untilmynextstory · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @lovebarefootblonde & @midnight-serendipity
I’m veeeryyyy late as a ‘weekend blogger/warrior’ as I call myself lol. Here are my top 9 favorite movies. In no particular order.
1. Titanic
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2. Scream
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3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
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4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
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5. Jennifer’s Body
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6. The Little Mermaid
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7. Evil Dead (2013)
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8. The Dark Knight
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9. The Mummy
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Tagging w/o obligation ;p: @xxshewritesinblacknwhitexx @fairytellerxo 
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realityparty · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @freakwiththeknifecollection
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: ride or die with my fabulous roommate
Favourite color: yellow
Favourite food: my dad’s fried chicken wings & brownies
Song stuck in my head: Mountains by Charlotte Day Wilson
Last thing I googled: small greenhouses
Time: 12:16 PM
Dream trip: alot of places....Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Greece...
Something I want: a lot of things....right now...some new pots for my plants Tagging: @winchestrpack @lovebarefootblonde @lucbian @xxshewritesinblacknwhitexx @fairytellerxo @alreadybroken-ts @kellysflame @midnight-serendipity @passionatewrites @rumerrose
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
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this is a masterlist of things I’ve written either on this blog or elsewhere. I think I’ve included everything important. thank you.
Fanfiction.net | Ao3 
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Baby Bitches 
Proving Grounds Drabble 1
Love Almost Lost
Not So Mr. Right Pt 1 & Pt 2
Proving Grounds(The Story) 
It’s Getting Harder For Me To Call You Friend
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I Thought You Knew
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Ficlet(Family Man AU)
Reckless - Happy x Original Character
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Simple Touches(A Drabble)
A Jaded Fantasy - Happy x Orignal Character
Crash Into Me - Happy x Original Character
Caught Up - Jax x Original Character
Follow Me Down - Sequel to Crash Into Me
Fated - Juice x Original Character/Jax x Original Character
Burn - Sequel to Caught Up
Sirens - Happy x Original Character/Juice x Orignal Character
Second Chance - Jax x Original Character
Charming Little Lies - Jax x Original Character (High School AU)
Paradise Lost - Kozik x OC
Aftershock - Sequel to A Jaded Fantasy
Son Shine - Sequel to Charming Little Lies
Broken Legacy - Abel & Thomas Teller
Silence of Sirens - Sequel to Sirens
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Baby Bitches
Proving Grounds Drabble
Chaotic Melodies 1
Chaotic Melodies 2
Chaotic Melodies 3
Chaotic Melodies 4
Chaotic Melodies 5
Chaotic Melodies 6
Chaotic Melodies 7
A Familiar Face
Little Cruz
Reyes Brothers
It’s Unconditional
Angel In Love
More Pt 1
Little Girl
Drop Off
Plaything drabble
With Her
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Baby Bitches
Reyes Brothers
Chaotic Melodies 3
Chaotic Melodies 6
Wild 1
Faking It
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Chaotic Melodies 6
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Little Sister
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Giddy Up
2 Nestors
So Cute
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Apple Juice - Angel x Original Character
Proving Grounds - Angel x EZ x Juice
Absolution - EZ x Original Character
It’s Getting Harder For Me To Call You Friend - Juice x Coco
While We’re Young - Angel x Original Character
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Head Canons
Two Weeks - Nate Jacobs x Original Character
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Came To Be
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Spooky’s Boo
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musepirations · 7 years
Hello! I love your dash avatar. I recently made a circular one as well but sadly when I upload it, I keep getting this weird bluish cast behind it, if that makes sense. I've made sure that I saved it as a png, I even made sure that the psd wasn't messing up any of the layers and no matter how much I play with it, I can't get the bluish cast to just disappear. Any pointers? I really want mine to be as crisp and perfect as yours. Thank you!!
❞ HI DEAR !! Because I’m not entirely sure how to help you because I’d need to see it, perhaps in your ps to see how it looks before saving it, I’m going to link you to the tutorial I used when I made mine. It’s a really simple and spot-on one, and I’m sure that if you follow all these steps, you’ll be able to make a perfect looking, circular icon. Just click here to be redirected to the tutorial. The best of luck, dear, hopefully it’ll help you out !! Xoxo
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breanime · 5 years
Here this bitch (me, I’m the bitch) goes again writing some self-indulgent nonsense! This is partially inspired by @fairytellerxo​‘s post about Miguel with a badass and partially inspired by my nightly Galindo fantasies. 
WARNING: cheating, mentions of steam
*gif not mine*
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The party was winding down. Your feet were starting to hurt; you had always been about the action more than the talk. Adelita, your jefa, was the talker. You were the doer. But now that she’d agreed to work with the Galindo cartel, you had to schmooze politicians and law makers and Federales.
It was odd; wearing a dress, heels, and jewelry stolen from a rich lady you carjacked a year ago standing with all of these shot callers… You were used to sleeping in the desert, sharing a tent with Adelita and Minnie, wearing the same outfit for days on end while you ran from town to town, promoting Los Olvidados and inviting villagers and townspeople to join the cause. This—wearing a skintight dress and having to dodge lusty old white guys who saw you as a hot commodity—was new to you. New and unwelcome.
