#faith of praise YAH
faithofyahyah · 1 year
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i LOVE to say praise ♡YAH♡
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yahsheartcry · 7 months
Here are some verses to show how much Yah wants us to be in a relationship with Him. "Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." --Matthew 6:33
"You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart." --Jeremiah 29:13
"Come near to G-d and He will come near to you." --James 4:8
"Love the L-rd your G-d with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and with all of your strength." --Deuteronomy 6:5
Here are some worship songs to help you know how much He loves you and wants to be in a relationship with you.
"Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury
"Your Love Awakens Me" by Phil Wickham
"How He Loves Us" by Shane & Shane
"Drenched in Love" by Bethel Music
"Pieces" by Steffany Gretzinger
"Nothing Else + The Heart of Worship" by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes
"My Beloved" by Kari Jobe
"The Garden" by Kari Jobe
"Nothing New" by Brandon Lake
"Ruth's Song" by Misha and Marty Goetz
"Just Want You" by The Belonging Co.
"Kids" by Brandon Lake
"Lost in Your Love" by Brandon Lake & Sarah Reeves
"Close to You" by Joshua Aaron
**These are just some of the songs I found. There are many others, but these are just some to listen to in the meantime.
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spiritsoulandbody · 10 months
#DailyDevotion Yah's, Jesus', Supper Is Something To Praise & Give Thanks
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#DailyDevotion Yah's, Jesus', Supper Is Something To Praise & Give Thanks Psalm 111 Praise the LORD! I will thank the LORD with all my heart in the fellowship of the righteous and in the congregation. Praise the LORD! Hallelu Yah! Did you see what I did there? In most places in the Psalms it is written this way. In fact, I think I only found one place where it was Hallelujah. Some places it is Hallelu YHWH. Yah is a name for the God of Israel throughout the Old Testament. It's not just a nickname or shortened name. It is a name within itself. The “lu” is there calling us to praise Yah. What often follows a call to praise Yah is thanksgiving. It is that way here. Giving thanks is part and parcel of praising God as it is also in blessing God. After calling everyone to praise Yah, the psalmist thanks the LORD with all his heart amongst, in the fellowship, of all fellow believers in the congregation. You see, in the Old Testament, they were called to gather together there also. We call the LORD's Supper the Eucharist, which means to give thanks. This psalm is associated with the LORD's Supper in the ancient Church. It is our fellowship with one another and with Christ's body and blood, so it makes sense also because thanksgiving is being made in the fellowship of all the saints. 2The LORD has done great things, things studied by all who delight in them. 3His work is glorious and majestic, and He will be righteous forever. 4He made His wonders something to be remembered. The great things of the LORD that are to be studied here are likely Israel's redemption from Egypt with all the signs, wonders and especially the Passover. Israel was called to remember these things. It was to be their delight. For this work of salvation for them was glorious and majestic. We, the Church, in the LORD's Supper proclaim His death until He comes. We remember the great work of salvation Jesus provided as He became our Passover. We should remember that as we partake and have fellowship with His body and blood. It is the New Testament for us in His blood. Just as the blood of the Passover lamb had the angel of death pass over them, as the blood of Christ is on our lips, death also passes over us. We need not fear it any longer. Christ's resurrection is our victory over death. Jesus' work of redemption is indeed glorious and majestic even if it looks horrific to the uninitiated. Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection should be studied by all who delight in it. We need to look back into the Law of Moses and investigate all the different sacrifices the LORD commanded them to do. The daily sacrifice for sins, the yearly sacrifice for sins, the whole burnt offering, the tithe, thanksgiving and peace offerings; these all point us to Jesus and His work of salvation for us. Considering them, our understanding of the LORD's Supper should deepen and delight us. It is no simple memorial meal. Here, as we become participants of it, as we fellowship with it-taking His body and blood upon our lips, we receive all the benefits of His sacrifice. His suffering is now our suffering. His judgment is now our judgment. His condemnation is now our condemnation. His death and burial is now our death and burial. His resurrection from the dead is now our resurrection from the dead. The reason this is so is because Jesus is Yah who we called everyone to praise. He is YHWH to whom we give thanks for all His benefits to us in this Supper. Heavenly Father, may we delight in looking into the work of Christ Jesus as He has become our Passover and gives us the benefits of that Passover through the bread and the wine which have become His very body and blood, given and shed for us for the forgiveness of sins. Always give us a deeper understanding as we fellowship with Him. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen Read the full article
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beesspacedotorg · 8 months
thinking about tinky winky (purple lino) and begging cute boyfriend minho to dye his hair purple again and because bunny loves loves loves compliments it turns into a “so you think i’m pretty huh☺️” fest of him fishing for praise from his partner -🌸
cherry blossom anon, I may have accidentally forgot to put in compliments and instead it turned into a 750 word fic about dyeing his hair. I hope that's okay. Mayhap I'll revisit this featuring the compliments and ... other thing.
