 3 millions d’euros de chiffre d’affaires. « Mon expérience en tant que DG de MySpace fut un ratage total que je revendique comme tel sur mon CV », avoue Olivier Hascoat, diplômé d’HEC et de Harvard. L’échec, tabou et éliminatoire, semble doucement se muer en déclic introspectif revendiqué ! Il était temps…
L’échec, c’est chic !
À l’heure où la réussite s’érige en dessein ultime, où les millions et milliards rapidement glanés par des jeunes startupers ultra-brillants qui, en plus de travailler 20 heures par jour, trouvent le temps de faire du surf et d'avaler des litres de mojitos à Copacabana, la honte et la fausse pudeur commencent à se dissiper : l’échec devient chic, et les revers sont enfin reconnus comme la meilleure école de la vie. Aux États-Unis, glisser un ou deux échecs sur son augmente les chances d’être embauché. Cette assertion est certes difficile à prouver, mais il suffit de parcourir le {{esi:link 5747 Linkedin }} américain pour se rendre compte du rapport différent qu’entretiennent les professionnels avec l’échec. Réussir à tout prix n’est plus à la mode. En France, l’échec n’est encore pleinement assumé que s’il est suivi d’un franc succès. « J’ai l’impression que parler de ses échecs est bien reçu si on parle des apprentissages qu’on en a tirés. Mais si on n’a pas su transformer cette épreuve en forme de réussite, on passe encore pour quelqu’un de suspect, de peu fiable », déplore Isabelle, ex-metteur en scène reconvertie en coach après avoir travaillé sur une première pièce de théâtre qui n'a pas rencontré le succès espéré.
Le rapport à l’échec : un indicateur de maturité dans l'entreprise
Pour l’entreprise, les projets qui tombent à l’eau ou qui se traduisent par un échec cuisant sont soit passés sous silence, soit « médiatisés » pour justifier des coupes budgétaires, des plans économiques et sociaux ou d'autres décisions stratégiques. Pourtant, les raisons de l’échec sont une excellente base pédagogique vérifiée de surcroît par le terrain. Étudier les raisons de la déconfiture, c’est prévenir la prochaine ! D’un autre côté, dédramatiser l’échec est le signe d’une entreprise mûre et d’un management courageux capable de prendre du recul et d’agir de façon pragmatique pour aller de l’avant. Gageons qu’avec la multiplication des conférences de l’échec dans la scène entrepreneuriale, les entreprises françaises délaisseront progressivement leurs pudeurs de gazelle pour aborder la chose avec moins de passion. Pendant ce temps, la FailCon de San Francisco n’est plus programmée car selon Cass Phillipps, producteur, « l’échec s’est trop banalisé, les gens sont trop fiers d’avoir raté »… Alors, l’échec déjà trop cool aux US ?
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⚜️ Failcons suck ⚜️ join the squad @saintscampsquad (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/BypRJ-8lfTX/?igshid=lcul828ebwmn
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good afternoon!
i still cannot BELIEVE the saints were robbed of a super bowl appearance so the rams could go and only score a field goal!
PITIFUL! they’re worse than the failcons!
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