#fair warning that I barely know anything at all about naruto (the show in general; not the specific char)!
starsmuserainbow · 7 months
“Where the hell did you pop out of?” [ Starfire from Naruto! ]
First Interaction Starters
[[Thank you for sending one! And hi! :D]]
A moment ago, Starfire still had been rushing towards the Titan's current enemy to tackle them down. Then, suddenly, she instead met with the floor, and it took her a moment to reorient herself after that sudden crash. She was spoken to, too, and she quickly got herself off the ground to look at the other who spoke to her, then around herself for a moment. ... Where were her friends? This didn't look like Jump City anymore!
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"Uh... I do not know. Have I popped out of some thing? Where am I?" He was using earthen languages, so she could at least assume that she was still on Earth, but... how did she come here so suddenly? The team had fought a normal, fighting enemy, and not someone like Mumbo with magic or other strange powers! There was no portal or anything behind her, so if she did 'pop out' of something (and if she was assuming right what that was supposed to mean), any trace of that something was gone by now.
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madara-fate · 6 years
Well, now I want do you a personal question. For you, who has been the best and the worst Hokage of all time and why? For example I list them like this: 1. Naruto (as the best) 2. Hashirama 3. Tobirama 4. Tsunade 5. Kakashi 6. Minato 7. Hiruzen (as the worst).
I don’t really like ordering the Hokages in terms of “best and worst” because it can never be entirely fair in my opinion.
We saw a lot more from Hiruzen and Tsunade’s tenures that we have for anyone else’s, so people are always going to have more to say for those reigns, and will therefore find more things to either praise or criticise.
We’re currently seeing more from Naruto’s reign during the new generation but we need to see a lot more to make any sort of meaningful comparison between his and Hiruzen/Tsunade’s reigns.
We barely saw or know anything with regards to Tobirama and Kakashi’s reigns, and the little we do know from them hardly shed any light on their actual proficiency as the village leaders.
Minato didn’t exactly have much of a chance to be one of the best Hokage’s because his reign was cut tragically short, but he still possessed all of the credentials to make an amazing village leader, which was only further proven by his final act of sacrifice for the village.
Hashirama set the blueprint for all of the future Hokage’s to follow, and his charisma as a leader was so great that even the majority of the Uchiha clan sided with him over Madara, but the actual details of his reign as Hokage are very minimal.
The only thing I can say with certainty, is that when looking at things from a strictly political perspective, then I would say that Tobirama was definitely one of the worst, if not the worst Hokage in Konoha’s history, now please excuse me while I explain my reasoning in a lot more detail.
Sure he was powerful, but he made several very bad decisions, some of which would have cataclysmic effects on the future.
For instance, his decision to create the Edo Tensei jutsu:
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Think about how different, and better the future would have been, had Tobirama not created that jutsu. Even Orochimaru, the jutsu’s most prominent user, acknowledges the fact that Tobirama should have never persevered with the idea of the jutsu, because he knows how badly the decision affected Konoha in the long run:
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Without that jutsu, what would Orochimaru have done against Hiruzen? And how would Kabuto and Obito have fought the war?
Not only that, but Orochimaru also highlights Tobirama’s political failings, how badly his decisions negatively affected the future generations of Konoha, and even Hashirama had to join in on the criticism of Tobirama for opting to go ahead with the creation of the Edo Tensei:
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With regards to the policies that Orochimaru mentioned which ended up having disastrous affects for the later generations, a large part of this was down to Tobirama’s continued mistreatment of the Uchiha clan, which mostly stemmed from his persistent mistrust of them. He always harboured an innate sort of grudge against them due to the history they shared with his clan, the Senju, and this was evidenced by the very first comment he made to Orochimaru after finding out that Sasuke was an Uchiha:
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He labelled Sasuke as “a scoundrel” before knowing the first thing about him, that was simply his innate automatic opinion of him just because of his lineage.
After discovering what eventually came of the Uchiha with the massacre, Tobirama insinuated that he saw it coming because he noticed that many Uchiha clan members harboured a resentment towards the Konoha hierarchy:
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However, Orochimaru knew better than that, and was aware of the true cause for their rebellious nature - It was Tobirama who drove them to it.