You aren’t above begging. You aren’t above a lot of things, actually, as proven by the way you’re currently on your knees in front of your boyfriend, hands clasped together like you’re praying.
“Minho, please. I’ll do anything. Literally anything. I’ll unclog the tub drain myself next time, I’ll give you earth-shattering head, pleasepleaseplease.” He looks at you, mildly confused from where you’ve ambushed him at your front door before the realization dawns and his eyes narrow.
“You’re kidding me right now.” He toes his shoes off.
“I’m not. Please, you looked so hot I don’t see why you won’t let me.” He’s walking towards the kitchen and you follow after him, still on your knees.
“Are you saying that I don’t look hot now?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth. You just looked so good with the hair, please. Stay will literally thank me.”
“They’ll think it was skzigi.”
“I’ll roleplay as JYP Entertainment staff if that’s what it takes, Lee Minho.” He sighs, throwing his head back towards the ceiling while mumbling. Your boyfriend isn’t religious, he’s one of the few members of his group who has never had any particular faith, but you think he might be praying for something right now.
“If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’m mostly just doing all of this for the bit.” You’re standing now, hand on his shoulder as you peer at him, worried that you might have taken it a step too far.
“Shh. I’m trying to think of how I’ll explain this to our manager and Chan without getting my head lobbed off.” You smile, wide and beaming as you clap your hands excitedly, rushing off to the bathroom and reappearing next to him with a bag in your hands.
“Great! When you come up with a good excuse meet me in the bathroom.”
“How did you- Why- You didn’t even know I was going to say yes!”
“You’re right, I didn’t. I was going to save it for a rainy day, or use it on myself.” And with that, you’re gone, leaving Minho alone in the kitchen as he imagines how hot you would look with purple hair.
“Wait,” he calls after you, setting his half-opened ramen packet on the counter and turning, “did you buy enough for two people?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to shower?” He asks, sitting backwards on the toilet lid as you mix the bleach.
“I didn’t go to hair school, so I’m not an expert, but I did dye my friends’ hair all throughout highschool and we had better results with less damage when their hair was gross so, yes. I’m sure.”
“That smells awful.”
“It’s almost like its chemicals.”
“I’ll leave.”
“There’s already bleach in your hair, if you leave now you’ll have awful streaks that even the most diehard LeeKnower wouldn’t be able to justify.” He huffs at that, mumbling something about how Stays aren’t that shallow and you reply with a comment about Hyunjin’s Maxident hair that shuts him up.
“He looked good,” he starts and you sigh, head dropping forward. “I don’t see what they were so upset about.”
“I know, dear.”
“He suits short hair!”
“He does.”
“It fit the concept!”
“It did.”
“Yah!” He turns, hitting your arm lightly and almost knocking the bleach bowl out of your hands. “You aren’t listening.”
“My apologies for not wanting to hear my boyfriend wax poetic about another man’s hair.”
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Ask me that again and I’ll leave it in until you go bald.”
The bleach is washed out and his head’s half purple before he looks at his phone and his eyes go wide.
“What’s up?” You’re busy drawing shapes on his head with the dye.
“Hannie is calling.”
“So answer it.”
“It’s video.”
“Say that you’re naked.”
“Like that’s stopped me before.”
“Say that I’m naked.” The call promptly drops.
“How long does this have to sit for?”
“Do you give the hairstylists at the company this much trouble?”
“I’m shaving you bald.”
His hair has been rinsed and blow dried and you’ve been making eyes at him for the past ten minutes while he shoves ramen noodles in his mouth.
“Can you stop staring so hard? My head’s about to catch fire.” His mouth is full.
“No. No I cannot.” His eyes roll and he sets his now empty bowl down.
“So… about that ‘earth-shattering head’ you mentioned?”
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As promised, I will explain the Hallelujah thing.
