r3ylf · 7 months
Underneath of it all, I dream of a falsic shooters hallelujahs aren't able to save us.
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2ulk · 3 years
Deriving form the word "False," deliberately made or meant to deceive.
An umbrella term for genders or the lack thereof that takes the form and/or presentation of something it isn't and may only be identifiable by small flaws in its act.
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Different variations beneath the cut
A gender that takes the form and/or presentation of one or more genders, can be fluid or static.
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Deriving form the words "False" and "Self"
A gender that takes on a different form of itself.
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Deriving from the word "False," and the word "Vita," being Latin for life.
A dead gender that takes the form and/or presentation of a living gender.
(I couldn't choose which flag lol)
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Deriving from the word "Falsus" and "Mort," meaning dead/death
A living gender that takes the form and/or presentation of a dead gender.
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Deriving from the words "Falsus" and "Verum" to mean true or reality/real
A null, absent, void, or otherwise lack of gender that takes the form and/or presentation of having a gender.
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Deriving from the words "Absent" and "Falsus"
An existing gender that takes the form and/or presentation of a null, absent, void, or otherwise lack of gender.
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A gender that is split between faking itself, and while both halves are covered only one half actively fakes, alternatively a gender where one half has to fake but the other half is already part of or a variant of the gender it is faking.
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A gross, scary and/or gorey gender that takes on the form and/or presentation of a cute gender.
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I'll add more later cuz I reached maximum images lol
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variant-archive · 4 years
Can you make a gender identity for "no matter what gender you think I am, you're wrong" Because I genuinely identify with that, if it's a thing.
Hey, thanks for coming to me with this! So, looking at various available languages and using "incorrect" as the starting word ("wrong" often implies morally wrong and translates that way a lot so I used incorrect instead), it appears that the most accurate word root to use to build the term is “fals” or “false”. I would suggest genderfalse, or falsegender, but I have a vague feeling that at least one of those has been coined already (although I can’t find it), so some other options could be falsic, falsian, falsolum, omnifalse, or if you want to use another suffix for aesthetics and making it fit that’s fine too. Falsix, Falsgenre, etc. If you decide on one in particular I’ll archive it to let people know it exists (and make a flag if you want. I won’t make flags for terms I’m not, unless I’m asked)
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astroyongie · 5 years
Highway To Hell
Note: chap 10 !! Wow can’t believe I reached this 😭 thank you so much for everyone whom follows it and I really hope that it’s not that bad
Chapter 10
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Find all chapters here: HTH
Warning : ( strong language, NoMin moment )
“And I shall chase you to the cofins of the world. I shall find you wherever you hide, bring you up to your last jugement. I shall hate you with every cell of my body until there’s nothing but love”.
He was pissed. He was so pissed. Taeyong swore his own hands trembled with their own accord. Sometimes he wondered if he would ever be able to hear another thing than silence that headached him, if he would be able to see other thing than the darkness that blinded him, if he would be able to feel his own heart.
Winwin’s news had clearly made him wonder how could demons that he had once burnt into ashes come to him again. He didn’t had wasted time. He found himself on Seoul’s correctional prison. He knew that his men never lied to him but still he needed to hear it, hear it from someone that he knew couldn’t lie. And gosh he was finding himself wishing that Winwin lied. Yes, he would break the boy in half and feed him to pigs but everything is better than this.
Taeyong was sitting on the visiting table, waiting. He wanted nothing more but get into the field, spill some blood and rip some heads off. But he was smarter than that. He needed to be smarter than that. A Leader acting out on emotions, acting out hot headed was a dead leader. Thinking was way more important. He didn’t seek revenge , he was seeking destruction. And destruction needed to be planed and executed in a way that no wall would stay standing. He looked up as he heard chains coming closer. Two policeman guided Xiumin toward the table. They helped him sat down as the male smiled as he saw Taeyong, his handcuffs tight on his wrists and his orange suit making him look tanner.
“it’s been a while since you came”
“I wouldn’t have came if it wasn’t important” the leader said as he put his two hands over the table “ how have you been treated ?”
