#fam: we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos
auxiliarydetective · 11 months
OC Pride Challenge: Day 15
You can find the challenge here
This week, it's all about LGBTQIA+ artists, so today I'm using a song by Cavetown for Kassandra Hargreeves.
This song is a song I absolutely love and I'm really happy this challenge prompted me to use it for an edit.
You can read this edit both ways. Kassandra is definitely the caretaker of the family, with her telepathy and all. The different lines are what she tells her siblings but she fails to see that they also apply to her when her siblings try to do the reverse.
Song: Talk to Me by Cavetown
The Hargreeves siblings (The Umbrella Academy)
Kassandra "The Seer" Hargreeves aka Number 8 (OC; Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
You don't have to be a hero to save the world
It doesn't make you a narcissist to love yourself
It feels like nothing is easy; it'll never be
That's alright, let it out, talk to me
You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique
You don't have to know what to say or what to think
You don't have to be anybody you can never be
That's alright, let it out, talk to me
Anxiety, tossing, turning in your sleep
Even if you run away, you still see them in your dreams
It's so dark tonight, but you'll survive, certainly
It's alright, come inside, and talk to me
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
Evie's Ship Tags
Along with my new OC tags, I also figured I could use new tags for my ships (or just... y'know... actually tag posts about my ships instead of just screaming into the void). And since they're not always clear as to who they're about if just viewed at face value, I decided to make a list of them! This includes romantic, platonic and other sorts of ships.
Yes, I sacrificed recognizability for the funnies. Let me be silly, okay? I am also bad at coming up with ship names, which is another reason for why I settled for this.
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-> TV Shows!
Face/Kit aka FaceKit: #otp: if you were church i'd get on my knees
Don/Anita: #otp: make me a ring out of clover flowers
Bill/Anita: #otp: shut your mouth give me your head
Bill & Anita: #brotp: meet me on the battlefield
George & Anita: #brotp: two idiots in dance shoes
Joe Liebgott & Anita: #brotp: we've all got battle scars
Vicky/Newkirk: #otp: thief of my heart
Hawkeye & Iris: #brotp: drunken monologues
Charles & Iris: #fam: the family jewels
Raevyn (this also goes for New Horizons!Raevyn!)
Gordon/Raevyn: #otp: crazy little thing called love
Raevyn & Topa: #brotp: i can see a rainbow
Eva/Sven: #otp: northern lights and southern skies
Eva/Michi: #otp: just a little chliché
Sven/Eva/Michi: #ot3: lipstick stamps on my passport
K'Rala/Tasha aka K'Tasha: #otp: everything stays
Data/K'Rala aka K'Data: #otp: we are so human
Will/K'Rala: #otp: just a touch of your love
Deanna/K'Rala: #otp: she knows what i think about
Worf/K'Rala: #otp: fight for me
The Polycule: #otp: will you share your soul with me? (it's a one true polycule, get it?)
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-> Streaming Series!
Philomel/Crowley: #otp: falling for you
Philomel/Aziraphale: #otp: the way to an angel's heart
Crowley/Aziraphale/Philomel: #ot3: amor vincit omnia
-> see the TV Shows section!
Reina (subject to a lot of change, probably)
Reina & Edward: #brotp: mi capitán
Reina & Stede: #brotp: oh captain my captain
Reina & Izzy: ??? (I'm still figuring them out, but they're something)
Byeong-ho/Sang-woo: #otp: till death do us part
Diego & Kassandra: #fam: stand by me
Allison & Kassandra: #fam: took the words right out of my mouth
Klaus & Kassandra: #fam: the silence is so loud
Five & Kassandra: #fam: the loneliest
Viktor & Kassandra: #fam: your tears are mine
Kassandra & her siblings: #fam: we go deeper than the ink beneath the skin of our tattoos
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-> Movies!
Face/Kit aka FaceKit: #otp: i hate you so much it must be true love
Hannibal & Kit: #fam: daedalus and icarus
Mal & Diana: brotp: what else can i do?
Carlos/Diana: otp: puppy love
Claire/Eldora: #otp: this fire in my skin
Evie & Claire: #brotp: lace and leather
Egon/Charlie: #qpr: research buddies
to be added
to be added
Henry+Edward/Varsha: #otp: when is a monster not a monster?
Bára/Ahkmenrah: #otp: not even death could keep me from you
Lani & Luke: #fam: the failure and the prodigy
Lani & Leia: #fam: our father's temper
Lani & Han: #brotp: halfblood and solo
Lani & Anakin/Darth Vader: #fam: are you proud of me dad?
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-> One Piece
Mihawk/Aurelia: #otp: bloodstained gold
Aurelia & Sanji: #fam: mama's boy
Aurelia & Luffy: #brotp: there will come a ruler
Aurelia's "family": #fam: mihawk's accidental family acquisition (it's an insider that's very dear to me, and pretty much what Aurelia's OP verse boils down to lol)
Sanji/Cora: #otp: mr prince and his princess
Zoro/Cora: #otp: you wouldn't fight a katana with a rapier
Sanji/Cora/Zoro: #ot3: the prince. the princess. the knight.
Inari & Pudding: #fam: three-eyed duo
Inari & Big Mom: #fam: how much of my mother has my mother left in me?
Inari & Sanji: #brotp: though we don't share the same blood
Sanji & Lily: #fam: go ahead and cry little girl
Kaya & Lily: #fam: almost sisters
Usopp & Lily: #brotp: can you picture that?
Zoro & Lily: #brotp: big tiger small fox
Sanji/Luna: #otp: the angel and her devil
Lux/Zoro: #otp: theseus and the minotaur
Law & Lux: #brotp: achilles come down
Lux & Kaya: #brotp: i will be your sword and shield
Lux & Nami: #brotp: the cat is out of the bag
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-> Animation & Others
to be added
to be added
to be added
to be added
Peach & Sherry: #fam: sweet!
Bowser & Sherry: #brotp: honorary koopaling
to be added
Patton & Eve: #fam: raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Roman & Eve: #fam: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Remus & Eve: #fam: all you gotta do is say my name
to be added
to be added
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