By giving the Uchiha the role of the Law Enforcement, Tobirama made them an easy scapegoat for a large proportion of civilian discontent, because as Orochimaru said, those who keep the peace are often viewed with vitriol. Furthermore, by giving them such a morbid building as a base of operations, situated in a location on the outskirts of the village, Tobirama severely ostracised the Uchiha clan:
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This ostracism and the general disdain they felt from the regular citizens was what ultimately led to their decision to stage a coup, which in turn led to their massacre, and we all know the horrid effects the Uchiha massacre had. This all could have been avoided if Tobirama hadn’t been so mistrustful of them, and Hashirama explicitly warned him to not slight them because he knew that it was wrong to mistreat all of them just because of the personal feud they had with the clan leader. Tobirama tried to justify himself by claiming he just gave them an occupation he thought they excelled at:
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However, you just know that his underlying distrust of the Uchiha was always the key factor in his decision making process, as he makes clear here how he was always influenced by Madara’s past actions. Not only that, but he claims that the entire clan is one “possessed by evil”, a comment which lead even Orochimaru to wonder how deeply Madara had scarred Tobirama, because it was clear that his mistakes in mistreating the Uchiha were always down to him:
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So yeah, Tobirama was a powerful Hokage, and he chose a very worthy successor for the position. However, he was severely in need of a competent advisor to deter him from making such disastrous decisions. Someone like Shizune was to Tsunade, or Shikamaru is currently for Naruto. Unfortunately, Tobirama did not have this, and it showed with his colossal errors in judgement.
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roedusk · 6 years
Kisame finds Nagato
I’ve been brainstorming people  in Naruto I don’t mind writing as soulmates (people who could actually make each other’s lives better) and had this idea.  Do you guys think it works ok as a stand alone or do I need to continue?
Hoshigaki had been one of their earlier acquisitions but not the first.  One of the list of possible missing-nin Zetsu found while scouting, those who hated the world enough to tear it down.  His chakra reserves were massive, and he brought with him one of the legendary swords of Kiri: Samehada, a blade which ate chakra itself.  Both of them blunt weapons, all teeth and strength and bravado.  For all he kept to himself - Hoshigaki was an open book, a man who would slaughter his own comrades if needed to ensure his own survival.  Who could turn on the jinchuriki Mizukage and win.  A powerful, dangerous tool, but one Akatsuki could use well.
Nagato was unaccustomed to being taken in so easily.
Konan was out, recruiting Sasori of the Red Sand as an excuse to test her skill against his.  Zetsu had tracked down Kakuzu finally, just at Ame’s borders, and they needed to move before he evaded them again.  So the Paths were out as well, and over half of Nagato’s focus with them.
He’d thought he was safe, in the secure bunker they’d created long ago.  Tobi and Hoshigaki were the only others at base, and Tobi had orders from Zetsu to take the older nin into town for a few hours.  
A task at which he must have failed because there was a light in the darkness - slipping through an opened door - and a smile.
“There you are,” Hoshigaki grinned, “Pain.”
Nagato considered - in free fragment of his thoughts - calling the Paths back, cutting off the battle with Kakuzu entirely.  But the rest of him was still invested wholeheartedly, determined to recruit the oldest bounty hunter into their ranks, and the remnant thoughts left to consider his situation didn’t have the keenest danger sense.
When Hoshigaki held his hands out to the sides, open and unarmed, those thoughts gave up trying to judge the threat.  Samehada might be with him, but Nagato was willing to take problems as they came, at least until the input from the Paths calmed down.
“Don’t take it personally, I’m counterintelligence.  I had to know why I was being lied to,” Hoshigaki offered in the dark.  The door must have closed again.
“I’m trying to focus,” Nagato told him, and the other nodded.
“Fair enough.”
Then he faded, for lack of better attentiveness, and Nagato turned his scattered thoughts back to the Paths and Kakuzu.
When the battle finished and his mind settled back to just moving the Paths back to Ame he regained some processing power, and promptly panicked.  
Hoshigaki straightened slightly from his seat on a nearby box, offering a wave and a grin.
“You good?  Six bodies seems like it’d be a pain to keep track of.  Or, seven I suppose.”
“Running back takes less attention than fighting,” Nagato replied, filter not quite up to where he’d want it to be just yet.  Maybe he could have the Animal Path summon Konan?  She’d be able to make it back faster than any of the others.  But Hoshigaki had yet to threaten him, and she’d been looking forward to this fight for a while now…
“What do you want?” He asked finally.
“I hate liars,” Hoshigaki replied simply, leaning forward but not getting up.  His hands still apart and in plain sight, Nagato noticed.  “Too many people telling me what to do for the good of the village, of the world, and keeping secret the big picture.  The why.  If I let others think I’m stupid, offer myself up as a lie, they fall for it every time.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t see the truth waiting to be dug out.  And a leader who hides in the shadows, controlling a puppet stand-in?  That’s a pretty big lie.”
He probably should call Konan back.
“Then why the act?  If you hate being lied to so much why pretend to be dumber than you are?”
“Because I’ve met Zetsu before, sort of.  Samehada sensed him reporting to the Mizukage and recognized him when he showed up recruiting for you.  And Tobi… well, last I saw him he was calling himself Madara, and controlling the Mizukage with that eye of his.”  Hoshigaki’s fists clenched.  “Neither of them were surprised when I ‘didn’t’ recognize them.  I kept it up because I want to know why.”
Nagato blinked, then his eyes narrowed.  The Animal path and Deva path would keep going, he could summon the others with the Animal Path once they got back.  He needed more focus.
“Tobi?  Was calling himself Madara?”