Thankfully, Adelita was there with you, wearing a smart pantsuit and passionately talking to a small crowd about the needs of the people. She was a natural at this. Angel Reyes was out back with his MC, waiting for her and there to make sure nobody fucked anything up for the cartel—but you knew his interest was more than just business. You saw the way he looked at Adelita, and more importantly—you saw how your friend looked back at him. Besides Adelita and the MC, there was one other person there who made you feel at ease.
Miguel Galindo—the married cartel boss—was there too.
You knew Miguel was watching you. You knew because you were watching him, and even if you weren’t—Miguel did not have the kind of stare that was easy to ignore. He was the Galindo heir, after all. You turned your back to him—knowing he would hate that—and smiled as you continued talking to the office assistant. You could feel Miguel’s eyes on you, and you swallowed down a smirk as you continued to ignore him. A clerk brought you a coffee, and as you turned to thank him, you caught the look on Miguel’s face.
He didn’t look pleased.
You had a kind of…understanding with Miguel—or so you thought. There was a distance between him and his wife—a pretty, well-dressed woman called Emily—that was clear enough for anyone to see. So when he started staring at you, and going out of his way to talk to you when he would cross the border for his business with Adelita, you didn’t discourage him. You could see past the tailored suits and cool demeanor, you could even see past his reputation as El Diablo—an image you’d know well before you knew him as a man. Instead, you could see the intelligence in his eyes, hear the power and confidence in his voice, recognize the surety and strength in his walk…
And so you took the devil into your bed.
You didn’t drink all of your coffee, instead dropping the cup on a table as you sauntered off. You caught Adelita’s eye, and she gave you a look that said “don’t start any trouble, tromba”. You grinned. “Tromba” was whirlwind in Spanish, and Adelita’s chosen nickname for you. You glanced behind you to see Miguel, his eyebrow quirked in interest as he surveyed you. You knew he had trouble figuring you out, couldn’t read you as easily as he read others in his life, and you knew he liked that. He liked the mystery, the fire. And so did you. You put your hand on the bannister, one foot on the first step, and looked behind you, eyes focused on Miguel just like his were on you. You gave him another smile, a special smile—your Miguel smile—and winked.
You didn’t have to look to know that he was right behind you.
You knew Miguel was following you, but you didn’t acknowledge him, not until you felt his hand on your upper arm.
“You lost, querida?” He asked, a cool smile on his face.
“Are you?” You asked back, tilting your head. “Shouldn’t you be downstairs, Señor Galindo?”
“I should,” he answered, hand still holding your arm, “I should be working, but I’ve been so distracted by you in this dress,” he pulled you to him, his hand moving to caress your face, “I can’t think of anything except being inside you.”
You licked your lips, and you saw his eyes follow the movement. “I don’t want to get in the way,” you said, knowing full and damn well that getting in the way was exactly your intention.
“No?” He questioned, his wandering hand dropping down to your neck. “Is that why you’ve chosen that dress to wear tonight?” His other hand fell to your waist. “That why you’ve been giving me those eyes all night?”
You blinked up at him. “These eyes?”
Miguel chuckled, and you couldn’t help but smile back. Miguel’s eyes always lit up when he smiled—when he really smiled—and you had started to see that glint in them more and more as you spent time together. “Yes, hermosa, those eyes,” he said back. He leaned in, and you could smell the subtle, expensive cologne on his skin. “Those ‘fuck me’ eyes…”
“Well,” you put your hands on his waist and smiled up at him, “Fuck me, then.”
Miguel pulled you to him and kissed you roughly, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his hands traveled down the curves of your body. “There’s a spare room down the hall,” he reported, kissing you as he spoke, “We can go there, and tonight… I’ll have you in my bed.” He kissed your cheek, moving so his mouth was right on your ear. You tensed, trying to calm yourself—you didn’t want him to see how much he affected you. Not yet. “I’ll have Nestor go ahead, make sure we have the whole house to ourselves…” He kissed your earlobe, making you shiver. “We can order out, eat in bed…” He lowered his head and licked at the base of your neck, his beard tickling your sensitive skin. “…Make love in the pool until your legs are too weak to move.” You felt his following chuckle in your skin, and it vibrated all the way down to your bones. “I can carry you back to bed, though. If you want…” He pulled back, his dark eyes shining as he grinned at you. “How does that sound, querida?”
You nodded, not entirely sure you could speak from the weight of your own lust.
Miguel laughed again, and he kissed you—soft and slow this time. You sighed into the kiss, and you could feel his smile against your lips. “Come on,” he said, his voice low and deep, “Let’s get you out of that dress.”
Soooooo I have a bunch of these stuck in my head, if anyone is interested in reading more--lemme know! Thanks for reading! And let me know what you think, please!