“like a king. Everyone knows where I came from. No one ever tried to do me wrong” Xiumin said with a smile and the male hummed
“Than it means you have been doing your work”
“Don’t worry about it.” The older man said a cat smirk like playing on his lips. Minseok - known as Xiumin on the underworld they lived in- had been one of Taeyong’s father’s associates. There was no one better than him to bleach money, important documents and informations. Unfortunately when Taeyong’s father went down, so did he. And Taeyong had to make sure this man kept his loyalty to him. And he did. That’s why he was right there, where Taeyong needed him. In prison. Recruiting. “Now what else do you need, I believe you came for something not to chat anoutvthe weather which actually I’ve no access to”
“I need information” Taeyong said as he looked up at Xiumin ignoring his teasing “ I know sometimes you made work outside the gang. I never punished you for that mostly because I didn’t care who you tried to save. However I need to know. Have you falsicated any document proving’s Nanjoom’s death ?” Taeyong asked looking up at the prisoner and this one looked cold at the question
“I would have never. You know where my loyalty falls taeyong”
There was a long pause after that, as Taeyong analysed the Male and his frustration came to a realisation. He wasn’t lying.
“the bastard is back. And he is testing me”
“let him” Xiumin then advised “are you scared?”
“never” Taeyong said without blinking as he gave Xiumin a hard look
“good. Then show him that. Show him he has no importance. And end the threat by its racines “ the male said before leaning against his chair “you knew that coming high would mean that people would envy you. They want your power. They want what you conquered. They want to betray you, to get your trust. Trust no one. Feel nothing. Focus on your main goal. Don’t make the same mistakes as your father” Xiumin kept advising as he watched Taeyong’s eyes becoming dark. His leader slowly stood up from his seat, his face blank and Xiumin smiled. All his years working for big mafias, he had never met a guy like him
“Y/n?” Xiumin asked raising his eyebrow at the name
“have you forged fake identities under that name?” He asked not meeting his eyes
“not that I remember” the male said honestly. Taeyong didn’t replied and instead turned around leaving without adding anything else. The less they knew the better and he still had to get that thing right. He needed to get his plan on, and he couldn’t tolerate distractions despite his intuitions saying that he would regret it.
You groaned the hundredth time that morning as you watched Moon picking up some clothes from the wardrobe. You enjoyed her company but sometimes Moon seemed like a teenager and you wondered how a sweet girl like her was still alive despite being on this life.
“do I really have to go?” You asked and Moon hummed happily
“of course! C’mon all the girls will be there. It will be nice for you to meet the family girls. There’s Eunbi, She’s nice after you know her, she’s Sehun’s sister. Jiho the sweetest. She’s Taeil’s wife. Oh she doesn’t know about this , Taeil doesn’t want her to know his true identity. “ Moon said happily as she finally picked a jacket for her outfit “plus we need to make some shopping “ the girl said before someone knocked at the door. Looking back, Jaehyun stood there, a smile on his face as his eyes only traveled Moon
“where you going?” He asked with a soft smile. You noticed how the male was dressed with his police uniform
“shopping” the girl said with a soft blush as she came closer to her boyfriend “ we won’t come home late.”
“you going alone?” Jaehyun asked raising an eyebrow as his hands went to wrap themselves around her waist
“no, Jisung and Chenle are coming with us” she said to ease her boyfriend who simply hummed. You hissed slightly at the scene
“well excuse me but I’ll be waiting outside “ you said leaving the two together. Moon chuckled before leaning forward and kissing jaehyun’s lips gently
“be careful out there”
“I will jaehyun. I promise. Do the same please”
“I’ll be at the station today so don’t worry” the male said stealing another kiss from her before sighing “I’ve a lot of work to do.. and things are getting really heated at the moment.. if you see anything abnormal, please come back home straight away and call me. “ he said and she nodded to make him relax.
“I will be fine.. I promise” she said smiling. They both shared another tender moment, their lips coming into contact smoothly. Jaehyun was way too scared that anything happened to her so he made sure to pour his love into the kiss. After a few moments they joined the door, hearing loud voices coming from the entry. Moon laughed when she saw nothing else but You and Johnny arguing again
“actually it’s the ugliest shirt that I’ve ever saw in my life”
“it’s Gucci” Johnny defended himself before smirking “plus I bet you saw more man without shirts than with them sweetheart”
“call me that again, and I will punch your face” you said your fists turning into small balls and Johnny chuckled finding it amusing how someone so small tried to look so intimidating.
