#fair warning i am a hardcore good ai enjoyer
fourphoenixfeathers · 2 years
Emmet in Paldea willing to fight the professor to get his bro back
I raise you Emmet in paldea working with the professor to get his bro back.
While Ingo got eebied to the past, Emmet got eebied to the future. Man falls straight out of the time machine right into Turo's lab, and if Turo can pull him out of the future, he can pull Ingo from wherever he landed.
Problem is, Emmet has no idea when and where that is. So he just hangs around and helps Turo with things while he scours history for his brother. He doesn't want to think of the possibility that Ingo is also in the future, in which case it will be impossible to find him...
Emmet grows to consider Turo as a friend, but he can't help but think there's something off about his motovations...
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