Taglist: @lexxierave​ @loveintheroyalfamily​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @fanfictionrecommendations-com​  @maxslime-blog​ @elanor-of-imladris​ @songforhema​ @lucielandss @fandomlifeandeverythingelse​ @themadhatter92​ @realduckvader​ @the-blind-assassin-12​ @christinawxxx​ @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @luminex3​ @littlemermaidprobz​ @ashkuuuu​ @luckysstrikes​ @carlaangel86​ @floralpeaceofmind​ @dylanobrusso​ @teacuplotus​ @iaintnofurry​ @thesumofmychoices​ @ymariejp​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @whovianayesha​ @holamor​ @drinix​ @rhabakoli​ @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @starkrobb @marauderskeeper​ @charlylama @gollyderek @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19  @something-tofightfor @banditthewriter  @binbons-is-theloml
Miguel Galindo: @glimmerglittergirl​
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outlawqueenff · 7 years
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consultthemuses · 8 years
fairytellerxo answered your question: I’m curious, what is the difference between 1x1...
1x1 is a predetermined plot and it’s usually just 2 rpers and only 2 playable characters. while indie you can have multiple plots with multiple people and multiple ocs. that’s the easiest way to explain the difference imo
That makes sense. Essentially 1x1 is like an rpg with just 2, whereas indie is a free for all. Fair dues.
- M
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Ayyyyyyyy archaicanarchy interdire-reineee a new show for me to watch though. And my baby is in it.
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untilmynextstory · 6 years
we both have a Noelle and Noah Teller, so I'm for sure looking forward to reading your new story!!
Hopefully the story can live up to your excitement lol. 
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: draft 8 of 49. decided not to keep spamming the tags and my blog with all my drafts. most of them flop anyways but it’s lovely to have them published and out in the open just in case someone other than myself enjoys them.
“Are you excited to see your dad for the weekend?” Nestor looked in the rear view mirror and smiled as he watched the little girl nodded her head eagerly. “I’m sorry your mom couldn’t do this drop off, she’s really sorry about it.”
“It’s okay,” Yolihuani grinned. “Mama is sick and that’s no good. Make her feel better when I’m gone okay? She likes cuddles and snuggles.”
He nodded slowly. “Got it, snuggles and cuddles. Should I bring her home some soup?”
“Only if it’s pozole,” she looked out the window and sighed. “Pops is there too. He doesn’t like when I wanna play with him. He likes to read together. How come Uncle Mikey will play with me and he wears a suit and Pops won’t?”
“Well your grandpa is old and Mikey isn’t,” he laughed as he parked the SUV. “It’s not about him anyways. You’re here to see your dad and play with him. You got that new doll you want to show him, remember?”
Yolihuani nodded as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “I like her, she looks like me.” She smiled as she let Nestor help her out of the SUV. “I think Mikey is handsome.”
“Everyone thinks Mikey is handsome,” he set her to her feet before grabbing her backpack. “Have fun, it’s about you and your dad. No one else.”
“Okay,” she nodded as she grabbed his hand. “You’re my dad too, we have so much fun. Will you give me hugs and kisses before you go?”
He nodded as he felt butterflies briefly. He knew his bond with Yolihuani was strong and he knew it was something he wanted to keep forever. He didn’t expect having her call him dad would make him nervous and make him rethink each move he made. He didn’t want to disappoint her at all. “Don’t I always baby?” He squeezed her hand gently as he walked up towards the front door and pressed the doorbell. “It’s time to have fun with your dad.”
“You always do,” She smiled as she looked towards the opening door. “Uncle EZ! Hi!”
“What’s up short stack?” EZ smiled at his niece before looking to Nestor. “Angel is in the shower, I’ll take her off your hands.”
“No problem,” Nestor nodded. “Noemi couldn’t make it, she’s under the weather.” He handed the backpack to the man and smiled down at Yolihuani. “Have fun, I can’t wait to hear all about it when you come home.”
“Bye daddy,” Yolihuani smiled. “I love you, remember, snuggles and cuddles to make mama better.” She sighed before grabbing EZ’s hand. “Is my dad really in the shower?”
EZ closed the front door before shaking his head. “No, he’s napping but he did take a shower. He’s feeling all sick.”
“He needs cuddles, snuggles and kisses.” She sat down and pulled off her sneakers. “I will make him feel better. You got a black eye, what happened?”
“I got an elbow to the face during basketball,” he touched his eye gently. “I like those shoes, it’s cool that they light up.”
“You can turn them off and on,” Yolihuani grinned. “Is Pops here?”
“No, I borrowed his truck.” He smiled. “You should enjoy reading though.”
“I do but sometimes I just wanna play with my toys,” she shrugged. “Nothing wrong with it.”
He nodded slowly as he sat down on the sofa. “I missed you kid.”
“I missed you too Uncle EZ,” she smiled at him. “I read all the Dr. Seuss books you gave me. Mama says I need a chapter book now, she ordered me a Goosebump book to try out.” She gave a single nod as she heard her dad walking through the hall. “Daddy!”
Angel smirked as he lifted his daughter up by the back of her dress. “Is it really you?”
“Yes!” She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled against him. “I missed you. Do you feel better?”
He nodded as he dropped to the recliner. “Hmm, now that I’ve got my girl hugging me, I do feel a little better. How have you been?”
“So good,” She nodded as she rubbed his cheek lazily. “I got student of the month, then I got a certificate for reading fifty books and I got perfect attendance for always going to school.” 
“Oh, you’re smart smart. Fifty books?” He smiled proudly. “EZ can’t even finish fifty books! Student of the month and perfect attendance? Did you get rewards for that?”
