virvendir · 1 year
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Drawtober 2023 - Day 6
Looks like Faluthei encountered a slight breeze
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virvendir · 2 years
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Drawtober 2022 - Day 2
I really don't draw Faluthei enough.
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virvendir · 4 years
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Day 28, Faluthei
I mean, he was tthe reason I started the challenge two years ago. I owe him at least one drawing every year, right?
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 3 - Shitty Batson Faluthei
Faluthei is pretty much the mainreason I try Inktober this year, my batboy needs a lot more love than I have given him all this time.
Probably before his accident that injured his right wing badly, since I didnt draw the bandages. He was a major grump before that, too.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 29 - Death and the Strawberry
Nothing liek waking up in the middle of the night and seeing your friends face covered in blood! Oh wait, it is just strawberrymush!
Faluthei sure got spooked that night. But how could Eberreed resist? Srawberries are his favorite afterall. 
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 24 - Language Barrier
Ebereed: *skidding to an halt and flaps wings frantically* Rhuca: Eberreed calm down! You sign too fast..! Faluthei: *eyes closed because of harsh sunlight* Ugh, it’s too bright, I can’t hear you, Eberreed!
What spooked Eberreed that much? Up to you, I like to think this is right after he encountered the magnificient bootyshroom.
As I said, Eberreed communicates either with wing sign language, like here, or with hoof stomps since he is mute. He is more used to signing tho. While both Rhuca and Faluthei understand it, things get complicated when he does it too fast.
Here Rhuca gets maybe about half of what he is trying to say, while Faluthei understands nothing. During the day he keeps his very lightsensitive eyes closed, orientating via echo location. Works all fine with inanimate objects and it is accurate enough to even roughly read expressions. But a spooked Peryton frantically flapping his wings? Not only too fast to pick up, but also too loud. The shuffling sounds of the feathers mess up the echo feedback.
So yes, Faluthei can’t ‘hear’ Eberreed because it is too bright outside.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 19 - Shitty Batson
Faluthei is the main reason I wanted to do an OC Inktober this year, so maybe I should actually draw him. He got ‘employed’ as an errandboy after he injured his wing and was found unconcious. His boss makes sure it doesn’t heal up properly, so Faluthei is more or less forced to stay and keep working  to get by.
During one of his jobs he overhears Sekaret talking to a shopkeeper that was robbed of something very valuable: Tartary Seeds, they posses almost limitless healing powers.
He sneaks out later that night, tailing her and as she is busy confronting the thief, Piedro, he grabs the seeds, vanishing before the two gryphs can get a good look on him.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 12 - Shadow of a Myth
Faluthei spends most of his journey with an injured right wing, preventing him from flying and getting home. The only way he sees to heal his wing is a mythical healer, but no one knows where they reside. He messed up with the Tartary Seeds, so the only chance is finding them on his travels.
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virvendir · 5 years
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Inktober ‘19 Day 5
I don’t think I ever did a picture of Faluthei and Lowle showing that she literally latched onto his right arm. Lowle almost never lets go of him and it is rather annoying for Falu. He got no clue what exactly she is at the beginning, Lowle loves her grumpy big brother nonetheless.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 21 - Fruit
Faluthei is strictly fruitarian, only eating fruits nuts and seeds. If nothing else is avaiable he can be swayed too some root veggies or leafy greens, but it is rare. He is quiet repulsed at Rhucas grilled insects or Eberreeds occasional snack on meat, but tolerates it as long as they don’t expect him to eat it as well.
His species is omnivorous though, but depending on teh tribes culture they grow up in some specializeon certain diets. It also affects their lifestyle an occupations. 
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 25 - Flowerpot Fashion
Someone grew up! And developed a taste for dressing in flowerpots, rather unusual for Tartarysheep. Her kind usually lives in small flocks in remote places with a freshwaterspring. Those are commonly referred to as Paradise Springs. Lowle doesn’t fancy settling down somehwere in nowhere all alone, she rather find a nice spot in some town around other creatures.
A Tartarysheep flock is made up of one old adult and many small saplinglambs. Once the lambs are old enough the lift their roots form the soil and let the wind take them away. Depending on the area this can look like dandlelionseeds flying in the breeze or tumbleweeds rolling around.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Trying out Inktober this year, no promptlist per se, but just my own characters.
Meet Eberreed the Peryton, a very sweet companion. But hide your strawbeeries, they are his favorite treat! He travels alongside a hooded fire witch before both run into Faluthei later on and decide to follow him. (to the bat boys dismay)
He is smart enough to understand speech, but so far has made no indications if he is capable of it himself. His friends arent sure if he is mute or simply not able to due to anatomical limitations. Eberreed usually communicates via hoof stomps and gestures with his wings.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 20 - Critters
I showed only characters so far that can be classified as ‘people’, but there are some critters in the worl, too. Besides the marvelous bootyshroom
One is the Bawl, an owlike creature that preseves its prey in the sap of the giant trees it lives in. Forget ambertrapped scorpions and mosquitos, ambertrapped mice and geckos are the new hot thing thanks to the Bawl! And yes, they got a very nasty shriek. Faluthei hates them.
The other is the Drakefly, giant predatory insects that can grow to the size of a horse. Hard to tame but occasionally used by the Salamander tribes as steed. Their flesh is also a highly coveted item with some tribes, but taking one down is difficult. Drakeflies are highly aggressive and and can spew an easily flammable gas in defense.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 18 - Free
At one point Rhuca becomes comfortable enough around Faluthei and Eberreed and stops wearing her cape. At least at night or in places without direct sunlight. Her pale skin (and the oil it produces) still sunburn badly at exposure.
She enjoys dancing around the campfire when they rest,weaving through the flying embers.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 4 - Baby Plantsheep
They may look cute but they are the reason for all of Faluthei’s troubles.
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virvendir · 6 years
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Ink OCtober Day 8 - Firewitch
She used to travel alone with Eberreed before running into Faluthei one day. Being very secretive about herself, she keeps herself covered in a big heavy cloak all the time, not even Eberreed knows more than her face.
Her fire magic feels like a curse to her, since it is not an ability ‘her’ kind should possess.
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