nakanaai · 6 years
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hi everyone! it’s cati. i know most of my followers have probably dispersed and all. i just wanted to give a final, final update after many many months of inactivity.
i’m not roleplaying on tumblr anymore. i just lost interest, and i hope you understand. i’m doing independent character and world creation now; i’m also more interested in mobages and taking care of personal life stuff. school prevents me from doing roleplay here full time.
the few years i spent here have been so fun. i’m so happy it was a part of my life and i wish i could thank all of you individually. at the time of me making this post, you can contact me on my twitter if you want to keep friendships going, but otherwise, i’m putting all of my blogs on archive.
you’ll see this message here and on my chrys blog, as it’s the most popular ones i own.
again, i can’t thank everyone enough for all the memories you all made for me here. this message is extremely belated, but it’s better now than never, right? i don’t plan on deactivating these blogs or anything. i’d like to keep the memories.
i believe that’s all i have to say. thank you so much again; it was so fun!
- CATI !
... oh, and ... one more thing.
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me and yume are still together !! <333
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nakanaai · 7 years
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hey yeah remember this (mistake)
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nakanaai · 7 years
"Kiragi what on Earth are you doing..?"
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       ′     OH, HEY HISAME ! how’re you doing ? i’ve been gone for so long, so i’m saying hi to everyone before i disappear again. it’s nice to see you !!    ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
“I missed you too, Kiragi.”
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“Same to be honest, dad thought it was a good idea to drag me into more training. Don’t need to say that it was booooring.”
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        ′     OOOH. sorry to hear that, i’m just glad we can see each other again ! i’ve been honin’ my hunting skills back to back. i guess i’ve been gone from camp a lot !    ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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        ′     WHAT’S UP, CHIYO ? wow, it feels like i haven’t talked to anyone in a while ! guess i spend too much time out in the woods.    ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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“Hey there shorty, missed me?”
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         ′     HAHA, I DID ! man, it feels so good to talk to you again, heehee ! it also feels like i’ve been gone for a while !    ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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          ′     ASUGI’S BACK ? it feels like AGES !    ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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fecipher twitter, 5-9-2017: “Aspirant Fujin Yumi, Kiragi”
[Card Showcase] The Fujin Yumi - the sacred weapon usable only by his father Takumi, who vanished in a mysterious enemy’s invasion - was suddenly thrust upon him. “I haven’t hit anything with it yet, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up!” With the bow he once aspired to in hand, Kiragi wants nothing more than to search for his father. Now, his strong spirit invites a battlefield miracle! (Illust. Kokon Konfuzi)
Card stats/skills:
B10-063HN Aspirant Fujin Yumi, Kiragi Sniper/Cost4(3) White/Male/Bow 60ATK/20SUPP/2RNG
“Did you see me do it?! Just like Dad used to do!”
[DV] Whirlwind [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Flip 1 orb face-up] Until the end of the turn, all allies gain range 1.
Wild Wind [ALWAYS] If you have 1 or more face-up orbs, attacking <Bow> units gain +10 attack.
Anti-Fliers [ALWAYS] If this unit is attacking a <Flier> unit, this unit gains +30 attack.
Illust. Kokon Konfuzi
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 10 translations!
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nakanaai · 7 years
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nakanaai · 7 years
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     ′   WHAT ? why not ?? everyone ELSE is doing it !! ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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    ′    ALRIGHT ! naked time !  ′
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nakanaai · 7 years
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my muse for kiragi is still hella dead so i’m sorry for everyone who wants to rp with him again ; __ ;
until i can recapture his happy-go-lucky inner angst self i’m still active in the fandom over at @disangel ! HOPEFULLY KIRA CAN COME HOME
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nakanaai · 7 years
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its nearly 2 am here in indonesia, but i wanted to reply to every birthday ask i had !!!! thanks for a really fun evening !!!