Yolihuani smiled. “I got some plaques for it but mommy and Nestor got me a new doll, her name is Florencia and she looks like me. She’s in my backpack because she doesn’t like car rides, so I had to trick her.” She sighed. “Oh and Uncle Mikey and Auntie Emily gave me a card with money in it. Mama said I can buy a new dress when she feels better.”
“Oh, Uncle Mikey and Auntie Emily huh?” Angel glanced at his brother and smirked. “Do you like Auntie Emily.”
“She’s fun, I think she’s pretty.” She grinned. “I like when she speaks Spanish, it’s cool ‘cause she’s a white girl.” 
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: 9 of 49. I had to be in my feels when I started this because it was going somewhere and then it stopped and I wish I could finish it but I don’t want to fuck up the original idea.
“It’s dumb,” Noemi pulled her hair into a bun as she looked over at EZ and pouted. It had been a few weeks since Angel had ended everything. That meant, it had been a few weeks of Noemi examining and picking herself apart. She had always been her own worst critic. Borderline savage at times. It was insane to think that she put all of the blame on herself.
It was sad that she and Angel were no longer together but at the same time, it was better for it to have ended now and for good before they wasted more time trying to keep it together. The timing was poor, considering she was now pregnant but she knew Angel would step up. “It’s so dumb.”
EZ shook his head as he finished his taco. “I don’t think it’s dumb. I think it would be dumb for you not to take a risk on yourself.” He flipped through the portfolio once again before he looked up at Noemi. “So, you become your own boss, gain even more financial independence and you are set with staying home with the kid.”
“I’m having a girl,” she blurted out. “I found out this morning.” She yanked her shirt over her belly and shrugged. “I invited your brother but he stood me up and didn’t call so fuck him for that.”
“A girl?” He nodded slowly and smiled at her. “I’m getting a niece? A tiny little thing.”
She nodded slowly as she held up a picture. “A very healthy little thing she is.” She grinned brightly at him before sliding him the picture. “You can keep it or whatever, it was an extra one in case Angel wanted it.” She shrugged. “Thanks for looking over my business plan for me, it means a lot that you took the time out of your day.”
EZ slipped the ultrasound picture into his pocket before he stood up and wrapped the brunette in a hug. “You were there for me when my mom died, I can be here for you now.” He kissed the top of her head. “Feed my niece. You’re looking too thin.”
She laughed and shook her head. “All belly, boobs and booty.” She sat back down. “I’ll see you later. I’m going to take a nap.”
“Angel,” EZ stalked into his brother’s house, ignoring Adelita who was sitting on the sofa. “Angel!”
“What?” Angel walked out of the bedroom and looked at his brother. “What’s wrong?”
The younger brother held up the black and white photo and shook his head. “You flaked on Noemi? For what reason? It better be a fucking good reason.”
He sighed as he grabbed the picture. “I forgot, I was in Mexico with Adelita.” He examined the photo carefully. “He looks like he got bigger though.”
“She,” EZ sighed. “Today was the appointment you two were supposed to find out the gender. Noemi found out alone, she’s having a girl. You’re getting a daughter! You gotta get your head right, Noemi is pregnant, regardless of you and her being done romantically, she needs you there for her as the parent of her kid.”
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
Anonymous Said: Mayans Request- (and I’m just spitballin btw. I’ve actually never sent a fanfic request before lol ummm…) So like maybe Johnny or EZ or Angel and maybe they have known the girl since they were kids and they were always just friends but now he’s recently caught feelings? And maybe he doesn’t like fully understand why or what to do since they’re just friends? Idkkk 😐🤦🏼‍♀️ Too specific huh? 😅 Lol anyways Love your writing!! ❤️
I left it at a cliffhanger, so you can let your imagination run wild with how Evie responded to him. It may even turn into a series of drabbles but until then, maybe give me your opinion on what went down after Coco confessed his feelings.
Feelings Coco sat and watched his best friend carefully. She was sat in the middle of her living room floor, surrounded by canvases and a seemingly endless supply of colorful pastels. He had wandered over to her while he was going through his shit and just sitting and watching her in her own little world made him appreciate her even more. They had grown up together, stayed friends throughout the years, even when he was a marine and more so when he had gotten locked up.
Now, that he sat and really thought about things, he couldn’t help but realized he had feelings for her. Serious feelings. Ones that went above and beyond the definition of platonic. He was genuinely in love with her. It was crazy, he knew he wasn’t her type. She liked to date someone who had their shit together. Her most recent ex was a doctor and the one before that was a business owner. Coco was an outlaw. 
“Ayy,” He looked at the blunt in his hand before he offered it to her, watching as she grabbed his hand and took a hit before giving him a smile. “Evie, you still single?”
Evie shrugged as she wiped her hands on her already stained white shirt. “I mean, I guess so. I was talking to this dude but he hasn’t replied to my text in over two weeks, so I said fuck it and him. I’m just doing my thing. Trying to get these pieces done for an exhibit in a month. You still single?”
“I didn’t like that guy anyway,” he shook his head. “Yeah, I haven’t been in a relationship in a long ass time, since that one chick.”