“need a ladder for that” he said and you made a step forward to hit him but stopping when saw jaehyun and moon coming closer
“please don’t stop on our account” Jaehyun said chuckling and you huffed rolling your eyes
“can we go now? The air is polluted around here” you asked moon who only smiled before kissing jaehyun’s cheek goodbye. Strangely going out shopping sounded better than stay around with that jerk
“I’ll see you later. Love you”
“i love you too” Jaehyun said with a lovely smile as he watched Moon locking her arm with you and pulling you out of the house only to hear Johnny whine
“don’t you kiss me goodbye too?”
“fuck you Johnny!” You yelled once you left the house only making the taller man laugh. This clearly would be fun as the time passed
Xiajoun had everything to be happy. Had a nice family, a kid, a dog. Financial stability, a good family, even his own house. How did he ended up being a double spy was a real question. Working double was dangerous. He needed to keep a low profil, pretending to be loyal to several people when he reality he was loyal only to himself, to his surviving. Despite the fact that If he had to pick one of his characters the wisest choice was to remain loyal to Taeyong. That was the precise reason why he was meeting the leader’s mafia on the parking lot of the city. Xiaojun approached the big Porche van, knocking at the door, before the access was allowed. The male sat down opposite to taeyong who was fixing his black leather gloves on his hands
“They will hold a masked party Friday at 15 on his family household” Xiaojun said before giving Taeyong an envelop. The leader simply took it into his hands opening it and letting his eyes scan the photos of the various halls of the house and garden. “bring 7 man. I’ll provide you the entrance and the masking outfits. There will be guards all over to protect the party. Bobby and Crush will be present for the business” xiaojun revealed and Taeyong usually would let out his happiness for good work. But he didn’t trusted Xiaojun, so he made sure to show no emotion
“very well. Remember where your alliance lies the moment I blow up that place. Betray me and you know the consequences”
“I’ve no interest on betraying you” xiaojun said and taeyong sent him a cold glare
“you have all interest if it keeps you alive. Leave now” the leader said not minding him. Xiaojun didn’t fought that as he left the car without another word. Honestly he felt frustrated to always be treated like shit by Taeyong but he couldn’t blame him. Trust got you killed. And none of them wanted to get kill.
——————————————————— NoMin moment , if uncomfortable please skip ————-
Usually members of the mafia couldn’t keep touch with their family unless the family was linked with the gang itself. Their past was always a sensitive subject and most of them tried their best not to let it get into their missions and their jobs. Jeno was on his bedroom of their dorms. Jeamin was still showering removing the sweat from the day. The male looked down at the letter on his hands, barely believing the words that he just read. Angry tears Rolled down his eyes as he kept reading the same phrase over and over again. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t.. she .. Couldn’t be dead, she couldn’t .. Jeno closed the letter before putting it on his back pocket. Fuck this shit. Fuck the gang, fuck this job. Fuck everything that he was supposed to be. Nothing else matter if everything that was promised to him was a lie
“jeno ?” jaemin’s voice called as the dark haired male looked up at him. Jeno’s face was red from his crying, his hands still trembling. Jaemin frowned at the sight, his body wet from his shower and the white towel tightly wrapped around his waist “ what’s wrong?” He asked getting closer. Jeno didn’t answer and instead he stood up going to jeamin. He gripped the male’s hair before forcing a kiss into his lips that jaemin reciprocated right away. The kiss was hard and wet, their lips clashing in need. Jeno’s hands went to jeamin’s waist pulling him closer before whispering into his lips
“I’m so sorry.. I think I like you”
“and you were crying for that?” Jeamin asked with a teasing smile which made jeno groan
“oh gosh shut up” the male said forcing another kiss into jeamin’s lips , this time more demanding. Jaemin however was quick to move, slamming Jeno down against the bed. Jeno laid on the bed looking up at jeamin as the male licked his lips before sitting on jeno’s lap
“let me take care of you” Jaemin said his lips going to Jeno’s neck and sucking hard at the skin which made the dark haired male moan out. That’s exactly what he wanted. Letting Jeamin make love to him, feeling sweet pleasure one last time. He needed it . He needed to feel jeamin all over himself. So as the male started to kiss down jeno’s neck, he closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling. In that moment he would feel all of this. He would allow himself to feel all the emotions he wasn’t suppose to do. All before he disappeared.