Madara had disappeared, leaving them with Zetsu to help reform Akatsuki.  And Tobi had only joined years later, after they’d taken Ame for themselves.  But if they were one and the same...
“Yea.  He was controlling the Fourth.  Something about that eye, the Sharingan, lets Uchiha control the tailed beasts.  Or their jinchuuriki, apparently.  Played him like a puppet, at least until he disappeared overnight and the ‘Kage broke free.”
“Leaving you behind without a warning of what was going to happen,” Nagato realized.  “The assassination wasn’t planned, it was an accident.”
Hoshigaki grinned and nodded, but Nagato was beginning to wonder if any of those grins were happy.
“Why are you telling me this?” The redhead asked.
“You’ve given me no reason not to trust you,” Hoshigaki shrugged, “And if you’re going to kill me to keep your secret someone needs to know.”  He waved at Nagato with one hand.  “This secret, I understand lying for.  They’re killing you though, you know?”
Nagato blinked, barely managing to keep the Deva path from stumbling.  “I…” What? “What?”
Hoshigaki stood then, gesturing over Nagato’s shoulder.
“They’re draining you, even for an Uzumaki you’re dying slowly.”  Hoshigaki grinned and shook his head at Nagato’s startled look.  “It’s the red hair.  I’m from Kiri, it’s pretty obvious.  As for the rest, well, I have personal experience with it.”
He stepped closer, and Samehada started to growl, low and unhappy.  Hoshigaki chuckled.
“Samehada doesn’t like the rest of this stuff anymore, but the principal is the same.”  He reached past Nagato’s head, which should have been too close, but Nagato was curious enough to risk it now.
Then Kisame dragged his hand through the black rods piercing Nagato’s back, making as much skin contact as possible, and suddenly Nagato could breath again.  
He hadn’t even realized he was holding his breath, just how much of his chakra was gone, until it stopped draining as fast as he could generate it.  It was like getting punched in the gut, and he gasped for breath for a moment.  Then he breathed out, shakily, and realized how much worse it would be the moment Hoshigaki pulled back.  
That was enough.  He shoved the extra chakra to the Paths, insisting to Zetsu and their captive recruit that they would be returning as fast as possible.  The animal path summoned a bird, then the others, and they were off.
Hoshigaki met his alarmed gaze with a sheepish half smile.  
“More chakra than an Uzumaki.  A lot more, though it’s not good for much.  Refuses to mold into most jutsu, but Samehada is happy to take it in.  But all the other wielders of this blade went the same way.  Drain enough chakra and the body shuts down.  Then, well, Kiri isn’t know for our hospice care.”
Even just this little bit was making a difference.  He wasn’t so tired, his mind able to sort through more faster, keep himself and the Paths separate even the littlest bit more.  He should summon Konan.
“I have to much left to do,” he tells the ex-Kiri-nin.  Hoshigaki tilts his head in agreement.
“Then you need to get these out.”
“Pull even one of those out and I’ll bleed to death.”  Nagato warned him.
“Have Zetsu track down some medics then.”
“Impossible,” Nagato disagreed firmly.  “No one is to know.”  He gave Hoshigaki a pointed look.  “Let go.”
The swordsman hesitated.  
“Are you sure?  If I hold on for a bit it might give you a chance to recover…”  
He’s cut off by a long growl, and Samehada actually seems to be wriggling in protest.  Which is… noticeably strange to look at.
“Your sword doesn’t seem to like that idea,” Nagato points out.  “I’ll be fine.”
“Yea,” Hoshigaki sighed, looking back at his blade now.  “Samehada shares.  Stores up energy but is willing to give some back.  We have an agreement like that.  But those things don’t seem to give anything back, just take and take.  Samehada doesn’t like it at all.”
He took a half step back though, only to stop with his hand still resting between the two topmost rods.  
“It will kill you first, though.  Faster than it would kill me.  Are you really sure?”
“It won’t kill me soon,” Nagato snapped.  But he can’t help but glance at the other ninja a second later, questioning his surety.
“Not for at least a few years,” Hoshigaki agreed softly, finally pulling away.  Nagato could feel the drain now, pulling at his reserves the way he hadn’t felt since Yahiko died.  He’d assumed he was better at control now, but it seems like he’d only stopped noticing the draw.
It took him a moment to adjust, and when he looked back up Hoshigaki was standing a handful of steps away, waiting.
“So, what now?” he asked once Nagato made eye contact.
The Paths were within sight of the city now.  Kakuzu was complaining about the rain and the cost of weatherproofing.  No sign of Konan yet.
Hoshigaki still hadn’t made a threatening move towards him.
Nagato considered for a long moment, watching the rain fall through Yahiko’s eyes.
“Keep an eye on Tobi for me,” he decided finally.
Hoshigaki grinned at him.
“Sure thing boss.”
Well, Nagato supposed he had a right to be happy with himself.  He got to live, after all.  They both did.
At least until Konan finds out.  Then they were both dead.
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