“That narrows it down so well,” She laughed as she took a sip from her wine glass. “I never keep track of your relationships.” She shook her head before turning her body to him. “You’ve been spending so much time here with me, I’m thinking that you’re running from something or you just really fucking miss me.”
“Both,” He spoke honestly. There was no point to lie to her, she knew him just as well as he knew himself. That’s what made her that much more attractive, she knew him and his mind and she still wanted to stick around and be in his life. “What? I’m not allowed to miss my best friend?”
Evie moved to the sofa and draped her legs over his lap. “I’m here, I’m ready to listen to you if you wanna get shit off of your chest.” She pushed his hair out of his face and smiled. “How are things with your kid?”
Coco shrugged as he lazily dragged his fingers up and down her legs. “It’s coo’ I mean. It’s weird going from her thinking I’m her brother to the truth being out and the open. Still fucking hate my mom for selfishly keeping her in our lives. She could’ve been something more.”
“Your mom has never had the greatest judgment, money rules everything.” She pouted at him. “If we want to change the subject we can.” She rubbed the back of his neck. “We can talk about the fact that I’m not married with kids right now and I swore up and down that I would be by now.”
He laughed as he set his total focus on her. “Can I speak honestly with you right now?” He sighed. “It may change shit between us but I gotta be honest with you. I don’t think I’ve ever kept any shit from you.”
She nodded slowly as she stubbed the blunt out in the ashtray. “Alright, I’m listening, it’s honesty hour.”
“My mom, she didn’t skip town.” He shook his head as he let his gaze fall on her legs, taking in the intricate mandala design that took up most of her lower left leg. “She’s dead. It was fucked up, you know? We got into it and I just snapped-- I killed her.”
“Jesus, Johnny.” She looked at him before grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her. “Are you okay? I figured your mom didn’t just up and skip town and leave behind your kid. That was free money for her.”
“You don’t think I’m a monster?” He sighed. “You don’t think I’m irredeemable?”
Evie smiled. “Nah, you’re not a monster, fucked up? Yeah. Irredeemable? Nah. Everyone can find redemption. I’ve known you basically my entire life and you’ve done worse. A whole lot worse.” She shook her head. “Is that what made you hole up in this place with me? Wanting to get that off of your chest.” She rested her forehead against his. “In all honesty? I’ve been wanting to kill your mom since she snatched me up and busted my nose and lip when we were fifteen.”
“Not just that, something else.” He eyed her carefully. “I don’t know how to handle this shit, we’ve been friends since we were kids--- I got feelings for you and I get it if you don’t feel the same but I can’t fucking keep this shit from you Evie. I just don’t know what to fucking do or how to act around you. It’s all new to me. I ain’t ever have feelings like this before. I just get around you and it feels like more intense than it did before. I don’t expect you to confess to having feelings, you can do a whole lot fucking better than me but I just had to let you know. I am in love with you and I have no clue what to fucking do about it.”
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: An anon sent me in this request, angel winning his ex back. I took a slightly fluffy approach to this. I think it’s cute. Plus, there’s a surprise at the end. I had fun writing this and I swore it was published already but to my surprise it was still sitting in my queue. 
You had finally come to terms with it. The break up and the relationship being over. However, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if Angel had actually tried. If he had put in the same amount of time and energy that he did with his club. That didn’t stop you from showing up to clubhouse parties. 
After all, you had every right to be at the party. You practically grew up in the club. He may be a member but you knew just as much as every man that sat in templo. You grabbed a beer and nodded at the bartender before moving towards the sofa and plopping down. You went above and beyond with your outfit and now your feet were throbbing. 
It was your mission to make Angel miss you because you missed him and all of his shit. You wanted him back and would take him back if he put in the effort. You couldn’t let him know that though, you had to make him work for it, make him think he had no chance. He had you though, you fell in love. 
So when he sauntered up to you, just stopping a few inches from your feet. You couldn’t help the flutter of butterflies or the jump of your heart into your throat. You sipped your beer and pretended that he wasn’t in front of you. Looking better than usual. It almost made you upset. He had no right to look that good with zero effort. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah,” Angel looked at you carefully before shaking his head. “You can help me figure out why you’re dressed like one of the little bed buddies that run around this fucking place.” He knew he had no right to be jealous but he was drunk and he missed you. He missed seeing you dressed like this for him in private moments. “Come on, I’m taking you home to change.”
You waved him off, he was already drunk. You smirked, seeing the jealousy darkening his eyes. “What? No one can look at me? They can’t admire the work of art I am?” You grew up confident but this was extra confidence. You liked seeing him like this. “I can dress like I want to, I don’t have a boyfriend anymore. I can dress as slutty as I want to.” You stood up and looked up at him slightly, despite the heels, he was still taller. “How about I drive you home, you're drunk. You’ll end up doing something stupid if you stick around.”
He didn’t even try to argue with you. He conceded with a nod as he watched you set your beer down. “Sure, might end up in the cage kicking someone’s teeth in because of the way they’re all staring at you. Baby, you need to cover up. You’re all mine.”
“Was yours,” You rattled back as you walked towards the exit. “You left me, now let’s get you home Angel.”