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nakanaai · 7 years
Sandals padded the floor quickly and with exertion - he had not expected Kiragi to come home in time. Of course, he had prepared something for him nonetheless. He had spent an entire year trying to figure out how he was supposed to give Kiragi a better gift than last year - something useful, something good. He had considered a spear - but that was Hatsuyuki’s place to give him, not Hisame’s. And Kiragi adored his own hunting bow - trusty and warn correctly for the prince’s hands alone, that was out of the picture to.
Footsteps slowed down as he heard the other’s cheerful voice. Perhaps he was out of bounds. Perhaps he had misread the nature of their relationship - Kiragi had returned and had yet to come and see him. The samurai’s face burned with shame. Shame and–..
Embarrassment. At his own loneliness. 
They had all left, one by one. Off on their own adventures. Kiragi had not asked him to come, and though he offered his services, the prince had never wanted him as a retainer anyway. Regardless of the personal standing Kiragi held him in, the truth became apparent when he heard the voice of the other. With others. And not him.
And it was selfish, of course, he had avoided Kiragi as well. If he was able to avoid confirmation of his own paranoia, then he could at the very least pretend he was fine. That he had not been left behind to continue living his life as quiet and listless as possible, missing the prince with every fiber of his being but staying in line, in his place. Knowing that this was not what his prince had wanted and yet all Hisame could be.
He continued forward, slower now, wanting to prolong the moments that remained of his ignorance.
When he approached the prince, so much shorter than he, he bowed - straight locks framing his face as he presented his gift.
“It was difficult to imagine what else I could possibly do for you, and as I was thinking, I realized that a katana would not necessarily be best for you to travel with. You would need something conducive to your hunting skills.:
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“While I did forge the kodachi - you can see the amber in it, I thought it would compliment your eyes…B-but that is not the point–” He cleared his throat, standing. “I forged the kodachi - well, I suppose kodachi is not the correct term. It can be used for throwing, but it is mostly meant for close quarters self-defense. If you already have a bow, a full katana would be unwieldy. I researched in order to find metal to forge a lightweight but sturdy blade. The sheath is leather - tanned t match your quiver. A-and see, it clasps here, so if you put it on your quiver with the handle down, you could easily pull it out and–”
He realized he was babbling, a flush falling on his features. “And…Happy birthday, my prince. I have….I have missed you dearly.”
IT WAS, IN COMPLETE AND TOTAL HONESTY, none of kiragi’s intent to leave his friends, cousins, &. LOVER behind when he had decided to temporarily pursue his own faith. his own desires. his own WANTS. this, completely, was out of his own selfish desire — HE was the one that wanted to escape the absolute sadness he felt being at camp. it was even proven to him that his presence as a fighter did not matter, &. he could take all the moments he wanted off &. out into the woods — where kiragi could be the person he had been longing to be for so long.
it was completely out of his knowledge if he would return to the lifestyle of living off on his own in the woods again, or if he would be staying around for a little while longer. after all, the reason he left were because of dead memories — for some reason, everything was just dripped with SADNESS. his cousins, gone. his friends, gone. his own lover ... gone. kiragi was sure each &. every one had valid reasons, but regardless, he still felt EMPTY.
the self-discovery in the journey also made him feel more hollow in some aspects. like how his cousins were doing now, how hisame &. hatsuyuki were. if they cared. hatsuyuki, divulging deep in studies in efforts trying — hisame, seeming to be AVOIDING kiragi more than anything. it worried him, but he could never ask —— he wanted hisame to be as comfortable as possible, &. yet, he still felt the desire to ask.
kiragi never did. &. that was his mistake.
but now he was back, greeting people, having fun — it was a heartwarming event that he couldn’t help but smile at. yeah, it felt like those old times again — the old times when everyone was around &. he felt as if the sun shone into his spine everyday. that’s what it felt like. &. when hisame finally appeared ( probably trying to get over his shyness. kiragi respected that, &. was equally amused. ) he patiently waited for his rambling to be over.
a quick peck on the cheek followed ( he couldn’t help himself ) as he accepted his retainer’s present.