So the word is actually a composite word, in that it is made up of "hallel" and "Yah." The latter is one of the better known names of G-d (and for this reason some traditional Jews won't say the whole word of hallelujah outside of prayer or religious study) but the former deserves a little more investigation. A simple translation of it is "praise" or "glory," and so most translations of this into English are fairly faithful to the Hebrew.
However, I think knowing the context adds some shades of meaning to it that are important. Hallel in Hebrew is spelled הלל (hay-lamed-lamed) or (effectively) H-L-L. Written Hebrew doesn't include vowels (unless they are added in using the pointed Hebrew system) so the word written out traditionally would read: HLL, despite (obviously) being pronounced with the vowel sounds. It is for this reason that I'm not terribly a fan of the linguistic drift of "alleluia," because it drops the hay/ה sound at the beginning, which is very important to the word being legible and diminishes the name of G-d at the end by denoting it using a common suffix. It also means that the people saying it almost certainly do not know the origin of the word and the root word Hallel.
In any event, it's worth noting that there are a number of words in Hebrew that refer to praise (especially in a religious context) but this one specifically refers to the Psalms (Tehillim), which share a root in Hebrew.
To say Hallel is to say Tehillim - specifically Psalms 113 - 118. These are typically sung with a lot of ruach (spirit) and joyful melodies, and are reserved for happy occasions. This is one reason why I find the fact that we daven Hallel for Av, the saddest month on the Jewish calendar, when we intentionally lessen our joy upon starting it, so compelling and so Jewish. (More on that here.)
Hallel isn't just praise. It's Psalms sung from the heart, from a place of joy and resilience.
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stunningladysam · 2 months
Welcome to the Top of the World
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(Starter with @sabithafrey-rp)
“Are you excited to go play with our new friends?” Samantha’s hand was hung low towards the ground, a small hand wrapped around her first two fingers, as she escorted her youngest child, Leyla, from their own family’s apartments to the royal nursery, where the youngest of the new Queen’s children spent their days training and playing alongside those of her ladies-in-waiting. She had sent a note, hoping to strike up a dialogue with Lady Sabitha Frey, the Lady of The Twins and mother to it’s heir, which was in turn answered with an invitation to join both mother and son in the chamber Samantha and Leyla were now headed towards.
“Yah, yah,” The four year old nodded her head vigorously, then tilted her gaze up towards her mother, met with a smile across her lips. She let go of her hand and held her arms, little fingers grabbing towards the air as she hoped, “Up, up?”
“Not this time, bunny,” Samantha’s smile faded slightly before she promised, “If you can walk like a big girl to go see Theo and Lady Sabitha, we’ll walk with you up the whole way back, would that be alright?”
Leyla nodded in the same energetic motion, wrapping her hand back around those two fingers on Samantha’s left hand as they resumed walking, and her mother praised, “That’s my good girl.” In truth, her littlest had been good all day, she had only pouted for a moment when asked to wear a silvery-grey dress representative of their house, rather than the bright yellows and pinks she favored most, left the little braided crown Samantha had styled her reddish-blonde hair into alone all day so far, and even now had remained happy to agree to her mother’s compromise; she should go about seeing if one or two of those little honey cakes the kitchens seemed to always keep extra of to appease the youngest members of their court could be set aside for Leyla’s dinner.
“And you remember what we talked about? You must make sure you’re listening when you go play together. Theo is like Alyn, it will be different because he can see, but he has difficulties too, so just like with Alyn you have to remember he can’t run as fast or play as long as you can, let him set the speed and stop if that is what he asks.”
“Yah, yah,” Leyla responded once more. One of her cousins, the son of Lord Ormund’s older daughter with his second wife, Rosey Mullendore, survived a summer fever when he was not quite two and lost the majority of his vision to the illness, and Samantha hoped greatly that both her experience and fondness for another playmate who had difficulties with some of the most normal things for most children, would make Leyla a promising companion for the future Lord of the second wealthiest House in the Riverlands.
Selyse was beautiful in a way Samantha never became, and Sansara was charming in a manner that took the youngest of the three sisters many years into her marriage to find within herself. Warryn and Robyn would not be sent away to The Citadel or The Faith because their father’s use for them vanished several decades before their birth, nor would Joy and Leyla find themselves bedmates to disinterested Lords with heirs and spares abound before they’d even grown into maidens. Samantha had been risen higher by their liege lord’s lust, and she would not see her legacy reduced to disposable sacrifices of allegiance or piety because of some expected deference to a man who could’ve just as easily taken a mistress or bought a couple hundred whores to serve the purpose he imposed on her life for the sake of his cock.