“I miss you,” Angel looked at you as he propped himself up against his pillows. “I miss you alot, I thought I would break up with you and feel good about my choice. I didn’t do it to fucking hurt you baby. I thought I would be protecting you. After seeing you get hurt in that brawl, nah, couldn’t do that shit anymore.”
You shook your head slowly, the truth finally falling from his lips. You had spent months agonizing over the break up. Trying to figure out what you did wrong. Turns out, it was nothing, just as you had settled yourself to believe. It was all him and the way he worried himself to death. “I got hurt in that brawl because I was trying to break up the fight you were in, the dude’s girl and her friend jumped my ass. There was nothing more to it Angel. You let your dramatic ass overreact.”
He laughed as he looked at you. You were far from wrong but he hated being called dramatic. “Yeah but I started that shit. You ended up in the hospital getting stitches over my bullshit because I couldn’t walk away when you told me I should.”
You chuckled. “So, you dumped me because of your shit.” You shook your head slowly. “You overreacted, so I turned around and overreacted. Ha. We’re fucking idiots. I was also trying to make you jealous today. I’m glad it worked.”
“I almost fought my brother because he said you looked pretty,” Angel admitted softly before he grabbed you and pulled you against him. “I love you still, do you love me still?”
“Yeah,” You smiled as you relaxed into him. “I don’t think it was smart of you to almost fight your brother. EZ always says I’m pretty. Even when I went crying to him after you dumped me.”
“Shut up, we’re back together.” He whined as he looked at you. “Sorry but I am taking you back. It’s fine, I’m fine. We’re moving past this, it was a hiatus. I got my shit together.”
You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “For the sake of your life, I really do hope that you have your shit together Angel Reyes. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to get my dad on you.”
He scoffed. “Taza cannot do shit to me.” He shook his head. “I’ll pull his hair.” He kissed your forehead. “Relax, I got you back, I’m keeping you this time.”
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: draft 7 of 49. This was a rough draft of a follow up to Plaything which can be read here. Never finished it or looked at this again until right now. It had potential. 
“You wanna tell me why you’re in protection?” Angel looked down at Nicole. “Come on, you have to be pretty important to be dragged to the club for protection.”
Nicole looked up at him before shrugging slightly. “My dad was a power player. He got killed and I saw who did it and now I need to be protected while it’s all sorted out.” She shook her head. “Not how I wanted to cross paths again with you.” 
He sighed and nodded. “Look, I enjoyed what we did, I loved it, but we can’t let anyone around here know that this isn’t our first time meeting. Especially not Nestor because he’s crazy as fuck.”
“He’s harmless,” she rolled her eyes as she glanced around. “Professional in public eyes, alright. I can do that.” She tilted her head to look at him again. “So, an outlaw huh?” She pulled on the front of his kutte. “Figures as much. It all makes sense, especially the tattoos and the bike.”
“Yeah well you’re not some saint, freaking daughter of the cartel.” He groaned. “I really do have a type, bad girls.” 
“I’m fun,” she smiled. “I’m a lot of fun. So, any place we can sneak off to? Might as well do something fun to kill some time.”
Nestor stalked towards the pair. “Ven aqui Colel, habla conmigo por favor.” He looked at Angel. “If she starts trying to bribe you to let her escape, call me.” He held out a card. Right now, Colel.”
Nicole followed after the man. “Call me Nicole. Why do I even have to be protected? What is this club gonna do? They don’t know me, they won’t give up their lives to protect me.”
“My brother is dead, your dad is dead, your mom is dead. You could’ve been dead too.” He cupped her face. “I don’t have kids of my own but you’re the closest thing to it. I would rather you be close and with the club than with me and in more danger.” He kissed her head. “Please, I don’t want to have to plan another funeral, just cooperate and make it easy for me to protect you my love.”
She nodded slowly before hugging the man. “I love you and I will try not to give them shit although, I know I can bribe that Angel character, a six pack and he’ll hand me the keys to escape.”
“That is why you’re being protected by that guy, Riz.” He smirked. “He’s not as gullible as Angel.” He shrugged. “He’s also the only one with space to take you in, you’re going to be okay, I promise. Have I ever lied to you?”
“There was that one time that you went to jail and then you came home you said you were at university.” She chuckled. “That was a lie.”
Nestor smiled. “I’d never lie to you about anything important, like your safety.” He shook his head. “It’s only for a little bit and you’ll be free to go home or we’ll set you up in a condo out here. Make sure you are ready.”
She sighed and nodded slowly as she chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m strong, una Guerrera Maya.” She smiled. “Don’t call me Colel, I don’t want these guys around here thinking it’s okay because only you can call me that.” 
“I’ll call you Colel when I want,” he hugged her briefly. “Also no damn fights, too old and too pretty.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She grinned. “I love you, just relax a bit. Do not falter.” She shook her head. “Oceteva’s are strong, we’re to be feared. Even though, I don’t see how the braids scare anyone.”
“People underestimate me because of the braids but I’ll still kill them.” He smiled proudly. “Remember you’re going with Riz, not anyone else unless it’s Bishop or Taza. None of the younger guys, don’t trust them with you.”
Nicole have a single nod. “I got it, Riz and not anyone else.” 
“So, I’m bored.” Nicole looked at Riz and smiled. “May I braid your hair?”