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valgasnewsthings · 3 years
Obsesses root.
And on the year begin we are letter received from Lidiam in which she asked about to talk about  galangal or potentilla erecta .
A cure us nature kindness from roots till leaf end and such words she dedicated for this beautiful plantm thanks dear Lidia Arkadevna for your interest.
And begin from a histoty a calling and from her confused, as on the true a alangal is calling an other plant as alpinia kind from a tropical famiily ginger.
And if a going on back side on an all ways for forming from a latin to crete arabian and to china,thus we are knew, that this plant calling. wild ginger which having and other taste, than a ginger plant pharmacy and other kinds, but he is with ginger and using in culinary.
And why is here potentilla means? And thus needing entering in lots of predispositions, as a wild ginger entered in Europe is on the silk way ,which transferred through russia as about a real  galangal knew and long time ago and using in culinary, but a price for his is very high,thus a high price, lots of buyers  thus and  possble employers from a big road.Roots for potentilla also used as a spicy  of his good essential oil, and in which he is having and very far reminding a taste for wild ginger and thus are all parts of puzzles are folding and probably we can to predisposition,thanks for these. employers a power russian s called his and received a still one name is galangal,as a most often him to falsicate a very high price spicy from West ,as remembering history about a willow plant.
And our galangal is a good not just a spicy  and as cure plant where is lots tannis till 31 percents of fenoles aciids, saponines, wax, saponines, raisins, starch.
As root of plant is very strong astringent, bacterial, haemogogue, anti inflamed effects, and weak expectorating, and in  alternative medicibe herb calls as tuck root,  so as his used for cure dysenterydiarrhea, and analgetic, and stopping inside blooming  of different ethiology and gastrointestine diseses.
As roots using from pharmacy or self prepared  and last is comfortable as dosage. right as one tbl.sp. chopped root adding in glass for the hot water, and infuse 30 min, filter, use one glass for 2 times a day in diarrhea, colics, enteritis.
one tbl.sp. chopped roots add in pot, add one l. of the hot water, stew on water bath for 15 min, cool, filter.
And infusion of. seeds.
One tbl.sp. seeds add in stewpan , add glass ofwater, boil 5 min, ool, filter, use for 2 times a day on 1/2 glass in gastritis, diarrhes, disbacteriousis, stomach ulcer. And if take on a same water size  are two tbl.sp. seeds,thus a such strong infusion you can gargle throat and mouth cavity in angina, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gyngivitis, gums bleedings, washing wounds, scratches, burns.
Infusion of 70 perc.spirit.
a MASS TAKE AS ONE TO TEN, CLOSE GOOD A BOTTLE, INFUSE FOR 2 WEEKS IN DARK PLACE, EVERYDAY GOOD SHAKING, AFTER FILTER AND KEEP  IN COLD, USE ONE TBL.SP. IN 100 NL. OF WATER MIXING FOR 3 TIMES A DAY  in gastrointestine diseases, dysentery, diarrhea , externaly for lotions on scratches, eczema, gargle mouth cavity in stomatitis, gyngivitis.
As roots grind, till powder, and sprinkle open wounds, scratches, ulcers.
As in bad stool, gastrointestine diseases a cook tea of one tbl.sp. chopped roots  add in glass of he hot water, infuse ten min, close with plate a cup, within 2 weeks use on 2 cups within a day for a improving feeling. Anf galangal cook with green or black tea/. AVOIDING USING GALANGAL IN PREGNANCY, LOW ACIDITY, CHILDREN, HYPERTENSION, GASTROINTESTINE DISEASES ON THE ACUTING STAGE, HIGH BLOOD COAGULATION, HARD STOOL, INDIVIDUAL BAD ENDURING. BY Filin , BIOLOGIST, M.D 
via Blogger https://ift.tt/35GfdPc
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