rebcrnfate-blog · 7 years
faithfulsamurai replied to your post: {❧} —- “Apparently my grandmother’s around and I...
“I too am not sure how to really feel…it’s odd..”
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{❧} ---- “Wasn’t she dead? That’s why I’m so confused.”
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repeatsfate · 7 years
faithfulsamurai replied to your post: You are completely useless. No matter how many...
k i l l
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“Hisame, no. It’s not worth it. Getting angry... Is what they want.”
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samuraisworn-blog · 7 years
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    ❛  HISAME ! there you are !    ❜  relief . he makes his way over in just a few strides , furrowed brows easing up at the sight of his newly discovered son .  ❛   i’ve been looking all over for you ! why didn't i see you at supper today ? you can’t be skipping meals or you’ll end up as skinny as a string bean !  ❜ / @faithfulsamurai
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hoshiidanunity-a · 7 years
faithfulsamurai replied to your post: Whoever is insulting her brother… Is going to get...
“Don’t bother with it Chiyoko. It’s nothing.”
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“They insulted you and your hobby. It’s unforgivable.”
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rxnewedfate-blog · 7 years
{ @faithfulsamurai || Continued from here }
Kiragi took aim at the target dummy, nailing it directly in the head only moments later. He was almost done practicing by the time Hisame found him, and it didn’t take the boy long to notice the samurai.
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{❧} ---- “Hisame! I was wondering when you would leave your tent!”
The archer put his yumi down, hurrying to the other and tackling him. He just wanted a hug from him, seeing how he didn’t get one from him yet today.
{❧} ---- “Hmmm, did you need something?”
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jxdedspear · 7 years
Hisame carefully hugs his baby sister close. His baby sister, no one else's.
“ H-Huh? ” Seems like Hisame caught the younger off by surprise. But she doesn’t really seem to mind. Rather, she's more than happy to have her elder brother hug her.
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“ H-Hisa? Is something wrong? ” Haruna's going to ask him anyways, just to make sure.
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nakanaai · 7 years
"Kiragi what on Earth are you doing..?"
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       ′     OH, HEY HISAME ! how’re you doing ? i’ve been gone for so long, so i’m saying hi to everyone before i disappear again. it’s nice to see you !!    ′
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repeatsfate · 7 years
dear diary… 
Hisame took his first steps today! Hinata and I are spending the weekend in his Deeprealm– We’ve been wanting to see our little boy all week and gods above am I glad we chose now to go! 
I can hardly believe Hisame’s a year old already– It feels like it’s barely been a month for us! I’d noticed just how different time could flow upon visiting my nieces and nephews with my siblings, or accompanying Jakob when he dropped by Dwyer’s realm… But it’s an entirely different sensation when your child is the one who’s changing at the blink of an eye. 
It’s a little sad, really, but I suppose there’s nothing we can do. This is one of the only ways we can keep the children safe– Not that it’s… Very responsible starting families during a war, I’ll admit, but… 
I won’t let such negative thoughts tarnish such an important diary entry. I won’t. This is a joyous occasion, and I refuse to treat it as anything less!!
I had been playing with him in his bedroom when Hinata came looking for us, and upon the sight of his father my little love broke out into a smile as full of sunlight as his papa’s. Before I knew it, he was off– Tottering out about three or four steps before he fell and Hinata was there to pick him back up! I don’t think I’ve ever seen Hinata look so excited in the entire time I’ve known him, but gods I can’t blame him in the slightest! The first thing Takumi and Oboro are going to hear about when we get back is this– From the both of us!
Hinata wants to start teaching him swordplay already. I remember him saying once that he was swinging a blade before taking a step, but I’m almost positive that was an exaggeration. I understand his family’s history and respect how seriously they take their training, but I think I may have to put my foot down on that one. I don’t want my little boy hurting himself accidentally… He’s still so small and fragile! 
I suppose given the way time flows in this realm, he’ll be walking safely enough on our next visit. Perhaps then would be a more suitable time to let Hinata start teaching him…?
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hoshiidanunity-a · 7 years
faithfulsamurai replied to your post: “I could hex them so they can’t speak...
“…–fool.” Hisame mutters under his breath.
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“What was that? Don’t make me hex you, too. I don’t wanna make Kiragi mad.”
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rxnewedfate-blog · 7 years
{ @faithfulsamurai || Continued from here }
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There was no reply from Kiragi other than just him staring at him. He wasn’t himself and that was horribly obvious, especially since the boy raised his yumi, taking aim at Hisame.
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fatedcycle · 7 years
(Can I please add in Hisame? uvu)
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Son! Son! Son! Son! Sure thing Memey, lets welcome Hisame!
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pacificateurs · 7 years
Tell hisame he's pretty shiro
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart…
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗(Hisame is super super suuuuuper cute and pretty and- even his constant frown is super adorable oh my god.)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗(He’s my friend right? Sometimes I’m not sure either, like, he prefers to put a distance cause of his statut as Kiragi’s retainer and all you know…)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗 (…what.)
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sunlxtprince · 7 years
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WHOA! That’s so nice! Thank you!
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rewritingxfates · 7 years
(Ey it's memey again~ Can I use my second character slot for Hisame please? u vu mama would be Oboro~)
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u meme..... of course u can!
Accepted and will be added in a moment!
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