Riz looked at the young woman before shaking his head slightly. “No you may not braid my hair. I like it the way it is. Don’t you have a phone to keep you busy? That’s what your generation is all about.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah but it’s new because my uncle thought I’d be tracked. I got his number in it and that’s about it.”
He shrugged. “Download a game or make friends with some of the girls around here.”
Nicole groaned as she looked at her phone. “Here I was thinking you’d be a cool one with your Latino Uncle Jesse vibes.” She shook her head. “I’m gonna just be around, mingling.”
Riz scoffed as he looked at the young woman. “You’re old enough to find your own fun. I offered up a room for you.” He smiled. “I have way better hair than Uncle Jesse.”
“You’re so right, I am old enough,” She looked back at her phone. “Forget I’m even here.” She moved back towards the guest room before slipping inside and closing the door behind her. Dropping onto the bed, she pulled her shoes back on before turning the TV on and up to a believable volume. “Peace out boring ass fucker.” She slid the window open before looking out of it, nothing she hadn’t done before.
She expertly climbed out of the window, dropping to her feet with a slight thud. “Bingo.”
“Not so fast,” Angel looked at Nicole. “Why are you sneaking out?”
“I cant use the front door,” she shook her head. “Why are you here? It’s boring.”
“It’s a brothel,” he eyed her carefully and smirked. “I’m sure you could’ve found one to mess with.”
Nicole shook her head as she started walking away. “I’m not sticking my mouth on community pussy.” She looked at her phone. “Just gotta get somewhere that a car service can pick me up. I’m not staying here.”
“You sound like a brat,” he moved to her before grabbing her waist and roughly pulling her back against him. “Easy way or the hard way?”
“Hard please,” she smirked. “Can’t we just let me go for a few hours.”
Angel tossed her over his shoulder and smacked her ass roughly. “I have so many things I want to do with and to you but I ain’t letting Riz get his balls cut off by Nestor because you catted off.” 
“Listen, he’s boring, I don’t know what he does for your club but he’s boring,” she shook her head. “Angel, don’t do me like this.”
He walked into the house. “Riz! One of your girls was running off, caught her.” He shook his head. “When the time is right, I got you.”
Riz rounded the corner and stalled. “Jesus, thanks Angel. I got your usual for you. You know her room.”
He set Nicole to her feet. “Thanks man.” He nodded. “Nicole, nice seeing you again.”
Nicole rolled her eyes as she moved up the stairs and towards the guest room. “Fuck you Angel.”
Angel looked at the brunette. “You wish.” He winked at her. “Escaping here right now is like someone escaping jail the first night, too risky.” 
She shook her head. “Whatever, have fun.” She walked into the guest room and dropped on the bed. “Fuck this place.”
“Colel,” Miguel tapped one the brunette’s leg. “Wake up, we need to have a quick talk.”
Nicole rolled over before sitting up slowly. “Only Nestor can call me that.” She shook her head. “But what’s up? Is he okay?”
“Yes, Nestor is fine, he had to go across the border, he told me to check in on you because you didn’t answer your phone and Riz didn’t either.” He smiled. “I see that you’re fine and that your phone is on silent. How was your sleep?”
“I don’t know if you know but we’re in a brothel, a proper whorehouse,” she shook her head. “I rather risk getting decapitated than spend another night here. Can I crash with you Mikey?”
He chuckled. “Only Nestor can call me that. I’ll see about putting you up in a condo instead. Just have the prospect and a few others drop in on you.”
“Will he be okay? He’s my only family I got now.” She looked at him. “Without him, I don’t even know what I’d do. He’s been more of a dad to me than my own. I used to make my abuela braid my hair to match his.” 
He smiled. “He’ll be fine. I’m your family too you know. He’s a brother to me, I love and respect him. He talks about you every single chance he gets. Even has your picture in his jacket pocket every single day. He’ll lay his life down for you without a second thought.”
She nodded slowly. “Yeah, I know. Thanks for checking in on me, if you talk to him before I do, tell him I could use a change of scenery. I’ve learned way too much in just a single night here. Way too much.”
Miguel nodded as he stood up and smiled. “It’s been a pleasure and I’ll see about a condo for you Nicole. Keep your spirits up. We’ll get vengeance for your parents.”
“Nicole,” Angel walked into the condo and smirked before glancing back at his brother. “Leave it to her to be put up in something this fucking nice.”
EZ shrugged as he closed and locked the door behind him. This wasn’t his favorite thing to do but at least he wasn’t in any immediate danger and he was sure it was only a matter of minutes before Angel would be pushing him out the condo to spend alone time with Nicole. “Taza could’ve just sent you to check on her. I’m sure you’d be thorough about it.”
“What?” Nicole walked out of the bedroom, a towel wrapped around her as she looked at the men. “Oh, hey guys. You bring the snacks?”
“Yes,” Angel dropped the bag on the coffee table. “Moving on up, brothel to a condo.”
She nodded as she trailed her fingers through her hair. “Friends in high places. I would not mind being a mistress to Miguel. I think that would work well for me.”
“I could see him having a mistress but it would not be you,” EZ shook his head. “You’d be too headstrong.”