The Lady of House Hightower entered the royal nursery with a wide smile and a flurry of gauzy silver-grey skirts that she hoped Lady Sabitha would take as a show of good faith to their respective Houses shared interests and colors. They pooled around her as she sat down beside the woman she knew from the many events they had shared in attendance since the true Hightowers arrived to the Red Keep’s Court. Leyla came running up close behind her, then plopped down next to the small boy only inches away from his mother’s skirts, and became very still, offering a large grin paired with a gentle, “Hi, hi.”
Samantha smiled, offering, “Leyla’s developed a bit of a habit for telling us everything in two’s lately. It is a pleasure and a privilege to meet you, my Lady, you may call me Sam if it pleases, most everybody does. I must say it was a joy to receive your invitation for dear Leyla and your sweet Theo to play together, I’m blessed by your kindness, and I hope we might become fast friends as easily as our little ones. And forgive me, for being so bold, but your gown is dazzling, my Lady, your taste alone proves clear as day why the new Queen herself has prized your companionship as of late.”
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todahyah · 2 years
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Only YAH YAH is Perfect, not me. So Thank TodahYAHYAH For Taking Control over me :)
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🎁FREE GIFT🎁 for you My Beloved Best Friend ForEver in 🕊HalleluYAH🕊
Benefits of Praise 👑YAH👑
1. Praise 💎YAH💎 get our Focus off ourselves and back to 💍YAH💍YAH💍
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2. Praise 🌴YAH🌴 brings us to a place of Humility with 🌳YAHusha🌳
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3. Praise 😎YAH😎 give you and me The Victory with 🍯HalleluYAH🍯
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4. Praise 🌺YAH🌺 refreshes our Sweet Soul in Todah🌸YAH🌸YAH🌸
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5. Praise 😍YAH😍 gives you and me Divine Happiness in Me Love 💖YAH💖YAH💖
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6. Praise 💪🏽YAH💪🏽 boosts our Confidence in Trust 👍🏽YAHuah👍🏽 ForEver
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7. Praise 😆YAH😆 Increase our Faith and PositiveNess in 😄YAHuah😄 ForEver and Ever :)
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(: Me🤜🏽🤛🏽YAH :)
♡ I Thank 💎TodahYAH💎 for counting me Worthy.
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♡ And I Bless 🍯HalleluYAH🍯for making me Taste 😍YAHUAH's😍 Glory.
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Me + 👑YAH👑 = Unstoppable with OBEY👍🏽YAH👍🏽YAH👍🏽
♡ Have Faith in 🐱YAHUAH🐱 and Be ForEver Positive in 🐶YAHUSHA🐶
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
♡ And 🐻TodahYAH🐻 will give you and me The Victory in 🐼HalleluYAH🐼👍🏽
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holdonendure · 1 year
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Brothers and Sisters
Confession and repentance are essential to effective praying (I John 1:9) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (Psalm 66:18). There is no reason to expect the unregenerate to ever do this, which makes effective praying of the elect all the more important. This is not to suggest America is modern Yasharal, but there is a Scriptural principle at work…
Blessed is the nation whose ALAHIYM is YAHUAH; and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance. TEHILLIYM (PSALMS) 33:12 את CEPHER
The corollary is frightening! YAHUAH has blessed America (mystery Babylon) from her founding through the course of her history, and now we strive to remove Him from all public recognition. Ruth Graham is credited with originating, “God will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology if He doesn’t judge America.” While this sounds noble, Yah doesn’t owe anyone an apology for anything He does, or allows to happen. Events over the last decade testify to America’s forfeiture of the YAH’s protection. These events are not Yah’s judgment yet, but when it comes, there will be no mistake. YAHUAH has removed His restraining Hand of protection from the consequences of our own stupidity, as the Apostle Pa’al described in Romans 1:18-32. You live in an era of unprecedented hedonism and evil portent. This should motivate you to holiness that you might be able to pray, as did Nehemiah. If you are a follower of Mashiach , it is incumbent on you to pray fervently and effectually (James 5:16). While some surveys suggest that more than fifty percent of Americans are Christian, conservative theologians fear the number of those committed to The Kingship of Ha’Mashiach is closing-in on one percent! The Apostle Paul states in II Thessalonians 2 that one of the indicators of the return of YAHUSHA, would be apostasy in the Church, and we have been witnessing that for at least the last five decades. In Matthew ‪7:21-23‬, Yahusha describes a future judgment scene where a group stood before Him thinking they were saved because of things they had done, but He told themto depart from Him because He never knew them. This is one of the most somber passages in Scripture. While I do not know the spiritual condition of anyone else, the spiritual condition of many in the Church is depressing. Are you in that minority (II Peter 1:10), and praying fervently for Yahuah’s mercy on America?