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     ❛ Ooh, I think this is great, actually !! ❜ acting as if they were never apart. masking any momentum &. crumble &. urge to bolt at him to the ground. he had to stay calm, just as hisame always was ... that’s probably what he wanted at that point. ❛ I’ll make sure to use it whenever I can. ❜
     aaaand that flustered face. nah, he can’t resist. kiragi pulls hisame into a deep embrace, squealing, ❛ Aww, I’ve missed you so much too, Hisame !! Thanks for the birthday wishes, ahaha !! ❜
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nakanaai · 7 years
☆┊ EVEN if they spent their lives apart in different realms, Chiyo still loved Kiragi deeply. Their shared blood only made their bond deeper, not that they needed it. It was clear from there first meeting that they would be the best of friends, and fabulous cousins. She would do everything in her power to protect him and to make sure he only knew happiness in his life.
And today was his birthday !
After his first gift, Chiyo seemingly vanished for a few hours to plan something. If Kiragi was going to have a birthday with his family, she was going to make sure it was the best one he ever had. She appeared again after awhile, approaching the archer with an obvious pep in her step. Once she reached him, she would give his hair an affectionate tousle before stepping back. A dazzling smile laced her lips, and it was obvious that she brimming with excitement.
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❛ Kiragi, once again, happy birthday ! I was hoping that if you weren’t too busy later, that you’d let me give you a ride on Icarus ! And I think the servants are holding a banquet for you, so I snuck in some candy for you. I love you Kiragi, please don’t ever forget that. ❜
Happy Birthday @nakanaai !
THE FEELINGS THAT chiyo felt about being cousins were most definitely mutual — he had felt the same way upon first meeting, &. strongly at that. not only with his respectful &. intelligent cousin chiyo, but with shiro, &. seiji, &. more to come from there as well. it was just nice, this sense of harmony, this knowledge that they were all related by blood — it made for happy moments &. happy memories.
he had to make sure he did something for chiyo’s birthday in return for her care.
kiragi paid no mind to chiyo’s absense, especially after he had insisted that she do not do anything more for him after his first present. he made several rounds around the camp, taking care of various tasks whilst receiving other presents, in which he returned to his tent &. then hit the camp again. it was a tiring day, but it was also a happy day — the amount of birthday wishes &. presents only meant that people cared about him. chiyo’s reappearance was no exception to this.
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      ❛ A ride on your pegasus ?! I’d totally be down ! ❜ the thought just makes him giddy. he accepted the candy, joyful. ❛ I love you a bunch too, Chiyo ! ❜
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nakanaai · 7 years
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This drawing is left behind in Kiragi’s tent, as Kaltrina had to deal with a raid in a Hoshidan village. On the back, there’s some writing to accompany it. Kiragi,
I do wish I could’ve been a better mother by letting you grow up with us rather than sending you to a deeprealm. But even so, I treasure the days that we have now, even if at times I bore you to sleep with your lessons. Because I couldn’t ask for a more optimistic, intelligent, or talented child than you, and I hope you have a happy birthday. Kaltrina
SETTING DOWN ALL OF HIS PRESENTS FOR THE DAY, the drawing of him finally catches his eye. it’s ironic, considering that he’s said to have the best vision in the entire army. he’s simply so caught up in all this birthday stuff, the presents, the food, the hair ruffles, that he cannot help but be distracted from a present that he felt heart in. he felt heart in hatsuyuki’s. in chiyo’s. but what ... oh.
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    ❛ Mom ... ❜ his eyes are leaky, but he’s smiling. just like his mother had said in that letter. ❛ ... Ahah. I love you too. ❜
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nakanaai · 7 years
“Oh! Honeyface!”
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“Happy birthday. Pucker up, my darling.” She cupped his face in her hands. “It’s time for your present…”
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“….Just kidding! I know which one you are.”
GODS, SHE DID NOT FAIL, to scare the living blood out of him with that introduction. he was about to chant a special dawn dragon’s blessing to get him out of the situation, but once clara had clarified that she KNEW it wasn’t the right kiragi, he let out a bated breath.
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    ❛ Oh, great. You scared me for a second, haha. ❜
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