“Submissive.” She grabbed the pack of sour punch straws out of the bag. “It’s the name of the game, you have to play submissive to a man like that in bed otherwise it won’t work. Headstrong in the streets, his little slut in the sheets. Win, win. Am I right?” She smiled at the man. “Make yourselves at home.”
Angel nodded slowly. “She’s right, she’d have to be submissive in bed for it to work out. I however, think you would be better suited playing with me and ignoring Miguel all together. Who knows, he may be a sissy in the bedroom. You’d have to peg him.”
“I’m open minded, I don’t kink shame, unless you have a kink for being shamed then I’m all for degrading you and making you feel less than human,” She shrugged. “Look at your brother blush, he’s getting uncomfortable. What? Do you just like vanilla sex? That’s so boring.”
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: draft 6 of 49. I know I was going somewhere with this but after rereading it I cannot put a finger on it but it’s cool. I enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane and it’s always cute when the kid comforts the adult even when the kid has no idea that the adult is going through some shit.
“This is my best friend, his name is Coco and he likes to tell me stories,” Yolihuani giggled as she squeezed Coco’s hand. “He rides a Harley and he always goes, my bad when he does something.”
“When your dad said a friend of yours may come over, I didn’t think he’d be a grown man.” Vanessa shook her head. “I’m going to call your dad and see what’s up. Don’t wander off either Yoli.”
The little girl rolled her eyes as she looked up at Coco. “My dad isn’t here, he’ll be back though.”
“I know,” Coco nodded slowly. “I’m going to hang out around here until he gets back. Don’t you have dolls to play with or toys?”
“Yes but I was coloring a picture for my mom,” She pointed to the coffee table. “Do you wanna color with me? You don’t gotta stay in the lines or nothin’, I don’t stay in the lines. I do what I want to do with my colors.”
He watched her sit down on the floor before he shrugged and sat down next to her. “So, do you like your babysitter?”
She shook her head slowly. “No, I don’t like her. She just stays on her phone all the time and never wants to do anything with me. My other babysitter at my mom’s, she’s so cool! She jumps on the trampoline with me, she takes me to the zoo, oh and the other day, we went and got our nails painted. Vaness is boring and she doesn’t have a car.”
“She’s the broke friend,” He chuckled as he started to color. “I got a friend like that, he’s your dad.”
She laughed. “I’m gonna tell him that, you should just babysit me.” She nodded as she scrunched up her face and looked at Coco. “Do I look like my dad right now huh?”
“You do!” Coco grinned. “Hopefully you start to look more like your mama because your dad isn’t aging all that well.” 
“My mom is so pretty,” She sighed. “I’m gonna be pretty like her and have long, long hair and a brain. Mom says intelligence is more important than looks.”
He nodded slowly as he watched Yolihuani for a moment. “Yeah, it’s more important than anything else but it doesn’t hurt for that intelligence to be in some nice gift wrapping. You know?”
“I don’t but I’m sure I’ll figure it out,” She gave a single nod as she sifted through her box of crayons before picking out a black one. “Coco, I think you’re smart and you’re pretty. Don’t forget it okay?” She slid the piece of paper to him. “To Coco from Yo-Yo because you call me that and no one else can but you. Coco and Yo-Yo for always!”
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fairytellerxo · 4 years
AN: I am emptying out my drafts and this is one of 49 incomplete drafts on this blog.
Death by stupidity. That’s what Angel knew what his cause of death would be. It would be him making a stupid choice and his life ending because of it. That didn’t make him rethink his current situation though. Riding down the highway without a helmet. He was at the mercy of the road and the drivers that littered the roads. It was a game of frogger and he was feeling on top of the world so far. 
Nothing could touch him. He felt invincible. The ride from Charming to Santo Padre was brutal but he had made it. He was two blocks from his home when the shiny SUV rolled through the stop sign and took him out. Sending him and his bike skittering across the asphalt. It was painful. Sheer and utter pain as he saw his entire life playback as he slowly started to lose consciousness. 
It was an unfamiliar face that he saw last. Her blue eyes filled with tears and what he took as concern as she grabbed his hand. “You’re going to be okay, just stay with me.” She offered up a half smile. “Nothing looks broken…”
He coughed slightly before he tried to turn his head to look around. A jarring pain quickly making him realize he needed to stay still. He just felt as though he were on fire. His entire body was on fire and he was tired and he needed to close his eyes and take a nap. “I’m just tired…”
“You’ve got to stay with me, help is on the way.” She placed her fingers on his neck carefully, checking his pulse. It was weak and sporadic. “What’s your name huh?”
“Angel,” He mumbled, the coppery taste filling his mouth. “Angel Reyes.”
She chuckled. “It’s a small world Angel Reyes. It’s bad timing but you stood me up in middle school. Asked me to the eighth grade winter formal and stood me up. You don’t look anything like you did back then.” She squeezed his hands, the sirens growing closer and closer. “Help is almost here.” 
He gave her hand a squeeze back. Of course karma would reward him this way, dying and bringing back a past mistake. “If I make it through this, I’ll make it up to you.”
“You don’t even remember my name,” She stood up as the EMTs rushed in. “But I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’ll just need rest and a tattoo artist.”
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