Shalom Aleichem
#bible #biblejournaling #biblequote #biblequotes #biblereading #biblescripture #biblestudy #bibleverse #bibleverseoftheday #bibleverses #christ #christianity #church #gospel #holybible #holyspirit #hope #praise #pray #prayer #scripture #truth #verseoftheday #worship #natsarim #holdonministries #servantsofyah
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repentb4its2late · 1 year
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faithofyahyah · 11 months
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LISTEN to spirit of obey YAH
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yahsheartcry · 12 days
Today was something a little different than what even I was used to, but it was a blessing anyways. We simply waited on Yah and allowed Him to speak. He did! Hallelujah! Praise Yah! I can't wait to hear all the testimonies of Yah's goodness and faithfulness.
Keep me in prayer as the Enemy loves to keep me on my toes. I know I am victorious in Christ and that Yah has the victory!
I love you all!
~Hadassah Grace
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postie974 · 25 days
O come, let us worship and bow down, Let us kneel before Yahweh our Maker [in reverent praise and prayer]. For He is our YAH And we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand. Today, if you will hear His voice, [Heb 3:7-11]
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭95‬:‭6‬-‭7
HalleluYAH 🙌
Accept Yahshua (The Word) as your MESSIAH & SAVIOUR, confess & repent from your sins believing in Him accepting His gift of Salvation. You WILL be saved through grace by faith in HIM!
I AM The Way👆
The Truth 🙏
And The Life 🙌
I know that I have broken Your laws and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry, I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and repent. Forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Yahshua died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Yahshua to become the RULER of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Send your Ruach haKodesh to help me obey You, doing Your will for the rest of my life. In Yahshua’s Name Amen.
The Hebrew names of our MESSIAH, ELOHIM and SAVIOUR
YHWH aka YAHWEH aka Heavenly Father
— Brother Mark —
#creation #love #fourteeners #natsarim #theearlychurch #faith #mercy #grace #trustinyahweh #praiseyahweh #worshipyahweh #luni_solar_sabbath #metonic_cycle #creationcalendar #trinity #halleluyah #ruachhakodesh#ruachofyahweh #yhwh#yahweh #elohim #fatheryahweh #theword #yahshua #saviour #savedbyyahshua #discipleofyahshua
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yhwhrulz · 3 months
Psalm 68:4-5 (Complete Jewish Bible)
But let the righteous rejoice and be glad in God’s presence; yes, let them exult and rejoice. Sing to God, sing praises to his name; extol him who rides on the clouds by his name, Yah; and be glad in his presence.
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angelojamal · 4 months
Spiritual Leadership Series #28 Yahushua is the perfect example of effective leadership, also spiritual and natural discipline.
The temptations that Yahushua is tempted with shows that he is the the perfect example of discipline, while fasting in a desert. These are common temptations that leader’s experience today as well. “[First, he did not succumb to the temptation to be self sufficient, he did not become controlling, he had faith in God. Second, he did not succumb to the temptation to be spectacular, he refused to be a sensational performer, he did not perform actions to become famous. Third, he did not succumb to the temptation to become powerful, he did not take shortcuts to gain power or worship.]” This is an example of effective leadership and spiritual and natural discipline.
In a direct contrast, 1 Samuel 15 speaks of Saul being one that was tempted to be his own king and wanted his own fame, and with doing so he did not obey the voice of the lord. And he built a statue of himself after winning a battle and spared king Agag, as he was told that he was to kill the entire tribe and the cattle, but he did not and wanted to raise his stature. King Agag was ordered to be killed by Samuel. Then, Samuel was sent by the lord to the house of Jesse to crown a new king, an obedient king, King David. Praise Yah, for he looks on the heart and not the outward appearance.
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tj-van-heerden · 4 months
Yahweh - more clarification.
Yahweh is the Name of God the Father in the Old Testament, in ancient Hebrew, and, as far as I can find out, it comes from the words "I am" and it means "He is," or "He who is," or "He exists" (or perhaps "He causes/will cause to exist"), where the "is" means both past and future eternal existence, but add great and total honor and glory and greatness to the meaning of the words "He" and "is" or "exists". A shortened form, "Yah," is also used in the Hebrew texts of the Bible. The Name "Yahweh" occurs nearly 7000 times in the Old Testament. I know someone with a very pure prophetic gift, and I asked her to ask God what his Name is. He answered her immediately with a great voice that sounded like many rushing waters and thunder, and He said to her: "Yahweh". Add as much glory and honor and greatness and righteousness and justice and fatherly love and faithfulness and worthiness of all praises and all ability to create and destroy, to make safe or send to Hell, etc. as you can to the Name of God, "Yahweh," and you will have a little bit of an idea what it means. The greatness of his Name cannot be described with words.
Exod 3:13-15 [WEB] Moses said to God, “Behold, when I come to the children of Israel, and tell them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what should I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM,” and he said, “You shall tell the children of Israel this: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” God said moreover to Moses, “You shall tell the children of Israel this, ‘Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.
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spiritsoulandbody · 6 months
#DailyDevotion The Chief Aim Of Man Is To Praise The LORD, Father, Son & Holy Spirit
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#DailyDevotion The Chief Aim Of Man Is To Praise The LORD, Father, Son & Holy Spirit Psalm 150 Praise the LORD! Praise God in His holy place! Praise Him for the sky spread out by His power, 2praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to His great majesty! 3Praise Him with a blast of a ram's horn, praise Him with lutes and lyres, 4praise Him with tambourines and dancing, praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes, 5praise Him with loud cymbals, praise Him with crashing cymbals! 6Everything that breathes should praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! The last psalm is somewhat of a short psalm comparatively. At first glance one may not see much there but there is perhaps a bit more that meets the eye just glancing at it. We first have the initial call to praise the LORD. LORD here is Yah, which many believe to be distinct from Yahweh. It is a distinct name of God. We will see this name in the closing verse both times for LORD there. Next comes a series of ten calls to praise God. Ten is a number of completion or perfection. Hence we could say that it is a call to a perfect praise of God. Now what does this perfect praise of the LORD consist of? In verses 1 and 2 we have praise for different aspects of God. He is to be praised in His holy place, that is the temple. He has placed His name there and promises to be there for His people. He hears their prayers and receives their sacrifices offered to Him in faith. From the earth below, we look up. We now praise Him for the sky, the heavens spread out by His power. So from the heights above to earth below and even to the quantum world we praise the LORD. Studying science somewhat gives a person an ample amount of awe to praise the LORD for His creation. Then we praise Him for His mighty acts. We praise the LORD for His creation. We praise Him for His deliverance of the Israelites from the Egyptians. We praise Him for conquering the unrepentant peoples of Canaan and delivering the land to the Israelites. We praise Him for punishing Israel and Judah with foreign nations for worshiping foreign gods. We praise Him for restoring Judah by the hand of Cyrus, a pagan, whom He called out centuries before for this act. We praise Him for becoming man, suffering, dying, and rising again conquering sin, death and the power of the devil. We then praise Him for His majesty as He ascends to the right hand of the Father where He reigns to all eternity over all creation. Then there is the six-fold ways of praising the LORD. There is the giving of praise to Him with various instruments common in their area. There is praising Him with dancing. To be frank, as I commented on in earlier psalms, I don't know how we would do that today. If we did, I think it would be best outside of the sanctuary, perhaps at family events. It also would not be provocative. I think it would be more like a happy dance you see kids do when they are excited. It really isn't part of the western culture to dance for God. But hey, if you want, give it a try. Then there is the two-fold call to praise Yah again in the last verse. That gives us a Trinity of calls to praise Yah. One for each person of the Trinity. Three calls, one name, one divine being, and three distinct persons who have that name and are each God. If you have breath, which Yah has breathed into us, you are called to praise Him with your whole being. That is the ultimate and fulfillment of being human, praising the LORD our God, our Maker, Redeemer, Justifier and Sanctifier. Merciful and gracious Father, give us Your Holy Spirit that we may rightly praise You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and find in giving You praise the joy of fulfilling our purpose as Your creation and Your children. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.  Read the full article
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